Thursday, June 4, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Celebrate World Environment Day

Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:00 PM PDT

World Environment Day (WED) is a yearly event held on June 5th to raise global awareness of the need to take positive environmental action. WED is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and is the pinnacle of environmental activities undertaken all year round by UNEP and other organizations and individuals around the world. Being a part of the celebrations gives you an opportunity to share your ideas and activities for making our world cleaner, greener, and brighter.


[Edit]Participating in World Environment Day Events

  1. Visit the World Environment Day website. Go to and spend some time browsing the information provided there to see what's of most interest to you. You can read stories and news about the environment and learn how to participate in events.
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    • You can also use the site to register an activity that you, your school, business, workplace, or your community group are doing for WED. The great thing about registering your activity is that you can inspire others who learn about what you're doing.
  2. Find out what the WED environmental theme is for the year. For example, in 2017, the theme was "Connecting People to Nature." This theme encourages people to spend time in nature and appreciate the beauty and magnificence of the natural world. It also focuses on protecting the environment from harm.
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    • Also check out which country is the host country for WED for the year. For example, in 2017, Canada was the host country for WED. If you live in the host country, expect extra exciting activities to be planned!
  3. Check out the activities that are already planned in your area. You might like to join in what has been planned, or even help out if you're early enough to sign up as a volunteer for the event. Check the WED website and do an internet search for WED events near you.
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  4. Add a photo or video to the nature album to share your favorite spot. The WED website is working to create the largest nature album in the world. Take a photograph or video of your favorite site in nature and post it to the album. For example, take a photo of your favorite lake or mountain range, create a video showcasing a lightning storm, or make a time-lapse video of cool clouds.[1]
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  5. Promote World Environment Day on social media. Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites to promote WED. Share events in your area, quote environmental facts, add photos taken in nature, or give tips on living sustainably. Either way, spread the word to your friends, family, and followers that it is World Environment Day!
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[Edit]Hosting Your Own World Environment Day Event

  1. Collect recyclable items to reduce waste. Post signs around the community letting people know they can drop off materials to be recycled at your home or chosen location. Then, take the items to a place where they can be recycled. This will be especially helpful if you collect items that cannot be recycled at the local recycling center, such as electronics, batteries, and paint cans.[2]
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  2. Host a film festival to highlight eco-issues. You could organize a film festival in your community focused on ecological issues. Watch An Inconvenient Truth, The Day After Tomorrow, Soylent Green, or Erin Brockovich. If children are attending, consider adding WALL-E or FernGully: The Last Rainforest.[3]
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    • If you plan this in advance, you could add your city to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival Tour.[4]
  3. Organize an arts and crafts exhibition that focuses on sustainability. This shows participants that it is important to consider where your products come from and how they are made in order to leave a smaller footprint on the environment. Invite local artists and crafters who make their products sustainably.
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    • For example, choose artists who use recycled materials in their projects, or knitters who use eco-friendly yarns to create clothing and other items.
  4. Set up a poetry reading to hear others' opinions on the environment. You could organize a poetry reading at a local coffee shop or bookstore to create a platform for people to share their opinions, worries, and hopes about the environment. An event like this also helps connect people through a love of nature. Choose poets or poems that focus on environmental issues, such as eco-poetry.
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    • You may also want to include dramatic readings or performances as well.
    • You can choose to read poems like "Flood" by Pablo Neruda or excerpts from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass.[5]
  5. Plan a concert to raise money for an eco charity. This is a fun way to get people together for a good cause. Invite local musicians to play music in an outdoor venue. You could even find musicians who use recycled materials for their instruments, or musicians whose music focuses on nature or environmental issues.
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    • You could charge an entry fee and donate the money to an environmental cause, such as saving endangered species. Alternatively, you could leave a donation box out so that people can donate money.
    • If you don't want to charge an entry fee, you might require that people bring bottles to recycle or participate in a neighborhood clean-up if they want to see the concert.
    • You could play recordings or have bands cover songs like "Mother Nature's Son" by the Beatles, or John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change."
  6. Plant trees to increase oxygen in the air. Trees are great for the environment, as they turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. Gather a group of people together and arrange to plant trees in your community. Get permission before planting in public places such as parks, or choose to plant trees in your own or your neighbors' or friends' yards.
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  7. Organize a neighborhood cleanup to beautify your community. Invite your neighbors to help clean up the area in which you all live. This is a great activity to do with children. Pick up trash, pull weeds, or even do minor repairs to fences or houses in the area.[6]
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  8. Plan a nature scavenger hunt to connect with the world around you. Invite adults and children from your neighborhood to participate in a nature scavenger hunt. Create a list of items to find, such as: a yellow flower, a green leaf, a ladybug, a feather, a smooth rock, a blade of grass, a puffy cloud, something blue, etc. Consider handing out prizes to the winners, like eco-friendly tote bags.[7]
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  9. Raise awareness in your community. Set up a booth outside the local library or grocery store, after obtaining permission. Speak to people about environmental issues or hand out brochures or information kits. This can be a great way to educate others about important environmental subjects.
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[Edit]Doing Things That Benefit the Environment

  1. Adopt an eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle. Do an inventory of your energy usage, your consuming habits, and your reliance on unsustainable products and make a list of ways you intend to curb your unsustainable activities and habits and replace them with sustainable ones. Set yourself a timeline to meet, with harder changes coming at the end of the timeline.
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    • For instance, consider eating meat-free meals twice a week. You could also make a point of turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Another idea is to commit yourself to walking to work or the market as often as possible.
  2. Choose to purchase sustainable, organic, or Fair Trade goods. Read the labels of origin and manufacture of your goods, and decide if you can make better choices. Find out if your products are certified as sustainable, organic, locally made, or Fair Trade. There are lots of things a label can tell you if you choose to read it.
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    • Sustainable products include those that are sustainably obtained, for example, all forest products with the FSC logo are logged using sustainable forestry practices.
    • Organic products, such as cotton clothing, cause much less environmental damage than non-organic methods, such as conventional cotton-growing practices.
    • Locally made products decrease the impact on the environment because they travel less miles, which means less emissions, to make it to the consumer.
    • Fair Trade products are ethically produced, and take into account the native people as well as the environmental resources, in the areas they are produced.
    • If you can't find a label, email or post a message on Facebook to the company, retailer, or manufacturer responsible for the product. Facebook is a great method because lots of other people will check out your question and be waiting for the answer!
  3. Take public transportation to reduce your environmental impact. Make a choice to use public transportation more often than you do already to cut back on the amount of noxious fumes introduced into the environment. Carpooling is also a great way to reduce emissions. You can also ride your bicycle or walk to close destinations.
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  4. Get involved in a conservation, restoration, or eco-community project. Today is a great day to sign up and get involved with people who are doing rather than talking or reading. Sign up to help restore an old building in town, or join a local water conservation group.
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  5. Plan your garden space to include edible items. If you have a yard or garden that sits empty, make a plan to plant fruits, veggies, and herbs for personal use, or even bee-friendly flowers. Growing your own food helps reduce strain on the environment. Things you can do that will make the most of your garden include:
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    • Compost your scraps. Use this compost to boost the garden's production.
    • Create a part of it that is edible, and plant seasonal crops. For those of you with merely a balcony or a tiny plot, you can still grow food such as a potato in a bag and small sprout gardens in your windowsill. You could also join a community gardening project.
    • Grow herbs and spices that add flavor to your food, look beautiful in the garden, and that also have medicinal, beauty, healing, spiritual, or other uses. Borrow a book from the library to learn more about herb and spice use. These plants don't need much space, and they can be grown on a windowsill or balcony.
    • Encourage beneficial and friendly wildlife to your garden through careful planting and shelter creation.
    • Learn to make your own garden sprays using items that are toxic to bugs and mildew but not to people and pets!
  6. Refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle. Refuse to buy unsustainable products, reduce your consumption, reuse items and materials around your home, and recycle everything you can. All that clutter has to go somewhere, so make a choice not to bring in into the house to begin with and if it has to leave, make good choices about where it's going to end up![8]
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    • Think about borrowing, sharing, donating, time-sharing, etc., instead of buying for keeps. Or pass it on after you've read/used/watched/worn/enjoyed it.

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How to Make Bechamel Sauce

Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Bechamel sauce is a classic French sauce made from butter, flour, and milk. It's a versatile sauce that forms the base for most creamy sauces, gratins, macaroni and cheese, and many other dishes. Read on to learn how to make this delicious sauce.


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 4 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch nutmeg


[Edit]Getting the Ingredients Ready

  1. Measure the ingredients. The ratio of milk to flour to butter is very important in Bechamel sauce since the texture and flavor of the sauce relies on only these three ingredients. Be sure to use exact measurements: 2 tablespoons butter, 4 1/2 tablespoons flour, and 3 cups milk.[1]
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    • If you prefer a thicker sauce, scale back the milk by 1/2 cup. For a more liquid sauce, add 1/2 cup milk.
    • Using full-fat milk will result in a thicker sauce than using low fat or skim milk.
  2. Warm the milk. Pour the milk into a small saucepan. Set it on a burner and turn the heat to medium-low. Warm the milk thoroughly, but do not let it boil. Remove the milk from heat when it is warm and cover.[2]

    • If you prefer, you can heat the milk in the microwave. Use a low setting and heat the milk for 1 minute. Check to see if it is heated; if not, place it back in the microwave and heat it for another minute.
    • If the milk comes to a boil, it's best to start over with new milk, since this can affect the flavor.

[Edit]Making the Roux

  1. Melt the butter. Place the butter in a heavy saucepan over medium heat. Heat the butter until it is completely melted, but do not let it brown.

  2. Add the flour. Place all of the flour at once into the pan with the butter. It will clump up at first. Stir it with a wooden spoon to remove the clumps and create a smooth mixture.[3]

  3. Cook the roux. Continue cooking the roux over medium heat, stirring constantly, for about 5 minutes. As you cook, the roux will begin to darken. It's ready when it reaches a golden hue; this is called "blond" roux.[4]

    • Don't let the roux get brown, as this will affect the flavor and color of the bechamel sauce.
    • If necessary, turn the heat down to low so that the roux doesn't cook too quickly.

[Edit]Finishing the Sauce

  1. Add one tablespoon of milk. Mix it in quickly to moisten the roux. Be sure to distribute it well throughout the roux; the mixture should now be slightly wet, but not runny.

  2. Whisk in the remaining milk. Slowly pour the remaining milk into the pan with one hand while whisking with the other hand. Continue pouring and whisking until the milk is gone, then keep stirring for a few more minutes.

  3. Season the bechamel sauce with the nutmeg. The thick, creamy, white sauce that remains may be seasoned with salt and pepper. Pour it over steamed vegetables or rice and serve immediately, or use it as the base for another dish.

[Edit]Using Bechamel Sauce

  1. Make macaroni and cheese. After making the bechamel sauce, add a few cups of cheddar cheese, whisking until it is melted. Pour the cheese over cooked macaroni noodles, then transfer to a baking dish. Top with more shredded cheese and bake in the oven until the top is bubbly and brown.[5]
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  2. Make potato gratin. Pour the bechamel sauce over thinly sliced potatoes and diced green onions in a baking dish. Top with grated Parmesan cheese. Bake in the oven until the potatoes are crispy and the sauce and cheese are bubbling.
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  3. Make a cheese soufflé. Mix the bechamel sauce with beaten eggs, cheese and spices. Pour into a soufflé dish and bake until the top browns and puffs.[6]
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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Discovering you have bed bugs can be a scary experience. It may be hard to get a good night's sleep with the knowledge that there are tiny pests crawling all over the place. While they're certainly a pain to get rid of, bed bugs are relatively harmless in the grand scheme of things. They don't spread diseases like ticks or mosquitoes and unless you're allergic, they aren't dangerous.[1] While they're certainly gross, take solace in the fact that bed bugs won't harm you and there are steps you can take to get rid of them.


[Edit]Taking the First Steps

  1. Alert your landlord or property manager if you don't own your home. If you own your home, skip this step. Otherwise, call your landlord or property manager right now. Depending on where you live, they may be required to pay or assist with treatment. Even if they aren't, it's important to let them know what's going on with their building.[2]
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    • It's not super common, but bed bugs can travel to other floors. If you own a condo, contact the head of your condo association to let them know what's going on.
    • Leave your furniture where it is and don't do anything hasty. If you start taking things out of the infested room to get them away from you, you're only going to spread the infestation. The odds are high you'll be able to salvage all of your furniture.[3]
  2. Keep any pets crated far from your bedroom for the near future. If you have a cat or dog and haven't noticed them scratching a lot, they probably haven't been attacked and are not infested (bed bugs prefer humans and rarely go after pets). While you're treating your mattress, the bed bugs may go after your furry friend instead. Leave your dog or cat in a crate for the night on the opposite side of your home to keep them safe.[4]
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    • You only need to do this until you can handle the problem. You may have to deal with a few nights of a whining pet, but it's better than letting bugs jump all over them!
  3. Get quotes from exterminators to see if you can get the bugs professionally removed. Depending on the scope of the problem, professional bed bug removal will cost $1,000-2,500. You can certainly remove the bugs on your own, but it's much easier to have a professional do it. Get at least 4-5 different quotes to see who has the best price in your area.[5]
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    • If you do hire an exterminator, they'll show up, inspect the infestation, and treat your home for you. You'll likely need to stay somewhere else for a night or two, though.
    • This is the only real solution if an entire property is infested. It's really unrealistic for a non-professional to treat an entire home. Luckily, bed bug infestations are usually only found in the bedroom.

[Edit]Treating Your Mattress and Fabrics

  1. Seal your sheets, blankets, and infested clothes in airtight garbage bags. Grab some garbage bags with tightening handles. Stuff your sheets, blankets, and any dirty clothes inside and tie the bag off. Use multiple bags if you need to. Take these bags to your laundry room or local laundromat.[6]
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    • You don't need to worry about spreading bed bugs at a laundromat so long as your bags are sealed, you don't dump the clothes on any surfaces, and you place the clothes directly in the washing machine.[7]
    • You can probably leave any clean clothes you have hanging up. You definitely need to wash whatever is in your drawers, but you can handle that later since these bugs and eggs aren't the main concern right now.
    • In an average infestation, roughly 70% of the bed bugs will be in your mattress. If you can't get an exterminator out today or you're still weighing your options, at least treat your mattress before going to bed to get a good night's sleep.[8]
  2. Wash and dry your clothing, sheets, and blankets on high heat. Take the bag to your washing machine and place your blankets, sheets, and dirty clothes in the washer. Wash them with laundry detergent on high heat. When they're done, dry them on high heat. Use as many loads as necessary. This will kill any bed bugs and eggs in your clothes, blankets, and sheets.[9]
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    • Repeat this process for all of the clothes in your drawers over the course of the next 1-3 days.
  3. Freeze un-washable fabric items in a plastic bag for 4-12 days. If you have any delicates you can't wash or fabric-lined items, place them in an airtight plastic bag. Set the plastic bags in the freezer and set your freezer to the coldest setting available. Keep these objects and smaller items in the freezer. If you can get the temperature to , leave the bags for 4 days. Otherwise, leave them for 8-12 days.[10]
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    • This applies to teddy bears, hacky sacks, trinkets, hats, or any small fabric item that can't be placed in a washer.
    • The bugs will freeze to death and any eggs that are trapped in the item won't hatch.
    • Do this in batches if you don't have a particularly big freezer. Open up as much space as you can by dumping the ice out and eating whatever frozen meals you have left.
    • This is really only important for things near or on your bed. If you have fabric items on your desk or something, they're probably okay.
  4. Vacuum your mattress, bed frame, box spring, and carpet to remove any bugs. Clean your vacuum bag out. Then, get a thin hose attachment and vacuum everything. Go over each section of your mattress 2-3 times. Vacuum the sides and base of your bed frame. Then, vacuum the floor. Go over carpeted areas 2-3 times. This will remove any adults that are hanging out around your bed.[11]
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    • If possible, use a HEPA vacuum or vacuum bag. The bed bugs won't be able to climb out of these bags after you suck them up.
  5. Encase your mattress in a protective cover before you sleep. After you've vacuumed everything, get a plastic mattress cover designed to keep bed bugs out and wrap your mattress in it. Seal it and put a new set of sheets on. Rest easy knowing the odds are now extremely low you'll get bit up tonight. A few new bed bugs may get through, but you shouldn't wake up with tons of bites.[12]
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    • Get a second mattress cover to encase your box spring if you use one.[13]
    • Set anything you clean or wash aside into a clean part of your home where you're positive there aren't any bed bugs to keep these items quarantined.
  6. Place bed bug traps along the base of your bed to keep stragglers off. Bed bug traps, known as interceptors, will draw bed bugs in and keep them from moving around. Pick up 4-8 interceptors and place them around the legs of your bed frame. This will keep any bugs from climbing up the bed frame while you sleep. When you wake up, inspect the traps to see just how many bugs you're dealing with and throw the traps out in an outdoor bin.[14]
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    • This should give you an idea of how bad the infestation is. The more bugs you see in the traps, the more serious the problem is.
  7. Repeat this process on the day you're going to remove the bugs entirely. All of this will keep the bugs off of your bed, but you aren't done yet. Once you're ready to get to do your final extermination, repeat all of these steps. Vacuum everything, wash your dirty clothes, and freeze anything you forgot about. This will make it much easier to eradicate the rest of the bugs.[15]
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    • The only thing you don't need to repeat is the mattress and box spring wrapping. Once those items are encased, leave them. There's no need to take your mattress out and re-vacuum it.
    • If you completed all of these steps and haven't spent a night resting or waiting for an exterminator, there's no need to do them again.
  8. Steam-clean your walls, furniture, and carpets at . On the day you're going to eradicate the bugs, get a steamer and load it with water. Turn it to the highest heat setting available and run the steamer along your bed frame, floors, baseboards, carpets, and crown molding. This will kill any bed bugs that come in contact with the steam.[16]
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    • Steaming high-risk surfaces will kill any bugs and eggs that come in contact with the steamer.

[Edit]Eradicating the Bed Bugs

  1. Pick up some silica aerogel or diatomaceous earth to kill bed bugs. There are two safe options when it comes to bed bug pesticides you can apply yourself. Silica aerogel is a pesticide that will coat any bugs that come in contact with it and suffocate them. The more popular option is diatomaceous earth, which is a powder that will poison any bugs that touch it. Both are safe to use in your home.[17]
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    • Organic or "natural" remedies like tea tree oil or homemade sprays are not effective at combatting bed bugs.[18]
    • Foggers and bug bombs are generally not recommended for bed bugs. These all-at-once treatment options are tempting, but bed bugs are pretty good at tucking into nooks and crannies where the aerosol or gaseous insecticide won't reach.[19]
  2. Apply the pesticide to every crack, baseboard, drawer, and carpet. Snip off the top of the nozzle on your pesticide. Squirt a quick puff under your baseboards, around your bed frame, inside your drawers, and around the corners of your home. If there are any cracks in your walls, squirt the powder inside. Treat every hidden and hard to reach area and let the powder do its job.[20]
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    • You may be tempted to just completely coat your home in this stuff. This isn't any more effective than just applying it to the targeted areas where the bed bugs are hanging out.
  3. Leave the pesticide for at least 10 days before vacuuming it up. At a minimum, let the pesticide sit for 10 days, which is how long it takes for the eggs to hatch. However, the longer you can leave it, the better. When you're convinced they're gone, vacuum up all of the pesticide, put your clothes back in your drawers, and take solace in the fact that the problem is gone.[21]
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    • If you do find new bites or spot new bugs, you'll need to repeat this entire process. It may take 2-3 attempts to get rid of bed bugs.
    • If the bed bugs keep returning no matter how many times you fight them off, you may need to bite the bullet and hire an exterminator.



  • Bed bugs are pretty gross, but that's basically all they are. They don't pose a significant health risk, so don't worry about getting sick in your sleep.[22]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Garbage bags
  • Washer
  • Dryer
  • Airtight plastic bags
  • Pesticide
  • Bed bug interceptors
  • Gloves
  • Dust mask

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