Friday, May 18, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Grate Ginger

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Ginger has a multitude of culinary and medicinal uses. Since ginger can be dense and fibrous, grating ginger can be a difficult task for someone who isn't prepared for the job. There are different methods for getting the ginger ready, whether you use a grater or other common kitchen utensils.


EditPeeling the Ginger

  1. Check the ginger for softness or moistness. Ginger should feel solid and should not have any soft spots. Feel around the root with your hands and look for noticeable spots of rot.[1]
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    • Peeled ginger will darken around the edges when it starts to go bad.[2]
  2. Square up the edges using a chef's knife. Cut off the ends of the root with a sharp chef's knife. Cutting a little off of each side will make it easier to hold the ginger rather than working with an irregular shape.[3]
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    • Try to only cut off a small portion from the edges so you do not waste any of the usable ginger.
  3. Peel the ginger with a paring knife or vegetable peeler. Stand the ginger on one of its ends, and use a sharp knife or vegetable peeler to remove the rest of the skin. Slice in a downward motion towards the cutting board. Remember to try and remove as little of the skin as possible.[4]
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    • Alternatively, you can use the edge of a spoon to scrape the peel off of fresh ginger. This works especially well on the rounded knobs that may be difficult to reach with a knife.[5]
  4. Freeze the ginger so it's easier to grate. Peeled ginger should be stored in a freezer-safe resealable bag and keeps for 1 week.[6] Frozen ginger is easier to grate since it hardens up.[7]
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    • Unpeeled ginger keeps in the freezer for up to 3 months. Allow it time to thaw before peeling it.[8]
    • Peeled ginger can be grated as soon as it's pulled out from the freezer.[9]

EditUsing a Grater

  1. Find a grater with a large surface area and fine etched holes. It doesn't matter if it is handheld or a box grater. Avoid graters that have metal nubs or teeth because they will be inefficient and overall more time-consuming.[10] These graters can be bought at many big-box or cooking specialty stores.
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  2. Hold the peeled ginger root so the fibers are perpendicular to the grater. The fibers in ginger run from the top to the bottom of the root. If you grate from the top or the bottom, it's likely your grater will clog. By holding the side against the grating teeth, you're able to avoid the fibers getting caught.[11]
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    • If the teeth of the grater do clog, run it under warm water and use a sponge to rub the residue away.[12]
  3. Drag the root against the grain of the grater. In short back and forth motions, rub the ginger across the metal teeth. Apply even pressure with your fingers against the grater so the ginger shreds evenly.[13]
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    • Use a big enough piece of ginger so you don't accidentally cut your hands on the grater's teeth. It takes 1 ¼ oz (35.4 g) of raw ginger to make 1 tbsp (14.3 g) of grated ginger.[14]

EditGrating with a Fork

  1. Lay a fork down on the cutting board. Place a metal fork on your cutting board with the tines facing up.[15] Hold the handle of the fork with your non-dominant hand so it does not move.
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    • Use a fork with smaller tines for smaller pieces of ginger.
  2. Rub peeled ginger across the tines of the fork. Hold the ginger with your dominant hand. Keep constant and even pressure on the ginger as you drag it across the edge of the fork. You'll see strands of minced ginger falling from the knob you are grating.[16]
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  3. Pull the ginger in all directions. This helps you work around the interior fibers and frees up the most amount of usable ginger. Continue grating the ginger on the tines of the fork until you have the amount that you need for your recipe.[17]
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  • You can store unused grated ginger and whole pieces of ginger root in your freezer for up to 3 months.[18]
  • The ginger root's center is said to be the most flavorful. However, it can also be the most difficult to grate. Prepare to have to increase your grating efforts when you reach the center of the ginger root.


  • Do not ingest more than 4 grams of ginger per day.[19]
  • If you are currently taking blood-thinning medications, only eat ginger under the supervision of a doctor or licensed medical professional.[20]

EditThings You'll Need

  • Chef's knife
  • Paring knife
  • Vegetable peeler
  • Rasp grater
  • Cutting board
  • Fork

EditSources and Citations

EditQuick Summary

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

How to Highlight Every Other Row on Google Sheets on PC or Mac

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:00 AM PDT

This wikiHow teaches you how to use a custom formatting formula to highlight all the even or odd-numbered cells in a Google Sheets spreadsheet with a color fill, using a desktop internet browser.


  1. Open Google Sheets in your internet browser. Type into the address bar, and hit or on your keyboard.
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  2. Click the file you want to edit. Find the file you want to highlight in the list of your saved spreadsheet files, and open it.
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  3. Click the tab. This button is on a tabs bar below the file name in the upper-left corner of your spreadsheet. It will open a drop-down menu.
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  4. Click on the Format menu. This will open the formatting panel on the right-hand side of your spreadsheet.
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  5. Click the text field under the "Apply to range" heading. This field is at the top of the formatting panel on the right-hand side. It will allow you to select the area you want to edit and highlight.
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  6. Select the area you want to edit on the spreadsheet. Click your first cell, and drag your mouse to select the area you want to edit.
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    • When you click a cell, a new window titled "What data?" will pop-up. You can see your selected cell range in this pop-up window.
  7. Click in the pop-up. This will confirm your range selection.
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  8. Click the drop-down menu under the "Format cells if" heading. This option is in the middle of the formatting panel on the right-hand side. It will open a list of available formatting conditions.
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  9. Scroll down and select on the menu. This will allow you to type in a custom formatting formula.
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  10. Click the field in the formatting panel. You can type in your custom formula here.
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  11. Enter into the Value or formula field. This formula will highlight all the even-numbered rows in the selected cell range.
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    • If the formula above highlights the wrong set of rows, try . This will highlight all the odd-numbered rows in the selected range.
    • You can find all the row numbers on the left-hand side of your spreadsheet.
  12. Click the color menu under the "Formatting style" heading. The drop-down menu is green by default. This will open a pop-up window, and allow you to choose a different highlight color.
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  13. Select a highlight color in the pop-up window. Clicking a highlight color here will automatically apply it to your spreadsheet.
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  14. Click the blue button. This button is at the bottom of the formatting panel. It will save your new formatting formula.
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    • This button doesn't save your changes to the spreadsheet file. Make sure you save all the changes before quitting.

How to Raise Awareness of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

Posted: 18 May 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Diversity, equality, and inclusion are important goals for any community or organization. Promoting these ideals can be a big task, however. Wherever possible, use local resources and social media to foster a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable space for all. At schools, look for clubs and organizations that can host events and speakers. In the workplace, consider training workshops, open dialogues, and more inclusive hiring practices. By enforcing these policies, you can create a safe, friendly community.


EditCreating Friendly Communities

  1. Use inclusive language to act as a model for other people. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to model good use of inclusive language for others. Incorporate these terms into your daily conversation so that others will use them as well.[1]
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    • Use the language preferred by individual communities. For example, "autistic people" instead of "people with autism" is the preferred language of the Autistic community. If a community has mixed preferences, you can use both terms, such as both "disabled people" and "people with disabilities."
    • Talk in first person about your experiences and feelings. Use "I" statements like "I often feel" or "When I experience something, it makes me think" instead of "you always do this" or "you know how it is."
    • Respect other people's chosen pronouns, names, or identities. Don't try to correct them or define their experience for them.
  2. Start a blog or social media account for awareness. A blog on a website like Wordpress, Blogger, or Tumblr can help you raise awareness for issues you care about. If you don't have time to publish a blog, share articles, opinions, and thoughts through Facebook or Twitter.[2]
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    • Use hashtags and key words that help connect your thoughts to the wider discussion. For example, you might use hashtags like #equalpay, #achievementgap, and #whyIstayed.
  3. Organize cultural events to expose people to different lifestyles. Fairs, festivals, and other public events can help your community learn about other cultures, lifestyles, and beliefs. Some great ideas include:[3]
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    • International food festival
    • International film screenings
    • Pride parade
    • Lectures and speeches from civil rights leaders
    • Ceremonies and celebrations for different religious traditions
    • Documentary screenings on important social issues
    • Fundraisers for non-profits supporting diversity, equality, and inclusion initiatives
  4. Host a town hall where all citizens can voice their issues. Part of inclusivity and equality is making sure that everyone's voice is heard. Ask your town council or government to host an open town hall for the community. Choose a specific issue, such as lack of healthcare, or leave the topic open.[4]
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    • Invite community members to sign up for speaking slots at the beginning of the event. Give each person a certain amount of time to make sure that every person has a chance to be heard.
    • Try to have government figures and policy makers at the event. You might invite the mayor, town council members, school board members, or other decision makers.
    • If your town government will not host an open town hall, hold your own. Book a room in a local library, community center, or school to host the event.
  5. Highlight specific issues in your local community. Instead of taking on all social issues at once, choose 1 local issue that you can fight to change. Advertise your campaign through social media, flyers, and public events. Get others involved to solve this issue in your own town or community.[5]
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    • For example, you might notice that there are no ramps or elevators in public buildings for people who may have mobility issues. Start a campaign to install accessible entrances in these buildings.
    • You might run a public fundraiser to donate books or clothing for children in need. You can also ask volunteers to offer free tutoring for these children.
    • In areas with unequal access to healthcare, ask local doctors if they would be willing to offer their services for free for people with no health insurance.

EditEncouraging Inclusion at a School or University

  1. Volunteer at your school or university's office of diversity and inclusion. This office can keep you up to date on events on campus. They can also present unique opportunities for getting involved with diversity, equality, and inclusion campaigns on your campus.[6]
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    • You can also reach out to a campus women's center, LGBTQ center, student accessibility services, campus health, or counseling and psychological services.
    • Ask the office if you can help volunteer at an event or help out in the office. Some offices may even have work study gigs for students.
  2. Join a social justice club. These organizations host events, invite speakers, and campaign for specific social issues. Some types of social justice clubs include multicultural associations, LGBTQ support networks, and volunteer groups.[7]
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    • If there is not already a social justice club at your school or university, why not start your own? Talk to your administration or your office of student activities to learn what you need to do.
  3. Host events that create awareness. To bring awareness to the wider campus community, set up some free events for students. Involve other students, professors, and community members to create an inclusive space. Free food can entice other students to come. Some great event ideas include:[8]
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    • Cultural fair: celebrate holidays from different religions, hold a food festival with cuisine around the world, or showcase various forms of dance.
    • Gender neutral writing workshop: teach students how to write in gender neutral ways and how to eliminate gender biases in writing.
    • Open mic nights: invite students from a wide range of backgrounds to tell stories, sing songs, or recite poetry about their unique experiences.
    • Public lectures: ask scholars, civil rights leaders, and community leaders to talk about how others can help promote this cause.
    • Networking events for marginalized groups: ask business leaders and professors to meet with students. Students can workshop their resumes or find jobs through this network.
  4. Encourage friends to take sensitivity training. Your university may offer various extracurricular training programs to teach allies how to help certain groups adjust and navigate academic life. Some programs that may be available at your university include:
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    • HAVEN Training for helping people who have experienced sexual assault
    • Safe Zone Training for supporting LGBT students
    • Green Zone Training to help military veterans transition into academic life.
    • Disability awareness training to provide helpful assistance and access for students with disabilities.
  5. Create safe spaces on your campus. A safe space allows students to discuss their experiences without judgment or criticism. You can create a general safe space for students or make specific spaces for students struggling with their sexuality, sexual harassment, racism, or mental health issues.[9]
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    • Campus safe spaces can usually be found in the office of diversity and inclusion, women's centers, counseling offices, and other inclusive administrative offices.
    • Create your own safe space by booking a room through your campus administration or department. Hold an open invitation for students facing specific challenges to talk about their experiences.
    • Remind allies that the safe space is a place for others to express their challenges. They may not be looking for advice or sympathy. Ask allies to listen, not to talk.

EditPromoting an Equitable and Diverse Workplace

  1. Explain the importance of diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace. Some people may resist new policies for inclusion or diversity in the workplace. When raising awareness of this issue, remind employees and employers of the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace.[10]
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    • Benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace include higher productivity, higher employee satisfaction, and happier customers.
    • You might say, "I think it is important to have more diversity in our office. It's been shown that diverse workplaces are more efficient, and their employees are happier."
  2. Institute policies regarding equal access and discrimination. A set of rules regarding discrimination and equality are important to make sure that everyone knows how they are expected to act. Talk to your boss, human resources (HR), or coworkers about instituting new inclusive policies.[11]
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    • Establish a no discrimination policy in the workplace. Remind employees that no one can be discriminated against for their race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Post this policy in a public place, such as a break room or near the printers.
    • Make sure that all employees know how to report discrimination in the workplace. Employees who violate the policy may require sensitivity training or disciplinary action.
    • If your company provides health insurance, make sure that it includes policies for a wide range of conditions. Inclusive policies are ones that offer birth control, STD testing, and a wide range of medical conditions.
  3. Encourage inclusive hiring practices. Diversity and inclusion begins during the hiring process. Encouraging a more diverse pool of applicants will make your workplace a more inclusive place. Some ways you create an inclusive hiring process include:[12]
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    • Write job advertisements with broad qualifications to allow a more diverse set of applicants. Be conscious of how your language might imply gender.
    • Avoid gendered language in your job advertisement. Instead of using "he" or "she," say "the applicant" or "they."
    • Advertise your diversity and inclusion policies, including any non-discrimination rules, in your job advertisement. Emphasize that you do not discriminate based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity, or disability.
    • Make sure that the interviewers represent a diverse sample from your workplace. Ask broad, open-ended questions. Avoid questions about the applicant's personal life, such as their religion, marital or relationship status, or children.
  4. Ask HR to give a cultural sensitivity training workshop. For your next seminar, training session, or networking event, why not cover inclusion and diversity? These workshops can focus on a variety of issues, such as sexual harassment, cultural diversity, mental health, or equal access.[13]
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    • Your HR department can run this themselves by using exercises, courses, and pamphlets found on the internet. They can also hire an outside consultation firm to run the session for them.
    • If your business is small or doesn't have an HR department, talk to your boss. Emphasize how cultural training can strengthen your organization as a whole.


  • Avoid supporting organizations that exclude the people they claim to be helping, such as Autism Speaks. Some groups further exploit marginalized people instead of helping them, so research a charity before you support it.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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