Sunday, September 9, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Choose Tattoo Placement

Posted: 09 Sep 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Tattoos are a big commitment. Agonizing over which design to permanently ink onto your skin is only the beginning. Once you've found the perfect piece of art, you need to decide where it will go on your body! Placement matters, especially on a living, growing thing such as your skin. When choosing placement, think about things like aesthetics, how much you want the tattoo to show, and how much pain you can tolerate.


EditUsing Aesthetics to Guide You

  1. Break your body up into a series of canvasses to visualize your tattoo. Think about your body as made up of small canvasses. These "canvasses" are broken up by your body's joints. For instance, the top of your thigh to your knee is one "canvas." Consider each of these canvasses in turn for placing your tattoo.[1]
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    • By visually breaking up your body into sections, you can figure out which designs work best in each place. You're looking for the best small and large areas on your body where tattoos can go.
  2. Place large, detailed pieces on large sections of your body. A very detailed design is nearly impossible to do in a small space. If you want a detailed design, you'll need to choose a larger area of your body to make the design work.
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    • For a large design, such as a portrait or a character, choose areas of skin that are easy for your artist to access without making you contort yourself, such as your back, thigh, or upper arms.
  3. Put small designs on smaller parts of your body. For smaller designs, such as symbols, you can pick much smaller areas. You can put one on your inner wrist, for example, or on your hand. You may even prefer a more whimsical placement. Try behind the ear, around a finger, or behind the joint of your ankle.
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    • For an extra bit of whimsy, consider the forward helix (on your ear) or the inside of your lip!
  4. Choose a location based on your tattoo's shape. Look at the design of your tattoo. Is it long and thin? Is it round? Is it rectangular or oval? The shape is important, as different shapes will look best on different parts of your body.[2]
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    • For instance, a long, thin tattoo might look good down your spine or your inner arm.
    • You can wrap some designs around a limb, such as a tribal band or the string of rosary beads. Choose an area that will allow the artist to complete the design evenly, such as the upper forearm, the bicep, or just above the ankle.
  5. Avoid taking up a large space for a small tattoo. Many people regret taking up a large part of their tattoo-able space with a tiny tattoo in the middle. You may want to get more tattoos in that space later or a large tattoo that covers the whole thing.[3]
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    • For instance, if you get a small symbol in the middle of your shoulder blade, you can't get a larger tattoo there later unless you incorporate that symbol into the design.
  6. Pick a location that you will still like as you age. When looking to place your tattoo, think about what may happen to your body as it ages. Are you always going to like that tattoo in that particular place? It may be fine when you're in your 20s, but think about how you'll feel in your 40s, 50s, or 60s+. You may want to place your tattoo so it's not as susceptible to your body's aging process.[4]
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    • For instance, you're less likely to gain weight on the backs of your shoulders than you are on your stomach. Therefore, your shoulder blade may be a better option.
    • Similarly, you're not likely to gain much weight in your wrists, so your inner wrist may be a good option.

EditChoosing a Practical Placement

  1. Get your tattoo on the front of your body if you want to be able to easily see it. Some people love being able to see their tattoo all the time, and some people don't. If you do, place it somewhere you can see it without a mirror, such as your belly, breasts, arms, or legs. If not, place it somewhere you can only see if you look in a mirror.[5]
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    • For an in-between option, pick a place that you can see without a mirror but that can be covered with clothing.
  2. Try a spot that you can hide or reveal depending on your outfit. You may want to show off your tattoo and place it somewhere people can see it all the time. On the other hand, you may want the option to hide it at times by picking a different piece of clothing. If you want to be able to hide it, choose a place where you have that option.
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    • For instance, if you have a tattoo on the trapezius muscles between your neck and shoulders, you can cover it up with a collared shirt or choose a shirt with a low neckline to show it off.
    • You may also be able to do this with tattoos on your thighs, upper arms, back, and your feet.
  3. Try a "peekaboo" tattoo for a fun placement. These tattoos are placed in areas that are commonly not very visible to the casual observer, but may reveal themselves as you move, such as behind your ear, inside your lip, on the webs of your fingers, or on the inside of your upper arm.
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    • You can also try your upper chest, lower back, collarbone, or behind your ankle joint.
  4. Hide delicate colorful tattoos from the sun. Tattoos will fade over time, and the sun speeds up the process. If you want a tattoo with a lot of color, then it's best to place it where it can be hidden by clothing. That way, the sun can't get to it as much, keeping it from fading as quickly.[6]
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    • The sun also makes your skin age faster, which can decrease the beauty of your tattoo.
  5. Place your tattoo in a discreet place if you need to hide it for a job. If you are worried about hiding your tattoo at your job or from certain people, then put it somewhere that's easily hidden. The torso area is a good option for a hidden tattoo, as you can easily cover up this area as needed.[7]
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    • You could also try your upper thigh or shoulder blade, as those areas are usually hidden by professional clothing.

EditWorking within Your Pain Tolerance

  1. Aim for "meatier" areas like the thigh or biceps for the least pain. If it's your first tattoo, these 2 places may be a good choice. They tend to be less painful than other areas because of the muscle.[8]
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    • The forearm is also a good choice. However, you may want to skip the inside of the upper arm if you have a low pain tolerance, as it has too many nerve endings to be very comfortable.
  2. Consider the calves or shoulder for pain in the lower- to mid-range. These areas still provide quite a bit of muscle for the needles to hit. They have a bit more bone than the thighs or biceps, but they still have more cushion than other areas.[9]
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    • The wrists also fall into this range, but they are slightly more painful.
  3. Avoid bony areas to decrease the pain. Bony areas, such as your feet, hands, ribs, knees, and elbows, are all going to be more painful. A tattoo is going to hurt, unfortunately, but if you get a tattoo in one of these areas, it's likely to hurt more.[10]
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    • These areas hurt because you don't have as much flesh between the needle and the bone.
  4. Talk to your tattoo artist about your pain tolerance. The tattoo artist is going to know which areas hurt the most. If you're especially sensitive to pain, ask the artist about good places for you to get a tattoo.[11]
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  • Be willing to listen to your tattoo artist. Obviously, you should have an idea of where you want it to go, but your tattoo artist will be able to help you with small adjustments that will make the placement much better.
  • Tattoos naturally draw the eye to that part of the body, so choose a place you don't mind people looking at.


  • Listen to your artist if they have objections to your tattoo placement! Though you may have your heart set on a design and placement, they may have valid and sensible reasons for you to think about before permanently altering your body.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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How to Store Scoby

Posted: 09 Sep 2018 09:00 AM PDT

If you are brewing your own kombucha, you may want to store your Scoby in between batches or while you are away. "Scoby" stands for Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast, and it is the mother culture that brews your kombucha. If you want to store your Scoby for less than 1 month, you can simply brew a new batch! In addition, you can pause the fermentation process by placing your Scoby in the refrigerator. Do this if you want a storage option for 1-3 months. To store your Scoby for the long term, make a "Scoby Hotel"!


EditMaking a New Batch of Kombucha

  1. Start a batch of kombucha to store your Scoby for less than 4 weeks. The best way to store your Scoby is to make a new batch! Boil about 3.5 quarts (3.31 L) of water in a medium pot, add in around 8 black or green tea bags. Once the water boils, remove the pot from the heat source so it can cool.[1]
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    • You can place your pot over ice to speed up the cooling process.
    • If using loose-leaf tea, use about 2 tablespoons (29.57 g).
    • Avoid using decaffeinated tea![2]
  2. Add in 1 cup (200 g) of cane sugar and dissolve it into your tea. As soon as you remove your tea from the stovetop, you can pour in your sugar. Mix it into your tea with a spoon until the sugar completely dissolves.[3]
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  3. Pour your tea into a glass jar after it cools and cover it with a cloth. Let your tea steep until the water has cooled, which make take 1-3 hours. Then, pour it into a large, clean glass jar. This is where you will house your Scoby as your kombucha brews.[4]
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    • Wash your jar with soap and water before you pour in your tea.
    • A glass jar works great!
  4. Put your Scoby inside the jar and secure the lid. Once your jar is filled with tea mixture, put your Scoby into your jar using your hands. It will likely settle at the bottom. Then, place a tightly-woven cloth on top of your opening, and screw on the lid tightly.[5]
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  5. Store your glass jar in a warm, dark spot. Kombucha ferments the best at room temperature in a dark environment. You also want to keep it away from any potential damages, so situate your jar on a flat, stationary surface where it will not be bumped.[6]
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    • You can place your jar in a cabinet, for example.
    • Your Scoby will safely ferment at room temperature for 30 days, so you can let it brew without worrying.

EditPausing Your Brew

  1. Store your Scoby in a small glass jar or a clean plastic bag. If you want to take a break in between your brews, you can refrigerate your Scoby in a clean, air-tight container. Use a glass jar or a fresh plastic bag to house your Scoby temporarily.[7]
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    • Store 1 Scoby per container.
  2. Pour some tea mixture in your jar or bag so it fills about 20%. To keep your Scoby healthy in between batches, pour in some of your tea and sugar mixture or remaining kombucha so it submerges the Scoby. You can use both or either one to feed your Scoby.
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    • This amount doesn't have to be precise, but you want your Scoby to have enough food to survive as it is in between batches. You can always add more later!
  3. Place your Scoby in the refrigerator to prevent it from going bad. Once your Scoby is in a temporary container and has some food, you can stick it in the fridge until you are ready to brew with it again. The low temperature stops the fermentation process, so your Scoby's growth pauses.[8]
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    • You can place your jar or bag on the bottom shelf in the back corner.
    • If you are using a bag, make sure your Scoby stays away from any excess moisture.
  4. Avoid leaving your Scoby in the fridge for over 3 months. While you can pause your brew in between batches without any issue, your Scoby is at risk of going bad if you leave it in temporary storage for more than a few months.[9]
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    • Plan to make a fresh batch or place your Scoby in a "hotel" after a couple months maximum.

EditMaking a Scoby Hotel

  1. Select a large, sterile glass container big enough to fit several Scobys. You can use any size jar, though keep in mind the number of Scobys you want to store in it. Wash your jar thoroughly with soap and water.[10]
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    • You can squirt some soap into the jar and soak it, then rinse the jar to wash away soap residue.
    • For example, you can use a a glass jar.
  2. Put all of your Scobys into the jar. Over time, you will add more Scobys into the same jar to create your "hotel." This is helpful in case 1 of your brews goes bad. That way, you will have back up Scobys to use for new batches.[11]
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    • You can place a few Scobys or several inside the same jar.
  3. Pour in of kombucha and of freshly brewed tea. You can use some of your recent kombucha brew or use a bottle of store bought kombucha. Pour in some kombucha, and then dump in a few cups of freshly brewed green or black tea mixture. This helps feed your Scobys in their hotel.[12]
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    • To make your tea, you can boil {{convert|5-6|cup|L} of water and steep about 4 teabags. Then, pour in about of cane sugar.
  4. Cover your jar with a clean cloth and secure it with a lid. Use a tightly woven cloth, and place it on the top of your jar. Then, screw on your lid so it fits tightly over your jar.[13]
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    • If you don't have a cloth, you can use 2 coffee filters instead.
  5. Store your jar in a dark, warm, and dry place. You can place this next to other kombucha batches, if you'd like. Make sure your Scoby hotel will not be disturbed in whatever location you pick.[14]
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  6. Replace the kombucha in your Scoby hotel every 2 weeks. Since you have multiple Scobys in your batch, it will ferment quicker than normal and will be much more potent. Because of this, replace your kombucha with a fresh batch after 2 weeks.[15]
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    • To use up your kombucha, you can drink kombucha from the jar, pour some off, or discard it.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Scoby
  • Air-tight jar
  • Tea bags
  • Sugar
  • Cloth
  • Dark, warm storage spot


  • If your jar or bag is not completely clean, your Scoby may grow mold.
  • If you see any blue spots, you must stop your brew. That is mold, and you don't want to drink it![16]
  • If your Scoby is black, it sadly is dead. You must use another to make a new brew.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Keep Your Glasses from Fogging Up

Posted: 09 Sep 2018 01:00 AM PDT

If you've ever experienced your glasses fogging up after a change in temperature, then you know how frustrating it can be when suddenly you can't see. More than simply an annoyance, foggy glasses may also create a safety hazard if it occurs while driving or operating machinery. Thankfully, using special products, household items, or just by making simple adjustments, you can help keep your glasses fog-free so you are able to see with maximum clarity.


EditProtecting Your Lenses

  1. Purchase an anti-fog product to treat your glasses at home. Many companies manufacture products specifically designed to prevent glasses from fogging. These are either a spray or gel, and when applied directly to your lens, will prevent fog by forming a barrier that protects against temperature change and moisture.[1]
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    • Most products require you to spray both sides of the lens, let dry, and wipe clean with a soft, dry cloth. Some products suggest longer dry times, while others require the spray or gel be rinsed off prior to wiping. Check product packaging for specific directions.
  2. Purchase anti-fog wipes for on-the-go protection. These pre-treated napkins are super convenient and easy to use. Simply wipe down both sides of the lens using the pre-packaged wipe. These wipes are made for only one use, so just throw it away when you're finished.
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  3. Invest in a professional anti-fog treatment for a more long-term solution. Check with your eye doctor about the availability and cost of applying a one-time coating to your lenses to permanently prevent fog. This option may be particularly useful when there are drastic and/or frequent temperature changes or if the fog creates a safety hazard.[2]
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    • Be prepared to leave your glasses for a few days and spend between $50-$100.[3]

EditUsing Household Items to Prevent Fog

  1. Apply shaving cream to your lenses to create a protective barrier. Before going out in the cold weather, blot a small amount of shaving cream to both sides of your lenses and rub in. Let the shaving cream dry before gently removing residue with a soft, dry cloth.
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    • Some people even say that shaving cream works longer than store-bought products! [4]
  2. Rub bar soap on your lenses to create a clear, protective layer. Apply a small amount, let dry, and gently remove residue with a soft, dry cloth. The soap works just as the shaving cream does and will leave your lenses clear and fog-free.[5]
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  3. Spit on your lenses if you are in a bind! You can put a bit of spit on both sides of your lenses and wipe off with a soft, dry cloth. Only try this option if you have no others, as your saliva may contain oils or other substances that could potentially harm your lenses.[6]
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EditMaking Simple Adjustments

  1. Pull your glasses away from your face. Your glasses trap heat and moisture when setting too close to your face or eyes, which increases the incidence of fog build up. Try moving your glasses further down your nose to allow for more air circulation and less fog.[7]
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  2. Check to make sure your clothing isn't obstructing your air flow. Items like scarves and high-collared coats can trap moisture and push it upwards, leading to fogging. Also, wearing lots of layers can increase your body temperature and perspiration, which may also contribute to your glasses fogging up.[8]
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    • If you can't avoid wearing this type of clothing, try unzipping your coat or letting your scarf hang open to allow for more air flow. Alternatively, try tucking the clothing under your chin so your breath can flow outward instead of up.
    • During exercise, try using a sweatband to soak up sweat and reduce perspiration.
  3. Avoid storing your glasses in the cold weather. Putting cold glasses on a warm body makes for an even bigger fog effect with temperature change. Instead, keep your glasses inside the house (instead of your car) to help reduce fogging when you move from warm to cold spaces.
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EditSources and Citations

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