Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Care for a Shedding Snake

Posted: 28 Aug 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Snakes shed regularly throughout their life to enable growth. Shedding usually takes about one to two weeks. Although this is a completely natural process, there are certain steps that you must take to care for a shedding snake. Make sure you foster a hospitable environment for your snake by adding extra water and humidity to the cage. Provide the snake with a basin of water and course materials to help it get rid of its skin. If you notice any complications, such as an incomplete shedding, seek the help of a veterinarian.


EditProviding a Solid Environment

  1. Learn the signs your snake is about to shed. You want to start preparing for the shedding process before it even begins. To do so, you'll have to keep an eye on your snake and watch for the signs that it is about to shed. When you start noticing signs, begin to prepare.[1]
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    • Watch your snake's eyes. They will have a dull, blueish white appearance just before the snake begins to shed.
    • You should also take note of the snake's current skin. The skin will begin to dull just before shedding.
  2. Create a moist shedding box. Snakes need a lot of humidity to shed properly. One way you can increase the humidity in your snake's environment is with a shedding box. Take a box, like a shoebox, and make sure it is well ventilated by poking holes throughout. Place damp paper towels within the box, allowing the snake a damp place to shed.[2]
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  3. Mist the cage with lukewarm water. You can also try misting the cage lightly to increase humidity. Take a spray bottle and fill it with lukewarm water. You can also mist your snake with water just before shedding, if your snake will allow this.[3]
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  4. Manage the cage's humidity. Monitor the humidity in your snake's environment. You can get a device at a pet store, or a department store, that measures humidity in your snake's cage. During the shedding process, snakes need a cage that is between 50 and 70% humidity.[4] If the humidity in your snake's cage is below this level, there are several steps you can take to improve humidity.[5]
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    • Add a large water dish to the cage.
    • Cover the top of the cage. If you have a screen top on the cage, you can safely cover half the top to increase humidity.
    • Try using orchid bark substrate, which refers to the bedding that lines the bottom of the cage. Orchid bark tends to hold more humidity than other products.

EditAiding in the Shedding Process

  1. Place a basin of warm water in your snake's aquarium. When your snake begins shedding, you'll notice flakes of skin beginning to come off. During this time, add a warm basin of water to your snake's cage. You can help your snake shed by placing a basin of warm water inside its enclosure. Your snake will be able to bath in the water, allowing its skin to come off more easily.[6]
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    • Pick a basin that is big enough to hold your snake's entire body.
    • Add enough water that your snake can get its entire body wet. However, do not add so much water that your snake will be submerged under water when it enters the basin.
  2. Add coarse materials to the snake's container. Snakes can also rub skin off by crawling over coarse material. Uneven materials, like tree branches and stones, can be very helpful to shedding snakes. You can also use patches of tree bark, pine cones, and other coarse materials you find outside.[7]
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    • If your snake is rubbing its nose against objects in the cage, it is trying to get its skin off during the shedding process. If you notice your snake doing this, it is particularly important that you add coarse materials to your snake's cage.
  3. Put your snake between several layers of paper towels. If your snake is struggling to shed on its own, you may have to assist. Get several layers of paper towels damp. Then, remove your snake from its shed and place it between the towels. Allow your snake to crawl and squirm between the towels. The combination of humidity and friction should help remove excess skin.[8]
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  4. Clean the cage after shedding. After your snake completes shedding, you will notice excess skin throughout the cage. Skin may appear in small, crumpled piles. It may also be in dry and tube like sections throughout the cage. Remove any excess skin from the cage after your snake finishes shedding.[9]
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    • Snakes frequently defecate after the shedding process. Use gloves when cleaning the cage, as you may have to pick up fecal matter as well.
  5. Provide extra water. Snakes often consume large quantities of water after shedding. Keep an eye on your snake's water dish. Make sure you refill it frequently after your snake finishes shedding. It is not unusual that you will find yourself refilling the water dish more than usual in the days following a shed.[10]
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EditManaging Complications

  1. See a vet in the event of an incomplete shedding. Despite your best efforts, your snake may not shed completely. If your snake does not finish shedding within one to two weeks, see a vet. A veterinarian can help remove the remaining skin and examine your snake. Usually, shedding problems are caused by a lack of humidity, but you'll want an exam to rule out any possible underlying health problems.[11]
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    • Never try to peel off excess skin yourself, especially not skin around a snake's eyes or mouth.
  2. Foster a stress free environment. Stress is a possible cause for improper shedding. If your snake did not shed correctly, work on improving your snake's stress level. Make sure the snake has a quality environment, and limit handling your snake.[12]
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    • Keep the humidity level comfortable. You should also make sure your snake has a lot of hiding places in its cage. Snakes are solitary pets, and crave alone time. Keep boxes and enclosures in your snake's cage so it can get alone time.
    • Do not handle your snake too frequently. Snakes may dislike being handled and, if handled too much, a snake may learn to think of you as a predator. Do not handle your snake for more than 30 minutes at a time, and only do so a few times per week.
  3. Make sure to see your vet regularly. Regular veterinary visits can help a snake shed smoothly in the future. In rare cases, difficulty shedding is caused by a medical concern. If you take your snake in for regular checkups, a vet can diagnose and correct issues before they lead to problems shedding. [13]
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  • Leave your snake alone for the shedding process – handling it and harassing it will only make it more stressful for the animal and could cause the shedding to occur in pieces rather than all at once. Snakes may also be more aggressive when shedding.
  • It may appear as if your snake is ill – not eating, changing color and appearance and hiding more than usual but there is no reason to take them to the Vet's just yet, shedding is normal and must happen in order for the snake to grow.

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EditQuick Summary

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How to Delay Gratification

Posted: 28 Aug 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Delaying gratification is a powerful emotional tool that can help you to achieve personal goals and live a healthier, happier life. You can use this tool to help you control your spending, manage your weight, and quit unhealthy habits. Delaying gratification is not something that you inherently know how to do, but it is something you can learn how to do.


EditEstablishing Your Motivation

  1. Identify your values. Knowing what is important to you can be a powerful tool for delaying gratification. By taking the time to identify your values, you may find it easier to set useful goals for yourself and steer clear of temptations. Make a list of your values and rank these values in order of importance.[1]
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    • For example, you may value your family, health, career, and hobbies. You may even rank these values in this order.
  2. Set goals. Having some clear goals in mind can also help you to delay gratification. Think about what you want to accomplish as a result of delaying gratification and write these goals down.[2]
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    • For example, you may wish to avoid eating fast food as a way to lose weight. Or, you may wish to avoid spending money on unnecessary items to save for a vacation.
  3. Develop a plan for reaching your goals. Specify what you need to do to accomplish each of your goals. This will also make it easier to delay gratification. Make a list of small things you can do to work towards each of your goals.
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    • For example, if you want to avoid fast food to lose weight, then you could pack lunch to take to work each day, take a different route to and from work to avoid driving past fast food places, and look up healthy alternatives to your favorite fast foods that you can make at home.
  4. Use an app that helps you keep track of your goals or improve yourself. Apps can help you track your progress, get motivation, or strengthen your skills through games or lessons. Choose one that works best with your goals.
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    • Try an app that helps you be the person you want to be, such as a language-learning app, meditation app, or drawing app. You could try Duolingo, Calm, or Sketchpad.
    • You could also try an app that helps you manage your finances, such as Mint.
    • Another option is an app like SuperBetter, which uses games for self-improvement.
  5. Ask friends and family to be supportive. If developing your ability to delay gratification is important to you, then ask friends and family to be supportive. Let them know what you are working on and give them some concrete ways that they can support you.
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    • For example, if you want to get better at delaying gratification to lose weight, then ask them to support you by not trying to entice you to eat more or to eat certain foods, like sweets or fast food.

EditOvercoming Temptations

  1. Distract yourself. The desire to give in to temptation may only last a short while, so distracting yourself may be all you need to do sometimes. When temptation strikes, find a way to distract yourself until the desire to give in to the temptation passes.[3]
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    • For example, if you are craving a cigarette, you could instead make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, go for a walk, or play a video game.
  2. Use a timer to practice delayed gratification. When you feel a craving or desire to give into your temptation, set a timer, starting at 20 minutes. After the timer goes off, check in with yourself to see if you still feel the temptation.
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    • Slowly increase the timer over time. After the first few weeks, increase the time limit to 30 minutes. Continue increasing the time in 5 minute intervals until you reach 1 hr. The goal is to get to the point where you can manage your temptations without using the timer.
  3. Challenge yourself to do a healthy activity before indulging. It's okay to give in to temptations sometimes. Doing something healthy first will help you maintain balance in your life.
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    • Do 30 minutes of homework, housework, or work toward your personal goals before watching your favorite television program.
    • Work out for 30 minutes before eating a cookie or candy bar.
  4. Hide the temptation. Getting the temptation out of sight can also help you to avoid giving in to it. If the temptation is often visible to you, such as a favorite food, then you could also try covering or hiding it.[4]
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    • For example, if you want some cookies, then put the cookies in the cupboard or somewhere else out of sight.
  5. Think about the temptation abstractly. If you have to look at the temptation, then thinking about it abstractly may also help. Try imagining that the food you find so tempting is another object.[5]
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    • For example, you could imagine that the marshmallow you want to eat is a cotton ball or a cloud.
  6. Daydream. Allowing your mind to wander may also help you to avoid giving into a temptation. The next time temptation strikes, start thinking about whatever comes to mind and don't redirect yourself for a while. Providing yourself with this freedom may be enough to get the temptation off of your mind.[6]
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  7. Practice gratitude. Keeping a running list of the things you feel grateful for may also help you to delay gratification. By focusing on all the things you already have and appreciate rather than dwelling on the things you want, you can redirect your thoughts to the present instead of dwelling on what you want in the future.[7]
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    • The items on your gratitude list can be small or large. For example, you may feel grateful for a good cup of coffee, a warm shower, and a beautiful sunset. You may also feel grateful for your good health, your supportive family, or your home.
  8. Focus on the negative effects of instant gratification. This tactic can be another powerful tool for delaying gratification. The next time you are tempted, think about the negative aspects of giving in.[8]
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    • For example, if you want to have a cigarette, think about how many chemicals are in the cigarette, how these chemicals will affect your body, and what diseases these chemicals could lead to over time.
  9. Ask friends and family to hold you accountable. Sometimes you may struggle to resist temptations even though you try your best. Having friends and family members who will hold you accountable if you give in to temptation will help you to stay on track. Let friends and family know that you would appreciate it if they call you out on any mistakes. Make sure they know that this will be helpful to you as you work towards your goals.
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    • For example, if you are trying to control your spending habits through delayed gratification, then your friends and family could point out times when you spend money unnecessarily. This should help to make you more aware of what you are doing.

EditRewarding Yourself

  1. Identify alternative rewards. While you may want to avoid a specific reward, you can still reward yourself with other things. Choose some alternatives to the temptation you want to resist to help keep you motivated when you successfully resist it.
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    • For example, you might reward yourself for resisting sweets all day with a relaxing bubble bath. Or, you could reward yourself for not spending money on frivolous items with a small frivolous item that fits into your budget, such as a new tube of lipstick or a video game.
  2. Make resistance itself your reward. Focusing on the reward and how wonderful it is will only increase your desire to give into temptation. To make it easier to resist the reward, try not focus on the reward. Instead, try to focus on how good it will feel to resist the reward and your reasons for doing so.[9]
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    • For example, if you are trying to resist fast food as a way to lose weight, then don't dwell on the foods you want to eat. Instead, focus on how good you will feel when you finally lose the weight.
  3. Use positive self-talk. Encouraging yourself is also a great way to reward yourself for your hard work. Try saying some positive things to yourself every day as you work towards your goal.[10]
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    • For example, you might tell yourself, "I am doing such a great job of avoiding fast food!" or "I haven't spent a dime on frivolous items all day! Way to go, me!"
  4. Tell friends and family about the rewards you are working towards. If your friends and family know what your reward system is, then they can remind you of it from time to time. These occasional reminders may help to keep you motivated and working towards your goals.
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    • For example, if you plan to treat yourself to a pedicure for not eating fast food for a certain amount of time, then let your friends and family know this. Then, they can give you little reminders when you are tempted, such as, "Don't go to McDonald's after work! Focus on how good that pedicure is going to feel instead!"

EditSources and Citations

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How to Make Calls with the Apple Watch

Posted: 28 Aug 2018 01:00 AM PDT

This wikiHow teaches you how to call somebody from your Apple Watch. You can call someone from your iPhone's Contacts app, or you can use the keypad to enter and call a non-Contacts number.


EditCalling a Contact

  1. Unlock your Apple Watch. If your Apple Watch is passcode-locked, press the Digital Crown (the dial on the right side of the Apple Watch's housing), then enter your passcode and press the Digital Crown again.
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    • If your Apple Watch is asleep but on your wrist, raise your wrist and then press the Digital Crown once, or two times if there are notifications on the screen.
    • If your Apple Watch is unlocked but you have an app open, press the Digital Crown once.
  2. Open the Phone app. Find the Phone app icon—which resembles a white phone receiver on a green background—and tap it.
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  3. Tap . It's near the bottom of your Apple Watch's screen. This will open a list of your iPhone's contacts.
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    • If the contact whom you want to call is in your iPhone's "Favorites" section, tap Favorites on this screen instead.
    • If you want to call back a recent number, you can tap Recents on this screen and then tap the number that you want to call in order to initiate the call.
  4. Select a contact. Scroll down until you find the contact whom you want to call, then tap their name.
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    • If you're on the Favorites screen, tapping a contact's name will immediately begin calling them.
  5. Tap the "Call" button. It's a white-and-grey phone receiver-shaped icon just below the contact's name. Doing so prompts your Apple Watch to begin calling them.
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  6. Speak into the Apple Watch's microphone. Your Apple Watch's microphone is on the left side of the Apple Watch's housing, so you'll need to raise your wrist to around a foot away from your face when you speak.
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  7. Hang up when the call is over. Tap the "hang up" button, which resembles a white phone receiver on a red circle. This will close the call and return you to the Phone app's main screen.
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EditDialing a Number

  1. Unlock your Apple Watch. If your Apple Watch is passcode-locked, press the Digital Crown (the dial on the right side of the Apple Watch's housing), then enter your passcode and press the Digital Crown again.
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    • If your Apple Watch is asleep but on your wrist, raise your wrist and then press the Digital Crown once (or twice if there are notifications on the screen).
    • If your Apple Watch is unlocked but you have an app open, press the Digital Crown once.
  2. Open the Phone app. Find the Phone app icon—which resembles a white phone receiver on a green background—and tap it.
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  3. Tap . It's an option at the bottom of your Apple Watch's screen.
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  4. Enter a phone number. Using the on-screen keypad, type in the phone number that you want to call.
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    • If you make a mistake, you can tap the red "Delete" arrow in the top-right corner of the screen to delete a digit.
  5. Tap the "Call" button. It's a green, phone receiver-shaped icon in the bottom-right corner of the Apple Watch screen. Your Apple Watch will begin calling the entered number.
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  6. Speak into the Apple Watch's microphone. Your Apple Watch's microphone is on the left side of the Apple Watch's housing, so you'll need to raise your wrist to around a foot away from your face when you speak.
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  7. Hang up when the call is over. Tap the "hang up" button, which resembles a white phone receiver on a red circle. This will close the call and return you to the Phone app's main screen.
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  • You can also have Siri call somebody for you. Simply press and hold the Digital Crown for a second, then say "Call [name]" when the Siri icon appears on your Apple Watch.
  • To answer an incoming call, tap the green "Answer" button on your Apple Watch, or tap Answer on iPhone if you'd rather take the call on your iPhone.


  • Since the Apple Watch's speakers are relatively small, you may have trouble making calls in areas with high levels of ambient noise (e.g., a store).

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