Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Take a Mental Health Day Without Feeling Guilty

Posted: 09 Oct 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Medical experts claim that in order to remain productive and perform, workers should take a mental health day every now and then. However, most people still feel guilty being away from work to rest their brain. Here are a few steps to take that much needed day off without adding guilt and pressure.


EditIdentifying The Need For A Day Off

  1. Think about your sleeping pattern. Whether you've experienced nightmares that have been waking you up at night or overall insomnia, a disrupted sleeping pattern can signal stress and a feeling of anxiety. Monitor your sleep in the last six weeks. Have you noticed a difference? Do you sleep significantly less?
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    • Use sleeping pills with caution. Their usefulness is debated and there are accidental deaths linked to them. Never use them without talking to your doctor.
    • There are several reasons for which you might not sleep. Make sure your mattress is good and your bedroom dark. You should also talk about your sleeping problems with your doctor. You might be suffering from a condition such as sleep apnea.[1]
  2. Reflect on your stress tolerance. You don't deal with stress as well as you used to and you feel more fragile. Each deadline is a source of major anxiety and you don't know how to cope anymore. If you notice a negative evolution in your stress tolerance, it's probably time to act.
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    • A lower tolerance to stress than usual is usually a sign of exhaustion or burnout.[2]
    • Don't feel guilty and don't lose faith in your ability to work if you're more stressed than usual. We all have ups and downs.
    • If you work in an abusive environment where the boss is using stress as a tool to increase productivity, a day off will not help. You should talk to your trade-union or HR and see if the law is on your side.
  3. Discuss with your family and friends. Those who know you the best, your family and friends, will probably notice if you're in desperate need for a break. Talk with them about your stress and ask them for their opinion. If you have a strong relationship, they will give you the best advice.[3]
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    • Remember that communication is fundamental in a relationship. If you have been fighting with your partner recently, explain that you feel pressurised at work and are struggling. Let your partner express his/her feelings too. It's important to realise that a stressed person is difficult to live with.[4]
  4. Check that you're not suffering from a serious condition. A day off is ideal to relax but not enough when you have a serious physical or mental condition. You should talk to a doctor or a specialist if you suspect a depression or any other health issue.
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    • Identify the signs. If you feel sad and down for weeks or months, you might be depressed. Depression is a real illness and has nothing to do with being weak.[5]
    • If you notice any unusual symptom, such as a rapid loss of weight, go immediately to your doctor.

EditPlanning Your Day In Advance

  1. Identify the right day. Plan your mental health day during a slow time at work. Make sure your day off doesn't bring stress on others. Check the calendar and your schedule to ensure your day off works for everyone.
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    • Pick a Friday or a Monday if you don't work during the week-end. Three days without working can do miracles.
  2. Plan with your boss and colleagues. Instead of saying that you are stressed, just tell your boss that you have a few important personal appointments or matters to address and would like the day off from work.
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    • Be calm and confident in your approach and reassure him/her that you will have your work covered and/or deadlines met in time.
    • Don't pretend to be sick. If your boss doesn't believe you, you might be in trouble.
    • Don't tell co-workers or clients that you need a mental health day. Some people are unfortunately intolerant toward health issues.
    • Find a co-worker to back you up if there is an emergency at work and you're needed.
    • Consult with human resources to figure out how to categorize your day off. In some cases, the company may have actual mental health days built into your benefits - another reason why you should not feel guilty.
  3. Ask your family for peace. You might want to make the day off about you and only you. It shouldn't be about fetching the little one at school or buying nappies. Discuss the planning in advance and make sure that everybody will respect your peace and quiet.
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    • Offer to do more for the household before or after your day off to compensate. The key is respect and understanding.
    • Tell your family not to call you on your mental health day, except in case of emergency.
    • If you want, it's also perfectly fine to spend your day with your family. It's all about what you want!
  4. Determine what you will do in advance. You want to make sure that your day off work is as relaxing as possible. A bit of preparation will help considerably. Make sure that you have all you need in advance. You don't want to get stuck in a line at the supermarket's cashier on your day off.
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    • Make a list the day before and go buy what you need. Buy the essential, such as food and drinks, but don't forget things that might make you happy.
    • Make a schedule of your day and fit in priority what you would really want to do.
  5. Create a good resting environment. It's better not to have any work at hand for your day off. Leave everything at your office place. Turn off your phone and avoid your emails.[6] Make a resolution that you will not work and truly commit to taking your mental health care day seriously.
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    • If you want to keep your phone turned on, make sure to turn off the emails to avoid any temptation.

EditMaking The Most Of Your Day Off

  1. Catch up on sleep. If you've been exhausted or not sleeping, your day off should be spent in bed, resting your body and brain. You don't need to sleep the whole time if you don't want to, but you should definitely allow yourself to rest a few more hours than usual.[7]
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    • Don't forget to disconnect the alarm.
    • Once you're awake, take a long and warm bath to relax your muscles.
    • If doing chores and housework will make you feel a little saner on your day off, go for it. A mental health day doesn't mean that you have to just sit around relaxing. In some cases, restoring order to your surroundings will bring you to a place of peace.
  2. Go for a nice meal. You've been working so much that you have eaten your sandwiches in front of your computer for the last four months. It's time to go to a restaurant and enjoy a lazy lunch with a friend.
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    • Go for a healthy meal and don't eat too much if you don't want to feel sleepy during the whole afternoon.[8]
  3. Relax your body. Office work is stressful for the body and the spirit. There are several activities which will allow your muscles to stretch and your mind to relax. Here are a few suggestions:
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    • There's nothing like sport to make you spend some energy and stretch in a fun way. Try to pick a sport you like and avoid injuries!
    • Go for a massage to feel truly relaxed and pampered.
    • Aromatherapy is a good alternative. It is relatively cheap and can make you feel very good.
  4. Reconnect with friends and family. If work has taken you away from the ones you love, spend the day making time to be with those important folks. For example if you've been working endless hours, seven days a week and haven't had a chance to spend time with your daughter, plan an entire day around what she wants to do.
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    • You can also combine a few nice activities at the same time. Why not having a go at a good restaurant with your friends before heading for a massage with your family?
  5. Avoid any guilt. If you're a workaholic, you will probably feel uncomfortable or guilty during your day off. Brush this feeling aside. Everybody deserves a day off once in a while and should be allowed to relax.
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    • Remember that you need to care for yourself in order to continue being a productive worker and present parent/ family member.
    • Things at the office will not fall apart if you're gone for one day.
    • Getting a break can help you refuel and regain creativity to approach new problems.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Drink Matcha Green Tea

Posted: 09 Oct 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Using matcha is a great way to upgrade your tea time! Native to Japanese culture, matcha is powdered tea that's packed with antioxidants useful for boosting metabolism and preventing cancer, among other health benefits. It's quite simple to make. The basic method is to add boiled water to a small bowl with a bit of matcha in it. After carefully whisking the tea, it's ready to drink![1]


EditMaking Matcha Green Tea the Traditional Way

  1. Boil 3/4 cup (180 ml) of water and pour it into your matcha bowl. A matcha bowl is a traditional tea drinking bowl of Japanese culture. It's small and usually doesn't have handles.[2]
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  2. Whisk the hot water with a chasen. A chasen is a Japanese tea whisking tool made of bamboo.[3] This step warms up the bowl and softens the whisk's bamboo tines. As a result, the chasen becomes flexible and springy for effective whisking.
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  3. Discard the hot water from the bowl. Dump it into the kitchen sink. Dry the inside of the bowl with a clean, dry cloth.
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  4. Scoop 2 tsp (1.5 heaping teaspoons or 10 g) of matcha into a fine mesh strainer. If you use a chashaku, the scoop should be round. A chashaku is a Japanese tea ladle (also known as a teaspoon).[4] The matcha should reach the point where the chashaku starts to bend.
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    • For thin matcha ("Usucha" in Japanese), use 1 tsp. (5 g) of matcha and 2 oz. (60 ml) of boiling water.
    • For thick matcha ("Koicha" in Japanese), use 2 tsp. (10 g) of matcha and 1.4 oz. (41.4 ml) of boiling water.
  5. Sift the matcha into your empty, dry bowl. This gets rid of the clumps. As a result, your tea will be smooth enough to enjoy drinking.[5]
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  6. Pour boiling water into a teacup. Let the water cool down for a minute. Aim for 185F or 85C.[6]
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  7. Add a small amount of hot water into the matcha bowl and whisk it. Take the chasen in one hand and the rim of the tea bowl in the other hand. Carefully blend together the matcha and hot water until you have a solid mixture.[7]
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    • For Usucha, whisk the matcha and hot water briskly. Move in a quick, back-and-forth motion as if you were drawing the letter W or M. Use your wrist instead of your arm. Whisk the surface of the tea when it has small bubbles until a thick froth appears.
    • For Koicha, move in a slow kneading motion from left to right as well as up and down. Since you're not aiming for froth, gently rotate the whisk in a 360 motion to achieve a thick, smooth, and even consistency.
  8. Add the teacup water to the bowl until it's 1/3 full and continue whisking. Toward the end of whisking, draw a circle and move the chasen to the bowl's center to finish the whisking. The center will have a slightly higher fluffy foam as a result. Your matcha green tea is ready!
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  9. Clean your utensils. You just need warm water and a dry, clean cloth for this step. Thoroughly rinse the chasen and matcha bowl with warm water after each use. Make sure you stand the chasen on its base so the tines are sticking up in the air. Just wipe off the chashaku with the cloth.
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EditCrafting a Matcha Latte for Sweetness

  1. Bring 3/4 cup (180 ml) of milk to a bare simmer in a small pot. You can use unsweetened almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, or cow milk. Make sure the small pot is over medium-high heat. Don't let it boil.[8]
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    • Bring 1/4 cup (60 ml) of water to a boil in a different pot at the same time.
  2. Add 1 tsp (5 g) of matcha in a heatproof cup. If you want thicker latte, add 2 tsp. (10 g). A heatproof cup can be a tea or coffee mug.
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  3. Add in 1/4 cup (60 ml) of boiling water as you whisk it. Whisk in a slightly slow, rotating motion. For more froth, whisk in the shape of the letter M or W.[9]
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    • Use an electric hand whisker for a smooth and even consistency. Be careful not to whisk too fast with this tool.
  4. Pour in your milk and continue whisking. Slightly tip the cup to create more foam. Sweeten the tea with agave syrup if you'd like. Now, you can enjoy your matcha latte!
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EditDrinking Matcha Beverages Properly

  1. Drink your beverage at home. This is how the Japanese typically consume matcha green tea. Being in a comfortable environment adds to the calming effect the tea possesses.[10]
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  2. Enjoy drinking throughout the day. The Japanese typically drink this tea in the morning, afternoon, and evening. It's a great way to achieve alertness early in the day and relaxation in the evening before bed. It won't keep you up at night.[11]
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  3. Drink the beverage quickly. The powdered tea is a suspension. It will settle at the bottom if you let it sit for too long.
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  4. Use a small bowl, not a mug. This is the traditional way to go. It's about the sensory experience of cupping the bowl in both of your hands, bringing it your nose, and breathing in the aroma. The dome shape of the bowl over the nose and mouth intensifies the aroma better than a mug.
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EditSources and Citations

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How to Use Oval Makeup Brushes

Posted: 09 Oct 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Oval makeup brushes are great for a smooth makeup application and are easy to use. They have more fibers than a typical makeup brush and blend better than other varieties. You can use oval makeup brushes for several types of makeup applications, such as for foundation, contouring, blush, or eyeshadow. All you need is the right sized brush suited for each type of makeup. With a little bit of practice, your makeup will look like it was professionally done.


EditApplying Foundation and Concealer

  1. Pour some foundation on the back of your hand. Do not apply the foundation directly to the brush. Instead, pour a small amount of foundation onto the back of your hand. Then, dip the bristles of makeup brush into the foundation. If you're applying the foundation to all of your face, then use a large brush. If you're targeting certain areas, such as the forehead or chin, you can use a medium or small brush.[1]

    • Do not saturate the brush in foundation. If you do, you will get an uneven application. Instead, lightly dip your brush in the foundation and apply more foundation to the brush as needed.
    • You can use liquid, cream, or powder foundation.
  2. Brush the bristles over your T-zone. If you are applying foundation to your entire face, begin applying the foundation to your nose and forehead. Apply the foundation to your entire forehead, and make sure to blend well around the hairline. Then, use a pulling or buffing motion to apply the foundation up and around the sides of your nose. Then, work from the center of your forehead outwards. Use small, circular motions to blend in the foundation.[2]

  3. Use circular motions over your cheeks and chin. To create a natural look, you'll want a thinner layer of foundation over your cheeks and chin, where the skin is more even and generally has fewer blemishes. If necessary, add more foundation to your brush and spread it out from your T-zone, moving onto your cheeks and chin. Work the brush over your cheeks, then, still using circular motions, use the brush on your chin. Go back over your cheeks and chin using small circular motions to thoroughly blend in the foundation.[3]

  4. Work your brush over your jaw and down your neck. It is important to apply foundation to the jawline and neck so that your makeup blends in with the rest of your face. Still using circular motions, work your brush over your jaw and down your neck. Make sure the foundation has been thoroughly blended in before completing your foundation application.[4]

  5. Apply concealer if necessary. After you've applied foundation, you can also apply concealer for additional coverage. Use a small brush since it is easier to reach certain areas with a smaller brush, such as the inner corner of the eye. Dip the brush into your liquid concealer. Then, apply it to blemished or unevenly toned areas, such as dark circles under the eyes. Once the concealer has been applied, blend using small, tapping motions with the brush.[5]

    • For pimples, simply dot the blemish with foundation and then blend.

EditUsing an Oval Brush for Contouring and Highlighting

  1. Draw a line with cream bronzer along your cheekbone. Begin by swirling a medium-sized oval brush into the cream bronzer of your choice. Then, place the brush at the hollow of your cheekbone. Use the brush to draw a line along your cheekbone. Start the line where your cheekbone begins (closest to your nose) and extend it toward your hairline. Using small circular motions or a swiping motion to blend in the bronzer. Then, repeat on the other cheek.[6]

    • You can use powdered bronzer, but it is easier to blend cream bronzer with an oval brush.
  2. Create a small arc just below your hairline. Reapply a small amount of bronzer to your oval brush. Then, sweep the brush just below your hairline, creating an arc that follows your hairline. Blend in the bronzer with small circular motions. Especially focus on blending when you move out from the center towards your eyebrows to achieve a gradient effect.[7]

  3. Contour underneath your jaw bone. Apply some bronzer just below the bones on both sides of your jaw. Applying bronzer to the jaw adds depth and gives your facial structure a sharper look. Use small circular motions to blend the bronzer in and then sweep the brush down your neck to thoroughly blend in the overall contour application.[8]

  4. Apply bronzer to the tip and sides of your nose. Complete the contouring process by contouring your nose. Don't reapply bronzer to your brush. Instead, use whatever is leftover from contouring your jaw. Dab the brush on the tip of your nose and then sweep the brush down each side of your nose. Blend the bronzer in thoroughly.[9]

  5. Add highlighter to complete the look. After you've contoured with bronzer, give yourself a glow with highlighter. Dip a small oval brush into the highlighter of your choice. Swipe the brush along the top of your cheekbone toward the hairline. To add extra glow, dab the brush on the tip of your nose, chin, cupid's bow, and the inner corners of your eyes. You can blend the highlighter with the brush or your fingers.[10]

EditPutting on Blush

  1. Smile to find the apples of your cheeks. A smile makes you appear even lovelier, but it also helps you find the best location to apply blush. Smile and locate where your cheeks "puff up." You will apply the blush to that part of your cheeks.[11]

  2. Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks with a medium-size brush. Using circular motions apply the blush to the "puffed up" part of your cheeks. Only a small amount of blush is required. Do not spread the blush all around your cheeks, or it may look overdone. Only apply it to the rounded "apples" of your cheeks.[12]

    • You can use cream or powder blush.
    • Avoid applying blush close to your nose. It should begin on the apple of your cheek underneath the center of your eye.
  3. Blend the blush using circular motions. Using small circular motions that are directed toward your hairline, blend in the blush. Focus on blending in the edges of your blush rather than all of the blush. If you contoured, blend it in with your contour application.[13]

EditApplying Eyeshadow

  1. Choose a small oval brush. You may think that oval brushes only come in large sizes, but they don't! You can find small oval brushes as well. These are great for applying eyeshadow as they blend well to create a beautiful, even look.[14]
  2. Sweep a light layer of eyeshadow over your lid. Dip the oval brush in the eyeshadow color of your choice. Then, gently sweep it over your eyelid to deposit the color. You can stop at the eyelid crease, or continue up to your brow bone if you're using a very light color.[15]

  3. Define your eyelid crease with a darker color, if desired. If you prefer a more dramatic look, you can accentuate the crease of your eyelid. Use a smaller brush for your crease than your eyelid. Pick a color a few shades darker, but still in the same color, as the first eyeshadow. Sweep the brush back and forth over your eyelid crease to add definition.[16]


  • To clean your oval brush, rinse it under warm water and then wipe it with a microfiber cloth to remove product buildup. You can also buy a pad and foam specifically made to clean makeup brushes.[17]
  • Use a garment cleaner or kettle to steam your makeup brushes to get rid of residue and bacteria every month or so.[18]
  • If you're using liquid or cream makeup, it is best to use a brush with synthetic hairs.[19]
  • Apply kohl eyeliner and use a small oval brush to smudge it for a smoky eye look.[20]


  • Clean your brushes at least once a week. If you don't, the buildup of product can make the bristles become coarse, which can damage your face. Also, the brush will become a breeding ground for bacteria if it is not cleaned. Clean the brushes once a week, but steam them at least once a month.
  • Oval brushes pick up a lot of product, so it's easy to apply way too much makeup by accident. Apply a small amount of product to your brush during each use. If there's too much product on the brush, lightly shake it or tap the handle against the back of your hand to remove the excess.

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