Sunday, February 14, 2021

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Show Someone You Love Them

Posted: 14 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

When you love someone, you want them to know it. But sometimes it's not that easy to say those three little words. Sometimes it's easier to show people how you feel. When you say, 'I love you', many people take it as a cliché, but if you really want to show that you'll sacrifice life and limb for them, read on!


[Edit]Through Words

  1. Send a letter. If you can't say the words out loud, try putting your feelings in a letter. Some people find that they can express themselves much better in writing than they can in person. Pour your heart into a letter, mail it and have them read it when you're not around.[1]
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    • Include details like why you were attracted to them in the first place, how you feel when you're around them, and how you envision your future together.
    • An email would also work, but there's something old-fashioned and romantic about a letter.
  2. Thank them. Showing your loved one a little appreciation now and then can go a long way. A smile and a quick "thank you" will do for the little things, but every so often you should sit them down, look them in the eye and tell them "I really appreciate everything you do for me, it means a lot." Thanking your loved one will make them feel needed and appreciated, which is important for any relationship.[2]
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  3. Tell them they're beautiful/handsome. Everyone likes to hear that the person they're with finds them attractive. Don't just assume they know how handsome or beautiful you think they are - tell them!
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    • Try an over-the-top compliment like "You're the most gorgeous man on the planet." It will make them feel special and let them know that you only have eyes for them.
    • Or tell them something simple and sincere like "I can spot your smile from across the room" or "your eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue, I could stare at them all day."
  4. Ask them how they are - and listen to the answer. This sounds simple, but its importance cannot be understated. In order to feel loved, a person needs to feel listened to and understood. It's easy to ask a person how they are out of habit, and not really listen to the answer. You should make a point of sitting down with your loved one and asking them to tell you how they're doing - honestly and sincerely. If they're perfectly happy - great, let them know that you are too. If they're not doing so well, ask what you can do to help or just lend them a sympathetic ear.[3]
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  5. Ask for their advice. Asking your loved one for advice shows that you care about and respect their opinion. It shows that you value their input and that you understand the importance of making decisions together, especially if a decision affects the two of you.
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    • If they have more knowledge on a certain topic, asking for their advice will flatter their ego, while also being beneficial to you, for example, when buying a car or new laptop.
    • Ask for their advice on something relatively unimportant like whether you should buy the new Playstation or Xbox. They may not care all that much, but they'll appreciate you asking.
    • For more serious matters, such as medical procedures or living arrangements, asking for your partners input is definitely recommended. If you fail to let them in on big decisions such as these, they may feel left out or unappreciated.
  6. Say you're sorry. Know when you're wrong and admit it. Whether you broke their favorite mug or made an underhand comment during an argument, a genuine, unconditional apology can go a long way to resolving the situation and letting your partner know you care.[4]
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    • Refusing to say you're sorry will only cause tension and resentment. Even if you think you did nothing wrong, swallow your pride and say the words. Your relationship is worth it.
  7. Write a romantic song or poem. What could be more romantic than sharing your feelings through a song or poem? (Hint: nothing). Through the words of a song or poem you can express all the sweet sentiments and warm, fuzzy feelings that you can't say to their face. Send your song recording or poem anonymously by mail for added romance factor.
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    • If you're not so creative, find some romantic words written by someone else and send your loved ones those instead. Look for romantic poems or letters written by great writers, such as Shakespeare, Lord Byron or Emily Dickinson.
    • Alternatively, try dedicating a song to them. Whether it's before you sing on karaoke night or calling a request in to their favorite radio station, a song dedication is always romantic.
  8. Tell them you love them. This might sound a little crazy, but you could just say it out loud, those three little words: "I love you." Say it at the movies, say it in bed, say it while you're dancing, say it over dinner, say it on the phone. It doesn't matter where or when, as long as you mean it.
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[Edit]Through Your Behavior

  1. Make small gestures. Sometimes love isn't about making grand statements or over-the-top gestures, it's about the little, everyday things that define a relationship. Try doing things like opening a door for your loved one, bringing them their morning cup of coffee in bed or sending a quick text to let them know you're thinking about them throughout the day.[5]
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  2. Be affectionate. A soft kiss. A warm hug. Even a tender squeeze of the hand. These little displays of affection are the perfect way to communicate your love without saying a word.[6]
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  3. Share with them. There's no room for selfishness when it comes to love. If you really care about someone, you'll share your thoughts, your blanket and even your last slice of pizza with them.[7]
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  4. Trust them. You've heard it before, but there can be no love without trust. You need to trust your partner to make the right decisions, even when you're not around. It doesn't matter if it's trusting them when they say that nothing happened with their ex, or trusting them not to burn the dinner you left on the stove, you need to take them at their word.[8]
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  5. Surprise them. No matter how much you love someone, relationships can become boring if you allow yourselves to fall into a routine. Rekindle the spark by doing something spontaneous. Surprise your loved one by sending them flowers, calling them unexpectedly or planning a romantic getaway for the two of you.[9]
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  6. Cook for them. Whether it's a bang-up bacon and egg breakfast or a gourmet, ethnic-themed feast, show your love by feeding your special someone something delicious. The time and effort you put into it will be obvious to your loved one, while eating together will allow you to spend some quality time with each other. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach - but a tasty meal works equally well for either gender.[10]
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  7. Be honest. As mentioned already, trust is the key to a healthy relationship, and there can be no trust without honesty. You should tell your partner the truth about everything - whether you ate the last cookie or left the front door unlocked.[11]
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    • There are, however, a number of notable exceptions to this rule. Providing answers to the questions "does this make me look fat?" and "what do you think of my parents?" being two such exceptions.
  8. Encourage them to pursue their dreams. If you truly love someone, you'll want them to be the best that they can be and to pursue their dreams no matter the consequences. Don't hold them back for your own selfish reasons - they'll only end up resenting you for it. If they want to learn the violin, put up with their ear-splitting practice sessions (or invest in a pair of earplugs.) If they want to study or work abroad, figure out a way to make the relationship work. They say love is about compromise, but nobody should have to sacrifice their dreams.[12]
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  9. Be there for them. To really show someone you love them, be there for them through thick and thin. Share their joy and their pain. Celebrate with them when they get a promotion at work or help them through the death of a beloved family member. Being there for someone can be as simple as sharing a drink together at the end of the week, or as important as giving them a shoulder to cry on when they're feeling low.[13]
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[Edit]Through Gifts

  1. Send them flowers. It may seem cliché or overdone, but nothing says "I love you" like a beautiful bunch of flowers, especially if they're her (or his) favorite. Make sure they are presented nicely. Attach a romantic note or send them anonymously. Present them in person or have them delivered to your loved one's home or office building. Flowers are a classic romantic gift that will never go out of fashion.[14]
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    • Try to make sure that you send flowers that your partner likes. Sure, it's the thought that counts, but you'll get extra points for choosing the right flowers. If you don't know their favorite varieties and want to go for something classic instead, you really can't go wrong with red roses.
  2. Make them a mix CD. Make your loved one a mix CD of the songs that remind you of them or your relationship, or even songs you just think they would like. Maybe ask them innocently to find their taste. A mix CD is a great gift because it shows you put time and consideration into finding music they would like. If you get it right and they love the tracks, it shows that you listen to them and know them on an intimate level.[15]
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  3. Give them something from nature. Pick somewhere in nature that's special to you - your childhood home or your favorite place to relax and think. Then collect a token from that place and give it to your loved one. Give them a seashell, a pretty rock, a bird feather or whatever small, cute thing you can find. Tell them that you saw it and instantly thought of them. Tell them that it's a piece of you that you would like them to have and keep safe. They will feel special and closer to you as a result.
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  4. Buy or make coupons for romantic activities. Buy or make a coupon book that you can give to your loved one, with coupons they can cash in for romantic activities at any time. These are available to buy online or in certain gift stores, but it's better if you make your own. That way you can personalize it and get more creative with your couponing. Wink, wink.
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    • Think of things like a coupon for a romantic dinner, a coupon for one hundred kisses, or a coupon for a sensual massage.
    • Alternatively, they could be coupons for everyday activities such as a passes on doing the dishes or walking the dog, even if it's their turn. This isn't as romantic, but your partner will surely appreciate them nonetheless.
  5. Frame a picture of the two of you. Frame a picture of you and your loved one together.[16] Pick a photograph where the two of you look happy and and are clearly enjoying each other's company. Give it to your loved one and tell them why you chose that particular picture and what memories it brings back. Their heart might just melt a little.
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    • Before framing, date the picture and perhaps write a little note on the back. Then choose a pretty frame, and wrap it in a box or just tie a ribbon around it.
    • Make sure it's a photo of themselves that they like. They won't want to display it if they have something in their teeth or their eyes are half closed. Present it in a pretty frame.
  6. Bring them balloons. If you're looking for something cute and fun to give your loved one, consider a bunch of balloons. Balloons are over-the-top and attention grabbing, so if you're looking to make a big statement, this is it. Just watch their face when they see you coming, it'll be priceless.
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    • Choose a bunch with your partner's favorite colors and tie with vivid ribbons. The louder the better.
    • Make sure to get helium balloons, they look happier than the non-floating type.
  7. Get them tickets to something they like. Surprise your loved one by getting them tickets to see something they like, whether it's tickets to see their favorite band or tickets to a movie they've been wanting to see, or tickets to a sports event. This gift shows that you listen to your partner, that you support their interests and that you would do anything to make them happy.
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    • You'll need to be selfless with this one - even if it's something that bores you to tears, like ballet or monster trucks. The point is that it's something they like.
    • Make sure their schedule is free before you buy the tickets. Even if they appreciate the thought, it'll be disappointing if they're not able to make it.



  • Don't ignore or neglect your loved one. They will think you don't care.
  • Don't be too shy or afraid of rejection. Everyone loves to be loved.
  • Words aren't always enough. Do things like telling other people you love them, showing them to your friends and family, and making them feel included in your life. Make them feel like you are proud to have them and are not hiding them.


  • If you work up the courage to say, "I love you", don't be too discouraged if the other person doesn't say it back yet. Expressing feelings of love can be scary, and they might just need more time.

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[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Make Valentine's Day More Meaningful

Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:00 AM PST

For every person you see with a box of chocolates and bouquet of roses on Valentine's Day, you hear someone else griping about the cheesiness and commercialism of the holiday. While you wouldn't think many people would complain about getting chocolates and roses, there are many ways to go above and beyond to show your Valentine they are cherished. Anyone can buy a stuffed bear and a box of candy hearts, but not just anyone knows your Valentine like you do. On February 14th, show them just how much your relationship means to you.


[Edit]Showing Your Valentine How Well You Know Them

  1. Remember the little things they say. That may sound simple, but it is easy to forget little sentiments that your significant other might mention offhand. Don't start scrambling for Valentine's Day ideas on February 13th- take note of their casual comments leading up to the day. This is crucial to all of the specific details you will need to plan later, regarding things like the meal and the gift.
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  2. Determine your partner's "Valentine's Day style." Some people would proudly walk down the street with a dozen roses and a helium Cupid balloon, while others would cringe at the very thought. Either is OK! Just make sure that you don't make your Valentine uncomfortable with your gestures. Find out if they're into grand gestures or low-key love notes.
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    • Some people proudly claim they're "anti-Valentine's Day." If this is your partner, don't take that to mean they are anti-love! No one says no to a little extra affection and encouragement on Valentine's Day- even if they insist they don't want to celebrate.
    • Make sure you take their day-to-day routine into consideration when you start planning your meaningful Valentine's Day. No one wants to be late to work because of a surprise breakfast-in-bed, or be forced to carry a life-size teddy bear on a New York subway.
  3. Ask yourself what makes your Valentine different. What makes your Valentine smile? Focus on their unique characteristics. Sure, the Valentine's Day section of a grocery store is an easy place to start your planning, but that doesn't make for a meaningful day.
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    • Don't feel obligated to plan the traditional celebration or buy the cliché gift. Whether your Valentine likes beef jerky, reading trashy tabloids, or going to kickboxing class, try to incorporate their favorite things into the day. This shows that you have taken note of the things that make them happy.
    • Through every step of the planning process, make sure that you create an experience tailored to your Valentine, and your Valentine only

[Edit]Planning the Special Day

  1. Give yourself plenty of time. This is important. If you scramble to put together your special Valentine's Day, it will be pretty obvious. Give yourself plenty of time to make sure everything is perfect.
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    • If you are planning on taking your Valentine out to eat, make sure to make reservations far in advance. Restaurants book up quickly and the extra time will ensure you can eat where you want. The same goes for any activities or excursions you want to take your Valentine on.
    • If you are ordering a gift online, give yourself extra time for shipping. It wouldn't be ideal to give your Valentine an "I. O. U."
    • If you're taking the creative route for your special day, give yourself plenty of time to pull it all together.
  2. Decide what would make your Valentine the happiest. Does he or she love eating at a certain restaurant, or prefer dining in? Do they relish any opportunity to dress up, or do they prefer being casual? Remember, a meaningful Valentine's Day doesn't look the same for every couple. A five-star restaurant and a night of dancing may be perfect for some, but Netflix and their favorite take-out could be the ticket for another.[1]
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  3. Confirm with your Valentine. Even if you want to surprise them, make sure they are available and able to do anything you've planned. Feel free to keep the specifics to yourself, but at least let your partner the general plan. Nothing can put a damper on Valentine's Day quite like showing up to a fancy restaurant in jeans or having to bail on a special trip because of work obligations. Just make sure they've penciled you in!
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[Edit]Finding the Perfect Gift

  1. Talk with your Valentine about your gift policy. Decide if you want to exchange gifts or if you want to skip them all together. This doesn't ruin any surprise, but it will prevent any awkwardness if only one person shows up with a gift.
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    • Remember, sharing an experience together can be a gift in itself. Don't feel the need to drop major bucks on an extravagant gift.
  2. Figure out if you are going to buy a gift or make a gift. This is when your careful memories (and possibly note-taking!) can come in handy. Did they point out something at the mall that they really want? Have they ever told you about their favorite gift they've received? All of these details will help you determine what to get them.[2]
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    • Think about your Valentine's favorite things to do. If they're a runner, give them some new running gear. If they're a music buff, how about an iTunes gift card or concert tickets? Your gift should show your Valentine that you have taken note of the specific things they enjoy.
  3. Write a thoughtful card.[3] Whether you are making a gift, buying a gift, or not exchanging gifts at all, your words are the most special thing you can give your Valentine. This is your chance to be as sappy, funny, or creative as you want. A handwritten note will show your Valentine that you spent time finding the perfect words for them, and they'll have a permanent memento from the special day.[4]
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    • Your Valentine's card is a good place to show your Valentine how committed you are to them. Let them know that your feelings are not fleeting. Cards that promise loyalty and commitment will leave your significant other feeling loved.[5]
    • This is also a good place to explain exactly why you chose what you chose. Let your Valentine know why you think they're so special, and how this gift complements that.
    • Even if you aren't exchanging gifts, a sweet card never goes unappreciated. This is an inexpensive and extremely meaningful way to show how much you care.
  4. Tell your Valentine exactly what they mean to you.[6] This should be done all year, but especially on this holiday. Don't let them forget how special they are and how much they mean to you. You have the chance to tell your partner just how much you admire and appreciate them, so don't take it for granted. Too often, people wait until it is too late.[7]
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    • Your words are important, but your nonverbal cues can mean just as much. Maintain eye contact to show your Valentine that they have your undivided attention.
    • Make sure that your body language is communicating the same message as your mouth. Try to lean in towards your partner, keeping your arms uncrossed, to show them there is no place you'd rather be.


  • Start a running list on your smart phone with ideas and add to it throughout the year. You can look back at it to remember hints they've dropped or little comments they've made, and it will show them how much you care and pay attention.
  • Don't worry about spending a lot of money. The goal of Valentine's Day is to shower your significant other with affection and love, not cash. Your gifts from the heart can mean as much, or more, than any gifts from the mall.

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How to Make Mini Banana Muffins

Posted: 14 Feb 2021 12:00 AM PST

Mini banana muffins are easy to make and conveniently portable since they're so tiny. Since the recipe is so customizable, feel free to add mix-ins like chopped pecans, flaked coconut, and chocolate chips to make your own special creation. The mini muffins stay fresh in an air-tight container for 4 days, so make a big batch and enjoy them for breakfast or snacks throughout the week!


  • 1 ½ cups (192 g) of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon (4.2 g) of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon (4.2 g) of baking soda
  • 3 medium bananas, mashed
  • ¾ cup (96 g) of white sugar
  • ⅓ cup (78 ml) of melted butter
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Cooking spray

Yields 48 mini muffins


[Edit]Mixing the Batter

  1. Preheat your oven to and grease the muffin tins. Turn on your oven so it can heat up while you prep the muffin batter. Then, coat 2 mini muffin tins with cooking spray.[1]
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    • Most muffin tins hold 24 mini muffins. This recipe makes 48 mini muffins, so you need to use 2 mini muffin tins to accommodate them.
    • You can line the mini muffin tins with muffin liners instead of using cooking spray, if you prefer.[2]
  2. Combine the flour, baking powder, and baking soda in a mixing bowl. Measure out 1 ½ cups (192 g) of all-purpose flour and dump it into a large mixing bowl. Add 1 teaspoon (4.2 g) of baking powder and 1 teaspoon (4.2 g) of baking soda and stir the ingredients to combine them.[3]

  3. Peel, slice, and mash 3 bananas in a separate mixing bowl. Remove and discard the banana peels. Then, slice the bananas into pieces and put them in the mixing bowl. Use a spoon, fork, or potato masher to mash up the banana pieces.[4]

    • Use ripe or slightly over-ripe bananas for this recipe.
    • You don't need to create a smooth puree! The mixture should be chunky.
  4. Mix the banana, sugar, butter, and egg together. Measure out ¾ cup (96 g) of white sugar and pour it over the banana mash. Then, add ⅓ cup (78 ml) of melted butter and 1 beaten egg. Mix the ingredients well until they're thoroughly combined.[5]

    • To melt the butter, cut it up and put it in a microwave-safe dish. Microwave the butter, uncovered, on HIGH for 30 to 45 seconds. Stir the butter to melt any remaining lumps.[6]
  5. Add the banana mixture to the flour mixture and stir to combine them. Pour the banana mixture into the larger mixing bowl holding the flour mixture. Use a spatula or wooden spoon to mix the ingredients together to create the muffin batter.[7]

    • Stir the 2 mixtures until they're just barely combined and you can't see any dry flour. You want the batter to be lumpy, not smooth. If you mix until the batter is smooth, your muffins won't turn out light and fluffy.[8]
  6. Stir in any add-ins you like to customize the flavor. Banana mini muffins taste great on their own, but you can certainly update the flavor to your liking by adding a few mix-ins! Gently stir your chosen add-in(s) into the batter. For example, you might try:

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    • A handful of raisins or chopped dates[9]
    • Semisweet chocolate chips[10]
    • Sweetened flaked coconut[11]
    • Chopped pecans[12]
    • Toasted and chopped walnuts[13]
    • Cinnamon[14]

[Edit]Baking the Mini Muffins

  1. Fill each prepared muffin cup 2/3 of the way with batter. You can use a spoon or a small ice cream scoop to transfer the batter into the tins.[15] Fill all 48 compartments in both muffin tins with batter.[16]

    • Take care not to overfill the muffin cups. Overfilled cups force the batter to seep across the pan and your muffins won't end up with fluffy, domed tops.[17]
  2. Sprinkle on any tasty toppings you want, if desired. To add another layer of flavor and a little crunch to your mini muffins, consider adding a topping. If you already added a mix-in, like coconut flakes, then sprinkle a little more coconut on top of the mini muffins before you pop them in the oven.[18] You could also sprinkle the mini muffins with:

  3. Pop the tins in the oven and bake the muffins for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, open the oven door and carefully insert a toothpick into the center of 1 muffin. If the toothpick comes out clean, the muffins are ready![23]
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    • If the toothpick isn't clean when you pull it out, pop the muffins back in for a few more minutes so they can finish baking. Keep checking with a toothpick until it comes out clean.
  4. Transfer the muffins to a wire rack to cool or serve them immediately. Grab an oven mitt and take the muffins out of your oven. Turn them out on a wire rack to cool them at room temperature or give them a couple of minutes to cool down and serve them immediately.[24]
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    • Be sure to turn your muffins out on a wire rack to cool! If you let muffins cool in the pan, the hot tin continues to cook them and they might dry out.[25]
  5. Store leftover mini muffins in an air-tight container for up to 4 days. Line the bottom of an air-tight container or plastic bag with a paper towel. Arrange the muffins on top in a single layer and cover them with another paper towel before closing the container or bag. Store the muffins at room temperature.[26]
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    • If you don't think you can finish your mini muffins within 4 days, place them in a resealable freezer bag and pop them in your freezer—they'll be good for 3 months. When you're ready to eat them, let the muffins sit out at room temperature for a few minutes to thaw and gently warm them up in the oven.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Large mixing bowl
  • Medium mixing bowl
  • 2 mini muffin tins (24 mini muffins per tin)
  • Measuring cups and spoon
  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Toothpick
  • Oven mitt
  • Air-tight container

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