Tuesday, March 27, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Activate Night Shift on an iPhone

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 05:00 PM PDT

This wikiHow teaches you how to turn on Night Shift on your iPhone, as well as how to schedule Night Shift to automatically come on during certain hours of the day. Night Shift is a blue-light filter that helps prevent interruptions to your circadian rhythm at night, which can improve your sleep.

Edit10 Second Summary

1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
2. Press down on the "Brightness" bar.
3. Tap the Night Shift circle.


EditManually Enabling Night Shift

  1. Open your iPhone's Control Center menu. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to do so. You should see a series of boxes and icons appear on the screen.
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  2. Long-press on the "Brightness" bar. It's a vertical bar with an image of a sun (a sphere with spokes) on it. Pressing firmly on it for a second will open the Brightness menu.
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    • If you don't press hard enough, the Brightness menu won't open.
  3. Tap . It's a circle at the bottom of the screen. The circle will turn orange, signifying that Night Shift is on until midnight.
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    • If the Night Shift circle is already orange, Night Shift is currently activated and tapping the circle again will turn off Night Shift.

EditScheduling Night Shift

  1. Open your iPhone's Settings . Tap the Settings app icon, which resembles a grey box with gears on it.
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  2. Scroll down and tap . You'll find this option just below the General option near the top of the "Settings" page.
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  3. Tap . It's near the top of the page.
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  4. Tap the white "Scheduled" switch . It's near the top of the page. Tapping it will cause it to turn green .
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  5. Tap the section. This section appears beneath the "Scheduled" switch when turned on. Doing so opens a page with scheduling options.
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  6. Select a schedule option. Tap Sunset to Sunrise to allow your iPhone to enable Night Shift when the sun goes down and disable it at dawn, or tap Custom Schedule to set custom hours of use.
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    • To set custom hours of use on a custom schedule, tap Turn On At and select a time, then tap Turn Off At and select a time.
  7. Tap Night Shift. It's in the top-left corner of the screen. Doing so will save your changes and apply them. Your iPhone's Night Shift feature should now automatically activate and deactivate depending on your selected schedule.
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    • You can adjust the Night Shift depth of color by tapping and dragging the slider at the bottom of the "Night Shift" page left to decrease the warmth or right to increase the warmth.


  • You can also manually enable Night Shift from the "Night Shift" menu by tapping the white "Manually Enable Until Tomorrow" switch.


  • Night Shift is an iOS 11 and up feature. If you haven't yet upgraded to iOS 11, you won't be able to use Night Shift.

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How to Keep Spiders Out of Your House

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Finding 8-legged friends in your house can be unsettling, especially if you aren't a fan of living around insects. You can keep spiders from burrowing and spinning webs in your home by applying natural remedies like vinegar and essential oils. Maintaining a clean, well sealed home can also prevent spiders from taking up residence in your space. With the right approach, you can keep spiders out of your home easily and effectively.


EditApplying Natural Remedies

  1. Use a vinegar and water spray on cracks or crevices in your home. Fill a spray bottle with half white vinegar and half water. Then, apply the spray to any cracks or crevices in the floors, walls, or windows of your home, as well as on the window sills. Do this once a day to keep spiders out.[1]
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    • Do not apply the spray to any varnished surfaces, as the vinegar may damage it.
  2. Apply essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, and cinnamon. These essential oils are a great natural way to deter spiders from hanging out in your home. Put 15-20 drops of essential oil in a spray bottle with of water and spray your home once a day for a natural spider repellent.[2]
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    • Swap out different essential oils in the spray so the spiders do not get used to the scent of 1 particular oil.
  3. Rub citrus peels on the floorboards and window sills in your home. Lemon and orange peels are a natural deterrent for spiders. Rub floorboards and window sills with the peels once a day so the smell lingers. You can also have a bowl of citrus fruits in your kitchen to keep spiders out of this area.[3]
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  4. Put horse chestnuts in the corners and window sills in rooms. Horse chestnuts have a smell and texture that deters spiders. You can buy horse chestnuts at your local natural food store or online. They tend to last a long time and require no upkeep. Spread 4-5 horse chestnuts in each room, especially near windows, to keep spiders away.[4]
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  5. Spread cedar chips or blocks in your home to keep spiders away. The scent of cedar is a natural deterrent for spiders. Look for cedar chips or blocks at your local hardware store or online. Spread the chips or blocks in the corners and windowsills in your home to keep spiders out.[5]
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EditKeeping the Inside of Your Home Clean

  1. Do a weekly clean of your home to remove dust, dirt, and debris. Keeping your house clean will ensure there are no pieces of food on your floors that can attract spiders. Dust and dirt in the corners of rooms can also serve as a great hiding spot for spiders, so be sure to sweep or vacuum these areas regularly. Clean window sills and frames once a week, or daily, to prevent spider webs from forming.[6]
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    • You can also apply a natural vinegar or essential oil spray as part of your weekly clean to keep spiders away.
  2. Check indoor plants for spiders. Spiders can hide in the leaves of indoor plants and spin webs in the plants. Make sure you check indoor plants regularly for spiders and remove them. You can also spray a natural pest repellent on the plant, such as a white vinegar or essential oil spray.
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    • Another option is to make a spray out of diatomaceous earth powder and water and apply it to your plants to keep spiders away.
  3. Remove any spider webs inside your home. If you notice spider webs in the rafters, corners, or on window frames, use a cloth to wipe them away and dispose of them. This will prevent spiders from living on the webs and taking up permanent residency in your home.
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  4. Keep windows and doors to the outside closed. Prevent spiders from wandering inside your home by keeping windows and doors that open to the outside shut as much as possible. Tell others in your household to try not to leave windows or doors open.
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  5. Consider getting a cat to keep spiders away. Cats will hunt and eat spiders, and serve as a good deterrent to prevent spiders from coming inside. If you are not allergic to cats and are looking to get a pet, a feline friend can be a good way to have companionship, and keep spiders away.[7]
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EditMaintaining the Outside of Your Home

  1. Keep outdoor plants away from the sides of your home. Spiders tend to burrow in the leaves and folds of plants. Try to arrange outdoor plants so they are not touching the sides of your home. You can also spread diatomaceous earth, a white powder made of algae, around plants or spray it on plants to repel spiders.[8]
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    • Avoid planting plants that will try to grow on the sides of your home, such as ivy or tall shrubs.
  2. Fill any gaps or cracks on the outside of your home. Inspect the exterior of your home to ensure you do not have any cracks in the foundation or gaps forming in your roof or under your doors. Fix any gaps, cracks, or holes by filling them with cement or filler.[9]
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    • You should also do regular maintenance on the outside of your home to ensure spiders cannot get in by checking for gaps or cracks once a month and fixing them as needed.
  3. Turn outside lights off at night to deter bugs that spiders like to eat. Having outside lights on at night can attract flies, mosquitoes, and other pests that spiders eat. Shut off outside lights at night to keep the perimeter of your home insect-free.[10]
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  • Do not use commercial products like Borax and other insect repellents in your home, as they can be toxic and cause health issues. Natural products are a better and safer option.

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EditSources and Citations

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How to Train an Abused Dog

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Dogs who've suffered abuse may be withdrawn, depressed, inactive, and distrustful. While not all fearful and shy dogs have been abused, abuse can make the dog hesitant and nervous around humans. While it takes time to help a pup overcome its past, abused dogs can become loving pets if the right person comes into their life. If you've rescued an abused dog, then you'll likely want to train it. Before you can train your dog, you need to take care of the dog's health and safety so that it can learn to trust you. Then you will be able to housebreak your dog, teach it basic commands, and help it overcome its past.


EditTraining Your Dog to Trust You

  1. Give the dog time to get comfortable in its new home. When you first bring the dog home, expect it to be afraid and upset. Don't crowd the dog or pressure it to explore, even if you've provided a nice set up. Bring the dog to a comfortable, safe space in your home, such as an alcove in your living room, and let the dog get used to your home on its own time. Over time, it may be ready to explore.[1]
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    • If you think it's best to not leave the dog alone, you can sit in the room with it while it adjusts. However, you don't want to hover over the dog or overwhelm it.
    • Offer the dog treats and calm praise.
    • While the dog is adjusting, try not to stare at the dog or make sudden movements. Keep a quiet environment. Turn down the volume on music and TV. Loud, sudden movements or staring could frighten the dog.
  2. Acclimate the dog to your presence if it's afraid of you. Some abused dogs are afraid of people. You can help the dog get used to you by sitting in the room with the dog but at a comfortable distance. Occasionally, speak to the dog in a calm, loving tone. When the dog gets comfortable, move a little closer until you can sit next to the dog.
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    • When petting the dog, do not touch the top of its head. Instead, let the dog sniff your hand. If the dog lets you, gently stroke the underside of their jaw. If the dog leaves or shrinks away, stop petting the dog immediately.
    • Do not hug or put your arms around the dog until it is completely comfortable around you. The dog may take this as a sign of aggression.
    • Be sure to show your dog lots of love once it starts to warm up to you.[2]
  3. Build positive experiences with your dog. You can teach your abused dog that it can have a positive relationship with a human through having good times together. Have fun with your dog by taking it on walks, playing with it, and petting it. Choose activities that don't trigger the dog's past abuse experiences.[3]
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    • Some dogs may like to be brushed. Just make sure to go slowly and stop if the dog growls or moves away.
    • If your dog doesn't like to play, that's okay. As long as you're spending time with the dog, it will help the dog become more open to training.
  4. Limit triggers that could provoke your dog to react. Most dogs have triggers, such as being afraid of the mailman, but an abused dog will likely have many more triggers than a typical dog. These triggers should be avoided. Typical triggers for abused dogs include the following:[4]
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    • Sudden movement.
    • Yelling.
    • Loud noises.
    • Using phrases they commonly heard from their abusers.
    • Threatening gestures.
    • Touching the dog in the areas where it was wounded.
    • Raising items that could be used as a weapon.
    • Using deep or loud voices around the dog.
  5. Contact a dog trainer or behaviorist if the dog growls or snaps at you. Abused dogs may be extremely fearful, which means that they are more likely to bite. If your dog growls, snaps, or runs from you, you should get professional help. Contact a dog trainer, veterinarian, or a Certified Animal Behaviorist for help.[5]
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    • Signs of a scared dog include heavy panting, urination, whining, growling, pacing, or showing the whites of its eyes.
    • Never leave a child alone or unsupervised with a fearful dog. The dog could bite the child.

EditHousebreaking an Abused Dog

  1. Follow a schedule. You need to take your dog out to relieve itself at the same time each day. For example, you may take your dog out after you get up, at lunch, right after work, and in the evening before you get ready for bed.[6]
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    • Dogs should be taken out 3 to 5 times a day. Smaller and younger dogs require more walks then larger breeds. However, since your dog has been abused, it may require more trips outside. Just make sure to keep the dog on a leash while outside of a fenced yard.[7]
  2. Avoid punishing the dog for accidents. It's normal to come home to accidents, but there's no point in punishing the dog for them. Once the dog has walked away from the accident, it won't understand why you are upset with it. If you do yell or put the dog's nose in it, you will only risk triggering the dog.[8]
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    • Clean up any messes quickly. Make sure to use an enzymatic cleaning agent (available at most pet stores) to remove the smell so that the dog does not return to the spot.
    • Remember that you should never yell at or punish an abused dog.
  3. Interrupt accidents you catch and take the dog outside. If you catch the dog in the middle of an accident, make a noise like "whoops" to get the dog's attention. Then take the dog outside to finish.[9]
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    • Be careful when you do this, however, since you don't want to trigger the dog. Use a calm tone of voice and choose one non-threatening word to use every time it happens.
    • Be aware that you may get urine or feces on you when you do this.
  4. Reward the dog for not having accidents. When the dog successfully waits to go outside, give it a treat for waiting. You should also praise it with statements like, "Good dog" and "Awesome job, buddy."[10]
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EditTeaching Basic Commands

  1. Use a calm voice when training your dog. Chances are, your abused dog has been yelled at in the past. Berating it or shouting commands will only make the dog more resistant to training, derailing your efforts. No matter what, keep your voice calm and steady.
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    • Yelling at an aggressive dog that has been abused may cause it to be more aggressive, as the dog thinks it's fighting for its survival.[11]
  2. Set your dog up for success in its training or play exercises. Before you start teaching it obedience tasks or harder skills, you need to show your dog that it can be successful. Plan training sessions that make it easy for the dog to accomplish the task at hand. Then provide the dog with treats and praise.[12]
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    • Keep sessions under 5 minutes at a time. Reduce distractions in the room. If the dog gets bored or if its attention wanders, stop and try again another time.
    • When offering praise, remember not to shout or yell at the dog, even if it's positive words.
    • Avoid putting your dog into situations where you know it will fail.[13]
    • You can set your dog up for success by giving it a task you already know it can do, then rewarding it. For example, if your dog knows how to sit, start there.
    • You could also ask your dog to bring you its favorite toy if it has one or to bring its leash if it likes to go on walks. When it does the task, give loads of praise and a treat.
  3. Use rewards rather than punishment. Never under any circumstances punish a dog that has been abused. Instead, you should give it treats, love, and toys in exchange for successful behavior.
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    • Don't yell at the dog.
    • Never hit the dog.
    • Don't withhold affection or praise.
    • Don't give time outs.
  4. Teach obedience skills. Start with basic commands to sit, stay, lay down, and heel. Stand in front of your dog and make eye contact. When it is looking at you, hold a treat out over its nose. Say, "Rover, sit." When the dog obeys the command, give it the treat.
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    • Start with 5 minute training sessions. If your dog does well, increase this to 10-15 minutes.
    • If your dog already knows some of the basic commands, give it lots of praise and rewards to show it that you are happy.

EditTraining the Dog to Overcome Its Past

  1. Use clicker training. Clicker training is a great training technique that rewards your dog for good behavior. Start by clicking and giving the dog a treat. Do this a few times until the dog expects a treat when it hears the click. Then ask your dog to do something it knows how to do, such as sit or get its favorite toy. Click and give the dog a treat.[14]
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    • Continue to click when your dog does something you like and provide a treat.
    • Once it learns how the clicker works, you can use clicker training to teach new skills.
    • You can use clicker training to reinforce good behavior or to train your dog to obey commands.
    • You can find a clicker at a pet store or online.
  2. Use counter conditioning to teach the dog to accept things it fears. Counter conditioning uses something your dog loves to help it get used to the thing it hates. For example, you might feed the dog next to one of its triggers or place its favorite toy next to it. At first, you need to place the item far away from the trigger, but close enough that the dog is aware of the trigger. As the dog gets used to being near the trigger, slowly move the good thing closer until it's on top of or next to the trigger.[15]
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    • For example, if your dog is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, you could place its food in a room with the vacuum cleaner. As your dog gets more comfortable, move the food closer and closer until it's on top of the vacuum.
  3. Begin desensitization once your dog has begun making progress. Your dog should feel safe with you and in its new home. Desensitization may be an option after your dog has responded well to clicker training or counter-conditioning. In fact, desensitization and counter-conditioning work well together.[16]
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    • To desensitize your dog, identify your dog's trigger. Choose the one you'd like to focus on, and then expose the dog to the trigger in a safe environment. Your dog should be exposed for 5 minutes at a time. Start by placing the item far away but where the dog can see it, and reward the dog for tolerating it. Over time, move the trigger closer to the dog until it gets used to it.[17]
    • When using desensitization, make sure your dog does not encounter the trigger when you aren't doing a training session.
  4. Talk to your vet about medications that can relieve your dog's fear. In extreme cases, your vet can prescribe medication to help your dog stay calm. If your dog's fears are preventing it from making any progress or are interfering with your dog's life, it may be an option. Talk to your vet for more information.[18]
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    • These medications are often similar to anti-anxiety medications that humans would take.
    • Medications are not a replacement for behavioral training and socialization. It may take a few weeks for the medication to start taking effect. Continue with your dog's conditioning and training schedule.

EditTaking Care of Your Dog's Health and Safety

  1. Satisfy all of your dog's needs. Provide your dog with food, shelter, toys, and love no matter what happens with your training efforts. An abused dog should never have anything withheld from it, as this can set it back.[19]
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    • For example, do not deny the dog affection, lock it in a kennel, or take away a toy because it doesn't obey a command or has an accident on the floor. Similarly, refill the dog's food and water immediately if it is spilled or ruined, rather than trying to punish the dog by making it wait.
    • Your dog also needs to exercise every day, so plan walks and play sessions into your day. Follow your dog's lead with how you exercise it, as some abused dogs will resist certain activities.[20]
  2. Take your dog for regular visits to a veterinarian. All dogs need vet care, but an abused dog may have special needs. Make sure that you take the dog in for regular checkups. Follow all of the vet's instructions in providing treatments. Since your dog may be especially afraid of the vet, look for a vet that is experienced with abused dogs and create an environment that is as calm as possible.
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    • Call ahead to let your vet know that your dog has been abused in the past.
  3. Keep your dog safe. Your dog has been through a lot, and now it's up to you to keep him safe. Over time, this will help your dog be more open to training. This includes providing the dog with a "safe space" where it can go if it's feeling overwhelmed.
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    • Avoid pressuring the dog to venture outside its comfort zone.[21]
  4. Tie a yellow ribbon onto the dog's leash to keep strangers away. If the dog is afraid of strangers, tie a yellow ribbon around its leash to signal it shouldn't be touched. Since not everyone is aware of this signal, you should also verbally communicate this need to anyone who gets close to your dog or compliments it. Say, "Please don't come any closer to him, as he may bite."[22]
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EditKeeping Your Efforts on Track

  1. Keep your expectations in check. It may take years to help an abused dog overcome its past and become a family-friendly pet. Sometimes, the dog never fully recovers. While you may be hoping for a miracle, be prepared to invest a lot of time in training the dog.
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    • Expect it to take at least a year for your dog to become a family pet.[23]
    • Set lower expectations so that you aren't disappointed.
  2. Be patient with your pup. Your dog is struggling to overcome its past, so consider each improvement a milestone. It may seem like your dog is not making any progress, but try to remember where its been.[24]
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    • If you feel yourself getting upset, take a break. It's better to walk away from the situation than to risk showing your frustration to the dog, who may experience a setback.
  3. Realize that dogs abused as puppies will struggle to trust. Older dogs who have experienced a loving environment in the past may overcome abuse more easily than dogs who've experienced abuse since birth. You will likely need to spend more time working with a dog abused as a puppy, and it may never fully recover.[25]
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    • Don't give up on your pup, and continue to treat it kindly.
    • Keep your expectations in check. Your dog may never fully recover from its past, but it can still be a great pet.
    • It is okay if your dog prefers certain family members over others or if the dog hides from guests. Try to accommodate your dog's needs. Do not force the dog to play or socialize with people that it is fearful of.
  4. Remind yourself why you're training the dog. Helping the dog overcome its past may be hard, but giving a dog a new lease on life can be a meaningful experience. If you are struggling to continue with training, take a few moments to think about what made you start.[26]
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  5. Accept that the dog may not want to play. Even play can be difficult for your dog, especially since it may not have learned how to play as a young dog. It's likely fearful and so consumed with avoiding further trauma that it doesn't even think of play as an option. Give it time and it may warm up to the idea of having play time.[27]
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EditSources and Citations

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