Wednesday, August 1, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Dry Oil Paint Fast

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Oil paint is a versatile medium that has been used since at least the 7th century A.D. to create beautiful works of art.[1] Oil paint is applied in layers to create the illusion of depth, but layers of oil paint can take days or even weeks to fully dry. Luckily, there are a few ways you can speed up the drying process.


EditChoosing Your Paint and Drying Mediums

  1. Use oil paints made from iron oxides for earth tones. Certain minerals used in oil paints dry faster than others. If you need to complete a painting in a short time frame, try using earth tones. Many earth colors use paints made from iron oxides, which can dry up to several days faster than other pigments.[2]
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    • Avoid using pigments like ivory black and cadmium, which tend to dry very slowly.
  2. Choose paints made with lead and cobalt for other hues. Pigments made from lead and cobalt are known to dry quickly. Using colors made from these metals can help speed the drying time of your painting.[3]
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  3. Look for paints made with linseed oil. The drying time of oil paints can vary based on the oil which was used. Linseed oil dries faster than walnut oil, which itself dries faster than poppy oil. Paints made from linseed oil can speed your painting's drying time significantly, and they're easily found at most art supply stores.[4]
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  4. Seal the canvas with glue chalk gesso. Gesso is a primer that is applied to the canvas first to seal the canvas and prolong the life of the painting. Glue chalk gesso is good for oil paintings because it will absorb some of the oil from the base layers, helping the painting to dry faster. Dip a primer or sponge brush into the gesso and apply it to the canvas in a thin layer. Allow it to dry thoroughly before moving on to oil paint.[5]
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  5. Combine linseed oil with the paint on your palette. Since linseed oil dries faster than other kinds of oil, mixing a little extra linseed oil with the paint on your palette can help speed the drying time of your painting.[6]
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  6. Mix your paint with a solvent like turpentine or Liquin. There are a number of products available which are designed to thin oil paint and help it to dry faster. Turpentine is the most traditional drying medium, but alkyd mediums such as Liquin are also popular. Different solvents may produce slightly different textures to your paint, so experiment to see which one you prefer.[7]
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    • Solvents can be hazardous, so be sure to follow any label instructions and handle these products with care.

EditApplying the Oil Paint to Dry Faster

  1. Paint on a flat surface. When you paint on a textured canvas, the oil paint can build up in the crevices, creating a thicker layer that takes longer to dry. Look for a canvas with a smooth surface, or paint on another surface like a board.[8]
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    • If you're looking for a creative project that will still dry quickly, try applying oil paints to a copper pot. Oil paints oxidize more quickly on copper, although it will give a slightly green look to your painting.[9]
  2. Apply a base layer in a fast-drying paint. Using a fast-drying paint for your base layer can help all the rest of the painting dry more quickly as well. Paints containing metal irons like lead, cobalt, and copper tend to dry the fastest.[10]
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    • For example, if you're painting a desert landscape, you could use a paint made with red iron oxide as your background color.[11]
  3. Paint quickly using thin layers. Oil paint is best applied in layers, but if you apply a thick layer first, it can increase the drying time for each subsequent layer. Instead, build up your painting from the thinnest layers to the thickest. For instance, if you have a cat in your painting and you want to use thick paint to make its fur look more realistic, you would apply that last.[12]
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  4. Minimize the number of layers you use. If you're really on a time crunch and you need your painting to dry fast, choose a simple subject that you can paint by applying just a few thin washes, or layers, to your painting, with detail added in at the end. The more layers you apply, the longer the paint will need to oxidize.[13]
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  5. Finish the painting with a heat gun. Heat guns can help bake the oils in your painting to help it to dry faster. However, if the heat is too high, the paint may crack or turn yellowish. For best results, keep your heat gun set to no more than .[14]
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    • Hold the heat gun a few inches away from the painting and move it slowly so the heat can penetrate the paints. The nozzle of the heat gun gets very hot, so be sure not to touch it or to allow it to touch the painting.[15]

EditKeeping Your Painting in the Right Environment

  1. Allow your painting to dry in a large, well-lit room with low humidity. Oil paints need time to oxidize, which is a process in which the paint reacts with air to harden. Other paints dry when the water in them evaporates, but oxidation is actually a change in the paint's chemistry. Oxidation best occurs in a room with plenty of natural light, low humidity, and good air circulation. [16]
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  2. Use a dehumidifier if you live in a humid climate. Oil paint will oxidize faster in dry air. If you live in a humid climate, get a small dehumidifier and place it near your painting. This will remove excess humidity from the air, helping speed the drying time of the oil paint.[17]
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  3. Circulate the air in the room with a fan. Pointing a fan at your oil painting won't help significantly speed the drying time in the same way as it would a watercolor painting, but having good circulation in the room will help the oxidation process to happen more quickly. This is because oils actually take oxygen from the air during oxidation, so circulating the air provides the paint with the oxygen it needs to dry. You can use either a box fan or a ceiling fan, and a low or medium setting should be adequate.[18]
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  4. Keep the room warm. Oil paints dry faster in a warm atmosphere. The temperature in the room where your painting is drying should be at least , but the warmer you can get it, the better. Keep track of the temperature in the room by using a thermostat or by placing a digital thermometer near your painting.[19]
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    • There's not really a temperature that's too hot for oil paints, but try to keep the room as warm as you can while still keeping yourself comfortable.

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How to Grow Carrots in Pots

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 09:00 AM PDT

If you have limited garden space, you can grow carrots in pots instead. While many standard-length carrots don't grow as long in containers, most smaller varieties thrive in them. Make sure you have a deep container that allows the edible root to grow well into the soil, and keep the soil wet to maximize growth.


EditGetting the Pot Ready

  1. Select a shorter carrot variety. Smaller varieties typically adapt to container growing better than standard-length varieties. It's also a good idea to choose varieties that have a shorter maturing time.[1]

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    • Smaller varieties include Thumbelina, Romeo, Oxheart, Little Finger, Short 'n' Sweet, or Parisienne.[2]
    • You can also try Parmex, Danvers Half Long, Chantenay Red Core, and Shin Kuroda.
  2. Choose a wide container that's at least 1-foot (0.30-m) deep. Deeper is even better. Carrots develop underground, and the root system needs a lot of space to grow. Similarly, the wider the pot is, the more carrots you can grow.[3]
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    • The container should also have adequate drainage holes to prevent excess water from causing the carrots to rot.
    • The type of container does not matter much as long as it has enough depth. Clay, plastic, or stone is fine, whether circular or rectangular.
    • If your pot doesn't have drainage holes, you can drill your own.
  3. Clean your container with soap and water. If you have a previously used container, scrub out the inside before planting your carrots. Bacteria and microscopic insect eggs often hide inside used containers and may hinder your yield if they infect your carrot plants.[4]

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  4. Pick a loose, well-draining potting media. Both soil and soilless mixtures can work. If you want to buy your soil, pick one meant for container vegetables. If you do buy your own soil, try adding in peat moss. It can make up 30%-50% of your soil.[5] Alternatively, you can mix add horticultural sand to the mix, and it can make up 30% of you soil.[6]

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    • Try a mixture of red soil, decomposed compost, and sand mixed in equal portions for a soil-based media you make yourself.
    • Consider coco peat mixed with a small amount of perlite for a soil-less media.
    • Find all of these components at your local garden store. Ask a sales associate for a recommendation, if necessary.
  5. Fill your container with the soil or soilless medium. Leave of empty space between the top of the media and the rim of the container. You can also mix a slow-releasing fertilizer into the soil, but pick one that has less nitrogen, such as a 5-10-10 mix. Nitrogen will encourage leaf growth instead of carrot growth.[7]

EditPlanting Your Seeds

  1. Plant after the first frost if you're planting outdoors. Carrots like cooler weather, but they still won't take kindly to frost. Their preferred temperature is around or a bit warmer, so early spring is fine.[8]

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    • However, they don't do well in temperatures over about .
  2. Dig holes that are 1/2 an inch (1.25 cm) deep. Space your carrots about apart. You can plant them further apart if you wish. Drop 2-3 carrot seeds in each hole.[9]

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    • Carrot seeds are tiny and hard to plant. If you drop some, that's fine. You can thin out the plants later once they sprout.
  3. Fill the holes in with your planting medium. Do not pack the medium into the holes since doing so may crush the seeds. Instead, lightly drop the medium into each hole. Make sure you get every hole filled.[10]

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    • Pat the soil down gently when you're done.[11]
  4. Water the seeds thoroughly. Add enough water to make the medium very wet. You don't need to make puddles, but you soil should be wet to the touch, not just moist. Your seeds need enough water to start the germination process.[12]

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    • Use a gentle sprayer so you don't stir up the seeds.
  5. Place your pot in full sun. Most carrots prefer full sun, meaning they want sun all day long. Choose a spot in your yard or home that isn't shaded during the day, where your carrots will get enough light to be happy and grow well.[13]
    • Always read up on your variety, as some carrots prefer other conditions. For instance, some may prefer partial sun and partial shade.

EditCaring for and Harvesting Carrots

  1. Water your carrots daily in warm weather. You may even need to water them twice a day during hot, sunny weather. Do not let the soil stay dry for any extended amount of time.[14]

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    • Stick your finger in the soil to see if it's moist. If it's not, you need to water it.
    • In most cases, tap water works well for carrots. However, if the water you use for your garden is treated with a water softener, use distilled water for your carrots, instead.
  2. Feed your carrots with fertilizer once a week or so to encourage growth. Try a 5-10-10 fertilizer, which has less nitrogen. That will encourage the roots to grow instead of the leaves. However, it's not absolutely necessary to use fertilizer with carrots.[15]

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  3. Thin out your carrots once they reach . Once your carrots start to grow into seedlings, cut out any extra plants with scissors or gardening shears. The plants you keep should be spaced apart to help them grow.[16]

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    • If you try to pull out the unwanted seedlings, you could damage your other plants.
  4. Use additional growing medium to correct growth problems. If your carrots start leaning, straighten them up gently and add soil to stabilize them. Similarly, if your carrots start peeking through the top of the soil, cover them up with more soil.[17]

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    • When carrots peek out of the soil, they turn green at the top. It doesn't harm them, but they don't look as pretty.
  5. Spray your carrots with an antifungal spray if you notice white mildew. Container carrots won't be as susceptible to pests and disease, but you may still get a fungal infection from time to time. You'll notice a white, powdery substance on the leaves. You can buy antifungal sprays or make your own.

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    • Make an anti-mildew spray by adding a tablespoon (14 grams) of baking soda to of water with a squirt of dishwashing liquid. Mix it up, and apply it to the plant with a spray bottle once a week.[18]
  6. Harvest your carrots when they reach peak color. Depending on the variety, your carrots could be yellow, red, orange, or purple. Generally, they will take 2 to 2 1/2 months to fully mature and reach the right color. Grasp the greens near the top of the root and gently wiggle them out of place.[19]

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    • The earlier you harvest mature carrots, the sweeter they will be.


  • Do not allow the soil to dry out before the seeds germinate. If this happens, your carrots will probably not take root. Cover the soil with a damp towel, damp burlap, or damp moss if you need extra help in keeping the medium wet.
  • Work the soil lightly and keep it free of clumps or excessively rich organic matter. Carrot roots deform when such factors are present, rendering them useless. It is best to use fine growing medium at the start in order to avoid working the medium later on.

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How to Pack for a 5 Day Vacation

Posted: 01 Aug 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Packing for a vacation can feel like its own job and it can seem inevitable that you'll end up packing too much or forgetting an essential item. But by taking a little time to create a thoughtful plan and learning a few packing tips, like rolling your clothes instead of folding them, you can turn packing into a streamlined activity that helps you enjoy your vacation with peace of mind!


EditVisualizing Your Trip

  1. Check the weather before you start packing. Even if you won't be traveling for a few weeks or months, you can check the average highs and lows to help you anticipate your wardrobe needs as you prepare.[1]
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    • If you live somewhere warm and will be traveling somewhere cooler, do you need to invest in a jacket? Or vice versa—do you live somewhere cool but will be traveling to a hot destination? You may need to purchase shorts or sandals so you will be comfortable while you travel.
  2. Establish your planned activities. Will you be sightseeing, lounging at the beach, going out on the town, or visiting museums? Having an idea in mind of what each day is going to look like while you are on vacation will help you plan what you are going to pack.[2]
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    • For example, if you are planning on staying at a remote cabin for a week, you probably don't need to bring a dressy outfit for a night out.
    • Make a list of all planned activities and write down what kind of outfit you will need.
    • If you are packing for a family, it's helpful to make a list for each person you're packing for so you don't forget anything.
  3. Coordinate your wardrobe to avoid overpacking. Only pack clothes that can be worn with the rest of your wardrobe. It helps to lay out outfits on your bed to make sure things go together. If you want to pack your favorite skirt but aren't bringing a top or shoes you could pair it with, you won't end up wearing the skirt, so leave it behind. Similarly, if you bring ties or dress shoes, make sure they coordinate with your shirts and pants.[3]
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    • If you pack a jacket or blazer, make sure it coordinates with all the shirts you are bringing.
    • Be mindful when packing accessories, too. Pick colors and designs that will work all your outfits.
    • Don't forget to think about the kind of footwear you will need. For hiking you will need a pair of sturdy boots. For the beach, you'll want flip-flops. If you need dress shoes for fancier events, take those into account, too.

EditGathering the Essentials

  1. Bring the necessary toiletries on your trip. Items to remember include: deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, body wash, face lotion, face wash, hairbrush, styling products, contact lens case/solution, hand sanitizer, razor/shaving cream, feminine hygiene products, and lip balm.[4]
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    • Try to get as many items as you can in travel-sized containers. Local drugstores offer mini versions of commonly used toiletries, or you can buy your own travel-sized containers and fill them yourself.[5]
  2. Pack enough clothes to last you the week. For a 5 day vacation, you will want to bring 2-3 pairs of shorts or pants, 3-4 tops, a light jacket (or a heavy jacket, depending on where you are traveling), and 1 formal outfit if you are planning on attending a nice restaurant or event. If you are going to the beach, pack 2-3 swimsuits/trunks.[6]
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    • Try to coordinate all clothing items so they can be worn with each other in any combination.
  3. Remember to bring clothes to sleep in! Bring 1-2 sleep outfits for the week. If you tend to get cold at night, you may also want to bring a light sweater to put on in the evenings. If you are trying to save space, you could plan on wearing the same shirt you wear during the day to bed at night.[7]
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  4. Plan your footwear carefully. Bring 1 pair of comfortable shoes for walking. If you are planning on going out, bring 1 pair of dress shoes or flats that go with your outfit. For the beach, bring 1 pair of sandals. The fewer pairs of shoes you bring, the lighter your bag will be.[8]
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    • Don't forget to pack shoes for any special activities you will be doing, like mountain climbing or or white water rafting.
    • Wear your bulkiest pair of shoes when you are traveling to your destination to save room in your luggage.
  5. Pack your undergarments. Bring 4-5 pairs of underwear, 4-5 pairs of socks, 2-3 undershirts/bras, and any slips or specialty items you might need (for example, if you need a backless bra for a dress). If you have limited packing space, bring fewer pairs of undergarments and plan on washing dirty clothes in the sink where you are staying.[9]
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    • Some accommodations offer washing and drying machines that you can use while you are traveling.
  6. Choose your accessories carefully and coordinate with your outfits. Some things you may like to have with you are sunglasses, scarves, hats, jewelry, ties, and belts. If packing jewelry, be careful to not bring anything extremely valuable in case it gets lost of stolen.[10]
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    • It can also be fun to buy new accessories as souvenirs when you travel, like scarves or hats. If you think you may like to do this, leave those items at home to save space.
  7. Bring electronics and chargers along with you. Items to remember: cell phone charger, voltage adapter, video/MP3 player, earphones, camera, electronic reader. For a 5 day trip, you might not need all of these items, so think carefully about what you are planning to do on your trip and what you'll need to take with you.[11]
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  8. Refill any medications you will need the week before your trip. This will help ensure you don't run out of anything while you are away! If you take birth control pills, remember to bring those along with you, too.[12]
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    • Bring a list of medications with you to keep on hand in case there is an emergency on your trip.

EditPacking Your Luggage

  1. Pack travel-sized toiletries for essential items. For the most part, you should be able to get toiletries at your destination, either from the hotel or from a local drugstore. But if you have things from home you want to bring (or just to save money by not having to buy anything when you arrive) transfer your lotions and shampoos and liquids into travel-sized containers.[13]
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    • If you are flying and bringing a carry on bag, make sure to check the TSA regulations for liquids.
  2. Gather your luggage and everything you want to pack in 1 place. For a 5 day vacation, you should easily be able to pack all your clothes and necessities in 1 bag or suitcase. Getting everything into the same space will help you stay organized as you put things into your bag.
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    • If you are packing for multiple people, try keeping luggage and piles of clothing/toiletries separated so you don't get confused and misplace something.
  3. Roll your clothes to save space. Tightly rolling clothes helps prevent wrinkles and saves space in your luggage! Follow this technique: lay the item of clothing flat, then fold the bottom of the item inside out (this will create an envelope/pocket). From the opposite end of the fold, roll the item tightly until you get to the pocket. Then, fold one side of the pocket over the roll to secure it.[14]
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    • You can also pack socks and underclothes inside of shoes to save space.
    • Pack shoes, toiletries, and other heavy items at the bottom of your bag. This will keep them from wrinkling or damaging your clothes.
  4. Download electronic versions of books and magazines to save space. If you have an iPad, Kindle, or something similar, you can download books and magazines to read without taking up essential room in your luggage. A lot of magazine subscriptions offer free electronic access, too, so check into that option if you already subscribe to a magazine!
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    • If you are going to bring a physical book with you, consider taking one you wouldn't mind leaving behind. This will at least save you some room on the way back (or give you space for a souvenir or 2).
  5. Keep a small bag of essential items at hand if you are flying. This will save you time and energy when you get on the plane. Keep a small bag inside your carry on that contains what you want for your flight (a book, magazine, pen, paper, headphones, cough drops, earplugs). This way when you get on the plane, you can pull out this smaller bag and stow the carry on without much hassle.[15]
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    • Even if you are driving, it can be nice to have a small bag nearby with snacks, your phone, a book, and other essential items, like your phone charger.
    • If you are traveling with kids, it's helpful to have some activities planned to keep them entertained. Sticker books are thin and light, and you can often find travel-sized versions of board games, too.


  • Make a list of what you ended up packing, and at the end of your trip make notes about what you would have done differently. Save this list to refer to the next time you travel.
  • Bring a mesh laundry bag or even a garbage bag to keep your dirty clothes in while you travel. It will make you feel so much more organized to have a separate space for these items rather than getting them mixed up with your clean an unworn pieces.

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