Thursday, November 1, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Tune a Lap Harp

Posted: 01 Nov 2018 05:00 PM PDT

The lap harp—a small string instrument in concert pitch that is popular with young children—can be a wonderful first instrument to learn. It's also a favorite of experienced music students and musicians. But regular play, occasional use, and even a lack of play—which typically leads to dust buildup—can cause the pegs to gradually unwind and pull the whole instrument out of tune. Luckily, with a bit of musical knowledge and a lot of patience, the lap harp is fairly easy to tune.


EditSetting up Your Tuner

  1. Purchase a tuning key, electronic tuner, and guitar pick. Most lap harp kits and electronic tuners include a tuning key—a small "L"-shaped silver instrument with a hole that fits over the tuning pegs on the sides of the instrument. Tuners either clip to the body of the harp or are placed close to the harp to pick up its sound. After fitting the key onto a tuning peg, turning the handle changes the key of each string.[1]
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    • A pick is also recommended to make strumming and note quality easier and better.
  2. Set your tuner to 440 Hz if it's not already. Electronic tuners are often set to this frequency by default. This is sometimes displayed on the tuner as "A = 440." Setting to this frequency means that each of your notes will be the same frequency as other instruments in concert pitch—the common standard for musical instrument tuning.[2]
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  3. Place the harp on your lap with the narrow, pointed end facing forward. Position it so that are 15 silver pegs on the right of the harp and 15 red pegs on the left. You can also place your lap on a flat surface and tune it from there.
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    • Sit in a position that is comfortable enough to maintain for a good 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Clip your electronic tuner onto the harp's wooden body. Most electronic tuners clip onto the body of the harp's wood. Attach it close to the notes that you're tuning and move it accordingly. After clipping it on, turn on the tuner's power and pluck a couple of strings to make sure it's picking up sound signals.[3]
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    • If you're starting with the G string at the bottom right of the harp, clip it to the bottom right to start and move it along the edge as you continue tuning.

EditTuning Your Strings

  1. Strum each string and observe the note on the tuner. Make sure that the display shows the note that the string is playing and a needle that moves to the left or right of its meter display. The screen will also typically display yellow when the note is too low, and red when it's too high. The combination of colors helps you guide your tuning until the needle stabilizes into the center of the display with the desired note above it.[4]
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    • To tune to G, the notes—from bottom right to top right when the narrow end is facing upward—should be: G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Alternative tunings are different, but stick to G standard tuning until you get more experience.[5]
    • Many lap harps come with a sheet with all the notes marked, as well as tuning instructions. Be sure to have something of this sort (or write down the notes above on a paper) so that you have a reference for what notes each string needs to be tuned to.
  2. Note how many half or whole steps the string is away from the intended note. For example, G♯ (G-sharp) is a half step up from G, and G♭(G-flat) is a half step down from it. Most lap harps are tuned to the key of C or G and only play "natural" notes (no flats or sharps).
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    • If you're an experienced musician, don't be afraid to play around with some of the strings to turn a note or two flat or sharp.
  3. Tighten each flat string by slowly turning the tuning key clockwise. If the note is too low—for example, the first string is A instead of G—you need to tighten the string a full step. Hook the tuning key onto the silver knob, strum the note clearly until it shows up on the tuner, and then slowly tighten the string with your tuning key by turning it counterclockwise.[6]
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    • As the note is fading away, you'll hear the pitch begin to change. Use this as a guide as to how much you've changed the sound, and if you're going higher or lower.
    • Keep an eye on the tuner screen and stop tightening the string when the tuning needle centers.
  4. Loosen each sharp string by turning the tuning key counterclockwise. If a note has gone sharp—for example, the bottom-right string is A instead of G—hook the tuning key onto the string's peg, strum the note clearly, and gently turn it counterclockwise. Stop loosening the string once the tuner reads G.
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    • Watch the screen carefully and stop turning the key once the tuner displays the correct note.
    • Keep an eye on the tuner screen and stop tightening the string when the tuning needle centers.
  5. Continue this process with all the strings until they're tuned. Tuning can be slow and tedious work, so take plenty of breaks. If you come across a particularly difficult string, come back to it later.[7]
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    • Check your progress periodically by playing up and down through the strings you've tuned. Make any adjustments as you go along.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Lap harp
  • Electronic tuner
  • Tuning key
  • Pick
  • Note sheet (included in some harp starter kits)


  • Keep in mind that some of the changes you make will be so small that you may not even have to feel the movement of the key (in fact, if you do, you may have gone too far). Some adjustments are very minuscule – be careful not to turn the key so much that it goes out of tune.
  • Most instrument repair shops will be able to tune a lap harp. If you're having trouble, consider having it professionally tuned.
  • You can also tune by ear, using a piano or a note playback feature on your tuner. However, especially when using the piano, you'll have to be sure that the piano is perfectly in tune, or the harp will be out of tune, too. Generally, tuning with the needle on a tuner is more accurate and easier to work with.


  • Don't let young children try this unsupervised. It's very likely that they'll over-tighten and break a string, which can be dangerous and present a choking hazard.
  • Do not over-tighten the strings! It's very easy to break strings on a lap harp, and it can be a real pain to buy replacement strings.

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How to Crack Your Ankle

Posted: 01 Nov 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Sometimes, when you stretch a certain way, you may notice a popping or cracking noise in your joints. If you have ankle pain and soreness, stretching so that your ankle deliberately cracks can sometimes give you the relief you need. Cracking your joints is perfectly normal and is not dangerous, although the sound can sometimes bother people who are nearby.[1] If you want to crack your ankle, try one of these stretches, but stop right away if you experience pain while you're doing them.


EditPointing Your Toes

  1. Stand up straight with your foot held out in front of you. Your foot should be slightly off the floor with enough room to flex it in different directions. About should be enough.[2]
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    • If you feel unsteady, place your hand on a wall or a piece of sturdy furniture to help hold your balance.
    • If you need to, you can also do this exercise sitting down.
  2. Point your toes forward as much as you can for about 15 seconds. Keep your knee straight, and stretch your toes forward either as much as you can or until you feel discomfort. After about 15 seconds, relax your foot back to the neutral position.[3]
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    • If your ankle doesn't pop, you can try again or stretch your ankle another direction.
  3. Repeat by pulling your toes back and turning your ankle from side to side. After each move, hold your foot in place for 15 seconds, then relax. Once your ankle pops, you can stop, or you can continue the stretches if you want to loosen your ankle even more.[4]
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    • Your ankle will only pop about once every 20 minutes, so there's no need to continue stretching unless you want to.
  4. Try rotating your ankle in circles if it didn't pop already. Try 5 circles each of small, medium, and large rotations, first counterclockwise, then clockwise. If the stretches didn't crack your ankle, the rotations may help it to pop.[5]
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    • If your ankle doesn't pop after the rotations, let it rest before trying another method.
  5. Switch legs and repeat if you want to crack both ankles. Sometimes, only one of your ankles might need to be cracked, in which case, you don't have to switch to the other side. However, if you've loosened up the muscles in one ankle, it might be best to stretch the other one as well, even if it doesn't crack.[6]
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EditTracing the Alphabet

  1. Sit in a chair so your feet don't touch the floor. Make sure you're well-balanced and comfortable. You'll be moving your feet for several minutes, and you don't want to strain your back.[7]
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    • If you need to, shift so your weight is resting on the foot that's still on the ground.
    • You may be more comfortable in a chair with arms, so you can use your hands to help support your weight.
  2. Lift one leg into the air about off the ground. For this exercise, you'll be rotating your ankle in different directions until it cracks. Leave yourself plenty of room to move your foot around without running into the floor. [8]
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  3. Trace the alphabet with your foot, leading with your big toe. By tracing the alphabet, you'll be forcing your ankle into a variety of different angles and movements that you might not normally perform. One of these motions may be just the thing to crack your ankle.[9]
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    • Repeat the alphabet 1-3 times as necessary.
  4. Switch and repeat with the other foot. If you want to crack both of your ankles, shift your weight in your chair, return the first foot to the floor, and lift the other foot. Even if your ankle doesn't crack, it's always a good idea to limber up both sides of your body evenly.[10]
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EditCracking Your Ankles with Your Hands

  1. Sit with your legs crossed and put one foot on the opposite knee. For this exercise, you'll be most comfortable—and stable—if you sit on the floor. If sitting directly on the floor is uncomfortable, you can sit on a cushion or a pile of blankets.[11]
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    • You may also be able to perform this exercise sitting on a bed or a couch.
  2. Pick one foot up and place it on top of the opposite knee. This will be a sort of modified lotus pose. The outside of your foot should rest on the top of the opposite knee. This position should feel comfortable and not strained.[12]
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    • If you feel any discomfort in your ankle, knee, or lower back, stop right away.
  3. Place one hand on top of your ankle and grasp your foot with the other. You'll be using your hands to manipulate your ankle, so be sure you have a good grip on your foot. Hold it firmly, but do not squeeze so tightly that it's uncomfortable.[13]
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  4. Guide your foot in circular rotations, first one way, then the other. Make sure you stretch your ankle gently, in slow circles, keeping your ankle extended as far as you comfortably can. However, don't force your ankle to the point of discomfort.[14]
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    • If you need to, you can repeat on the other foot.


  • Stop right away and consult your doctor if any of these exercises are painful.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Posted: 01 Nov 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Día de los Muertos, also known as the Day of the Dead is a holiday celebrated in Latin American countries and is especially popular in Mexico. This special holiday, celebrated on November 1st and 2nd each year, honors the lives of people who have died. It is believed that the souls of the dead come back to visit their loved ones at this time. Contrary to popular belief, Día de los Muertos is not a sad or depressing time, but a time of happiness and celebration of life!


EditHonoring Your Loved Ones

  1. Make an altar for the deceased. You can create an altar for just one person or an altar for many people. Fill the altar with favorite foods and trinkets that the people enjoyed in their lifetime. Decorate it with candles, flowers, and a framed photo of the person or people you are remembering. Spend time at the altar, telling fond and humorous stories about the deceased.[1]
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    • Many people choose to pray, and add a Christian cross and statues or pictures of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the altar.
    • Catrina figures (a costumed female with a skeleton face) are popular decorations for altars.
  2. Visit the graves of your loved ones. Clean and decorate the grave with ofrendas (offerings) like "cempasúchitl" (orange marigolds) or "Flor de Muerto" ("Flower of the Dead"), which are thought to attract souls of the dead. You can even make a path from flower petals from the grave to your home to help your loved ones find their way. Lay down trinkets and the deceased's favorite candies.[2]
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    • Usually, deceased children are honored on November 1, while deceased adults are honored on November 2.
    • For children (los angelitos or little angels) bring toys and sugar skulls; for adults, bring bottles of their favorite alcoholic beverage (tequila, mezcal, pulque).
    • You can visit the graves of your loved ones any time during the holiday, or even spend all night in the cemetery eating, drinking, talking, playing cards, and listening to music.
  3. Set out pillows and blankets in your home. Traditionally, people celebrating Día de los Muertos arrange a pillow and blanket for each of their deceased loved ones in their home. This is so that the spirits of the dead can rest after their journey, as they are believed to visit their loved ones during this time.[3]
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  4. Play music. Listen to live mariachi music or play your loved one's favorite songs or recordings. Enjoy the music and celebrate the life of the deceased. Some people even have parades through the graveyard, and play music, dance, and celebrate while stopping at the gravestones of each of their loved ones.[4]
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  5. Write calaveras literarias. Calaveras literarias ("literary skulls"), also known as panteones, are short poems written in the form of epitaphs. These poems are satirical or funny, and often poke fun at your loved ones' quirks or embarrassing moments. You can even illustrate your poem with pictures of your loved one or of Dapper Death and his Dame.[5]
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    • Traditionally, calaveras literarias were written in four-line stanzas in which the second line rhymes with the last line, or five-line stanzas in which the third line rhymes with the last line. In modern times, many of these poems are written in blank verse and are no longer than one page.[6]
    • For instance, if your loved one was a poor bullfighter, you could write a short poem in which they struggle or fail during a bullfight. Humor often plays a large role in the calaveras literarias.
  6. Make Day of the Dead masks. This is a great activity for children on Día de los Muertos. Draw a skull or trace a template you find online. Decorate the mask in a traditional style, or create your own designs. Cut out the mask, punch a hole on either side, and attach a string to each hole. Tie the mask around your head and head out to celebrate.[7]
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    • Masks can be either half- or full-face. Traditional designs include skulls and flowers.
    • You can use crayons, markers, puffy paint, glitter glue, etc., to decorate your mask as you wish.
  7. Wear Day of the Dead makeup. Many people like to wear makeup that is reminiscent of a sugar skull on the Day of the Dead. Paint your face white, then add large colored circles around your eyes. You can draw "stitches" on your lips and extending out from your mouth. Paint on a nose, and add decorations like flowers or spiderwebs to your face.[8]
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  8. Dress in costume for the holiday. Nowadays, many people wear items of clothing decorated with sugar skulls or skeleton prints, such as shirts, dresses, or leggings on Día de los Muertos. You can also wear shells and dance so that the noisiness "wakes up" the dead, or even dress up as the deceased.[9]
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    • Some women also dress as Calavera Catrina in long, flowing, brightly-colored lace dresses paired with flower crowns and sugar skull makeup.
    • Sometimes, children dress in costume and ask people on the street for a calaverita (a small gift of money). Unlike Halloween, though, they don't knock on doors.

EditMaking Ofrendas (Offerings)

  1. Prepare a special dinner. Include a plate setting for every person whose memory you wish to honor and include a favorite dish of theirs in your dinner. Invite your family to celebrate with you and tell stories about your deceased loved ones. Popular offerings include calaveras, calabaza en tacha, atole, and pan de muerto.[10]
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  2. Create calaveras. Calaveras are Mexican sugar skulls. This is a fun activity for the whole family, and especially fun to eat, as calaveras are offered to both the living and the dead. To make your own, mix 1 teaspoon (4.93 mL) of meringue powder with 1 cup (237 mL) of granulated sugar, then add 1 teaspoon (4.93 mL) of water, and mix well. Pack the mixture into a mold and let dry overnight.[11]
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    • Decorate the calaveras using colored icing, sequins, feathers, and more.
    • You can also buy the sugar skulls "ready made" and then decorate them.
  3. Make calabaza en tacha. Calabaza en tacha (candied pumpkin) is a popular and traditional dish for Día de los Muertos. In a large saucepan, bring 2 pounds (0.907 kg) piloncillo, 4 cinnamon sticks, 4 cups (1 liter) of water, and the juice and zest from 1 orange to a boil. Add the flesh of one 5-pound (2.25 kg) pumpkin, cut into strips. Simmer an hour or two until tender, then serve.[12]
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    • Piloncillo is Mexican unrefined brown sugar; to substitute, you can mix 2 teaspoons (9.86 mL) molasses with every 1/4 cup (59 mL) of brown sugar.
    • This recipe yields 6-8 servings of calabaza en tacha.
  4. Serve atole. Atole is a warm porridge-like drink made from masa. To make it, blend 1/2 cup (118 mL) fresh masa with 1/4 cup (59 mL) hot water. Transfer it to saucepan, add a cinnamon stick and the seeds from one vanilla bean, and stir until it thickens. Mix in 3-4 tablespoons (44-59 mL) piloncillo until it dissolves, then remove from heat. Remove the cinnamon stick and vanilla bean seeds.[13]
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    • You can serve atole as is, or choose to add 1 cup (237 mL) of pureed fruit, such as pineapple or strawberries, to your dish before serving.
    • This recipe yields 5-6 servings of atole.
  5. Mix the dough for pan de muerto. Pan de muerto ("bread of the dead") is a sweet egg bread made in various shapes. This is a traditional Día de Los Muertos dish and is a fun activity for the family to do together. To make it:[14]
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    • Stir 1/2 packet (3.5 g) active-dry yeast and 1/4 cup (59 mL) warm water in a large bowl and allow it to rest for 10 minutes.
    • Heat 1/4 cup (59 mL) La Lechera sweetened condensed milk and 1/4 cup (1/2 stick or 59 mL) unsalted butter over medium heat until the butter is melted.
    • Add 1/2 teaspoon (2.46 mL) anise seeds, 1/4 teaspoon (1.23 mL) salt, and the La Lechera mixture to the yeast mixture and stir to combine.
    • Add 2 large eggs and 1 cup (237 mL) flour and mix well with a wooden spoon.
    • Add 1 ¼ cups (296 mL) flour, in small increments, stirring well until the dough comes together.
  6. Knead the dough. Knead the dough gently for about 5 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic and no longer sticky.
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    • Place dough in a large greased bowl and cover it with greased plastic wrap.
    • Let the dough rise in a warm place for 1 hour or until it has doubled in size.
    • Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  7. Shape the dough. Arrange the dough into a loaf or a shape such as a skull or an angel.[15]
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    • To make a skull, remove 3 tablespoons (44.36 mL) of dough and form each into a ball. Shape the larger dough into a loaf.
    • Roll 2 of the balls into long worm shapes to form the bones on top of the bread. Drape the 2 worms-shaped dough pieces on top of the loaf to form an "X."
    • Form the remaining ball into a skeleton head and gently place it on top of the "X."
  8. Bake your pan de muerto. Place the loaf on the prepared baking sheet and allow it to rise in warm place for about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (176.6 degrees C).
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    • Brush the top of the loaf with egg wash made from 1 egg yolk beaten with 2 teaspoons (9.86 mL) water.
    • Bake for 20 minutes; then remove the loaf from the oven and brush again with egg wash. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon (14.79 mL) granulated sugar.
    • Return it to the oven and bake for about 20 minutes or until loaf is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped. Serve warm or cool completely.

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