Sunday, December 10, 2017

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Construct the Tangent Line to a Circle

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:00 PM PST

A line tangent to a circle touches the circle at exactly one point. The tangent line is perpendicular to the radius of the circle.

In maths problems, one can encounter either of two options: constructing the tangent from a point outside of the circle, or constructing the tangent to a circle at a point on the circle.


EditConstructing a Tangent Line from a Point Outside of the Circle

  1. Setup of the problem. Construct a line, tangent to the circle, passing through point .
    Tangent line from point setup.jpg
  2. Connect the point with the centre of the circle. You must first find the centre of the circle if it has not been given to you.
    Tangent line from point 1.jpg
  3. Bisect . The bisector intersects in .
    Tangent line from point 2.jpg
  4. Construct a circle with radius , centred at . This circle intersects the original circle at points and .
    Tangent line from point 3.jpg
  5. Connect with or . Both an are tangent to the circle.
    Tangent line from point 4.jpg
  6. Erase any construction lines, if needed.

EditConstructing a Tangent Line to a Circle at a Point on the Circle

  1. Setup of the problem. Construct a line, tangent to the circle at .
    Tangent line through point setup.jpg
  2. Draw the radius . You must first find the centre of the circle if it has not been given to you.
    Tangent line through point 1.jpg
  3. Extend the radius past the circle.
    Tangent line through point 2.jpg
  4. Construct the perpendicular to the radius through point . That perpendicular is the tangent to the circle at point .
    Tangent line through point 3.jpg
  5. Erase any construction lines, if needed.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Compass
  • Ruler
  • Pencil and/or pen
  • Eraser

How to Fix a Hole in a Shirt

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

Discovering a hole in your shirt can be frustrating. Fortunately, you don't have to get rid of your shirt because of a minor hole. You can fix the hole in your shirt at home using a patch or a needle and thread. By using thread or fabric that matches the colour of your shirt, no one will be able to tell that your shirt had a hole in it.


EditPatching the Hole

  1. Find fabric that matches your shirt. If your shirt is a solid color, look for fabric in that color. If your shirt has a busy print, look for fabric that will blend in with the print. If you have to choose between a darker and lighter shade fabric, go with the darker shade. It will be less noticeable on your shirt.[1]
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    • You can get fabric at your local fabric store, or you can use fabric from an old garment you don't wear anymore.
    • Make sure the texture and weight of the fabric you use are similar to the fabric your shirt is made out of.
  2. Cut out a patch of the fabric that's slightly larger than the hole. Try to make the patch around greater in diameter than the hole. Measure the hole in your shirt with a ruler so you know how big of a patch to cut out. Draw the outline of the patch on the fabric in pencil and cut it out with scissors.[2]
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  3. Cut out a piece of fusible bonding web that's the same size as the patch. Fusible bonding web is a thin, transparent adhesive sheet that will help the patch of fabric stick to the inside of your shirt. Place the patch of fabric you cut out over a sheet of fusible bonding web and trace trace the patch onto the bonding web with pencil. Remove the patch of fabric and use scissors to cut out the shape you traced.[3]
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    • You can find fusible bonding web online or at your local fabric store.
  4. Make a cut out the size of the hole in the center of the bonding web. Place the bonding web over the hole so the hole is centered. Trace the outline of the hole with a pen or pencil. Then use scissors to cut out the outline. There should still be at least of bonding web on each side of the hole.[4]
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  5. Turn your shirt inside out and place the fabric and bonding web over the hole. The bonding web should be in between the hole and the patch of fabric. Make sure the cut out you made in the bonding web is lined up over the hole in your shirt. The side of the fabric you want to show through on the outside of your shirt should be facing down.[5]
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  6. Iron the patch of fabric and bonding web onto your shirt. Press the iron down onto the patch and bonding web and hold it in place. Don't iron back and forth or the patch and bonding web could shift. Hold the iron on the patch and bonding web for around 10 seconds. Read the instructions that came with your fusible bonding web for specific timing instructions.[6]
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    • After you iron on the patch and bonding web, turn your shirt right side out and the hole should be covered!

EditHand Sewing the Hole

  1. Get thread that matches your shirt. Choose thread that's the same color as the shirt you want to sew. If you can't find an exact match, go with a darker thread rather than a lighter one. Use a matte thread and avoid thread that is reflective or shiny. Matte thread will be less noticeable.[7]
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  2. Thread a needle with your chosen thread. Use scissors to cut off a piece of thread from the spool that's about long. Insert one end of the thread through the small hole at the head of the needle. Pull the thread through the hole until the two ends of the thread are the same distance from the needle. Tie the two ends of the thread together in a knot.[8]
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    • Try dampening the tip of the thread if you're having trouble getting it through the needle hole.
  3. Start inside your shirt and poke the needle through the fabric above the hole. Poke through the fabric about above the hole. If you're any closer to the hole, the thread may come out and your stitch could fall apart. Keep pulling the needle up through the fabric until the knot you made at the end of the thread catches on the fabric.[9]
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  4. Bring the needle through the hole and back up through the fabric. This time poke the needle through the fabric directly to the left of where you first poked the needle through. The closer you are to the previous stitch, the more secure the thread holding the hole together will be when you're finished. Pull the needle up until the knot on the thread catches on the fabric.[10]
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  5. Repeat, this time to the right of where you first poked the needle through. Bring the needle through the hole in your shirt and poke it up through the fabric directly to the right of the first stitch you made. Keep pulling the needle up until the knot on the thread catches on the fabric, just like you did with the first two stitches.[11]
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  6. Continue alternating between the left and right side of the hole. Make your way down and around the perimeter of the hole as you're making the stitches. As you sew back and forth along the hole, the edges of the hole should get pulled together. Stop sewing once you reach the bottom point of the hole and it's completely sewn together.[12]
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  7. Bring the needle inside your shirt and tie several knots with the thread. Tie the knots so they're right up against the fabric on the inside of your shirt. To tie the knots, hold the needle between two fingers. Wrap the part of the thread coming out of your shirt around the needle 3 times. Pull the needle up through the 3 loops and continue pulling until all the thread has been pulled through. Repeat to create more knots.[13]
    Fix a Hole in a Shirt Step 13.jpg
  8. Use scissors to cut off the leftover thread at the knot you tied. Turn your shirt right side out and examine the stitched hole. Your shirt is now ready to wear!
    Fix a Hole in a Shirt Step 14.jpg


  • If your shirt has a large hole or you're worried about ruining it by attempting to fix it yourself, take it to a tailor to have it fixed.

EditThings You'll Need

EditPatching the Hole

  • Fabric
  • Fusible bonding web
  • Scissors
  • Pen or pencil
  • Ruler
  • Iron

EditHand Sewing the Hole

  • Thread
  • Sewing needle
  • Scissors

EditSources and Citations

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How to Remove Stubborn Wallpaper

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 12:00 AM PST

Removing stubborn wallpaper can be an exhausting home improvement project. Depending upon the paste that the installer used, it can be resistant to scraping and traditional water-based removal methods. By identifying what kind of wallpaper you are removing, and what method was used to apply it, you will be able to soak or steam the paper and remove it with a putty knife. Taking the time to properly remove stubborn wallpaper will ensure that you do so safely and leave your walls wallpaper and damage free!


EditSetting Up the Room

  1. Lay down plastic to protect your floors. Tape long sheets of plastic to the base of your floor, sealing the plastic to the wall. Lay towels or old blankets over the plastic for extra protection, as stubborn wallpaper takes a lot of water to remove. Use painter's tape to seal the plastic to the floorboard in order to create the waterproof seal.[1]
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    • Whether you have carpet or wood floors, laying down protective covering is an important step before removing wallpaper.
  2. Move any furniture to another room. Couches, chairs, tables, and dressers should all be taken out of the room so that you can easily move around the room. Move everything to another room or a hallway for easy access to all four walls.[2]
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    • If you cannot take the furniture out of the room, relocate everything to the center of the room so you can access each wall.
    • Removing furniture from the room or covering it in plastic will also ensure that nothing is damaged by water or debris.
  3. Remove and cover the room's outlet covers. There will be wallpaper under each outlet cover, and these areas often act as great starting points for removing wallpaper. Unscrew the two screws that attach the outlet cover to the wall, and set them in a safe place. Scrape away the wallpaper with a putty knife and cover the exposed outlets with plastic and tape.[3]
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    • Because you will be dealing with water to remove the wallpaper, covering the exposed outlet is an important safety measure.
  4. Turn off the room's electricity. Locate your home's circuit breaker and flip the breaker associated with the room you will be working in. Double check that you have the right room by plugging in an electronic device, such as a lamp or phone charger, and seeing if it works.[4]
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    • If you need extra light in the room, buy some large lamps and plug them into another room's outlet with extension cables.
  5. Identify the kind of wall you are working with. Knock on your wall and listen to what kind of sound it makes. Be especially careful if you hear a hollow, empty sound, as this is indicative of drywall and is easily damaged. Listen for a dull sound, as this is indicative of plaster and is more durable.[5]
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    • If your wall is made of drywall, be especially careful when scraping off the wallpaper, as it is more fragile than plaster.

EditRemoving Peelable-Top-Layer Wallpaper

  1. Use a scoring tool to puncture holes in the wallpaper. Purchase your scoring tool online or at a local hardware store. Press the scoring tool into the wallpaper, creating as many small punctures in the wallpaper as possible. Go over the entire wall, or until you feel like every section of the wallpaper is covered by small holes.[6]
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    • Scoring tools are palm-sized, round tools that are used specifically for wallpaper removal.
  2. Bring water to a boil and let it sit for five minutes. Fill your largest pot with water and place it on the stove at the highest heat possible. Wait until the water begins to boil, and then turn the heat off. Let the water cool until you are able to comfortably touch the water, and pour it into a large container.[7]
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  3. Combine water and a solvent to create your removing solution. Mix your hot water with laundry detergent or vinegar into the large bucket or container. The solution should be half laundry detergent and half water, or 80 percent hot water and 20 percent vinegar. Keep the solution warm by adding hot water whenever the solution cools.[8]
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    • Your solution should stay warm for 10 to 15 minutes before needing to be reheated.
  4. Soak your entire wall with the water solution. Use a spray bottle or sponge to coat the center of your wall in the solution, and paint rollers to soak the tops of the wall. Apply the water solution until the wallpaper becomes fully soaked, focusing on the small holes that were created by the scoring tool.[9]
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    • By soaking your walls in sections, you are able to keep moving and working while the solution soaks into the paper.
  5. Let the solution soak into the wallpaper for at least 10 to 30 minutes. Allow the wallpaper to absorb the water, reapplying the solution to the areas that dry first. Focus on wetting the tops and bottoms of the walls, as these are where you will begin to peel the wallpaper. Keep the wallpaper soaking until you begin to peel.[10]
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  6. Use a putty knife to remove the wallpaper and adhesive. Avoid using sharp edges to remove the wallpaper, as these could damage your walls. Begin at the bottom of the wall and work your way up, removing the wallpaper one strip at a time. Be as patient as you can, removing small sections of the wallpaper if it does not come off easily.[11]
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    • Depending on your wallpaper, it may come off the wall in large sections, or in small, tiny strips.
    • You can purchase a rounded-edge stripper or putty knife online or at your local hardware store.
  7. Remove the adhesive that was behind the wallpaper. Work your way up the wall, as you did with the wallpaper, soaking the adhesive with the water solution as often as needed. Use your putty knife to carefully pull the adhesive off the wall.[12]
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    • If the underlying adhesive is difficult to remove, soak it directly with your solution and scrape gently until it is gone.

EditRemoving Traditional Wallpaper

  1. Purchase or rent a wallpaper steamer. Use a wallpaper steamer if the wallpaper has been painted over or if it was applied a very long time ago. Find a wallpaper steamer through an online search or by visiting a local hardware store.[13]
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  2. Purchase protective gear for safety. Buy rubber gloves and protective eyewear to protect yourself from boiling water. Wear long sleeves and multiple layers while operating the tool. Do not operate a wallpaper steamer without these protective tools, as you will get burnt if there is any mechanical malfunction.[14]
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    • Although wallpaper steamers are safe to use, they will sometimes leak or break.
  3. Steam small areas of the wall and remove the wallpaper. Hold the steamer in one section of wallpaper for at least 30 seconds, or as long as it takes to soak all the way through. Start this process wherever feels most comfortable, but consider beginning in more difficult places, like the tops or bottoms of the wall. Start on one side and work your way toward the center.[15]
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  4. Use a putty knife to gently and fully remove the wallpaper. Press the putty knife into the soaked wallpaper, carefully pulling back a single piece. Use this removed piece to slide the putty knife under the wallpaper. Slide the putty knife under the wallpaper, carefully pulling it from the wall.[16]
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    • Take care not to dig the edges of the putty knife into the wall.
  5. Continue this process in sections until the wallpaper has been removed. After each 30 second soaking section, set down the steamer and carefully remove this section of wallpaper. Stop scraping once you reach a dry area.[17]
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    • If you started at the bottom of the wall, work your way up, removing each section until you reach the ceiling.
  6. Use a stripping solution if there is any left over adhesive. Pour a mixture of hot water and laundry detergent or vinegar into a spray bottle or bucket. Spray or apply the mixture to the leftover adhesive and scrape the substance from the wall with a putty knife. Continue this process until the wall is completely bare.[18]
    Remove Stubborn Wallpaper Step 18 Version 2.jpg


  • Wash the walls after the wallpaper is completely removed. Mix 1 tbsp. of dish detergent with very hot water. Clean the walls with a sponge to remove excess adhesive. Rinse the walls with clean water and a sponge. Dry them with an old, clean towel.
  • It is better to try a water-based stripping method first. Gel strippers have more chemicals and need to be cleaned off immediately.
  • Sand the walls before you paint or apply more wallpaper.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Painter's tape
  • Wallpaper scorer
  • Paper scraper/putty knife
  • Fabric softener/Vinegar
  • Wallpaper steamer
  • Bucket
  • Hot water
  • Scouring pad
  • Sponge
  • Towel

EditSources and Citations

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