Saturday, May 21, 2022

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Make an Invisible Ink Pen

Posted: 21 May 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Invisible ink is fun and exciting to use. You can send secret messages to your friends and family using ingredients that can be found lying around the house. There are many different solutions that you can use as ink and even more options for how to reveal the message. Any liquid that is slightly acidic can be used as invisible ink. With a little bit of heat, you can reveal all of the secrets!


[Edit]Using an Acidic Solution

  1. Gather the necessary materials. To make an invisible ink pen, you will need Q-tips or a paintbrush, an acidic solution, a shallow dish or bowl, white paper, and a source of heat. The Q-tips or paintbrush will be used to do the actual writing. Choose the item that works the best for you.[1]
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    • Any of the following can serve as the acidic solution for the invisible ink: milk, vinegar, or lemon juice.
    • The heat source can be a candle, a hair dryer, an iron, or even a lamp.
    • All of these items should easily be found around the home or purchased at the grocery store.
  2. Pour the acidic solution into a bowl. If you are using a lemon, squeeze the lemon until the juice comes out into the bowl. If you are using milk or vinegar, pour about half of a cup into the bowl. The exact amount isn't important. You will only need enough to write your message.[2]

    • Dispose of the liquid down the drain when you are finished.
    • Do not use the liquid for anything else once you have used it for invisible ink.
  3. Write on the paper. A Q-tip is a very easy device to use as a pen. Dip it in the solution until it is damp. Write your secret message, dipping the Q-tip into the ink every few letters. This ensures that you have used enough ink for the message to show up later.[3]

    • It may be difficult to keep track of what you are writing because the writing will be invisible as well. If you write at a well-lit table you will be better able to see what you are writing while the ink is still wet.
  4. Let the ink dry fully. Before revealing your hidden message, you need to let the ink dry completely. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes for the ink to finish drying.
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    • Set the first paper aside and write more messages while you wait for the first one to dry.
  5. Apply heat to the paper. Once you have obtained a heating device, apply it to the paper where something has been written with the invisible ink. As the paper heats up, the areas that have invisible ink on them will begin to turn brown. When the message starts to appear, remove the heat source from the paper. If the message is unclear, keep the heat on for a few more seconds until it comes clear.[4]

    • Be extremely cautious not to light the paper on fire if you are using a candle. Adult supervision is recommended for this to avoid burns or other injury.
    • If you are using a hair dryer, use the low heat seating and wave it across the paper until the words appear.
    • If you are using an iron, use it on a low setting. To avoid burning the paper away, place a piece of parchment paper between the iron and the paper before rubbing the iron on top.
  6. Reveal the writing with salt. You can tweak this method a little bit by using salt instead of heat to reveal the message. When the ink is still wet, cover it in salt. Let the salt sit for at least two minutes and then brush it away from the ink. Let the ink fully dry and then color over the message with a wax crayon.[5]

    • The wax will not stick to the salt in the ink and you will be able to read what is written!
    • There is no exact amount of salt to use, just make sure the message is covered completely while the ink is still wet.

[Edit]Using Petroleum Jelly as Invisible Ink

  1. Gather the necessary materials. Petroleum jelly is a fun ink to use because it will glow in the dark under a black light (UV light). To use this type of invisible ink, you will need petroleum jelly, Q-tip cotton swabs, white computer paper, and a black light.[6]
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    • Most of these materials should be easily found around the house.
    • You can purchase a black light at a local superstore or online.
  2. Write on the paper with the jelly. Dip the cotton swab into the petroleum jelly until you have a small amount on the end. You don't want a big glob of it because that will be difficult to write with. Write your message with the tip of the cotton swab.[7]

    • For best results, try to make the writing smooth, avoiding bumps from the jelly.
  3. Shine the black light on the paper. To reveal the written message, shine a black light on the paper. You can even turn the normal lights out or look at it in a dark closet. The words you wrote will glow in the dark under the black light.[8]

    • You don't have to wait for the jelly to dry completely before revealing the message.

[Edit]Writing with Baking Soda

  1. Gather the necessary materials. For this type of ink, you will use baking soda for writing and grape juice to reveal the hidden message. To do this, you will need ¼ cup of water, ¼ of baking soda, Q-tips, grape juice concentrate, and a paintbrush/sponge brush.[9]
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    • All of these items should be found around the house or purchased at the grocery store.
  2. Dissolve the baking soda in the water. Pour the baking soda into the water and stir until it is fully dissolved. The baking soda will dissolve faster if you use warm water. This solution will serve as the invisible ink for your secret messages.[10]

    • The exact amounts of baking soda aren't important as long as you have equal amounts of baking soda and water.
  3. Write your secret message. Dip the Q-tip into the baking soda solution until the tip is damp. As you write, you will need to dip the Q-tip into the solution again to make sure you have enough ink. It can be hard to see what you're writing because the ink is invisible.[11]

    • While the ink is still wet you can see it if you are working in a well-lit room.
  4. Set it aside to dry completely. The ink must dry completely before you try to reveal it or the reaction will not work. Put your papers off to the side and write more messages while the first ones dry. The ink shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to dry.[12]
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    • When the ink is fully dry, you won't be able to see anything on the paper. It will look like a normal blank sheet of paper.
  5. Brush the message with grape juice. Once the writing has dried completely, you can reveal your message. To do this, dip a paintbrush in grape juice and brush it across the message. When the message is covered in grape juice, the writing will change color and you will be able to read what is written. This works because grape juice is acidic and reacts with the baking soda in the invisible ink to change color.[13]

    • Avoid getting the grape juice on your clothes because it can stain.



How to Make Your Friends Laugh

Posted: 20 May 2022 05:00 PM PDT

Enjoying a laugh can bring friends closer together. It always feels good when you are the one in your group of friends who can spark the laughter. Since you know your friends personally, you understand their interests and you might even share the same sense of humor. You don't need to be a stand-up comedian. Just be yourself and work on finding humor in you and your friend's everyday lives.


[Edit]Telling Jokes

  1. Use sarcasm. Most humor involves a reaction to something that bothers us in our lives.[1] It can be politics, romance, money, or even something as trivial as the weather. What makes these topics funny is how you uniquely express your frustration with them.
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    • Many funny jokes come from sarcasm. Make a statement that might not seem funny if you take it literally, but use your tone of voice to let your audience know you don't really mean it. For example, you could pepper a conversation with some sarcastic comments like, "You're totally unique and special... just like everyone else in the world."
  2. Relate to the real world. Things that we find funny tend to reflect some kind of truth about the world. What makes them relatable is often what makes them funny. If your jokes aren't grounded in reality, there is a good chance you won't be able to connect with your friends and the joke will fall flat.[2]
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  3. Exaggerate your stories. Contrast realistic topics by blowing them out of proportion and using ridiculous metaphors. For example, if you say "I ate too much pizza," you're not likely to get a laugh. However, it will probably be funny if you say, "I ate like 17 pizzas. I was like a bear getting ready to hibernate. When I was done I stacked the pizza boxes to make myself a cave and went to sleep." By exaggerating a simple idea, you can easily make it into something comical.[3]
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  4. Create an emotional connection. A big part of making anyone laugh is performance. You need to be able to use your words to engage the emotions of your audience and create a bond with them.[4] If you can build up tension, anxiety or sympathy with your words, then you will get a bigger laugh when they finally hear the punchline.
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  5. Surprise your audience. Humor is best when it comes unexpectedly. Don't telegraph your jokes or they will fall flat. To get a laugh, you need to create some incongruity between the setup and the joke by creating an unexpected twist.[5]
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  6. Practice your delivery. The funniest jokes usually seem spontaneous.[6] If you can make it seem like the jokes are just coming to you it will make your friends laugh even harder. Once you immerse yourself in comedy, you will find it becomes easier to tell jokes. Try reciting your joke in a room by yourself and see how it sounds.
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    • Work on your timing. Pace yourself. Don't get nervous if it takes awhile before you get a laugh. [7] Keep your tone at a natural conversation pace. Allow your audience a moment to laugh before hitting them with another line.
    • Tweak your phrasing. Be blunt and concise. If you can't think of the best words to express and idea, let it marinade awhile longer.
  7. Make fun of yourself. Sometimes it is better to make yourself the target so your friends don't feel like you are constantly ridiculing everyone else. You don't want to seem like a jerk. Let them know you don't think you're better than everyone else by being self-deprecating every once in a while.
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    • For example, "I love my life, but it thinks of me more like a friend."
  8. Do an impression of someone. You can mimic someone famous, or just someone that all your friends are familiar with. The key is to study the person you want to impersonate and be impressive with how you replicate their voice, expressions and use of language.
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    • Work on your impression by assessing yourself in a mirror. Only do an impression if you can really pull it off.
    • Your friends should be able to know who you are impersonating without being told. If they don't see it without being told, it isn't going to make them laugh.

[Edit]Playing Pranks

  1. Use the element of surprise. The key to a hilarious prank is the element of surprise. Regardless of what kind of prank you set up, be sure your friend does not see it coming.
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    • Try to keep a straight face. Avoid giggling. Just try to look entirely emotionless so they have no reason to suspect anything is up.
  2. Scare one of your friends. The best part about pranking a friend is that you can use your knowledge about them to your advantage when coming up with a potential prank. For example, if you have a friend that is afraid of snakes, putting a rubber snake in their car or in their bed is a sure fire way to get a reaction.[8]
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  3. Call a friend. A prank call is one of the easiest ways to make your friends laugh. Be sure to use a public phone or borrow another friend's phone so your target won't recognize the number. Work on different accents so that your friend won't recognize your voice. You can pretend to be a bill collector, secret admirer or tell them they won a ridiculous prize contest.
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  4. Prank a friend online. The internet can help to play some amazing pranks. They take very little effort and you can keep them going for a long time.
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    • Sign up your friend for a bunch of email subscriptions from strange websites so they get tons of annoying marketing emails.[9]
    • You can order strange objects online and have them shipped to your friend. Pick anything that is funny, disturbing or strange. Imagine their confusion when they open up a package and find a giant inflatable zebra and some nylon medical gloves that they didn't order.
  5. Be good-natured. Don't do anything that could cause physical harm to your friends. You always want to be sure not hurt your friend emotionally. Pranks should be harmless enough that even your target can laugh along with you. You don't want to ever ruin a friendship just because you wanted to be funny.
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  6. Get your other friends involved in your pranks. The more people that are in on a joke, the funnier it will be. If you let your other friends in on your pranks ahead of time, they can also play along and help you pull it off.
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    • Be selective about which friend you decide to prank. Some of your friends are more sensitive than others. Pick one of your friends that has a good sense of humor and will be amused by the joke. It will be much funnier if everyone is able to laugh about it, even the person being pranked.

[Edit]Making Friends Laugh Indirectly

  1. Laugh. Sometimes laughter can be infectious.[10] If your friend says something funny laugh. Try to lighten the mood by infecting everyone else with laughter. At the very least they might crack a smile.
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    • If you find you're the only one laughing, just go with it. Laugh obnoxiously. Cackle like a witch, or laugh like a hyena. Maybe they will find that funny.
  2. Put on a funny movie or television sitcom. It could be the Simpsons or a Will Ferrell movie. Sometimes you might not feel like being funny and turning on the television or a movie is an easy way to keep the good times going. You can use the opportunity to share something that brings you enjoyment with your friends.
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  3. Have a lip sync battle. Challenge your friends to put on a better performance than you. Pick some hilarious music and have fun with it. Videotape your performances, then you can play them back and laugh all over again later.
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    • You can also challenge them to a karaoke battle.
  4. Post a funny meme on social media. Just because you didn't think of it, doesn't mean your friends won't see the humorous post as a connection to you. Even if you aren't that creative, friends may still consider you funny because you share things that are funny. If it makes you laugh, as least some of your friends are likely to find it funny too.
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  • Don't try to be funny all the time. Pick your spots so you don't seem obnoxious.


How to Make Homemade Chalk

Posted: 20 May 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Making chalk is an easy, inexpensive project you can do at home using supplies you're likely to have on hand. Mix in a little paint to make chalk in different colors, or stick with basic white. This article gives instructions for how to make chalk using plaster of paris, eggshells, or cornstarch.


[Edit]Plaster of Paris

  1. Gather supplies. Aside from the ingredients you need to make the chalk, you also need to pick out molds. Search around your house and go to the craft supply store to compile the following list of supplies:

    • Plaster of Paris. You can get a large tub of this from most craft stores. You'll need 1/2 cup per batch of chalk.
    • Tempera paint. This type of paint washes away easily, which is convenient if you'll be using your chalk on the sidewalk or on a chalkboard. Choose as many colors as you'd like.
    • Wax paper. You'll need this to line your chalk molds, so that the chalk doesn't stick to them.
    • Items to use as molds. You can use old toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, ice cube trays (as long as you don't use them again to make ice), or any other type of tube or carton.
    • Masking tape. You'll need this to cover the bottom of the tube molds to keep the chalk mixture inside.
  2. Get the molds ready. Line the molds with wax paper so that the waxed part is facing up. If you're using tubes, tape one end with masking tape to keep the chalk mixture contained.[1]

  3. Pour paint into bowls. You'll need two tablespoons of paint per batch of chalk. Measure it out into bowls, with one color per bowl. You can also mix paints to create new colors; for example, mix red chalk with yellow to make orange chalk, or blue with yellow to make green. Just make sure the total amount of paint in each bowl adds up to .

  4. Add the plaster of Paris. Scoop 1/2 cup of plaster of Paris into each bowl. Stir thoroughly so that the mixtures are fully incorporated and free of lumps.

  5. Add a drop of liquid dish soap. This helps the chalk wash away more easily. Just stir one or two drops into each bowl of chalk mixture.

  6. Pour the chalk into molds. Use a spoon to help you pour the chalk mixtures into individual molds, one for each color. Fill the molds as high as you'd like; the chalk mixture won't expand as it dries. Cover the molds with waxed paper when you're finished.

  7. Let the chalk dry. Place the chalk in a dry place to let the moisture evaporate overnight. The chalk is ready to use when it's completely dry.[2]

  8. Finished.


  1. Gather ingredients. This all-natural method of making chalk uses ingredients you can find at the grocery store if you don't already have them on hand. Collect the following items in preparation for your chalk-making project:

    • Eggshells. If you are lucky enough to have an egg-laying hen, you might have a store of eggshells just waiting to be used. If not, find a way to gather as many eggshells as possible. If you start in advance you can ask your friends and neighbors to save them up for you.
    • Flour. This thickens the mixture and fills out the chalk.
    • Food coloring. Either the liquid or gel kind will work.
    • Molds. Use old toilet paper rolls, an ice cube tray, or any other type of mold of your choice.
    • Wax paper. You'll need this to line the molds.
    • Masking tape.
  2. Prepare the molds. Line your chosen molds with wax paper so that the waxed side is facing up. If you're using tubes, use masking tape to cover one end.
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  3. Grind the eggshells. Make sure they're totally dry before you begin. Use a mortar and pestle or a bowl and the back of a spoon to grind the eggshells to a fine powder. Be sure not to leave any large shards of shell; the mixture should be completely smooth.[3]

  4. Mix the base. Mix two parts flour to one part eggshell in a bowl. Add water a little at a time until you've created a thick paste. Separate the mixture into as many bowls as you want, depending on how many colors you want to make.

  5. Add food coloring. Stir a few drops of food coloring into the different bowls.[4]

  6. Fill the molds. Spoon the chalk mixture into separate molds, one for each color. Cover the molds with wax paper.

    • For a fun variation, try filling the molds halfway with one color, then filling up the other half with a second color.
    • Make marbled chalk by filling the molds with two or more colors, then using a wooden skewer to poke through the paint layers and create swirls.
  7. Let the chalk dry. Wait at least 12 hours for the chalk to dry before popping it out of the molds and using it.

  8. Finished.


  1. Gather supplies. This simple chalk recipe calls for two main ingredients: cornstarch and water, in equal parts.[5] Use food coloring if you want to make more than one color. For the molds, use old toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, or other small containers. You could also make one large sheet of chalk and break it into pieces.

  2. Prepare the molds. Line your chosen molds with wax paper, making sure the waxed side is facing up. If you're using tube molds, cover one side with masking tape to keep the chalk from leaking out.

  3. Mix the cornstarch and water. Pour equal parts cornstarch and water into a mixing bowl. Stir so that the mixture has a thick, smooth consistency. Separate the mixture into smaller bowls, one for each color of chalk you want to make.

  4. Add food coloring. Use a few drops of food coloring to dye the mixtures in the different bowls. Stir each one well so that the color gets fully incorporated.[6]

  5. Pour the chalk mixtures into molds. Use a spoon to help you transfer the chalk mixtures into individual molds. Cover the molds with wax paper.

  6. Let the chalk dry. Wait 12 hours before removing the chalk from the molds. This chalk is completely natural and biodegradable.[7]

  7. Finished.


  • Make scented chalk by adding a few drops of essential oil to the mixture before pouring the chalk into molds.
  • Experiment with mixing in glitter and other tiny items.
  • You can substitute other types of calcium, like limestone, for plaster of Paris or eggshells.

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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Whitewash Cabinets

Posted: 20 May 2022 01:00 AM PDT

In the past, the whitewash process for cabinets involved mixing ordinary white paint with a thinner to create a white stain, creating inconsistencies in the cabinets' color.[1] Today, whitewash wood stains are commercially available and easy to apply. The look of whitewash cabinets can brighten a room without using paint and allow the wood's natural grain to show through. Certain wood types, like pine, are better suited to whitewashing techniques, but cabinets made of oak can also be whitewashed through a process called pickling. Regardless of the wood type, the key to a successful whitewash is thoroughly preparing the wood and allowing for sufficient drying time of the stain and protective coat. Here are the steps to create whitewash cabinets for your home.


[Edit]Preparing the Cabinet Doors

  1. Determine what type of wood your cabinets are made of. Whitewashing is best suited to a soft wood like pine.[2]
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    • A wood like oak will require pickling, a technique of whitening wood. Pickling is considered a method, not a finish, and though you can pickle pine and other soft woods, woods like oak and ash are the most common type of wood you can pickle. You can create your own pickling stain for oak and ash wood[3], or you can purchase pre made pickling stains[4].
  2. Detach the cabinet doors.[5] Taking off the doors will make them easier to whitewash and give you easier access to the cabinet frames. It's also a good idea to work on the cabinetry and the doors separately.
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    • Use a drill to remove the doors. When you store the screws, label them so you can tell which door they came from. As the hardware is already set to a particular door, labelling the screws will prevent any confusion later when putting the doors back on.[6]
  3. Clean the doors.[7] Before you start treating the wood, use rags and a heavy duty degreaser to clean the doors. Apply the degreaser to the front and the back of each cabinet as well as to the frames. Wipe down and repeat these steps as necessary until the cabinet and frame are very clean.[8]
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  4. Strip the old stain from the doors. Whitewashing requires a blank canvas for the wood stain to take. Paint strippers will do the job, but these harsh chemicals require excellent ventilation (or a respirator), safety goggles, neoprene/latex gloves, and a drop cloth to protect your floor.[9] Apply one coat of paint stripper with steel wool, then wipe with a rag once the finish has dissolved. Most paint strippers are flammable, so dispose of the steel wool and rag in a sealed metal bucket.
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  5. Sand the cabinets.[10] You can sand the surface by hand or by using a power sander. The goal is to uncover the natural color of the wood cabinets. When sanding, always move in the direction of the wood grain, rather than against it.
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  6. Condition the wood. If your cabinets are made of a soft wood like pine, it's important to condition them as these woods can sometimes appear blotchy when stained. Conditioning also raises the grain of the wood. You can use a pre-stain conditioner for this step.
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    • Apply the conditioner to the cabinets with a clean brush designed for latex paints and then let them sit for 30 minutes. Follow up with a light sanding of the cabinets using the 120 grit paper again. This final sanding will ensure the cabinets have a smooth surface to absorb the stain.[11]

[Edit]Whitewashing the Cabinets

  1. Choose a whitewash wood stain. Different stains will create warmer or darker tones to the cabinets, so consider your preferred tone and choose a wood stain that will work well in your home. Brands such as Minwax have a variety of different wood stains to choose from.[12]
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    • Water-based wood stains produce fewer fumes, dry fast and clean-up easier than oil-based wood stains, but the color may fade quicker. Only use oil-based stains in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Test the stain before you use it. Whenever you are applying stains of any type, it's a good idea to test the stain on a sample of scrap wood of the same wood-type as the piece you'll be working on.
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    • Shake the can of stain thoroughly before you open the can and test the stain. This will mix in any pigments that have settled at the bottom of the can.
    • Apply the stain to the scrap wood with a paintbrush and let it set for 2 to 3 minutes. Ensure you are happy with the results before moving on to the next step.
  3. Apply the stain to the cabinets. Using a clean rag, apply the stain with long, smooth strokes in the same direction and work the stain into the wood. Follow the line of the grain while accentuating any knots in the wood. Wipe away excess stain with another clean rag or a soft cotton cloth that you've folded into a pad. The more pressure you apply to the rag or the pad, the more the wood grain will show through the stain on the final product.[13]
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    • If you are pickling oak cabinets, apply the pickling stain with a brush and wipe the stain against the grain. Due to the large pores and the natural grain pattern of oak, wiping against the grain is essential to working the stain down into the pores of the wood. Once you've worked the pickling stain into the pores of the wood, use a clean rag to wipe away any excess.[14]
    • If your rag becomes tacky as you are staining the cabinets, replace it with a clean rag.[15]
  4. Let the cabinets dry completely. This should take about 1 to 2 days. If the surface is tacky to the touch, the wood stain is not completely set and will need more drying time.
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  5. Finish the cabinets with a top coat. While whitewashing enhances the wood grain, it does not offer any wood protection. To finish the cabinets, use non-yellowing protective top coat that will penetrate the wood's pours and protect the wood from within, such as a water-based lacquer, clear acrylic or natural Tung oil.
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    • Apply the top coat with a high quality brush that is designed for latex or water-based products, so that stray bristles don't end up on your top coat. Use overlapping continuous strokes to finish the surface, a process called "striking off." [16]
    • Allow the first coat to dry for about 4 hours, and then lightly sand the cabinets one last time with 220 grit sandpaper. Use a tack cloth to wipe away any excess reside left behind by the sandpaper, and then apply a second and final coat to the cabinets.[17]
    • When you finish the bottom of the cabinet, place the cabinet on a small block or shims so that the polyacrylic doesn't stick to the surface of your work area.
    • Avoid using oil-based protective finishes over whitewashing or pickling as these finishes have a yellowish look that will detract from the white coloring of the whitewash look.[18]
  6. Re install your whitewash cabinets. Hang the cabinets back in their exact positions, using the labelled screws and hardware.[19]
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  • Using an oil-based protective finish over whitewashing can leave a yellow tint so avoid these finishes.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Steel wool
  • Clean rags
  • Metal bucket
  • Gloves
  • Drop cloth
  • Paint remover or furniture re-finisher
  • 120-grit sandpaper
  • 220-grit sandpaper
  • Power sander (if available)
  • Whitewash wood stain (water or oil-based) or a pickling stain
  • Scrap wood
  • Paintbrush (high quality, made for water/oil based stains)
  • Water-based lacquer, clear acrylic, or natural Tung oil

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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Give Up Dairy Products

Posted: 19 May 2022 05:00 PM PDT

People are increasingly giving up dairy for environmental, animal rights, and dietary reasons. No matter why you want to give up dairy, it can be very difficult to leave cheese, ice cream and other delights behind. It can be especially hard if you eat out often. However, you can steer clear of dairy and still enjoy foods. By gradually removing dairy from your diet and cooking dairy-free meals, you can give up dairy.


[Edit]Removing Dairy Gradually

  1. Make a list of foods that are dairy-based. Figure out which foods you like are dairy-based or have dairy. You can do this by reading the ingredients on product labeling, which often says, "Contains milk." This can familiarize you with exactly what is in your food. It can also help you gradually remove it from your diet and give it up entirely. Common foods that are dairy-based or contain dairy include:[1]
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    • Frozen desserts
    • Frozen meals
    • Cow's milk
    • Mayonnaise
    • Dressings and dips
    • Whipped and ice creams
    • Fresh and frozen yogurt and kefir
    • Pudding
    • Cheese
    • Quark and sour cream
    • Butter
  2. Go shopping for alternatives. There are dairy-free options that can replace most foods. Foods marked "vegan" are dairy-free. Reading product ingredient labels for "contains dairy" can alert you to foods containing milk to milk-based products. Many non-dairy versions of products, such as shredded cheese, yogurt, and coffee creamers, are made from the following types of non-dairy milk:[2]
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    • Soy
    • Rice
    • Hemp
    • Flax
    • Coconut
    • Almond
  3. Give up dairy products by group. Giving up dairy cold turkey may cause cravings and take you off track. Start with the groups of dairy you like least, such as milk or coffee creamer. Work up to the dairy group you love most, such as yogurt or cheese. Getting rid of certain dairy products a bit at a time can help you give it up while minimizing cravings and helping you stick to your goal.[3]
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    • Add a new group of swaps after a couple of weeks or when you feel comfortable using the alternative. Keep going until you're dairy free.
  4. Cook for yourself. Plan and make your own meals each week. This can minimize the risk of eating or drinking any dairy products. It can also help you figure out what to eat if you're having dinner at a restaurant or another person's home.[4] Examples of dairy-free meals include:
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    • Pasta with marinara sauce and steamed vegetables
    • Salmon sautéed in olive oil with a baked potato and nutritional yeast for flavor
  5. Dine out wisely. Dairy can pop up in a lot of sneaky places. This is especially true in restaurants. Check online menus for dairy-free options if you are going out. You can also ask your server or a manager if certain dishes contain any dairy or if they have been cooked with butter. Some restaurant foods that often contain or are cooked in dairy include:[5]
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    • Creamy soups such as chowders and bisques
    • Oatmeal
    • Thick dressings including ranch and thousand island
    • Omelets
    • Sautéed vegetables
    • Smoothies, including those with whey powder
    • Sherbet
  6. Reward yourself occasionally. Eating dairy-free doesn't mean you have to give up delicious and decadent foods. Making yourself dairy-free treats once or twice each week can keep you excited about your diet and satisfy your taste buds. They can also keep you on track. Some easy, dairy-free ways to indulge include:[6]
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    • Vegan ice cream
    • Vegan fudge
    • Vegan pizza
    • Vegan cake
  7. Ask for support. Let your friends and family know you're going dairy-free. Ask them to enjoy dairy-meals with you or share in your journey. Having support from loved ones can help you stay on your dairy-free diet.[7]
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[Edit]Making Dairy-Free Meals

  1. Grab a hearty breakfast. It's easy to have a non-dairy breakfast that satisfies you and helps get your day off to a good start. The following are some delicious, non-dairy breakfast options:[8]
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    • Cereal with coconut milk and a cup of coffee with soy creamer
    • Almond milk yogurt with berries
    • Toast with cashew butter and a cup of coffee with almond milk
    • Smoothie made with hemp protein powder and coconut milk[9]
    • Almond milk pancakes or muffins
  2. Fuel up with a delicious lunch. Your midday meal can give you fuel to get through a big part of your day. Some examples of satisfying, non-dairy dishes for lunch include:[10]
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    • Baked potato with avocado or tahini
    • Tomato soup thickened with ground cashews
    • Sandwich with hummus or nut butter
  3. Enjoy a savory dinner. Wind down your day with a rich and savory dinner. Some easy non-dairy evening meals include:[11]
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    • Pizza with homemade crust, veggies, and shredded soy cheese
    • Burritos or tacos with guacamole and salsa
    • Burger with a slice of avocado
  4. Delight in a dairy-free dessert. Many people associate dessert with creamy dishes including ice cream and pies with whipped topping. You can easily get the same delight from a dessert even without dairy. The following may satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt of dairy:[12]
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    • Nut milk ice cream
    • Frozen banana "ice cream"
    • Baked goods with coconut oil instead of butter
    • Sorbet

[Edit]Watching Your Health and Nutrition

  1. Observe symptoms of lactose intolerance. Some people are not able to fully digest the lactose, or sugar, in milk. This can lead to uncomfortable symptoms and even malabsorption of calcium.[13] Most symptoms of lactose intolerance occur 30 minutes to two hours after consuming dairy-based foods and beverages. These may include:[14]
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    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Bloating
    • Gas
  2. See your doctor. Make an appointment with your doctor if suspect that you are lactose intolerant or worry about not getting enough calcium in your diet. Your doctor can run tests to diagnose lactose intolerance or a calcium deficiency. They can also form a treatment plan for you if you have either condition and want to get enough calcium without dairy.[15]
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    • Let your doctor know what your symptoms are, when they started, or when you gave up dairy products.
  3. Get enough calcium through non-dairy foods. Lactose intolerance and not consuming dairy can lead to a calcium deficiency. Incorporating alternative foods and beverages high in calcium can prevent a calcium deficiency. Non-dairy foods and beverages high in calcium include:[16]
    Adopt an Intermittent Fasting Diet Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    • Collard greens
    • Broccoli
    • Kale
    • Bok choy
    • Edamame
    • Figs
    • Oranges
    • Sardines
    • White beans
    • Tofu
    • Canned salmon
    • Okra
    • Almonds



How to Make a Cushion Cover

Posted: 19 May 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Looking to spruce up your room with a splash of color? Making new cushion covers is a really great and easy way to change up the look of any room. In addition, you can give new life to an old cushion or pillow, instead of having to buy a new one. While it may seem like a daunting project, the biggest requirements of making a new cushion cover are a bit of your time and some basic sewing skills.


[Edit]Making an Envelope Cushion Cover

  1. Purchase fabric for your cushion cover. Pick one that is pretty thick and durable, like an upholstery fabric. Cushions can take a lot of physical abuse, so making a cushion out of delicate fabric might look good at first but it will not last very long.
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    • The amount of fabric you buy will depend on the size cushion you are making. Measure your cushion insert (or decide on a size of insert if you do not have one already). You will need 2 1/2 times the length of the cushion insert, as the fabric will be covering both sides of the cushion with a little overlap. Your fabric should also be a few inches wider than the width of the cushion insert, as you will need a bit extra for seam allowance.[1]
  2. Wash your fabric if it is made of a natural fiber like cotton. When you get your fabric home, be sure to wash the fabric in a hot cycle before making your cushion cover. This will shrink the fabric, assuring that it will not shrink any further if you wash it after the cushion cover is made.[2]
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  3. Iron the fabric. Get is nice and smooth, as it will probably be quite wrinkled after it was washed and dried. Be sure to use the appropriate heat setting on your iron for the fabric you are using.
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  4. Cut your fabric to size. To make sure that you cut your lines straight, use a straight edge to mark your lines before cutting them. The length of your fabric should measure 2 1/2 times the length of the cushion insert. The width of your fabric should measure the width of your cushion plus two inches.[3] The extra two inches will give you enough extra fabric for seam allowance and the fluff of your insert.
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    • If your insert is very fluffy you may need to add a few more inches to the width. If you are unsure of what width you should cut, put your insert on top of the fabric. Make sure the width of the fabric will fit up to the center of the sides of the insert plus a few inches for seam allowance.
    • Your piece of fabric should end up being shaped like a long rectangle, with two long edges and two short edges.
  5. Sew both short ends of the fabric. Place your fabric on a table with the wrong side facing up and one of the short edges closest to you. Fold the short edge closest to you up a half inch and then fold it over once again. This will make the raw edge of your fabric concealed. Pin and then sew along the inside of the folded edge.
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    • Repeat this on the other short end of your fabric.
  6. Sew the long sides of your cushion cover. Place the fabric on a table with the right side facing up and one of the shorter edges closest to you. Fold the bottom of the fabric up 3/4 of the height of your cushion insert. Then fold the top of the fabric down, also 3/4 of the height of the cushion insert. This will make the ends overlap and the total height should be equal to the height of your cushion.
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    • Once you hold the fabric you should have the wrong side facing out.
    • Pin along these two edges, through both layers, and sew along the seam.
  7. Turn your cushion cover right-side out. To push the corners fully right-side out you may need to stick your fingers or a chopstick inside the cushion cover once it is turned right-side out.[4]
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  8. Insert your cushion into your new cushion cover. You will need to squeeze it inside between the overlapping flaps on the back of the cover. Work it into place, putting your hands inside if need be to get the corners positioned correctly.
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    • Iron your cushion cover before putting in the cushion if it has become wrinkled.

[Edit]Making a Cushion Cover Out of an Old T-shirt

  1. Find an old t-shirt that your really love but can't wear anymore. Instead of throwing it away, make it into a cushion cover that you can enjoy every day.
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  2. Cut the t-shirt. Lay the t-shirt out flat and then carefully make a cut from the armpits up to the top of the sleeve, following the line of the side of the shirt up to the top. Then make a cut across the top of the shirt, from the top of one sleeve, across the neck, to the top of the other sleeve.
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    • Discard the arms and neck area you cut off. The piece of the t-shirt you keep will be shaped like a rectangle.
  3. Turn the t-shirt inside out and then sew a seam on three sides of it, the top and two sides. Be sure that the space between the two side seams is the same width as your cushion.
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  4. Turn your shirt right-side out and then stick your cushion inside of the stomach area of the t-shirt.
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    • If you prefer, you can stuff your t-shirt cushion cover with cotton wool, wool, or thin sheets of cotton, instead of a pre-made cushion.
  5. Fold the bottom edge of the t-shirt fabric up and to the inside of the cushion. The goal here is to adjust the length of the t-shirt so that it is just long enough to cover up the bottom edge of the cushion.
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    • Pin the bottom edge of the front and back of the t-shirt together. This will form the bottom seam of the cushion cover.
  6. Sew up the bottom edge of your pillow. Use a whipstitch or slip stitch to close up the seam.
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    • You can use your sewing machine to sew the seam as close to the bottom edge as possible, but it could make a slightly awkward edge if you are not experienced at sewing.
  7. Decorate your cushion! You can be as creative as you like. Sew buttons, beads, or little threads of yarn to the top. As long as you like it, it is perfect.
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    • Another decoration idea for the more patient or experienced sewer is to embroider a small picture onto the front. This will make a nice centerpiece on your cushion cover.


  • If you use a plump and soft cushion insert you can use your newly recovered cushion as a bed pillow if you wished.


  • Be careful not to stab yourself with the needle or pins you are using. It's best to keep all your tools organized throughout your project so that accidents like that don't happen.

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How to Develop a Product

Posted: 19 May 2022 01:00 AM PDT

The difference between successful products and bad inventions happens in product development. Lots of inventors have good ideas, but the ability to transition those ideas from flashes of brilliance to salable products? That's innovation. You can learn to design your product into something that will sell, organize testing to keep yourself in business, and develop into a successful enterprise.


[Edit]Designing a Product

  1. Identify a consumer need. The difference between failed products and hot-sellers is need. As an aspiring entrepreneur and innovator, your goal is to create something that people don't even know they need. What's missing from the marketplace? What do people want?
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    • There's no easy way to answer this question, or we'd all be millionaires. Keep an idea notebook with you at all times, and try to keep track of times when you're frustrated with something small and inspiration strikes. Maybe you're lying on your back in the sun and having trouble holding up your book? What simple product might address your need?[1]
    • While it might seem like an effective shortcut, polling consumers about what they'd like in terms of particular products tends not to pan out. Again, if people knew what great products they wanted, we'd all be millionaires.
  2. Collaborate with designers. Coming up with the concept of the hoverboard is great and all, but you've also got to actually design the thing. Depending on your engineering abilities, you may need to collaborate with engineers and designers to come up with a workable prototype of your idea.
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    • Write out your vision for the product as you see it, but also be willing to compromise when you come up against the practical concerns. Maybe hoverboard technology is a little complex at this point, but you find a guy with experience designing immersive video game technology. Hoverboard 3D!
    • Alternatively, try designing products yourself. The designer of the Revolight, an innovative bicycle lighting system, designed the prototype himself in the garage, and it made serious money on the Internet. Pick up the skills you don't have and try it yourself.
  3. Come up with multiple options. A good innovator comes up with a great product to fulfill a consumer need. A great innovator comes up with five. Try to examine the issue that you're trying to fill from lots of different directions, thinking about as many alternative ways of getting around the issue as possible. Don't be satisfied with one model to work with, try to come up with more, if that model should fail.
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    • Again, think about the product in terms of need. If you've got a problem reading your book in the sun, you might automatically think of a little chest-prop for your book, but what about eye protection designed for reading? What about digital alternatives? What about keeping the pages free of sand?
  4. Get the funding necessary to make a prototype. One excellent way of securing funding to create prototypes for expensive products to present to investors, or to go into full-scale production mode for yourself is to secure funding via crowdsourcing. Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and other crowdsourcing websites can be excellent methods of getting the start-up cash necessary to get your product off the ground. However, remember that some of the crowdfunding platforms require a functional prototype to be made before starting a campaign.
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    • Building a prototype is not a small or simple task, especially if your product requires mechanisms, electronics, or firmware to function. Consider hiring a product development team that would produce a fully functional and neat prototype that would impress your backers and investors.
    • If you've got a good history of developing products, you might think about taking your product design to venture capitalists and gaining some money on the basis of your track record.
  5. Create a prototype. Once you've come up with a few good ideas and collaborated on designs with your designer or small team of designers, get a working prototype together and start testing it out. Depending on the nature of the product, this might take a while, or you might be able to get it together relatively quickly. When you do, you're ready to start developing and testing.
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[Edit]Testing Your Product

  1. Use the product yourself. Since you're the one with the idea for the product in the first place, you'll be the first line of testing. Try out your product on your own and see how it works. Keep track of little frustrations, elements of the product in need of tweaking, and spend a good deal of time using and thinking about the product you're testing.
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    • As you use the product, keep a journal or a voice recorder with you to keep track of your experience of the product as you're using it. You might tend to remember all the bad or all the good later on.
    • Don't just use the product, abuse it. If you're thinking about going into production, you'll want to find out what your product is made of, and whether or not it'll stand up to people throwing it around, dropping it, and the other trappings of real-life ownership. Is it fragile? Could it use some reinforcing?
  2. Find an audience. This is one of the most important parts of developing a product. Who's going to buy what you're selling? Who, like you, will have experienced the same frustration or desire that this product will fulfill? How will you reach that audience? The next step of your process will be getting other people to use your product and give you feedback, so you want to define your audience as specifically as possible in terms of several criteria: [2]
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    • Age range
    • Socio-economic status
    • Level of education
    • Hobbies and interests
    • Prejudices and opinions
  3. Do a series of test trials. Bring your product to a group of people, let them try it, and give them the opportunity to provide feedback. This could be as informal as giving a few cases of your home-brew to your friends and family and listening to them review it, or as formal as doing a serious focus-group session with a series of different test groups.[3]
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    • If you want to do an informal feedback session, treat it as seriously as the product warrants. Your parents and your friends will likely tell you that your new beer is "Delicious" to be nice, but also give it to some serious beer drinkers to find out whether or not you've got the stuff.
    • If you conduct formal focus groups, do several runs with different groups of people. Your audience may be slightly different than you originally anticipated. Listen and gather feedback.
  4. Gather criticism. As you give your product out and introduce it to unfamiliar users, start collecting first-hand feedback. Write up surveys, conduct interviews, and listen closely to the feedback given. Often, the difference between products that catch on and products that fall by the wayside is the ability of the inventors to incorporate feedback into product development.[4]
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    • In some cases, you might find it more effective to allow someone else to gather feedback about your product from testers. You may be inclined to defend your product against criticism, whereas a more unbiased researched will have an easier time collecting this feedback.
  5. Revise the product. Steve Jobs wasn't a renowned inventor. He was a genius tweaker. The best products aren't usually the result of great leaps forward, but of little changes that make a good innovation or concept into a great product that you can sell. Incorporate the feedback you receive about your product into tweaks and revisions that will take it from good to great.
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    • The feedback you gather will likely not have great ideas about ways in which the product needs to be changed, but you can listen to the criticism that occurs and come up with your own ideas about how to address those complaints. So people found your book prop somewhat complicated to use? How can it be easier?

[Edit]Developing Your Product

  1. Come up with an operational budget. Before you secure funding to get your business off the ground, you'll need to come up with an operational budget[5] when you've got your product in place. What will you need to grow your business and go into operation? What will you need to maintain a functioning enterprise? You'll likely need to consider all of the following:
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    • Cost of operation
    • Overhead
    • Outside expenses
    • Worker salaries
  2. Write up a marketing plan for your product. Once you've got your product in place, you need to figure out a strategy for marketing that product to investors and eventually to customers. What is your selling point? What's your "thing"?
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    • The more you can decide about your marketing strategy before turning to an agency, the better. The best products can be sold on the strength of their usefulness and integrity. Good products sell themselves.
  3. Present your product to investors. Going into production will take some start-up cash. The way to secure this is to present your new product to investors who will put up the cash to back your product and get you on your feet. The closer you are to a well-rounded and fully teased out idea and working model, the closer you'll be to securing this capital and getting your business started.
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  4. Develop the criteria for quality control. Once you secure capital and start going into business for yourself, you'll have a lot of manufacturing concerns to take care of, depending on the product that you're trying to sell. The one thing you need to be sure to keep ahead of, from a product development point of view, is the control of quality. What standards to you have for the quality of this product? What are you willing to compromise to save costs?
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    • Come up with a rubric for measuring the quality of the products as you create them.[6] You're not always going to be around to test them, so come up with a list of things to look for so that someone else can be the quality maven in your stead.
  5. Continue evaluating and innovating your product. As your business gets underway, it's important to keep your eye on the future. What needs to happen down the road to keep your product grabbing its share of the market? How do you need to innovate to keep yourself ahead of the game? What's likely to change about the marketplace that might affect the way you do business? The better you're able to anticipate these changes, the stronger your product will remain.
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  • Never operate a piece of machinery unless you have been shown how to!
  • Be careful when using any powerful machinery - always wear safety goggles and never place fingers near blades or sharp cutters.

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How to Make Substitute Baking Powder

Posted: 18 May 2022 05:00 PM PDT

Baking powder is a leavening agent used to help batters rise when they're cooked. Luckily, if you're out of baking powder and in a pinch, you can make your own with ingredients that are probably already in your pantry! Your homemade mixtures will work in your batter more quickly, so make sure you bake it right away!


[Edit]Using Cream of Tartar

  • 1 tbsp (14 g) of baking soda
  • 2 tbsp (10 g) of cream of tartar
  • 1 tsp (3 g) of corn starch (optional)

Substitutes 3 tbsp (41 g) of baking powder

[Edit]Adding Lemon Juice to a Recipe

  • 1 tsp (4.6 g) of baking soda
  • of lemon juice

Substitutes 1 tsp (14 g) of baking powder

[Edit]Using Yogurt or Buttermilk in Your Recipe

  • ¼ tsp (1.5 g) of baking soda
  • ½ cup (122.5 g) of plain Greek yogurt or of buttermilk

Substitutes 1 tsp (14 g) of baking powder


[Edit]Using Cream of Tartar

  1. Mix 1 tbsp (14 g) of baking soda with 2 tbsp (10 g) of cream of tartar. Use a small whisk to thoroughly sift the powders together. The cream of tartar causes a reaction with the baking soda and forms baking powder.[1]

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    • Cream of tartar can be found in the baking aisle of your local grocery store.
  2. Store the mix in an airtight container if you're not using it right away. Use a resealable plastic container and store it in your pantry. Make sure no moisture gets inside the container since your baking powder could clump.[2]

  3. Add 1 tsp (3 g) of corn starch to prevent clumps. If you don't plan to use your baking powder right away, it will start to clump up and be hard to use. Stir in 1 tsp (3 g) of corn starch with a whisk to prevent clumping.[4]

[Edit]Adding Lemon Juice to a Recipe

  1. Add 1 tsp (4.6 g) of baking soda to the dry ingredients of your batter. Whisk the baking soda thoroughly with the rest of the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.[5]

  2. Pour of lemon juice into the wet ingredients. Keep the wet ingredients, like eggs or milk, in another mixing bowl separate from the dry ingredients.[6]

    • Lemon juice can affect the flavor of your baked goods if you use too much. If you don't want added citrus flavor, do not use lemon juice.
  3. Mix the dry and wet ingredients according to the recipe. Stir all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl. This combines the lemon juice and baking powder, causing the reaction that creates baking powder.[7]

    • This creates a single-acting baking powder. Store-bought baking powder is usually double-acting, meaning it leavens your batter when it's first mixed and when it cooks. Cook the batter once you mix in the baking powder.

[Edit]Using Yogurt or Buttermilk in Your Recipe

  1. Add 1/4 tsp (1.5 g) of baking soda to your dry ingredients. Keep the dry and wet ingredients in separate mixing bowls. Use a whisk to mix the baking soda entirely into the other dry ingredients.[8]

  2. Use either ½ cup (122.5 g) of Greek yogurt or of buttermilk. Both types of dairy are fermented and can trigger the reaction needed to make baking powder. Make sure to use plain, unflavored dairy so it doesn't affect the flavor of your baked goods and mix it with the rest of your wet ingredients.[9]

    • Check the dairy section of your local grocer for Greek yogurt or buttermilk.
  3. Reduce the other liquids used in your recipe to account for the dairy. Buttermilk and yogurt will make your batter runnier if you don't change the amounts of the other ingredients. Adjust the amounts of your other wet ingredients until you remove .[10]
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    • If there are other dairy products in your recipe, reduce their amounts first. Then adjust the levels of any extracts or flavorings you would normally add to the recipe.
    • This may affect the flavor and bake of your recipe.
  4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients according to the recipe. Mix all the ingredients together in 1 of the mixing bowls. This starts the reaction between the dairy and baking soda to make baking powder.[11]

    • Use the batter right away to get the baking powder's full effect.


  • Mix the baking powder substitutes together right before you plan on cooking with them.


  • The baking powder substitutes you mix are single-acting, meaning they release gas as soon as they're mixed. Put your mix in the oven soon after you make the substitute.[12]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Using Cream of Tartar

  • Mixing bowl
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Whisk
  • Airtight container

[Edit]Adding Lemon Juice to a Recipe

  • 2 mixing bowls
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Whisk

[Edit]Using Yogurt or Buttermilk in Your Recipe

  • 2 mixing bowls
  • Whisk
  • Measuring cups and spoons

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