Sunday, October 28, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Make Inside Out Caramel Apples

Posted: 28 Oct 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Delight your guests or your children with these scrumptious inside-out caramel apples. Caramel apples aren't only a fall time treat--you can make them virtually any time of year, perfect for a sweet ending to an afternoon picnic or party.


  • 3 large Granny Smith apples
  • 1 large lemon (or lemon juice)
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 2 tbsp. light corn syrup
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans--optional


EditGather Ingredients and Prepare The Apples

  1. Hit the grocery store for ingredients and consider purchasing the highest quality ingredients possible.

    • Look for larger than average apples that are firm to the grasp and have no bruising or damage.
    • Purchase enough ingredients so you can make more than what the recipe calls for--these sweet delights won't last long.
  2. Check your kitchen for tools you need to create the apples or head to the kitchen and bath store to pick up certain items.

    • Sharp knives to not only cut apple in half but help cut the inside of the apple.
    • Melon ball scoop to refine and create your well inside the apple.
    • Saucepan, candy thermometer parchment paper and cookie sheet. You'll create the caramel sauce in the pan and pour it into waiting apples sitting on a parchment paper laden cookie sheet. Use the candy thermometer to determine the exact temperature while making the caramel sauce.
  3. Cut the apples in half lengthwise. Make a clean cut down the middle. You will need to use a very sharp knife.

  4. Slide a smaller knife around the inside of the apple, traveling near the outer edges (near the skin). Make a few hash marks into the apple flesh (not on the skin).

  5. Dig into the apple centers with your melon ball scoop. Scoop out the middle of the apple, but be careful to leave some flesh near the edges (for a better hold of the caramel).

  6. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze juice over the cut, prepare the apple slices to preserve the apple color and texture (the oxidation process will begin to turn the apple brown immediately without the lemon).

  7. Pat inside and outside of apple with a paper towel to remove excessive lemon juice. While you want the lemon to protect your apple extra juice will interfere not only with the taste but how well the caramel adheres to the apple.

EditAdd Caramel Sauce to Apple

  1. Create caramel sauce. Combine brown sugar, butter, heavy cream and corn syrup in a Saucepan over high heat.

    • Stir until brown sugar has dissolved.
    • Bring mixture to a boil, stirring constantly until a temperature of is reached (use your candy thermometer). This process could take up to 7 to 10 minutes.
    • Remove from heat and add vanilla. Continue stirring until mixture stops bubbling and allow it to cool for up to 15 minutes.
  2. Line a cookie sheet, covered in parchment paper with waiting apple halves.

    • Check apples to ensure they are still a golden color, have not turned brown but are also not carrying excessive lemon juice.
  3. Pour cooled caramel into hollowed out apples and fill just below the top edges.

  4. Sprinkle each apple with pecan nuts or any other nut or candy at this stage. Work quickly before the caramel sets.

  5. Slide the cookie sheets into the refrigerator and allow to set and cool for approximately 20 minutes.

  6. Quarter apples into slices once they have set and hardened. Serve chilled.


  • Top with chocolate or raspberry sauce once the apples have set and cooled.
  • Provide special sweet and savory dipping sauces to kick the sweetness factor up a notch.
  • Create an easier caramel sauce by melting 2 cups of store-bought caramel squares and 2 tablespoons of corn syrup in a pan over low heat.


  • Always take care when cooking with caramel. The sauce can bubble and burn the skin if not properly monitored. Cook sauce when children and pets are either not in the room or away from the stove.

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How to Ask Your Crush for Their Cell Phone Number

Posted: 28 Oct 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Asking your crush for their number can seem scary, but it doesn't have to be! If you already have a good feeling about the conversation you're having with your crush, you can easily ask them directly for their number using a choice of confident phrases. If you're crushing on someone who you haven't talked to much yet, there are ways to start a conversation with your crush. There are also more indirect, flirtatious ways to get your crush's number.


EditDating Help

EditAsking Directly

  1. Smile and be confident. The most important thing when asking for a number is that you seem enthusiastic about the idea of calling your crush. Practice smiling and asking for your crush's number in the mirror before you actually do it; this can help you work through your nervousness before you talk to them.[1]
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    • To appear more confident even if you're not feeling confident, smile, stand up straight, and make eye contact with your crush when talking to them.
    • Remember that you want to date someone who's interested in you, so you need to appear interested in them. Being too nervous may make it unclear that you actually like them.
  2. Ask "What's your number?" as the simplest approach. If a conversation is going well, you can simply ask your crush for their number. This shows that you're interested in talking to them more and you're confident that they would want to give their number to you.[2]
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    • Have your phone or a pen out and ready when you ask; this shows that you have no doubt about your crush giving you their number.
  3. Try "I have to go but I'd like to talk more. You should give me your number." This approach lets the person know directly that you want to talk to them again, and also that you're busy and organized. Have your phone or a pen ready to get their number quickly.[3]
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    • Text your crush right after you part ways. Say, "It's me! Save my number."
  4. Say, "Let's exchange numbers" if you mentioned plans or interests. This approach works best if the conversation headed toward things you both like to do or an event you both were going to. For example, you mention a party and your crush says they also want to go. You can say, "Let's exchange numbers, maybe we can go together."[4]
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    • Follow up with your crush soon after this conversation by texting them "Looking forward to that party" or something similar.
  5. Give them your number first if you're too nervous to ask for theirs. Say, "I'd like to talk to you more, let me give you my number." This works well if your crush has their phone out already; you can hold your hand out as you say "let me give you my number" to enter your number in their phone for them.[5]
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    • Don't grab your crush's phone from their hand; this may come across as aggressive. If your crush seems reluctant to hand over their phone, just wait for them to respond. They will probably look down at their phone as they type and let you know when they're ready for the number.
  6. Smile and say "no problem" if they say no. Always remember that you want to date someone who's interested in you, and if your crush isn't, it's better for you to know and move on. Don't ask them again or try to pressure them, cry, or look embarrassed. Even if you feel embarrassed, try to shrug it off as no big deal.[6]
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    • Try not to worry much about being rejected. It happens to people all the time, and you will eventually find someone who is interested in you.

EditStarting a Conversation

  1. Give them a genuine compliment before asking for their number. A great way to get your crush's attention is by complimenting them. Tell them you like something that they're wearing or something they did, then say something else to give them the chance to respond. If your conversation goes well, ask for their number at the end of it or next time you see them.[7]
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    • For example, say "I like those shoes a lot – my brother probably would too. Where'd you get them?"
    • Or try, "You did a great job on that project. I can tell you worked hard on it. Maybe you can give me some pointers on public speaking sometime."
  2. Ask them to help you with something then ask for their number. This works well if you see someone out in public who you'd like to talk to. Get their attention by asking for directions or help getting something from a shelf. Try, "Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the library?" or "Are you able to reach this for me?" After they help you, thank them and try starting another conversation and asking for their number if they seem interested in you.[8]
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    • If the person avoids you or helps you quickly then walks away, thank them and then leave them alone. Do not follow a person in public, or they may think you are harassing them.
  3. Plan a study date so you have to exchange numbers. If your crush is someone that you go to school with or work with, let them know you'd like to spend more time with them by arranging a study date. Say, "It seems like you know a lot about this topic. Want to come over after school to talk about it more?"[9]
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    • If they seem interested in studying with you, mention a certain time and place to meet, and ask for their number so you can stay in touch about the meeting.
  4. Invite them to do something they're interested in so they give you their number. If you know that your crush plays a certain sport or instrument, or likes a certain type of music, bring the topic up with them when you see them. Tell them about a game or concert that's happening and ask if they'd like to go with you. Or if you can't pay for tickets, invite them to play the sport with you, go on a bike ride, or go to a music store with you.[10]
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    • If they seem interested in your idea, ask for their number so you can make further plans.
  5. Read their signals. When having a conversation with your crush, it's important to watch for signs that they're interested in you. If they smile, make eye contact, and answer your questions enthusiastically, these are all signs that they are possibly interested in exchanging numbers.[11]
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    • On the other hand, if your crush avoids eye contact, tries to walk away or look away from you, or doesn't answer you or gives one-word responses, these are all signals that they may not be interested, unfortunately. Don't appear desperate or needy, and back off.

EditFlirting to Get a Number

  1. Call or text yourself from their phone. If you've already established a good rapport with your crush, you can playfully reach for their phone when they have it out. When you do this, say, "I'm giving you my number. We should hang out sometime," so they don't think you're just trying to creep or be nosy on their phone.[12]
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    • Once your crush has your number, they'll give you their number by calling or texting you if they're interested.
  2. Make flirty comments on social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are all ways to get your crush's attention that aren't as direct as asking for their number in person. Send them a friend or follow request and start liking their posts. Gradually leave compliments and nice comments on their posts to establish a good rapport.[13]
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    • If your crush starts liking and leaving nice comments back on your social media posts, it's possible that they're interested in you and you can confidently ask for their number.
    • Leave them a direct message on whatever app you've been connecting on. Ask if they'd like to get together in person sometime, and if so, if you can have their number to text them.
  3. Write your number on a napkin or comment card. If your crush works at a restaurant or other public place, you can flirtatiously express your interest in them by giving them your number on a napkin or comment card. Be sure to leave your name with the number. If they're interested, all you have to do is wait for their call or text.[14]
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  • Think twice before saying, "Can I?" or "Is it okay if?" Starting your request for your crush's number with these phrases may make you sound unsure of yourself and of your chances that you're getting their number. Remember to sound confident, even if you're actually nervous.[15]

EditSources and Citations

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How to Bob for Apples

Posted: 28 Oct 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Bobbing for apples is a traditional autumnal game enjoyed by people of all ages. It requires nothing more than a large tub of water, enough apples to cover the surface, and a group of people willing to get their faces soaking wet. A variation of the game includes hanging apples from strings and attempting to catch them with your teeth as they swing and sway. Each game is a lot of fun to play, and they are great activities for your next Halloween party.


EditPlaying the Classic Game

  1. Find a suitable tub. You can use a bucket, a cooler, a basin, or a bin, as long as it is big enough to hold water and apples. Wash the tub first, then place it on a table or cart that is strong enough to hold it when it is full of water. The top should be about waist-high to participants in the game.
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    • You could also place the tub on the ground and have participants kneel down to bob for apples.
  2. Fill the tub with cool water. You don't want the water to be too cold or too hot because people will be sticking their heads in it. Fill the tub about 3/4 full. Take care not to overfill so that water won't be sloshing and splashing out—much.
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    • If you're playing inside, place towels underneath the tub and around the base so that the floor won't get wet.
  3. Float several apples in the water. Put as many as will fit in your tub, but not so many that the apples don't move: you want it to be a bit of a challenge. You can choose to put apples in for all the participants, or refill the tub as you go along.
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    • Another idea is to have the same number of apples (e.g., 5 apples) in the tub for each player's turn.
    • Choose smaller varieties of apples for children so it will be easier for them to sink their teeth into the apple.
    • Plan on 1-2 apples per player, as some might get bites taken out of them but not removed from the tub with a player's teeth.
  4. Select the order of players. You could do this by age, such as allowing the youngest person to go first, or alphabetically, or choose a random order. Alternatively, if you have a big enough tub, everyone can start at the same time and the first person to catch an apple in their teeth is the winner.[1]
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  5. Catch an apple with your teeth. Each player must try to grab an apple with only their teeth -- you can't use your hands! Sink your teeth into the flesh, or try to catch the stem in your teeth. You must get the apple out of the tub using only your teeth, so if you drop it and it falls back into the tub you'll have to try again.
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    • A trick is to hold your breath and push the apple all the way down to the bottom of the tub before attempting to bite it. The side can work too, but it is trickier!
  6. Keep your hands behind your back while bobbing. You are not allowed to use your hands for bobbing, so each player must keep their hands behind their back at all times. If a player touches the apple with their hands, their turn will not count and they must start over.
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  7. Keep track of how long it takes each player to get their apple. To find out who can get their apple the quickest, time each player's turn. You can have the other players count "1000 one, 1000 two," etc. while the player is bobbing. Or, use a stopwatch to keep track of how long it takes each player to get their apple.
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    • Set a time limit, such as 2 minutes, for each player. If you have time, players who didn't get an apple on their first turn may go again.
  8. Select the winner. The person who catches an apple in the quickest time is the winner. You could hand out prizes like caramel apples, popcorn balls, candy, or ribbons.
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  9. Clean up. Give a towel to each player so they can dry off. Remove any remaining apples and empty the tub of water.
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EditPlaying a Variation of the Game

  1. Tie string to apple stems. Select apples with long stems so that you are easily able to tie a string to the stem. Make a double knot and be sure the string is tied tightly.[2]
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  2. Vary the lengths of the strings. Each player should have an apple that rests at chin-height, so you may want to measure your players before hanging the apples.[3]
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  3. Hang the apples. You can hang the apples from a tree branch or a swing set. A clothesline may even work if it is high enough above the player's heads. Hang the apples so they dangle in front of each player.[4]
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  4. Try to bite the apple. You cannot use your hands, so be sure each player keeps their hands behind their back. Attempt to bite the apple while it dangles on the string. This is harder than it seems, as the apple will swing around while you are attempting to nab it.[5]
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  5. Select a winner. The first person to grab the apple in their teeth is the winner. You could hand out prizes such as candy, bubbles, or chalk.
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  • Between players, remove bitten apples from the tub and replace them with fresh ones. You could ask each player to take out his or her bitten apple at the end of each round.
  • Allow each player to eat the apple they tried to nab.
  • To make the game harder, take the stems off the apples before bobbing (when playing with water).
  • If you want to vary the fruit, try other floating fruits, such as oranges, pears, or peaches.


  • Do not allow sick people to play.
  • Always supervise children bobbing for apples. Do not let a child stick his or her head under the water for a long period of time.
  • If you have braces, you may not want to bob for apples. The front brackets could be torn off, or you could hurt your teeth.
  • Germs can be passed from person to person through the water. Therefore, the tub of water that is full of apples is also full of germs! Keep in mind that bobbing for apples is a centuries-old pastime, so the likelihood of you getting very sick from playing the game is slim.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Apples (1-2 per player)
  • Container such as a bucket, metallic tub, basin, etc.
  • Water
  • Towels
  • Tree branch, swing set, or clothesline to hang apples from
  • String
  • Prizes like caramel apples, popcorn balls, candy, bubbles, chalk, or ribbons

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