Thursday, February 15, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Choose a Probiotic

Posted: 15 Feb 2018 04:00 PM PST

Probiotic pills and supplements are available in nearly every health-food store and organic grocery store. Probiotics contain live bacteria, which allegedly improve the health of your gut and digestive tract.[1] While you can get probiotics from certain foods, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and kefir, taking pills or supplements as well can help to improve your gut health to a more significant degree. There are a huge number of probiotics available over the counter, which can make choosing a pill or supplement difficult. You can find a beneficial and healthy probiotic by doing a little research beforehand.


EditFinding an Effective and Tested Probiotic

  1. Find a probiotic supplementing bacteria, which means that they don't all treat the same gut or body condition. Before purchasing a probiotic, read the probiotic pill or supplement box to confirm that it contains bacteria which target the issues you want it to. For example, different probiotics will treat health issues as varied as:[2]
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    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
    • Upper respiratory problems.
    • General gut health.
    • Frequent vaginosis.
    • Refer to an online 'cheat sheet' describing the effects of various probiotic bacteria here: For example, bacteria strains which increase overall illness immunity may be useless when dealing with abdominal pain.
  2. Opt for a probiotic with 30-40 strains of bacteria. If you're looking for an effective general-use probiotic supplement, choose one with many strains. Since different bacterial strains will treat different gut and health conditions, increasing the number of strains will maximize the health benefits that the probiotic can deliver.[3]
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    • The most helpful probiotic labels will provide the genus, species, and strain of all bacteria included. For example, 1 specific strain of bacteria will read: "Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC55730."
  3. Read the packaging to make sure that the product was tested. Probiotics are unregulated and do not undergo testing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any medical organization. This means that many probiotics are untested, and offer no guarantee that the product can meet the claims made on its packaging or advertisements. You can avoid buying a potentially useless product by confirming that the supplements or pills were tested.[4]
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    • If you have extra time to invest in researching probiotics, you could look at the probiotic company's website. Read the "About Us" page (or a similar page) to find out if the probiotic has been tested.
    • Since they are not regulated, some products labeled as probiotics may not contain as much bacteria as they claim to.
  4. Confirm that the studies were ethically performed. The most reliable probiotics are those that have been double-blind tested. Probiotic testing may be subject to bias if it's not performed double-blind tests.[5] This information should be clearly printed on the packaging.
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    • Also look to see if the packaging confirms that the probiotic manufacturer wasn't able to inform the test results. This will indicate that the tests were ethically performed and that the manufacturer didn't meddle with the scientific results.
  5. Select a probiotic supplement with at least 5 billion CFU. The number of bacteria in probiotic supplements can vary widely, from a couple million to several billion. As a general rule of thumb, the more living bacteria that have been packed into a probiotic, the more effective the supplement will be.[6]
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    • When reading bottles of probiotic supplements, you'll notice that many include the acronym "CFU." This stands for "colony forming unit," and refers to the approximate number of live bacteria within a pill or supplement.

EditEvaluating a Probiotic through Use

  1. Pay attention to your body's digestion. The major effect of nearly all probiotics is to improve your gut and digestive health (in addition to whatever other benefits the bacteria provide). If you've been using a certain probiotic supplement for a couple of weeks and don't notice an improvement in your digestive health, it's time to try a new probiotic.[7] Signs of an ineffective probiotic include:
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    • Stomach cramps.
    • Intestinal pain.
    • Constipation or diarrhea.
  2. Revise your probiotic supplement as needed. Keep in mind that, since most probiotics are sold as dietary supplements, they aren't guaranteed to produce the results they advertise.[8] Fortunately, another probiotic may fix your health concern.
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    • If the first probiotic you tried isn't helping, switch to another type. Unlike medication, you can change your probiotic supplement without experiencing major side-effects. The only side-effect you're somewhat likely to experience as a result of switching is mildly upset stomach.
  3. Choose studied strains of probiotic to help with frequent health concerns. Most medical studies on probiotics have been performed on strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Probiotics containing these strains are most likely to match the claims made on the label.[9] Choose well-known strains of these bacteria to help with common health ailments. These include:[10]
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    • Lactobacillus bulgaricus, which helps with lactose intolerance and various resultant digestive problems.
    • Lactobacillus reuteri LR-1 or LR-2, which improves dental hygiene and prevents tooth plaque from forming.
    • Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 or MIMBb75, which decreases bloating and discomfort from IBS.
  4. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about your digestion. If you have frequent moderate to severe abdominal pain, or chronic constipation or diarrhea, the problem may be more severe than a probiotic can handle. Talk to your physician and explain your condition to them. Also ask your doctor if they recommend any specific probiotics or know of any to avoid.[11]
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    • You may be suffering from an undiagnosed case of IBS, or you may be lactose intolerant or have Celiac's disease without knowing it.


  • It's a good idea to talk to your doctor about using probiotics before purchasing and starting to take one, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Don't replace scientifically proven treatments with probiotics. A lot of research still has to be done on probiotics to determine their effectiveness.
  • Closely follow the storage instructions printed on the probiotic supplement bottle. All probiotics need to be kept away from heat, and many need to be refrigerated.[12]

EditSources and Citations

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How to Get Likes on Facebook

Posted: 15 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

This wikiHow teaches you how to start getting likes on your Facebook content, including comments, statuses, and photos. You must have a Facebook account set up before you can start posting.


  1. Post on Facebook often. You don't have to treat Facebook like your personal diary—even just posting once per day is enough to keep your Timeline filled with content. When posting, try to come up with unique, engaging content that makes your friends laugh (or cry, as the case may be).
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    • Try to post during times at which you know that your friends are active.
    • You can see who's currently using Facebook on desktop by looking for green dots next to people's names in the right-hand sidebar.
  2. Add friends. If you only have a couple of friends on Facebook, they might not even see your content without actively visiting your profile page! The more friends you have, the greater the number of people who can see and like your posts.
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    • You should stick to adding people who you know in real life—or, in a pinch, friends of people who you know in real life.
  3. Tag people in your posts. Tagging someone in a post notifies them of the post itself, thereby increasing the chances that they will like it. It will also appear on their Timeline if they choose to allow it, meaning that more people will see the post.
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    • Exercise restraint when tagging—you don't want to overdo it and end up irritating or harassing your friends.
  4. Upload photos and videos. While text-only posts have their place on Facebook, many people respond best to visual media like photos and videos. If you have an interesting item to share (e.g., a photo of an animal or a hike, or a video of the same), consider uploading it.
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    • It may be tempting to upload several photos at once, but try uploading one at a time to start. This will give people a chance to view and like the photo without having to navigate through an entire album.
  5. Like your friends' posts. This is a bit of an investment: when you like a friend's content, they will feel obligated to view (and potentially like) your content in return. Liking friends' content also shows Facebook that you want to see more from them, meaning that you both may see each other's content more often.
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  6. Add witty comments to friends' content. Just like statuses, you can receive likes on your comments. If you're able to drop a funny or thoughtful comment on a friend's status, you're all but guaranteed to get a like or two from them and their friends.
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    • The same goes for responding to friends' comments on your posts. If you respond to a friend, they may like your comment to show that they read and appreciated it.
  7. Interact with your friends. Although Facebook's exact algorithm for who sees your content isn't clear, there appears to be a correlation between people with whom you regularly interact and people who frequently see your posts in their News Feeds. You can increase the chances of friends seeing your content by liking and responding to their comments on your content (or on theirs).
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    • Liking and commenting on other friends' posts will also help your friends see your posts.


  • If you read a friend's comment on your own post or comment and you don't have anything to add to their response, it's considered common courtesy to like the comment.


  • Asking people to like your content is commonly viewed as rude or irritating behavior on Facebook.

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How to De‐ice Your Windshield

Posted: 15 Feb 2018 12:00 AM PST

If you cannot see out your windshield, it is not safe to drive. In fact, in the UK; by law you must be able to see out your windows, and have your number plate clearly visible and legible. Always remove snow and ice from your car's windshield, greatly increasing visibility and improving the safety of you and any passengers. If you live in an area with terrible winter weather, there are even steps you can take to prevent ice buildup.


EditRemoving Ice

  1. Start your car and let it idle warm the car up. If your car has a "defrost" setting on the temperature gauge, put it on. Wait at least fifteen minutes for the glass to warm up.
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    • Never attempt to try to defrost the windshield using water, hot, cold, or warm. Using warm or hot water can cause the glass to break due to thermal shock due to temperature change. In very cold climates, cold water can also freeze on the windshield, making your troubles even worse.
    • While your car is warming up, make sure no ice, snow, or other materials are blocking the vehicle tailpipe. Remove any blockage to prevent the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning.
    • If you drive in a very snowy area, wait until the ice has noticeably begun to melt before proceeding to the next step. It may take thicker ice well over fifteen minutes to sufficiently begin melting.
  2. Spray your car with a saltwater solution. This will dissolve the ice via chemical reaction rather than melting it with heat. The ions in salt also lower the freezing point of water, making it difficult for water to refreeze. Apply the saltwater sparingly to your windshield since heavy salt exposure may cause damage to the glass.[1]
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    • While normal table salt will suffice in above freezing temperatures, you may want to consider using road salt, which is commonly shoveled onto pavements to quickly melt ice and reduce the risk of someone slipping and falling. Road salt has a different chemical composition that makes it more effective at freezing temperatures.
  3. Apply an alcohol and water solution to melt the ice. Make a 2:1 rubbing alcohol to water solution and fill a spray bottle with it. Spray the solution onto all desired windows.
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    • You can also add a few drops of dish soap to the solution.[2] Adding chemicals is similar to adding salt and lowers the freezing point of water. This will melt the ice more quickly than warm water.
    • Unlike the saltwater solution, the alcohol solution can be sprayed liberally without risking damage to your car.
  4. Buy a commercial de-icer if the homemade solutions fail. Most commercial formulas work well but tend to be costly. Like scrapers, these formulas shouldn't be hard to find at your local car supply store. Almost every auto store has a section dedicated to de-icers.
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    • Examples of popular de-icing agents include: "Valvoline Deicer" and "Prestone Spray-on Windshield De-icer."[3]
  5. Use a squeegee, soft-bristled brush, or your windshield wipers to scrub away the residue. Once you have applied your chosen solution, wipe away the liquid and ice from your windshield and car.
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    • After a minute or two, your saltwater or alcohol solution should begin to melt the ice. Keep in mind, however, that the ice will only be partly melted. It will need to be brushed away in order to improve visibility.[4]
  6. Keep an ice scraper in the car all winter to chip ice off your windshield. You should purchase one for your car well in advance, then leave it in the boot or glovebox to handle ice if you have no other supplies around. Push it into the windshield and use short, powerful strokes to chip the ice away.[5]
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    • Ice scrapers are specialized tools for scraping ice from your windshield. Typically, they are plastic, and have a large, flat, dull blade on one end, and a handle on the other, sometimes combined with a brush. They can be purchased up at most auto stores and car supply stores. In cold climates, these will also be available in most large retail stores, hardware stores, gas stations, even grocery stores.
    • In a pinch you can use a standard squeegee to scrape ice, although this is not as effective. Scraper heads are made from plastic rather than rubber, and this makes them more sturdy when scrubbing away residue.

EditTaking Proactive Measures

  1. Cover your windshield with a tarp, towel, or sheet, and weigh it down to prevent ice from building up. Only use this method in areas with light snowfall, as it can be a heavy blanket to remove when weighed down with snow.
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    • Soak the towel in a saltwater solution and lay it on your windshield overnight for even better protection. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in one quart of water and immerse the towel in the solution. While it is still damp, position the towel onto your windshield and place your wipers over it to hold it securely.[6]
    • Your towel can be reused multiple times. Simply store it in a plastic bag after each use and add a small amount of water to keep it damp.[7]
  2. Spray either homemade or commercial ice-prevention spray on your windshield at night. You can buy professional products or mix three cups vinegar with one cup water for your own spray. Spray a light coat of a vinegar/water solution on your defrosted windows before bed to prevent ice the next morning.
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    • Be very careful not to apply heavy coatings of vinegar to your car, because it may eat into the windshield, creating miniature pockmarks in the glass. Applying vinegar to metal can also speed oxidation and result in rust or corrosion.
  3. Pour some rubbing alcohol into your windshield washer reservoir. This will help the wiper lines from freezing up and not working.
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    • This trick will save you from having to go to the store to purchase proper windshield fluid. Remember, preventing and fighting ice build-up doesn't have to be a costly endeavor.[8]
  4. Cover your car with a tarp whenever you aren't driving. Make sure to tie it down with bungee cables or some other fastenings to prevent it from slipping or being blown off.
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    • Parking your car in the garage is best. By protecting your car from even being exposed to the elements, you significantly reduce the amount of labor required to remove ice after the fact.
    • Though this prevents most ice build-up, you may notice some light frost on your windshield. However, this minor ice accumulation should melt shortly using your car's defrost function.


  • Be patient! Most damage caused to vehicles in de-icing is because of simple impatience. Typically, a person does not scrape the windshield clear or wait until the defroster clears the window, then accidentally crack it as it heats.


  • Don't be impatient and drive off without having all snow and ice removed from your vehicle's windshield and other windows--you are putting yourself and other drivers at risk.
  • If you find yourself on the road and unprepared in the middle of an ice/sleet storm, stop at the nearest store that carries WD-40 (WD-40 is found nearly everywhere, even grocery and dollar stores). A good spray of the product on the windshield will melt accumulated ice (do not use the tiny red directional-spray straw). When the glass is clean, spray again for preventative coating.

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EditSources and Citations

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