Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Make It Through Valentine's Day Without a Valentine

Posted: 14 Feb 2018 04:00 PM PST

Being without a valentine on Valentine's Day can make anyone feel a little lonely. Try seeing Valentine's Day as a celebration of love and caring, rather than as a reminder of being single. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus on what you do. Share this day with others by making them feel loved and appreciated. Treat yourself to things that make you feel good. Avoid seeing Valentine's Day as a day filled with high expectations. You define what each day means to you.


EditTreating Yourself

  1. Make the day about self-care. Do things that make you feel good and relaxed. Focus on activities that soothe you and put your mind at ease. The most important love you'll ever have is the love of self. Be kind to yourself in mind, body, and spirit. Consider these ways to unwind and let go:[1]
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    • Get a massage
    • Go to a day spa
    • Take a hot bath or shower
    • Do meditation or breathing exercises
    • Listen to music while having a drink of your choice. Hot chocolate. Tea. Wine. Beer. Whatever makes you feel good.
    • Read a book or some magazines
    • Watch some movies or TV shows that you love. Consider avoiding the sappy stuff that puts you in a bad mood about Valentine's Day.
  2. Relax with activities you love. Do activities that make you happy. You may have certain hobbies you enjoy, or have thought about starting a new creative hobby. Instead of feeling bad, remind yourself of what you can do. Get your creative juices flowing in these ways:
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    • Draw or paint. Find things that help you heal from feeling bad or lonesome.
    • Build something. If you're a handy person, get to work on some project that makes you feel good and productive.[2]
    • Write. Write in a journal. Write poetry. Write short stories. Write anything that makes you feel like you're getting through this day and finding this time rewarding.
    • Do those things that you always enjoy doing. Valentine's Day should be about what you love to do.
  3. Get active. Instead of sitting on the couch, get moving and get active. You may feel less depressed if you get your body moving in a healthy way. Take a little time for yourself to feel better. Exercise and drink plenty of water.[3]
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    • Go for walk.
    • Find a relaxing park to enjoy the outdoors.
    • Go to the gym.
    • Take a fitness class.
  4. Get creative in the kitchen. While indulging in chocolate is part of the Valentine's Day tradition, think about using this day as an opportunity to be creative with cooking. You don't necessarily need to go out to a restaurant for a nice meal. Consider using this day as a way to be crafty with your culinary skills at home.
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    • Bake cookies, pastries, and sweets that aren't your usual to-go desserts.
    • Focus less on high fat foods and find dishes that are fresh, healthy, and inventive.
    • Think red with your meals. Red bell peppers. Cherries. Strawberries. Tomatoes. Red onions. Red wine.[4]
    • Making a delicious meal with a little effort may feel even more rewarding.

EditSharing the Day with Others

  1. Give Valentine's Day cards or goodies to others. Remember when you were a kid in elementary school? You may have given out Valentine's Day cards to other classmates at school. You were taught to be kind and show love to everyone. Take action and give back to those around you.[5]
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    • Give Valentine's Day cards to show support for your friends, family, and co-workers. Valentine's Day cards don't have to be only romantic in nature. They can be fun, playful, and happy.
    • Bring some treats to work or school to share with others. Make sure that others feel appreciated on this day. Other people just like you may feel left out. Remind them that today is about being supportive and kind.
  2. Plan a lunch, dinner, or party with single friends. Plan an activity like lunch, dinner, or hanging out after school or work. If you're wanting to party, you can design your own or attend one that's already planned.
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    • A lunch may work well for people who are busy in the evenings. Plan this lunch in advance so that it's not last-minute and they'll more likely be able to attend.
    • Consider having a dinner at home with your other single friends. Make it a fun experience with creative food and activities.
    • Schedule a party with other singles. If you're wanting to mingle with other singles on this day, consider creating a singles' party or attending a singles' event with friends.[6]
  3. Involve your pets. If your furry friend is the love of your life, keep an eye out for Valentine's events that involve your pet. There may be pet parties, parades, or meetups at public parks or dog parks where you can bring pets and celebrate with other animal lovers.
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  4. Volunteer. There may be Valentine's events in your community that need your help — a children's play at a community center, for instance, or a party hosted by your church. You can also offer your time and service to a soup kitchen, domestic violence shelter, animal shelter, nursing home, or hospital to support others on this day. Volunteerism has been shown to improve the psychological wellbeing of the volunteer and may also help you feel less alone.[7]
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  5. Reach out to friends and family that are supportive. Take this time to remind yourself that being single and lonely is something that everyone feels from one time or another. Use this holiday as a way to connect with your loved ones and friends who may also be going through a difficult time.
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    • Call relatives who have helped you — parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles. Wish them a Happy Valentine's Day. They deserve your love as much as anyone else.
    • Call, write, or text your friends that you haven't talked with in a while. Show that you're still thinking of them and they matter to you.
    • Be kind to supportive friends and gracious strangers on Valentine's Day. You never know what someone may be going through. Consider saying, "I hope you have a fantastic day. You're awesome." They may also reciprocate those words to you and others.

EditLetting Go of High Expectations

  1. Avoid making this holiday all about your relationship status. Make a conscious effort to love yourself and others on this day. Avoid waiting around or hoping that someone else will fix everything and make you feel better. Whether you're single or not, you are the best judge of what matters to you. [8]
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    • Focus on how you can take an active role in making yourself feel better on Valentine's Day.
    • Avoid seeing Valentine's Day in simple terms as only about romantic love.
    • Remember that this is a made-up holiday. Much of what you see and what you're told about Valentine's Day is through advertising. You are welcome to make your own traditions for this day.
  2. Focus your time on those who care about you. Redirect your negative thoughts about being unloved or unappreciated to thoughts about who does care about and love you. Often the harshest critic on a holiday like Valentine's Day is yourself. You may certain unrealistic expectations about how the day should be.
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    • Instead of focusing on your faults, remember those who care and love you.
    • Be kind and generous with your words. Tell those around you what makes them special.
    • Most likely there is more than one love in your life. Love doesn't need to be defined by your partner. Love can be shared with friends and family too. Spend more time with them. Make an effort to show that they mean as much to you as this romantic person you're looking for.
  3. Make this day about gratitude. You may feel like you want to retreat into your comfort zone when you don't have a valentine on Valentine's Day. Instead of feeling sad, remember those who have had tough times and are lonesome too. Giving back and thanking those around you will make you feel better about this day.[9]
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    • Give food or your time to those in need.
    • Visit patients at a hospital or older adults at a retirement community. An unexpected visit may boost their spirits. Make sure to ask permission before visiting.[10]
    • Help an acquaintance at work or school with something challenging.
    • Be present and think about the good things in your life. Take a few minutes to clear your mind and remember three things that you are thankful for at this moment in your life.

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How to Print Digital Art

Posted: 14 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

If you're a digital artist, you can't display or sell your work without printing it out. Ensuring that your work looks professional when you print it out is important for your reputation as an artist. First, prepare your art for printing. You should adjust the resolution, sharpness, and contrast of the image to make it as professional-looking as possible. The right materials will help your artwork look professional, too. Pigment-based inks and good quality paper used in a professional printer will give your digital art a professional look.


EditPreparing Digital Files for Printing

  1. Adjust the resolution to 300 dpi for fine art prints. What makes a professional print look professional is the sharpness of the resolution. What resolution you need will depend on what size project you're working on. You can usually print anything up to by without adjusting the resolution from the standard 72 dpi. For larger projects or projects that will be displayed, increase the resolution to up to 300 dpi.[1]
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    • To resize the image in Sketchbook Pro for Mac, go to "Image," then choose "Size." In the menu box that comes up, make sure "Keep Proportions" and "Resample Image" are both checked. Then change the resolution.
    • If you're using Photoshop, go to "Image," then "Image Size." Check the "Constrain proportions" and "Resample Image" boxes. At the bottom of the menu, select "Bicubic" from the dropdown menu for measurements.
  2. Adjust the color of the print. When you adjust the resolution, it can impact the color and texture of your print. Use the "color" menu to readjust the colors in your print to their original color.
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    • If you used custom colors in your original print, note down the numbers that correspond to those colors on Photoshop's color wheel. It will give you a good starting point after you adjust the resolution.
  3. Use professional software plugins for large projects. If you're printing your digital art on a poster, banner, or a similarly large project, you might want to use a plug-in to change the size.[2]
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    • 2 popular plug-ins for resizing are Perfect Resize and Blow Up.
    • Once you purchase the software online, dialog boxes will pop up to guide you through the installation process.
  4. Increase the contrast to brighten colors. How to change the contrast on your art will depend on what software you use. Most photo-editing software will have a slide cursor you can use to change the contrast. Increase the contrast beyond what looks sharpest on the screen. What looks sharp on the screen might not look quite as sharp printed out.[3]
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  5. Increase the sharpness in Photoshop. On the "Layer" menu in Photoshop, right-click on "Art Layer" and then choose "duplicate layer." Then select "Filter," "other," and "High Pass." In the "radius" drop-down menu, select 3, and then click "OK." Go back to the Layer Palette and choose "Soft Light" or "Overlay" from the drop-down menu on the left. Then set the Opacity Slider to between 10 and 70 percent.[4]
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    • Adjusting sharpness this way is different from adjusting resolution. A high resolution allows the eye to distinguish between close elements in a photo -- it makes a photograph look clearer. Increasing sharpness in Photoshop will make edges in your work look sharper.
  6. Save your artwork as a JPEG or TIF. Saving your art as a JPEG or TIF file gives you the best quality after you've made changes and want to print your artwork. You can change the file type by clicking "save as" and choosing JPEG or TIF from the drop-down menu under "file type."[5]
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    • If you're using a JPEG file, only save your art in JPEG form when you're finished with all of your edits. Resaving a JPEG over and over can decrease the quality of the final product.
    • TIF files won't lose quality over repeated saves, so you can use a TIF file at any point.

EditChoosing Ink and Paper

  1. Use dye-based inks for vibrant colors or sharp text. If you're printing on glossy paper, dye-based ink can work well. It will create vibrant colors and dry more quickly than other inks. However, because dye-based inks aren't waterproof and fade rather quickly -- usually within 5 years.[6]
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  2. Use pigment-based inks for longevity. Pigment-based inks use pigments that suspended, not dissolved in liquid. This allows them to last longer -- up to 150 years. It's also best to use when printing on matte paper.[7]
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    • The colors in pigment-based inks can be less vibrant than dye-based inks. To avoid this, look for inks made by the manufacturer of your printer.
  3. Select archival and acid-free paper. When you're printing digital art, the paper is as important as the ink. Paper that is listed as acid-free and 100% cotton or rag is an excellent choice for digital art. The paper package should note if the paper is the right type.[8]
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  4. Choose a paper finish that shows off your artwork best. Coated paper -- which comes in matte, semi-matte, and glossy finishes -- is best for printing digital art. The coat on the paper prevents the ink from soaking too far in the paper and dulling your colors.[9]
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    • A glossy finish will make text hard to read, so if you have any text in your digital art, avoid a glossy paper.
    • A semi-gloss finish will make your art pop without reflecting too much light and making it hard to see. It's the best option for art that will be displayed without glass.
    • Matte paper doesn't reflect any light, so it's the best option if your art will be displayed behind glass. It's also best for a black and white work.
  5. Use paper that is heavier than 20 to 24#. 20 to 24# paper is the type of paper used in a copy machine or regular printer. A heavier paper will be necessary to make your prints look more professional. If you're displaying your art as a poster, look for paper that is above 28#. If you're displaying your art in a gallery, look for paper that is around 50#.[10]
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EditPrinting Your Digital Art

  1. Create a giclee print for artwork you're selling. A giclee print is a type of print that has a higher quality and longer lifespan than most inkjet prints. If you're selling your artwork, a giclee print will make your work look more professional. There are 3 main criteria a piece must meet to be considered a giclee print:
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    • The resolution is at least 300 dpi. This makes the image sharp, clear, and look professional.
    • The print is printed on archival paper. Archival paper will maintain the colors and integrity of the ink for up to 100 years. If you're selling your artwork, you want your customers to be able to keep it for a lifetime.
    • The print is created with pigment-based ink in a larger printer. Pigment-based ink won't fade like dye-based ink will. Most printers that will take pigment-based ink are larger than regular inkjet printers, and they hold up to 12 different color ink cartridges (as opposed to 2 or 3 in inkjet printers).
  2. Use a high-quality printer. You can only use pigment-based inks in certain printers. A lot of the brands that make standard inkjet printers – Canon, Epson, HP, and Kodak, for example – all make printers that take pigment-based inks. You can see which models can print using pigment-based ink at
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  3. Adjust your printer settings. Once you click "print," a dialog box will come up. Choose your printer from the "printer" drop-down menu, then choose "other options." Under "color management," choose "Photoshop Element manages colors," then your printer in the printer profile under that menu. It will allow the software to adjust the colors according to your printer so they come out looking professional.[11]
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  4. Use CYMK mode for printing art. When you're preparing your digital artwork, your computer will use RBG mode to create and save the colors. RBG mode tells your screen exactly how to display them. However, when you're ready to print, choose CYMK mode instead. Those colors are designed specifically for color printing.[12]
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    • The conversions from RBG to CYMK can make colors that appear bright on screen look slightly dark once printed. If you're going to convert to CYMK mode, consider brightening your colors slightly.
  5. Print a test image. Before you print your final piece, consider printing a test image. Make sure your color, resolution, sharpness, and printer settings are where you want them, and then print the image. You'll be able to see how the digital image translates to an actual print and adjust accordingly.
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    • The type of paper recommended for digital art prints can be expensive, so you might want to consider printing on regular inkjet paper first. Keep in mind that the colors and sharpness may look slightly different.


  • Depending on the project, it might look differently printed from different programs. It might take you a little bit of experimenting to see which programs print which projects best.
  • If you're printing a large project, or if you're unsure of how to get the best quality, consider taking your project to a professional printer.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

Posted: 14 Feb 2018 12:00 AM PST

If your progesterone levels are low, please don't worry! Worrying may actually decrease them further, since chronic stress can decrease the levels of progesterone in your body. Instead, manage your stress to help your body restore your progesterone levels. You can also restore your progesterone levels by eating foods that are rich in magnesium, vitamin B6, and zinc. Since your liver metabolizes hormones to ensure a proper ratio of progesterone to estrogen in your body, supporting your liver's health may also increase your progesterone naturally.


EditReducing Chronic Stress

  1. Exercise for 150 minutes each week. Regular exercise has been shown to decrease stress overtime. Walk bike, or run around your neighborhood or the park for 30 minutes, 5 days out of the week. You could also meet a friend up at the park to play catch, or walk your dog around the block to fulfill your weekly exercise goals.[1]
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    • Hiking, swimming,or playing a sport are also great forms of exercise.
  2. Sign up for a yoga class. Because yoga focuses on the mind-body connection, it is a great way to relieve stress. Sign up for a yoga class at your local yoga studio, gym, or wellness center. Try to go to at least 3 yoga classes per week.[2]
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  3. Meditate or pray for 10 to 15 minutes each day. Meditation or prayer can help you manage anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Before your day starts or at the end of the day, sit in a quiet room to pray or meditate for 10 to 15 minutes.[3]
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  4. Connect with your friends and family. Talking face-to-face with a caring friend or family member can trigger hormones to relieve stress. Try to set aside 30 minutes to an hour each week to catch up with a friend or a family member, even if you are very busy. Invite them out for a cup of coffee or a walk in the park with you.[4]
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  5. Make time for hobbies. Engaging in your favorite hobby is a great way to reduce chronic stress. Set aside at least an hour each week to read a book, listen to music, or work on a project. If you don't have a hobby, now is the time to find one. It should be something that you enjoy doing that doesn't cause too much stress, like volunteering, watching vintage movies, making jewelry, or painting.[5]
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  6. Sleep for at least 7 hours each night. Sleep deprivation can add to existing stress and anxiety. Make sure to not only sleep for 7 hours each night, but to also sleep at a consistent time each night. To ensure a good night's rest, relax yourself before you lie down by avoiding stimulants like coffee. You can relax by reading a book, taking a bath, or by listening to calming music.[6]
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    • For example, try to go to bed at 10 or 11 p.m. each night and wake up at 6 or 7 a.m. each morning.
    • Feeling tired can also cause you to act irrationally, increasing your stress and anxiety levels.

EditBoosting Progesterone with Food

  1. Eat magnesium-rich foods. Magnesium helps your body break down excess estrogen. Foods that are rich in magnesium include spinach, beans, squash and pumpkin seeds, mackerel, brown rice, and dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao). Incorporating these foods into your diet can help your body increase progesterone naturally.[7]
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  2. Consume foods rich in vitamin B6 and C. Vitamin B6 helps your liver detoxify estrogen, while vitamin C helps to increase progesterone levels. Incorporate foods rich in vitamin B6 and C into your diet to increase your progesterone levels naturally.[8]
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    • Foods rich in vitamin B6 include lean red meat, walnuts, whole grains, bananas, beans, and spinach.
    • Foods rich in vitamin C include broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, bell peppers, oranges, and kiwi.
  3. Increase the levels of zinc in your body. Like Vitamin C, zinc helps increase the levels of progesterone in your body. Include foods that are rich in zinc in your diet. Lean red meat, cooked oysters, wheat germ, pumpkin and squash seeds, and cashews are examples of foods that are rich in zinc.[9]
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  4. Eat foods rich in L-arginine. L-arginine helps improve the blood flow to important organs so they can function properly, including your ovaries where progesterone is produced. By eating foods rich in L-arginine, you can help your ovaries produce more progesterone.[10]
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    • Foods rich in L-arginine include pork, turkey, chicken, salmon, tuna, lentils, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts.

EditDetoxifying Your Liver

  1. Drink water regularly. Water assists the liver in breaking down and removing toxins from your body. If you are male, drink 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of water per day. If you are female, drink 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of water per day. Drinking enough water per day will help support the proper functioning of your liver, keeping the levels of progesterone and estrogen in your body balanced.[11]
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    • Additionally, try to avoid consuming too many alcoholic beverages, as well as beverages that are high in sugar like sodas, bottled juices, and sports drinks.
  2. Drink a cup of warm water with lemon each morning. Drinking warm water with lemon in the morning starts the liver's detoxification process. Replace your morning glass of water with warm water and lemon to assist your liver's detoxification process.[12]
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  3. Drink raw vegetable juice 1 to 2 times per week. Raw vegetable juice provides the liver with the water and nutrients it needs to cleanse your body. Juice raw vegetables that will help cleanse your liver like cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, carrots, beets, and leafy green vegetables.[13]
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    • To increase the flavor of your juices, add an apple or an herb like mint or parsley to it.
  4. Eat foods rich in potassium. Potassium helps cleanse and detoxify the liver. Including foods in your diet that are rich in potassium can help cleanse your liver and improve its functioning. Sweet potatoes, bananas, spinach, beets, tomato sauces, and beans are some examples of foods that are rich in potassium.[14]
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  5. Limit your consumption of processed foods. Processed foods are high in toxins like saturated fat, refined sugar, and hydrogenated oils. These toxins can overload your liver and hinder its ability to function properly. Try to limit eating processed foods like fast food, pre-packaged foods, and foods high in sugar, salt, and fat to once a week.[15]
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EditSources and Citations

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