Saturday, December 9, 2017

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Stretch Your Knee

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:00 PM PST

The knee is a complex joint where many major muscles intersect. While you cannot really stretch your knee, you can relieve a stiff knee by stretching your thighs and calves. If you have stiff knees, you might get relief by stretching all of the leg muscles that support them. Start with gentle movements that work the hip, knee, and ankle joints gradually through their comfortable range of motion, and continue until the big muscles of the thighs and lower leg are well warmed up. You can then do dynamic stretches, followed by static stretches. As you stretch, remember that you shouldn't stretch knee ligaments or twist your knee, as this could cause an injury.


EditTrying Dynamic Stretches and Exercises

  1. Use dynamic stretches to strengthen and stretch your muscles. By targeting the muscles surrounding your knee, you can relieve your stiff knee. Before you do dynamic stretches, you should get your blood pumping with a few range of motion activities. However, save your static stretches until you have completed your dynamic stretches.
    • If you suspect an injury, be cautious in your range of motion and focus on strengthening the muscles more than stretching.
  2. Do 3 sets of 10 squats. This exercise works your thighs and supports good body mechanics - including how your knee moves - if it's done properly. Start with a smaller range or motion and keep your movements within your pain-free zone. Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart, and rest your hands on your quads or extend your arms in front of you. Keep your back straight, bend your knees, and lower your hips as if you were sitting in a chair. Put your weight on your heels, hold the squat for 5 seconds, then bring yourself back into a standing position.[1]
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    • When you bend your knees, keep them in line with your ankles and don't bend them past your toes. Letting your knee go past your ankle can hurt your knee worse.
    • You can increase difficulty by adding hand weights or lifting one foot off the ground to do a single leg squat.[2]
  3. Do 3 sets of hamstring curls per leg. Stand tall and hold the back of a chair or a wall for balance. Lift one knee back and raise your foot behind you toward the ceiling. Hold it for 5 seconds, lower it to the ground, then repeat to complete a set of 10 repetitions. Do 3 sets of 10 curls for each leg.[3]
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  4. Do 2 sets of calf raises per leg. Hold the back of a chair or the wall for support, and raise your right foot slightly off the floor. Raise your left heel as high as you can so your toes support your weight. Hold it for 5 seconds, lower your heel to the ground, then repeat to complete a set of 10 lifts.[4]
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    • If you have a step-up exercise platform or a stair, you could also work your calves by standing with your toes on the platform, then lowering your heels toward the floor.
  5. Do seated straight leg lifts. Sit up straight in a chair with your knees bent at 90 degree angles. Raise and straighten your right leg as much as you can without causing pain in your knee and point your foot slightly outward. Engage your thigh muscles as you hold the position for 5 seconds. Bring your foot back to the floor, then repeat to complete a set of 10 lifts.[5]
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    • Do 3 sets of 10 lifts per leg.
  6. Try 3 sets of dynamic lunges. Start by standing with your right leg out in front of you and your left leg behind you. You should step out as far as you can while remaining in your pain-free range of motion. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a lunge with your left knee on the floor, right thigh parallel with the floor, and your right foot firmly planted on the floor. Keep your weight on your right heel and push yourself back into the starting position.[6]
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    • Keep your back straight throughout your lunge. Bend your knees in line with your feet, and don't bend your knee past your toes.
    • Do 3 sets of 5 lunges per leg. Increase to sets of 10 reps when you feel ready.
    • You can increase difficulty by doing walking lunges. Take a step each time you move in and out of the lunge position.

EditDoing Static Leg Stretches

  1. Start with simple calf stretches. Stand in front of a wall with your left leg extended behind you and your right leg slightly bent at the knee. Place your hands flat against the wall with your elbows slightly bent. Keep your back leg straight and plant that heel on the floor as you push against the wall.[7]
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    • You should feel a good stretch in your left calf. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, then switch legs. Repeat the pose 2 to 4 times per leg.
  2. Do standing quadriceps stretches. Stand tall and engage your abdominals so you don't arch your back during the stretch. Bend your left knee back and bring your left foot around your rear end. Grab your left ankle with your left hand to gently bring your foot closer to your body.[8] Push your left hip forward and tuck your tailbone under to increase the stretch. Your stretching knee should be pointing straight down or as close to straight as possible.
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    • If you have poor balance or flexibility, you can hold onto the wall or a chair for balance.
    • You should feel a stretch in your quadriceps, or the front of your thigh. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, switch legs, then repeat the stretch 2 to 4 times per leg.
  3. Open your hips with static lunge stretches. Start by kneeling on your left knee with your right knee bent at a 90 degree angle and your right foot planted flat on the floor. Alternatively, you could sit sideways with your hips turned in the chair. Tighten your glutes and raise your left arm straight in the air as you lean forward. Stretch your hips toward the floor as you lean, and hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds.[9]
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    • Switch sides, then repeat the stretch 2 to 4 times for leg.
  4. Do seated hamstring stretches. Sit on the floor with your back straight and both legs extended in front of you. Relax your knees slightly instead of locking them. Keep your feet neutral (instead of pointed or flexed) as you reach for your ankles. Try to keep your chest open and back straight instead of rounded and hunched.[10]
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    • If you're flexible, touch your ankles or the soles of your feet. Otherwise, place your hands on the floor and slide them toward your feet as far as you can.
    • Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat 2 to 4 times.
    • This stretch can also be done by sitting on the edge of the seat of a chair, extending one leg at a time out in front of you, pointing the toes of the extended leg up to the sky and then hinging forward in the torso until you feel the pull down the back of the leg. Hold for 20-60 seconds, breathing deeply, and repeat with the other leg.
  5. Try a figure 4 stretch. Lie on your back with your knees bent, then bring your right ankle to your left quad just below your knee. Keeping your head and upper body on the floor, hold your left thigh with both hands and gently lift it toward your chest. Stop lifting when you feel a stretch in your glutes and hips, then hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds.[11]
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    • Switch sides then repeat the stretch 2 to 4 times per leg.

EditCreating a Safe Stretching Routine

  1. Warm up for at least 5 minutes before stretching. Getting your blood flowing before stretching can decrease the risk of injury. Aerobic activities like walking, running, or cycling are great warmups.[12]
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  2. Do range of motion activities and dynamic stretches before other exercises. Before you do conditioning exercises or a workout, get your blood pumping with range of motion exercises. Once your heart rate is up, do dynamic stretches. You can then perform your regular exercises or aerobic activity. When you finish your workout, do your static stretches.[13]
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    • Static and dynamic stretches work differently and have unique benefits, so you should do both.
  3. Stretch regularly at work. Sitting in a chair or doing repetitive motions at work can be rough on your lower back, hips, and knees. You don't need to lie on the office floor to stretch. Try to find some time and space to do static quad, calf, and hamstring stretches. Dynamic stretches and conditioning exercises don't take much room, so you should be able to do them at work, too.[14]
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  4. Stretch after you run. Go for your run, then do static and dynamic stretches. Sticking to a post-run stretching routine can keep your knees from getting sore due to muscle tightness. Avoid stretching before you run, which can lead to strained muscles and lower performance.[15]
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  5. Talk to your doctor if you feel pain or have an injury. Avoid stretching if you're in pain or think you might have a strained muscle. If you're having knee issues, talk to your doctor or physical therapist before stretching or exercising.[16]
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    • You should also consult a doctor before starting any exercise routine if you have a history of heart, bone, or joint issues.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Get Rid of Chicken Mites

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

If your feathery friends are scratching at their ears or shaking their heads a lot, these are signs that they may have mites and most likely that their coop is infested with mites. Most chicken owners will come across this problem and not know how to deal with it. There are a few different choices for approaching treatment.


EditWood Ash Treatment

  1. Obtain a tub or large bowl the size of your chicken. It does not have to be deep or any larger than your chicken but it does have to be able to hold the chicken inside it. To make sure of this, measure your chicken and the tub or lay your chicken inside the tub to see for yourself.
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  2. Fill the tub with wood ash. Ash from your wood burning stove, fireplace or from a friend's stove will work well; just be sure that it is a couple of days old so it's completely cooled.
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  3. Catch the chicken that you wish to treat and put them in the tub full of ash. Pour the ash over their body and rub it in their feathers and skin, using one hand to hold the chicken and the other to pour the ash. Try to cover every part of their body whilst avoiding their eyes and nostrils.
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  4. Remove your chicken from the tub after they are fully covered with wood ash. Make sure to not shake or clean the ash off the bird but to just leave it alone. After that, cover the rest of your chickens with ash.
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  5. Provide sand or wood ash for your chickens at all times. This lets your chickens dust-bath which kills any mites on them. If it is a rainy day and the sand gets muddy, provide a tub filled with sand inside their shelter/coop.
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EditGarlic Spray

  1. Acquire an empty/old spray bottle. Wash and rinse the bottle thoroughly making sure that any liquid that used to be inside the bottle is fully gone.
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  2. Combine your spray ingredients. You'll need 10 ounces of water, 1 ounce of garlic juice and 1 teaspoon of essential oil such as lavender, cinnamon, spearmint, bay or thyme in the spray bottle.
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  3. Spray your chickens with the mix every couple of days for 2-3 weeks.
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EditCooking Oil Spray

  1. Acquire another spray bottle. Wash and rinse the bottle thoroughly, getting rid of all liquid still inside of the bottle.
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  2. Mix 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of dish washing liquid, 1 cup of cooking oil and shake well each time before you use it.
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  3. Use the spray for a whole week on your chicken coop. This will suffocate and kill any mites living in your chickens home.
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EditNeem Seed Oil

  1. Purchase a small bottle of Neem Seed Oil. This is available at most gardening centres. Acquire a sprayer bottle and clean it thoroughly.
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  2. Mix 1 tablespoon of Neem Seed Oil per 2 litres of water in your spray bottle.
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  3. Spray the mixture inside your chicken coop and on your chickens to get rid of mites.
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EditDiatomaceous Earth Treatment

  1. Spread some diatomaceous earth into your chicken coop. Diatomaceous earth will most likely kill all the parasites living in your chickens house.
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  2. Leave the diatomaceous earth for a day or two. Diatomaceous earth is harmless to humans and animals so your chickens can walk amongst the earth whenever they please. After leaving the earth to kill the mites you can now clean it up with either a broom or vacuum.
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  3. Rub diatomaceous earth into your chickens. Following steps similar to the wood ash method, above.
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EditBathing with Oils

  1. Fill either a bath, tub or large bowl with warm or lukewarm water. Make sure the water just about reaches your chickens body.
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  2. Put the chicken inside the tub and rinse their body with the water. Avoid getting water in your chickens eyes and nostrils.
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  3. Purchase a soap containing either lemongrass oil, citronella oil, tea tree oil or peppermint oil. Wash your chicken with this soap which will most likely suffocate the mites.
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  4. Rub your chickens legs with a vegetable oil such as corn oil, soybean oil or linseed oil. This will get rid of scaly mites.
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  5. Get your chicken out of the tub/bath and dry them with a towel. Make sure they are in a nice and warm place, making them comfortable.
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EditCleaning the Coop

  1. Be sure to clean your coop. Mites live in cracks, bedding and food bowls of the pen, so a clean start is important.
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  2. Throw away all bedding. Hose down the coop.
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  3. Dispose of all chicken feed and clean your chickens water and food bowls.
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  • Ask your veterinarian for a medication which can kill chicken mites.
  • Cleaning your coop is the most important step to getting rid of mites.
  • Provide a tub full of sand at all times to keep mites away.
  • Avoid chemical treatments to keep your hens laying healthy eggs.
  • Most methods above will also work on other poultry.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Tub
  • Large Bowl
  • Mite infested chicken
  • Wood ash
  • Sand
  • Chicken coop
  • 3 empty spray bottles
  • Water
  • Garlic Juice
  • Essential oil
  • Dish washing liquid
  • Cooking oil
  • Neem seed oil
  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Broom
  • Vacuum
  • Bath
  • Oil soap
  • Vegetable oil
  • Towel
  • Disposable bag

EditRelated wikiHows

How to Print Vinyl Stickers

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:00 AM PST

You can easily print your own vinyl stickers at home using a few simple tools. Once you've designed your stickers on the computer using an image editing software, print them onto vinyl printer paper. Laminate your stickers to protect them from water and UV rays from the sun. When you're finished, just peel off the backing on your stickers and they'll be ready to use!


EditCreating Your Design

  1. Look at other vinyl sticker designs for inspiration. Do an online search for "vinyl stickers" or "vinyl sticker designs." Pay attention to what you like and don't like about the different designs you see. Try to find stickers that are similar to the ones you want to make.[1]
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    • For example, if you want to make vinyl stickers to put on your laptop case, look for stickers other people have made to put on their computers. This will give you an idea of what size and color your design should be.
  2. Sketch out your design on paper. Don't worry about drawing all the details. You just want to get a basic idea of how your design will look before you attempt to make it on the computer. Make sure your design is small enough to fit on an 8 x 11 inch (20.3 x 27.9 cm) piece of paper.[2]
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    • If you're just starting out making vinyl stickers, keep your design simple.
    • If you're having trouble coming up with a design, use graphics or images from online instead.
  3. Create your design on the computer using image editing software. If you don't have Photoshop or Illustrator, use a free image editing software like GIMP. Recreate your sketched design using your software's drawing and editing tools, or scan and upload your sketch and work from that. If you're making a colored design, use bold, vibrant colors that will show up well when printed.[3]
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    • Make sure the resolution of your design is at least 300 pixels per .

EditPrinting out Your Stickers

  1. Open a new 8 x 11 inch (20.3 x 27.9 cm) document in your image editing software. If the software you're using doesn't let you specify the size when you open a new document, edit the size after you open the document. Look for the size button in your software's menu bar.[4]
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  2. Paste the design you created in the new document. If you want to make multiple stickers of the same design, paste the design multiple times and arrange the copies in rows. Make sure none of the copies are in the margins of the template or they won't print onto the paper.[5]
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  3. Click the print preview button to see how your stickers will print. If any of the copies of your design are cut off in the margin, move them in further away from the edge of the template. Make sure none of the copies are overlapping.
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  4. Load an inkjet printer with 8 x 11 inch (20.3 x 27.9 cm) vinyl printer paper. Load the paper into the printer's paper tray so the print side (non-adhesive side) will be the side that the printer prints onto. If you're not sure whether to put the paper face up or face down in the tray, run a test sheet through the printer to check.[6]
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    • You can find vinyl printer paper online or at your local office supplies store.
    • Use clear vinyl printer paper if you want the background of your stickers to be transparent.
  5. Print your design from the editing software onto a sheet of vinyl paper. Make sure the computer you're using is set to print to the ink jet printer. Locate the print button in the image editing software and click on it. Wait for the printer to print your stickers and then grab them from the printer.[7]
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EditLaminating and Cutting the Stickers

  1. Apply an over-laminate sheet over your stickers. Peel back the backing at the top of the over-laminate sheet and line the top edge of the laminate up with the top edge of the vinyl paper. Use your fingers to press the laminate onto the vinyl paper so it sticks.[8]
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    • You can find over-laminate online or at your local office supplies store.
  2. Peel back the rest of the over-laminate backing slowly. Press the laminate onto the vinyl paper as you go. Keep going until you've peeled off all the backing and the whole sheet of vinyl is laminated.[9]
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    • To prevent air bubbles, use the edge of a ruler to press the laminate onto the vinyl paper.
  3. Cut out the laminated stickers from the sheet of vinyl. Use a ruler and a craft knife to make precise straight cuts. If your sticker designs are rounded, use scissors to cut them out, or give them a square background. Once all your stickers are cut out, discard any leftover paper scraps.[10]
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  4. Peel off the backing on your stickers to use them. The vinyl backing will be on the opposite side of the over-laminate, on the back of the sticker design. Grab a corner of the vinyl backing with two fingers and peel it back until it's completely off the sticker. Place your sticker on a dry, flat surface.
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EditThings You'll Need

  • Image editing software
  • Inkjet printer
  • Vinyl paper
  • Scissors
  • Over-laminate sheets


  • Cricut is a good vinyl design program, but you have to buy a large machine. It also isn't only for vinyl, it's for many other things, too!

EditSources and Citations

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