How to Reduce Tinnitus Naturally Posted: 10 Jan 2017 08:00 AM PST Tinnitus (pronounced "TINN-ih-tus" by most physicians, although others pronounce it "ti-NIGHT-us") is the "perception of sound when no actual external noise is present."[1] These sounds are most often perceived as ringing, but can be heard as buzzing, roaring, whooshing, swishing, clicking or hissing sounds.[2], [3] Millions of people around the world experience tinnitus. In the US, over 45 million people, or about 15% of the population, have symptoms of tinnitus, while over 2 million people have extreme tinnitus.[4] Tinnitus can be a symptom of a more serious disorder, including ear injury or hearing loss (sensorineural and age-related). It can be an extremely debilitating condition. [5] Treating tinnitus naturally involves diagnosing the condition, trying auditory therapy and being open to other methods. EditDiagnosing Tinnitus - Understand what tinnitus is. Tinnitus can range from very loud to very soft sounds, can be loud enough to interfere with normal hearing and be heard in one or both ears.[6] You may hear ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking or hissing sounds.[7], [8] There are essentially two types of tinnitus: subjective and objective tinnitus.
- Subjective tinnitus is the most common form of tinnitus. It can be caused by structural ear problems (in the outer, middle and inner ear) or by problems with the auditory nerve pathways leading from the inner ear to the brain. In subjective tinnitus, you are the only person hearing the sound.
- Objective tinnitus is much rarer, but can be perceived by a physician during an examination. This can be caused by vascular problems, muscle contractions or conditions related to the inner ear bone.[9]
- Determine your risk factors for tinnitus. Tinnitus tends to affect men more often than women. Older people tend to experience tinnitus more than young people. Some of the key risk factors for tinnitus include: [10]
- Age (the peak age of first experiencing tinnitus is between 60 and 69 years)
- Gender
- Military service (exposure to loud explosions, gunfire, loud machinery)
- Employment in a loud workplace environment
- Listening to loud music
- Those exposed to any loud noise, either through work or through leisure activities
- A history of depression, anxiety and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Take the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory questionnaire. The Tinnitus Handicap Inventory, a questionnaire from the American Tinnitus Association may be a good place to start. This questionnaire asks you to assess your level of auditory problems so that you can determine the extent to which tinnitus affects you. This can be a good first step in figuring out how to treat your tinnitus.
EditTalking With Your Doctor - Get a diagnostic test from your doctor. The doctor will likely physically examine your ears with an otoscope (a lighted instrument for inspecting ears). You may also undergo a hearing test, potentially some imaging tests such as an MRI or a CT scan. In some cases, more extensive tests may be necessary. In general, these tests are not invasive or painful, but may cause some discomfort. [11]
- You may experience changes in the bones of the inner ear that can be genetically based. The inner ear includes three very small bones: the malleus, the incus and the stapes. These three bones are connected to each other and to the eardrum (tympanic membrane). They are also connected to the structures that translate sound vibrations into nerve impulses that we perceive as sound. If these bones are not able to move freely because of otosclerosis, tinnitus can result.
- You may also have excessive earwax, which can cause tinnitus.
- Talk to your doctor about age-related conditions. Unfortunately, many times the exact cause of tinnitus cannot be determined. Many times, it may simply be due to aging, such as the following conditions:[12]
- Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis)
- Menopause: Tinnitus is one of the rarer symptoms of menopause and it may be actually due to age rather than the menopausal transition. Often, the tinnitus disappears along with other menopausal issues. Hormone replacement therapy with synthetic progestins has been associated with increased tinnitus.[13]
- Mention your exposure to loud noises. If you work in a constantly loud environment, or you have been exposed to loud noises, be sure to mention this to your doctor. This will help him diagnose your condition.
- Ask your doctor about blood vessel disorders. Many disorders that impact blood flow can cause tinnitus. Talk to your doctor about the following disorders:
- Head and neck tumors that press on blood vessels and change the blood flow
- Atherosclerosis or the build-up of cholesterol-containing plaques on the insides of arteries
- High blood pressure
- Anatomical variations in the carotid artery in the neck that can cause turbulence in blood flow
- Malformed capillaries (arteriovenous malformation)
- Ask your doctor if your medications might contribute to tinnitus. Many medications can cause or exacerbate tinnitus. Some of these medications can include:
- Aspirin
- Antibiotics, such as polymyxin B, erythromycin, vancomycin and neomycin
- Diuretics (water pills), including bumetanide, ethacrynic acid and furosemide
- Quinine
- Some anti-depressants
- Chemotherapeutics, including mechlorethamine and vincristine
- Ask about other causes. Tinnitus can be caused by many different conditions, so be sure to get your doctor's opinion on whether you have any of the following conditions:
- Meniere's disease: This is an inner ear disorder caused by increased inner ear fluid pressure
- Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
- Head and neck injuries
- Benign tumors including acoustic neuromas: These usually only cause one-sided tinnitus
- Hypothyroidism: Low thyroid hormone levels
- Visit your doctor if you suddenly experience symptoms. If you get the symptoms of tinnitus after an upper respiratory infection (URI), suddenly and without any known cause, or you experience dizziness or hearing loss along with the tinnitus, make an appointment to see a physician right away.
- See your regular physician first. He may refer you to a specialist such as an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist (ENT specialist or otolaryngologist).
- Tinnitus can cause other problems, including fatigue, stress, insomnia, difficulties with concentrating and with memory, depression and irritability. If you are experiencing any of these, make sure to mention these to the doctor.
- Consider trying medical treatments for underlying conditions. Treatment for tinnitus will depend to a large extent on the discovery of an underlying cause, but may include the following:[14]
- Earwax removal.
- Treating underlying conditions: Examples of this might include treating high blood pressure or atherosclerosis.
- Changing medications: If your tinnitus is due to a reaction to a specific medication, your doctor may change the medication or change the dose.
- Try medications specifically for tinnitus: While there is no specific drug to treat tinnitus, some medications have been used with some success. These include antidepressants and antianxiety drugs. These, however, are also associated with a number of side effects including dry mouth, blurry vision, constipation, heart problems, drowsiness and nausea.
- Ask about a hearing aid. Hearing aids may be useful for some people. Your physician might recommend a hearing aid after you have been examined by a licensed audiologist.[15]
- According to the American Tinnitus Association, "hearing loss causes less external sound stimuli to reach the brain. In response, the brain undergoes neuroplastic changes in how it processes different sound frequencies. Tinnitus is the product of these maladaptive neuroplastic changes."[16] Essentially, this means that with progressive hearing loss, the brain tries to adapt. But sometimes, that adaptation doesn't work and tinnitus is the result. In general, the hearing loss is often at and above the frequency of the tinnitus itself.[17]
EditTrying Acoustic Therapy - Use calming background sound. Mask the noise in your ears by turning on background music or other sounds.[18] You can use tapes or CDs with "white noise" of the ocean, a babbling brook, rainfall, soft music or whatever works to help block out and cover up the sounds in your ears.
- Listen to soothing sounds as you fall asleep. White noise or other soothing sounds can also be used to help you sleep. This can be important, as many people find it difficult to sleep with tinnitus. At night, the sound in your ears can become the only sound audible and can make it hard to fall asleep. Background noise can serve to provide a peaceful sound to help you sleep.
- Try listening to brown or pink noise. "Brown noise" is a collection of randomly generated sounds and is generally perceived as much deeper sounds than white noise.[19] "Pink noise" uses lower frequencies and is also perceived as deeper sounds than white noise. Either pink or brown noise is often recommended to help with sleep.[20]
- Find examples online of both pink and brown noise. Choose the noise that sounds best to you.
- Avoid loud noises. One of the most common triggers for tinnitus is the presence of loud noises.[21] Avoid these as much as possible. Some people may not be affected by loud noises. But if you do experience worsening or aggravated tinnitus after hearing loud noises, you'll know that this may be a trigger for you.
- Look into music therapy. A German study involving music therapy in tinnitus showed that music therapy employed in early cases of tinnitus can prevent that tinnitus turns into a chronic condition.[22]
- This therapy involves listening to your favorite music with its frequency altered to center on the same frequency as the ringing in your ears.[23]
EditTrying Alternative Health Treatments - Get a chiropractic adjustment. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, which can cause tinnitus, can be successfully treated with chiropractic approaches,[24], [25] TMJ problems are thought to promote tinnitus because of the proximity of muscles and ligaments that attach to the jaw and the hearing bones. [26]
- A chiropractic treatment would consist of manual manipulation in order to re-align the TMJ. The chiropractor might also manipulate the vertebrae of the neck in order to decrease the symptoms of tinnitus. Chiropractic adjustments are not painful, but they may cause some temporary discomfort. [27]
- The chiropractic treatment may also include the application of heat or ice and specific exercises.[28]
- Chiropractic treatments can also help with Meniere's disease, another relatively rarer cause of tinnitus.[29]
- Visit an acupuncturist. A recent review of studies of the success of acupuncture for tinnitus concluded that there was some cause for hope. Acupuncture techniques would vary based on the underlying cause for the tinnitus. These techniques also often include traditional Chinese herbs.[30]
- More studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture on improving tinnitus.
- Ask your doctor about aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone found in the adrenal gland that regulates sodium and potassium in the blood.[31] One study found a tinnitus patient with hearing loss to have an aldosterone deficiency. When the patient received bioidentical aldosterone, the patient's hearing was restored and the tinnitus went away. [32]
- Try personalized sound frequency treatments. There is a relatively new approach that may be useful for some. The idea is to find the frequency of the particular sound in your ears and masking that specific frequency with specially designed sounds.
- Your ENT or audiologist may have recommendations about these treatments.
- You may also find these treatments available online for a fee through websites such as Audionotch and Tinnitracks. These services walk you through testing for the specific frequency of your tinnitus and design a treatment protocol.
- There have been limited studies on this approach, but they do appear promising. [33]
EditTrying Supplements - Take CoQ10. Your body uses CoQ10, or coenzyme Q10, for cell growth and maintenance. It is also an antioxidant. CoQ10 can also be found in organ meats, such as heart, liver and kidney.[34]
- One study indicated that CoQ10 supplements could be helpful for some patients with a low serum level of CoQ10.
- Try taking 100 mg three times a day.[35]
- Try ginkgo biloba supplements. Ginkgo biloba is believed to increase blood flow to the brain and has been used to treat tinnitus with variable results. This is likely because tinnitus has many known and unknown causes.
- A recent review concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support the use of ginkgo biloba to treat tinnitus.[36] Another recent report, on the other hand, concluded that a standardized extract of ginkgo, EGb 761, was an effective treatment.[37] EGb 761 is a "standardised extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves and has antioxidant properties as a free radical scavenger. A standardised extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves is a well-defined product and contains approximately 24% flavone glycosides (primarily quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin) and 6% terpene lactones (2.8-3.4% ginkgolides A, B and C, and 2.6-3.2% bilobalide)." [38]
- Commercially, this particular supplement is sold as Tebonin Egb 761.
- Follow manufacturer's instructions if taking this supplement.
- Increase your intake of zinc. In one study, almost half of tinnitus patients improved with 50 milligrams (mg) of zinc daily for 2 months. This is actually a rather high dose of zinc. The recommended daily intake of adult males is 11 mg and for females, the recommended dose is 8 mg.
- Don't take this amount of zinc without talking to a knowledgeable healthcare professional first.
- If you do take this high amount of zinc, don't take it longer than 2 months.
- Balance your intake of zinc with copper supplements. A high intake of zinc is associated with copper deficiency and copper-deficiency anemias and taking the extra copper will help prevent that.[39] Take 2 mg of copper every day.
- Try melatonin supplements. Melatonin is a hormone that is involved in the sleep cycle. One study indicated that 3 mg of melatonin taken at night was most effective in men without a history of depression and those with tinnitus in both ears.[40]
EditChanging Your Diet - Avoid salty foods. It is generally recommended to avoid salty foods because of their association with high blood pressure, which can cause tinnitus. [41]
- Eat a healthy, whole-foods diet. A reasonable recommendation is to eat a healthy, whole-foods diet low in added salt, sugar and saturated fats and to increase the amounts of fruit and vegetables in the diet.[42]
- Try cutting down on coffee, alcohol and nicotine. Some of the most common triggers for tinnitus include coffee, alcohol, and nicotine.[43] Avoid any and all of these as much as possible. We don't really know why these are triggers for different people. Because tinnitus is a symptom of a number of different possible problems, the reason these are triggers may vary on an individual basis.
- Cutting out these substances may not improve your tinnitus. In fact, one study showed that caffeine was not associated with tinnitus at all. [44] Another study indicated that alcohol may actually help relieve tinnitus in older adults. [45]
- At a minimum, watch what happens if you have any coffee, alcohol or nicotine, especially being aware of what happens to your tinnitus after you indulge in any of these. If the tinnitus gets worse or harder to deal with, you may want to consider avoiding those triggers completely.
EditFinding Support - Try cognitive behavioral therapy and tinnitus retraining therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an approach that uses techniques such as cognitive restructuring and relaxation to change a person's response to tinnitus. Tinnitus retraining therapy is a complementary practice that helps desensitize you to the noise in your ears.
 - The therapist will teach you different ways to cope with the noise. This is a process in CBT known as habituation, where you can learn to ignore the tinnitus.[46] The therapist will teach you about your tinnitus and will teach you a variety of relaxation techniques. This person will help you adopt a realistic, effective attitude in dealing with tinnitus."[47]
- A recent review of the technique indicated that it didn't affect the level of noise, but it positively affected how the individual responded to the noise. The response after CBT included less depression and anxiety, with higher reported levels of satisfaction with life.[48]
- A recent large review of therapeutic approaches to tinnitus determined that a combination of sound therapy (background noise) plus CBT provided the best overall results.[49]
- Another study reviewed nine high-quality studies evaluating the efficacy of tinnitus retraining therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. In each study, a variety of standardized and validated questionnaires was used. The investigators found that both tinnitus retraining therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy were equally effective in relieving the symptoms of tinnitus. [50]
- Join a support group. You might find it useful to find a tinnitus support group, [51] especially if you are experiencing depression or anxiety associated with the tinnitus.
- This support group can help you develop tools to cope with your condition.
- See a mental health professional. Anxiety and depression can be associated with tinnitus and vice versa. If you are experiencing these symptoms, make sure you seek out professional help. Usually, depression and anxiety exist before the tinnitus, but these conditions can follow the onset of tinnitus.[52] The sooner you get treatment for tinnitus, anxiety and/or depression, the sooner you can begin to feel and function better.[53]
- Tinnitus can also make concentrating difficult. This is where cognitive behavioral therapy can be very useful, providing different tools and resources to cope.
- Experiment with what works for you. Since tinnitus is a symptom and not a disease, it can be caused by a variety of factors. Different approaches will work better for some than for others. Sometimes, a combination of approaches will work better, so don't give up. Try different approaches until you find what works best for you.
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How to Open Frozen Car Doors Posted: 10 Jan 2017 12:00 AM PST Car doors freeze shut when water seeps between the seal and the car frame, or into the lock itself. To get inside your car, you'll need to dissolve the ice with heat, or with a solvent such as alcohol. EditUnfreezing Door Seals or Handles - Push on your car door. Apply pressure by leaning on your frozen door. Push as hard as you can against the door. The pressure could break the ice around the door's seal, enabling you to open the door.
- Chip away the ice. If the ice has formed a thick crust, break it off the seal of the door on all sides, and off the handle if necessary. If you don't have an ice scraper, use any stiff plastic object, such as a spatula or credit card. Metal objects may scratch the glass or paint.
- Pour lukewarm water over the rubber seals. Fill a cup, bucket or another container with lukewarm water. Pour the water around the seal of the door to thaw the ice. You may need to repeat this several times if the ice is thick. Once the door is open, dry off the inside of the seal with a towel to prevent re-freezing.
- Never use hot water, or the temperature difference could shatter your window glass.[1] Even cold water from the hose can do the trick, since it is warmer than the ice.[2]
- Car doors most often freeze where the rubber seal is worn or damaged, allowing water to seep in and freeze. If you notice any damage, focus on that area while pouring.
- Spray on commercial de-icer. You can find de-icer products at auto shops and hardware stores. These both dissolve the ice, and leave lubricant behind to help prevent further moisture from collecting.[3] In a pinch, you can substitute a homemade mixture:
- Rubbing alcohol can dissolve ice, but repeated use may damage your rubber gasket.
- Some varieties of windshield wiper fluid are mostly alcohol, and can serve the same purpose.
- Diluted white vinegar is a last resort, as it leaves a lingering smell and — according to some — may leave pock marks on the window glass.[4]
- Start the car remotely. If you have a remote car starter, use it and let the heat thaw the car door from the inside. This could take up to 10 minutes.
- Heat the frozen seal with a blow dryer. If you have a battery-operated model or an extension cord long enough to reach your car, this is another DIY way to melt the ice — but potentially a hazardous one. Move the blow dryer constantly back and forth across the door seal. Too much heat in one spot could break the glass, especially if there are existing cracks or chips.[5]
EditUnfreezing Car Locks - Spray lubricant on the key or lock. This works best if you spray the key, or place a straw against the lock and spray through the straw. You may use any of the following:[6]
- Commercial deicer
- Rubbing alcohol
- PTFE powder lubricant (best for prevention)
- Warning: avoid WD40, grease lubricant, and silicone lubricant, which can gum up the lock. Graphite is safe in small quantities.
- Do not combine multiple lubricants.[7]
- Blow warm air into the lock. Place a cardboard toilet paper roll or another cylindrical object over the lock to direct the air. Heat the lock by blowing into the roll with your breath or a blow dryer.[8] This may take some time.
- Heat the key. Only try this if the key is 100% metal and does not contain an electronic chip. Hold the key with thick gloves or tongs, and heat it above a match or lighter. Insert the key into the lock and wait for the ice to thaw.
EditPreventing Frozen Doors - Cover your car. After parking outside, cover the car with a tarp to keep ice off the doors, locks, and windshield.[9] Cover the hood as well in extreme weather conditions to prevent more serious malfunction.[10]
- Shut a plastic trash bag in the door. Before closing your door in icy weather, place a trash bag between the door and the frame so they cannot freeze together.[11]
- Wipe a protective product over the rubber seals. It's best to use a special rubber conditioner from an auto shop.[12] Silicone spray is usually fine, but may damage silicone rubber, so consider checking with the car manufacturer first. Petroleum products and cooking spray are common DIY options, but they can wear down the rubber over time.
- Replace damaged gaskets. Have your rubber door seals replaced if you see any tears. These let water seep in and freeze your door shut.
- Check your locking rods. If you are able to remove your door panel, do so and investigate the rod that operates the lock. If it looks icy or corroded, spray it with de-icer.[13] An auto shop can do this for you if you prefer.
- Test the lock gently. The key may break if you try to turn it by force.
- Check all doors in the vehicle, plus the trunk if you can reach the driver's seat by crawling through it. The frozen doors should thaw as you drive.
- Avoid washing your car in cold weather to reduce the chance of water entering the door.
EditThings You'll Need - De-icer or rubbing alcohol
- Lukewarm water
- Ice scraper
- Dry lubricant
- Trash bag
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