Saturday, February 27, 2021

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Catch a Fly With Your Hands

Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

Flies are the worst. It seems like no matter how many times you swat, they always get away! There's actually a good reason for that—flies can see nearly 360° around them, so it's almost impossible to sneak up on them.[1] Even if you get close, they're able to plan their escape route faster than you can blink.[2] Don't give up hope, though—and don't just swing blindly. Instead, take a methodical approach to finally catch that pesky fly for good.


[Edit]Finding the Fly

  1. Listen for the buzz. Chances are, if you're trying to swat a fly, it's because you've heard it buzzing around until you couldn't stand it anymore. Use this to your advantage when you're tracking your target—if you lose sight of it, just stand still and close your eyes. Once you hear the direction the buzzing is coming from, you're that much closer to catching your foe.
    Catch a Fly With Your Hands Step 1 Version 4.jpg
    • If you need to, turn off your TV or radio, along with any fans or appliances that might drown out the sound of the fly.
  2. Check near windows and lights. Flies are attracted to light, so if you're not able to see it right away, try checking near the brightest light source in the room. They also tend to get confused by windows, so check carefully on your windowsills and along the edges of your windowpanes. [3]
    Catch a Fly With Your Hands Step 2 Version 4.jpg
    • You can try drawing the fly out by turning off all the lights in the room, then turning on one light source, like a lamp or a TV screen. Be sure to shut the blinds and drapes if it's light out.
  3. Put out bait for the fly if you still can't find it. Flies like really smelly food, but it's okay if you don't want to put out something rotten just to catch a single fly. Instead, try putting out something like a bit of a hamburger, a little pet food, or a splash of soda in a bowl. These things tend to attract flies, so it should come to check out the bait eventually.[4]
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    • Flies are especially attracted to honeydew melon, so if you have any on hand, slice some up and put it in a bowl![5]
  4. React calmly once you do see the fly. No matter how excited you are to finally spot your nemesis, don't just rush at the fly swinging as soon as you find it. Instead, be patient and methodical. Scientists believe that flies process information about 7 times faster than we do, which means that everything looks like it's in slow-motion to a fly. That's why it's so hard to just rush in and swat one.[6]
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    • Flies are excellent at spotting motion, but they're not as good at picking out shapes, so if you move slowly, they're less likely to see you as a threat.[7]

[Edit]Making Your Strike

  1. Move slowly toward the fly slowly once it lands. Because flies can quickly fly out of reach, it's easiest to catch one when it's sitting still. Wait for the fly to land on a flat surface, then ease towards it. Once the fly is in arm's reach, slowly move your hand so it's about away, then pause and plan your next move.[8]
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    • It's a good idea to let your hand hover in place for about 10-20 seconds to disarm the fly.[9]
  2. Aim slightly in front of the fly's path. Flies are able to rapidly adjust their take-off angle, which is a big part of why it's so hard to strike them directly. In fact, they can plan an escape in about 100 milliseconds—which is faster than the time it takes to blink. It's a little easier if you can anticipate which direction the fly will go, then try to intercept them.[10]
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    • For instance, if you're approaching the fly from the front, you know it will likely fly back to get away. In that case, you'd try to strike just a little behind where the fly is now.
  3. Try to smash the fly against a hard surface to kill it. Get your hand as close to the fly as possible, with your palm open. Aim carefully at a little bit of an angle (remembering to account for the fly's escape route), then smack your hand down onto the surface that the fly is on. That should flatten the fly, getting rid of it for good!
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    • If the idea of smushing a fly with your bare hand grosses you out, this probably isn't the best option for you.
  4. Catch the fly as it takes off to capture it unharmed. Smashing a fly that's been bugging you for hours is certainly gratifying, but it's not for everyone. If you'd prefer a less lethal approach, place your cupped hand onto the surface that the fly is on. Then, sweep your hand forward, closing it into a fist as you reach the fly.[11]
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    • This will take some practice, but it's a pretty impressive trick if you can master it!
    • Once you do this, simply open the door and release the fly outside. Just be sure not to let any more flies in when you do.
  5. Clap your hands to catch the fly mid-air. If the fly won't land, don't fret—you still may be able to catch it. Hold your hands up in the air, about apart. Follow the fly's path, and try to get close to where you think the fly will be. Once the fly gets close to you, move so your hands are on either side of it, then clap to smush the fly.
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    • If you don't want to kill the fly, keep your hands cupped when you clap them together. This will trap the fly in your hands, and you can easily release it outdoors.
    • Some people also recommend clapping your hands just above the fly as it rests on a surface. The fly will see your hands moving from the sides and will fly upward, right into the path of your hands.[12]
  6. Move your hands back and forth to hypnotize the fly. Approach the fly slowly from the front, then hold your hands out about apart. Move your hands slowly from side to side as you get closer to the fly, until your hands are on either side of the fly. Then, quickly dart in with your dominant hand to grab the fly.[13]
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    • It's thought that the motion of your hands will confuse the fly as to what direction the threat is coming from, so it won't know where to go to escape.
  7. Wash your hands and sanitize any surfaces the fly was on. Flies are really gross. They feed on rotting food and feces, which means they're covered in nasty germs. They carry a lot of these germs on their feet, so every step they take can spread bacteria to the surfaces in your home. Any time you touch a fly, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. In addition, use a disinfectant cleaner to sanitize any of the surfaces in your home that the fly might have touched.[14]
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    • If you don't have soap and water available, use hand sanitizer until you're able to get to a sink.


[Edit]Related wikiHows


How to Cook Calamari

Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:00 AM PST

Calamari might seem something you only order in restaurants, but there are a variety of ways to easily cook it at home. Slice squid into thin rings and coat them in a buttermilk batter before frying them. If you want a healthier meal, sauté the rings with chilis and garlic or braise them with tomatoes and olives. For a hearty meal, marinate calamari steaks in a simple marinade and toss them on the grill.


[Edit]Crispy Fried Calamari

  • of buttermilk
  • of squid
  • 2 cups (240 g) of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon (2 g) of ground black pepper
  • of vegetable oil
  • Kosher salt to taste
  • Lemon wedges, for serving

Makes 4 servings

[Edit]Spicy Sautéed Calamari

  • of squid
  • 1 teaspoon (5.5 g) of kosher salt
  • of sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon (1 g) of freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 long, thin red chile or 1 or 2 Serrano chiles, de-seeded and sliced lengthwise
  • 1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup (50 g) of sliced scallions, divided
  • of vegetable or canola oil, divided
  • 1/4 teaspoon (0.5 g) of ground Sichuan peppercorns, optional

Makes 2 to 4 servings

[Edit]Mediterranean-Braised Calamari

  • of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 small yellow onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • of dry white wine
  • of squid
  • 1 28-ounce (800 g) can of whole peeled tomatoes
  • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 3/4 cup (170 g) of pitted black olives
  • 1/2 tablespoon (8 g) of harissa paste or hot sauce
  • 2 teaspoons (10 g) of lemon zest
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 small handful of freshly minced parsley

Makes 4 to 6 servings

[Edit]Grilled Calamari Steaks

  • of calamari steaks, fresh or thawed
  • 1 tablespoon (8 g) of minced garlic
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons (2.5 g) of red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 cup (5 g) of chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • of extra-virgin olive oil, divided
  • of fresh lemon juice, divided
  • 1 teaspoon (5.5 g) of sea salt, divided

Makes 4 to 6 servings


[Edit]Crispy Fried Calamari

  1. Cut of squid into thick rings. Put the fresh or thawed squid on your cutting board and use a sharp knife to carefully cut across each squid to make thick rings. If your squid has tentacles, cut them into pieces.[1]
    Cook Calamari Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    • It's important to make the rings thin so they cook quickly and don't become tough.
    • If you can't buy cleaned squid, cut the squid in 1/2 so the tentacles are separate from the body. Then, pull the head off and peel away the skin. Rinse the squid before cutting it.
  2. Put the rings in a bowl and pour in of buttermilk. Stir the calamari until it's completely coated with the buttermilk. Buttermilk tenderizes seafood, so it prevents the calamari from becoming tough.[2]

    • To prepare the calamari in advance, mix the rings in buttermilk and set it aside at room temperature for up to 1 hour.
  3. Pour of vegetable oil into a deep pot and heat it to . Set a deep pot, such as a Dutch oven, on the stove and add the vegetable oil. Clip a deep-fry thermometer to the side and turn the burner to medium-high. Heat the oil until it reaches .[3]

    • If you're using a saucepan, choose a deep pan.
  4. Combine the flour and pepper in a separate bowl. Put 2 cups (240 g) of all-purpose flour and 1 teaspoon (2 g) of ground black pepper into a mixing bowl. Stir or whisk to distribute the pepper.[4]

  5. Toss the rings in the dry mixture. Use a slotted spoon to lift the calamari rings out of the buttermilk. Let the excess buttermilk drip back into the bowl. Put the rings into the bowl with the flour mixture and toss them until they're coated.[5]

  6. Fry 1 batch of the rings for 1 minute. Lift the coated rings out of the flour and shake off excess flour before you lower them into the hot oil. Slowly put 1/4 of the rings into the oil and stir them with a wire mesh strainer. Fry them for 1 minute or until they're browned and crispy.[6]

    • Be careful when working with hot oil. Don't drop the rings into the oil or it could splash up and burn you.
  7. Transfer the fried calamari to a wire rack and fry another batch. Use the mesh strainer to scoop the fried calamari onto a wire rack over a rimmed baking sheet. Once the oil temperature reaches , add another batch of rings and fry them.[7] and put the fried calamari in it to keep it warm while you fry the remaining batches.}}

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    • Although you could put the fried calamari on a paper towel-lined plate, the paper towel traps steam which will make the calamari soggy.
  8. Season the calamari with kosher salt and serve it with lemon wedges. Sprinkle salt over the calamari and taste 1 to see if it's seasoned enough. Set out wedges of lemon to squeeze over the fried calamari and enjoy![8]
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    • Avoid storing leftover fried calamari because it won't stay crispy.

[Edit]Spicy Sautéed Calamari

  1. Mix the salt, oils, chilis, garlic, and scallions in a bowl. Get out a medium mixing bowl and put 1 teaspoon (5.5 g) of kosher salt along with of sesame oil and 1/2 teaspoon (1 g) of ground black pepper in it. Add 1 long, thin red chile or 1 or 2 Serrano chiles. Then, stir in 1 thinly sliced garlic clove, 1/4 cup (25 g) of the sliced scallions, and of the vegetable or canola oil.[9]

    • If you want a really spicy marinade, add 1/4 teaspoon (0.5 g) of ground Sichuan peppercorns.
  2. Cut of squid into thick rings. Lay the squid on a cutting board and carefully cut across it to make evenly sized rings. Then, pat the rings dry using a paper towel. If your squid has tentacles, cut them into pieces.[10]
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    • The marinade sticks to the squid better when it's completely dry.
    • If you can't buy already-cleaned squid, slice the squid in 1/2 to separate the tentacles from the body. Use your fingers to pull the head away from the body and peel the skin off the body. Rinse the squid and tentacles before you cut them.
  3. Add the calamari to the bowl and marinate it for 5 to 10 minutes. Put the rings into the marinade and stir until they're coated. Cover the bowl and set it aside at room temperature while you heat the skillet.[11]

  4. Sauté 1/2 of the calamari in a skillet over high for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Pour the remaining of vegetable or canola oil into a large skillet and turn the burner to high. Once the oil shimmers, use a slotted spoon to transfer 1/2 of the calamari from the marinade to the skillet. Stir the calamari frequently until it's opaque.[12]

    • Cook the calamari until it's seared in spots and is no longer translucent.
  5. Transfer the calamari to a serving bowl and sauté the remaining rings. Scoop the cooked calamari into a bowl and finish cooking the rest of the calamari that's in the marinade.[13]

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    • It's important to cook the calamari in batches. If you crowd the skillet, the calamari steams instead of sautés.
  6. Serve the sautéed calamari with scallions and your favorite sides. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup (25 g) of sliced scallions over the rings. Then, serve the calamari with steamed brown rice, flatbread, or sautéed vegetables.[14]
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    • Put leftover calamari in an airtight container in the refrigerator and use it within 4 days.

[Edit]Mediterranean-Braised Calamari

  1. Cut 1 yellow onion and 4 cloves of garlic into thick slices. Cut the onion into 4 equal wedges and slice across each wedge to make thick slices. Then, slice the garlic cloves as thin as possible.[15]

    • A yellow onion is sweeter than a red onion. If you can't find a yellow onion, use a mild, white onion instead.
  2. Sauté the onion and garlic for 4 minutes over medium heat. Pour of extra-virgin olive oil into a large saucepan and turn the burner to medium. Once the oil shimmers, add the onion and garlic. Sauté the mixture until the onion softens a little and the garlic becomes fragrant.[16]

    • Stir the onion and garlic frequently to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
  3. Slice of squid into rings. While the onion and garlic cook, place the squid bodies on a cutting board. Cut across each squid to make rings. If you also have the squid tentacles, slice them in 1/2 widthwise.[17]
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    • Ask the person at the seafood counter to clean the squid for you. If they can't, cut the squid in 1/2 to separate the tentacles. Pull the head from the body and peel the thin skin off of the squid. Rinse the squid before you slice it.
  4. Add the calamari and of dry white wine to the pan. Put the calamari rings into the saucepan with the onions and garlic. Slowly pour in of dry white wine and stir the mixture.[18]

    • For a dry white wine, consider using sauvignon blanc, pinot gris, or pinot grigio.
    • If you don't want to cook with alcohol, substitute vegetable stock for the wine.
  5. Simmer the calamari in wine for 3 minutes. Keep the burner at medium and stir the calamari frequently. Cook the calamari until most of the wine evaporates. This leaves the flavor of the wine.[19]

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  6. Crush the canned tomatoes and add them along with thyme and black olives. Open a 28-ounce (800 g) can of whole peeled tomatoes and crush each whole tomato in your hand before adding them to the saucepan. Then, add 3 sprigs of fresh thyme and 3/4 cup (170 g) of pitted black olives.[20]

    • Stir the mixture to incorporate the crushed tomatoes.
  7. Simmer the calamari for 30 minutes or until it's soft. Cook the calamari in the tomato sauce so the sauce bubbles gently. Keep the lid off of the saucepan and stir the calamari occasionally until it's soft when you poke it with a fork.[21]

    • If the tomato sauce boils, adjust the burner.
  8. Remove the sprigs of thyme and add harissa and lemon zest. Turn off the burner and use tongs to take the thyme sprigs out of the saucepan. Discard them and stir 1/2 tablespoon (8 g) of harissa paste or hot sauce along with 2 teaspoons (10 g) of lemon zest into the pan.[22]

    • Feel free to add more harissa or hot sauce if you like even spicier food.
  9. Season the calamari with salt, pepper, and parsley before you serve it. Taste the calamari and stir in as much salt and pepper as you like. Then, sprinkle 1 small handful of freshly minced parsley over the top. Scoop the calamari into bowls and serve it along with crusty bread, rice, or couscous.[23]

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    • Refrigerate leftovers in an airtight container for up to 4 days.

[Edit]Grilled Calamari Steaks

  1. Mix the garlic, pepper flakes, parsley, oil, lemon juice, and salt in a bowl. To make a flavorful marinade, put 1 tablespoon (8 g) of minced garlic into a large bowl. Stir or whisk in:[24]

    • 1 1/2 teaspoons (2.5 g) of red pepper flakes
    • 1/4 cup (5 g) of chopped flat-leaf parsley
    • of the extra-virgin olive oil
    • of the lemon juice
    • 1/2 teaspoon (2.25 g) of sea salt
  2. Add the calamari steaks and refrigerate them in the marinade for 1 to 5 hours. Take of fresh or thawed calamari steaks out of the refrigerator and add them to the bowl with the marinade. Cover the bowl and refrigerate the calamari in the marinade for at least 1 hour.[25]

    • There's no need to clean calamari steaks because they're already prepared and cut.
    • Turn the calamari steaks over a few times as they marinate.
    • The longer you marinate the steaks, the more flavorful they'll be.
  3. Heat a gas or charcoal grill to high. If you're using a gas grill, turn the burners to high so the grill reaches between . If you're using a charcoal grill, fill a chimney with briquettes and light them. Carefully pour the briquettes into the grill grate once they're hot and lightly covered with ash.[26]

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    • Cooking the calamari over a charcoal grill will give it a slightly smoky flavor.
  4. Drain the calamari in a colander and discard the marinade. Set a colander in the sink and take the calamari out of the refrigerator. Pour the calamari into the colander so the marinade drains into the sink.[27]

  5. Lay the steaks on the grill and cook them for 4 to 5 minutes. Place the calamari steaks on the grill so they're at least apart on the grate. Put the lid on the grill and cook the steaks until they're opaque. Use tongs to turn them halfway through the cooking time.[28]

  6. Remove the steaks and drizzle them with extra oil, lemon juice, and salt. Transfer the calamari to a serving platter. Then, drizzle the remaining of fresh lemon juice and of extra-virgin olive oil over them. Sprinkle the remaining 1/2 teaspoon (2.25 g) of sea salt over the steaks and serve them with grilled vegetables and crusty bread.[29]

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    • Store the leftover calamari in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.


  • Calamari is the Italian word for squid, so you might see it labeled as squid.
  • Most seafood counters sell already cleaned squid. If you can't find it there, look in the freezer aisle.
  • To defrost frozen squid, leave it in its packaging and put it in the refrigerator the night before you want to cook it.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Crispy Fried Calamari

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Deep pot
  • Deep-fry thermometer
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Slotted spoon
  • Wire mesh strainer
  • Wire rack
  • Rimmed baking sheet

[Edit]Spicy Sautéed Calamari

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Large skillet
  • Mixing bowl
  • Slotted spoon
  • Paper towel
  • Spoon
  • Serving bowl

[Edit]Mediterranean-Braised Calamari

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Large saucepan with a lid
  • Spoon
  • Serving bowls

[Edit]Grilled Calamari Steaks

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon or whisk
  • Gas or charcoal grill
  • Tongs
  • Serving bowl
  • Colander
  • Skewers, optional

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Delete Cookies in Google Chrome

Posted: 27 Feb 2021 12:00 AM PST

Cookies are files created by websites that can store information about you on your computer so that the website can recall this information each time you visit. Cookies can enhance your experience by storing your personal preferences, user history, and image data that makes a website load faster. However, since they contain all this data, there can be privacy concerns with cookies. Luckily, deleting your cookies and other browsing data in Google Chrome is easy. This wikiHow teaches you how to delete cookies in Google Chrome.


[Edit]Deleting Chrome Cookies on Android Devices

  1. Launch Google Chrome . It has an icon that resembles a red, yellow, green, and blue wheel. Tap the Google Chrome icon on your Home screen or Apps menu to launch Google Chrome.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 1 Version 2.jpg
  2. Tap . It's the icon with three vertical dots in the upper-right corner. This displays the menu.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 2 Version 2.jpg
  3. Tap . It's near the bottom of the menu. This displays the Settings menu.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 3 Version 2.jpg
  4. Tap . This displays the Privacy settings.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 4 Version 2.jpg
  5. Tap . This displays a menu with options for clearing your browsing data. This includes cookies, history, image data, and more.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 5 Version 2.jpg
  6. Tap the tab. This displays all options you have for deleting browsing data.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 6 Version 2.jpg
  7. Select a time range. Use the drop-down menu at the top to select how far back you want to delete cookies and other data. You can delete cookies from the last hour, last 24 hours, last 7days, last 4 weeks, or all time.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 7 Version 2.jpg
  8. Check the options you want to delete. The site data you can clear is as follows:
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    • Browsing history: This deletes the record of sites you have visited on your computer and all other devices you are signed in to.
    • Cookies and other site data: This option deletes cookies from sites you have visited. This will sign you out of most websites, but it will not sign you out of your Google account.
    • Cached images and files: This deletes image data and other media data from websites you have visited. This may make those websites load a little slower next to you visit them.
    • Saved passwords: This deletes saved passwords and usernames that are stored on your phone or tablet that allows you to sign in to web sites automatically.
    • Autofill form data: This deletes information such as your address, name, credit card info, email, phone number, and other information that automatically fills when you fill out forms online.
    • Site settings: This deletes any special configurations and settings you have for different websites.
  9. Click . It's the blue button in the lower-right corner. This displays a pop-up alert.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 9 Version 2.jpg
  10. Click . This deletes the data you selected.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 10 Version 2.jpg

[Edit]Deleting Chrome Cookies on iPhone and iPad

  1. Launch Google Chrome . It has an icon that resembles a red, yellow, green, and blue wheel. Tap the Google Chrome icon on your Home screen or Apps menu to launch Google Chrome.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 11.jpg
  2. Tap . It's the icon with three horizontal dots in the upper-right corner. This displays the menu.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 12.jpg
  3. Tap . It's near the bottom of the menu. This displays the Settings menu.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 13.jpg
  4. Tap . This displays the Privacy settings.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 14.jpg
  5. Tap . This displays a menu with options for clearing your browsing data. This includes cookies, history, image data and more.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 15.jpg
  6. Check the options you want to delete. The site data you can clear is as follows:
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 16.jpg
    • Browsing history: This deletes the record of sites you have visited on your iPhone or iPad and all other devices you are signed in to.
    • Cookies, Site Data: This option deletes cookies from sites you have visited. This will sign you out of most websites, but it will not sign you out of your Google account.
    • Cached Images and Files: This deletes image data and other media data from websites you have visited. This may make those websites load a little slower next to you visit them.
    • Saved Passwords: This deletes saved passwords and usernames that are stored on your computer that allows you to sign in to web sites automatically.
    • Autofill Data: This deletes information such as your address, name, credit card info, email, phone number, and other information that automatically fills when you fill out forms online.
  7. Tap . It's the red text at the bottom of the menu. This displays a pop-up alert.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 17.jpg
  8. Tap . It's the red text in the pop-up alert. This confirms you want to clear you browsing data and deletes the items you selected.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 18.jpg

[Edit]Deleting Chrome Cookies on a Computer

  1. Launch Google Chrome . It has an icon that resembles a red, yellow, green, and blue wheel. Click the icon in your Windows Start menu, desktop, dock or Applications folder on Mac to open Google Chrome.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 19.jpg
  2. Click . It's the icon with three vertical dots in the upper-right corner. This displays the menu.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 20.jpg
    • On Mac, the menu icon is the red icon with an arrow pointing up in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click . It's about half way down the menu. This displays another sub-menu to the left.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 21.jpg
  4. Click . This displays a menu with options for clearing your browsing data. This includes cookies, history, image data, and more.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 22.jpg
  5. Click the tab. This displays all options you have for deleting your browsing data.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 23.jpg
  6. Select a time range. Use the drop-down menu at the top to select how far back you want to delete cookies and other data. You can delete cookies from the last hour, last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 4 weeks, or all time.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 24.jpg
  7. Check the options you want to delete. The site data you can clear is as follows:
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 25.jpg
    • Browsing history: This deletes the record of sites you have visited on your computer and all other devices you are signed in to.
    • Download history: This delete the record of files you have downloaded on your computer and all devices you are sign in to.
    • Cookies and other site data: This option deletes cookies from sites you have visited. This will sign you out of most websites, but it will not sign you out of your Google account.
    • Cached images and files: This deletes image data and other media data from websites you have visited. This may make those websites load a little slower next to you visit them.
    • Passwords and other sign-in data: This deletes saved passwords and usernames that are stored on your computer that allows you to sign in to web sites automatically.
    • Autofill form data: This deletes information such as your address, name, credit card info, email, phone number, and other information that automatically fills when you fill out forms online.
    • Site settings: This deletes any special configurations and settings you have for different websites.
    • Hosted app data: This deletes data created from apps and extensions added to chrome from the Chrome Store.
  8. Click . It's the blue button in the lower-right corner. This displays a pop-up alert.
    Delete Cookies in Google Chrome Step 26.jpg
  9. Click . This confirms you want to delete the selected browsing data and deletes it.
    Buy a Stock Without a Stockbroker Step 10.jpg


  • Consider deleting cookies from Chrome if you have concerns about security and privacy, especially if using a public computer. In many cases, advertisers will track your cookies when visiting certain websites to help enhance and personalize your web browsing experience. If using a public computer, deleting cookies can help prevent other users from tracking your Internet activity.
  • If you have privacy concerns, consider deleting your Google search activity.
  • Try deleting cookies from Chrome if your browser or computer begin running slow. While cookies are meant to help speed up the loading process of web pages, an excessive amount of cookies can potentially slow down the overall performance and efficiency of your computer.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this information giostar is one of the best stem cell therapy in India. GIOSTAR has a capacity to treat a few destroying Immunological infirmities and Blood related infections. These unite Diabetes Type I and Type II, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's burden, Vasculitis, Scleroderma, Myasthenia Gravis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Thalassemia and building up the treatments for Alzheimer's, Autism, Anti-Aging Treatments, Parkinson's infection, Cancer, Heart and Retinal Degeneration, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Neuropathy, Osteoarthritis, Paralysis, Strokes, Spinal Cord Injuries, Skin Burns and Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). best stem cell therapy in indiaLeukemia Treatment in India Best Diabetes Hospitals in India
