Friday, November 24, 2017

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Tame a Fully Grown Quail

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 04:00 PM PST

Quail are small birds that can be kept as pets; in addition to this, they can also be tamed. However, taming quail is not easy and takes a lot of patience due to their skittish nature. If you want to get started on taming your new feathered friend, continue reading this quick article.


EditBefore Taming Quail

Before taming your quail you must first know some helpful and important information.

  1. Realize the long process of taming quail. Quail are not usually the type of pets to tame as they are very skittish and hate being picked up (tame or not). Quail are especially hard to tame if they are fully-grown as it's best to tame quail at a young age. Before you start taming your quail consider whether you actually want or need to tame them.
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    • Remember; you can always purchase fertile quail eggs and incubate them. Then you will be able to hand-raise the chicks and get them to become tame by just interacting with them.
  2. Know the things you should not do whilst taming your quail. You shouldn't rush the process of taming, make any sudden movements, shout, get angry at your quail, chase your quail, grab your quail, approach your quail from above or force your quail to eat food out of your hands. This will make the quail more scared of you – the opposite of taming a quail.
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  3. Realize that not all quail can be tamed. It is quite hard to tame a quail, especially a fully-grown quail. No matter how much you try, some quails cannot be tamed – it's in their nature.
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    • Button quail are extremely hard to tame, they're more for watching than interacting. However, coturnix and bobwhite are great pets to keep once tamed.
  4. Care for your quail properly. Feed them a high-quality feed, provide them with fresh water, keep their cage clean, get rid of disturbances, house them in a cage with plenty of space, etc. The more happy your quail the better chances of getting them tame. Also, if you interact with them daily from caring for them they will get use to your presence which is the first step to getting them tamed.
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  5. If your quail are new, give them time to settle in. Interacting with the quail straight away can get them stressed; they need at least a full week to adjust to you and their new surroundings.
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EditGetting Use to Your Presence

Before you can start interacting with your quail you must first get the quail use to your presence.

  1. Visit the quail often. Before you tame the quail it must get use to your presence and know that you're not a threat. Sit by the quails cage everyday and make sure the quail can see you.
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    • Sit next to the quail for at least 20 minutes each day. This doesn't mean that you have to do nothing during the time, grab a chair and read a book or do some other sort of time-passer. Just make sure your not moving about or shouting, you don't want to frighten the quail.
    • If the quail are running along the sides of the cage this means that they are scared. Move a certain distance away from the cage (but still stay in sight of the quail) and stay still, the quail should soon calm down. Every day move a little closer until you are right next to the cage, the quail should soon know that you are not a threat.
  2. Talk or vocalize to the quail. Talk to the quail just like you would with a friend or you could whistle or sing to the quail. Speak softly and do not shout or raise your voice, this step will get the quail use to your voice.
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  3. Once your quail gets less frightened of you, start performing actions around its cage. At this point your quail should now stop running up and down its cage and feel calmer when around you. If your quail is housed inside of your home perform actions that you would usually do in your daily routine such as sweeping the floor, studying at a desk, playing games, etc. If your quail is housed outside perform actions such as watering plants, tending the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the pathway, etc.
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    • Avoid noisy tasks such as vacuuming, mowing the lawn or dancing to loud music.

EditInteracting with Your Quail

Once use to your presence your quail can now move on to the next process which is interacting with you.

  1. Get the quail use to your hand. Carefully and slowly place your hand in the quails cage, make sure the quail cannot escape. Lay your hand in the cage perfectly still and do not chase the quail with your hand. Do this for 10 minutes a day and the quail should soon get use to your hand, they might even come near your hand soon.
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  2. Offer your quail treats out of your hand. Remove the quails feed from the cage and offer a treat that your quail enjoys out of your hand. A good treat to feed your quail is meal worms, or you can change it up by feeding the quail a different treat every day.
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    • Don't chase the quail around with your hand or force the quail to eat the treat, just lay your hand still and see if the quail will eat the treat. Eventually your quail will get less scared and take the treat out of your hand.
  3. Try petting the quail. If the quail is very calm towards you, try rubbing the quail underneath its head. If the quail is tame it shouldn't run away.
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  4. Never approach your quail from above. Prey (usually birds) attack quail from above which is why quail hate being picked up or patted on their back. Even a tame quail will like this; instead they will climb into your hand. Only grab a quail if necessary.
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  5. Create a routine. It's good to create a routine when taming quail, you will want to interact with them at least once a day.
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EditThings You'll Need

  • Quail
  • High quality quail feed
  • Spacious cage
  • Fresh water
  • Treats


  • Be patient, it takes a long time to tame quail. If you get impatient and rush the quail through the process of taming your quail then you will slow the taming process down.
  • Quail need a lot of human interaction to become tame, this is why hand raised quail are more easier to tame than others.
  • If you are finding it difficult to tame your quail you could always isolate the quail from the others. Put the quail in a small (but suitable) cage and give it plenty of human interaction. Be aware that quails are social birds and can get upset/stressed from being lonely, you might want to consider keeping them in pairs.


  • Do not disturb your quail too much. This will cause stress and the quail will get even more frightened of you.
  • Don't hurt your quail just because it isn't interacting with you or runs away from you. This is just the quails instinct to keep it out of danger.
  • No matter how tame your quail is, never let them out in your garden. Prey including cats, dogs and birds will kill them and they can get lost easily when out in the garden.
  • Quail are not the type of birds you train to do tricks or to talk. If you are taming your quail so you can get them to perform tricks you will be wasting your time.

EditRelated wikiHows

How to Get Dye Out of Clothes

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:00 AM PST

When dye bleeds into a nice piece of clothing, you don't have to throw it away. Although some dye stains don't come out, you can try rubbing alcohol, a color run remover, or bleach to save your beloved clothing. As long as you don't dry the stain, there's always a chance your clothing can be saved.


EditCleaning with Rubbing Alcohol

  1. Purchase some rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol can be found in the medical section at any drug or general store. It can be used on all clothes, including ones that aren't colorfast and bleed a lot in the wash. You can check for colorfastness by spraying part of the clothing with water, then pressing a white towel to it.[1]
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    • Other products with a high alcohol content, such as hair spray or hand sanitizer, can also treat a dye stain.
    • For leather clothing, use saddle soap.
  2. Dab the alcohol onto the dye stain. You'll need something absorbent, such as an old rag, paper towel, or cotton ball. Lightly moisten it with the rubbing alcohol, then dab it onto the stain. Eventually, you'll see the dye spread to the absorbent material. Removing the stain takes several applications of rubbing alcohol.[2]
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  3. Cover the stain with laundry detergent. Leave the rubbing alcohol on the clothing and pour a little detergent over it. Use a small amount of laundry detergent, and apply it until the dyed spot is thinly covered.
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  4. Gently scrub the spot with a toothbrush. Be gentle to avoid damaging the fabric. An old toothbrush is a great tool, but if you don't have one, you may use your finger. Spread the detergent around the dyed area and work it into the fibers.[3]
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  5. Rinse the clothing in warm water. Wash the clothing in clean water to remove the rubbing alcohol and detergent. This also washes away any dye the rubbing alcohol has removed.
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  6. Launder the clothing. Move the clothing to your washing machine and clean it as you normally would. Once the stain is removed, you can dry the clothing. If multiple treatments of rubbing alcohol did not work, you will need to try harsher measures, such as bleach.
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EditWashing out Dye

  1. Fill the sink with warm water. Add to the sink, bathtub, or other container. For most types of fabric, water is safe to use and will still encourage a dye stain to bleed out. You can use a thermometer to gauge the water temperature or wash the clothes in a washing machine instead of the sink.
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  2. Use cold water when washing delicate clothing. Delicates are soft fabrics such as silk and lace. Cold water at or lower prevents damage to the fabric's fibers. Cold water should also be used on dark, bright colors since they bleed a lot in warm water.
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    • Check the clothing's label or search the type of fabric online to find out the proper maximum temperature for the water.
    • You may put the clothing through a washing machine cycle instead of washing by hand.
  3. Pour in a color run remover product. Color run products are powder cleaners and can be found wherever laundry products are sold. Follow the directions on the back of the box. Typically you'll need to pour a packet of cleaner into the water and wait for the powder to dissolve.[4]
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    • Color remover products can take out too much dye, so be sure to read the directions. Make sure the product is diluted or dissolved in the water bath.
  4. Soak the clothing in water until the dye bleeds off. Fully submerge the dyed clothing in the bath and stir the water on occasion. You might want to wear some gloves or use a kitchen utensil to avoid coloring your hands. Leave the clothing in the bath for up to a couple of hours.[5]
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    • Make sure the original colors of aren't coming off too. If you notice that they are, immediately remove the clothing from the water.
  5. Rinse the clothing in warm water. The color remover will continue to work until you rinse it off. As soon as you take the clothing out of the water bath, get it under a faucet. Rinse off the entire fabric with water. If you're treating delicates, use cold water instead.
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  6. Repeat cleaning for stubborn stains. If your nice shirt is still looks like a tye-dye experiment, repeat the treatment. You can make another water bath with the color run remover. It may take multiple rounds of treatment to get rid of the dye. Stay alert so the normal color doesn't bleed out while you do this.
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  7. Wash the clothing normally. Treat the clothing like you would on any wash day. A washing machine with your normal detergent is safe to use. When finished, the stain should be gone, so the clothing will be safe to dry.
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EditUsing Bleach

  1. Mix bleach in cold water. Fill up your sink or washing container with cold water. For every of water, add ¼ of a cup of bleach. For white cotton or cotton-polyester blends you may use chlorine bleach. Use oxygen bleach or all-fabric bleach on any other fabric.[6]
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    • Bleach is very strong, so always dilute it in water instead of pouring it directly on clothing.
    • Avoid mixing other cleaning chemicals with chlorine bleach, since doing so can cause the bleach to release toxic fumes.
  2. Soak your clothing for 5 minutes. Bleach can quickly wear out clothing, so don't walk away. Drop the stained clothing in the water and let it sit for five minutes. When finished, remove the clothing from the bath.[7]
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    • When using an all-fabric bleach, you may leave the clothing in the mixture for up to 30 minutes.
    • As long as the bleach is diluted in water, it won't burn your skin. Wear gloves or avoid lingering in the water. Rinse your hands afterwards.
  3. Rinse the clothing under clean water. Hopefully the dye began coming off right away. No matter what happened, rinse off the bleach immediately. Use warm water for most fabrics and cold water for delicates. Make sure you rinse the entire shirt to ensure all the bleach is removed from it.
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  4. Launder the clothing. Move the dyed article to the washing machine. Now, wash it as you would on any other occasion. Your regular detergent is safe to use, and will disinfect the clothing as well as help to remove the dye stain.
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  5. Repeat treatment if the clothing is still stained. Dye stains are tough, so one treatment may not be enough. Go back to the sink and refill it with the water and bleach mixture. Soak the clothing, then rinse and wash it a second time. As long as you go through all the steps each time, you can continue treating the clothing until the dye is gone.
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    • If this doesn't work, a strong color remover might be your last resort. Look for ones designed to prepare clothing for dyeing. Unless you want all the color gone, save them for white fabrics.


  • For the best results, treat dye stains as soon as possible


  • Avoid drying dye-stained clothing. Heat drying in particular causes the stain to set in and should only be done after the stain is gone.

EditThings You'll Need

EditWashing out Dye

  • Color run remover
  • Water
  • Washing machine or tub
  • Detergent

EditUsing Bleach

  • Water
  • Chlorine or all-fabric bleach
  • Sink or tub
  • Washing machine
  • Detergent

EditCleaning with Rubbing Alcohol

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Rag, paper towels, or cotton balls
  • Detergent
  • Old toothbrush
  • Water
  • Washing machine

EditSources and Citations

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How to Persuade Your Parents to Let You Go to a Concert by Yourself

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:00 AM PST

Going to a concert by yourself is one of the first milestones of freedom, and you want to make sure your parents allow you to go. But parents can be a little wary of sending you off on your own and just want to ensure that your safety comes first. There are many strategies that will help you persuade your parents to let you go to the concert by yourself while also making sure that you're prepared for the experience.


EditCreating a Plan to Share with Your Parents

  1. Have a detailed plan in advance. If you want your parents to let you go to a concert, it's best to create a plan many days, or even weeks, beforehand. Figure out the logistics way ahead of time so that you'll be able to answer all of your parents' questions. Having a detailed plan will make your parents feel more confident about allowing you to go, as will knowing that you've thought about it far in advance.[1]
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  2. Give your parents information about the band. If your parents haven't heard of the band you want to go see, tell them details about their music. What's their genre? How many people are in the band? Who is their intended audience? Even playing some of the band's music for your parents will let them get a better idea of what the concert will be like.
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  3. Provide information about the venue to your parents. Let them know how far away the venue is and exactly where it's located. Show them pictures of the venue, and tell them details about the inside, such as whether or not there are specific seats or general admission.
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    • If your parents are concerned about the venue being too far away, ask if one of them could drop you off at the concert and wait at a restaurant or other nearby location.
    • Some venues offer a waiting area for parents to hang out while their kids enjoy the concert. Research more about your venue to see if this is a possibility.[2]
  4. Know what type of audience you will be a part of. Depending on the type of concert, an audience can range from very mellow to a little wild. Make sure your parents, as well as yourself, understand the type of environment you'll be putting yourself in - you don't want to stray too far from your comfort zone.[3]
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  5. Have a plan for what to do in unexpected scenarios. Sometimes things won't go exactly as planned, so it's always good to know what to do in these circumstances. Maybe your phone died, you got separated from the group, or you can't find the pickup location - whatever the issue is, discuss all of these potential scenarios with your parents so that you're all on the same page for what you should do.[4]
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    • Memorizing or writing down your parents' phone numbers will let you call them from any phone, and agreeing on a meet-up spot with your friends if someone gets separated from the group will ensure that no one gets lost.

EditFiguring Out the Details

  1. Introduce your parents to the friends you'll be going to the concert with. If your parents haven't met the people you plan on attending the concert with, invite them over beforehand so that everyone gets to know each other. Your parents will feel better knowing who it is you'll be spending the evening with as opposed to picturing strangers.[5]
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  2. Know how you're getting to the concert. Are you getting a ride there? Taking an Uber, Lyft, or other taxi service? Figure out how you'll be going to the concert as well as how long it takes to get there and which route you'll take. These are important factors to discuss with your parents so that they know you'll arrive safely and without rushing.[6]
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  3. Ride with a reliable and safe person. If you'll be driving there, make sure the driver is responsible and someone you (and your parents!) trust. If you're having a friend drive you, check to make sure they have a clean driving record and won't be drinking. Asking your parents or another family member to drive you is always a great option, too.[7]
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  4. Ask an older sibling to go with you. If you have an older brother or sister, ask them if they wouldn't mind going to the concert with you. Knowing that you'll be with someone they trust and know very well will make your parents feel better about letting you go, and you'll have just as much fun.
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EditProving You're Responsible

  1. Be polite and calm when persuading your parents to let you go to the concert. Whether your parents allow you to or not, always show maturity and understanding when discussing going to the concert with them. Try to think about things from their point of view, and remember that your safety is the most important thing to them.
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  2. Buy the concert ticket yourself. Concert tickets can be expensive, and buying the ticket yourself will show your parents not only how responsible you are, but also how much you want to go. However, discuss the concert with your folks before you buy the ticket because if they say no after you've bought one, then you might be stuck with an expensive ticket you can't even use!
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    • If you don't have enough money to purchase the ticket by yourself, offer to earn the rest of the money by doing chores, babysitting, mowing the lawn, or other helpful tasks.[8]
  3. Agree with your parents on a curfew. Setting a certain time that you should be home will allow your parents to breathe a little easier knowing that you won't be home too late. It's really not safe to stay out at all hours of the night, so set a curfew and stick to it.[9]
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    • Many concerts start later than expected or is listed on the ticket, so be sure to take into consideration how long you think the concert will truly last. Usually, concerts end by 11pm.
  4. Tell your parents you'll keep them updated throughout the concert. Take a cellphone with you and be sure to check in with your parents every hour or so. Let them know when you've safely arrived, how the concert is going, and when you're leaving.
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    • You won't be able to hear your phone ring during the show, so text your parents and let them know that you'll call once it's over, or you'll text them if you have a problem.[10]

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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