Sunday, February 28, 2021

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Grow Beans in Pots

Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

You don't need a green thumb or even a lot of space to successfully grow beans in pots. In fact, container gardening is a great project for beginners. Spend a few minutes researching what kind of beans you want to grow and get the right size pot for it. As long as your plant gets enough sunlight and water, you should be rewarded with a healthy harvest within a few months.


[Edit]Seed, Soil, and Container Prep

  1. Select a runner bean if you want a hardy, trailing bean. Runner beans are also called pole beans since they grow up and trail on vines. Since they do grow high, you'll need to use supports like stakes or a trellis. Any of these popular varieties are great for growing in pots since they put on a lot of vertical growth:[1]
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    • Blue Lake
    • Kentucky Wonder
    • Algarve
    • Golden Gate
  2. Choose a bush variety for faster-growing beans that don't need support. Bush beans usually grow about high, so they're great plants for balconies or small spaces. They also grow faster than runner beans. If you'd like to try your hand at growing bush beans, consider picking up one of these popular varieties:[2]
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    • Contender
    • Kentucky Bean
    • Purple Teepee
    • Top Crop
  3. Buy a pot that's at least in size. A pot has an diameter and you can plant 2 to 4 bean seeds in it. A slightly larger pot is even better, though—look for a pot with a diameter to give your beans more space to grow.[3]
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    • If you decide to plant more than 1 seed in each pot, plan on leaving of space between them.
    • Pole beans need a container depth of deep while bush beans need a depth of at least .
    • If you're looking at terracotta or ceramic pots, buy one that's not glazed since the glaze traps moisture and can make the roots rot.
  4. Check the bottom of the pot for drainage holes or drill them yourself. Don't forget to flip over the pot and look for drainage holes so the roots of your bean plant don't become waterlogged. You should see at least 2 or 3 holes. If you don't see any and you're using a plastic pot, you can drill your own holes along the bottom edge.
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    • Use a power drill with a strong bit to drill through the plastic. Make the holes equal distances apart so water drains from the pot easily.
  5. Get potting mix or combine loam, compost, and sand create your own. Beans love healthy soil that has a pH between 6.0 and 7.0 Most potting mixes have a pH around 6.0, so you can buy a few bags of it or mix together equal parts of compost, loam, and builder's sand.[4]
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    • Don't have those ingredients? You can also make a basic potting mix with equal parts of peat moss or compost and perlite.
  6. Wait to plant the seeds until the danger of frost has passed. Bean seeds germinate faster when the soil is between , so wait until after the last frost date to plant. Want to check if the soil is warm enough? Buy a soil thermometer and push the tip down into the soil. Make sure it's at least before you plant.[5]
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    • Check your local agricultural extension office to learn about frost dates in your region.

[Edit]Planting Process

  1. Mix fertilizer into the top of soil in your container. Fill your pot with enough potting mix to come from the top. Then, spread a 5-10-10 or 10-20-10 fertilizer over the soil in your container and mix it into the top of the soil before you plant the seeds.[6]
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    • You don't need much fertilizer—just sprinkle a light dusting over the surface of the soil in your pot and mix it into the soil.
    • Beans don't need regular fertilization. An initial nutrient boost before you plant the seeds is perfect!
  2. Push pole or bush beans deep into the soil. Make a hole with your finger and drop a seed into it. To save a little time, you could scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil and push each one down . Then, cover the seeds with potting mix.[7]
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  3. Leave of space between each pole bean seed. You can plant more pole beans in a container since most of their growth is vertical. Plan on spacing each pole bean plant apart.[8]
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    • You can probably fit 2 to 4 bush plants in 1 large pot.
  4. Give each bush bean of space. Bush beans take up a lot more room in the pot, so leave more space between each seed. If you don't leave at least of space, the plants can crowd each other and they won't put on as much growth.[9]
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    • You'll get more beans if your plants have room to grow!
  5. Push a pole trellis into the soil if you're growing pole beans. Since pole beans can grow up to , they need support! Push a flat trellis or 3 stakes of a tepee trellis into your pot before you plant the bean seeds. Insert the supports down into the soil so they're sturdy.[10]
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    • If you're making your own teepee trellis with something like tent stakes, gather the top ends of the stakes and tie them together with strong rope. This makes the teepee shape.
  6. Soak the soil on your bush or bean plant to help it germinate. Water the soil for at least 10 seconds so it can penetrate down near the seeds. The moisture helps the seeds germinate so they begin to put on growth.[11]
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    • Use a watering can or gentle shower setting on a garden hose so you don't blast the soil with a powerful jet of water.

[Edit]Care and Maintenance

  1. Water the beans a few times a week to keep the soil evenly moist. Soil that stays moist encourages seeds to germinate and helps the plant grow. Since bean plants don't like wet leaves, water them in the morning to give the leaves a chance to dry in the sunshine.[12]
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    • It's easy to overwater your plants, which can cause root rot. Skip watering if the soil still feels moist to the touch.
  2. Place your pot outside where it can get 8 hours of sunlight. Like most plants, beans need a lot of direct sunlight so put your container where the plant gets ample sunshine. If you're working with limited balcony or patio space, just put it in the sunniest spot possible.[13]
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    • Some bean plants are fine with just 6 hours of sunlight a day, but they might not produce as many beans.
  3. Maintain temperatures between for optimal growth. Your beans will quickly put on healthy growth if the soil is warm. Pay attention to your weather forecast and consider covering your pots or bringing them inside if the temperature is going to drop below .[14]
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    • Even cold temperatures that are above freezing can make it hard for your plants to grow leaves and beans.
  4. Rinse or pick away pests that might eat the plants' leaves. Look for spider mites, aphids, and small beetles with their eggs on the leaves and stalks of the plant. If you spot any, pick them off by hand or spray them with water to remove them.[15]
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    • Make it a habit to check the health of your plant ever few days so you catch pests early and limit their damage.
  5. Remove weeds to prevent bacteria and mold. If you see leaves with white mold, remove them from the plant along with any other weeds in the base of your container. If moldy leaves or weeds fill the container, they can choke out the bean plants.[16]
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    • This is another reason it's important to leave space between your plants. If they're too crowded, mold and bacteria can easily spread from one plant to another.
  6. Harvest your beans about 50 to 90 days after sowing. Bush beans mature faster than pole beans, so plan on harvesting the beans 50 to 60 days after you sow the seeds. For pole beans, begin checking them 60 to 90 days after sowing. For either kind of bean, look for plump pods that are long and tender. Then, snap them or cut them from the plant—don't pull them or you might tear the plant.[17]
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    • Use your beans right away or store them for about 1 week in your fridge.


  • Some people like to germinate the beans before planting them, but they actually do better if you sew them directly into the soil.[18]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Bean seeds
  • Soil
  • container
  • Soil thermometer, optional


How to Develop The Characteristics of a Entrepreneur

Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:00 AM PST

Being an entrepreneur is a dream for many people, but it's not easy. There will be a lot of hard work and dedication involved. Luckily, people succeed all the time! If you're interested in following your dream, working for yourself, and becoming the next big entrepreneur, then you'll need a set of characteristics and skills that set you apart from your competition. Anyone can practice and learn these skills, so get started now!


[Edit]Personality Traits

  1. Try new things to get yourself used to experimentation. Entrepreneurs are tinkerers and innovators, so experimentation is part of the deal. You need to be comfortable trying new things to find creative solutions. Get yourself used to this by always seeking out new experiences in your life. This way, trying new things will seem natural to you.[1]
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    • One way to open your mind is to read in a lot of different genres and topics. This way, you're not pigeonholed into thinking in one particular way.[2]
    • You could also make a commitment to order something you've never tried before every time you go to a restaurant. This seems simple, but it really helps get you in the right mindset to seek new ideas.
  2. Challenge yourself constantly to learn about perseverance. You'll have to overcome a lot of obstacles as an entrepreneur. Make yourself competitive with yourself every day. Set goals in all areas of your life and work to achieve them. Then when you face business challenges, you'll be ready to tackle them head-on.[3]
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    • This can apply to all kinds of things in your life, as long as you're overcoming obstacles. You could challenge yourself to take 10 seconds off your mile time, or finish a book in a week.
    • There are also goals you can set for your business ventures. For example, you could say you want to get 1,000 daily visitors to your website and work to make that happen.
  3. Motivate yourself to stay committed. When you're an entrepreneur, there is no one telling you what to do or making you stay on task. This is part of the appeal, but it could also be a problem. You really need to work to keep yourself motivated. Work on your self-starting skills and avoid putting things off so you're always in the mindset to work.[4]
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    • Setting goals and deadlines for yourself is a good way to stay on track. Even if they're arbitrary deadlines, it helps you stick to a schedule and motivate yourself to keep going.
    • When you do have something to do, avoid procrastination. It doesn't matter if it's schoolwork or household chores. Get everything done right away so you aren't used to procrastination.
  4. Practice being a leader. Entrepreneurs are the heads of their organizations, so you should be comfortable leading and making decisions. This is a lot of pressure, so it takes some practice to get used to. Work on being a leader in your everyday life so you're more prepared to succeed as an entrepreneur.[5]
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    • Volunteering to lead clubs and activities is a good way to practice. You could also serve as a team captain if you play sports.
    • Understand that being a leader doesn't just mean being the boss all the time. You need to pay attention to the people around you and address their needs. Inspire them to follow you, don't demand it.
  5. Be a quick decision-maker so you can adapt to any situation. While it's important to consider all your options and weigh the consequences, don't take too long. Entrepreneurs aren't passive; they have to make decisions and stick with them. If you feel like you have a tough time making decisions, then work on being more decisive. This will help you make the right calls quickly as an entrepreneur.[6]
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    • Making a quick pros and cons list is a good way to improve your decision-making skills. Once you've looked at the possibilities, make your call.
  6. Get comfortable with taking risks. Being an entrepreneur is inherently risky. If you're naturally risk-averse, then you'll definitely have to work on raising your risk tolerance. This will help you make the winning decisions that might be risky, but have huge payoffs.[7]
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    • Stepping out of your comfort zone by trying new things is a good starting point to getting more used to risk.
    • A good way to get better at making risky decisions is studying probability. Understanding the chances of a certain outcome are a good way to weigh your risks and make the right call.[8]
    • Realize that "risky" doesn't mean "reckless." Entrepreneurs take calculated risks after they've spent time studying and learning.[9]
  7. Develop ethics and integrity so people are willing to work with you. If you regularly cheat people or lie, eventually, no one will want to work with you. Keeping your word and using ethical methods builds your reputation as an honest businessperson, which will help you a lot in the long run.[10]
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    • Be honest when you interact with people to practice keeping your word. If you do tell any white lies, identify that and commit to doing better next time.
    • Using shady or underhanded tactics could even land you in legal trouble as an entrepreneur. It's best to develop ethics and integrity early on so it's second-nature by the time you're successful.
  8. Train yourself to overcome failure and setbacks. Every entrepreneur fails at some point. Even the most famous ones can rattle off dozens of ideas and business ventures that didn't work out before they found the winning formula. The key thing is not letting it get you down. If you fail, don't worry. Move on to the next opportunity or idea to keep going forward.[11]
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    • Remember that there is something to learn in every failure. If something didn't work last time, review what happened and adjust it for next time.
    • Having backup plans, like more than one venture, is a good way to help yourself deal with failure. You'll always know you can move on to the next project if one doesn't work out.

[Edit]Practical Business Skills

  1. Study accounting and finance so you can run a business. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is important, but don't forget about the nuts and bolts of running a business. Understanding basic accounting, finance, and administration will give you an edge in building a successful business. The best part is that there are tons of cheap or free ways to educate yourself![12]
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    • There are plenty of online classes you can take on accounting, finance, and business administration. Websites like Udemy or digital college courses are great resources.
    • You can also learn plenty by reading. Good finance articles and books are published all the time, and you can find most of them for free online or at a library.
  2. Stay organized so you can multitask. You'll be doing a lot of things at once as an entrepreneur, so organization is key. Prioritize your tasks, stick to your calendar, and work through your to-do list methodically so you can focus all your energy in the right places.[13]
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    • Get into the habit of keeping a schedule and setting reminders when you have things to do. This way, you'll get into a more organized mindset.
    • A lot of entrepreneurs like making old-fashioned to-do lists. This will keep you on track so you know what you have to do.
    • A neat workspace is great for feeling more organized. Whether you work from home or in an office, tidy everything up and get rid of clutter so you're ready to work.
  3. Become an effective speaker and communicator. As an entrepreneur, you'll have to communicate your ideas and sell them to others. This is important for getting investors, customers, partners, and any other support that will help you build your business. If you aren't a strong communicator, then there are a few things you can do to get better.[14]
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    • A great, simple way to become a better communicator is just talk with as many people as possible. Strike up conversations and keep them going for as long as you can. You'll get comfortable talking to anyone this way.
    • You could join a local Toastmasters club if you really want to work on your public speaking and presentation skills.
  4. Develop skills in salesmanship to get supporters and customers. At its core, entrepreneurship is all about sales. You're selling your ideas, products, or services to others who are willing to pay for them. If you're not good at selling yourself and your ideas, then this is a must-have skill to build.[15]
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    • There are a lot of books and articles on sales. Check your library for some of the required reading if you want to learn sales techniques.
    • Working on your communication and speaking skills will definitely help your sales
    • You could also start working an entry-level job in sales. It probably won't make you rich, but you'll get a ton of experience as a salesperson that will help you.
  5. Learn the laws about forming and running a business. There are all kinds of laws and regulations about running a business that you have to become familiar with. From the process of forming an LLC to paying taxes correctly, this information is crucial to running your business successfully.[16]
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    • The laws are specific to your country and locality, so checking the website for your local chamber of commerce is the best place to start.
    • Taking a basic business law class could also give you an edge over your competition.
    • Remember that individual industries have their own laws. For example, dietary supplements have different codes than electronics. Always check out the regulations in your particular industry.
  6. Recruit strong team members to help you. Despite what it may seem like, entrepreneurs don't work alone. They know how to surround themselves with smart, driven, and skilled people who will help their business grow. When you're forming your business, staff it with these types of people so your operation can grow.[17]
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    • It's always good to hire people who are experts in areas you don't know a lot about. If you're not especially good at marketing, then hiring a PR and marketing professional will help your business grow.
    • Don't just try to hire people who will agree with you all the time. Instead, hire smart people who will challenge you if they have to. This will sharpen and improve your own ideas.
  7. Network constantly to help your business grow. Personal and professional relationships will help you succeed as an entrepreneur. Talk to as many people as you can to grow your network. When you need support or want to spread some of your ideas, don't hesitate to tap into this network for help.[18]
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    • Whenever you meet someone, make sure you get their contact information. You never know when reaching out to them could help you.
    • There are sometimes networking events for business owners in your area. This would be a great place to meet some valuable people.
    • Remember that networking works both ways. If someone else reaches out to you for help, be willing to do what you can. This establishes you as a reliable person who others will want to work with.
  8. Continue learning to build a diverse set of skills. Never act like you know everything or are finished learning. Always seek out new books, methods, technologies, and experiences to learn new things. This builds a wide range of skills and knowledge that will help you as an entrepreneur.[19]
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    • There is no shortage of information online. If you want to learn something new, try signing up for a website like Udemy to explore new skills.
    • Don't be afraid to try new methods or technologies. If you find the right tool, your business could really take off.

[Edit]Opportunities and Ideas

  1. Assess your hobbies to find things you're passionate about. Entrepreneurship is hard work, so doing something you're passionate about makes it much easier. You can make a business out of just about anything, so if you're looking for ideas, review your own hobbies and interests first. This will give you a slew of potential ideas.[20]
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    • Make a list of your passions and what you like to do. There's bound to be something on that list that you can make a business out of.
    • You might have to increase your own skills a bit to monetize your passions. If you like personal finance and want to form a financial advisory company, you probably need to work on your accounting and investing skills.
  2. Explore ways to monetize your passions. Having passions is a great start, but entrepreneurs know how to take the next step and monetize those. When you've reviewed your interests, start focusing on how you can build a business out of them.[21]
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    • Starting a blog or YouTube channel showcasing your skills and informing others about it is always a good option. Whether you're great at cooking, woodworking, car maintenance, or playing guitar, put your content out there to get started.
    • You don't necessarily have to form a company from scratch. If you have some money at hand, you could invest in existing companies in an industry you're interested in.
  3. Work on seeing gaps in markets that you can fill. Entrepreneurs don't just form any old businesses. They form businesses that innovate and do something different. That's why spotting market gaps is a key skill to have. Review that market and see what other businesses are doing, and more importantly, not doing. This is where you can swoop in and form an innovative company.[22]
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    • You might see that there are some apps about car maintenance, but none with instructional videos. If you're good at working on your car and know a thing or two about app design, this could be the market gap to fill.
    • Remember that there are opportunities everywhere and you don't have to be an expert to see the gaps. You could just be getting a cup of coffee and realize that there is a better way to serve coffee.
  4. Look for new opportunities constantly. Even if you have a successful business under your belt, there's no reason to stop growing and looking for new ventures. The most successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk have had successful businesses in different industries. Follow their lead and never stop looking for opportunities, and snatch them up when they arise.[23]
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    • The new venture could be in your own business. For example, if you have a successful app but think of a good way to improve on it, make another one!
    • Remember that looking for new opportunities doesn't mean neglecting your old ventures. Don't spread yourself too thin or all your ventures could suffer.
  5. Study and learn from other entrepreneurs for inspiration. There are tons of successful entrepreneurs who know the right steps to take. These are the best people to learn from. Study their methods and business models to get inspiration for what to do next.[24]
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    • If you can, try to meet with some of these entrepreneurs. Ask them anything you want to know about entrepreneurship and learn from the experts.
    • If you partner up with other entrepreneurs, be willing to help them out too. You'll make yourself into a person that other entrepreneurs want to work with if you're willing to help.



  • As a potential business owner, you're also potential competition. You may have better success talking with entrepreneurs whose businesses are not in your immediate area. It isn't essential that you meet in person; you can also learn a great deal from a phone conversation.
  • To widen your entrepreneurial horizons, consider taking classes in Marketing and Small Business Development.



How to Freeze Cells in Excel

Posted: 28 Feb 2021 12:00 AM PST

This wikiHow teaches you how to freeze specific rows and columns in your Microsoft Excel worksheet. Freezing rows or columns ensures that certain cells remain visible as you scroll through the data. If you want to easily edit two parts of the spreadsheet at once, splitting your panes will make the task much easier.


[Edit]Freezing the First Column or Row

  1. Click the tab. It's at the top of Excel. Frozen cells are rows or columns that remain visible while you scroll through a worksheet.[1] If you want column headers or row labels to remain visible as you work with large amounts of data, you'll likely find it helpful to lock those cells into place.
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    • Only whole rows or columns can be frozen. It is not possible to freeze individual cells.
  2. Click the button. It's in the "Window" section of the toolbar. A set of three freezing options will appear.
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  3. Click or . If you want to keep the top row of cells in place as you scroll down through your data, select Freeze Top Row. To keep the first column in place as you scroll horizontally, select Freeze First Column.
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  4. Unfreeze your cells. If you want to unlock the frozen cells, click the Freeze Panes menu again and select Unfreeze Panes.
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[Edit]Freezing Multiple Columns or Rows

  1. Select the row or column after those you want to freeze. If the data you want to keep stationary takes up more than one row or column, click the column letter or row number after those you want to freeze. For example:
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    • If you want to keep rows 1, 2, and 3 in place as you scroll down through your data, click row 4 to select it.
    • If you want columns A and B to remain still as you scroll sideways through your data, click column C to select it.
    • Frozen cells must connect to the top or left edge of the spreadsheet. It's not possible to freeze rows or columns in the middle of the sheet.[2]
  2. Click the tab. It's at the top of Excel.
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  3. Click the button. It's in the "Window" section of the toolbar. A set of three freezing options will appear.
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  4. Click on the menu. It's at the top of the menu. This freezes the columns or rows before the one you selected.
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  5. Unfreeze your cells. If you want to unlock the frozen cells, click the Freeze Panes menu again and select Unfreeze Panes.
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[Edit]Quick Summary

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