Tuesday, May 1, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Eliminate Puffy Eyes

Posted: 01 May 2018 05:00 PM PDT

If you're trying to look your best or have a big event coming up, having puffy eyes can be a real drag. Puffy eyes can be caused by a variety of reasons including allergies, stress, health habits, and your natural facial features. If you want to reduce the appearance of the puffiness in your eyes, there are a variety of natural and cosmetic ways to do it. There may also be some lifestyle changes that you can make that will reduce the swollenness around your eyes. Because everyone's body reacts differently, some of these methods may not work for everyone. If one method or product doesn't work, try a different one until you find the solution that is best for you.[1]


EditUsing Natural Methods

  1. Press a cool compress over your eyes. Get a washcloth fully saturated with cold water, then wring it out. Press the compress on the area under your eye with a slight amount of pressure for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the process on the other eye before you go to sleep and you may see a reduction in puffiness overnight.[2]
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  2. Put cold tea bags over your eyes. Place the tea bags in warm water before putting them in the refrigerator overnight. Take the cold tea bags and place them over your eyes for 3-5 minutes. Repeat this process before you go to sleep every night for a week and see if your puffiness went down.[3]
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    • Continue using this method every other night if you see that it works.
    • The caffeine from the tea bag will constrict blood vessels which may reduce the puffiness.
  3. Place cool cucumber slices over your eyes. Antioxidants inside of the cucumber could reduce swelling. Leave the cucumber in the refrigerator until you're ready to use them. Lay down flat on your back and place the cucumber slices on your eyes for 30 minutes. Once you're done, you may see a reduction in puffiness.[4]
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EditUsing Cosmetic Products

  1. Use a cosmetic cream. Certain creams that contain retinol, vitamin C, and vitamin E, can lighten the appearance of dark and puffy eyes. Purchase a cream made to reduce the appearance of puffiness from the store or online. Then, apply a small amount of the cream to your fingertips and gently apply it to the area under your eyes.[5]
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    • Wash your hands with soap and water before applying any moisturizer or creams to your face.
    • Popular brands include Burt's Bees Sensitive Eye Cream, Garnier Ultra-Lift Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream, and E.l.f. Illuminating Eye Cream.
  2. Apply a cool eye patch over your eyes. Cosmetic companies make eye patches that reduce swelling and puffiness under your eyes. Place your eye patches in the refrigerator overnight and take them out when you're ready to use them. Lay down on your back, and apply them to your eyes for the duration of time that is written in the instructions.[6]
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    • Popular brands of eye patches include the DiaForce Ruby Hydrogel Eye Patch, Gold & Snail Eye Patch, and Friendly Collagen Eye Patch.
  3. Roll a cooling stick or ice roller over your puffy eyes. Ice rollers and cooling sticks are made specifically to reduce puffiness under the eyes. Usually, you'll leave the product in the freezer or refrigerator then roll it over the swollen areas under your eyes.[7]
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    • Read the instructions that came with the products so that you apply it properly to the area under your eyes.

EditChanging Your Lifestyle

  1. Get the appropriate amount of sleep. Sleeping aids your body in repairing and can reduce the level of puffiness around your eyes. The average adult should get anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Try going to sleep earlier and stick to a schedule so you get the proper amount of sleep.[8]
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    • If you are having difficulty getting to sleep, you can try wearing earplugs, exercising, and abstaining from caffeine at least 4 hours before bed.
    • Darkening your room, sidelining your electronics, and cooling your room to can all help you rest better at night.
  2. Reduce the amount of salt that you eat. Eating a lot of salt will increase fluid retention and can create puffy eyes. Cut down on salt by avoiding snacks and beverages that have a high sodium content. Try eating fresh fruit and vegetables and avoid processed or packaged foods.[9]
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    • Cooking for yourself will allow you to regulate the amount of salt in your food.
  3. Stop smoking cigarettes. Smoking can affect your sleeping patterns and can also dehydrate you. Some smokers will wake up with bags under their eyes, so avoid smoking if you currently do. There are medications, patches, and therapies that can help you stop smoking if you're having problems quitting.[10]
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    • In the United States, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for smoking cessation resources.
  4. Change the face cleanser you use. Certain face cleansers can irritate your skin and add to the puffy appearance. A hypoallergenic face cleanser may prevent the irritation that occurs with other popular cleansers.[11]
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  5. Drink more water. On average, adult men need to drink about of water per day, while adult women usually need to drink about of water per day.[12] Staying hydrated throughout the day will help cleanse your system and help you get a good night's rest..[13]
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    • Avoid drinking lots of water right before bed, as this may make you need to urinate at night, disturbing your sleep.
  6. Take medications for any potential allergies. Allergies can cause puffiness in your eyes. If you have an allergy, make sure that you're taking the proper medications for it. If you're unsure you have allergies, it may be worth it to schedule an appointment with a doctor to get an allergy test done.[14]
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    • Stay away from common allergy-causing things like pollen and pet dander.


  • Consider raising the head of your bed to elevate your body slightly and reduce any facial puffiness. You can place heavy books under the 2 feet at the headboard to create a favorable angle.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Be Eco Friendly

Posted: 01 May 2018 09:00 AM PDT

If you'd love to be more eco-friendly but don't know where to begin, start with a few small changes. To save money at home and reduce energy use, learn how to heat, cool, and light your home more efficiently. Cut back on the amount of waste you produce by limiting plastic in your home. Choose sustainable options and plan ahead when you purchase things that are normally packaged in plastic. You can easily reduce your carbon footprint by only buying things you need.


EditLowering Your Energy and Water Use

  1. Adjust your thermostat to save on heating and cooling costs. Use less energy during the hot summer months and cold winter season by controlling your heating and cooling bills. In the summer, set your thermostat to when you're at home and raise the temperature when you're away. In the winter, turn your thermostat to and lower it by 5° to 10° when you're sleeping or out of your house.[1]
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    • Use fans to cool your home or circulate the warm air from space heaters.
    • To stay warm in the winter, put on a sweater or another layer instead of turning up the thermostat.
  2. Replace burned out light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. To avoid unnecessary waste, wait to replace your light bulbs until they've burned out. When you do replace the bulbs, choose Energy Star-qualified light bulbs with the same wattage as the bulbs you're replacing. These use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and they put out 75% less heat.[2]
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    • This can save you on cooling costs during the summer.
  3. Turn off lights and unplug power strips that you're not using. This is an easy way to reduce energy use. Since some devices can still use energy even when they're turned off, plug your chargers, TVs, and electronic devices into power strips. Turn off these power strips at night to completely cut off energy use.[3]
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    • If you need to leave your computer, TV, or game console on, try setting it to sleep mode instead of simply leaving it on.
  4. Make your faucets and toilets low-flow. Cut back on water waste by installing flow restrictor aerators inside your faucets and installing a low-flow shower head in your bathroom. This can save 3 to 4 gallons (11 to 15 liters) of water for every minute that water is running. If you're replacing a toilet, look for a WaterSense or low-flow toilet to save thousands of gallons of water a year.[4]
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    • Remember to fix leaky faucets or toilets as soon as you notice water dripping.
    • To reduce your water use and heating bill, limit your showers to 5 minutes. If you'd rather take a bath, only fill the tub half to three-quarters full.
  5. Wash your clothes with cold water and line dry them. Adjust your washing machine to use cold or warm water instead of hot. Since more energy is spent drying the clothes, skip the machine and hang your washed clothes on a clothesline. If you don't have space for a clothesline or can't hang clothes outside, set up a clothes drying rack that you can use inside.[5]
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    • Try running your clothes through an extra spin cycle to remove even more water from the clothes. This will make them dry quicker.
  6. Use public transportation. Reduce your gas consumption and carbon emissions by walking, biking, or taking the bus. Keeping cars off of the road in congested cities can also improve the air quality. If you do need to drive somewhere, ask friends if they'd like to carpool so fewer cars are on the road.[6]
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EditCutting Back on Plastics and Waste

  1. Use reusable water bottles and coffee mugs. Plastic water bottles and coffee cups create a lot of waste. Instead of pitching your latest drink container, bring along a container that you can fill up at the fountain or hand to your barista. Many coffee shops even offer discounts if you bring your own cup.[7]
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    • Try to choose a sustainable material for your reusable bottle. You can buy them in glass, bamboo, and ceramic.
  2. Say no to unnecessary plastic straws, lids, and bags. If you know you're going to buy something that may come with a plastic straw, let them know when you're ordering that you don't need one. Ask businesses not to pack your items in plastic bags. Instead, bring your own reusable shopping bags, especially when you grocery shop.[8]
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    • If you frequently order takeout, tell the restaurant or food cart that you want the food packaged in your own containers. This way you won't get plastic utensils, styrofoam or plastic containers, paper napkins, and plastic bags.
  3. Buy items packed with paper products instead of cardboard. Choose items that contain minimal packaging that can easily be recycled. For instance, buy powdered laundry detergent in a cardboard box instead of liquid detergent that comes in a large plastic tub. Or buy the item without packaging, if possible.[9]
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    • For example, place several apples loose in your cart instead of buying a bag of apples wrapped in plastic with a plastic tie.
  4. Choose reusable toiletries. Instead of shaving with disposable razors, invest in a razor that you can purchase new blades for. To cut down on waste, start using reusable pads that you can wear and wash during your menstrual cycle. You can also use menstrual cups for a waste-free period.[10]
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    • You can also reduce bathroom waste by avoiding travel-sized items. These usually contain a lot of packaging and plastics that are difficult to recycle.
  5. Stop using plastic wrap and plastic containers for food storage. Buy a bento box, tiffin, or lunchbox that you can use to store your lunch. Store leftovers in glass containers instead of plastic bags and cover food with bees wrap instead of plastic wrap.[11]
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    • Remember to take jars with you when you grocery shop. You can fill them in the bulk bins to cut down on packaging.

EditReducing, Repurposing, and Recycling

  1. Use items more than once. To cut back on waste, don't throw something useful away after a single use. Instead, use it again or find a new way to use it. For example, instead of throwing away a brown lunch bag, save it and use it a few more times. Or cut the bag and lay it flat so you can use the brown paper to wrap something. Once it's outlived its usefulness, recycle it.[12]
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    • For example, instead of throwing away wrapping paper and ribbons, use them as materials for a scrapbook.
  2. Give away things you no longer need. Ask your friends and family if they're interested in items you don't want to keep. It's a good idea to keep a bag set aside that you can add unwanted items to. When the bag gets full, have friends and family take what they want or take the bag to a charity.[13]
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    • Many thrift or second hand stores will give you a discount for your next purchase if you donate items.
  3. Save and reuse packaging. Use plastic food containers to store leftovers or keep old bread bags to store baked goods. Keep the waxed bags inside boxes of crackers or cereal and use them to prevent foods from sticking together. For example, lay a waxed bag between layers of prepared hamburgers.[14]
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    • Keep empty diaper wipe boxes and store tissues, toys, or crayons in them.
  4. Buy things second-hand. If you do need to purchase things such as clothing, housewares, books, or appliances, buy them second-hand instead of ordering them new. This will save resources and packaging. To buy things used, check out:[15]
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    • Thrift or antique stores
    • Garage sales
    • Local newspaper listings
    • Neighborhood exchanges
  5. Recycle materials that you can't reuse. Check with your sanitation company about what recyclables they accept. Some companies will let you mix recyclables in one bin while other companies want you to sort it. For example, you can mix paper, cardboard, and metal recyclables, but keep glass separate.
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    • You can usually recycle cans, paper, cardboard, plastic containers, metals, and glass.
  6. Compost food waste instead of sending it to a landfill or incinerator. You would be giving back to the environment and having a compost pile will improve soil for gardens. Avoid composting meat, citrus, tea bags, and fish. You can compost:[16]
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    • Grass cuttings and leaves
    • Vegetable scraps
    • Fruit peels and scraps
    • Egg shells
    • Coffee grounds


  • Encourage your friends and family to be eco-friendly too! Post eco-friendly changes you've made on social media and challenge your friends to change their habits.
  • Plant trees around your home to improve air quality and provide a home for creatures.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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How to Make Apple Zucchini Muffins

Posted: 01 May 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Zucchini and muffins may not sound like the most appetizing mix, but this recipe (which includes sweet apples) is sure to convince you otherwise. Taste these muffins and you'll reconsider vegetable deserts. The process is simple, and the results are delicious!


  • self-raising flour
  • brown sugar
  • cinnamon
  • 2 eggs lightly beaten
  • cup vegetable oil
  • vanilla extract
  • apple peeled and grated
  • zucchini peeled and grated


  1. Preheat your oven to .
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  2. Combine all the dry ingredients. Add the flour, brown sugar, and cinnamon into one large bowl.
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  3. Mix the dry ingredients. Ensure they're well combined before continuing.
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  4. Combine all the wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Add the eggs, oil, vanilla, apple, and zucchini in a different large bowl.
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  5. Mix the wet ingredients. Ensure they're well combined before continuing.
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  6. Combine both the dry and wet ingredient mixtures. Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredient bowl.
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  7. Mix everything together until well smooth and combined.
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  8. Grease a muffin tray or use cupcake wrappers. Using cooking spray, oil, or butter to lightly grease each muffin tin. This will prevent sticking or use cupcake wrappers instead.
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    • An alternative is to use cupcake wrappers.
  9. Place the muffin batter into the muffin tins. Scoop even amounts of the batter into each muffin tin, making sure not to fill it to the top as the muffins will expand while baking.
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  10. Place the muffins into the oven. Bake for 20–25 minutes.
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    • To ensure they're fully done, insert a toothpick into the center of one of the muffins. If it comes out clean without any residue, they're fully baked.
  11. Finished. Remove the muffins from the oven when the muffins are done baking. Place the muffins on a plate to serve. If you wish, you can let them cool down for 5–10 minutes.
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  • Store leftover muffins in a plastic bag or airtight container. Freeze them to prevent mold growth.
  • Serve these muffins with a cup of tea or coffee for a tasty breakfast.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Two large bowls
  • Stirring utensil
  • Muffin tray
  • Cupcake wrappers (optional, alternative to greasing pan)
  • Plastic bag/airtight container (to store)

EditSources and Citations

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