Wednesday, February 24, 2021

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Look Friendly to Dogs

Posted: 24 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

Do dogs run away from you despite your friendly demeanor? If you'd like to make dogs more comfortable around you, start by changing the way you move and speak around them. Dogs will be more relaxed if you move slowly, speak gently, and get down on their level. Give a dog plenty of time to look you over before trying to pet it and recognize signs that the dog needs more time or space.


[Edit]Adjusting Your Body Language

  1. Move slowly around the dog. If you're quick or unpredictable in how you walk or move, the dog might be frightened by you. Make the effort to be slow and predictable in how you move when you're around the dog.
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    • Moving slowly will give the dog a chance to inspect you and watch your body language.
  2. Speak to the dog in a calm voice. This is especially important if the dog is barking or appears frantic. Talking to the dog in a soothing voice can make it feel relaxed and more comfortable around you.[1]
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    • For example, say, "Hi Sammie. You seem excited about something. How are you doing?"
  3. Squat or sit down so you're closer to the dog's level. Some dogs are intimidated by people towering over them, so get down when you're close to the dog. You might find that the dog is curious about you once you get down on its level.[2]
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    • Don't be surprised if the dog is more interested in sniffing your shoes than checking you out. Your shoes carry a lot of scents that the dog might try to figure out.
  4. Smile at the dog and make minimal eye contact. You can make direct eye contact, but avoid staring for very long or the dog may feel threatened or challenged.[3] Glance at the dog and smile. This can make the dog feel relaxed.[4]
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    • Research shows that dogs can detect anger in facial expressions, so smiling is an important way to appear friendly.
  5. Pet the dog gently if it comes close to you. Give the dog time to get comfortable, and gradually extend your hand if it comes up to you.[5] Slowly pet the dog and see how it reacts. If the dog stays near you or moves even closer, it enjoys the attention.[6]
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    • If the dog pulls away, don't continue to pet it. Give the dog a little space and see if it comes back. The dog might just want a little more time to observe you.
    • Don't immediately touch the dog's head, as they might take that as a threatening gesture.[7]
  6. Play with the dog or offer it a toy. If the dog seems comfortable around you, spend some time playing with it. Dogs love to play tug-of-war with a rope, fetch a ball or stick, and play tag with you. You can also give the dog a toy, such as:[8]
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    • Tennis balls
    • Soft toys
    • Squeaker toys
  7. Offer the dog a treat. If you're interacting with someone else's dog, ask them if it's all right for you to give it a treat. Hold a dog treat in your open palm and slowly hold it out to the dog. Let the dog come over to you to get the treat.[9]
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    • Don't expect the dog to do tricks to earn the treat if you aren't familiar with the dog.
    • An anxious dog may not want to approach you, even to get treats. Instead of waiting for the dog to come to you, toss the treats so they land near the dog. This will help build the dog's trust and confidence.

[Edit]Paying Attention to a Dog's Body Language

  1. Let the dog smell you if it looks alert and curious. Instead of rushing over to the dog and trying to hug it, determine if the dog is interested in you. It might stand up straight and even lean forward a little while keeping its tail parallel to the ground. The dog may come over to sniff your open hand.[10]
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    • You'll notice the dog's eyes are wide and its ears are directed forward as if the dog is trying to take in the sight and sound of you.
  2. Approach the dog if it looks relaxed. You can initiate contact if the dog's body looks comfortable. Its tail may be low to the ground and its ears are pointing up instead of forward. A calm dog might also have its mouth open so its tongue hangs out a little.[11]
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    • Remember that even though a dog appears relaxed, you should still approach it slowly and calmly.
  3. Recognize when the dog wants to play. If a dog thinks you're friendly and wants to play with you, it may bark and lower its front paws. Its tail and ears will perk up before the dog starts moving around you energetically.[12]
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    • You might notice the dog's pupils dilate and it will keep its mouth open.
  4. Give the dog space if it looks frightened or worried. The dog may not want to interact if it turns its head away from you, lowers its ears, and keeps its head down. If it's afraid, its paws might look sweaty and it will keep its body low.[13]
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    • If the dog is showing these signs, don't get close to it or attempt to engage it.
    • Even if the dog just seems a little unsure about you, leave them alone until they're more comfortable.[14]



  • Always ask the owner before petting their dog.
  • Keep in mind that some dogs are naturally distrustful of people and don't like a lot of human interaction.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Focus on Work

Posted: 24 Feb 2021 08:00 AM PST

Emails to answer, deadlines to meet, and bosses to please—but you can't focus at all! Losing your concentration when you're trying to complete an important task can be frustrating, and it doesn't help with productivity, either. Fortunately, there are a few different ways you can improve your focus on your work to get things done faster and more efficiently.


[Edit]Get rid of any distractions.

  1. Put your phone away, turn off the TV, and log out of social media. The fewer distractions you have, the easier it will be to focus.[1]
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    • If you need to use your computer for work but you find yourself surfing the internet instead, use an add-on to limit the websites you can use during the work day.[2] Freedom, StayFocused, and Limit are all downloadable on Mac and PC.

[Edit]Take breaks.

  1. It might sound counterintuitive, but breaks are super helpful. Set a reminder on your phone or laptop, and try to take a short break every 50 to 60 minutes.[3]
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    • You don't have to get up and out of your chair every time you take a break. Simply scrolling through social media or zoning out at your computer can be enough of a break for your brain.
    • Breaks can help you renew your energy and come back with fresh ideas.

[Edit]Make a to-do list.

  1. Seeing it on paper can make it more concrete. Write out a simple list of everything you need to get done that day, then cross them out as you go.[4]
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    • Checking off tasks as you complete them will also give your brain a little boos throughout the day.
    • If you don't want to clutter up your desk with pieces of paper, use your phone or computer instead.

[Edit]Break down your time into smaller tasks.

  1. Starting at a huge to-do list can be intimidating. Try planning out the next hour in small increments to really feel like you're getting stuff done.[5]
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    • For example, you might plan to answer emails for 15 minutes, write a first draft for 20 minutes, then edit your draft for the remaining 25 minutes.
    • You can treat each task as a small goal to complete throughout the hour.
    • Try keeping track of what tasks you complete every 30 minutes so you can see how productive you've been.[6]

[Edit]Do a few easy tasks to start out.

  1. If you're really struggling, save the hard stuff for later. Pick out a few simple tasks that you can get done quickly, then do those for 30 minutes to 1 hour before diving into the tough ones.[7]
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    • This will help you put your brain in "work mode."
    • Don't spend too long on the easy stuff! After about 1 hour, move onto the things you really need to get done.

[Edit]Try not to multitask.

  1. While it might seem like an easy way to get stuff done, you might not be putting your best foot forward. Instead, pick out one task to focus on so you can give it all of your attention and do your best.[8]
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    • It's better to get one thing done spectacularly than to do 10 things haphazardly.

[Edit]Listen to soothing music.

  1. Music without words can actually boost your concentration.[9] Try classical or instrumental music to soothe your brain and stay focused on work.[10]
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    • Look up playlists on Spotify or YouTube to help you concentrate.
    • If you aren't a fan of classical music, electronic music can also help keep you focused, since it usually doesn't have a lot of words.

[Edit]Relax in your free time.

  1. If you spend all hours of the day working, you're going to burn out. When you're not doing work, be sure to head outdoors, do some mediation, or take a spa day.[11]
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    • You could also try restorative yoga for a relaxing way to get exercise.

[Edit]Get enough sleep.

  1. When you're tired, your mind is more likely to wander. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night so you're well-rested and ready for the day.[12]
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    • Try setting an alarm on your phone to remind you to go to bed on time.
    • Not getting enough sleep can also lead to poor mental and physical health, so it's in your best interest to catch those Zs.[13]

[Edit]Exercise every day.

  1. If you have too much pent-up energy, you might not be able to focus. Try to start your day right with a long walk around the neighborhood, or take your lunch break at the gym to work your body and focus your mind.[14]
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    • Yoga, jogging, cycling, and swimming are all great low-impact ways to get your blood pumping.
    • You don't have to spend a ton of time working out each day—even 20 minutes of moderate exercise can be beneficial for your focus and your overall health.


  • Planning ahead is the best way to use your time wisely.


How to Fix Sun Faded Car Paint

Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:00 AM PST

When you store your car outside and uncovered frequently, you might notice some areas of the paint start to look a little sun faded. Don't worry about paying for a whole new paint job—we have good news for you! There's actually a pretty simple way to restore the faded paint's color and brightness all on your own with a few car detailing supplies. It'll take some time and a lot of elbow grease, but it's an affordable and effective way to reverse the effects of sun exposure.


[Edit]Washing and Using a Clay Bar

  1. Wash your car thoroughly with car washing soap and a car washing sponge. Fill a bucket with water and add 1-2 oz (29.5-59 mL) of car washing soap. Spray your car down all over using a hose. Dip your sponge into the bucket of soapy water and scrub your car all over. Rinse off the soap suds with your hose to leave your car nice and clean.[1]
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    • If it's hot out, work in small sections and rinse off each section as you go, so the soap suds don't dry on your car and leave streaky residue.
    • Always wash your car before you perform any detailing work. Otherwise, you can end up rubbing bits of dirt and debris into the paint and making it look even worse!
  2. Spray the faded areas of paint liberally with an automotive clay lube. Point the nozzle of a bottle of clay lube directly at the paint. Squeeze the spray bottle's trigger and move the nozzle around until the entire faded area is covered in lube.[2]
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    • Automotive clay lube is a special lube for use with automotive clay bars, which are special resin bars used to remove micro contaminants from the surface of your car's paint.
    • The lube is important because it helps the clay slide smoothly across the paint while it picks up dirt, so you don't scratch the paint.
    • Purchase clay lube and an automotive clay bar online or wherever they sell auto detailing supplies near you.
  3. Rub an automotive clay bar over the faded areas to remove micro dirt. Stretch the clay bar out into a hand-sized puck. Gently rub the clay across the paint using left to right or up and down motions.[3]
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    • Automotive clay bars are also sometimes known as detailing clay.

[Edit]Buffing and Polishing

  1. Wet an orbital car buffing pad and attach it to an electric buffer. Dip a clean buffing pad in a bucket of clean water or hold it under running water for a few seconds. Attach the wheel to the rotary disc of an electric buffer.[4]
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    • Working with a damp buffing pad provides some lubrication to help you move it smoothly over the paint.
    • Never set the buffing pad face-down or it can pick up dirt and debris and end up scratching your car's paint.
    • All the supplies you need to complete this part of the job are available at home improvement centers, auto detailing supply shops, and online.
  2. Apply about of car buffing compound to the buffing pad. Put a small dab of buffing compound in the middle of the pad. You can always apply more as you work if you need to, so use the compound sparingly.[5]
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    • Buffing compound is also known as cutting polish.
    • Buffing compound works like a very fine sandpaper to remove imperfections in the paint and expose the undamaged layers beneath the top.
  3. Polish the faded paint with the buffing compound. Press the buffing pad lightly against the faded area of the paint. Move the buffer over the area you're working on in even, overlapping strokes. Alternate between using left to right and up and down motions.[6]
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    • If you're fixing a large area of sun faded car paint, such as the whole hood of your car, work in small sections of about by .
  4. Wipe the compound off the surface with a microfiber cloth when it looks shiny. Rub the microfiber cloth firmly across the buffed area to remove all remaining residue from the buffing compound. Inspect the area to see if the color is restored to all the faded paint and feel it with your hands to check if it's smooth.[7]
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    • It helps to get down at eye level with the surface to really make sure that the whole area of paint is all nice and shiny again.
  5. Repeat the process up to 3 times until you're happy with how the paint looks. Put another small dab of compound on the buffing wheel and press it lightly against the paint. Move the electric buffer side to side and up and down, overlapping each stroke, until the paint looks bright and shiny. Wipe off the residue with a microfiber cloth and inspect the surface closely.[8]
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    • If you see some faint swirls on the surface, don't worry. You'll be able to polish them out in the next step.
  6. Apply 1 coat of finishing polish using using a polishing wheel. Remove the buffing pad from your electric buffer and attach a polishing wheel. Put about of finishing polish in the middle of the pad and apply it to the surface the same way you applied the compound.[9]
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    • Finishing polish is always the last step in polishing your car's paint. It has a high level of shine and works to get rid of light swirls and other minor imperfections left over after buffing the paint with compound.


  1. Rub wax onto the polished area with a microfiber cloth. Pour a small dab of car wax, about the size of a dime or penny, out onto a clean, dry microfiber cloth. Press the cloth with the wax against the area you polished and rub it in circular motions until you cover the whole restored area in wax.[10]
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    • As an alternative to car wax, use paint sealant and apply it in the same way as you apply wax. Paint sealant is more durable, but wax is shinier.
  2. Buff the wax off with a clean microfiber cloth. Grab another clean, dry microfiber cloth and press it against the waxed surface. Rub it firmly against the surface using circular motions until there is no more wax residue and the surface looks nice and shiny.[11]
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    • Feel free to stop here if you're happy with how the finish looks!
  3. Apply additional coats of wax if you want more protection and shine. Repeat the process to apply 1, 2, or even 3 additional coats of wax. The brightness of the paint gets noticeably deeper with every coat.[12]
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    • To keep the paint protected, reapply wax to your car every 3 months or so. If you chose to use paint sealant instead, reapply it every 3-6 months.


  • Keep your car in a garage, under a carport, or put a car cover on it when you store it for long periods of time to prevent further sun damage to the paint.


  • Never buff your car's paint without washing your car first. Otherwise you might just rub dirt and debris into the paint and scratch it up.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Car washing soap
  • Car washing sponge
  • Bucket
  • Hose
  • Automotive clay bar
  • Automotive clay lube
  • Car buffing compound
  • Electric buffer
  • Buffing pads and polishing pads
  • Car wax


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