Thursday, December 21, 2017

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Cut a Ceramic Tile

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 04:00 PM PST

Cutting ceramic tiles may sound scary, but it is actually surprisingly easy. The tool you use will depend on what sort of cut you are doing and how many tiles you plan on cutting. If you just have to cut a few tiles, a glass cutter will suffice. If you need to cut more tiles, however, a tiling tool or a wet saw might be more convenient. Knowing how to cut tiles yourself can save you a lot of money. It also ensures that your tiles come out precisely the way you want them to.


EditUsing a Glass Cutter for Straight Cuts

  1. Use a pencil and a square to measure and mark your tiles. A square is a special ruler shaped like a right angle. Align the horizontal edge of the square with the bottom edge of the tile. Use the vertical edge of the square and a pencil to draw your guideline.
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    • This method is better suited to small jobs where you just need to cut a few tiles. It is not suitable for cutting corners or curves.
  2. Set the tile down onto a sturdy surface and reposition the square. A workbench or plywood would work the best for this. Move the square off to the side so that it is right next to your marked line. This will allow you to cut right along the line without cutting into the square.[1]
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  3. Score the tile with the glass cutter. Press down on the tile with the glass cutter, then drag it across the line that you drew, using the square as a guide. You may have to score the tile a few times in order to make a shallow cut.[2]
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    • If you can't find a glass cutter, try a carbide tipped pencil instead.[3]
  4. Snap the tile over a wire hanger. Place the tile on top of a wire hanger. Make sure that the hanger is aligned with the line that you scored. Next, press down on the un-scored edges of the tile until it snaps.[4]
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    • if you scored form left-to-right, press down on the top and bottom edges, and vice versa.
    • If you scored the tile close to the edge, snap off the thinner side with tile nippers.[5]
  5. Smooth the edges of the tile with a brick, if needed. You can do this by rubbing the cut edge of the tile back and forth across a brick or some concrete. This will buff away any roughness, much like sandpaper would on a block of wood.[6]
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EditUsing a Tiling Tool for Straight Cuts

  1. Measure and mark your tile with a square and a pencil. A square is a ruler shaped like a right angle. Align one edge of the square with one edge of your tile. Use a pencil and the other edge to draw your guideline.
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    • This method is great if you have a lot of tiles to cut. It's also suitable if you need to cut a lot of surface area, such as corner-to-corner (as opposed edge-to-edge).
  2. Set the tile into a tile cutter. Set the square aside and set the tile into the tile cutter. Push the tile right up against the fence. Make sure that the line that you drew is right under the scoring wheel.[7]
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  3. Use the tile cutter to score the tile. Gently press down on the handle part of the cutter, then slide the wheel part across the tile. You may hear a scratching noise, which is a good sign: the tile is being cut.[8]
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  4. Use the tile cutter to snap the tile in half. Move the handle away from the edge of the tile so that the breaking feet land on top of the tile. Gently press down on the handle again to lower the breaking feet and snap the tile.[9]
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  5. Use a jig and a strip of wood if you need to snap off a thin strip. Set up a jig that's composed of 2 1-by-4s. Separate the 1-by-4s with a strip of wood that's the same thickness as your tile. Make sure that the scored line is level with the edge of your jig set-up. Press down on the tile to create a clean break.[10]
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  6. Smooth the cut edges with a brick, if needed. Rub the cut edge of the tile back and forth across a brick until the roughness is gone. If you don't have a brick handy, concrete will also work.
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EditUsing a Wet Saw for Straight and Corner Cuts

  1. Measure and mark your tiles where you want to cut them. Use a measuring square to determine how much you need to cut off. Make your cutting marks with a pencil. You can make the marks horizontal, vertical, or even diagonal.
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    • This method is suitable for big jobs involving lots of tiles.
    • You can also use wet saws to cut tile trimmings with a bullnose or quarter-round shape.[11]
  2. Set up the wet saw according to the saw's instructions. Each wet saw will be a little different, so be sure to follow the instructions closely. In most cases, you will need to fill the tub with water and turn the saw on.[12]
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  3. Cut the tile according to the saw's instructions. Each saw will be a little different, so read the instructions carefully. For the cleanest cut, avoid pushing or forcing the tile into the saw. Instead, gently guide the tile towards the saw, and let the saw do the cutting for you.[13]
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    • Make sure that the water is covering the blade when cutting.
  4. Smooth down any roughness with a brick. Even if you took extra steps to ensure the cleanest of cuts, there may be some roughness on the cut edges. If this happened to you, simply rub the cut edge of the tile across a brick or a piece of concrete a few times.
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EditUsing Tile Nippers for Curves

  1. Draw a curved line with a pencil where you want to cut the tile. Don't be afraid to use French curves, cans, lids, and other round objects as a template. If the area you will be cutting is far from the edge of the tile, consider cutting the tile down using one of the above methods first.
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    • This method will require you to cut the tile away bit by bit until you reach the line that you drew.
  2. Pinch the tile between the tile nippers. Place them close to the edge of the tile—even if your curved line is further in. Break off small pieces of tile at a time. If you break off too much at one time, you will risk breaking the tile.
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  3. Break a piece of the tile off with the tile nippers. Squeeze down on the handle of the tile nippers to get a good grip on the tile. Snap the piece off of the tile.
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  4. Continue breaking off pieces of tile until you reach the curved line. Work your way back and forth across the tile in narrow rows. Break off smaller pieces the closer you get to the line for more precision.[14]
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  5. Smooth and refine the line with a brick. Rub the cut edge of the tile back and forth across a brick or piece of concrete. Rock the tile while doing so to ensure that the edge gets smoothed evenly.
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  • If you are new to using these tools, practice on some spare tiles before beginning your project.
  • Always wear proper protection when working with tile, including goggles and gloves.
  • If the tile is glazed, make your mark on the glazed side.[15] If the mark is not showing up, try a permanent marker. You can wipe it off later with rubbing alcohol.
  • Wet saws and tile cutters can get expensive and take up a lot of room. If this is a one-time job, consider renting from your local hardware store instead.[16]

EditThings You'll Need

EditUsing a Glass Cutter for Straight Cuts

  • Ceramic tile
  • Square
  • Pencil
  • Glass cutter
  • Wire hanger or tile nippers
  • Concrete block or brick

EditUsing a Tiling Tool for Straight Cuts

  • Ceramic tile
  • Pencil
  • Tiling tool
  • Concrete block or brick
  • Jig and strip of wood (optional)

EditUsing a Wet Saw for Straight and Corner Cuts

  • Ceramic tile
  • Square
  • Pencil
  • Wet saw
  • Water
  • Concrete block or brick

EditUsing Tile Nippers for Curves

  • Ceramic tile
  • Square
  • Pencil
  • Tile nippers
  • Concrete block or brick

EditSources and Citations

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How to Talk Politics at Holiday Gatherings

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

The holidays are usually time for family, friends and celebrations! Unfortunately, fun times can turn tense if the conversation turns political. If you either can't or don't want to avoid the subject, there are some guidelines you can follow to maintain the holiday spirit. Remember to be respectful and polite, and look for ways to diffuse tension. If all else fails, you can make an early exit or even stay home to avoid a fight. Don't worry, you can still have a happy holiday season despite political chatter!


EditHaving Constructive Conversations

  1. Be open-minded. Don't arrive at a family dinner with pre-conceived notions. Maybe you know how your Aunt Sally voted in a recent election, but that doesn't mean you know how she'll behave. If you go into a situation expecting tension and negativity, that's likely what you'll get.[1]
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    • Walk in with a smile on your face and a friendly hello for everyone.
    • If Aunt Sally brings up politics, don't assume she's trying to pick a fight with you. Wait to see how the conversation goes.
  2. Establish your boundaries. Before you attend a gathering, think about your comfort level. Are you okay talking politics? Do you need to avoid certain topics. Set boundaries for yourself, and communicate those boundaries to your friends and family.[2]
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    • You could say, "My blood pressure starts to rise after about 10 minutes of election talk, so I'll be heading to watch football if the conversation goes much longer than that."
    • Another thing to try is, "I'm happy to talk politics, but can we agree to not interrupt one another?"
    • You can also make certain topics off limits. Consider saying, "You know, talking about immigration is really personal for me. Could we save that discussion for when there are fewer people around?"
  3. Refuse to argue. You can talk politics without getting into a fight. Give yourself a rule that you will not allow yourself to be drawn into an argument. If tensions seem to be rising, try saying, "Well, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Want to take a break for a minute and get some pie?"[3]
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    • Don't interrogate someone. A good way to avoid an argument is to keep yourself from peppering them with aggressive questions about their stance. In turn, refuse to let someone else interrogate you.
  4. Listen to the other person. When you're talking politics, make sure to give the other person a chance to talk. It can be easy to get on your soap box about an issue that is important to you. Try not to get carried away. Get others involved by saying, "I guess I've made my point clear. What are your thoughts on the issue, Bill?"[4]
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    • Show that you are listening by maintaining eye contact and occasionally nodding your head.
    • You can ask questions for clarification. Try saying, "I've never heard that theory about climate change. Do you mind my asking where you heard that information?"
  5. Be respectful. It's important to remain polite and courteous during political conversations. Don't revert to name calling or saying hurtful things about the other person's character. You should also keep your tone of voice down and avoid making hostile gestures such as pointing your finger in someone's face.[5]
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    • If someone insults you, try saying, "I'm happy to keep talking to you, but if we could keep things more civil, I'd really appreciate it."
  6. Limit the alcohol. Alcohol has been know to fuel many arguments about politics. If you know that the topic is going to come up, try limiting yourself to just a glass or two of wine. You want to be calm and collected when you talk about sensitive subjects.[6]
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    • If you notice Cousin Connie has really been hitting the eggnog hard, it might be a good idea not to walk up and start talking about election results.
  7. Keep it kid friendly. At many gatherings, kids will be present. It's okay to talk about politics at the dinner table, but remember that they are there and listening. Watch your language, and avoid talking about topics in a graphic manner. For example, you don't have to go into detail about the images you saw from a recent mass-shooting.[7]
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    • Encourage others to keep things child-friendly. Try, "Hey, Bill, I know what you're trying to say, but could you avoid using language like that in front of my kids? Thanks."

EditDiffusing Tense Situations

  1. Look for something positive to say. If a debate over politics seems to be heating up, try to remind yourself and others to say something encouraging. For example, if you find yourself yelling about changes to women's health care, take a deep breath and re-frame the situation. You could say, "I guess we're all upset about this issue. At least we live in a country where we're allowed to peacefully protest. Who's up for heading to that march this weekend?"[8]
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    • If your uncle is worried that immigration reform is going to hurt his employees, try saying, "That's a tough problem. I know a great immigration attorney. Let's give her a call tomorrow and see how she can help."
  2. Make a joke. Laughter is a great way to diffuse tension. If you can see that someone is getting angry, try to insert some humor into the situation. You can say, "I see you two are getting pretty upset. I can't wait to see what happens when you remember it's your turn to do the dishes this year!"[9]
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    • If your cousin is upset by election results, you could say, "At least you're in good company. I doubt Hillary is having much fun right now, either."
  3. Change the subject. If you can't see a way to make the tone lighter, it is probably time to switch topics. You can ask others for their cooperation by saying, "Hey everyone, let's relax for a bit. Did anyone watch the new episode of This is Us last night?"[10]
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    • If necessary, you can even make an awkward transition and just insert yourself into an argument by saying something like, "How about those Cubbies!"
  4. Walk away. If nothing that you've tried works, it's okay to leave the room--and the conversation. There will be plenty of other times to debate health care. Don't let politics ruin the only time you get to see your friends who live in a different state. Join another group of people and start a new, enjoyable conversation.[11]
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EditAvoiding Political Discussions Altogether

  1. Ask for the guest list. If you are concerned about potential conflicts, you can try to find out who else will be attending the gathering. You don't have to make a big deal out of asking the host who else is coming; you can keep it casual. Try saying, "It sounds like your holiday party will be fun! Who all are you expecting?"[12]
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    • You can also make it more specific, if necessary. Maybe you know that you and your friend Brian are likely to get into an argument. You could just ask the host, "Do you know if Brian's coming?"
    • If you are concerned that you won't be able to have a good time, you can give a polite, "I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it this year."
    • Choose to go to gatherings where you will feel comfortable and where you can expect to enjoy yourself.
  2. Speak to the host beforehand. If your inner circle is known for getting into heated debates, you might feel wary about heading into the holiday party season. If you just don't feel up for tense discussions, try asking if everyone is willing to keep the conversations light and fun this year. The host is a great person to enlist to help you make this request.[13]
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    • For example, maybe your friend Kate is organizing friendsgiving this year. Ask her if she would mind saying, "Let's embrace the holiday spirit and leave the politics at the door just this once. Come over for dinner around 5 p.m.!"
  3. Keep the politics out of the office holiday party. It's generally best to avoid talking about politics at work. You might inadvertently strain your relationship with a coworker or even your boss. Politics can become very emotional and detract from the professional atmosphere of the workplace. It's probably a good idea to extend this rule to the office holiday party. It might seem like you're all friends just having fun, but you don't want there to be tension on Monday morning.[14]
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    • If you're gathered around the punch bowl and someone says, "Wow, can you believe those Trump tweets this morning?" deflect and say, "These sure are interesting times! Did you get a chance to try the shrimp cocktail? It's delicious!"
  4. Limit your interactions with difficult people. You might feel very passionately about politics and want to engage in constructive debates. Sometimes, however, that's just not possible. For example, if you're really liberal, you just might not be willing to listen to your conservative friend's opinions. While it's great to engage, it is okay to give yourself a break during the holiday season. Decline invitations if you know you'll end up in an argument. If you do attend, strike up a light conversation with a neutral person.[15]
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    • Hopefully your mom will understand if you have to say, "Mom, please excuse me from your holiday party this year. I just really can't deal with my cousin Beth right now. I'm still happy to help you out by picking up the pies from the bakery."


  • Acknowledge that political debate is healthy. A democracy counts on people being able to share and voice ideas, arguments and opinions.
  • Remember to keep discussions civil.
  • Don't allow others to treat you with disrespect.
  • It's okay to turn down an invitation.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Get Grease Out of Jeans

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:00 AM PST

Whether you ride your bike or work on your car while wearing your favorite jeans, getting a big, ugly, black grease stain is possible. But don't worry! There are several ways to effectively remove grease from your jeans. Try something as basic as letting soap soak into the stain, or try a more creative solution, like canned cheese. If you have a few common things, including sparkling water and coarse salt, you can get grease out of your white jeans, too.


EditRemoving Grease with Soap

  1. Tackle the stain right away. If you let the grease soak into your jeans or wash and/or dry your jeans just after you've gotten grease on them, removing the grease may become more challenging. To avoid letting the grease stain "set," start removing it as soon as possible.[1]
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  2. Dab up excess grease with a paper towel. Fold a paper towel and dab at the grease so that the paper towel soaks up any excess grease sitting on the surface of your jeans. Removing what hasn't soaked in can make the whole removal process easier.[2]
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  3. Rinse your jeans in hot water. Hot water works best for removing the oil from the stain. Run hot water in the sink or bathtub and hold your jeans underneath the water until the areas that are covered in grease are completely wet.[3]
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  4. Scrub dish soap into the grease. Squirt some dish soap onto the grease stains. Then, gently scrub it with a toothbrush for 2-3 minutes or until the grease appears to be gone.[4]
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    • If you don't have dish soap, instead try using shampoo or laundry soap.
  5. Rinse your jeans again and hang them out to dry. Turn the sink or bathtub faucet back on and rinse the stained areas with hot water. Then, hang them out to dry on a clothesline or drying rack.[5]
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EditUsing Alternative Substances

  1. Use Pine Sol or Lestoil if you already use them for cleaning. While these products are more commonly known as floor and furniture cleaners, they also work well as degreasers. Dab the grease stain with a cloth soaked in either Pine Sol or Lestoil and then throw your jeans into the washing machine. Hang them out to dry on a clothesline or drying rack once the cycle is done.[6]
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  2. Soak up the grease with cornstarch. This is a good solution to try whether the grease stain is new or old. Lay your jeans on a flat surface and sprinkle cornstarch onto the grease stain until it's completely covered. Then let it sit for at least an hour. Once the time is up, brush off the cornstarch with your hand and remove any residual powder with a damp sponge.[7]
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  3. Try using WD-40 if you have it on hand. Spray WD-40 directly onto the grease and let it sit for 15-30 minutes. Then gently rub a small squirt of dish or laundry soap onto the affected area. Let the jeans sit for another 15-30 minutes, wash them in the washing machine, and let them air dry.[8]
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  4. Try using mechanic soap if you work on cars. Mechanic soap is made specifically to clean up oil and grease. Apply the soap to the grease spots on your jeans and let it sit for 15-30 minutes. Then wash your jeans by themselves or with dirty rags in the washing machine.[9]
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    • Mechanic soap usually has a strong odor. Don't throw your other clothes into the washing machine with your jeans, or else all of them may smell like the mechanic soap.
  5. Use hairspray or canned cheese if you're in a hurry. Spray hairspray onto the grease-covered areas for several seconds or spray on canned cheese and smear it in. Then, wash your jeans in the washing machine and air dry them. Hairspray and canned cheese will both have an immediate effect on the stains, so there's no need to let them sit for an extended period of time before washing.[10]
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  6. Get the grease out with Coca-Cola for a homemade solution. Pour some coke onto the grease stains and then let it soak in for 1-2 hours. Once the time is up, wash your jeans in the washing machine and hang them up to dry.[11]
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    • Don't give the coke longer than about 2 hours to soak in, or else the coke may stain your jeans.
  7. Remove the grease with aloe vera gel if you have some in your cabinet. Soak your jeans in water for several minutes. Then scrub at the stains with aloe vera gel. Wash your jeans in the washing machine and then air dry them.[12]
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EditGetting Grease out of White Jeans

  1. Soak up as much of the grease as you can with a paper towel. Dabbing at the excess can make the removal process a little easier. Take a paper towel and dab at the grease as soon as it gets on your jeans.[13]
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  2. Pour sparkling water onto the grease. The carbonation of sparkling water makes it more effective than flat water in removing stains. Get a bottle or can of sparkling water and pour it all over the affected area.[14]
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  3. Sprinkle coarse salt onto the grease and rub it in. Coarse salt acts as an abrasive, which can be useful for stain removal. Sprinkle the salt onto your jeans and use a paper towel to rub the salt over the grease stains.[15]
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    • Try using cornstarch or baking soda if you don't have coarse salt. These may also act as abrasives that can soak up some of the grease.
  4. Add some soap and continue rubbing. Squirt a little bit of dish soap, laundry soap, or even hand soap onto the grease stains. Continue using a paper towel to rub the stained spots.[16]
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  5. Use a stain remover pen. Wipe off as much of the salt and soap as you can with a fresh paper towel. Then rub at whatever is left of the stain with a Tide-To-Go or Clorox Bleach pen.[17]
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  6. Lay your jeans out to dry. Hang your jeans on a drying rack for a few hours so that they can dry completely. They may dry faster if you hang them on a clothesline when the sun is out.[18]
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EditThings You'll Need

EditRemoving Grease with Soap

  • Paper towels
  • Hot water
  • Soap (dish, laundry, or shampoo)
  • Clothesline or drying rack

EditUsing Alternative Substances

  • Pine Sol or Lestoil
  • Cloth
  • Washing machine
  • Clothesline or drying rack
  • Cornstarch
  • Sponge
  • WD-40
  • Dish soap or laundry soap
  • Mechanic soap
  • Hairspray
  • Canned cheese
  • Coca-Cola
  • Aloe Vera Gel

EditGetting Grease out of White Jeans

  • Paper towels
  • Sparkling water
  • Coarse salt
  • Soap
  • Stain remover pen
  • Clothesline or drying rack

EditSources and Citations

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