Monday, March 12, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Make Galaxy Bark

Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Forget normal chocolate bark; spice it up and it make it look galactic by making this easy and delicious galaxy bark. This sweet, sugary treat makes a great snack or dessert, and is absolutely gorgeous with its beautiful galaxy-themed colors. Garnished with a bit of edible glitter and star-shaped sprinkles, this mouthwatering galaxy bark will immediately blast your taste buds into outer space.

  • Makes: Approx. 15-20 servings


  • 2 pounds black candy melts
  • ½ purple candy melts
  • ½ pound dark blue candy melts
  • ½ pound light blue candy melts
  • 2 teaspoons edible glitter
  • 3-4 teaspoons star-shaped sprinkles


  1. Melt the black candy melts. In a microwave-safe bowl, heat up the black candy melts until they completely melt, stirring with a spoon every 30 seconds.
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  2. Line a 9 x 13 baking pan with foil. Pour the melted black candy melts on the baking pan.
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  3. Melt the rest of the candy melt colors in the microwave. Repeat the same process you did for the black candy melts.
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  4. Dollop the melted candy melt colors onto the black layer.
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  5. Using a knife, gently swirl the colors around to make it look like a galaxy.
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  6. Sprinkle the star-shaped sprinkles all over the bark.
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  7. Allow the galaxy bark to harden for about 1-2 hours.
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  8. Serve. Sprinkle the edible glitter all over the bark. Slice it into pieces using a knife and serve on a serving plate. Enjoy!
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  • When adding the edible glitter, consider using gold or silver glitter to match with the galaxy theme.
  • You can store any leftover galaxy bark in an airtight container. It can last up to a week.
  • For a white chocolate taste, use white chocolate melts instead of the colored candy melts, and then add galaxy-themed food dyes after you've melted the chocolate.


  • When swirling the colors around, take caution to avoid over-mixing, or the result will end up looking grayish and not galaxy-themed.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Foil
  • 9 x 13 baking pan
  • Microwave
  • Spoon
  • 4 microwave-safe bowls
  • Knife
  • Serving plate

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How to Become Class President

Posted: 12 Mar 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Start early if you want to win the class president election. Join student council and other clubs, get good grades, and be friendly and authentic. Create a slogan and campaign materials, and talk to everyone about your campaign. Spread your campaign message, and soon you will have the most votes!


EditSetting an Example

  1. Develop relationships early by being kind to everyone. Class presidents are usually popular, well-liked, and trustworthy people. Start developing these traits by being friendly towards other students, teachers, and school staff. Do this all the time, and you will be well liked among your network.
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    • This will help you gain popularity before you run for president.
  2. Run for student council early into your school career. Try for offices like secretary or treasurer. You likely won't get elected president your freshman year, but run for other offices to get your foot in the door. These positions usually have less competition, and you can start to learn what it's like to have be in the council.[1]
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    • For example, you can get elected as Treasurer during your freshmen year, then Secretary your sophomore year, then Vice President your junior year.
  3. Join clubs to meet other students, like band, soccer, or debate. Pick clubs that you are genuinely interested in or passionate about. Join a few different clubs to meet many new and diverse people.
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  4. Get good grades and be a leader whenever you can. Students elect a class president who is responsible, smart, and capable. Start working on these traits early by getting good grades and showing initiative. Participate in class discussions, and don't fall asleep in class.[2]
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EditBuilding Your Campaign

  1. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. Think about what makes you unique and what you are good at. Also consider what you could improve upon. Examining both your strengths and weaknesses helps you focus on what you can offer your peers.
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    • Are you a really great leader? Are you great with problem solving? Think about why you are the best candidate!
    • Do you have a hard time focusing? Could you spend more time studying? Think about small personal changes you can make in order to be the best class president, like time management, stress reduction, and attention to detail.
  2. Identify key issues to address in your campaign. Ask yourself what is working and what isn't the best around your school. Get to the core of the issue. Base your campaign around the issues that register most with you.[3]
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    • For example, perhaps students are really upset about the new dress code policy.
    • Maybe students would like more diverse lunch options. Is this a result of student lunch costs? Or faculty decisions? Who would you help by working on this issue?
  3. Brainstorm solutions to important issues and offer realistic initiatives. Think about the cause of the issues and what you can do about it, practically. Some things may be out of control, while you may be just the person to make it better. Brainstorm solutions to revisit when you are pitching your campaign.[4]
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    • Make a list of things you can do, like speaking up for students who are bullied or talking to the principal on behalf of a nervous freshman.
  4. Write a recognizable and unique slogan. Your slogan can be short and simple, like "Trevor for President." You can get creative and say something like, "Holly will help you!" You can use your slogan to market yourself, so create a slogan that people will remember you by.[5]
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  5. Create campaign gear, like buttons, signs, and t-shirts to advertise. You can make your gear at home, or you can get them printed online or at a print shop. List details like your slogan and name, and remember to mention "for class president." The number you make depends on your budget, though make a bunch to give out to everyone![6]
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    • Make your gear at home by printing out labels and using the labels as your "stickers." Stick your labels on buttons or pencils and distribute them.
    • If you can afford it, make one sticker or handout per student in your class. If your class size is 300, make 300 stickers.
  6. Find a sponsor to cover costs, if you are able to. Creating your campaign can get expensive quick, between printing shirts and hanging posters. Ask around local businesses to sponsor your campaign.
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EditGaining Support

  1. Step out of your comfort zone to connect with new people. Building relationships is important to win votes, so connect with people you don't know well yet. You can connect with groups and individuals. Try joining new clubs or after school activities. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people too!
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    • Maybe you have played the trumpet for 3 years and already have the band kids' votes. Try the orchestra or choir instead!
    • Maybe you play softball and know the team will vote for you. What about the guys football team?
  2. Talk to your classmates about important issues. Whether you are in the lunch line or waiting for the bus, any opportunity is a good one to make a connection with a potential voter. Talk to students you haven't met yet. Ask them what they care about around the school, and offer your solutions to the problems they find. This will make a genuine connection.[7]
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    • What are your peers really upset about? What do they think can be improved upon? Getting feedback from others to fully understand the issue and solve it as best as you can.
  3. Communicate with your teachers and administrators about key issues. You can also talk to your school's staff about ways you can help. Your teachers and administrators can offer ideas and suggestions to put your ideas in motion. Talk to teachers from different grade levels, speak to the school counselor, and consider trying to meet with the principal.
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  4. Hang up posters around your school to promote your campaign. You can write out your slogan and a few campaign points. Print out a bunch of posters and hang them around your school. You can also hand them out during lunch or before or after class.[8]
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    • Start with around 50 posters and plan on making extras as needed.
    • You can print your posters with a computer and home printer or get them professionally printed at a print shop.
  5. Ask your network to spread the word. Talk to your friends, teachers, and administration. The more people who you connect with, the better. When it comes to campaign time, you want as many people as possible to remember your name.[9]
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EditWinning the Election

  1. Prepare an awesome speech. If your school allows class president speeches, prepare one to wow your listeners. Introduce yourself, mention why you want to president, and mention how you want to solve some key issues. End your speech with your campaign slogan.[10]
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    • Keep your speech about 2-3 minutes long.
    • Give different versions of your speech for different conversations. For example, when you meet someone new on the bus, you can introduce yourself and mention what you would do if you are elected president.
  2. Make one final campaign push before the election. Print out more posters, hand out more T-shirts, and post on social media the days before the election. You want to rake in as many last minute votes as you can. Who else can you convince before election day?
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  3. Act and talk confidently and keep your cool, no matter the results. On the day of the election, dress in something that makes you feel confident, yet professional. Assure yourself that you have tried your best and prepared thoroughly. Your hard work all comes down to this, so be confident that you are the best choice for class president!
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How to Avoid Smile Lines

Posted: 12 Mar 2018 01:00 AM PDT

A few wrinkles are inevitable, especially around your mouth and eyes. Those wrinkles can give you a certain charm and uniqueness, but if you don't like them, you can do a few things to slow their onset. Taking care of your skin, using a few at-home treatments, and applying makeup with care will all help minimize smile lines so you can look your best at any age.


EditTaking Care of and Protecting Your Skin

  1. Wear sunscreen. When you're out in the sun, you should protect your skin with a broad spectrum (UVA and UVB) sunscreen that's at least SPF 30. It's also a good idea to pick a sunscreen with a physical blocking agent, such as zinc oxide.[1]
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    • It also helps to put on a wide-brimmed hat to block out the rays.[2]
    • Don't just put on sunscreen when you're headed to the pool. Try using a daily moisturizer with a built-in sunscreen all year round. You can even buy moisturizers with sunscreen that are made just for your face.
    • While a daily sunscreen is beneficial, you should apply a regular sunscreen if you're going to be out in the sun for extended periods, particularly if you're getting wet or toweling off.
  2. Apply moisturizer daily. Use a facial moisturizer every day on your skin, as that will help keep your skin happy and healthy. Healthy skin doesn't show as many lines as dry, unhealthy skin. Apply moisturizer after washing your face in the morning and at night.[3]
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    • Don't forget to look for a daytime moisturizer with a built-in sunscreen.
    • Using a quarter-sized amount of moisturizer, start at the top of your nose and rub it up and outward across your forehead. Starting at your nose, rub it outward on your cheeks and then down around your mouth. Use small circles to ensure it gets rubbed in well.[4]
  3. Avoid letting your face touch the pillow. When you put pressure on your face, you increase the likelihood of developing facial lines like smile lines. Try to sleep on your back, or if you sleep on your side, position your head so your face doesn't rest on the pillow.[5]
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    • Try using a silk pillowcase, which can minimize pull on your skin.
    • Similarly, try not to lean on your hands during the day.[6]
  4. Stop or avoid smoking. You probably know that smoking causes a host of health issues. You may not realize that it can cause you to age prematurely. It can cause a breakdown of collagen in the skin, making wrinkles more apparent.[7]
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    • If you want to stop smoking, talk to your doctor. Try using a smoking aid like nicotine patches or gum.
    • Enlist the help of your family. If they know you want to quit, they can help you avoid temptation.
  5. Get your daily requirement of water. Your skin needs water to stay hydrated. If you're constantly dehydrated, lines will be more pronounced and your skin won't be as healthy.[8] You should average about 15.5 cups (3.7 L) of liquid a day if you're a man and 11.5 cups (2.7 L) per day if you're a woman.[9]
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EditUsing Temporary Remedies

  1. Use a mixture of sugar and coconut oil. Combine equal parts of coconut oil and brown sugar in a small bowl. Use your fingers to massage it into the fine lines around your mouth before rinsing it off. This procedure exfoliates the skin, but it also causes a little bit of swelling, which helps reduce the look of smile lines.[10]
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  2. Plump up your lips and mouth area with eye cream. Applying an eye cream around your lips can moisturize and help fill in lines. You'll need to apply it twice a day - when you wake up and before you go to bed.[11]
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    • Look for products that say they can boost elastin, which will help reduce the appearance of lines.
    • Check for active ingredients like vitamin C, retinol, peptides, hydroxy acids, coenzyme Q10, niacinamide, grape seed extracts, and tea extracts.[12]
    • In addition, these treatments can boost collagen production.
  3. Try a collagen-boosting treatment. Talk to your doctor about retinoids, vitamin C serum, and glycolic-acid peels, which can stimulate collagen production. Wrinkles appear because collagen breaks down as you age. By replacing some of that collagen over time, you may reduce the look of fine lines like smile lines.[13]
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    • These products are ones you apply every day that contain ingredients that boost collagen. Look for the words "collagen-boosting." They may also be labeled "anti-wrinkle" creams. They can also act as moisturizers.
    • You'll need to apply this treatment every day for it to be beneficial, but you can see results over the long term. You should see some results in the first week.
    • Try a serum with hyaluronic acid, which can help moisturize your skin and boost collagen at the same time.[14]
    • Prescription versions will have a higher concentration of ingredients, so they will likely be more effective.[15]

EditAvoiding Smile Lines in Your Makeup

  1. Keep your makeup light. If you put too much makeup on your face, it tends to exaggerate your smile lines. Therefore, apply any foundation with a light hand to minimize smile lines.[16]
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  2. Apply a moisturizer before you apply makeup. Use a facial moisturizer around your mouth to help reduce the appearance of smile lines. Also, apply a lip balm to your lips to increase moisture to the area.[17]
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    • You can also try dabbing on a bit of olive oil or coconut oil at night to help moisturize your lips.
  3. Use a primer. After applying moisturizer, blot on a bit of a primer. Primer can help decrease the appearance of wrinkles around your face. Smooth it in with your fingers or a small brush.[18]
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    • Pick a silicone-based primer, which will help fill in the lines, not just conceal them.[19]
  4. Add foundation lightly with a foundation brush. If you use your fingers or even a sponge, you'll likely get your foundation on too thick. Instead, use a foundation brush to add a light layer of foundation across your face, making sure to blend it in as you go.[20]
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    • In fact, you may even want to choose a different makeup altogether, such as a tinted moisturizer, as the lightness of the product will help reduce the appearance of smile lines.
    • Avoid using powder, as it can cake in the lines, accentuating them rather than hiding them.[21]
  5. Put on lip liner and lipstick properly. If you don't put on lip liner, lipstick has a tendency to feather out into your fine lines. Lip liner acts as a barrier, preventing lipstick from feathering. Apply it all around your lips. For lipstick, choose a long-lasting lipstick or stain, which is more likely to stay in place than a normal lipstick.[22]
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    • Blot your lips after applying lipstick to keep it from bleeding.
    • If you don't like the look of lip liner, try using an invisible lip liner. You can also use a nude highlighter pencil to go around the outside of your lips instead.


  • A low-glycemic diet may improve skin tone and help minimize wrinkles. Avoid sugary foods and focus your diet on lean meats and vegetables.[23]
  • Managing your stress levels through regular exercise can help minimize premature aging due to stress and anxiety. If you feel very stressed or anxious try meditation to ease your worries.[24]
  • If you already have deep smile lines you're concerned about, talk to your dermatologist about cosmetic procedures that can minimize their appearance. Laser treatments and dermal fillers are two options that can lessen the appearance of smile lines. Your doctor can advise on what makes the most sense for your skin.

EditSources and Citations

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