Thursday, August 16, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Motivate Yourself

Posted: 16 Aug 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Motivation can give you that extra push to get something done, but it doesn't always come when you need it. If you're struggling to start or complete a task, give yourself some encouragement to keep going. A little bit of pressure can help, so ask a friend, family member, or group to keep you accountable. If you're trying to achieve long-term plans, make sure that you have clear and manageable goals so that you maintain your motivation throughout the process.


EditBuilding Enthusiasm

  1. Remind yourself why you want to do something. Sometimes, we need a little boost to help get us going on a task or project. Say out loud or write down the reason why you need to do something. Tell yourself the benefits of getting it done.[1]
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    • For example, you might say, "I am going for a run right now because I want to become fitter" or "I need to do this homework so that I can get an A."
    • Remind yourself of the dangers of procrastination. Promise yourself something like "If I get this done now, I can leave work early today" or "If I can get this out of the way, I can work on something more fun."
    • Build a vision board with images that represent what you want to accomplish in your life. It will help serve as a reminder of what you really care about.[2]
  2. Break down your work into smaller chunks. You may dread hours of work, but if you break your day down into smaller segments, work can be easier to deal with. Start with easier tasks that you can complete quickly to build momentum. For example, instead of saying, "I have to work all morning," say, "I'm going to write this report in 1 hour, then I will go to the meeting at 11, and then it will be lunchtime."[3]
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    • Block off segments and tasks in a planner or calendar app. Use different colors to mark off different tasks and time blocks. This can break up your day and make it easier to face.
  3. Make your activities fun. If you're dreading the task or activity, it can be difficult to start. In this case, find a way to make the task more exciting. You might include other people or challenge yourself in a new way. Mixing things up can also help you get things done.[4]
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    • For example, if you want to become fitter but hate going to the gym, take an exercise class, such as kickboxing, Zumba, or barre.
    • If you're studying for an exam, compete with a friend. See who can answer the most questions correctly or solve the problem the fastest.
  4. Promise yourself a reward when you get something done. Even if it's just a small accomplishment, pat yourself on the back. You can give yourself a short break from work, treat yourself to a snack or latte, get a massage, or celebrate with friends. This can keep you excited and motivated for the next step.[5]
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  5. Give yourself occasional breaks to avoid burnout. While it is important to avoid distractions, too much work can make you less productive. Schedule occasional breaks throughout your day. Make sure you also take longer breaks over the weekend to rest and refresh yourself.[6]
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    • For example, you might take 5 minutes every hour to go to the bathroom or to stretch.
    • Schedule these breaks so that you have something to look forward to. For example, you might tell yourself, "If I can get these reports done by 2 pm, I can go take a quick break."
    • Avoid multitasking and getting distracted by checking emails and your phone. Your productivity will only suffer.
  6. Tell yourself that you can accomplish anything. When it comes to motivation, you can be your own worst critic. To push yourself to do what you need to, give yourself positive affirmations. Remember that you can get this task done if you put your mind to it.[7]
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    • If you find yourself thinking negatively about a task, force yourself to restate it as a positive comment. For example, if you find yourself thinking, "I have too much work today. I'll never get it done," say instead, "If I start right now, it'll all get done before the deadline."

EditStaying Accountable

  1. Find an accountability partner. An accountability partner is someone who checks in on you time to time to see how you are doing with your goals. Ask a friend, mentor, or colleague if they would be willing to be your accountability partner.[8]
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    • Schedule meetings or phone calls in advance so that you have a definite date to complete a goal by. This can motivate you to complete something by that date.
    • Send work to your accountability partner for feedback. Give them permission to be honest and thorough with this feedback.
    • Your accountability partner can also send you occasional reminders, such as "Remember that you were going to submit the proposal by the end of the week" or "Have you applied for funding yet?"
  2. Create a list of tasks for yourself. Keep the list somewhere visible, such as your desk or computer monitor. As you complete each task, cross it off the list. This can give you a small boost of motivation. When you've finished everything, you'll feel a great sense of satisfaction that will keep you going on your next project.[9]
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    • There are several to-do list apps for your phone, such as Apple Reminders, Microsoft To-Do, and Google Tasks. You can even set up reminders to keep you on track.
    • Use a daily task list to get everything done for the day. For bigger projects, use a separate list to mark off your short-term and long-term goals.
  3. Join a working group that focuses on the same activity. A group can help you stay on track while giving you support, feedback, and praise to keep you moving forward. Look for groups online through social media or check with your local community center, library, or town hall.[10]
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    • Whether you're writing a novel or a thesis, check out local writing groups in your area. Look for them at universities, libraries, coffee shops, or bookstores.
    • Running, hiking, or other exercise groups are a great way to meet people while staying on top of your fitness goals.
    • Study groups help you learn class materials. Your classmates can help you understand difficult topics, and working together may make studying more fun.
    • If you want to learn a new skill, join a class. The others in the class can help you stay motivated while you all learn together.
  4. Create a routine for yourself. Build a schedule that works for you, but keep it consistent day to day. Try to do the same activities or tasks at the same time every day. Even if you're not feeling up to the task, a routine can help you get in the right head space to accomplish it.[11]
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    • For example, if you want to build your own website, you might spend an hour every afternoon to work on the code.
    • Find out what time of day you work best. For example, if you get the most done in the morning, schedule your more difficult tasks for the morning.
    • Whatever you have in your routine should be done no matter how you are feeling. Even if you're in a poor mood, you should try to stay on track with your schedule.
  5. Decide ahead of time how you will deal with setbacks. Plan for problems and obstacles before they occur. This will make you more prepared to deal with them instead of letting them get in the way of your work.[12]
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    • If you get negative feedback on a project, you might feel discouraged. Find an activity that calms you. For example, you might take a walk, doodle on some paper, or call a loved one.
    • If your computer breaks often and you need to write a report, keep the phone number for IT or a computer store handy. Identify where you can borrow a laptop or use a public computer at a library. If the computer does break, you'll be prepared.

EditAccomplishing Long-Term Goals

  1. Define a specific, clear end goal for yourself. Sometimes it is hard to motivate ourselves when we're unclear about where we want to go. Make a clear, actionable end goal that you can achieve.[13]
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    • For example, if you're in school, your end goal might be to get into a certain college or to get a specific internship.
    • If you want to own your own company, decide what type of company it will be. Do you want sell a product, consult other firms, or provide services to the community?
    • Be specific with your goal. For example, if you want to travel the world, where do you want to go first? Do you prefer backpacking or would you like to take a cruise? Do you want to see the world all at once or do you want to break it up into several smaller trips?
    • Don't let goals distract you from other important aspects of your life. Make sure you make it clear to yourself how much effort should be going towards each goal you create.
  2. Break your goal down into smaller goals. Once you know specifically where you want to end up, give yourself smaller benchmarks to achieve along the way. Write down a series of steps that will help you achieve your goal. This makes the goal much more manageable, thus helping you accomplish each task.[14]
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    • For example, if your dream is to own a house, you might have smaller goals to save money, build good credit, apply for a mortgage, and find a home in a certain neighborhood.
    • If you want to quit your job to sell handmade goods online, you might need to set up an online shop, create enough inventory to sell, and advertise your goods.
  3. Find a role model who has accomplished the goal before. If you know someone who has achieved the same goal before, try to follow their example. Use their story to give you extra motivation to keep going.[15]
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    • A role model can be someone you know in real life, such as a family member, boss, professor, or mentor. It can also be a famous person, such as a business leader or scientist.
    • If you know them personally, ask them what they did to get there. If they're a famous figure, try finding interviews or biographies that can show you the way.
  4. Post motivational quotes in visible areas. You might keep a poster up on your office wall, stick a post-it note to your bathroom mirror, or place a note on your fridge. Wherever you need extra motivation to keep going, put an aspirational or positive quote there to keep you going.[16]
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    • Keep the quote somewhere relevant to your goals. If you're looking to lose weight, for example, put it near your scale or bathroom mirror. If you're finishing a big project at work, stick it in your drawer or on your computer.
    • Look for quotes in books, websites, and motivational videos. You can buy posters online or make your own using paper and pen.
  5. Visualize your goals or dreams. For a few minutes each day, sit down and visualize obtaining your goal. Visualize having it, doing it, achieving it, or being it. What does it feel like? After the few minutes are up, how do you feel? Use this energy to start on your next step.[17]
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    • Work in the details to make it as clear as possible. Where are you? What are you doing? What are you wearing? How do you look? Who is with you?
    • A vision board can help you strive towards your goals. Make a collage or picture of your goals or dreams. Put in a place you will have to see it every day, such as your office or refrigerator. This can motivate you a little bit each day.


  • Consult a medical professional if this lack of motivation has been paired with feelings of depression, anxiety, loneliness, bouts of crying, or thoughts of hurting yourself or others.

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How to Play Defense in Basketball

Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:00 AM PDT

As legendary college basketball coach Bob Knight once said, "Good basketball always starts with good defense."[1] A team's defense really can make or break a game, and being a good individual defender can make you a huge contributor on your team. By dedicating yourself to improving your defense, you can help your team come out ahead in even the toughest of tight games.


EditPracticing a Good Defensive Stance

  1. Set your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Point your feet forwards and place them just wider than your knees, which should be comfortably shoulder-width apart. This stance will already start to lower your center of gravity and give you a strong base.[2]
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  2. Put your weight in the balls of your feet and bend your knees. Shift your weight into the balls of your feet and lift your heels just slightly off the ground. Bend your knees and lower your body into a strong squat position. A good rule of thumb is that if you think you're low enough, try to get lower.[3]
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    • Focus on keeping your weight in the balls of your feet, but not in your toes, which will throw you off balance.
    • To test how low your stance is, reach down with one hand. You should be able to touch the ground with your fingers. You should still be able to move easily; if you can't, ease up on your squat just a bit.
    • Keeping your weight low and centered on the balls of your feet will help you stop quickly, accelerate faster, and react better to the ball.
  3. Keep your back flat, but not totally straight. Your back should be level from your shoulders to your hips and slightly arched, but not totally straight. To help you get a feel for the posture, reach your hands down to the ground while sticking your chest up. Your upper body will lean forward a bit, but keep your weight balanced.[4]
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    • This stance might seem uncomfortable at first, but it will feel more natural with practice.
    • Making sure your back is flat will protect it from injury while keeping you balanced.
  4. Raise your hands and keep them loose and active. Experiment with placing your hands out to the sides, or placing one hand wide while keeping the other at the offensive player's hip or using it to dig for the ball. Whatever you do, don't let your hands fall to your sides.[5]
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    • Your coach might have a specific hand placement they want you to use depending on how aggressive your defense is. If not, just focus on keeping your hands up and active. Try different positions and see what feels natural and effective.

EditDefending the Ball

  1. Sprint back on defense as soon as your team shoots. Your team might have a specific transition defense, but in general, the first player back should run to the rim to prevent an easy lay-up. The second player back should pressure the player with the ball, and the remaining 3 players should cover the offensive players.[6]
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    • Communication is key during a transition! Tell your teammates if you're covering the basket, the ball, or an open player.
    • Your role on offense might be to sprint towards the net to get the rebound after a shot. In this case, you would only sprint back on defense if you don't get the rebound and the other team has secured the ball.
  2. Pressure the player with the ball immediately. If you see that the player with the ball has no one on them, run up to them right away to pressure the ball. The biggest threat to a defense is an offensive player with an open passing or dribbling lane, and the best way to stop this is to pressure as soon as possible.[7]
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    • Work within your team's gameplan. If your coach assigns you to a player, try to stick with them as much as possible. If a player has the ball without any pressure, though, attack them as soon as possible.
  3. Angle your body to force them towards the sideline. Slide the foot nearest to the sideline a few inches behind the other. The toe of your back foot should be in line with the heel of the other. Angle your chest just slightly in that direction.[8]
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    • This angled stance, called a "heel/toe/pushpoint" alignment, prevents the ball handler from dribbling up the middle of the court. Instead, you'll push them towards a sideline, baseline, or your teammates on defense.
  4. Stay lower than the other player at all times. It's important to stay in your low defensive stance even as you move with the ball handler. Keep you body lower than theirs at all times, lowering your head and torso so that your eyes are shoulder-level with them.[9]
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    • Instead of standing up when you have to move, stay low and shuffle from side to side.
    • To help you stay low, get into your stance and imagine that you're playing in a gym with a ceiling just above your head. If you straighten up or bob up and down when you move, you'll hit your head on the ceiling.[10]
    • Staying in a low defensive stance gives you great balance and lets you react quickly to the ball.
  5. Keep your eyes on the ball handler's chest or waist. It feels natural to look at the basketball or at the other player's face when you're playing on-ball defense, but this makes it easy for them to fake you out by looking another way or using a pump fake. Instead, look at their mid-section—anywhere from their chest to their waist.[11]
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    • It's extremely hard for an offensive player to fake with their mid-section, which makes it a great way to track their movements.
  6. Use one hand to track the ball and the other to block a passing lane. Stay an arm's distance away from the ball handler and reach one arm out a few inches away from the ball, using it to follow the ball's movements. Keep your other hand lower and slightly to the side to distract the ball handler and cut off a passing lane.[12]
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    • Don't reach for the ball. This will put you off-balance and give the ball handler a chance to dart past you, and you could also be called for a foul if your hit their arm.
  7. Communicate with your teammates all the time. Talk to your teammates through the whole defensive possession to let them know where you are and what's happening on the floor that they can't see. Some phrases you can use to communicate on defense include:[13]
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    • "Ball, ball, ball!"—use this when you're running forward to pressure the ball.
    • "Deny, deny, deny"—use this if you're defending a player who's one pass away from the ball.
    • "Screen right" or "Screen left"—use these to tell a teammate that a screen is coming on one side. In a screen, an offensive player runs in to try to block the defense guarding another offensive player.

EditDefending the Dribble and Shot

  1. Drop back if the ball handler tries to dribble towards the net. When the ball handler tries to drive, or dribble hard towards the net, quickly shuffle backwards in your drop-step defensive stance. Stay low and move with them, trying to maintain your arms-length cushion to stay in the play.[14]
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    • Be patient. Don't try to reach or go for the steal unless the ball handler loses control or makes a big error.
  2. Force the ball handler to the nearest sideline. Start to angle your body more to the sideline as the ball handler dribbles. You want to use your body to block off their path to score, which means putting your back to the hoop and forcing them away from it.[15]
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    • This will help you contain the ball handler until they make a mistake, or your teammates can come help.
  3. Try to flick the ball away during a dribble. Use the hand closest to the ball to flick the it away with a short, fast movement, called a dig. Don't reach in with the hand blocking the pass to bat at the ball—you may hit the ball handler's arm and be charged for a foul.[16]
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    • Only try a dig if the player is trying to drive past you and you have no way of containing them, or if they're handling the ball loosely and you see an opportunity.
  4. Draw a charge foul if you can. A charge occurs when a defender is hit in the torso by the ball handler while standing still, or moving backwards or sideways, with both feet on the ground. To draw a charge, stay in your low defensive stance and let the offensive player dribble at you, instead of charging the ball.[17]
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    • Be careful when drawing a charge! You could be called for blocking if you're moving towards the ball, don't have both feet on the ground, or were hit on somewhere other than your torso.
    • Move with the dribbler and stay in their dribbling lane to try to draw the foul.
    • Stay very low and bend your forearm in front of your chest, keeping it strong and close to you to absorb some of the blow. Your upper body will naturally sway backwards, helping you to sell the call.[18]
  5. Defend a shot by blocking the shooter's vision. If you see the ball handler go up for a shot, put a hand up to their face to distract them and disrupt their view of the rim. This allows you to force a missed shot without fouling or getting fooled if the ball handler is actually faking.[19]
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    • This is considered a better tactic than jumping and swatting at the basketball during a shot, which could result in a foul if you hit the shooter's arm or, if they're faking, gives them an open dribbling or passing lane.

EditPlaying Off-Ball Defense

  1. Deny the pass when you're one pass away from the ball. When you're defending an offensive player who doesn't have the ball but is close enough for a pass, stay in your defensive stance with one arm and foot in the passing lane. Keep your chest facing your opponent and look over your ball-side shoulder to see the basketball.[20]
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    • In some situations or defensive strategies, your coach might want you to help the on-ball defender instead of cutting off the pass. In this case, you'll hover behind the on-ball defender to block off the dribbling lane.
  2. Stay on your player if they're on the ball-side corner. The corner three-point shot is extremely dangerous for a defense. If you're defending the player on this corner shot, you can dart out quickly to plug a passing lane, but you should always return to your player right away.[21]
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    • Stay on the corner even if the ball handler is driving to the rim. If you try to help in this play, the ball handler can dump off a simple pass to the corner player, who can take an easy jump shot.
  3. Create a "defensive triangle" to watch the ball and your player. If you're guarding a player who's farther from the ball and can't be reached by a single pass, position yourself so that you can see both your player and the basketball out of the corners of your eyes. Keep your hands out and active, with one pointing towards the ball and one towards your player.[22]
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    • Try to be as close to the basketball as you can, while staying close enough to your player that you can defend them if they get a quick skip pass.
  4. Adjust your position at all times. Make sure you're never standing still when you're on defense. When the basketball or your player moves, adjust your position so you can react quickly to any play. Stay in your defensive stance and make sure you can always see both the ball and the player you're covering.[23]
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    • Don't get caught up in watching the ball and forget that you have a job to do, too! A good offense will always be able to take advantage of a lazy or distracted defender.

EditBuilding Strength and Practicing Defensive Skills

  1. Strengthen your stance with squats and wall sits. If you're having a hard time holding a low defensive stance for your whole defensive possession, work on your leg strength with wall sits and low squats. Commit to working your legs at least 4-5 times a week to make your stance lower and stronger.[24]
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    • To do a wall sit, rest your back against a wall and slide down until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Stay in position for as long as you can and work to last longer every time.
    • To do a squat, stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. Stand up straight and repeat for at least 10 reps.
  2. Work on your footwork with jump ropes and agility ladders. Quick footwork is an essential tool of every good defender. To improve your quickness, start by jumping rope for 10 minutes a day. Then, move on to doing drills with an agility ladder to work on your balance and speed.[25]
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    • With a jump rope, first try the basic single jump, focusing on getting your feet off the ground as quickly as possible. Then try moving side to side on each jump, or moving your feet back and forth.[26]
    • With an agility ladder, run through and tap both feet in each square with your chest facing forwards, then turn to the side and do the same thing. Look up other agility ladder drills online for an extra challenge.
    • If you don't have an agility ladder, make your own with chalk on the sidewalk, or by laying down long sticks as "rungs."
  3. Do planks to build up your core strength. A strong core will help you maintain your balance, which is important for a good defender. Practice a regular prone plank every day until you can hold it for 60 seconds, then try a side plank to work your oblique muscles.[27]
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  4. Set up a footwork drill to work on quick movement and pressure. Sprint from the baseline to a cone level with the free throw line. Slow down and get into a defensive stance, then backpedal to a cone a few feet off the baseline and slide to the other side of the court. Sprint out to another cone, then slide across the top of the key to finish.
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    • You can work through this drill with your teammates or by yourself. Try to get through the course 3-5 times, going as hard as you can every time.
  5. Try a one-on-one defense drill to put your skills to the test. As the defensive player, hold the ball and stand at the free throw line with the offensive player. Hand them the ball to start the drill. The offensive player has to attack the rim and take a shot within 2-3 dribbles while you try to stop them.[28]
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    • Handing the ball to the offensive player means you have to start the drill right next to them, forcing you to react quickly to their moves.
    • In this drill, focus on keeping the offensive player in front of you, staying in your defensive stance, and challenging every shot they take.
  6. Do a mirroring drill to work on positioning. Set up across from another player on parallel lines of the key. As the offensive player, they'll move up and down the key and try to separate themselves from you, the defensive player. You'll try to stay directly in line with them, no matter what they do.[29]
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    • Ask the offensive player to use fakes or quickly change pace to disrupt your mirroring.
    • Stay low with active hands for the whole drill.
  7. Practice your defense in every drill and game. Volunteer to be defense in drills, defend the other team's best player, and constantly push yourself to get into a better stance or position, on or off the ball. By dedicating yourself to your defense, you can make a huge difference in every game.
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  • To broaden your defensive knowledge, ask your coach what defense your team uses. It could be man-to-man, zone, match-up, or another defense. Ask them to explain why they chose that defense and what you can do to be a better player in it.

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How to Make Baby Wipes

Posted: 16 Aug 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Babies go through a lot of baby wipes, which means that the cost of store-bought baby wipes can add up. If you want to save money, you might want to make your own baby wipes. The process is fast and simple, and the ingredients are inexpensive. You may even have most of them at home!


EditChoosing a Solution

  1. Use water, oil, and baby wash if you want a simple solution. Pour 1½ cups (350 mL) of distilled or filtered water into a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of food-grade oil and 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of liquid soap or baby wash. Stir everything together with a whisk until the ingredients combine.[1]

    • You can also use plain water, but be sure to boil it for 2 minutes first, then let it cool.[2]
    • Great types of oil include: coconut oil (melted), grapeseed oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil.[3]
    • If you don't have any food-grade oil, you can use baby oil instead.[4]
  2. Make a simple antibacterial solution with lavender and tea tree oils. Pour 1½ cups (350 mL) of distilled or filtered water into a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of baby shampoo. Stir in 4 drops of lavender essential oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil.[5]

    • You can use plain water as long as you boil it for 2 minutes first. Let it cool before using it.
    • If you don't have any olive oil, you can try another food-grade oil, such as melted coconut oil or sweet almond oil. You can also try baby oil.
    • If you don't have baby shampoo on hand, try another mild liquid soap, such as castile soap or baby soap.
    • The lavender essential oil will help make the solution soothing while the tea tree essential oil will make it antibacterial.
  3. Use aloe vera, witch hazel, and essential oil to make a soothing solution. Pour 1½ cups (350mL) of distilled or filtered water into a bowl. Stir in the following: 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of liquid soap, 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of aloe vera gel, 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of witch hazel, 1/2 tablespoon (7.5 mL) of food-grade oil, and 10 to 15 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil.[6]

    • You can also use plain water, but boil it for 2 minutes first, then let it cool.
    • Liquid castile soap will work the best, but you can use a different kind of liquid soap too. Make sure that it is natural and mild.
    • Great types of oil for this recipe include coconut oil (melted), olive oil, and sweet almond oil.
    • Lavender essential oil has soothing properties while tea tree oil has antibacterial properties. You can use one or the other, or a combination of the two.
  4. Use white vinegar and essential oil to make an anti-fungal solution. Pour ½ cup (120 mL) of distilled or filtered water into a bowl. Add 4 tablespoons (60 mL) of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of white vinegar, and 1 teaspoon of calendula oil. Stir in 5 drops of lavender essential oil and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil.[7]

    • If you don't have distilled or filter water, boil plain water for 2 minutes, then let it cool.
    • Skip the white vinegar if your baby has sensitive or raw skin. The tea tree oil will help make it anti-fungal to a small extent.

EditAssembling the Wipes

  1. Cut a roll of paper towels in half widthwise. Get out a brand-new roll of paper towels and set it down on a clean surface. Use a sharp, non-serrated knife to cut the roll in half to create 2 equal-sized mini rolls. Do not use toilet paper. Even though it's the right width, it's too soft and will turn to mush.[8]

    • The type of paper towels that you use does not matter, but heavy-duty will work the best.
    • Keep 1 of the paper towel roll halves out; set the other roll aside for another project.
  2. Fan-fold the paper towel if you are using an old baby-wipes container. Unravel the paper towels and fold them back-and-forth like a fan or accordion until you reach the cardboard tube. How wide you fold the paper towels depends on the width of your container. They need to be narrow enough to fit inside.[9]

    • You are using just 1 of paper towel roll halves, not both.
    • Discard the cardboard tube when you reach the last paper towel.
    • Skip this step if you are using a tall, cylindrical container.
  3. Place the paper towel roll into your desired container. If you folded your paper towels like an accordion, tuck them into an old baby wipes container. If you did not fold your paper towels, tuck the entire tube into a tall, cylindrical container. Make sure that the container is clean. Wash the container with hot, soapy water, then dry it off, if needed.

    • Use just 1 of the paper towel roll halves, not both.
    • You can use another plastic container too, like an ice cream tub. Make sure it's clean!
    • The cylindrical container should be big enough to fit the paper towel roll inside it. Something that originally housed wipes would work the best.
  4. Pour your desired solution over the paper towels. The solution may have settled while you prepared the paper towels, so give it a quick stir. Pour the entire solution over the paper towels. Don't worry if it looks like it's too much; the paper towels should soak up most of it.

  5. Let the solution soak for 5 to 10 minutes. If the paper towels near the top of the container are still dry, take them out and flip them over. You can also close the container tightly, flip it over, and wait another 5 to 10 minutes.[10]

    • If your container starts to leak when you flip it over, turn it right-side-up again and flip the paper towels over instead.
  6. Take the cardboard tube out if you left it in. By now, the paper towels should be thoroughly soaked. Stick your fingers into the middle of the paper towels and separate the cardboard tube from the paper towels. Pull the cardboard tube out and discard it. The first baby wipe should come out with the cardboard tube.[11]
    Make Baby Wipes Step 10 Version 3.jpg
    • You don't need to do this each time you want to use the baby wipes. Once you discard the cardboard tube, you are all set.
    • Skip this step if you are using an old baby wipes container. You already removed the cardboard tube earlier.
  7. Cut an X-shaped in the lid, if needed. Most baby wipes containers already have a hole in the lid. If you are using a different container, however, it may not have a hole in it. Use a craft blade to cut a large X-shape in the middle of the lid.

  8. Put the lid back on and pull the baby wipes out through the hole. Feed the first paper towel up through the hole, then put the lid on the container. Tug the paper towel until it tears off.[12]

EditUsing the Baby Wipes

  1. Pull the baby wipes out of the container 1 at a time. The baby wipes should feed through the hole on their own as you pull them out. If they don't feed on their own, simply take the lid off and re-feed them through the hole.

    • The baby wipes should tear naturally along the perforated lines in the paper towels. This won't always happen, which is fine.
  2. Keep the lid on your container whenever you are not using it. If your container does not have a secondary lid, cover the hole or slit with a piece of duct tape or packaging tape. Peel the tape back to expose the hole or slit whenever you want to use the baby wipes.
    Make Baby Wipes Step 14 Version 2.jpg
    • Fold the end of the tape back by to make it easier to peel back.
  3. Rehydrate the baby wipes with boiled water if they start to dry. Boil some water for 2 minutes, let it cool to room temperature, then pour it into the container. How much water you use depends on how dry the baby wipes are and how many you have left.[13]

    • Use enough water to dampen the baby wipes.
  4. Use the baby wipes within 3 or 4 months. Some baby wipes will last only a week, but if you added tea tree oil to the solution, they should last up to 3 or 4 months. If the baby wipes start to grow moldy before then, however, toss them immediately.[14]


  • If your baby wipes grow moldy before you finish using them, discard them immediately. Make a smaller batch next time.[15]
  • You can use this tutorial with re-useable cloth baby wipes. Simply soak the baby wipes, then fold them up and put them into an old baby wipe container.[16]
  • If you are using cloth baby wipes, wash them with cloth diapers.
  • It is better to make a small batch of baby wipes rather than a big batch. If you make a big batch, it may dry out or mold before you use it.[17]
  • Wipe solution can be stored in a spray bottle and sprayed on individual cloth wipes to prevent mold. No sew cloth wipes can be cut from old t-shirts.


  • Do not use fragrance oils or oils meant for soap-making or candle-making. They are not the same thing. Use pure, organic essential oils only.[18]
  • Some babies are sensitive to essential oils, especially tea tree oil. If your baby develops a rash, stop using the baby wipes immediately.
  • Never use unfiltered water. Unfiltered water is full of chemicals and bacteria that may lead to mold.[19]

EditThings You'll Need

  • Paper towel
  • Sharp, non-serrated knife
  • Old baby wipes container
  • Bowl
  • Whisk or mixing spoon
  • Distilled or filtered water
  • Baby soap
  • Food-grade oil
  • Aloe vera (optional)
  • Lavender or tea tree essential oil (optional)

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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