How to Identify Flying Insects Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:00 AM PST What's that bug flying around your house? Is it dangerous or just a nuisance? Whether you've got a pest problem or just want to learn how to tell apart commonly confused insects, we've put together a guide on the most common flying insects you'll see. There are 25 orders of flying insects, and within the largest orders, the bugs can look really different (bees and ants are technically in the same order!).[1] To make things easier, we'll first cover how to identify specific insects you're likely to see around your home or garden. Then we'll go over a few of the less-common insect orders so you can identify flying insects like a true entomologist. [Edit]House Flies - House flies have distinctive wide-set, reddish eyes. Look for insects 6-7mm long with grayish or yellowish abdomens. If you can see one up close, check their thorax (midsection) for 4 black stripes and dark markings on their sides.[2]
- All flies are part of the order Diptera.[3]
- While flies don't bite, they can transmit pathogens by excreting onto human skin or food.
- If you see flying insects at night, it's unlikely you're dealing with house flies. House flies tend to be inactive at night.[4]
- House flies are drawn to manure, human excrement, garbage, and kitchen waste.[5]
- Get rid of house flies by maintaining proper sanitation and using fly traps.
[Edit]Drain Flies - Drain flies are between 2-5mm and have moth-like wings. Their bodies are round and fuzzy. However, the easiest way to identify them is to look for flies hanging around stagnant water. While these insects aren't harmful to humans, they can produce 300 eggs in 48 hours and create nests that block your drains.[6]
- Check for drain flies by sealing off a drain with duct tape. The flies will try to come to the surface and get stuck.
- Create an apple cider vinegar trap to easily catch drain flies, fruit flies, and fungus gnats.
[Edit]Fruit Flies - Fruit flies are tiny, with red or dark eyes. They're typically around 2-5mm long. You can really identify fruit flies by their behavior–they'll hover around fruit and vegetables in your home. These little flies lay their larvae inside fruit, because their larvae feed on yeast from fermenting plants and ripening fruit. In other words, they feed on gross, decaying material![7]
- Fruit flies can be beige, tan, gray, or black.
- Worldwide, there are over 4,000 species of fruit flies, and they can vary widely in appearance.[8]
- The best way to get rid of fruit flies is to wash fruits and vegetables and store them in a cool, dry place.
- Throw away or compost overripe fruit and take out your kitchen garbage frequently.[9]
[Edit]Fungus Gnats - Fungus gnats are grayish-black with gray or see-through wings. However, you'll likely be able to identify them better by their behavior–they like to hover around your houseplants. You might easily confuse fungus gnats with fruit flies, but fungus gnats have a thinner body with longer legs and longer antennae. They are also erratic, slow fliers who tend to spend time walking on soil to take a break from flying.[10]
- These pesky insects cause damage that looks similar to root rot. If you see lots of yellow leaves on your plants, look out for these insects!
- Avoid overwatering your houseplant soil to prevent fungus gnats.
- Fungus gnats may lay eggs in the drainage holes of your pots. If you suspect an infestation, start covering the drainage holes with synthetic fabric to limit the gnats' access to the hole.
- Fungus gnats are harmless to humans.
[Edit]White Flies - White flies are easily identifiable because of their white wings. They might have solid white colored wings or black bands on white wings. The three most common species are bandedwinged whiteflies (with stripes on their wings), sweetpotato whiteflies, and greenhouse whiteflies.[11]
- These common garden pests feed on sap and can transmit disease to your plants.
- They can also infest your plants by producing honeydew, which in turn attracts black mold.
- From above, greenhouse whiteflies look triangular when they land, since they hold their wings flat.
- Sweetpotato whiteflies look like grains of rice when they land, since they hold their wings at a tentlike angle. This species tends to transmit the most viruses to plants.
- To prevent whiteflies, inspect new plants you buy with a magnifying glass and look for tiny larvae. Frequently remove dead and dying plant material.
- To eliminate whiteflies, try chemical pesticides or biological control (bringing in a parasitoid species that will kill the whiteflies) with insects like Encarsia formosa or Eretmocerus eremicus.
[Edit]Mosquitoes - Mosquitoes have long, teardrop-shaped wings and featherlike antennae. They have brown or black stripes. You can spot the stripes on their abdomen, legs, and/or wings. Like flies, they're part of the order Diptera.[12]
- Male mosquitoes eat a variety of plant-based food including sap, nectar, and fruit while female mosquitoes seek out blood.
- Prevent mosquitoes by removing standing water outside, using screens on windows and doors, and using insect repellent.[13]
- Certain species of gnats might look like mosquitoes, but gnats hold themselves parallel to the surface they rest on. In contrast, mosquitoes raise their bodies up with their tails in the air.[14]
- Bees have fuzzy bodies with gold and black markings. They're part of the order Hymenoptera (which also contains wasps, hornets, and ants). You can distinguish Hymenoptera insects by the thin "waist" between their thorax (midsection) and lower abdomen. Hymenoptera insects also have antennae that are usually longer than their heads![15]
- If you're stung by a bee, the bee will imbed the stinger in your skin and it will die.[16]
- Bees live in hives made of wax (honeycomb).
- There are almost 20,000 known varieties of bees.
- Bees are beneficial to humans and the ecosystem since they're excellent pollinators. If you have a bee problem, contact a professional to safely remove them.
[Edit]Hornets - Hornets can have red, yellow, and orange markings. They're larger and fatter than wasps and can grow up to ! Hornets can sting repeatedly since they won't die after they sting. Fortunately, they usually won't sting unless provoked.[17]
- If you see a hornet with black and white markings, it might be a bald-faced hornet (also called a paper wasp).[18]
- Hornets build basketball-sized nests made from chewed-up wood pulp with a paperlike texture. It's best to let a professional remove these nests.
- Hornet stings are more painful than bee or wasp stings because they contain venom.
- Wasps have distinct yellow and black rings. Like hornets, they have a narrow abdomen and waist. However, wasp markings are brighter and more distinct than the muted colors of hornet markings.[19]
- Like hornets, wasps can sting multiple times.
- Wasp nests are also made from chewed-up wood pulp.
- Wasps are about ⅓ in. (.8 cm) to 1 in. (2.5 cm) long.[20]
[Edit]Beetles/Weevils - Beetles have hardened wings that meet in a straight line down their backs. They're part of the insect order Coleoptera. Beetles have mandibulate mouthparts, meaning you'll be able to see prominent jaw parts they use to chew their food.[21]
- Some common species of beetles like the ground beetle and longhorned beetle are nocturnal.[22]
- There are over 23,700 types of beetles and Coleoptera is the largest order of insects present in the U.S.[23]
[Edit]Dragonflies and Damselflies - These insects have large eyes, narrow antennae, and transparent wings. They're part of the Odonata order. Both dragonflies and damselflies have a notch in the center of each wing, called a nodus. However, in dragonflies, the rear wing is broader than the front one. Damselfly front and back wings are of a similar size.[24]
- Dragonflies are faster than damselflies due to their asymmetrical wing design.
[Edit]Butterflies and Moths - Butterflies and moths have long bodies, broad wings, and often come in bright colors. These insects belong to the order Lepidoptera, which has over 160,000 different species, with the majority being moths.[25] Wondering how to tell the difference between butterflies and moths? Butterflies have club shaped antennae whereas moths have saw-edged or feathery-looking antennae.[26]
- Moths are typically nocturnal.
- It's a common misconception that touching a butterfly's wings will make it unable to fly. The powder that comes off is actually made up of tiny scales.
- The butterfly will shed those scales periodically throughout its lifetime.
[Edit]Lacewings - Lacewings have delicate veined wings, big eyes, and cylindrical bodies. Specifically, look out for four membranous wings. The front and back wings might be the same size, but some species might have larger back wings. Lacewings are part of the order Neuropterida.[27]
- Neuropterida species will hold their wings like a tent behind their body.[28]
[Edit]Cicadas, True Hoppers, and Aphids - Identify these insects by their leathery exteriors and beaklike mouthparts. Even though they look different, cicadas, hoppers, and aphids are part of the broad order Hemiptera. Most insects in the order Hemiptera will look dorsoventrally flattened (meaning, they look relatively squished and flat when you view them from the side).[29]
- Cicadas have membranous wings whereas true hoppers have leathery wings.
- Aphids fall into a suborder of plant parasite insects called Sternorrhyncha.
[Edit]Grasshoppers and Crickets - Check for thickened front wings and huge hind legs. Grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids (members of the order Orthoptera) are built for jumping. Their tarsi (or legs) are segmented into 3-4 parts.[30]
- Crickets have long antennae while grasshoppers have short antennae.[31]
- Crickets "sing" by rubbing their wings together. Grasshoppers "sing" by rubbing their hind legs against their wings.
[Edit]References |
How to Set up and Play the Game of Life Posted: 30 Nov 2021 12:00 AM PST The Game of Life allows you to live out an entire life on a game board: getting a job, starting a family, and (if you're lucky) retiring as a millionaire. The most recent edition is easy to set up, can be played by 2-4 players, and is the only version that adds pets to your life story. There are many older editions of the game too. These take a little more set up before your first time playing, but they let you squeeze up to 6 players in one game. [Edit]Latest Edition (2017): Set Up - Punch the pegs out of the plastic frame. If you have a brand new set, the plastic pegs come in a rectangular frame. Punch these out carefully. There are 24 pink and blue "people" pegs and 12 smaller, green "pet" pegs.[1]
- If there are any sharp bits of plastic clinging to the pegs, shave them down with sandpaper or an emery board.
- Put the spinner in the empty corner of the board. Unfold the game board. Put the plastic spinner wheel on top of the blue sky corner of the board, between the paths marked "College Path" and "Career Path".[2]
- Shuffle and separate the five decks. The backs of the cards are labeled House, Action, Career, College Career, and Pet. Separate these, shuffle them, and put them face down next to the game board.[3]
- Give each player their starting pieces. Each player starts with:
- 1 plastic car
- 1 flat, circular token the same color as their car
- 1 large "person" peg (all pegs fit into the holes in your car)
- 1 small "pet" peg (give your pet a name!)
- 200K of paper money
- Choose a banker. One player gets to be the banker. They're in charge of giving players their salary and bank loans. It's helpful for the banker to sit near the spinner, so they can store the bank's money in the attached plastic compartment.
- The banker is still a player, and keeps their own money separate from the bank's stash.
- Have each player choose Career or College. Your car can start next to either of the two arrows on the plastic spinner (between the wheel and the money compartment).[4] Each path has its advantages:
- If you pick Career, look at the top two cards of the Career deck. Pick one to put face up in front of you, and put the other on the bottom of the deck. You start on the shorter path and will start earning money sooner.
- If you pick College, pay the bank $100K. You start on the longer path and don't have a career yet, but you'll have a better chance at a high-paying job later.
[Edit]Latest Edition (2017): Gameplay - Spin the spinner and move that many squares. The youngest player goes first, then play continues left (clockwise) around the table. Each turn starts with one spin to see how many squares you move.
- Read your Career card for special "bonus number" instructions. Other players have to pay you a certain amount of money if their spin lands on your bonus number.[5]
- Draw an Action card when you land on Gold. When you land on a yellow square with a faint circle image on it, draw the top card of the Action deck. Read it aloud and do what it says.[6]
- Keep the card—it's worth money at the end of the game.
- Draw a Pet card when you land on the pink paw. Read the card aloud and follow its instructions.
- Keep the card next to you after you're done, since it's worth money at the end of the game.
- Play the Spin to Win minigame when you land on the spinner. Each player puts their circular token next to a number on the "Spin to Win" image in the corner of the board. The player whose turn it is takes the extra, silver token out of the box and chooses a second number. Spin the spinner until it points to a number someone has chosen. That player wins $200K from the bank.[7]
- Add pegs to your car when you land on Baby squares. Add one pink or blue peg to your car if the square says "Baby". Add two if it says "Twins". (Each baby is worth 50K at the end of the game.)[8]
- Collect salary when you pass a Payday square. Unlike most squares, you don't have to land exactly on a green Payday square. Whenever you pass one, collect the salary listed on your Career card.[9]
- When you land exactly on a Payday square, collect your salary plus a 100K bonus!
- Buy and sell houses on a House square. When you land on these squares, you have three options:[10]
- You can choose to do nothing.
- You can buy a house: Draw two cards from the House deck. Pick one to keep, pay the bank the price listed on the card, and put the second card on the bottom of the deck.
- You can choose one of your houses to sell, if you have one: Spin the spinner, and look at the inner circle to see if it landed on red or black. Collect the amount of money listed on your House card next to that color. Put that House card on the bottom of the deck.
- Stop moving when you hit a STOP square. Even if you have extra moves left, your piece stops here. Follow the special instructions for the STOP square you're on:[11]
 - Graduation: Look at the top two College Career cards, pick one to put in front of you, and put the other on the bottom of the deck. Spin and move again.
- Get Married: Add a blue or pink peg (your spouse) to your car. Spin and look at the inner circle: if it's red, everyone gives you 50K each; if it's black, everyone gives you 100K. Spin and move again.
- Night School: You can choose to pay the bank 100K, draw the top card of the College Career deck, and (if you want) replace your old Career with the new card. Spin again and move on the Night School path. Or you can choose to not pay anything, spin again, and move on the Life path.
- Family: Spin again and move onto either the Family path (if you want kids) or the Life path (if you don't).
- Spin for babies: Follow the instructions on the square, add that many people pegs to your car, then spin and move again.
- Risky/Safe: Spin and move again onto either path. The Risky road has some squares with special instructions that can make or lose you money.[12]
- Get a bank loan if you run out of money. If you don't have enough money to buy something or pay a debt, ask for a loan. The banker gives you the amount you need from the bank's supply, plus one bank loan certificate for every 50K you borrow. Each bank loan certificate takes away 60K from your final score.[13]
- Retire at the end of the game. Unlike earlier versions of the game, the two end spaces ("Millionaire's Mansion" and "Countryside Acres") are there just for fun; it doesn't matter which you pick. You do get a bonus for retiring first, though:[14]
- The first to retire gets 400K.
- The second gets 300K.
- The third gets 200K.
- The fourth gets 100K.
- Count money at the end of the game to see who wins. Once everyone has gone through the whole board and retired, whoever has the most money wins. But before you count, there are a few extra steps that will change your score:[15]
- Sell your Houses by spinning the wheel for each one and looking at the inner wheel color (red or black). You get the amount of money listed on your House card next to that color.
- Get 100K for each Action card and each Pet card.
- Get 50K for each baby you have.
- Lose 60K for each bank loan certificate you have.
[Edit]Older Editions: Board Assembly - Punch out game board pieces and the cardboard slots on the game board. The Game of Life comes with many cardboard parts that you will need to punch out and attach to the board. It also comes with some plastic pieces that you will need to attach to the board in the correct places.[16]
- Put stickers on the mountain and bridge pieces. Your Game of Life set should have stickers for the mountain and bridge pieces. Put these stickers on the mountain and bridge pieces before you attach them to the game board.[17]
- Attach the game parts to the board. Before you start playing, you will need to assemble the board. Attach the buildings, mountains, and bridges to the correct places on the board. Each plastic piece has a letter on it that matches up with a letter on the board.[18]
- Match the letter piece with the correct letter on the board. For example, the "J" piece should go into the "J" slot.
- Assemble and attach the spinner. The Game of Life uses a spinner instead of dice. You will need to put this spinner together and attach it to the board before you play your first game. Punch out the cardboard spinner and match the notches up with the notches on the plastic spinner dial. Then, snap the two pieces together.[19]
- Next attach the spinner dial to the spinner base. The spinner base should have a letter on it that corresponds to the letter on the board. Snap the assembled spinner into place on the board.
[Edit]Older Editions: Set Up - Place the Life tiles somewhere near the board. Make sure that they are all facing down. Mix them up and leave them next to the board to act as the draw pile. Take four tiles without looking at them and place them on the Millionaire Estates space.[20]
- Separate, shuffle, and stack the cards. The four types of cards are Career Cards, Salary Cards, House Deeds, and Stocks. Make sure that you keep each type of card separate and then shuffle each stack. Place the stacks face-down somewhere next to the board where everyone can reach them.[21]
- Find the Automobile Insurance Policies, Homeowner's Insurance Policies, Stocks, and Bank Loans. Place these items somewhere near the board. Players will purchase and borrow these items throughout the game, so you will want to have them somewhere that is easy to access. Select a spot right next to the game board to keep these items for when they are needed.[22]
- Select someone to be the Banker. The Banker is in charge of all money going into and out of the bank. Make sure the person who decides to be the Banker is aware that he/she will need to collect and distribute money throughout the game. The Banker will need to distribute $10,000 in Life money to each player.[23]
- Have everyone choose a car and people peg. The Game of Life comes with six car movers in different colors as well as people pegs that go in the cars. Make sure that every player chooses a car and puts a peg into it before placing that peg on the board.[24]
[Edit]Older Editions: Gameplay - Decide if you want to start a career or go to college. Before your first turn, you will need to decide if you want to start the game with a career card or start the game by going to college. There are advantages and disadvantages to both options.[25]
- The advantages of starting your career right away is that you will start earning PAY DAY money sooner and you will not have any debt. The disadvantages of starting your career right away is that you will not earn as much money and there are some career cards that you may not take.
- The advantage of going to college is that you will earn more when you do get a career card. The disadvantage of going to college is that you will have $40,000 in debt and it will take you longer to get your career card.
- Draw a Career Card right away if you decide to start a career. If you choose to start a career, then you will need to choose a career card right away. Discard any career cards that indicate that a college degree is required, such as the doctor career card.[26]
- Place your car on the Start College space if you decided to start college. If you are going to start college, then you will need to place your car on the start college space. You may not draw a career card yet. You may draw a career card when you reach the Job Search space.[27]
- Spin the wheel. Each play will need to spin the wheel at the beginning of every turn. The number that you spin will indicate how many spaces you may move your car on the board. You may only move your car forward, not backwards on the board.[28]
- Observe the instructions for different space colors. The Game of Life board is very colorful and each space has different instructions that you will need to read and follow. Take some time to review the basic instructions for the space colors so that you will know what your options are.[29]
- Orange spaces have instructions written on them that you must follow.
- Blue spaces have instructions on them that you may decide to follow or not follow.
- Green spaces are PAY DAY spaces. Collect the amount shown on your PAY DAY card whenever you pass or land on a green space.
- Red spaces require you to stop moving, even if you have enough moves left to go past a red space. You have to stop whenever you encounter a red space. Follow the instructions on the space, then spin and move again.
- Pay if you land on a career space that someone or no one owns. The career spaces on the board match the available career cards. If one of your opponents owns the card, then you need to pay that opponent the amount shown on the card.[30]
- If you own the career card, then you do not have to pay anything.
- If no one owns the career card, then you need to pay the amount indicated on the space to the bank.
- Give $5,000 to the person with the police officer career card if you spin a 10. This rule is known as the Special Police Officer Rule. If someone spins a 10, then that person is said to have been "speeding" and must pay whoever has the Police Officer career card $5,000. If no one has the card, then no one has to pay.[31]
- Pay $5,000 to the accountant if you land on the "Taxes" space. The accountant gets an extra space on the board which is called the Taxes space. If you land on this space, then you need to pay $5,000 to whoever has the accountant career card.[32]
- If no one has this card, then pay $5,000 to the bank.
- If you have the card, then you pay nothing.
- Decide if you want to take out an automobile insurance policy or homeowner's insurance policy. You may choose to purchase an insurance policy at the beginning of one of your turns. These policies will offer some protection for your home or car (depending on which one you buy) in case of an accident.[33]
- Auto insurance costs $10,000, but the homeowner's insurance policies depend on the home that you own. You can find the cost of a homeowner's insurance policy on your deed card.
- Buy stocks. You may buy a stock card at the beginning of one of your turns. A stock card costs $50,000, but if someone spins and lands on the number on your card, then you collect $10,000 from the bank. This rule applies whether you are spinning or someone else is spinning.[34]
- You may only buy one stock card, but you may get another stock card if you land on the Stock Market Zooms space.
- Take out a bank loan if you need it. If you are running low on cash, then you may take out a bank loan of $20,000 at the beginning of one of your turns. Keep in mind that you will have to repay this amount to the bank when you retire plus an extra $5,000 in interest.[35]
[Edit]Older Editions: Winning - Stop moving when you reach the Retire space. When you have reached the Retire space, you may not spin the wheel any more or draw cards, or purchase things. This space indicates that you are near the end of the game. However, getting to the Retire space first does not mean you have won the game.[36]
- Repay your loans plus any interest you owe. The first thing you will need to do when you hit the Retire space is to repay any loans you have taken out plus the interest that you owe. Put this money back into the bank.[37]
- Discard your Career Card, Salary Card, Insurance Policies, and House Deed. Next, get rid of all of your special cards, but you may keep your stocks. If you are ahead of your opponents, then you can continue to collect money from your stocks when your opponents spin the wheel.[38]
- Move your car to Millionaire Estates OR Countryside Acres. Move to Millionaire Estates if you think that you have the most money. Keep in mind that if you do move to Millionaire Estates, you stand a chance to collect four additional Life tiles that may help you win the game. But other players may draw from this pile if the draw deck is empty.[39]
- If you move to Countryside Acres, collect one Life tile. No one may take this Life tile from you and you may include it in your cash total at the end of the game.
- Have all of the players at Millionaire Estates count up their money. The player with the most money gets the last four life tiles that are on the Millionaire Estates space. Then, all of the players (including those at Countryside Acres) should add the cash amounts on their Life tiles with the money they have on hand. The player with the most money is the winner![40]
- Try to experiment with different strategies (starting a career vs. starting college first) when you play the game to see what seems to give you a better advantage.
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary |
How to Store Ginger Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:00 PM PST Ginger can be enjoyed as a delicacy or a spice, or it can even be used for medicinal purposes, such as easing the pain of stomach ache. Ginger is commonly used in savory stir-fry dishes, in sweets like gingersnaps, and even in cocktails like the Moscow Mule. Ginger is a delicious root, but the problem is that it's hard to use the ginger from one root at once, which leads to the problem of storing it. If you want your ginger to last a few weeks -- or even a few months -- then you need to know how to store ginger in the freezer and refrigerator. If you want to know how to store ginger, just follow these steps. [Edit]Knowing the Basics - Choose the freshest ginger.[1] If you want your ginger to last as long as possible, then you have to pick out the freshest ginger root and use it shortly after purchasing. To find the freshest ginger, look for ginger with a fresh and spicy fragrance and a nice smooth skin. The rhizomes of the ginger should feel heavy and firm in your hands. Avoid any ginger that's wrinkled or feels a bit soft, or you'll be eating ginger that's already on the decline.
- Avoid any ginger that is wet, moist, or moldy.
- Decide whether to store the ginger in the freezer or refrigerator. If you know you'll be using the ginger again soon, then you should just store it in the refrigerator to make it easy to use, peel, or mince the ginger in the future. Ginger can last in the refrigerator for up to three weeks, so if you know you won't be using it before then, then you should store it in the freezer.
- You can also mix and match. If you know you'll be using a small chunk of the ginger soon, then you can cut off a chunk and refrigerate it and then freeze the rest of the ginger for use in the more distant future.
[Edit]Storing Ginger in the Fridge - Store ginger in a zipper storage bag. To store ginger in a zipper storage bag, simply take the unpeeled ginger and place it in a zipper bag, taking care to push all of the air out of the bag. Place it in the veggie crisper in your fridge and have it stay crisp and fresh for several weeks. When compared to other methods, such as storing the ginger in a paper bag or wrapping it with a paper towel and then placing it in the bag, this method came up lasting the longest by quite a few weeks.[2]
- If the ginger is already peeled, this method will work too, but it won't last as long as it would with the peel on.
- Store ginger in a paper towel and paper bag. Store a chunk of unpeeled ginger by carefully wrapping it in a paper towel until there's no air holes or uncovered parts and then place it in a paper bag. Take care to push all of the air out of the paper bag before you seal it. Place the ginger in the vegetable crisper of your refrigerator and store it for a few weeks.
- Store ginger in a paper bag.[3] If you're in a pinch for time, you can just place the ginger in a paper bag and put the bag in the vegetable crisper of your fridge. The ginger won't last as long as it will using the other methods, but this is a quick and easy trick to use if you know you'll be eating the ginger within a week. This is a solid method for quickly storing herbs such as dill or cilantro as well.
- Store freshly peeled ginger submerged in spirits. Just place the freshly peeled ginger in a jar or sealable container and submerge them a spirit or acidic liquid. The most commonly used liquids are: vodka, dry sherry, sake, rice wine, rice vinegar, and fresh lime juice.[4] Vodka and sherry are the most popularly used spirits, and vodka has been shown to have the longest-lasting results while altering the flavor of the ginger the least.[5]
- Though this is a solid storage method, be aware that the liquid will change the flavor of the ginger a bit -- or a lot.
[Edit]Storing Ginger in the Freezer - Wrap the ginger in plastic wrap and seal it in a zipper storage bag.[6] Carefully take a sheet of plastic wrap and wrap it around the unpeeled ginger once or twice until it's completely covered by the plastic wrap. Then, place the ginger in a zipper storage bag, taking care to push out any extra air. Place the zipper bag in the freezer and enjoy the ginger for the next few months. Grating whole, frozen ginger root with a cheese grater is very easy, by the way .
- Freeze minced ginger. First, peel the ginger and mince it finely. Then, spread or scoop the ginger on a tray that is lined with parchment, using portions that are teaspoon or tablespoon sized. Place the tray in the freezer until the ginger is completely frozen and then transfer it to an airtight container like Tupperware or a jar with a tight lid. Place it in the freezer and enjoy this minced ginger for up to six months.[7]
- Freeze chopped ginger. Chop up ginger into the size you'd like it to be for your future meals, whether it's into thumb-sized pieces or matchstick-sized pieces. You can mix and match, cutting up the ginger into any size you like while keeping on the skin. Then, store the ginger in an airtight container and place it in the fridge.
- Cut the peeled ginger in medallions. If you know you'll cook the ginger in medallions, you can peel it, cut it up into a medallion shape, and then place it a glass bowl or another freezer-friendly open container. Place it in the freezer until the ginger is completely frozen, turning over the ginger after an hour to speed up the process if you like. Then, place the ginger in an airtight container and seal it. Place it in the freezer and enjoy this frozen ginger for at least three months.
[Edit]Storing Ginger in a Jar with a Vacuum Seal This method allows for storage of a few weeks. - Use a vacuum sealing device such as Food Saver or another brand.
- Place the amount of ginger into a canning jar.
- Add the lid.
- Vacuum seal with the jar attachment. Label and date the jar.
- Store in the refrigerator. Use within a few weeks.
[Edit]Storing Ginger with a Vacuum Seal Bag This method allows for longer storage than the jar vacuum seal method. - Put the ginger that you want to keep into a vacuum seal bag.
- Vacuum the pack with the vacuum sealer.
- Label and date. Place in the freezer. Use as needed.
- If wished, you can also store finely chopped or blended ginger in the dry sherry mixture rather than ginger pieces. This can allow for more ginger to be stored and it is very easily used in cooking. If you choose to do this, add a small amount of sherry to the blender to aid blending.
- Ginger is best grated using a ceramic ginger grater.[8] It is a lot easier using one of these than an ordinary cheese grater and they are very affordable to purchase. These graters have raised edges which stop the ginger from slipping off the sides. Naturally, they never rust and they can be used for other foods such as chocolate or nutmeg.
[Edit]Things You'll Need - Ginger
- Paper bag
- Refrigeration
- Sherry for excess storage method
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