Monday, June 1, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Hardboil Eggs in a Microwave

Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:00 PM PDT

If you're craving a hard boiled egg but you don't have access to a stovetop, you might think you're out of luck. However, if you have a microwave and a bowl, you can make a few quick and easy hard boiled eggs in just a couple of minutes. Always crack the eggs and pop the yolk before you microwave them to prevent an explosion, and never microwave an egg that's already been hard boiled.[1]


[Edit]Cracking and Covering the Egg

  1. Grease a microwave-safe bowl with butter. Rub the inside of a small, microwave-safe bowl with butter using a paper towel. Custard ramekins work well if you are only cooking 1 egg, but you can use any size container.[2]

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    • You can also use olive oil spray instead of butter.
  2. Sprinkle 1/2 tsp (2.5 g) of salt into the bowl. You don't have to be super accurate with your measurements of salt, but try to use enough to cover the bottom surface of your container. Salt will help the egg cook evenly, and may give it some more flavor.[3]

    • You can put more salt on the egg after it's cooked if you'd like to.
  3. Crack the egg into the bowl. Tap the side of the egg onto the side of the bowl, then pull open the shell. Let the egg white and the yolk fall into the bowl, being careful not to include any of the shell.[4]

    • You can cook more than 1 egg at a time, but it may not cook as evenly.
  4. Pierce the egg yolks with a knife or a fork. Even the thin membrane holding the yolk together will build up pressure as the moisture inside heats up, which can lead to an exploding egg. Prevent this by piercing each yolk with the tip of a knife, skewer, or fork 3 to 4 times each.[5]
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  5. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Rip off a piece of plastic wrap that's slightly larger than your bowl, then stick it down to the edges so that no heat can escape. This will help trap in the steam that the egg makes when it's hot so that it cooks faster.[6]

    • Never use aluminum foil in the microwave, or you could start a fire.

[Edit]Cooking the Egg

  1. Microwave the egg for 30 seconds at 400 watts. If you can adjust the power setting on your microwave, turn it to medium or low. Your egg may need more time in the microwave, but it's better to start low and slow to avoid any explosions.[7]

    • If you can't adjust the settings on your microwave, just assume it's on high and microwave your egg for 20 seconds instead of 30. It's better to undercook your egg at first so you can fix it later.
  2. Put the egg back in for 10 seconds if it's undercooked. Check the yolk on your egg to see if it's hard. If it's still too soft, put it back in the microwave on low or medium power for about 10 seconds. Try not to cook it for much longer than that, or it could get too hot.[8]
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    • A cooked egg will have white, not clear, egg whites and a firm orange yolk.
  3. Wait 30 seconds before unwrapping your egg. The egg will still cook inside the bowl after you take it out of the microwave. Make sure the egg whites are set and the yolk is hard before you start eating your egg.[9]


  • Microwave your egg in small bursts to avoid overcooking it.


  • Never microwave an egg without cracking it open first. This could cause it to explode.[10]
  • Never put an egg that's already been hard boiled in the microwave. This could cause the egg to explode.[11]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Microwave-safe bowl
  • Paper towel
  • Knife or fork
  • Plastic wrap

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How to Clean Your Room Quickly and Efficiently

Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Cleaning up a messy room can seem like a huge job, especially if you don't have much time. But with a little planning, you can take control of the chaos in no time! After you've picked up any messes and cleaned up dust and dirt, don't forget to make your bed give your room a neat and tidy look.


[Edit]Tidying Up Messes

  1. Gather up trash and put it in a garbage bag. If there is any plastic, make sure to recycle. Do not put it in a garbage bag. Take a quick look around for any obvious trash, like wrappers, old food, tissues, or cut off clothing tags, and toss it into a garbage bag. While you're at it, empty any wastebaskets in your room and put in new bags.[1]
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    • Since you're doing a quick cleanup, stick with really obvious garbage. Don't worry about sorting through stuff like old papers and deciding which to keep or toss.
  2. Pick up any laundry that's scattered around. Gather up your dirty clothes and throw them in a basket or hamper. Don't worry about sorting your clothes—just get them off the floor for now. Make sure to separate out any clean clothes so they won't have to be washed again.[2]
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    • If you have a lot of clean clothes lying around, take a few minutes to fold them and put them in your dresser or hang them up in your closet.[3] If you don't have time for that, bundle them up neatly and put them in a basket so you can put them away later.
    • If it's time to change your bedsheets, strip your bed and toss those into your hamper, too.
  3. Put your things back where they belong. Next, look around for stuff like books, papers, toys, electronics, or any other things that belong in your room but aren't in the right places. Gather up these items and quickly put them away.[4]
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    • Put books back on the shelves or put them in a tidy pile on your desk, dresser, or nightstand if you're still using them. If there are toys around, put them in boxes or bins.[5]
    • If there are small items around that you use every day, like your watch or a favorite lip balm, try putting a small decorative dish or basket on your dresser or nightstand where you can keep them all together.[6]
  4. Carry out any items that belong in other rooms. Chances are that a few things have gotten into your room from other parts of the house. Quickly gather up any strays—like plates and cups from the kitchen or that screwdriver you used when you changed the batteries in your clock—and bring them back to wherever they came from.[7]
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    • If you're really in a hurry to finish cleaning your room, put everything in a box and set it outside your bedroom door so you can put it away later.

[Edit]Getting Rid of Dirt and Dust

  1. Dust off any dusty surfaces, starting with the highest ones. Take a duster or slightly damp cleaning rag and dust off things like your lights, curtains or blinds, headboard, shelves, dresser, and nightstand. Use a dry cloth to wipe away any water or smudges of dust that the first cloth leaves behind. Start with high surfaces so that you don't knock dust down onto surfaces you've already cleaned.[8]
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    • If you have blinds in your room, put an old sock over your hand and use it to wipe the dust off of each slat. You can also use the sock trick to dust picture frames and other wall decorations![9]
    • Using a damp cloth will help you pick up dust instead of just sending it into the air.
    • Use a vacuum cleaner with a dust brush attachment or a small duster vacuum to suck up dust bunnies or clean extra dusty areas.
  2. Wipe down your dresser and other surfaces with a cleaning fluid. Spray surfaces that are really grimy with a household cleaner and wipe them down with a cloth. You can also use cleaning or disinfecting wipes such as Lysol or Clorox wipes, or make them yourself.[10]
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    • Use a glass cleaner, like Windex or SprayWay Glass Cleaner, to brighten up any mirrors, windows, or glass door panels in your room. If you don't have one, you can try making one.
    • Light switch plates can start to look grimy fast, so give them a quick wipe down if you notice dirt and smudges.
  3. Vacuum or sweep up dirt on the floor. If you have a carpet, vacuum it to get up any dirt or pet hair. Use a broom or put your vacuum cleaner on a bare floor setting if your room isn't carpeted. Try to go over your whole floor, but focus on the obvious areas instead of trying to clean every corner or make the area under your bed perfect.[11]
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    • Sprinkle a little baking soda on your carpet before vacuuming it to help freshen it up and get rid of weird smells.[12]
  4. Go over your mattress with the vacuum cleaner. All this dusting and cleaning may have gotten your bed a little dirty, so quickly go over it with the vacuum cleaner. Strip the bedclothes off first, if you didn't already. If you want, sprinkle on a little baking soda to freshen your mattress up before you vacuum it.[13]
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    • Use a crevice tool on your vacuum to get hard to reach areas, like the crease around the lip of your mattress or the crevices between the padded areas on top.

[Edit]Making Your Bed

  1. Put the fitted sheet on your bed and smooth it out. Take a clean, fitted sheet and spread it out on your bed so the corners are lined up with the corners of your mattress. Tuck one of the corners under, then go across diagonally and tuck under the next corner. Repeat with the other 2 corners.[14]
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    • Take care to smooth out the sheet and check that the corners and sides are tucked in well, so that the sheet doesn't pull off easily.
  2. Spread the flat sheet over your bed, patterned-side down. Lay out your top sheet so that an even amount of it hangs off of the bed on both sides. If the sheet has a pattern on it, lay it face down so that the plain side faces up. This is so you can see the pattern when you fold the sheet back.[15]
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    • Smooth out your sheet to get rid of any big wrinkles, gaps, or bulges. If you notice that there's more sheet hanging off the bed on one side, gently pull the other side so it's more even.
  3. Tuck in your flat sheet neatly. To make your bed look extra tidy, create hospital corners with your sheet. Carefully tuck the bottom edge of the sheet under your mattress and smooth out any bumps or wrinkles with your hands. Grab an edge of the sheet about from the foot of the bed and lift it up so it hangs down in a triangle shape. Tuck the hanging part under the mattress at the side of the bed near the foot end. Then, grab the top part of the triangle you made and fold that under, making a 45° angle from the top corner of the mattress to the bottom edge.[16]
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    • Do it again with the other bottom edge of the sheet, then tuck the edges of the sheet under along both sides of the bed.
    • This sounds tricky, but it just takes a little practice. Once you've done it a few times, you'll get the hang of it!
  4. Put on your blanket or coverlet. If you have a blanket or coverlet, spread it out across your bed on top of the flat sheet. If you want, you can tuck it under just like you did with the sheet.[17] Fold back the blanket and flat sheet from the head of the bed so that there's enough room for your pillow.[18]
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    • If the weather is chilly or you just want to give your bed a more put-together look, you can finish it up by neatly spreading a quilt or duvet on top. Leave about a pillow's worth of space at the head end of the bed.
  5. Place your pillows neatly at the head of your bed. Put fresh pillowcases on your pillows and place them tidily at the head end of your bed. If you like, you can add a couple of decorative pillows or cushions to make your bed look even fancier.[19]
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    • A neatly made bed can make the whole room look nicer. Stand back and admire your work!


  • Putting on music can make cleaning your room a lot more fun! Play some upbeat songs to keep yourself energized and motivated.[20]
  • Make a game of it by timing yourself to see how fast you can get each task done.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Garbage bags
  • Boxes
  • Laundry hamper
  • Dust cloths and cleaning rags
  • Cleaning sprays or wipes
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Broom and dustpan
  • Clean bedclothes

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Tenderize Meat with Beer

Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Cooking with beer, wine, and liquors can offer you a whole range of flavor possibilities otherwise inaccessible. Beers and wines can add rich, caramel-like flavors or lively, floral notes, all with relatively minimal cooking time. They can also accentuate alcohol-soluble flavor compounds in foods like tomatoes. One of the most effective ways to cook with beer, however, is to use it as a tenderizing marinade. Beer contains enzymes that help break down tough fibers in meat, making it more tender and flavorful at the same time. The guide below outlines the steps in learning how to tenderize meat with beer.


  1. Choose a beer to use as the marinade. All beers contain potentially tenderizing enzymes,[1] but the style of beer you select will have a dramatic impact on your food's flavor.
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    • Very light beers, such as pilsner, light lagers, and some pale ales, tend to add very little flavor to foods. Very intense beers, like porter and stout, tend to add an unpleasant bitter, smoky, or burnt taste to your dish.
    • Instead, aim for a beer with a "middle-of-the-road" flavor profile, both in terms of hops and malt. Amber ales, nut browns, and extra special bitters (ESBs) are great choices for marinating and cooking foods.
  2. Construct your meat marinade. Of course, you can simply soak the meat in beer alone to tenderize it.[2] However, to further boost the flavor of your meat you can choose herbs, spices, and other flavorings to add to the beer marinade. Soy sauce and ginger could be added to an Asian-style marinade, for example.[3] Fresh or dried rosemary, thyme, basil, and oregano could be added to an Italian-style dish.
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  3. Place the meat and the beer marinade into a plastic bag.[4] Zip-top plastic bags are ideal for marinading meat, because they allow you to push unnecessary air out and minimize the amount of marinade needed to contact the meat.
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    • Begin by seasoning your meat with salt and black pepper, and then add it to the plastic bag. Pour your beer marinade carefully into the bag and over the meat.
    • Zip the plastic bag closed, pushing as much air out as possible before sealing it. Swish the bag around a bit to ensure that the beer marinade is contacting the meat across its entire surface area.
  4. Allow the beer to tenderize the meat. You will notice some improvement in the meat's tenderness after only 15 minutes. If you have more time to prepare your dish, however, let the marinade soak for at least an hour.[5] You can also allow the meat to marinate overnight, but be aware that very long marinade times tend to lend an unappealing gray color to the meat.
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  5. Cook the meat as desired.[6] After marinating your meat in beer, you can cook it using any preparation. If using a braise or stew method, consider pouring the entire contents of your plastic bag into the cooking liquid.[7] If sautéing or frying the meat, you may want to pat it dry before cooking to remove excess moisture.[8] Adding moist meat to hot oil can cause dangerous and messy splatters.
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  • Light beers also make a light and airy batter for frying fish and poultry. Full-flavored beers like stout can be used in baking, where they pair especially well with chocolate or coffee.
  • Marinating meat in beer or wine is especially useful for grilling, because the beer or wine can reduce the amount of carcinogens formed during cooking.[9]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Beer
  • Herbs and spices
  • Meat
  • Plastic bag


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