Thursday, September 6, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Promote a Clothing Brand

Posted: 06 Sep 2018 05:00 PM PDT

There are a number of dynamic ways that you can successfully advertise a clothing brand. Showcase the clothing line by taking fun, flattering pictures of the garments and then compose an attention-grabbing branding video. Create a website and social media accounts for the brand. Next, gain visibility by sharing pictures and posts through your online networks. Go the extra mile by producing an intriguing press kit and commissioning sponsored blog content to really promote the brand.


EditCreating Your Brand Image

  1. Create a unique logo. Popular clothing lines can be identified by signature logos. If you do not already have one, design a logo that is unique and personal. Choose an image that is important to you, letters that identify you, or an emblem that corresponds to what your clothing line is about.[1]
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    • For instance, if a four leaf clover is a personal symbol of luck for you, it may serve as an excellent logo for your brand.
  2. Create a unique visual theme. Associate your clothing with a particular aesthetic appeal. Make this a running theme for your brand. Plan photo shoots and promotional events that reflect this theme. For instance, if your clothing is well-suited for outdoor sports and activities, choose trees and nature as a common aesthetic feature and hold photo shoots and events outdoors.
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  3. Take photos of your clothing. In today's world, even amateur photographers can take beautiful pictures with their smartphones, using apps and filters. Take photos of your clothing on a mannequin, dress form, or live model, so that online customers can see how the garment fits. Adjust the color balance, brightness and contrast of your photos to get the best possible results.[2]
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    • Download a free photo editing app for your smartphone, to touch up your pictures.
    • Take wide angle shots so that you can crop the photos afterwards.
    • Take pictures of each color variation of the items.
    • If you clothing features special designs or embellishments, add additional close up photos of these details.
    • Post the photos on your website, social media accounts, and advertisements to promote your brand.
  4. Hold a fashion show. Fashion shows are a great way to advertise your designs in a fun, interactive way. These events also attract professionals in the fashion industry, along with other fashion enthusiasts. To attract a greater crowd and help a good cause, hold your fashion show as a benefit for a local charity, to raise money and awareness for a worthy cause, while showcasing your work.[3]
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    • Promote your fashion show on social media sites to spread the word quickly and inexpensively.
  5. Create a printed or electronic press kit. A press kit is an informative presentation about your company that is sent to media and retailers to boost your design profile. The kit can be printed and sent by mail, hand delivered, or sent online as a PDF document. The press kit should feature a story page describing how your clothing line got started, as well as:[4]
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    • A personal note from the clothing line's creator and designer
    • A condensed version of the online "lookbook", featuring a few select designs
    • Press about your clothing line, if any already exists (e.g. articles or interviews)
    • Quotes from the creator and designer about their clothing line that media sources can easily use in articles
    • A FAQ (frequently asked questions) section addressing common inquiries about the clothing line
    • Links to or listing of all of the clothing line's social media accounts
    • Updated contact information
    • High quality photos interspersed throughout the press kit
  6. Mail samples to fashion publications upon request. After you send out press kits to different publications, you may receive requests for sample clothing from the line. Download a fashion inventory software such as Fashion GPS that will let you print out loan forms for these publications to sign, guaranteeing that the sample will be returned by a specific date and in good condition. Send out samples after receiving the signed form back.[5]
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    • Keep track of your samples with fashion inventory software or a simple Excel spreadsheet.

EditSetting up an Online Presence

  1. Create a website. To sell to a wide audience and reach new audiences, your clothing line should have a website that is appealing and easy to navigate. Create your own or enlist the help of a friend or loved one who is experienced with web site design and search engine optimization techniques. Your website should include a lookbook of your designs, an online store, and a clear breakdown of your contact information.[6]
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    • Ask friends and family to link to your website, to help advertise your clothing line.
  2. Set up an Instagram account. Creating an Instagram account for your clothing line is a great way to showcase pictures of your designs and gain followers. Instagram users prefer communication though shared images and may respond more quickly to pictures with a like than they would respond to other forms of media. Post colorful, interesting pictures of your clothing and follow new users frequently, to widen your network.
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    • This Instagram account should be separate from your personal account.
  3. Set up a Facebook page specifically for your clothing line. Facebook is a good platform to connect with people, share information, and connect to other social media platforms. Create a Facebook page for your clothing line and invite friends and relatives to like it and share it with others. Advertise events on your page and link to your website and other social media accounts.[7]
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  4. Make a branded video for your clothing line and share it online. Viral video is a fast and powerful way to market your brand online. Shoot and edit a short video that presents the essence and visual theme of your brand in a memorable way. Share the video on a platform like Youtube, then link to it on your clothing brand's social media pages.[8]
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    • This video could show a behind-the-scenes view of how your designs come to life, or be a scripted with imaginative narrative that shows off some of your best designs.
  5. Sponsor promotional content on a fashion blog. Reach out to fashion bloggers to commission advertising for your clothing line in a blog feature. Send them your press kit and discuss the cost for this writing. Once a promotional blog for your brand is posted, add a link to the blog on your social media pages. [9]
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EditBuilding a Good Reputation

  1. Provide good customer service and easy returns. Aim to provide customers with a positive experience that will create loyalty to your brand. Address any complaints or concerns directly and quickly, through email or social media. Provide easy returns on items that customers are not happy with, even if this is not cost effective at first.[10]
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  2. Give incentives for return customers. Once a customer makes a purchase from you, take steps to keep them as a customer. For instance, offer a discount on their next purchase after the initial transaction goes through. You can also offer a free item when they purchase $100 or more of your products.[11]
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  3. Create a mailing list for customers. When customers order from your online store, ask if they would like to be added to your mailing list. Send out daily, weekly, or monthly emails with exclusive deals and sneak peeks at new products being added to your clothing line. Entice customers to join the mailing list by offering a small discount on their next order.[12]
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EditSources and Citations

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How to Feel Great in the Morning

Posted: 06 Sep 2018 09:00 AM PDT

If you find that it takes you forever to wake up, or that you feel like a zombie for the first few hours of the day, you're not alone. This is a common occurrence and is caused by reduced blood flow and oxygen circulation in the body after sleeping all night. Luckily, by taking care of your body before and after you go to sleep and doing light stretches in the morning, you can improve how you feel every morning and feel able to take on the world right away!


EditDoing Morning Exercises

  1. Start your day with some light stretches to loosen up your muscles. Your body will feel pretty stiff after sleeping for 8 hours. Do light to moderate stretches in the first 5 minutes after you wake up to get energized and motivated in the morning.[1]
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    • In a standing position, lift one leg up until it's parallel to the floor, then stretch your arms forward to touch your toes. Hold for 20 seconds then repeat with your other leg. This will stretch your hamstrings and legs.
    • Rotate your arms like a windmill to stretch your arms and shoulders. Stretch your neck by tilting your chin downwards and upwards, then tilting your head to the left and to the right.
    • You should push yourself to feel tension, but not pain. Stop performing a stretch if it starts to become painful.
  2. Do a set of push-ups and a set of sit-ups. Doing a few push-ups and sit-ups in the morning will help get your blood circulating and will also prime your muscles to make you more active throughout the day. Do 1 set each of push-ups and sit-ups, limiting yourself to completing as many as you feel comfortable doing without becoming exhausted.[2]
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    • Although push-ups are a great way to build muscle, you shouldn't worry about there in this context; just do enough to get your heart pumping and your muscles very slightly sore.
    • There's no set guideline for how many sit-ups or push-ups to include in each set. If you feel comfortable, do 10 of each exercise.
  3. Do a set of jumping jacks to engage your legs and shoulders. Jumping jacks are a terrific cardiovascular exercise that amps up your heart rate and also gives your legs and shoulders a workout. Do 30 to 50 jumps after you wake up to kickstart your heart rate and get energized right away.[3]
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    • If you can't do 30 jumping jacks, consider doing 2 sets of 15 or 3 sets of 10 for the same end results.
    • Make sure to do your jumping jacks after you've stretched to minimize the risk of injuring yourself.
  4. Perform a set of squats to kickstart your metabolism and build muscle. Squats work your largest muscle groups in your legs and thus have a tremendous boosting effect on your metabolism following a workout. Do squats after your morning stretches to get your body ready for the day and to improve your mobility, balance, and posture.[4]
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    • Squats are a great exercise for increasing the range of motion in your hips and ankles, which also helps to reduce lower back and knee pain.
  5. Go for a run or walk. Running through the fresh air outside can refresh you and wake you up very quickly after you get out of bed. Consider going for a short 5-10 minute run in the morning to refresh yourself and feel energized for the rest of the day.[5]
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    • This doesn't have to be a very fast run; going for a light jog will still boost your metabolism and give you a nice workout.
    • If you can't run, try walking for 30-40 minutes instead for roughly the same results.

EditRefreshing Your Body

  1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. You may or may not feel like drinking water when you wake up, but in either case your body needs it. Down an glass of water right after waking up to jump start your metabolism and to help you feel more alert.[6]
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    • If you leave early in the morning to go to work, try to drink a second glass of water as well before leaving your home. This will help you stay focused in the morning and encourage you to stay hydrated throughout the day.
    • Consider filling a water bottle with a leak-proof top and leaving it on your night stand before going to bed.
  2. Eat a nutritious and filling breakfast. Starting off the day with a healthy breakfast will give you energy for the morning and prevent you from feeling groggy. Eat a breakfast that combines healthy carbs, fiber, and protein for an energizing start to your day.[7]
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    • Fruits, whole grain wheat, and simple proteins work best in the morning. Eggs, cheese, yogurt, or cottage cheese are also good options for morning meals.
    • Avoid eating heavy carbs or large portions for breakfast; eating too much may cause you to feel more sluggish instead of energized.
  3. Meditate or perform breathing exercises to clear your mind. Doing breathing exercises or meditation in the morning can help give you a fresh mindset and get rid of anxiety or tension in your muscles. Meditate for 5 minutes each morning to start your day in a calm and relaxed state.[8]
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    • When doing deep breathing, take deep breaths into your stomach and hold them for 5-7 seconds before releasing them. You'll find that tension in your body relaxes as you exhale.
  4. Hold off on drinking coffee until later in the day. Many of us drink coffee first thing in the morning. However, drinking coffee right after you wake up actually reduces the caffeine's effect and makes you build a tolerance to the drug faster. Consider waiting a few hours before having your coffee to make sure you're getting the full effect of the caffeine.[9]
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    • For example, if you wake up at 7:00, consider waiting until around 10:00 before having coffee.
    • For even better results, cut coffee entirely out of your regular morning routine and only drink it on the days when you really need to (e.g., when you have to wake up earlier than usual).

EditPreparing the Night Before

  1. Relax and unwind for 1 hour before bedtime. If you're stressed or overactive right up until you go to bed, it will take your body longer to fall into a restful sleep state. Give yourself an hour before you go to bed to unwind and do relaxing activities to help your body go to sleep faster.[10]
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    • Examples of some relaxing activities might include reading, watching your favorite TV show, or listening to soothing music.
    • Meditating or performing breathing exercises is also a good way to relax your body and your mind as you prepare to go to sleep.
  2. Refrain from eating right before bed to avoid digesting food all night. Your body uses a lot of energy to slowly digest food, so if you eat a big meal before bed, you'll digest that food all night and disrupt your sleep pattern. Eat your meals earlier in the evening to ensure your sleep is more restful.[11]
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    • If you absolutely can't avoid eating right before bed, try to only eat a light meal and stick to foods that are the least disruptive to your sleep. These include cherries, bananas, rice, and turkey.[12]
    • You should definitely avoid eating dark chocolate or drinking coffee or wine before bed.
  3. Drink a glass of water before bed to stay hydrated. Even when you're asleep, your body is still carrying out a lot of its normal functions and will use up water in the process. Sip on some water before bed to keep your body hydrated, aid digestion, and help your body detox while you sleep.[13]
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    • Consider investing in a sports bottle with a sealable lid and keeping a filled one next to your bed. This will not only remind you to drink water before you go to bed, but will also give you a convenient source of water for after you wake up.
  4. Go to bed at the same time each night. Your body has its own internal clock that it naturally follows, so going to sleep and waking up at regular times every day will help it feel energized and efficient. Pick a bedtime and stick to it each night to avoid feeling sluggish in the morning.[14]
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    • No matter what bedtime you choose, aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
    • Stick to this sleep schedule even on weekends and days when you don't have to wake up early. Your body will thank you for it!
  5. Wake up on time and don't allow yourself to oversleep. Oversleeping can leave you feeling drained and sluggish in much the same way that not getting enough sleep can. Set alarms to go off roughly 8 hours after your bedtime and don't let yourself sleep through them.[15]
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    • Consider using alarms that don't include a snooze option. If you know your alarm won't repeat itself, you'll be more inclined to get out of bed and start your day after it goes off the first time.
    • Try to avoid sleeping for more than 9 hours, as this may negatively affect your mood the next day.


  • Go to bed early enough to get a full 8 hours of sleep each night. One of the best ways to feel great in the morning is to ensure you feel refreshed and energized after you wake up!
  • Take a hot shower soon after you wake up in the mornings. Not only is a hot shower refreshing and cleansing, but it's also a great way to get rid of any lingering "zombie" feelings.

EditSources and Citations

EditQuick Summary

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How to Write a Report After an Internship

Posted: 06 Sep 2018 01:00 AM PDT

An internship report may be a requirement for you to complete your internship, but it is also a chance to share your experiences. Organization is important when writing an effective report. You will need a professional-looking title page, followed by a series of neatly-labeled sections describing your internship. If you share your experiences clearly and objectively, your report is likely to be a success.


EditPost Internship Report Examples

EditCreating the Title Pages and Formatting the Document

  1. Number each page in the report. Make sure the page number is listed in the upper-right corner of each page you write, except for the title page. You can turn on the page number function by using the menu options in your word processor program's taskbar. It automatically marks the page numbers for you.[1]
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    • Having the page number enables readers to use your table of contents.
    • Page numbers help you organize your report and replace missing pages.
  2. Make a cover page with the title of your report. The cover page is the first page your readers see. Type your title at the top in bold letters. An effective title describes what you did in the internship. Avoid adding any jokes or commentary about the internship here.[2]
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    • For example, you might write, "Internship Report On Investment Banking At Gringotts Bank."
    • A generic title like "My Internship Report" is usually acceptable if you can't come up with anything else.
  3. Include your name and internship information on the cover page. Underneath the title, include the date of your internship. List your name, the name of your school, and any advisors you have. Also include the name and contact information of the organization you interned with.[3]
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    • For example, write "My Internship Report. Crimson Permanent Assurance. May-June 2018."
    • Keep the information neat on the page. Center the text and leave space between each line.
  4. Mention any special acknowledgements on the next page. Title the page after the cover page as "Acknowledgement." This page gives you a chance to thank anyone who helped you out along the course of your internship.[4]
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    • You may wish to mention your school supervisor, work supervisor, and anyone else you worked with.
    • For example, say, "I would like to thank Dr. No for giving me the opportunity to do this internship."
  5. Include a table of contents if your report is long. A table of contents page is useful if your report has 8 or more sections. In a table of contents, you list the section titles of your report along with page numbers where each section can be found. It helps your reader navigate to specific parts they want to read.[5]
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    • The acknowledgement page should be listed on the table of contents. The title page does not need to be listed.
    • If your report includes graphs or figures, you may wish to include a separate table of contents indicating where they can be found.
  6. Write an abstract page outlining your internship. An abstract, also called a summary, gives your reader a brief overview of your internship duties. In it, explain who you worked for and what you did for them. Keep this part short, briefly touching upon your work and experiences in a single paragraph.[6]
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    • For example, start with, "This report details a summer internship at Stark Industries in Malibu, CA. I worked in the Robotics Division."

EditWriting the Body of the Report

  1. Title each section of your report. Whenever you reach a new section in your report, move to a new page. Come up with a descriptive title for the section. Place it at the top of the page, centered and in bold letters.[7]
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    • For example, a section might be called, "Overview of Gringotts Bank."
    • A few simple section titles are "Introduction," "Reflections on the internship," and "Conclusion."
  2. Open your introduction with facts about your employer. Use your introduction to expand upon your summary. Start by going more in-depth about your employer's operations. Discuss the organization, their position in their field, what they do, and how many people they employ.[8]
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    • For example, write, "RamJack provides service robots to countries across the world. As a pioneer in its industry, Ramjack is uniquely qualified to clean up environmental disasters."
  3. Explain the part of the organization you worked for. Any company or organization is made up of different branches. Detail the part you were involved in, getting as specific as possible. Use this part of the introduction to lead into your personal experience.[9]
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    • For example, mention, "From May to June 2018, I worked in Ramjack's electrical engineering division as an intern along with 200 other workers."
    • Remember that this is a story about you, so use your personal style to engage readers.
  4. Describe your responsibilities during the internship. Explain what you did during the internship. Go into as much detail as possible. Even if a task seems routine at first, such as cleaning or writing memos, it can contribute meaning to your report.[10]
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    • You might write, "My responsibilities at Ramjack included soldering electrical wiring, but I also did component maintenance."
  5. Write about what you learned during the internship. Transition from discussing work responsibilities to results. Come up with a few examples of what you gained by being an intern. Go in-depth in describing how these changes came about.[11]
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    • Think about ways you have changed as a person, not only as a worker.
    • For instance, you might say, "I learned a lot about how to communicate with people in the community who are very different from me."
  6. Evaluate your experience with the internship. You can critique the organization you worked for, but be as fair and neutral as possible. Stick to facts and concrete examples, focusing on what you learned and what you can apply in the future. Avoid bad-mouthing anyone.[12]
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    • You might write, "Ramjack would benefit from improved communication. Often, the supervisors were unclear about what they expected from me."
  7. Reflect on how you performed in the internship. Conclude your report by discussing how the experience went. Be objective, expressing any positive and negative experiences about it. You can include any feedback you received during your internship.[13]
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    • You might write something like, "At first I was too quiet, but I learned to be bolder and more confident so that management took my ideas seriously."
  8. Use an appendix section to include other resources. The appendix section is for journals, published works, photos, recordings, and any other supplemental material you have. The amount of material you have will differ depending on your internship duties. Try to include some material to give the reader a taste of your accomplishments during the internship.[14]
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    • For example, if you worked in communications, include press releases, ads, letters, or tapes you produced.
    • If you have nothing to add, you may be required to write a paragraph about why you have no supplemental material.

EditPracticing Good Writing Techniques

  1. Organize your information into an outline before writing. Before you tackle the body of the report, break your experience down into parts. Create a rudimentary outline on paper, listing off the points you wish to tackle in each section.
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    • This helps you stay organized. You want the sections to flow together well without repeated information.
  2. Write at least 5 to 10 pages. Give yourself enough space in the report to convey your experiences in detail, but avoid going off-topic. Longer reports may end up feeling less focused and polished. For most reports, a medium length is appropriate.[15]
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    • If you don't have enough material to stretch out the paper, you are better off leaving it shorter.
    • You may need to write more than 10 pages, especially if you had an extensive internship or are studying for a high-level degree.
    • The page requirement may differ depending on your internship program.
  3. Maintain an objective tone throughout the report. Your report is academic material and should be treated as such. Represent yourself positively by sticking to facts and concrete examples describing your experience. Be thoughtful with your writing and avoid sounding overly critical.[16]
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    • For instance, you can say, "I had a difficult time working at Wayne Industries, but I learned a lot." Avoid saying "Wayne Industries is the worst."
    • An example of fact-based writing is, "Wayne Industries has a 75% share in the gadget market."
  4. Use specific examples to describe your internship. Avoid speaking in generalizations. Show your experiences on the paper by giving examples of any topics you bring up. Concrete details allow your reader to picture your internship experience.[17]
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    • For example, write, "Acme Corporation left out an unsecured bundle of dynamite. I felt unsafe working there."
    • You might write, "My supervisor sent me to take pictures of a river dolphin that washed up near a remote Bolivian village."
  5. Include observations you have about real life. Life insights go beyond the scope of schoolwork. They may include the organization you worked for, the people who work there, and the world at large. These insights vary depending on the scope of your internship, but if you have them, they show that you have grown as a person.[18]
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    • You might work in a lab and write, "The employees are on their feet all day, but they know they are helping people, so they arrive in the morning brimming with energy.
    • Another example is, "Oscorp is very busy, and the employees would be happier with additional help. This is a problem for many companies across the country."
  6. Review your report after writing it. Take the time to read through your report at least once. Note any sentences that don't flow together well. Pay attention to the experiences you describe in the report as well as the report's overall tone. The entire report needs to feel cohesive, objective, and clear to the reader.
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    • Reading out loud can help, as well as letting someone else read your work.
  7. Edit the report before turning it in. You may have to go back a few times and make changes. Refine your report as much as necessary to make it great. When you are satisfied with it, turn it into your supervisor to let them read about your experience.
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    • Be aware of any submission deadline your program has. Give yourself plenty of editing time by writing the report before then.


  • To make your report look professional, use resume paper and place it in a loose-leaf notebook or thesis binder.
  • Print the report on single-sided sheets of paper in a plain font like you would for any school report.
  • Be as detailed as possible when describing your internship.
  • Let your voice shine through your writing, but stay objective.

EditSources and Citations

EditQuick Summary

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