Saturday, February 10, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Delete All Spam Emails in Gmail

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:00 PM PST

Email spam is a type of electronic spam where unrequested messages are sent by email. Sometimes these emails can inject malware on your system. Gmail automatically recognizes spam and other suspicious emails and sends them to the Spam folder. This wikiHow will teach you how to delete all your spam emails in Gmail.


  1. Log in to Gmail. Go to in your web browser and log in with your Gmail address and password. If you are already logged in to your account, move to the next step.
    Login to Gmail.png
  2. Navigate to the folder. To do that, click on More from the left side menu and select Spam from the drop-down list.
    Open spam folder in Gmail.png
    • Alternatively, type in:spam in the Gmail search bar and hit the button.
  3. Click on the link. You can see this link at the top of the page.
    Delete All Spam Mails in Gmail.png
  4. Confirm your action. Click on the button from the pop-up confirmation box. Done!
    How to Delete All Spam Mails in Gmail.png


  • Emails that have been in Spam folder more than 30 days will be automatically deleted.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

How to Deal with Subtle Bullying

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

Subtle bullying may not be as easy to spot as outright name-calling or physical aggression, but it can be just as upsetting and isolating. Subtle bullying may include expressing "fake" compliments, being excluded from group activities on purpose, or having one's reputation or work sabotaged. If this is happening to you, you can help counter it by acting more confidently. Also, distance yourself from the bully and rally up a support system. Learn what your rights are and talk to someone who can help you take a stand against the bully.


EditActing Confidently

  1. Walk with your chin up and shoulders back. Convey an aura of confidence around others and the bully may be less likely to target you. Even if you don't feel confident, acting confident can make other people think you are confident! Pull down your shoulders, lift your head, and look ahead as you're walking. Smile brightly when you greet others.[1]
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    • Bullies often pick on people who appear weaker than they are and lack confidence. "Fake it 'til you make it," and maybe you won't get picked on anymore.
    • Plus, pretending to be confident may actually help you to feel more confident in the long run.
  2. Don't give them the reaction they want. The key to undermining a bully is to not play into their hand. The bully hopes to make you squirm and feel powerless, so giving them a reaction is the last thing you should do. Practice putting on a poker face and completely ignoring the person's advances.[2]
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    • Resist the urge to blush, flee, or show that you are embarrassed by the bullying. Stay calm and act as though it isn't affecting you at all.
    • If you have trouble putting on a poker face, try to think of something serious (like a work or school project) whenever the person is nearby.
  3. Shrug or laugh off their attempts to hurt you. Act nonchalant around a subtle bully by coolly responding in a way that's opposite of what they would expect. This shows them that you're not going to deliver the reaction they want and that they should move along. If they make a joke directed at you, laugh, too. If the bully tries to put you down by dwelling on a mistake, simply shrug and walk away.[3]
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  4. Try not to take the bullying personally. As annoying and hurtful as subtle bullying is, it's often not really about you at all. The bully is the problem, not you. Remember that you are a wonderful, worthy person, no matter what the bully says.[4]
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    • If it helps, try repeating to yourself, "It's about them, not me," over and over again.
  5. Build your confidence internally. Don't just act confident—make a real effort to enhance your self-esteem. You can do this by making a list of your best traits to remind yourself how awesome you are. You can also build your confidence by trying new things, like joining a new club or picking up a new skill.[5]

EditDistancing Yourself from the Bully

  1. Steer clear of them whenever possible. If someone is subtly bullying you, try your best to avoid them. If they typically hang out in the breakroom during lunch, have your meal in the courtyard. You're not running from the person. You're just making yourself less of a target. [6]
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    • If you have to be around them, cut the interactions as short as possible. If you're in a meeting, sit several chairs down. If you're at a gathering, mingle with guests in a different room.
    • You don't have to make it obvious that you're avoiding the person—just limit time around them overall.
    • If the bully begins to follow you, their behavior has escalated to stalking and should be reported immediately.
  2. Switch up your schedule or routine. Another way to steer clear of the bully is by changing up your daily patterns. If the 2 of you walk home using the same route, try riding your bike for a few weeks. Or, you might even take a different route than the bully.[7]
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    • If the bully calls you out for changing your routine, remember that it's none of their concern. Simply ignore them. Avoid eye contact and carry on with what you were doing.
  3. Block online bullies on social media and increase your privacy settings. If the bullying is taking place online, set parameters to decrease your chances of interacting with them. Unfollow or unfriend the person and make your profile private.[8]
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    • You can also report the person to the website administrator.
    • If you're worried that unfriending them will make them upset, try simply unfollowing them. That way, the connection is still there, but you won't have to see their posts anymore. You can go into your privacy settings and limit what they see on your profile, too.
    • You can stop using social media if their behavior continues to bother you.
  4. Build a network of supportive peers. Bullies are less likely to target someone in a group, so gather a strong support system. Ask friends to walk with you in between classes. Suggest that you and a group of colleagues have lunch outside together.[9]
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    • Being with others will also help you strengthen your self-esteem, which will make you feel more capable of standing up to the bully.

EditTaking a Stand

  1. Set firm boundaries with others. If you draw healthy lines with your social connections, others are more likely to respect your limitations. Make it clear to everybody what you will not accept. Say something like, "I really don't like it when people borrow my stuff without asking. I'd appreciate it if you asked me next time."[10]
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    • Be firm with your boundaries. Don't waver—otherwise, the abuse may continue.
    • Setting healthy boundaries will make you feel more confident about yourself and your ability to speak up to others.
  2. Point out their behavior and tell them it's not okay. Bullies never expect their victims to stand up to them. Use this element of surprise and tell the bully to "back off!" When you confront them, stand in a power pose with your hand on your hips. Speak in a strong, unwavering voice and clearly tell them that the behavior is unacceptable and that they should "stop!"[11]
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    • You might say, "Whenever I walk into the room, you burst out laughing. That's really rude. Please stop it."
  3. Know your rights. Get familiar with the rules at your school or workplace. What kind of safeguards are in place to protect you against bullying? Learn what you can do to stop the behavior, so that you're informed if you need to take action.[12]
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    • Examples of rights against bullying may include having the freedom to speak out against bullying without fear of retribution. In addition, the facility (work, school, etc.) is required to investigate the situation and put an action plan in place to stop it.
    • Check out your school or employee handbook to find out your rights.
  4. Document incidents of subtle bullying. Hang onto any evidence you have of the bullying behavior. Emails, notes, or online comments should be filed away for future use. Keeping track of the incidents and any documentation could help your case if you ever go to someone in authority.[13]
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  5. Gather witnesses to the bullying. Has someone else witnessed the subtle bullying taking place? If so, ask this person to speak on your behalf to the school administrators or human resources office.
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    • Having someone to back up your claims may prompt those in authority to take the situation seriously.
    • If the bullying comes down to their tone of voice or nonverbal actions, just try to document it as best you can by making notes and dating each incidence.
  6. Talk to someone who can help. If, despite your asking them to stop, the bullying continues, speak to someone who can take action. This may be a parent, teacher, coach, principal, boss, or HR representative. Let the person know what's happening and tell them what methods you have tried to deter it.[14]
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    • You might say something like, "I have repeatedly asked Don to include me in the group brainstorm meetings, but he continually plans them behind my back. His subtle bullying is keeping me from doing my job effectively. I need your help."


  • Examples of subtle bullying may include being excluded from an event on purpose, being overlooked and not having your questions answered or considered, or being talked down to using snide or overly sarcastic language.
  • It may feel hard to put your finger on subtle bullying. Remember that's the point—if you saw the behavior from an outsider's point-of-view, it might look harmless. You may have to rely on gut feelings to determine if you have a case of subtle bullying.

EditSources and Citations

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How to See Street View on Google Maps on Android

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 12:00 AM PST

This wikiHow teaches you how to switch to the Street View mode and see photos of a selected location on Google Maps, using Android.

Edit10-Second Summary

1. Open Google Maps.
2. Tap the EXPLORE tab.
3. Tap and hold a location on the map.
4. Tap the Street View image preview on the bottom-left.


  1. Open the Google Maps app on your Android. The Maps app looks like a red location pin on a tiny map icon. You can find it on your Apps menu.
    See Street View on Google Maps on Android Step 1.jpg
  2. Tap the tab. This button looks like a gray location pin at the bottom of your screen.
    See Street View on Google Maps on Android Step 2.jpg
  3. Find the location you want to see on the map. You can tap your screen and drag the map, or pinch in and pinch with two fingers to zoom in and zoom out.
    See Street View on Google Maps on Android Step 3.jpg
    • Alternatively, you can use the search bar to find a location or coordinate. It reads "Search here" at the top of your screen.
  4. Tap and hold a location on the map. This will drop a red pin on the selected location. You will see a preview of this location's Street View image in the lower-left corner of your map.
    See Street View on Google Maps on Android Step 4.jpg
  5. Tap the Street View preview. A preview image shows up in the lower-left corner when you drop a location pin. Tapping it will switch you to the Street View in full-screen.
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  6. Tap and drag your screen to see your surroundings. Street View offers a 360-degree view of your selected location.
    See Street View on Google Maps on Android Step 6.jpg
  7. Swipe up and swipe down on blue road lines. You can travel and walk around in Street View. If a road or street is marked with a blue line on the ground, swiping on the blue line will allow you to walk down the street.
    See Street View on Google Maps on Android Step 7.jpg

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