Monday, August 31, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Do Tai Chi's Horse Stance

Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

The horse stance is one of the basic posture stances in Tai Chi, which can help you energize, relax, and strengthen your body.[1] You can practice the basic horse stance throughout your daily life and add in arm workouts and exercises for an extra challenge. Keep your mind focused on how your body feels and how you are breathing to get the most out of this powerful stance.


[Edit]Positioning Your Body

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Find a level surface to stand on and stand with your feet directly under your hips. Keep your toes pointed forward away from your body as you stand up straight.[2][3]
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    • Starting with the correct footing will create a solid foundation for the rest of your stance.
  2. Unlock your knees and relax your pelvis. Instead of straightening your knees and locking them into place, bend them slightly so your legs aren't straight.[4] Relax your pelvis and lower torso so it sits on top of your legs comfortably without much effort.[5]
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    • You can think of your pelvis as being heavy or weighted so it hangs down on top of your legs.
  3. Relax your lower back so your tailbone feels heavy. Take note of how your lower back and rear muscles feel. If they are tense or tight, relax them to release your energy. Let your tailbone hang down over your legs as though it feels weighted.[6].
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  4. Hold your neck in a neutral position so your head feels light. Face straight ahead with your chin held parallel to the ground. Relax your neck muscles and think of a string attached to the crown of your head, pulling it upwards so that it feels weightless.[7]
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    • The more you relax your neck, the better your posture will be.
  5. Tuck your chin to correct your posture. Instead of jutting your head out, think about tucking your chin into your neck to keep your spine straight and aligned. Avoid stretching or straining your neck too much, and relax your shoulders.[8]
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    • When you first start doing the horse stance, it may be helpful to watch yourself in a mirror.

[Edit]Adding Arms

  1. Raise your arms out in front of you with your palms facing inwards. Keeping your legs and torso in place, slowly raise your arms up in front of you so they're in line with your shoulders. Turn your palms in towards you and put energy into your fingers so that they're spread wide.[9]
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    • You may feel like you're holding a round beach ball or hugging a large tree.
  2. Push your shoulders down and relax your spine. As you hold your arms at shoulder-height, try not to hunch or curve your back. Roll your shoulders backwards to keep your posture straight and relax your spine as you do so.[10]
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    • Try to create a balance between energy in your body and relaxation. As you hold your arms up, relax the rest of your body.
  3. Hold the pose for about 20 minutes or until you feel fatigued.[11] The horse stance is a grounding, relaxing exercise that you can do as often as you'd like to. Try holding the pose and taking stock of how your body feels while you stand perfectly still.[12]
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    • If your arms get tired, slowly lower them to your sides and hold them there.
    • Or, you can swing your arms back and forth for fluidity in your shoulders.
  4. Breathe in deeply through your stomach as you hold the pose. Take stock of how you are breathing as you relax into the horse stance. Take a deep breath in and fill up your stomach, then slowly let it out. Breathing exercises can help you ease anxiety and stress.[13]
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[Edit]Practicing the Horse Stance

  1. Do the horse stance whenever you are standing in your daily life. If you're in line at the grocery store, waiting at the bus stop, or talking on the phone, try getting into the horse stance position. You don't have to add in the arms if you're in public, but you can use the stance to practice good posture throughout the day.[14]
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  2. Use the horse stance to practice stability. Holding the horse stance is an easy way to strengthen your legs, back, and arms. Try holding the horse stance for as long as you can, giving your body a break, and then trying it again. If you do this 2 to 3 times a day, you can build up muscle and stamina.[15]
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    • Try doing the horse stance in a relaxing setting, like outside in nature.
  3. Bend your knees into a squat for an added challenge. Slowly bend your knees until you are in a comfortable squat position. Lean slightly forward to keep your balance with your arms held in front of you. Hold the squat for about 10 seconds, then slowly raise back up to the original stance.[16]
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    • You don't have to try a squat, but it can help to improve your strength and flexibility.
    • Do a squat as many times as you'd like to, or until your legs feel tired.
  4. Relax your body and relieve stress with the horse stance. If you're feeling stressed, anxious, or nervous, try getting into the horse stance and breathing deeply. You can use this time to meditate or reflect on your thoughts in a neutral, non-judgemental way.[17]
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    • You can also take stock of your body and how it feels during the horse stance. Focus on any discomfort or pain you are feeling to find out where it stems from on your body.
    • You can focus your thoughts on one particular subject or let them roam.
  5. Start with the horse stance, then move into other Tai Chi exercises. The horse stance is a starting stance in Tai Chi, meaning you can move onto other movements if you'd like to.[18] Try bending your knees and rocking from side to side, lifting each leg one at a time, or squatting deeply and holding.[19]
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    • The horse stance is a great introduction into Tai Chi movements since it teaches you to relax your body while holding a pose.


  • Tai Chi takes practice, and mastering the horse stance may take you a few tries.
  • If your knees hurt while doing horse stance, put more weight in your heels and straighten your knees slightly.
  • Start by holding the stance for 5 minutes per day, then gradually increase your time.

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How to Improve Your Leadership Skills

Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Having a leadership role is one of the highest honors, but it can also be very challenging. Earning the respect of your team members isn't always easy, and being a good leader can often be a process of trial and error. By treating everyone with respect and working on your own shortcomings, you can have a good relationship with the people that you lead and foster a motivational, positive work environment.


[Edit]Working on Yourself

  1. Set a good example. If you don't practice what you preach, your team is probably not going to respect you. Try to lead by example, and always follow the rules you enforce, even if you don't technically have to.[1]
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    • For example, if you're strict about everyone taking a one-hour lunch, keep your break within that time frame as well, even if you've finished your work for the day.
    • Or, if you enforce a professional dress code, make sure you show up in business attire every day.
  2. Respect everyone that you meet. When you're a leader, you're going to meet a variety of people, some of whom you may have absolutely nothing in common with. Try to value everyone's input and view everyone you meet as a smart person with good ideas.[2]
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    • If you respect others, they're more likely to respect you back.
  3. Recognize your own shortcomings. Nobody's perfect, even those in leadership positions. Try to recognize your flaws and take steps toward bettering yourself to be a better team member and worker.[3]
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    • For example, if you have a problem with time management, try setting reminders for yourself about your deadlines.
    • Or, if you struggle to communicate clearly, practice writing out memos to your whole team.
  4. Keep up with changes in your industry. As technology advances, your industry may change and develop with new techniques or applications. Look for online classes or in-person seminars that you can take to educate yourself on the newest innovations in your career. If you keep up with your industry, your team members are more likely to respect you and look up to you.[4]
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    • Some workplaces will send leaders to conferences or educational seminars once a year.
    • Depending on what your industry is, you may need to do this more often, especially if you're in the technology sector.
  5. Take responsibility for your actions. If you make a mistake, own up to it. Your team members are much more likely to respect you if you accept that you made the wrong decision and provide a concrete way that you'll be fixing it in the future.[5]
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    • If you make a mistake, try saying, "Hey guys, I missed the deadline for the applications last night. It wasn't fair to you all and I'm sorry. Next time I'll set a reminder for myself so I don't forget."
  6. Have a positive attitude, even when it's tough. You don't need to be happy all the time, but try to spin things in a positive way to keep your team's morale high. Looking on the bright side can help your team work harder, even if they feel overwhelmed.[6]
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    • If you come across a problem, try to identify 3 positive things about it. Once you do, you can start to solve it while keeping a positive attitude.
  7. Ask for constructive criticism on your leadership. You can approach your team members, your peers, or your bosses to give you advice on how you could improve your leadership skills. Ask them for specific changes that you could make to work on yourself and make your team members respect you more.[7]
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    • It can be daunting to ask for criticism directly, but it's worth knowing how you can improve yourself.

[Edit]Building a Relationship with Your Team Members

  1. Communicate well with your team. If you need your team to do something, make sure you tell them clearly and concisely what they should be doing. If you have a large team, consider writing an email or a memo to get your message across. Try not to assume that people know what you mean without double-checking.[8]
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    • Make sure you are always open and honest in your communication, and try not to sugarcoat things, even if they're tough to say.
    • Poor communication can lead to confusion and frustration.
  2. Get to know the people you are leading. If you haven't led your team for very long, try taking them out to a happy hour after work and asking about their lives. Or, invite them out for a fun bonding weekend at your local park or golf course. Try to see your team members as people, not just followers.[9]
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    • Icebreaker games in the workplace are a little outdated, and they can often make people feel uncomfortable. Try to get to know people naturally without the assistance of random, basic questions.
  3. Delegate tasks to your team members. A great sign of trust is giving an important task to someone you know can handle it. Instead of hoarding all of the assignments to yourself, hand them out to your team members to show you trust them. It will have an added benefit of lightening your load, so it's a win-win situation.[10]
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    • Make sure you keep enough work for yourself to do.
  4. Teach your employees, don't order them around. Instead of telling your employees exactly what to do, give them the necessary skills to complete assignments and tasks on their own. This will lighten your own load and make your team members feel like you really trust them.[11]
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    • For example, if your company is working with a new computer software system, teach your employees how to use it so you can give them new assignments.
    • Or, if you want to build an employee's customer communication skills, take them with you on a sales call for some real-world experience.
  5. Take note of your team members' strengths and weaknesses. As you get to know your team, you may be able to recognize who is good at what and which people work well together. You can use that knowledge to form smaller teams of people to work on large tasks and hand out assignments as you see fit.[12]
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    • For example, if one of your team members is really good at spreadsheets but not so good at communication, you can give them the budgeting tasks and leave the memos to someone else.
    • Or, if you notice that 2 of your team members tend to butt heads, you can separate them to work on different assignments so it doesn't cause a conflict.
  6. Encourage growth in your team members. If your employee has a new opportunity in the company, encourage them to take it. If you see one of your employees struggling, offer your assistance in any way you can. Have the self-confidence to step aside and let your team members flourish and even surpass you, if they can.[13]
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    • It can be tough to see someone who you used to lead climb the ladder of your company. Try to remember that you were once in their position, too.
  7. Ask your team members for input. Your team members accept your leadership every day, and they may have ideas on how you or the company could improve. Set aside a time to listen to your employees' feedback or give them a space to anonymously write out what you or the company could be doing better.[14]
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    • The more your team members feel listened to, the more empowered and happy they will feel.
  8. Thank your team members and colleagues for the work they do. It's important to treat others with respect, and it's also important to acknowledge their achievements. If someone on your team does a really good job with an assignment, tell them! If your colleague communicates something clearly and concisely, thank them for it! Everyone likes a compliment.[15]
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    • Positive reinforcement is a great motivator, and it can lead to more motivation and hard work.


  • The more respect your team has for you, the more they will listen and want to work harder for you.
  • Always stick up for your team members so they know you have their backs.

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How to Play Table Football

Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Table football, more commonly known as foosball or table soccer, is a popular table game played at bars and other establishments. This game is pretty straightforward, but there are a few simple rules you should keep in mind before diving into a new game or tournament. Take a few minutes to review the game or refresh your memory so you can impress both friends and acquaintances during your next match!


[Edit]Understanding the Rules and Gameplay

  1. Review the different parts of the table. Note that the table looks like a mini soccer field, with 8 rods going across the field. These are labeled based on the number of mini "players" on each rod. Each team has 2 offensive rods, known as a 5-rod and a 3-rod, along with 2 defensive rods, known as the 2-rod and goalie-rod. Along the sides of the table, you can find a serving hole where the ball goes to start the game.[1]
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    • Once the ball enters the goal, it rolls into the table's cabinet. There are slots or openings along the sides of the table where you can find and reuse the scored balls.
  2. Plan to score 5 goals before your opponent does. As the game name suggests, table football is very similar to a real game of football, or soccer. You use both hands to maneuver the rods and control your "players," which kick and pass the ball along the table. Like in a real game of football, your goal is to kick the ball past the goalie and score a point for your team. Once you score 5 goals, you've won the game![2]
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    • You can set your own custom game terms, too. If you're playing a quick match, the first person to 1-2 goals can be the winner.
  3. Decide if you want to play solo or with a team. You control all 4 rods if you play by yourself, or you can divide your team's rods up among other players. In this format, 1 player will control the offensive 3-rod and 5-rod, while the other player will control the defensive 2-rod and goalie-rod. You can also divide up the rods between 3 or 4 people, depending on how you want to play.[3]
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    • When you play with multiple people, you can only control your assigned rod, as no switching is allowed during the game.[4]
  4. Serve the ball so gameplay can begin. Block off the serving hole with your left hand, then slide the ball into the hole. Lift your left hand away from the covering and move it to the handle of the 5-rod offensive pole. At this point, spin the hand holding the ball so the ball lands on your side of the table.[5]
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    • You can flip a coin to decide who gets to serve first.[6]
  5. Make your plays within 10-15 seconds of getting the ball. Keep a mental clock going in your head as you play the game. Countdown from 10 as soon as 5-rod receives the ball. If your 3-rod, 2-rod, or goalie rod gets the ball, you have 15 seconds to make a play.[7]
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    • If you don't play the ball within 10 seconds, the play is reset and your opponent gets to serve.
  6. Reset the ball when it's "dead." Grab the ball if it flies off the table. Place the ball near the server's 2-rod so they can restart the game again. If the ball rolls into a dead zone near the goalie, move it to the nearest corner. If the ball becomes dead on another part of the table, you can place the ball in front of the original server for the round.[8]
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    • The ball goes to the opponent of whoever kicked the ball off the table or forced it into a dead zone.
    • If the ball is spinning, it isn't dead.
  7. Switch sides after each game if you're playing multiple games. Play through your first match of foosball until 1 team scores 5 points. At this point, switch sides so that you're using the bars and players on the opposite side of the table. You have 60 seconds to make the switch, or else you'll be penalized for slowing the game down.[9]
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    • You can penalize someone by letting the other team serve first, or by choosing another similar punishment.

[Edit]Playing Offense

  1. Wrap your hand around the handle without your thumb and fingers touching. Try not to squeeze or grip the handle too much—instead, wrap your hand around gently, with your palm on top of the handle and your thumb and fingers on opposite sides of 1 another. Grip the handles in this fashion so you can make sturdy, stable plays.[10]
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    • Try not to keep your thumb on top of the handle, or else you won't have a lot of control over your swings.[11]
    • You don't want to have white knuckles while you play.
  2. Space out your playing bars so you can make clearer shots. Keep your 2 offensive playing rods spaced out, leaving an ample gap for passing and serving successfully. Keep your players lined up so you can pass the ball cleanly and neatly, which lets you make more effective shots on the goal.[12]
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    • Try to stagger your offensive players so they're spaced between your opponent's defensive players.
  3. Pass the ball to your 3-rod row of players. Secure the ball beneath your 5-rod pole after your serve. Rotate the pole so the player's foot is at a 90-degree angle behind the ball. Move the player forward to "kick" the ball, but continue to swing the player upwards to follow through with the kick. With your 3-rod row, "receive" the pass by holding your 3-rod player at a 30 to 45-degree angle behind the ball.[13]
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    • Similar to real football or soccer, passing is a valuable strategy that can help you keep the ball moving.
  4. Try an open-handed grip when making offensive shots. Loosen your grip, leaving the bottom of your palm and the top of your wrist touching the handle. Slide your wrist and hand up to create a powerful offensive kick. Try to flick your wrist as you do this, so your movements can be as fluid as possible.[14]
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    • Avoid spinning the rod in a full circle, as this is illegal.

[Edit]Playing Defense

  1. Combine your defensive rods to make more effective plays. Slide your defensive bar so your goalie and 1 of your defenders are shoulder-to-shoulder. Keep these players close together so your opponent doesn't have as many clear opportunities to shoot on your goal.[15]
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    • The ball shouldn't be able to pass through your goalie or your defender.
  2. Block your opponent's plays with your 2 defensive rods. Slide and rotate your 2 rods that are closest to your goal, which will help you block and defend your goal. Keep an eye on the ball and slide your defenders and goalie accordingly so the ball stays away from your goal.[16]
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    • While the goalie and defending bars can be used to score, they're usually used to defend and clear out the ball.
  3. Clear the ball from your goal with 1 of your defensive bars. Put a lot of power into your "kick" when the ball ends up in your defensive area. Pause the ball with your player before passing or kicking it forward. If you send a rolling ball towards your opponent, you may give them a free shot on your goal.[17]
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    • The main focus of clearing the ball is keeping your goal safe, not collecting points.
  4. Deflect bad shots from your opponent into their goal. Keep your eyes peeled for weak shots leveled by your opponent, which leaves the ball rolling toward your players. Take these opportunities to kick the ball with your own players. Depending on the set-up, you may be able to turn your opponent's bad play into an unlikely goal![18]
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  • Try not to make any drastic movements with your players. Instead, keep them close to the ball at all times.[19]
  • Create unique, unpredictable patterns throughout the game so your opponent can't guess your next move.[20]
  • Stay focused during all aspects of the game, even when your players aren't in control of the ball.[21]
  • You can play a 1v1 match of foosball, or you can play with several players. If you're playing with multiple team members, the players can't switch rods in the middle of the game.[22]


  • Don't be rude or unsportsmanlike to your opponent during a game.[23]
  • Avoid spinning the rods at all costs! This is illegal and makes you look like a bad player.[24]
  • Don't jostle or shift the table while you play.[25]
  • Refrain from distracting your opponent to your own advantage.[26]
  • Don't touch the ball unless you're resetting it for a serve.[27]



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