Monday, September 24, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Clean a Toilet Brush

Posted: 24 Sep 2018 05:00 PM PDT

People often forget that even our cleaning tools need to be cleaned. One of the dirtiest objects in your bathroom is your toilet brush and its holder. The toilet gets so dirty because of constant and often incorrect use. Your brush may be getting dirty quickly because it is stored when it isn't completely dry. By using the toilet brush correctly and cleaning it often, you can make your bathroom a cleaner and fresher place!


EditSoaking in Bleach

  1. Fill a bucket with hot water and bleach. Make sure the bucket is deep enough to hold enough water to fully submerge the toilet brush and holder. Once you get the bucket, fill it with the hottest water you have access to. Then, pour of bleach into the water.[1]
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    • Read the back of your bleach bottle. If it gives you specific instructions, follow them.
  2. Submerge the brush and holder in the bleach for 1 hour. Drop them into the bucket carefully and try not to splash. Wear gloves if you have them to make sure you don't get bleach on your skin or in your eyes. Leave the brush and holder to soak for at least 1 hour. [2]
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  3. Rinse the brush and holder under hot water. Use the hottest water that you have access to. Keep both under the water for at least 30 seconds.[3] The hot water decomposes the active ingredient in bleach, making it safe for you to touch the bristles.[4]
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  4. Dry the brush and holder before storing them. Set the brush and holder on a towel to air-dry. Don't store them until they are completely dry. Storing a wet or damp brush will result in bacteria growth.[5]
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  5. Repeat the bleaching process every month. Even if you don't use the toilet brush that often, the brush will still host bacterial growth and collect filth. It is a good idea to clean it monthly.[6]
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    • However, you can bleach it less frequently if you rarely use it.

EditDisinfecting the Toilet Brush

  1. Spray the toilet brush thoroughly with disinfectant. You can use any disinfectant spray. Make sure when you spray the brush that you cover its entire surface area. Don't stop spraying until the bristles are dripping.[7]
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    • Spray the brush over the toilet bowl.
  2. Place the brush handle under the toilet seat for 10 minutes. The weight of the toilet seat will hold the brush handle in place. You want to position the brush so that the bristles are hanging over the toilet bowl. Let all the excess disinfectant drip into the toilet. Keep the brush there to drip dry for at least 10 minutes.[8]
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    • You can also dry the brush over a sink or tub. However, if you decide to do this, make sure to clean the sink and tub thoroughly afterward.
  3. Run the brush under hot water. Try to use the hottest water you can find. Place the brush bristles under the water and run the water over them. Keep the brush there until the water running off of the brush is completely clear.[9]
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  4. Repeat the disinfection process with the brush holder. Spray the holder with disinfectant and let it sit for 10 minutes. You can set the holder to dry on a towel or paper towel. After 10 minutes, run the holder under hot water.[10]
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  5. Dry and store the brush and holder. Set the brush and holder on a towel to air-dry. When both are completely dry, put the brush in the holder and store them. Make sure both are fully dry, as storing them wet or damp will encourage bacteria growth.[11]
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EditCleaning with Natural Products

  1. Submerge the brush and holder in a vinegar-water solution overnight. Fill a bucket halfway with vinegar and fill the rest with water. Make sure the bucket is big enough to fully submerge the toilet brush and holder. After soaking the brush and holder overnight, put on gloves and remove the brush and holder.[12]
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  2. Scrub the brush with of baking soda. Wear rubber gloves. Sprinkle the baking soda over the surface area of the brush. Use a separate brush to scrub, making sure to get in between all the bristles.[13]
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    • While this step isn't necessary, its helpful to get an even deeper clean.
  3. Run the brush and holder under hot water. Use the hottest or coldest water you have access to. Leave the brush and holder under the water for at least 30 seconds. Don't remove either from the water until the water running off of them is completely clear.[14]
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  4. Leave the brush and holder out to dry and then store them. Leave them on a towel to air-dry. Wait until both are completely dry before storing them. Storing them damp or wet will result in bacteria growth.[15]
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  • Make sure the toilet brush and holder are dry before storing them.


  • Bleach is dangerous. Keep it away from children. Do not get it on your skin or in your eyes.[16]

EditThings You'll Need

  • Bleach
  • Large bucket
  • Plastic gloves
  • Disinfectant spray
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Scrub brush
  • Towels

EditSources and Citations

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How to Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Posted: 24 Sep 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is generally not a fun process, and the recovery period after the surgery is often even less fun. With bleeding and painful gums, not only are eating and drinking more difficult, but even falling asleep can be hard to do. Luckily, there are a number of ways to make falling asleep after getting your wisdom teeth removed an easy and safe process with minimal discomfort.


EditGetting Ready for Bed

  1. Remove any gauze in your mouth. If you leave gauze in your mouth before going to sleep, you may choke on it. Make sure you've carefully taken out all the gauze the dentist left in your mouth before you lay down to sleep.[1]
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    • As long as at least half an hour has passed since your wisdom teeth extraction, it is safe to remove the gauze from your mouth.
  2. Take pain medication as prescribed by your dentist. You will most likely be in a lot of pain after your surgery. Pain medication is essential for dulling the pain long enough for you to fall asleep.[2]
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    • Follow all dosage instructions when taking pain medication.
    • Take your pain medication before the anaesthetic has worn off (roughly 8 hours). This will make it easier for you to manage any discomfort caused by your surgery.[3]
    • Being under continuous pain medication will also help you to get more restful sleep.
  3. Drink cool fluids as comfort allows. It's important to keep your mouth hydrated and prevent additional bleeding by drinking cool water. However, do not eat or drink anything that causes discomfort in your mouth; rather, wait until your discomfort has subsided and drinking is tolerable.[4]
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    • Avoid drinking with a straw for at least a week after your surgery.[5]
    • Don't drink hot fluids or eat hot food during your recovery. Only eat or drink soft, cool foods and fluids as tolerated.[6]
  4. Put an ice pack on your face to decrease the swelling in your gums. Holding an ice pack to your cheek will dull the pain in your gums and make it easier for you to fall asleep. Ice your cheek near the extraction site for up to half an hour before going to bed.[7]
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    • Make sure you wrap the ice pack in a cloth before applying it to your face.
    • If you're planning to take a nap for half an hour or less, you can sleep with your ice pack on your cheek. However, avoiding sleeping with the ice pack for longer periods, as it will leave your cheek feeling uncomfortably cold.
    • Never apply heat to this area after your extraction surgery.[8]
  5. Avoid brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth, or touching the wound. This may dislodge the blood clot formed in your wound and cause you to start bleeding again. The bleeding and pain will make it harder for you to fall asleep.[9]
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    • If your mouth begins bleeding and you apply gauze to the wound, be sure to not go to bed with this gauze still in your mouth. Wait until the bleeding has stopped (at least 30 minutes) before removing the gauze and going to sleep.

EditGoing to Sleep

  1. Keep your head elevated to minimize swelling. Use pillows to keep your upper body at a 45-degree angle and your head elevated. This will reduce swelling in your wounds and make them throb less, making it significantly easier for you to sleep.[10]
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    • Although this may not be your natural sleeping state, resting with your head upright is by far the best way to naturally reduce the pain in your mouth while sleeping.[11]
    • Consider investing in a wedge pillow to make sleeping in this position easier.
  2. Avoid sleeping on a slippery surface like leather. Sleeping upright makes it somewhat easier for your body to fall downwards while you're asleep. Avoid sleeping on leather couches or other slippery surfaces to get a restful sleep and prevent hurting yourself.[12]
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    • This will be less of a concern if you sleep in a normal bed with your head propped up by pillows.
  3. Keep your room cool and dark to make it an ideal sleeping environment. Turn off all the lights in your room, use heavy curtains on the windows, and lower the temperature in your room to maximize your room for sleep.[13]
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    • Keeping your room between and will help your body lower its temperature as it gets ready for sleep.
    • If you keep your cellphone next to your bed, turn it over so that the screen faces down as you sleep. This will prevent it from adding unwanted light to your bedroom when new notifications pop up on the screen.
  4. Use aromatherapy to make it easier to fall asleep. Some studies have shown that particular scents can alleviate stress and promote restful sleep. Consider using candles, oils, or sprays to make your room more aromatic and better for sleep.[14]
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    • The best scents for creating a better sleep environment are lavender and vanilla.[15]
    • You can also dip a cotton ball in a scented oil and leave that by your pillow for a quick and easy aromatic experience.
    • Be very careful when lighting candles for maximizing your sleep environment. Do not fall asleep with a candle still burning.
  5. Play calming music to help you relax. It will be particularly hard to take your mind off the pain in your gums long enough to fall asleep. Play slow, calming music as you're laying down to give your mind something else to focus on.[16]
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    • Slow music is generally the best music for falling asleep. Play music with a rhythm between 60 and 80 beats per minute for best results.[17]
    • Some good genres of music to sleep to may include jazz, classical, and folk music.


  • No two mouths are 100% alike. Always follow the particular aftercare instructions that your dentist gives you following your surgery.


  • Avoid smoking, sipping through straws, or any other activity that involves sucking with your mouth. This may result in discomfort or pain and will slow the process of your recovery.[18]

EditSources and Citations

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How to Decorate a Modern Living Room

Posted: 24 Sep 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Modern style is all about minimalism and neutrality. Clean lines and simple color schemes define a modern living room. Go with a neutral base color, then work in a few bold, simple colors in the form of accents and accessories. In addition, choose angular pieces and geometric forms for a modern touch. Select square furniture, simple designs, and accenting colors for a modern, styling living room.


EditDesigning Your Space

  1. Paint your walls a light or neutral color. For a truly modern living room, go with a white, cream, or beige wall color. You can also choose tones like grey or slate. Choose your modern base color, then cover all of the walls of your living room.[1]
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    • For a modern look, bright is usually the easiest to work with. Instead of choosing an antique white or a muddy gray, look for a bright white or a silver gray.
    • To paint the walls, lay down a drop cloth to protect your floors, and use painter's tape to protect any surface from the paint. Select regular indoor paint, and pour some into a paint tray. Then, apply the paint to your walls in light, even coats using a paint roller.
  2. Decide on 1-2 accent colors to incorporate into your space. When styling a modern space, it is best to go with neutral tones and choose 1-2 accent colors to use throughout the room. Pick 1 light shade and 1 darker hue of the same color, and choose small decorative items in this color such as curtains, lamps, or vases.[2]
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    • If you want to add a personal touch to your space, choose your favorite color.
    • For example, you can use a lavender and plum shade of purple. To keep things neutral, use a light and a dark gray for mostly white spaces.
    • You can make your space your own. If you really want to use another accent color, go for it!
  3. Focus on geometric and angular shapes when choosing accent pieces. Modern design and architecture is all about the squares, rectangles, and straight lines. Rather than traditional, hand-carved, or detail furniture and decoration, go for items that look sleek and streamlined.[3]
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    • For example, rather than choosing a picture frame with curved edges and wood details, go with a plain, grey frame in a metallic finish.
    • For furniture, try looking for a chair with clean lines and striking architecture rather than one with ornate features or patterns.
  4. Choose minimal decorations to fit a modern theme. Most modern spaces are not packed full of decorations. Instead, modern decor is known for its sleek appearance and decluttered look. Avoid overdecorating your living room if you want a truly modern space.
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    • For example, choose 1-3 decorative touches for your end table and coffee table, rather than placing several photos, candles, or vases on top.
    • Try to pick 1-2 pieces of bold statement art.

EditChoosing Your Furniture

  1. Choose a rectangular couch and/or chair. Go with neutral-colored furniture if you want a quiet, cozy space. Choose a couch or armchair in your base color, such as tan, beige, navy, or brown. If you want a bright, lively space, choose a couch in your accenting color. Place your couch along the longest edge of the rug. Then, put your chair next to it.[4]
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    • When selecting the furniture, go with simple, rectangular silhouettes for a modern living room space.
    • If you have a television or entertainment center, make sure you can see the TV clearly from both the couch and the chairs.
    • Use rugs and pillows to soften up harsher designs. A bold rug and a couple of well-placed pillows can tie a sofa into a modern room.
  2. Select 1-2 end tables that are the same color as your couch. To keep your furniture uniform, select end tables in the same color as your sofa or chairs. The hue doesn't have to be exact, but this creates a streamlined appearance. Place your end table immediately next to your sofa or chair so you can easily access it.[5]
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    • For example, if you chose a brown sofa, go with a dark brown table for a uniform look.
  3. Go with a sleek, glass coffee table. Go with a simple coffee table with a glass top, so you can easily see through it. Modern furniture is often lightweight and not bulky. Situate your coffee table in the middle of your living room. If using a rug, place it on top in the center of the rug.[6]
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    • You can stack a few magazines or books on your coffee table. In addition, place a vase or decorative accent on top, if you'd like.
    • If you don't want a glass coffee table, look for one in a single color such as a table in black lacquered wood.
  4. Incorporate an ottoman if you want to add a comfy touch. Oftentimes, ottomans are used to add some luxury to a modern space. Choose a simple ottoman if you have space for another piece of furniture. Place the ottoman along your end table near your chair and sofa.[7]
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    • You can go with a neutral color, like tan or navy, or choose an ottoman in your accent color for a bright addition.
  5. Place a bookshelf in the corner to house your items. If you want to display a library or collection in your living room, choose a simple, plain bookshelf in your base color. Place it in a corner so it is out of the way, such as next to your TV. Then, arrange your items along the shelves so they look neat and tidy.
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    • A bookshelf is a great place to store DVDs, pictures, or artwork.
    • Don't overload your bookshelf. To keep it modern, try to incorporate neutral-colored books or turn the books around so that the pages face outward. This keeps the shelves from looking too busy.

EditAdding Accent Pieces

  1. Cover your floor in a large, square rug. For a subtle modern touch, go with a neutral-colored rug, like a navy, grey, or charcoal. If you want a pop of color, choose a rug in your accent color. Either way, a large, rectangle or square rug is a great way to tie your room together.[8]
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    • Rugs in simple patterns like checkers or stripes look great in a neutral color scheme.
    • You can use a rug if you have hardwood, linoleum, tile, or carpeted floors.
  2. Accent your space with throw pillows and blankets. Pick 3-5 small throw pillows in the colors you chose for your accents. Great accent colors include aqua, red, or royal blue. You can also choose a throw blanket at drape it over your couch for a comfy, colorful touch.[9]
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    • Throw pillows are a great way to add some color to your space, but they aren't necessary in modern living rooms. Go without the pillows if you want a streamlined look.
    • You can always store excess pillows in a closet or storage ottoman and bring them out for comfort when you have company over.
  3. Choose thin, simple floor lamps to illuminate your space. Modern living rooms are usually well-lit, bright spaces. If you need to add some brightness to your space, go with plain, discreet floor lamps, and place 1-3 of them across your living room. Put them in dark corners or next to a reading nook, for instance.[10]
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    • Avoid choosing decorative, bulky floor lamps. These may look great, but they aren't a modern accessory.
    • For example, choose white, skinny, lamps and place 1 next to your TV and another next to your reading chair.
    • If you can, consider adding recessed LED lighting to your space to keep the number of lamps to a minimum and declutter your interior.
  4. Add candles, vases, and framed pictures to fill in empty spaces. This is a great way to add some personal touches and pops of color throughout your living room. You can place candles and vases on your coffee table and end tables, and you can hang pictures and artwork on the walls. Pick items that you genuinely love, and use either neutral colors or your selected accent colors when decorating the space.[11]
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    • For example, you can hang a black-and-white family portrait on the wall, and place vacation pictures in a sleek frame on your end table.
  5. Invest in a statement piece of artwork for a truly modern accent. Modern artwork is known by its bright colors and geometric shapes. Modern living rooms often have 1 large painting hung on the walls as a statement piece. Choose a piece of artwork that is at least large, and hang it using secure nails or brackets.[12]
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    • For example, choose a canvas painting featuring multi-colored triangles or stripes. Then, hang this above your couch.
    • You want your artwork to be a statement. If you can't find a large piece that suits your space, hang a smaller piece where it will have the most visual impact.
    • Alternatively, choose a modern sculpture and place it on an end table or display case. This is a great idea if you aren't able to hang things from your walls.
  6. Add a vase of flowers or a potted plant for a touch of green. If you want to liven up your space, consider using a houseplant. Choose cut flowers if you want an attractive floral display, or go with a potted plant if you want a longterm option. Place your plant in the middle of your coffee table, or put it at the corner of an end table.
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    • Succulents are great for modern rooms and require minimal watering and attention.
    • If choosing cut flowers, make sure you give them fresh water every day. Cut flowers can stay fresh in a vase for up to 1 week.
    • If you have a potted plant, water it 1-3 times a week, based on the plant's particular needs.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Neutral paint
  • Paint tray and roller
  • Neutral area rug
  • Square furniture
  • Throw pillows and blankets
  • Simple floor lamps
  • Painting
  • Candles
  • Vases
  • Pictures
  • Plant


  • Choose furniture and accents that you genuinely like. If you like modern style, you'll easily find decorations and furnishings that suit your fancy. Shop around until you find the ideal pieces for you.
  • Remember that your space should be comfortable first. Pick things that have not only the right look but the right feel for you.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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