Monday, July 18, 2022

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Cut Iceberg Lettuce

Posted: 09 Jul 2022 05:00 PM PDT

If you aren't a chef, cutting into a head of iceberg lettuce may seem intimidating. However, you don't need professional training to accomplish this task. You can transform any head of lettuce into crisp wedges or fine salads in no time with a sharp knife and proper cutting form.


[Edit]Cutting Wedges

  1. Remove the core. Place the head of lettuce onto its side with the stalk facing your sharpened knife. Starting from the bottom of the stem, cut about into the lettuce and discard.
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    • Alternatively, you can smack the stalk against your countertop so that it breaks from the inside, making it easy to remove the core with your hand.[1] However, this may cause bruising on the leaves.
  2. Remove the outer leaves. Throw away the first one or two outer layers of the head of lettuce. These layers are usually wilted or damaged from handling.

    • If the outer layers have minimal flaws and you want to save them, pinch off the unwanted parts with your fingers.
  3. Cut the head in half. Hold the head of lettuce with your fingers facing forward so that the outer side of your thumb faces your knife. Using this form will make it more difficult to cut yourself accidentally. [2]

  4. Place the halves flat-side down and cut each in half. This will give you 4 large wedges of lettuce. If you prefer smaller wedges, you may half each wedge again, giving you 8 wedges.

[Edit]Chopping Fine Lettuce

  1. Remove the core and cut the lettuce into wedges. Chop off from the bottom of the lettuce beginning at the stalk. Remove the outer, wilted leaves. Quarter the remaining lettuce into wedges by cutting the head in half, and then cut those pieces in half. Cutting the lettuce into wedges will insure finely chopped pieces.
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    • For bigger pieces, only half the head of lettuce instead of quartering it into wedges. Do not attempt to chop the lettuce without halving it, as its round shape makes it difficult to hold safely.
  2. Hold and finely slice the wedges vertically for long strips of lettuce. Place the wedge flat-side down. Moving your hand further across the wedge and away from your knife as you chop, slice the wedge completely.

  3. Slice the wedges horizontally for short strips of lettuce. Chop the slices flat-side down to your desired thickness, moving your hand further down the wedge as you chop.

  4. Separate the slices with your fingers. Gently pull apart the lettuce. You can toss it with your hands or salad tongs to separate the leaves further.


  • Use a sanitized cutting board to prevent damages to countertops or dishes when cutting or chopping.
  • To prevent food waste, add excess and discarded lettuce to your compost pile.


  • Always rinse your lettuce with cold water or a vegetable wash before serving.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex

Posted: 09 Jul 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Having a relationship end can be a painful experience, particularly when your thoughts continually drift back to your ex. Whether your relationship just ended or you're still struggling to get past the hurt months later, you may feel that these constant thoughts are preventing you from moving on. However, a 2018 study suggests reframing your ex negatively, accepting your feelings, and distracting yourself from painful feelings can all be effective ways to eventually stop thinking about your ex and move on from the relationship.[1] By following the right techniques, you can accept that the relationship is over and finally stop thinking about your ex.


[Edit]Getting Past the Pain

  1. Grieve. The ending of a relationship can often feel similar to the death of a loved one. It's okay to mourn this loss.[2]
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    • Painful emotions cannot simply be swept under the rug. In fact, you will find it much easier to move past your hurt if you confront your emotions without judgement.[3]
    • Trying to suppress your thoughts will only make them stronger. You may even begin to dream about your ex if you don't allow yourself to experience your thoughts and emotions.[4]
    • Cry if you want. It feels better when you let all that out, instead of keeping it bottled up inside you forever.
  2. Talk with someone you trust. Sometimes you just need someone to listen rather than offer advice. Even if you cannot understand why it happened, talking about it can help you accept that the relationship is over.[5]
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    • If you don't feel comfortable talking to a loved one about the breakup, consider seeing a therapist or joining an online support group.
    • It might also help to have an imaginary conversation with your ex about all of your pent-up grievances. This will allow you to talk through all of your feelings without actually having to have contact with your ex, and may help you find closure.[6]
  3. Let go of anger. If you're obsessing about the terrible things you ex did to you, you will never be able to move on! No matter how angry you are, it's important to stop ruminating on these negative thoughts.[7]
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    • When dealing with recurring thoughts, it's helpful to confront them head-on. Think about why you are having the thought, how the thought may be distorted or untrue, and what kind of negative effect the thought is having on you in the moment. The more you acknowledge your ruminations, the easier it will be to let go of them.[8]
  4. Be honest with yourself. After a breakup, people are often dishonest with themselves about the quality of the relationship or the reasons why it ended. It's important to carefully consider how happy you really were in the relationship and what caused the breakup. This will allow you to move past idealizing what might not have been a great relationship in the first place.[9]
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    • It will also help to ask yourself what your role was in causing the breakup, as this might help you let go of some anger.
  5. Get the help you need. A breakup can have seriously negative effects on your mental and physical well-being, especially if you find that you're still dwelling on it months later. Breakups have been associated with weakened immune systems and an increased risk of illness. People who have not gotten over a breakup within 16 weeks can even experience physical changes in their brains that reduce their motivation, concentration, and emotions. It is critical to get professional help before your physical health begins to suffer.[10]
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    • A therapist can help by listening to you, encouraging you to confront your feelings, and teaching you new ways to do with your pain.
  6. Remind yourself to let go. There are a variety of behavioral techniques you can try to stop obsessive thoughts about your ex. All of these techniques rely on your ability to recognize when a thought about your ex enters your mind and to take a specific action to stop that thought from coming back. Remember that these techniques are to be used for obsessive thoughts only! If you have not yet dealt with your feelings and taken the time to grieve, you should not try to suppress your thoughts.
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    • You can try wearing a rubber band around your wrist and snapping it each time you think about your ex.
    • You can write down the thoughts you are having about your ex on a piece of paper and then throw it away.
    • You can try a visualization exercise, which requires you to visualize a specific scene whenever a thought of your ex occurs to you. For example, you could think of a stop sign in order to remind yourself that you need to stop what you are doing. If you do this consistently, the association should become automatic.

[Edit]Eliminating Reminders of Your Ex

  1. Avoid contact with your ex. Even if you think you want to be friends with your ex, it's important to give yourself some time away from him or her. You must fully heal before you can begin spending time with your ex again.
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    • If you don't allow for any healing time, you may continue to think of your ex as your partner because your bond as a couple will not have been broken.
    • Take a moment to think about why you want to be friends. If it's because you're scared about living your life without your ex, you may be using it as a way to avoid dealing with the grief of the breakup.
    • Most people do not end up being friends with their exes. Don't feel bad if it just doesn't feel right, even after you've had your time to grieve.
  2. Get rid of shared belongings. If you find yourself thinking about your ex whenever you look at the watch he got you for Christmas or the DVD collection you bought together, it might be time to part with these things.[11]
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    • If you don't want to throw items away, consider donating them to charity.
    • Remove any pictures of your ex from your house.
    • If you lived together and you can't get rid of all of your shared belongings, it might help to revitalize your space with some new energy by changing the paint color or reorganizing the furniture. This will help it feel like your own place instead of the place you shared with your ex.
  3. Avoid checking up on your ex. You will never be able to stop thinking about your ex if you are getting status updates about him or her on your phone all the time. Even if things did not end with animosity, it may be a good idea to unfriend your ex on social media. Similarly, it's a good idea to stop driving past your ex's house on your way to work or asking your mutual friends about how your ex is doing. [12]
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  4. Alter your daily routine. People often develop a routine with their significant others, and following the same routine after you break up can emphasize feelings of loneliness and trigger thoughts about them. Create a new routine all your own. Instead of making your signature Saturday breakfast, try taking a walk and trying out a new cafe.
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[Edit]Focusing on Other Things

  1. Be social. Surrounding yourself with friends and loved ones will help keep your mind on all of the positive aspects of your life, and off of your ex. It's also important to commit yourself to the hobbies and activities that you most enjoy, especially if your ex kept you from pursuing them.[13]
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    • If your social life revolved around your ex, it's important to get out there and make new friends. Try joining clubs or participating in volunteer activities to meet new people.
    • If you relied on your ex for emotional support, try relying on someone other than a romantic partner for this kind of support, like a best friend or a sibling. You might be surprised to discover just how much support you really have![14]
    • Staying busy really will help you move on faster. If you find yourself thinking obsessively about your ex when you are at home alone, come up with something to do, whether it's having dinner with a friend, visiting a museum by yourself, or going for a walk.[15]
  2. Think about your future. You may have planned a future with your ex, and if you did, it's understandable that everything might feel uncertain now. Try to focus on the positives by reminding yourself of all of the great things you can and will accomplish in the future without your ex.[16]
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    • Try to enjoy your present-day life as well. Even though you may want to be in a relationship, there are lots of benefits to being single too, so try to enjoy it while it lasts.
  3. Focus on taking care of yourself. In order to boost your mood, it's important to practice healthy habits. Make sure you exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep. Committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle will not only make you feel good, but it may just offer you the escape you need from thoughts about your ex.[17]
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    • Meditating might help you regain your positivity and let go of the stress associated with your breakup.
  4. Find new love when you're ready. There's no golden rule for when you should start dating again after a breakup, so do whatever you feel is right for you. Avoid jumping into a new relationship just because you don't want to be alone, but don't be afraid to put yourself out there either![18]
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    • Some people struggle with continuing to think about their exes even though they are in new, healthy relationships. If this is the case for you, it will do no good to simply try to suppress those thoughts. Instead, actively replace the thought with a memory of a time when you felt a lot of love for your current partner. Love is a strong emotion that can help you resist the temptation to contact your ex.[19]



  • Healing after a breakup takes time, so be patient with yourself.


  • Though emotions after a breakup can be very powerful, never threaten your ex either verbally or physically, or threaten to harm yourself to make them feel guilty.
  • If your feelings of hurt and anger after a breakup become all consuming and lead to thoughts of suicide, immediately talk with someone or seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. Suicide hotlines operate 24 hours a day.[20]

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Make Paper Pulp

Posted: 09 Jul 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Paper pulp can be a useful ingredient in making homemade paper or other crafts. It's also fairly simple to make. As long as you have paper, water, and a kitchen whisk or blender, you can make plenty of paper pulp at home. If you need to make paper pulp for a specific project, plan to mix it at least 1-2 days in advance so it has time to soak and dry.


[Edit]Soaking Paper

  1. Rip the paper into small pieces. Construction paper or newspaper works well for making paper pulp, but you can use any paper that you have on hand. Tear the paper into small scraps so it will be easier for water to soak into it.[1]

    • As a rule of thumb, the paper scraps should be about long and wide.
    • Rip the paper by hand for the best results. Cutting the paper with scissors is doable but won't work as well. The water will soak better into the paper if it has rough edges.
  2. Place the paper into a bowl. Choose a bowl that can fit all of your paper scraps without overflowing. You will also need to cover the scraps with water, so make sure you place the scraps in a bowl large enough that it won't spill if you cover them with water.

  3. Add hot water to the bowl. Fill the bowl with water until you immerse the paper completely in the water. The water level should be just enough to cover the paper but no higher. In terms of temperature, the water should be hot, but not boiling, to soften the paper faster.[2]

  4. Let the paper soak overnight. Place the bowl somewhere that it can sit undisturbed for about 8-12 hours or overnight. If you need to make the paper pulp for a specific date, plan ahead so you have enough time for soaking the ripped pieces.
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    • If you plan on using a blender, you don't have to let the paper soak all night. It will, however, give the pulp a softer consistency.

[Edit]Making Pulp

  1. Break the pieces with your hands or a kitchen whisk. Place your hands or whisk into the bowl and mix the pieces until they break down into a pulp. Continue pounding the paper until it reaches the consistency of a thick soup. When you can't see any paper pieces in the pulp, you can either dry the pulp or blend it for a smoother consistency.

    • If you do not blend the paper after breaking it down with your hands, it may have a rougher texture that is harder to write on.
  2. Blend the paper pulp for the smoothest consistency. Pour the bowl's contents into a blender and turn it on for about 15-30 seconds. If you are using a thicker paper, like cardstock or cardboard, you may need to blend the paper for longer. After 15 seconds, stop the blender and check how well blended the pulp is. Continue this process until your blender has mashed the pulp into a smooth, fluid consistency.[3]

    • Depending on how much pulp you're making, you may want to blend it in batches. If you choose this option, mix all of the batches back together in a bowl when you're finished blending for a uniform consistency.
  3. Add water if the pulp is too thick. Thick, dry pulp will not create smooth paper. If the pulp seems dry after blending, add a few tablespoons of water. Pour the water in small amounts and blend it for 10 seconds before adding more. Too much water can make the sheets overly fragile.[4]

    • If the pulp is watery and lacks a thicker, soup-like consistency, it is most likely too thin.
  4. Mix in 1-2 teaspoons (0.16-0.32 oz) of instant starch (optional). Starch can help the pulp hold together better as it dries into paper later on. How much starch you add depends on how much paper pulp you're making. For small or medium batches (around 1-2 cups (8-16 oz) ), 1 teaspoon (0.16 oz) is enough. If your batch is larger, however, add twice the amount.[5]

  5. Store the pulp in a sealed bucket or bottle, if needed. Until you're ready to dry the paper pulp, you can store it in a sealed container to keep it from drying out. If you will need large quantities of paper pulp at once, you can make some in advance and store it for later.[6]

    • You can store paper pulp for up to a week at a time.

[Edit]Drying Paper Pulp

  1. Pour the paper pulp into a flat pan. Spread the pulp as thinly and evenly across the pan as possible to make uniform pieces of paper. Use your hands or a large spoon to flatten the pulp. If you cannot easily spread the paper pulp around, it may be too thick.

    • If the pulp is too thick, add more water to thin out its consistency.
  2. Place a non-rusting screen into the bottom of the pan. Use a screen that is approximately the same size as your pan. Move the screen around until it is evenly covered in the pulp.

    • If you have an old, torn window screen, cut it to the size of your pan and use it to make paper pulp.
    • You can also buy non-rusting screens from hardware or home improvement stores if you don't have old window screens.
  3. Lift the screen out of the pan. Hold it over the pan to catch drips for about 30-60 seconds. This will prevent the screen from dripping as you lay the pulp down to dry.[7]

  4. Lay out the screen on an absorbent surface. Place the screen facedown on a towel or absorbent cloth that can soak the water in as the paper pulp dries. Lift the screen off carefully and either use it to make more paper or rinse it off if you don't have any pulp left.[8]

  5. Let the paper pulp dry for about 24 hours. Most paper pulp will take a day to dry, though thicker pieces of paper may take longer. After a day, check the paper for dryness. If it's dry and holds together, it's ready to use.[9]


  • Decorate your homemade paper with colored pens or pencils, paint, glitter, or dried flowers.
  • Use your paper to make a personalized, homemade greeting card.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Starch
  • Blender
  • Spoon
  • Kitchen whisk
  • Pan
  • Non-rusting screen



[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Oven Cook Sausages

Posted: 08 Jul 2022 05:00 PM PDT

There are many ways to cook sausages, but cooking them in the oven is often the simplest method. You don't have to stand over them, turning them in a frying pan or on the grill. And cooking them on foil means easy clean-up. Prep the sausages by spacing them evenly across a foil-covered pan. Then, depending on their size, bake them for 20 to 40 minutes in the oven at .


[Edit]Prepping the Sausages

  1. Pull the sausages out of the fridge 20 minutes before cooking. About 20 minutes before you plan to put them in the oven, take the sausages out of the fridge and set them on the counter. This will take the chill off of them so that they cook more evenly.[1]
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  2. Preheat the oven to . If your oven takes a long time to heat up, you may want to turn it on before pulling the sausages out of the fridge.
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  3. Cut sausages at the link if they're still attached. If the sausages are still linked together, they won't be spaced apart properly and won't cook as evenly as they should. Use scissors to cut them all apart at the links.
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  4. Line a baking pan with a piece of foil. Cut a piece of aluminum foil that's a little longer than the baking pan you want to use. Wrap the ends of the foil over the edges of the pan so that it's loosely gripping the pan. Adding foil will make for easier cleanup and will ensure the sausages don't stick to the pan.[2]

  5. Place a wire rack on top of the pan to cut down on grease. If you want your sausages to be less greasy, put a wire rack on top of the pan. It should be a rack that fits securely inside the pan and won't slide around when you're handling the pan.

    • Using a rack will allow the excess grease to drip away from the sausages rather than let the meat cook in the grease.
  6. Spread the sausages evenly across the pan. Place the sausages on the pan, spacing them evenly apart. Try to allow about between them in case one rolls while it's baking.

[Edit]Baking the Sausages

  1. Cook the sausages in the oven for 20 minutes. Place the sausages in the oven on the middle rack. Cook them for about 20 minutes if they are of average size.[3]

  2. Turn the sausages halfway through the cooking time. After 10 minutes, slide the oven rack out and use a fork to turn the sausages. Rotate each one until the side that was facing up is now facing down.

  3. Cook larger or thicker sausages for 40 minutes. Twenty minutes may not be enough to cook sausages that are particularly large or thick. If you're cooking your sausages for 40 minutes, then turn them after 20 minutes of baking.[4]
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  4. Make a small cut into one sausage to test it. After 20 minutes (or 40 minutes for larger sausages), pull the pan out of the oven and set it on the stovetop. Hold the sausage still with a fork and cut into it about halfway down with a sharp knife. Cut only deep enough to see the color in the middle of the sausage.

  5. Add 10 minutes if the inside is still pink. The sausage should be brown all the way through. If it's still pink in the center, stick the pan back in the oven for 10 additional minutes.
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  6. Test another sausage and add more time if necessary. Choose another sausage and make another small cut in the middle. If the center is still pink, continue adding five-minute increments until you see that the sausages are brown in the middle.

  7. Use a meat thermometer if you're concerned about meat safety. If you want to be sure the sausages are safe to eat, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Push the thermometer into the center of one of the sausages and check to see if the temperature rises to or higher.[5]
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    • If the temperature is too low, add five to ten minutes of cook time until the sausages reach .



  • Store cooked sausages in the fridge for up to four days.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom

Posted: 08 Jul 2022 09:00 AM PDT

The ancient Chinese method of Feng Shui helps us to balance our homes and create happier, more successful lives, room by room. We often turn our attention to the bedroom, the sanctuary where we can rest and recharge. Having the proper Feng Shui in the bedroom can help your romantic life as well as your ability to rest and to feel in control. You have to know how to keep the chi flowing, and how to deflect any negative energy that may enter your room -- and your life.


[Edit]Applying Feng Shui to Your Bed

  1. Have a solid headboard. The best Feng Shui headboards are the ones that are solid and made from wood, or the upholstered ones, as they have a very good combination of solid, but also gentle and supporting Feng Shui energy for you and your bedroom. While you are drifting off to sleep, your body is going into an extra busy energy repair work on many levels. Subconsciously, your head needs good backing, protection and support, just like your back needs it when you are sitting in a chair for extended periods of time.
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    • If you don't have a headboard, fake one by attaching a few panels of wood to the wall behind your bed.
  2. Get a supportive mattress. There are a variety of mattresses on the market, choose wisely and invest in the one that will promote best sleep and relaxation. The better you sleep at night, the better your health during the day, this is really simple. Be mindful of good Feng Shui and do not buy used mattresses - you never know what energy they have accumulated from previous owners.
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  3. Make sure the bed is a good height. To allow for a balanced Feng Shui energy flow under the bed, you need to have your bed at a reasonable height above the floor level. Generally, the beds that have built-in storage drawers underneath to help you with storage solutions are considered bad Feng Shui beds. Why? Because the energy needs to circulate around your body when you sleep, which is not possible if the space underneath the bed is blocked.
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    • For a bed that is low to the ground, get risers to lift it up. This is an inexpensive way to add height to your bed.
  4. Make sure the bed is positioned as far from the door as possible. Place the bed in the area further from the door or diagonally from the door, but not in line with the door. In other words, you want to be able to see the door while in bed, but not be aligned with the door. Be it the bedroom door, the door to the balcony/patio, the bathroom door or your closet doors, you do not want your bed in line with any of the doors in your bedroom, or too much chi will flow towards the bed. Ideally, the bed can be diagonally positioned from the door, jutting out from the opposite corner.[1]
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    • Having your bed positioned too close to the door can lead you to get startled by surprises that may come your way. The further you are from the door, the more prepared you'll be for what may come. This is the same reason why the bedroom should be as far from the door as possible.[2]
    • However, ideally, when you wake up, the door should be in your direct line of vision, or close to it, so you feel that you have control over your life.
  5. Have a good supporting wall behind your bed. In addition to a good headboard, you always want to have a solid wall behind your bed. When you sleep under the window, your personal energy tends to get weaker in time, as it has neither proper support, nor protection.
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  6. Place grounding and balanced energy on both sides of the bed. Place two nightstands on either side of the bed to create balance while you sleep. Ideally, you can also place the same lamp on both nightstands, to add some soft lighting to your bedroom. This balance is important for keeping you centered, and especially for maintaining equality in a relationship if you share the bedroom with your partner.[3]
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    • Ideally, the nightstands should be round instead of square to cut the chi energy that may be directed toward you, which can also be thought of as the "poison arrows."
    • A small nightstand on either side of the bed is another great way to balance the energy in your room.
  7. Keep your bed far away from any TVs, desks, or other distractions. Ideally, you should move your desk and television out of your bedroom, so the bedroom truly becomes a place where you can rest and relax. However, we all have limited space, so if you do have a television or a desk in your room, position it as far from your bed as possible to not get in the way of the bed's positive energy. If you can, drape a light scarf or blanket over the TV or desk, or even cover it up with a Japanese folding closet to create even more space.
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    • Place your TV in a cabinet or place an art cover over it to help it blend into your space.

[Edit]Avoiding Negative Energy

  1. Avoid a mirror that faces your bed or a mirrored set of closet doors. If these mirrors are fixtures that you can't get rid of, then drape some fabric over them. Left exposed, they are thought to disturb your sleep. In general, you should avoid having mirrors in your bedroom, especially if you're sharing it with a romantic partner, because they may open up a space for infidelity. Mirrors are also too energetic for such a restful space.
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    • If you like having a mirror in your room, place it on the inside of a closet door and only access it when you need it.
  2. Refrain from positioning your bed directly under a beam. A beam may create feelings of pressure that can disrupt your sleep. If you have no other options, cover the beam with fabric or hang 2 bamboo flutes from the beam with the mouthpieces pointed downward. This will help block some of the unwanted energy coming from above the bed. The idea is that you don't want to feel threatened in your sleep.
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  3. Skip fountains and water features. Also, don't hang up pictures of water or place an aquarium in your room. These could invite possible financial loss or robbery. Keep your fish tank or paintings of water or rivers out of the bedroom if you want to have the best possible Feng Shui.
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    • If you are a fan of fountains and water art, place them in a bathroom instead.
  4. Keep plants and flowers outside of your room. Plants are thought to possess too much yang, which creates too much energy and activity for you to get the rest that you need. If you have no other place to put your plants, try to keep them out of your line of vision when you're on the bed.[4]
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  5. Avoid accumulating clutter around your bed or pushing one side of your bed against a wall. The Chi can't circulate, which means possible disturbances in your intimate life. If your bed is up against a wall, then one partner will have to sleep on the inside, becoming literally "trapped" in the relationship.[5]
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    • Keep your bed relatively clutter-free as well, such as by limiting throw pillows and blankets.
  6. Get rid of your television. Television creates an unhealthy magnetic field which may disrupt your sleep, strain your relationship with your partner or bring a third party into the bedroom. If you have to keep it in the bedroom, then try to cover it with a scarf when you're not using it. If you're really serious about it, hide the TV in the closet when you're not using it, or place it on a shelf that can lock up, hiding the TV when it's not in use.
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  7. Put your books elsewhere. You can keep a few books in your room if you read to put yourself to sleep, but too many books can make you feel overwhelmed in the space. Your bedroom is a place for rest and relaxation, and if you have too many books there, it will be too much like a place for work. Too many books in your resting space can also be overwhelming.[6]
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[Edit]Creating Balance Through Colors

  1. Include fire element colors for passion and energy. A balanced Feng Shui Fire element in your space will bring a supporting energy in all your career efforts and will help you achieve recognition. It will also help you invite passion and romance into your life and your bedroom. The Feng Shui fire element colors are:
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    • Red
    • Orange
    • Purple
    • Pink
    • Strong Yellow
  2. Include earth-toned colors for nourishment and stability. A strong and harmonious Feng Shui Earth element in your home will help create stability, nourishment and protection for all your relationships. Feng Shui Earth element colors are:
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    • Light Yellow
    • Beige
  3. Include "metal" colors for clarity and preciseness. Feng Shui metal element brings the qualities of sharpness, precision, clarity and efficiency; its balanced presence will help you live with clarity and lightness. Feng Shui metal element colors are:
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    • Gray
    • White
  4. Include pastel colors to add peace and restfulness to your bedroom. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you can feel calm in your own bedroom and to get a good night's sleep. Having light, soft, and pastel colors throughout your bedroom can add to your serenity and peace of mind. Here are some colors you can use:
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    • Light blue
    • Light pink
    • Light green
    • Light purple

[Edit]Making Other Considerations

  1. Think of your bedroom as an oasis. Your bedroom should be your sanctuary. It should be an escape from the stress of your everyday life, whether those include your work, your children, your health, or your friendships. It should not be a place where you throw all of the extra things you have no place for.[7] On the contrary, it should be your oasis in the middle of a desert, a place you can come to when you want to rest -- or just when you need a break.[8]
    Feng Shui Your Bedroom Step 19 Version 3.jpg
    • Never bring extra items into your bedroom or negative energy and over time you will start to respect the space more.
  2. Have soft lighting. For the best Feng Shui, you should avoid bright, garish lights, or ceiling lights over your bed. Instead, have desk lamps with soft light, and try to get as much natural light as you can from the window. This will make you feel more serene and at ease than harsh lights that are too bright.[9]
    Feng Shui Your Bedroom Step 20 Version 3.jpg
    • Try adding small lamps, string lights, and other soft lighting to avoid needing the overhead lighting.
  3. Be aware of the position of the windows. If you can, try to avoid placing your bed between the window and a door, or you'll be in the middle of the "draught" of chi running between these two places. If you can't avoid it, just make sure you have nice, pleasant curtains to block some of the bad energy. You should also avoid sleeping facing the window, if you can, or your sleep won't be as restful.
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  4. Have inspiring art in your bedroom. Hang up images of calming scenes from nature, or other places that inspire you. Pick some neutral scenery, an image that motivates you to achieve your dreams, or something else that puts you in a calm and peaceful frame of mind. Anything too graphic, gory or just disturbing does not belong in your bedroom. Place the most inspiring image across from your line of sight in the bed, so that it's the first thing you see when you wake up.[10]
    Feng Shui Your Bedroom Step 22 Version 3.jpg
    • Hang photos of your favorite places or display an inspirational quote on the wall.
  5. Aim for equality. Try to have equal space on either side of your bed and other furniture. A person should be able to walk around as easily around one side of the room as the other, within reason. Of course, a piece of furniture may add some inequality, but in general, you should avoid letting most of the stuff in the bedroom clutter over to one side, or you'll create discord in your most important room.[11]
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  6. Get rid of clothes you no longer wear. Go through your closet and drawer and remove all of the clothes you haven't worn within the last year. Donate these clothes or pass them on to a friend or relative if they can still be worn. Even though you may not see the old clothes, keeping them in your bedroom may prevent you from embracing new opportunities.
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  7. Avoid photos of relatives or friends "watching you." You can have a few key family photos in your bedroom, but avoid a clutter of photos of people everywhere, or you will feel like you're being watched and will get overwhelmed. The same goes for religious figures.[12]
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  8. Make sure your bedroom isn't too crowded. Keep your bedroom as spare and simple as possible. Don't add extra chairs, lamps, or pictures to your bedroom if you're not sure whether or not they are really necessary. The more stuff you have in there, the more difficult it may be to find balance.
    Feng Shui Your Bedroom Step 26 Version 3.jpg
  9. Get rid of any clutter. To have optimal Feng Shui in your bedroom, you have to get rid of any extra papers, trash, old trinkets, silly photos, useless gifts, or really just anything you don't really need in there. If you have too much sentimental attachment to some of the items, you can put them in storage or another room, but work on minimizing the stuff you really need in your bedroom. Having a spare and uncluttered bedroom will lead to an uncluttered and fulfilling life.[13]
    Feng Shui Your Bedroom Step 27.jpg



  • Keep your dresser closed at night for a better energy flow.
  • Try to always have a clean room.
  • Use a compass to get N, E, S, W directions.
  • Use round end tables, using sharp corners isn't conducive with Feng Shui.
  • Hang a moving mobile to have positive chi flowing.
  • If you have a lot of bright colors, try to balance them out with softer colors.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Shrink Shoes

Posted: 08 Jul 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Finding a pair of shoes that fits perfectly and matches your personal style can be pretty difficult. Luckily, whether you bought a pair of shoes that are just slightly too large or your favorite pair of shoes are stretched due to wear, you can shrink them to get a better fit. To shrink leather, suede, and canvas shoes, you can wet the fabric and apply heat to make the material shrink. To get a better fit in more structured shoes, like heels, dress shoes, sneakers, and boots, you can add inserts.


[Edit]Shrinking Leather, Suede, and Canvas Shoes

  1. Try on the shoes to see which parts need to be smaller. Put the shoes on and stand with your feet flat on the floor, and then take a few steps. Check to see which places on the shoe aren't touching your foot, and decide which parts need to be smaller for the shoes to fit more snugly.[1]
    Shrink Shoes Step 1.jpg
    • If you bought the shoe in your size, you probably won't need to shrink the entire shoe. Instead, you're just going to be focusing on shrinking one area of the shoe at a time.
    • For instance, you may want to make the sides of a canvas shoe slightly smaller so your foot doesn't slip out while you walk.
  2. Dab an ill-fitting area of the shoe with water until it is damp but not saturated. Dip your fingers into cool water and pat the water onto the shoe. Continue this until the fabric is damp but not dripping wet. Focus the water on the areas that are the most stretched.[2]
    Shrink Shoes Step 2.jpg
    • Avoid getting water on the insole of the shoe, as this can cause it to become smelly, cracked, or discolored.
    • For a leather or suede shoe, focus the water around the top edge of the shoe, which tends to be the stretchiest area.[3]
    • Adding water and heat to shoes like patent leather heels, coated leather sneakers, or larger shoes, like boots, won't be effective for shrinking them. In those cases, you'll need to use inserts to get a better fit.
  3. Apply heat to the wet fabric with a blow dryer on the medium setting. Hold a blow dryer about away from the area where you applied the water. Turn the dryer on and set the heat at the medium level. Leave the dryer on until the fabric is dry to the touch.[4]
    Shrink Shoes Step 3.jpg
    • Don't hold the blow dryer too close to the fabric. The concentrated heat from the dryer discolor lighter canvas fabrics.
    • For leather and suede, continuously move the dryer around the top edge of the shoe to heat the leather, causing it to contract and shrink. If the leather starts to smell or crack while you're applying heat, turn the blow dryer off and let the shoes air dry.[5]
  4. Put on the shoe to see if the fit has improved. Once the area is dry, put the shoe back on your foot and stand up with your feet flat on the floor. Take a few steps to see if the the fabric feels tighter. If it does, your shoe has shrunk.[6]
    Shrink Shoes Step 4.jpg
    • If it still feels loose, re-apply the water to the area and continue blow drying.
    • If they feel too tight, wear a pair of thick socks with them to stretch them out slightly without making them too large.
    • You may need to shrink multiple areas on the shoe, like the sides and the top lip, before you start to see results.
  5. Use leather conditioner to protect leather and suede shoes. Put a pea-sized amount of leather conditioner onto a clean cloth. Then, rub it all over the shoes to restore moisture to the material. Check the packaging to see how long you should let the conditioner soak into the material before you can wear the shoes.[7]
    Shrink Shoes Step 5.jpg
    • You can purchase leather conditioner at most supermarkets or shoe stores.

[Edit]Getting a Tighter Fit in Sneakers, Boots, and Dress Shoes

  1. Put on a pair of thick socks for a tighter fit all around. If you're wearing tennis shoes, boots, or other shoes where your feet are covered, you can fill the extra space with your socks. Look for a thick pair of hiking socks, or put on 2 or 3 pairs of thinner socks before you put on your shoes.[8]
    Shrink Shoes Step 6.jpg
    • For shoes like heels or ballet flats, this might not be a good option because your feet are mostly exposed.
  2. Place a cushion at the back heel of the shoe if the shoes are too long. Heel cushions are normally used for making shoes feel more comfortable, but you can also use them to inconspicuously improve the fit of a pair of heels or dress shoes. Pull off the protective paper from the back of the cushion and stick it along the back side of the shoe, where the back of your heel would normally touch the shoe.[9][10]
    Shrink Shoes Step 7.jpg
    • The cushions are about thick, so they take up a small enough amount of space that it won't look like there's a big gap between your heel and the shoe.
    • You can find heel cushions at most supermarkets, pharmacies, and shoe stores.
  3. Use ball of foot cushions to fill the toe area of the shoes. If your dress shoes or heels aren't fitting well, you might have too much space in the toe area. Peel the protective paper off of the back of the cushions, and stick them to the insole of the shoe where your toes normally rest in the shoe.[11]
    Shrink Shoes Step 8.jpg
    • This helps to keep your toes in the same place when you walk. If you have a lot of space in the toe of your shoe, the ball of your foot can slide forward into the shoe, causing the heel of your shoe to slip off when you walk.
  4. Add an extra insole into the shoe to elevate your foot. If there's a gap between your foot and the top of your shoe, your foot can slip out of the shoe. To fix this, take an insole out of a different shoe of the same size and style, and lay it on top of the insole that's already in the shoe. Then, try on the shoe to make sure your foot touches the top of the shoe.[12][13]
    Shrink Shoes Step 9.jpg
    • If you don't have an extra insole, you can purchase inserts at the supermarket, pharmacy, or shoe store.
    • This is a useful method for tennis shoes, boots, dress shoes, and heels since no one will be able to see the insole in the shoe.


[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Fixing Stretched Out Shoes

  • Water
  • Blow dryer

[Edit]Shrinking Leather Shoes

  • Water
  • Blow dryer
  • Leather conditioner

[Edit]Getting a Tighter Fit

  • Thick socks
  • Heel cushions
  • Insoles


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Fold a Paper Rose

Posted: 07 Jul 2022 05:00 PM PDT

Folding a rose is an intermediate project that results in a beautiful, decorative flower. It all starts with a simple square that's carefully folded into a spiral pattern. The rose comes together as four petals tightly twisted around a square base. Once you make your first rose, you'll want to make several more so you can create an entire bouquet of these pretty paper flowers. Become an absolute expert. Take our wikiHow Origami Course!


[Edit]Making the Base Folds

  1. Get a square piece of paper. This paper rose starts with a simple square, as most origami projects do. Choose any color you'd like, so long as the two sides are different in color or texture.[1] Glossy paper makes for the most realistic-looking rose.
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 1 Version 10.jpg
  2. Fold the paper in half (Start with the colored side down, white side up). Bring the bottom edge of the paper up to meet the top edge. Crease the fold with your fingers, working from the center outwards.

    • In the origami world, this is known as a "valley fold," because it creates a little valley in the paper Almost every origami project begins with a valley fold or its opposite, the mountain fold, which creates a ridge.[2]
      • Orient the crease horizontally, with the red side down.
  3. Fold the bottom half in half. Line up the bottom edge of the paper to meet the horizontal crease in the middle. [3]

    • Crease the new fold with your fingers.
  4. Fold the top half in half. Bring the top edge of the paper to meet the lower horizontal crease.[4]

    • Crease the new fold with your finger.
  5. Unfold the paper. Now there are three horizontal creases in the paper making four equal sections.[5]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 6 Version 10.jpg
  6. Fold the bottom in three-quarters. Make sure your paper is oriented so that the three creases you created in the previous step are horizontal, with the red side down. Take the bottom edge of the paper (The side closest to your body) and drag it up across the surface of the paper until it meets the crease that is closest to the top. The crease you are trying to get the bottom edge to meet with is located one fourth of the way down the paper from the top.[6]

    • Crease the new fold with your fingers or a bone folder.
    • If you've done the fold correctly, the area between the crease in the middle of the paper and the crease three-fourths of the way down the paper has been split in half with your new fold.
    • You can unfold the crease you just made to make sure you did it right. However, make sure to fold it back into place before moving on to the next step.
  7. Fold the bottom-right corner in. Take hold of the bottom-right corner (as made by the bottom crease) and make a small diagonal fold at a 45 degree angle. The corner should fold upward so that a small portion of the right edge of the paper aligns with nearest crease.[7]

  8. Unfold the paper. You should see four horizontal creases. Of your four original areas, the one second from the bottom should be divided in half by one of these horizontal creases. Additionally, in this same area, you should see two small diagonal creases on the right side.[8]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 9 Version 10.jpg
    • Of these two diagonal creases, one should be going up at a 45 degree angle from the horizontal crease, and the other down at the same angle.
  9. Mark the creases. Using a pen or pencil, draw lines along your creases.[9]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 10 Version 10.jpg
  10. Rotate the paper 180 degrees and repeat. Turn the paper so that the top becomes the bottom. Then, repeat steps 7 through 10.[10]

  11. Rotate the paper 90 degrees and repeat. Turn the paper one quarter of a turn, then repeat steps 2 through 10.[11]

  12. Rotate 180 degrees and repeat. Turn the paper another half-turn, then repeat steps 7 through 10.[12]

[Edit]Making the Diagonal Folds

  1. Fold the paper in half diagonally. With the red side still down, take the lower right corner and bring it to meet the upper left corner. Crease the fold with your finger.[13]

  2. Unfold the paper. Open it up to reveal a new diagonal crease.[14]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 15 Version 11.jpg
  3. Fold the paper on the opposite diagonal. Rotate the paper 90 degrees and repeat the previous two steps.[15]

  4. Unfold the paper. Open it up to reveal two diagonal creases that form an "X" through the paper.[16]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 17 Version 11.jpg
  5. Fold the top-left corner. In each corner of your paper, you should now see a small square that is divided by a single diagonal crease. Take hold of the top left corner and fold it inward, creating a crease that is perpendicular to the original diagonal crease.[17]

    • The corner of your paper should align with the bottom-right corner of the small square.
  6. Unfold and mark all the new creases formed. You should now see a small "X" in the top left corner. Draw a line along the new crease.[18]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 19 Version 11.jpg
  7. Fold the bottom-right corner up to the new line. Take the bottom-right corner and bring it up so that the point of the corner just touches the new line you drew in the previous step.[19]

    • This should create a new crease that runs parallel to one of the lines making up the big "X," specifically the one running from bottom-left to top-right.
  8. Unfold and mark. Unfold and draw a line along the new diagonal crease.[20]

  9. Rotate and repeat. Turn the paper 180 degrees and repeat the previous four steps.[21]

    • You should now see three lines running parallel from the bottom-left corner of your paper up to the top right.
  10. Rotate and repeat, again. Now turn the paper 90 degrees and repeat steps 5 through 9 (of Part 2).[22]

    • When you are done, you should have three parallel lines running from bottom-left to top-right and three running from top-left to bottom-right.

[Edit]Creating the Structure

  1. Fold in the four corners. As in step 5 of Part two, fold in all four corners. You should not need to make any new creases to do this.[23]

    • The end result will be an octagon.
  2. Turn the paper over. The red side of your paper should now be face up.[24]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 25 Version 8.jpg
  3. Locate the small triangle. Along the bottom edge of your paper, you should see a small creased triangle. It has a crease down the middle, making it look like two smaller triangles that share a vertical side.
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 26 Version 8.jpg
    • If you have trouble finding it, look for the triangle's right-most corner. The triangle's right-most corner is in the spot where the bottom edge of the paper, which is horizontal, meets the bottom-right edge of the paper, which is diagonal.
    • If the small triangle isn't there, check to make sure you did step eight of part one correctly.
  4. Make an inside reverse-fold in the bottom. If you don't know what an inside reverse-fold is or forget how to do an inside reverse-fold, follow the steps below[25]

    • Fold the center crease of the triangle you located in the last step gently inward, creating a small valley fold.
    • At the same time, fold the two diagonal sides of the triangle outward to create small mountain folds.
    • This should result in the small triangle creating a small "notch" on the side of the paper.
    • Then, create one more mountain fold along the crease extending from the tip of the triangle.
    • This is called an inside reverse-fold.[26]
  5. Make another inside reverse-fold. In what was once the bottom left corner, you'll need to fold another notch of a slightly different shape.[27]

    • Directly to the right of the small triangle (The one you just made an inside reverse fold with) is another crease. It runs parallel to the right side of the smaller triangle and is perpendicular to the side of the octagon.
    • Push gently inward along this crease to create a valley fold.
    • Then, as before, push the sides of the triangle gently outward, creating small ridges.
    • Finally, create one more valley fold, pushing inward the nearest horizontal crease that runs parallel to the horizontal side of your new "notch."[28]
    • This last crease should run out to just past the center of your paper, creating one side of the small square in the center that you can see marked out on the reverse side.
  6. Rotate and repeat. Turn the paper 90 degrees and repeat Steps 3 and 4. Do this for the 3 remaining sides.[29][30]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 29 Version 8.jpg

[Edit]Creating the Petals

  1. Use the valley fold on each petal's edge. Now that the basic structure of your rose is in place, it's time to start working on the petals. As your first step, you'll need to add a valley fold the outside edge of each one.[31]

    • You'll see that, if you look a your rose from above, it has four long valleys extending out from a square in the center. On the right side of each of these is a large, flat surface. Grasp the edge of this surface and fold it inward.
    • Specifically, grab the three sides of the outside edge and fold them in such that a small tab shaped like a trapezoid is formed.[32]
  2. Fold in the corners. Looking at your rose from the side, you should now see that you have four shapes that look like triangles with one corner chopped off (along the area you just valley-folded). Protruding from the base of each of these you should see a small triangle of the white side of your paper. Fold in the right-side point of each of these "chopped-off" triangles.[33]

    • Draw an imaginary line straight up from the bottom point of the "white" triangle, and make a valley fold along it.[34]
  3. Unfold the corners and reverse fold them. Unfold the valley folds you just made to the tips. Then, reverse fold them such that each tip disappears inside the rose.[35]

    • If you've done this correctly, the white triangles should no longer be visible.
  4. Add tiny valley folds. Your "chopped off" triangles should now look like they have two points chopped off: one on the left and a tiny one on the right, created by your reverse folds. You'll now fold up the tiny "chopped" side at a 45 degree angle from the base of the "chopped" triangle (i.e. the edge of the paper).[36]

  5. Unfold and reverse fold. Unfold the valley folds you just made, and then reverse fold along the same lines, folding the tiny triangle you created in the previous step inside the rose at all four points.[37]

  6. Fold down the edges. Your "chopped off" triangle should now have reverse folds at each "chopped" edge. These will allow you to make a small valley fold, horizontal to the base of each triangle, folding the resulting tab outward. Do this to all four petals.[38]

  7. Create legs. Bring the petals together to create "legs." For each set of petals, pull them close together such that the right-side one sits just behind the left-side one. Press down on the creases to hold them in place. The result should be four pointed and fairly sturdy legs.[39]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 36 Version 8.jpg
    • If you've done this right, you should be able to see little or no white-side surface on the legs when looking at your rose from the side.
  8. Turn it over and fold the legs in. Turn your rose over such that you are looking down into the white interior. Then, one by one, fold down each of the triangular legs.[40]

    • Insert the ends into one another such that you close off the opening of the rose.[41]
  9. Turn the rose over. The square that you are looking down on will become the top of the rose.[42]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 38 Version 8.jpg
  10. Push in the quadrants. The square on top of your rose should be divided into four quadrants by creases. With your finger, gently push in each quadrant, leaving in place the ridges that form an "X" over the top of the square.[43]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 39 Version 8.jpg
  11. Rotate. Place a finger into each of the four quadrants around the "X" and gently rotate.[44]

    • This should give the top of rose a more swirled, organic feel, as opposed to the hard lines of the "X."
  12. Make a swirl. With a pair of tweezers, grab the center of what was once the "X," and slowly but firmly continue to rotate, being careful not to tear the paper.[45]

    • As you do this, the center of the rose will sink inside, creating a more realistic look.
    • This may take several tries to get right.
  13. Curl the petals. Using two fingers, take each petal by the point and roll it toward the center, then release. This will create nicely curled petals.[46]
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 42 Version 6.jpg

[Edit]Adding a Stem (Optional)

  1. Get a new piece of paper. If you want to add an origami stem, start with a fresh piece of paper, preferable green.
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 43 Version 6.jpg
  2. Start with the white side up and fold it in half. Valley fold the paper, from corner to corner, creating two triangles, then unfold.[47]

  3. Fold the corners in. Create two more valley folds, folding the left and right corners in toward the center crease, creating a kite shape.[48]

  4. Repeat. Fold the corners in again toward the center crease. Then do it one more time. You should now have a very skinny kite shape.[49]

  5. Turn it over and fold upward. Flip your stem over so that the edges of the paper all face hidden, then fold the bottom point up to the top one.[50]

  6. Fold it in half. Now, fold the stem in half along the vertical axis.[51]

  7. Fold down the sides, then reverse fold. Fold the outer part (which will become the leaf) of the paper outward, away from the inside (stem), creating two diagonal creases. Then, reverse fold the leaf out and away from the stem. It will have crease in the center.[52]

  8. Attach the stem. Put the pointed end of the stem through the small hole in the underside of your rose where the "legs" all meet.
    Fold a Paper Rose Step 50 Version 2.jpg


  • Make sure your folds are sharp and precise. Line edges up carefully before making the crease.
  • Your folds need to be straight as possible or it will not turn out right.
  • You can also make a stem from green pipe cleaners or wire, if you don't want to make one using origami.
  • You don't have to use colored paper, but it will make your rose look much better. By using two different colors, it will make it easier to keep track of where you are at in the process.
  • At the end, just before rolling the petals, if you fold the 4 pointed tips inward it looks much more realistic.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Cook Diced Beef

Posted: 07 Jul 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Diced beef is a great addition to many delicious dishes. From stews and soups to pizzas and empanadas, it can add a dose of protein and flavor to various cultural staples. When it comes to cooking your beef, searing and sautéing are the most common practices. The former involves quickly cooking the outside of the meat, while the latter is similarly fast but with the goal of cooking the meat all the way through. The method you use depends on the way you like your beef and how you want your dish to turn out.


[Edit]Sautéing Diced Beef

  • 1/2 pound boneless sirloin steak or pre-cut beef tips
  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • all-purpose flour
  • salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil, divided
  • chopped rosemary
  • dry white wine

[Edit]Searing Diced Beef

  • 1 pound sirloin steak (minimal grizzle) or pre-cut beef tips
  • butter
  • Kosher salt
  • Fresh ground black pepper
  • Oil


[Edit]Sautéing Diced Beef

  1. Remove the fat from your meat. Use your kitchen knife to trim excess pieces of fat from the beef. Position your knife between the fat and meat. As your trim the fat, keep it taut and almost parallel to the cutting board for better accuracy. Use clean, smooth strokes and start from the top of the steak.[1]
    Cook Diced Beef Step 1 Version 2.jpg
  2. Slice the meat into diced cubes. Cut your steak into strips that are less than wide.[2] From here, you can begin cutting these into bite-sized diced beef strips. You can skip this step if you bought pre-cut beef tips.

    • Remove any large chunks of fat, gristle, or silvery membrane that you missed from step 1.
  3. Mix your diced beef with flour, salt, and pepper in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Add your diced steak bites in and toss the meat until they're covered on all sides.

    • If your taste buds prefer marinated beef, add your choice ingredients into a shallow dish and put your meat in. Cover it and let them sit for at least 2 hours or overnight. Common ingredients include oil, vinegar, ginger, onion, garlic, and Worcestershire sauce. [3]
  4. Heat oil on the skillet and cook your beef in batches. Heat 1 and 1/2 tablespoons (22.5 grams) of oil in your skillet on medium-high heat. Cook your bites in the oil in 2 or 3 batches for about 2 minutes per batch.[4] Be careful to not splash any oil on yourself and don't overcrowd the pan.

  5. Check to see that your meat is properly cooked. Use your spatula or food thermometer to ensure your beef bites are properly cooked through. Add 1 and 1/2 tablespoons (22.5 grams) of oil as needed until they are no longer pink on the outside and cooked inside. Transfer them to a plate when finished.

    • Your bites should be 125 degrees F (52 C) for the rarest and 160 degrees F (71 C) for medium-well. Medium-rare can be removed at 130 degrees F (54 C) and medium at 140 degrees F (60 C).[5]
  6. Create your seasoning. Cook your garlic and rosemary in the remaining oil over medium-high heat for 1 to 2 minutes or until golden. Add wine and 1 and 1/2 tablespoons (22.5 grams) each of salt and pepper. Scrape up the brown bits until your mix is reduced by half.

  7. Warm your diced beef. Add your diced beef bits into the skillet with your new seasoning. Move them around gently until they're warmed through. If you're unsure, insert your thermometer and ensure they're at least 135 degrees F (57 C).

  8. Pair your beef with your favorite sides. Fresh steamed vegetables, salads, and baked potatoes are common choices. You can also use your bites as the protein of other primary dishes such as stew, pasta, or pizza.[6]

[Edit]Searing Diced Beef

  1. Trim the fat from your meat. Using a kitchen knife, cut excess pieces of fat from your beef. Always cut between the fat and meat, holding the fat taut and almost parallel to the cutting board. Start from the top and keep your strokes smooth and clean.

  2. Cut the meat into small cubes. After cutting, your beef should be in pieces less than wide. Now you can cut them up even smaller into bite-sized diced beef pieces. If you bought pre-cut beef tips, move on to the next step.

    • Remove any pieces of fat, gristle, or silvery membrane remaining from the first step.
  3. Season your beef with salt and pepper. Sprinkle kosher salt and ground pepper generously over your meat. In order to coat the pieces thoroughly, toss the meat around until they're completely covered. Add in spices or seasoning for more flavor.

    • To marinate your cubes, combine your beef and ingredients in a shallow dish. Cover it and let it sit for at least 2 hours or overnight. Popular marinating ingredients include oil, vinegar, ginger, onion, garlic, and Worcestershire sauce.
  4. Mix heated oil with butter. Pour oil into a frying pan. Always make sure that the oil coat is spread over the pan evenly. Afterwards, place the pan on medium-heat for approximately 3 minutes. As it heats, add 2 tablespoons of butter and wait until it melts and turns brown.

  5. Drop your meat into the oil and butter mix. Place your diced meat into the pan in one layer. You should hear loud sizzling as each piece hits the pan (if not, the pan isn't hot enough).

  6. Sear your beef cubes. Let them sizzle for 30 to 45 seconds. Once the pieces are brown on one side, flip them over with your spatula. After flipping, let them sit for another 30 to 45 seconds until the outside is seared (but not cooked on the inside).

    • Use your food thermometer to check the temperature. At least 145 degrees F (63 C is ideal).
  7. Transfer your diced meat and add your butter. Place your diced beef onto a clean plate and repeat steps 3 and 4 until you get through the remaining pieces. When all of them are browned and plated, pour the remaining butter onto them.

  8. Finished.
    Cook Diced Beef Step 16.jpg


  • Cut your beef bits into roughly the same size to ensure they cook through evenly.


  • Keep the frying pan handle facing the stove to prevent it from getting knocked to the floor.
  • Never throw water onto a grease fire or into hot oil.
  • For safety, always make sure that the internal temperature of your beef is at least 135 degrees F (57 C) prior to eating.
  • When using hot oil, keep pets and children out of the way. Handle pans with oven mitts and always keep an eye on the cooking process.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Sautéing Diced Beef

  • 1 kitchen knife
  • 1 medium-sized mixing bowl
  • 12-inch heavy skillet
  • 1 spatula
  • 1 tablespoon set
  • 1 food thermometer

[Edit]Searing Diced Beef

  • 1 kitchen knife
  • 12-inch heavy skillet
  • 1 medium-sized mixing bowl
  • 1 spatula
  • 1 tablespoon set
  • 1 food thermometer


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Hem Jeans

Posted: 07 Jul 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Finding jeans with just the right leg length straight off the rack is nearly impossible. If you've found jeans that fit but are too long, then you can take them to a tailor or sew a new hem yourself. You can either keep the original hem, or you can create a new hem. Keep in mind that working with denim can be tricky, so there are a few strategies you may want to use to ensure a successful project.


[Edit]Keeping the Original Hem

  1. Decide where to hem. Try on your jeans and decide where you would like to hem them. Generally, jeans should fall about an inch above the floor. This will prevent you from tripping and also avoid making your jeans look like they are a size too small. Feel free to alter the length to meet your personal preferences though. Professional tailor Andrea Beaulieu suggests "marking the length you want with chalk or a pin."

  2. Fold up the bottom. Create a cuff where you want the jeans to be hemmed. Crease the fold so it lies flat and double-check that you've folded it up by the correct amount. Once you've done this on one side, measure just below the preexisting hem and use that measurement to create an equal fold on the other leg.

  3. Pin the hem in place. Place straight pins around the circumference of the pant leg to hold it in place. Check to be sure the seams line up on each pant leg as well as that they are even with each other.[1]

  4. Sew the hem. Stitch around the circumference of the pant leg just below the stitching for the existing hem. You can use a sewing machine or do this by hand. To be clear, you will be sewing the cuff to the pant leg and later will fold it inside the leg. This will allow you to take out the hem later if you grow taller or want the pants longer at a later point in time.

  5. Unfold the hem. Tuck the excess fabric of the folded cuff up into the leg of the jeans, folding the original hem down so its outer side shows once again. This should leave you a small loop of fabric along the bottom edge of the jeans inside the leg. Try on the jeans to make sure they are at the correct length.

    • If you don't expect to want to lengthen the jeans at any point, then you can also cut the excess fabric. Cut the excess fabric about 1 inch away from the new seam you have created.[2]
  6. Iron the jeans. Use an iron to flatten out the hem you've created along the bottom edge. This will smooth out the loop of fabric tucked into the leg, and leave your jeans looking the perfect length with no tell-tale hemming signs.

[Edit]Creating a New Hem

  1. Mark your jeans where you'd like the new hem to be. The best way to do this is to put your jeans on (or have the person who will be wearing the jeans put them on) and fold the cuff under until the jeans are the length you'd like them to be. Then, use a piece of chalk to mark the spot where the new hem should end.[3]

  2. Measure and mark two more lines. Measure from the hem line and draw a line above it that is running parallel to the first one. Then, measure and mark another below the original line and draw the line so it is parallel to the original one as well.[4]

    • Now you should have three lines total. These lines will serve as a guide for you to sew the new hem.
  3. Cut along the bottom line. Cut off the bottom of the jeans and the old hem. To do this, cut in a straight line along the bottom line that you made. Discard the material that you cut off.[5]

  4. Fold the new hem under. Next, fold along the center chalk line to create the new hem. You may also want to pin along the new hem to hold it in place while you sew. Check to make sure that the hem is even all the way around before you sew.[6]
    Professional tailor Andrea Beaulieu suggests "ironing the fold first and then tapping along the edge firmly with a hammer to get a neat edge on your hem."

  5. Sew the new hem. Using some gold denim thread, or the thread color of your choice, sew around the area you pinned to hold the new hem in place. Use a straight stitch and try to keep it as even as possible.[7]

    • Remove the pins as you go.
    • After you sew around both hems, your jeans will be ready to wear!

[Edit]Ensuring a Successful Project

  1. Wash the jeans before you hem them. According to professional tailor Andrea Beaulieu, "Denim often shrinks in both width and length when cleaned, so it's important to work with jeans that are already washed and dried." Washing them first will help to ensure that you do not make the hem too short.

    • Make sure to follow the instructions on the label for washing your jeans.
  2. Use a new needle. It is important to change your sewing machine needle after every four hours of sewing or after finishing a major project to ensure that it is sharp enough to do the job. If you have not changed the needle in a while, then put in a new needle before you begin sewing the new hem.[8]

  3. Go slow. Denim and other bulky fabrics can be a bit harder to sew. They may get caught more easily, or not move as efficiently through the presser foot. To ensure that your stitches are even and straight, sew slowly.[9]

    • Start by applying very light pressure on the pedal to get the stitches started and then only increase the speed slightly if the fabric seems to be moving along well.
    • If the fabric gets stuck, then you can always use the hand wheel to help move it along.


[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Solve Sudoku when Stuck

Posted: 06 Jul 2022 05:00 PM PDT

So you've filled in all of the numbers you can on a sudoku puzzle, but now you're stumped on what to fill in next. Even though you can always work out the solution for sudoku, you may have to try a few different strategies to figure out exactly where a number is supposed to go. If you want to know the best basic and advanced techniques to use when you're stuck, keep reading so you can learn how to finish the puzzle!



  1. Writing down possible numbers for each cell lets you see your options. Since numbers can only appear once in each row, column, and 3 x 3 box in the puzzle, the candidates you can put in the empty squares are limited. Go through each cell and scan the row, column, and box that it's in to figure out what numbers could still fit there. Write all of the potential candidates in the cell lightly with a pencil.[1]
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    • If seeing all of the possible numbers in the cells looks overwhelming, only notate the squares that have 2 or 3 potential numbers instead.

[Edit]Sole candidate

  1. If only one number fits in a cell, then it has to go there. After you fill in your notation, you might find some obvious cells to fill in that you missed earlier. Scan through each of the cells on the puzzle and see if there are any with just one possible solution. Since you know that no other numbers can fit there, that number is the only solution for that cell.[2]
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    • Once you fill in the number, check the row, column, and box that the cell was in and erase any other instances of that number.
    • Be on the lookout for "hidden singles" as well. You can fill in a number if it isn't written down anywhere else in the same row, column, or box, even if there are other candidates in that cell.

[Edit]Naked and hidden pairs

  1. Cells with 2 numbers in the same row, column, or box limit other cells. Check for 2 cells in the same row, column, or box that can only contain the same 2 possible numbers, which is known as a "naked pair." Even though you don't know exactly which number goes into each square, you can erase your notation for the other cells in the row, column, or box since they can never contain those values.[3]
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    • "Hidden pairs" are similar but a little trickier to find. The 2 cells are the only places where the numbers can be placed, but the cells may have notation for other potential candidates.

[Edit]Naked and hidden triples

  1. Triples have only 3 possible numbers that could fit into the 3 cells. All 3 cells have to be in the same row, column, or box. "Naked" triples only have the 3 potential numbers while "hidden" triples have extra digits in the cells that make them harder to spot. All 3 of the potential candidates don't have to appear in each of the cells, which can make them a little trickier to find.[4]
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    • Example: If the cells contain 1 & 5, 1 & 8, and 5 & 8, the values 1, 5, and 8 have to go into those cells and can't be written in other cells in the same row, column, or box.

[Edit]Pointing pairs and triples

  1. Eliminate numbers from a row or column if they're constrained to one box. Pointing pairs and triples are when there are only 2 or 3 cells with the same potential numbers in a 3 x 3 box. The cells must also be in the same row or column. Since you know that the number has to go in one of those 2 cells, you can erase any other time you notated the number in the same row or column.[5]
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    • Example: If A1 and C1 are the only cells in a box with 4 as a potential candidate, you can erase all other 4s from the first column.
    • Example: If D4, D5, and D6 are the only spots in the middle box that can contain 8, no other cells in the D row can have 8.
    • You won't know which cell the number goes into quite yet, but pointing pairs and triples should help narrow down your options for other cells.

[Edit]Forcing chain

  1. Test a number in a cell with 2 digits to see how it affects the other cells. To use a forcing chain, look for multiple cells that have 2 potential numbers. You should be able to draw lines through the rows and columns to connect all the cells in the chain. Test each number in one of the cells and check how they fill in the rest of the chain. If there's one cell that uses the same number no matter which digit you filled in originally, then you can assume that it's the only solution.[6]
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    • Mark the square you started in so you can retrace your steps.


  1. The X-wing technique reveals numbers for cells in 2 columns and rows. To use an X-wing, check for a row that has a potential candidate that can only fit into 2 cells. Check for another row in the puzzle that has the same candidate in 2 cells that are in the same columns as the first row candidates. The potential number can only fit once in each of the columns, so you can erase it from any other cells in those columns.[7]
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    • Example: If a 2 could only be in the 1st and 7th columns in rows E and G, then you can erase 2 as a potential candidate from all other cells in those rows.


  1. You can eliminate numbers from intersections between rows and columns. Start by finding a cell with only 2 possible numbers to use as a "pivot." Check the same row, column, and box for "pincers", which are other cells with 2 potential candidates that share at least 1 number with the pivot. The second number in each of the pincers should be the same. Check the cell where the pincers would intersect on the puzzle to see if it shares a number with them. If it does, then you can eliminate it from the puzzle.[8]
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    • Example: A2 is the pivot with 3 & 8. The pincers are I2 with 4 & 3 and A6 with 4 & 8. The intersection between I2 and A6 is I6 with 4 & 5. Since 4 is in both of the pincer cells, you can eliminate it as an option from I6.


  1. Rule out numbers when 3 cells with 2 values each form an angle. The values should only have 3 different potential numbers between them. If one cell has candidates X and Y and the other 2 cells could be X and Z or Y and Z, then no other cells in the same row, column, or box can contain the Z value.[9]
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    • Forming an angle means that 2 of the cells are in the same row or column, but the third cell can be positioned anywhere that shares a row, column, or box with one of the others.
    • Example: B1 could be 4 or 9, B5 could be 1 or 9, and D1 could be 1 or 4. The cell D5 couldn't be 1 since it would make filling in B1 impossible. That means you can eliminate 1 as a candidate from D5.


  1. Test the possibilities in a chain of numbers found in 3 rows or columns. Check your puzzle for 3 separate rows or columns where a potential digit can only fit into 2 or 3 cells in each. You should be able to connect the cells if you drew lines through the columns and rows. After you connect all of the cells you can erase the potential candidate from any other cells in those rows or columns.[10]
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    • Example: The only cells in rows B, E, and F that can contain 1 are B1, B7, E5, E7, F1, and F5. Since you can draw a closed loop connecting these cells, you can erase 1 from any other cells in the same columns as these cells.

[Edit]Unique rectangle

  1. Unique rectangles work if 4 cells have the same pair of numbers. Every sudoku puzzle has a unique solution, but you might be faced with multiple possibilities if there are 2 sets of 2 cells in the same row, column, or box that have the pair of potential numbers. Check if any of the 4 cells have additional candidates in them. If so, then you can erase the original pair of digits since it would make the puzzle impossible to solve.[11]
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    • Example: 2 & 3 are the only potential candidates in D4, D5, and I4. I5 has 1, 2, 3, & 8 as potential candidates. With a unique rectangle, you can eliminate 2 & 3 as options from I5.


  • Avoid guessing any of the numbers in the puzzle since there's always a way to work out the solution logically. Take a little extra time to scan through the puzzle again to see if you missed anything.[12]


How to Be Humble

Posted: 06 Jul 2022 09:00 AM PDT

"It's hard to be humble," says an old country song, "when you're perfect in every way." Of course, few people actually think they're perfect in every way. But it can still be pretty hard to be humble, especially if you live in a society that encourages competition and individuality. Yet even in such a culture, humility remains an important virtue. Learning to be humble is of paramount importance in most spiritual traditions, and humility can help you develop more fully and enjoy richer relationships with others, as well as create opportunities and earn you respect.


[Edit]Accepting Your Limitations

  1. Admit that you're not the best at everything -- or anything. No matter how talented you are, there is almost always somebody who can do something better than you. Look to those who are better and consider the potential for improvement. Nobody is the best at something.[1]
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    • Even if you are 'the best' in the world at doing one thing, there are always other things that you cannot do, and may never be able to do.
    • Recognizing your limitations does not mean abandoning your dreams, and it does not mean giving up on learning new things or improving your existing abilities. It simply means acknowledging that, as human beings, none of us are perfect and none of us can do everything by ourselves.
  2. Recognize your own faults. We judge others because it's a lot easier than looking at ourselves. Unfortunately, it's also completely unproductive and, in many cases, harmful. Judging others causes strife in relationships, and it prevents new relationships from forming. Perhaps even worse, it prevents us from trying to improve ourselves. Everybody makes mistakes.[2]
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    • We make judgments about others all the time, usually without even realizing it. As a practical exercise, try to catch yourself in the act of judging another person or group of people, and whenever you do, judge yourself instead. Consider how you can improve yourself, instead of how you think others should act. After all, you cannot control other people's decisions and behaviors - but you can control yours.
    • Work to address your flaws. Remember that growth and improvement is a lifelong process that never stops happening, even when you're very skilled at something.
  3. Be grateful for what you have. Suppose you graduate from an Ivy League university at the top of your class. You definitely deserve a lot of credit for the many hours of studying and for your perseverance. Consider though, that there is someone just as intelligent and hardworking as you who had less supportive parents, grew up in a different place, or just made one wrong choice in life. You could be in their position instead.[3]
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    • Always remember that with a bad choice yesterday, your whole life could be different today and, furthermore, that today could be the day your good choices change your life.
    • Though you have undoubtedly worked hard for what you have, you could not have done it all without other people's support. Everything we do is a result of what many other people have done to us. It is all because of the people around us that we get shaped and become better persons at some point so that we could achieve our goals.
  4. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Part of being humble is understanding that you will make mistakes. Understand this, and understand that everyone else makes mistakes, and you will have a heavy burden lifted off of you. However, this doesn't mean that you should be sloppy - try to avoid obvious mistakes, but don't be afraid to try new methods or ways of accomplishing your goals.[4]
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    • Each person can only experience a tiny sliver of life at a time. There will always be people who are older and wiser than you. Your elders' opinions could be worth listening to, although you must make the decision based on your knowledge of them.
  5. Admit your mistakes. Although you may fear that people will be angry and frustrated with you, it is always better to admit than to cover it up. Whether you've made a mistake as a boss, parent, or friend, people will appreciate the fact that you're willing to admit that you're not perfect and that you're working to improve yourself and the situation. Admitting your mistakes shows that you're not stubborn, selfish, or unwilling to not look perfect.
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    • Admitting your mistakes will make people respect you more, whether they are your own children or your coworkers.
  6. Avoid bragging. It's okay to have healthy self-esteem and to feel proud of your accomplishments, but nobody likes it when someone constantly tries to bring attention to themselves and their own achievements. If you feel like you really have done something great, chances are people will have already begun to notice that, and they will come to respect you even more for your humility.[5]
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    • This doesn't mean you should lie about achieving something; if someone asked if you ran a marathon then it's perfectly acceptable to say 'yes'. But don't constantly talk about how absolutely amazing you were for running the marathon, or achieving other goals.
  7. Be considerate in conversations. Humble people don't have to be meek wallflowers - being humble doesn't mean not having any self-esteem. However, a humble person should be mindful of everyone in the conversation and shouldn't talk down or disrupt anyone. As a humble person, you should recognize that everyone, including you, has their own goals and dreams and they may want to talk about their achievements and their opinions on things.[6]
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  8. Don't take all the credit. We are human beings and who we are now has a lot to do with other people's influence and guidance. Countless people have given you support and helped you to become the person you are so that you can achieve your dreams. It's totally fine to be proud about your achievements, but keep in mind that nobody ever does anything totally by themselves, and that as people, we are all helping each other to accomplish our goals.
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    • Share the love. Recognize others who have helped you on your path to success.

[Edit]Appreciating Others

  1. Appreciate the talents and qualities of others. Challenge yourself to look at others and appreciate the things they can do and, more generally, to appreciate people for who they are. Understand that everybody is different and relish the chance you have to experience different people. You will still have your personal tastes, your likes and dislikes, but train yourself to separate your opinions from your fears and you will appreciate others more - you will be more humble as well.[7]
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    • Being able to appreciate the talents and qualities of other people can also make you recognize qualities that you want to improve or attain within yourself.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others. While competition can be healthy and stimulating, it's nearly impossible to be humble when we're constantly striving to be the "best" or trying to be better than others. Instead, try looking at yourself more. Remember, the ultimate goal isn't to be better than anyone else, it's to be better than the person you used to be. When you focus your energy on improving yourself instead of comparing you to everyone else, you'll find that it is much easier to make yourself better since you don't have to worry about whether or not you're better or worse than anyone.
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    • Every individual is unique. Appreciate people for who they are as human beings, not for their skills and appearance in relation to yours.
  3. Don't be afraid to defer to others' judgment. Although it is ultimately up to you to decide if you were right or wrong, it is a whole different thing to acknowledge that you make mistakes and that you're not always right. Somewhat more difficult however, is the ability to acknowledge that in many cases other people — even people who disagree with you — may be right. Deferring to your spouse's wishes, to a law you don't agree with, or even, sometimes, to your child's opinion takes your recognition of your limitations to a different level.
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    • Instead of simply saying you are humble and as a person you will make mistakes, you should also concentrate on living with that mindset - being humble is a way of life, not a one-time action.
  4. Seek guidance from written texts. This is another way of appreciating others. Contemplate moral texts and proverbs about humility. Pray for it, meditate on it, do whatever it takes to get your attention off yourself and your perception of your own worth (especially compared to others). You can read inspiring biographies, memoirs, the Bible, nonfiction and fiction on how to improve your life, or whatever it is that makes you be more humble and appreciate the insight that others have to offer.
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    • If you're not into spirituality, consider the scientific method. Science requires humility. It requires that you let go of your preconceived notions and judgments and understand that you don't know as much as you think you do.
  5. Remain teachable. Nobody is perfect or the best at anything. There will always be people who are better at you at something, and therein lies the opportunity to learn from them. Find people you aspire to be like in certain areas, and ask them to mentor you. Under mentorship; good boundary setting, confidentiality and discernment are required. As soon as you cross the line of being 'unteachable', bring yourself back down to earth again. Being teachable means that you admit that you always have more to learn about life.
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    • You can be more humble by taking classes in something you know nothing about, such as pottery or screenwriting, and knowing that you will let others teach you and show you the way. This can help you realize that everyone is good at different things and we all need to help each other in order to become better people.
  6. Help others. A big part of being humble is respecting others, and part of respecting others is helping them. Treat other people as equals and help them because it is the right thing to do. It's been said that when you can help others who cannot possibly help you in return, you have learned humility. Helping people in need will also make you appreciate what you have even more.[8]
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    • It goes without saying: don't boast about the volunteering you've done. It's great if you're proud of your work but remember: volunteering is not about you, it is about the people you have helped.
  7. Go last. If you're always rushing to get things done first and get to the front of the line, challenge yourself to allow others to go before you - for example, elders, disabled people, children, or people in a hurry.
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    • Ask yourself, "Do I really need to do this first so badly?" The answer will almost always be no.
  8. Compliment others. Give someone you love, or even someone you barely know, a compliment. Tell your partner that he/she looks great today; compliment your co-worker's new hairdo, or tell the cashier at the grocery store that you like her earrings. Or you can go deeper, and compliment important aspects of people's personalities. Give at least one compliment a day and you will see that other people have so much to offer to the world.
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    • Focus on the positive attributes of others instead of always looking for their flaws.
  9. Apologize. If you've made a mistake, then confess and admit that you're wrong. Even though saying you're sorry to someone else is painful, you'll have to get over your pride and tell another person that you're sorry for the harm you've done. Eventually the pain will subside, replaced by a feeling of relief because you know that you have made amends. This will show the person that you value him or her greatly and that you acknowledge that you've made a mistake.
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    • Make eye contact when you apologize to show that you really care.
    • Don't be a repeat offender. Apologizing about something does not give you a license to do it again. Doing so will make people distrusting of you and what you say.
  10. Listen more than you talk. This is another great way of appreciating others more and being more humble. The next time you engage in a conversation, let the other person talk, don't interrupt, and ask questions to keep the person talking and sharing. Though you should contribute to the conversation, make a habit of letting others express themselves more than you do so you don't act like you're only concerned with the things that are going on in your life.[9]
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    • Ask questions to show that you understand what the person is talking about. Don't just wait for the person to stop talking so that you can start talking. Remember, if you're busy thinking about what you want to say, then you'll have a harder time focusing on what they are saying.

[Edit]Rediscovering a Sense of Wonder

  1. Rejuvenate your sense of wonder. Because we as individuals know very little about the world, you'd expect that we'd be awestruck more often than we typically are. Children have this sense of wonder, and it inspires the curiosity that makes them such keen observers and capable learners. Do you really know how your microwave works? Could you build one on your own? What about your car? Understand your brain? A rose?
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    • The jaded, "I've seen it all" attitude makes us feel far more important than we are. Nobody has seen it all - nobody knows it all. Be amazed like a child and you will not only be humbled; you will also be readier to learn.
  2. Practice gentleness. The gentleness of spirit is the sure path to humility. Use 'Aikido' where possible when faced with a conflict: absorb the venom from others' attacks and turn it into something positive by trying to understand why they are angry and reacting with gentleness and respect. Practicing gentleness will help you rediscover your sense of wonder as you focus on the positive aspects of life.
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  3. Spend more time in nature. Go take a walk in the park. Stand near the bottom of a waterfall. Look at the world from the top of a mountain. Go for a long hike. Swim in an ocean. Find your own way of being in nature and take the time to truly appreciate all that it entails. Close your eyes and feel the breeze on your face. You should feel completely humbled by nature - a force that is so immense in its depth and power. As you develop your wonder and respect for all of the things that were there long before you were and which will be there long after you are gone, you will began to realize just how small you are in this world.
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    • Spending more time in nature will make you see how big and complicated the world is -- and that you're not at the center of it.
  4. Do yoga. Yoga is the practice of love and gratitude, and it will make you develop your sense of wonder about your breath, your body, and the love and kindness in the world around you. Yoga makes you see how fleeting your time on earth is and to appreciate it even more. Make a habit of practicing yoga at least twice a week and reap all of the emotional benefits as well as the physical ones.
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    • Yoga is all about being humble. There is no such thing as bragging about how you've hit a new pose in yoga. It's all about doing everything at your own pace.
  5. Spend time around children. Children possess a sense of wonder at the world that is difficult to replicate as an adult. Spend more time around kids and see how they appreciate the world, are constantly questioning it, and how they get pleasure and joy out of the smallest and most mundane things. To a child, a flower or a toilet paper roll can be the most incredible thing in the world -- for an afternoon, anyway.
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    • Spending more time around children will remind you of how magical the world really is.

[Edit]Ways to Sound Humble



  • It is fine to talk about yourself a little, but make a conscious effort to ask people about themselves too. It's also a good idea to listen more when you are being talked/responded to.
  • Seek trusted and wise counsel and obtain accountability partners if you find this to be a weakness in your life. Pride comes before the fall, and prevention is definitely better than cure.
  • Be loving and kind-hearted at all times, you never know when someone might need to reach out to you.
  • This world has become messed up and confused because the counsel it receives is mixed up. A medley of suggestions may be popular for dealing with a problem, but at the end of the day can do more harm than good. For example, advising that one could get involved in martial arts, yoga, etc. could bring a person under a spiritual influence that they may not want to come under. The origin of an act should be looked into before considering it as a good thing to do.
  • Appreciate the talents and possessions you have instead of constantly wanting more. Often, the richest people are still left wanting something -- money, fame, etc. If you embrace who you are, you will be happier and more humble.
  • Ask questions when you don't know, when you know a little, and when you think you know it all.
  • Living a selfless life brings more satisfaction than living a selfish one.
  • Learn to admit when you are wrong and don't allow your pride to allow you to feel that your actions are justified.
  • Keep in mind that being humble has many benefits. Humility can help you be more content with your life, and it can also help you endure bad times and improve your relationships with others. It's also essential to being an effective learner. If you think you know it all, you won't be open-minded enough to seek out new knowledge. Humility is also, somewhat counter-intuitively, an excellent tool for self-development in general. After all, if you feel superior, you have no incentive to improve. Most of all, being humble allows you to be honest with yourself.
  • Appreciate your talents. Being humble doesn't mean you can't feel good about yourself. Self-esteem is not the same as pride. Both come from a recognition of your own talents and qualities, but pride, the kind of pride that leans toward arrogance, is rooted in insecurity about yourself. Think about the abilities you have, and be thankful for them.[10]


  • To be humble isn't the same as being humble, and often people who pretend to be humble do it in order to seek out praise. Other people will recognize this, and even if you fool some, you won't derive the same benefits as you would through actually developing humility.
  • Similarly, don't confuse being humble with being sycophantic (being overly-praiseful of someone for your own profit). This is a common misconception, but the two attitudes are completely different.
  • While humility is a good thing, don't take it too far, thus becoming a doormat. Remember, everything in moderation. Humility is not a weak trait, it is actually a very strong one in the same way kindness is strong. Standing up for yourself with humility is entirely possible and just takes some practice. Be prepared to need to practice this, and don't be discouraged if you don't get the balance right initially.

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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Remove Nail Glue from Nails

Posted: 06 Jul 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Fake nails look great but can be a little tricky to remove if you haven't done it before. Either go to a salon to remove the nail glue or attempt it yourself at home. If you have glue-on nails or tips, you can gently file them off after soaking them in soapy water. Next, remove any residual glue with a nail buffer and some acetone. For acrylic nails, simply use acetone to remove the fake nails and file off any remaining gluey residue. Before you know it, you'll be left with strong and healthy natural nails.


[Edit]Removing Fake Nails without Acetone

  1. Soak your nails in warm, soapy water for 15 minutes. Fill a bowl or sink basin with warm water and a little gentle hand soap. Place your hands in the bowl or basin so that your glue-on nails are completely submerged in the water, and keep them there for about 15 minutes.

    Remove Nail Glue from Nails Step 1.jpg
    • The soap and water will soak into the nail glue and soften it, making it easier to remove the nails.
    • You can also soak your nails in a little pure acetone to soften the glue, but be aware that acetone is much harsher on your skin, nails and cuticles than soap and water.[1]
    • Alternatively, soften up your nail glue by putting a few drops of cuticle oil on each false nail and letting it soak in for a few seconds.[2]
  2. Pry off the fake nails gently once the glue has softened. Look for a spot where the nail has already begun to detach, and gently begin prying off the nail from that spot. If you can't find a loose spot, carefully work the tip of a nail file under the edges of the fake nail to loosen it.

    • Don't try to yank the nail off if it doesn't pry loose easily. Soak the nail in soapy water for a few more minutes if you need to soften up the glue a little more.
  3. Use a nail buffer to carefully file off excess glue. Once the false nails are off and your natural nails have dried out a bit, use the "buff" side of a nail buffer block to buff away most of the glue. When you're satisfied that you've removed most or all of the glue, rinse away the powder with water.[3]

    • If you like, you can then use the "shine" side of the buffer to polish up your nails after buffing them.
  4. Take off any remaining glue with acetone. Soak a cotton ball in acetone and rub it on each fingernail to remove any residual traces of nail glue. Wash your hands with soap and water to rinse away the acetone and any other residues on your hands and nails.

    • If your nails feel dry after you've rubbed them with acetone, apply a little nail moisturizer or cuticle oil.[4]

[Edit]Removing Fake Nails with an Acetone Soak

  1. Trim your false nails down as far as possible. Acrylic nails are made of materials that adhere directly to your natural nails instead of being stuck on with glue. Use a pair of nail scissors or clippers to trim the false nails down to a short but comfortable length, without cutting off any of your natural nails. This will make the rest of the removal process quicker because there will be less material to dissolve. [5]

    • Don't trim down into your nail bed as this will be painful.
    • This process works for SNS (dipping powder nails), and acrylic nails.
  2. File off the glossy surface of the false nail. If the acrylic nails are still attached to your natural nails, use a nail file to remove the shiny surface. Rub the file back and forth across your nails until the glossy surface is gone and the nails look matte. Try to rub each part of the nail evenly. This will make the removal process quicker and more effective.[6]

    • If you see any of your natural nails coming through under the fake nails, stop filing that spot. If you continue to file, you risk damaging your natural nails.
  3. Wipe off any dust with a clean, dry cloth. A microfiber cloth is an inexpensive and effective option; however, any clean cloth will work. Remove any dust from your nails to make it easier for the acetone to penetrate the remaining acrylic.

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  4. Rub petroleum jelly on the skin around your nails. This will help to protect your skin from the acetone. Apply a thin layer to your nails beds and the skin below and around your nails.[7]

    • If you have dry or sensitive skin, apply the petroleum jelly liberally.
  5. Wrap each of the nails on 1 hand in a cotton ball dipped in acetone. If your acetone comes in a dripper bottle, gently squeeze it onto the cotton pads. If the acetone comes in a regular bottle, you will need to pour it into a small disposable bowl and then dip the cotton pads into the bowl. Place each soaked cotton pad over 1 of your nails.[8]

    • If you don't have cotton pads, cotton balls will also work.
    • Purchase acetone and cotton pads from a pharmacy or a supermarket. If you have sensitive skin, choose an acetone-based nail polish remover that is designed for sensitive skin.
    • The fumes from acetone can be toxic, so always use it in well-ventilated areas.
  6. Wrap a piece of aluminum foil around each nail and cotton pad. Tear off a piece of aluminum foil that is approximately x . Check that the cotton pad is in place and then wrap the foil around the nail and cotton pad.[9]

    • The aluminum foil will help trap warmth and moisture so the acetone doesn't evaporate before the glue has a chance to soften. This speeds up the removal process.
    • Repeat the process for all the nails on 1 hand, and then move to the other hand. If you find it difficult to work on your opposite hand while your original hand is still soaking, ask a friend to help you or wait until you have removed the foil and cotton pads before attempting to start the other hand.[10]
  7. Remove the foil and pads after 20 minutes. Set a timer for 20 minutes and let the acetone work its magic. Unravel the foil around your nails and remove the cotton pads. You should notice that that the glue has dissolved and that the false nails have become squishy.[11]

    • If the first nail is still covered in glue or the false nails are still firmly in place, leave the foil and pads on for another 15 minutes.
    • Be careful not to place the used acetone pads onto wooden or plastic tables as the chemicals will damage the surface.
  8. Push off the squishy false nails with a tea towel. Use a clean kitchen towel to clean off the dissolved residue from the false nails. Apply pressure to the tea towel as you clean the nails but stop if your natural nails start hurting.

    • Replace the acetone-soaked cotton balls and foil if the false nails don't come off easily.
  9. Use a nail file to buff away any excess glue or paint. Don't worry about filing your whole nail. Instead, concentrate on the areas that have remnants of glue. Try your best not to press too hard as you don't want to file your natural nails.[12]

    • Purchase a nail file from a pharmacy. Note that some stores will call them nail buffers.

[Edit]Treating Your Nails After Removing the Glue

  1. Wash your hands in warm, soapy water. Acetone will dry out your skin if it is left on, so remove it with warm water and natural soap. A natural soap will help to leave the natural oils in your skin.[13]

    Remove Nail Glue from Nails Step 14.jpg
    • Use regular soap if that's all you have at home.
  2. Rub a natural skin oil over your hands and nails. Removing nail glue from your nails tends to dry out your hands. Rub a natural oil liberally over your nails, cuticles, and hands to restore their natural moisture.[14]

    • Almond oil and olive oil are good natural nail moisturizers. Purchase these from a natural health and beauty store or from a pharmacy.
  3. Give your nails a breather between manicures. If you wear false nails a lot, your natural nails will benefit from taking a break between applications. After you remove the false nails, give your real nails a few days to a week to recover before adding any new false nails or paint.[15]
    Remove Nail Glue from Nails Step 16.jpg
    • Try taking a week-long break every 8 weeks between manicures.
    • Consider applying fake nails without glue next time, to see whether this works better for you than having to deal with nail glue removal.


[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Bowl or sink basin
  • Warm, soapy water
  • Nail buffer or file
  • Acetone
  • 10 cotton pads
  • Aluminum foil
  • Soft cloth
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Soap
  • Nail oil
  • Tea towel


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Snap Your Fingers

Posted: 05 Jul 2022 05:00 PM PDT

Whether you're trying to get the attention of your butler or just jamming along to your favorite song, there's nothing like knowing how to give a sharp, loud snap of your fingers. Snapping comes easier for some people than for others, but with a little practice, almost everyone can do it. Start trying today and you should have it soon — with any luck, it'll be a snap!


[Edit]Doing a Basic Snap

  1. Press your thumb to your middle finger. Begin by resting the pad (the flat, fleshy part) of your thumb against the pad of your middle finger. Don't use the tips of your fingers — you want the soft, squishy parts to meet. A good way to get the right positioning is to pretend you're picking up something heavy with your thumb and middle finger.[1]

    • To start, practice with your dominant hand (the same one you use to write). When you master the basic snap, you can try with your other hand.
  2. Fold your ring finger and pinky down. Without moving your thumb and middle finger, take your ring finger and pinky and rest them gently against the heel of your palm or the base of your thumb — wherever feels natural. Try to leave a little room at the base of the thumb for your middle finger to snap against the fleshy part at the bottom.

    • These fingers aren't involved in the snap, but this part is crucial. The ring finger and pinky basically "prop up" the rest of the hand, allowing you to use more force when you snap (and thus get a louder sound).
  3. Build up a little pressure between your thumb and middle finger. Now, start to press your thumb and middle finger together, but don't let either one move out of the way yet.[2] Press fairly hard here — a little harder then may feel natural at first. There should be enough pressure to turn the tips of your fingers a little red.

    • The more pressure you build up, the more power behind your snap. While it's hard to hurt yourself this way, if you feel pain, you're pressing a little too hard.
  4. Listen for the Snap! Move your index finger down so it rests against your thumb without letting up on the pressure. Move the thumb from the middle finger to the index finger. Your middle finger should slide off of your thumb and "snap" towards your palm. It should hit the fleshy base of your thumb and make a sharp cracking sound. Congratulations — you've just snapped your fingers.

    • Don't worry if you can't get it on the first try. This is something many people have difficulty with at first, but once you get it, it quickly becomes easy. See below for tips on getting your snap just right.
  5. Practice this snapping motion until it comes naturally. The only way to get better at finger snapping is to do it! Once you get your first good, loud "snap," try to replicate your motions exactly until you get good results again. Within a few days, you should be able to snap fairly consistently.

    • If you can't seem to get a good snapping noise, try a few more times and make sure you're doing the following:
    • Keeping good pressure between your thumb and middle finger until you make your snap
    • Keeping your ring finger and pinky folded firmly down against your palm
    • Leaving enough room at the base of your thumb for your middle finger to hit — your middle finger should not end up behind your ring finger
    • If you're still having little success, try one of the alternate methods below — some people find them easier.

[Edit]Using Alternate Methods

  1. Try snapping with your ring finger. Though the middle finger usually gives easier, louder, "sharper" snaps, some people prefer using their ring finger to snap. The basic approach here is to simply do the basic snapping motion, only with your thumb shifted down one finger. In other words:

    • Press the pad of your thumb against the pad of your ring finger.
    • Fold your pinky down against your palm or the base of your thumb.
    • Build up pressure between your thumb and ring finger. This can be easier if you move your middle finger and index finger down next to it.
    • Slide your thumb from your ring finger to your middle finger. Your ring finger should snap down and smack against the base of your thumb, making a snapping sound.
  2. Try shaking your hand to get a louder snap. Some people are able to get exceptionally loud snaps by essentially putting their whole arm into the snapping motion, snapping as they whip their hand down. Be careful not to over-do the hand motions here — you can give yourself a sore wrist if you use too much force. To snap with this method:

    • Get ready to do a normal snap. Press your thumb against against your middle finger (or ring finger, if you prefer), fold the ring finger and pinky down (just the pinky if you're snapping with your ring finger), and build up pressure.
    • Turn your palm so that it faces to the side (in the direction of your torso). Your arm should be loose and relaxed from the wrist through the elbow.
    • In one quick, smooth motion, bring your elbow in and turn your palm up. Then, bring your elbow out and whip your hand down, turning your wrist so that your palm faces the ground. Snap as you whip your hand!
    • If you're successful, you should get an extra-loud snap. Keep practicing if you don't get it at first. This one can take some time.
  3. Try doing a "double" snap. When you've gotten the hang of doing one snap at once, try to make two. It's tricky to get the same level of volume with this technique, but getting the double snap sound itself isn't that difficult. To do a double snap:[3]

    • Get ready to do a ring finger snap. Your thumb and ring finger should be pressed together, with your pinky folded down and your other two fingers lined up next to your ring finger. You must start on the ring finger — you can't do a double snap starting on your middle finger.
    • Build up pressure against your ring finger. Keep your middle and index finger close to it.
    • Slide your thumb to your middle finger without letting up on the pressure, then quickly slide it to your index finger without pausing.
    • If you do this right, your ring finger should snap against the flesh of your palm immediately followed by your middle finger, making two quick (but separate) snapping sounds. Try practicing this rapid-fire double snap along to your favorite song!
  4. Try snapping with both hands. What use is knowing how to snap if you can't recreate your favorite scenes from West Side Story? Snapping with both hands is easy — it's simply a matter of building up your strength and technique in your non-dominant hand with practice once you've mastered snapping with your dominant hand. Any of the techniques above can work for your non-dominant hand, so experiment until you find the one you like the best!

    • For an added challenge, try using two different snapping techniques at once! For instance, you might try doing normal snaps with your right hand and double snaps with your left.



  • The moisture level of your hands can affect your ability to snap. If your hands too moist or greasy to build up good pressure (e.g., if you just put on lotion), drying them with a paper towel may help. On the other hand, if they're exceptionally dry, you may want to use just a tiny bit of lotion to re-moisturize them.
  • Don't put too much pressure on your fingers so you don't hurt yourself.
  • Don't try snapping with your index finger or pinky. This is technically possible, but very difficult.
  • Note, however, that some sources claim that soaking wet hands give the loudest snaps.[4]
  • When you snap, the noise doesn't come from your two fingers rubbing against each other — it actually comes from your finger slapping against the fleshy part of your palm. Essentially, you're clapping with just one finger on one hand! To test this, try snapping with a tissue covering your palm. The sound should be greatly diminished.[5]


  • Be careful who is watching if you use the arm-shaking method. In some cultures, this is considered brash or inappropriate.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Make a Top Knot Bun

Posted: 05 Jul 2022 09:00 AM PDT

A top knot bun is stylish hairstyle made from winding your hair in a bun on the top of your head. It's a very versatile look and can range from sleek and sophisticated to messy chic. Begin making the look by pulling your hair into a high ponytail, then wrapping your hair around the base of the ponytail and securing it with a hair tie. You can even use a hair donut to make the bun fuller and more voluminous.


[Edit]Doing a Neat Top Knot Bun

  1. Pull your hair into a high ponytail. Comb back your hair away from your forehead, then take your hair and pull it into a high ponytail near the top of your head, securing it tightly with a hairband.

    • It's easier to do a top knot bun on second or third day hair rather than clean hair.
    • If you have curly or textured hair, begin by blow drying your hair straight. This way, you'll have a smooth, neat ponytail.
    • If you have frizzy hair, add a small amount of gel or serum around your hairline before brushing the hair into a ponytail. Doing so will ensure your ponytail is sleek.
  2. Divide your ponytail into two sections. Take the hair of your ponytail and divide it into two equal sized sections. Add a small amount of mousse or styling cream to each section to make the hair extra smooth.

  3. Wrap each section around each other. Take one section of hair in each hand and twist them together all the way down to make them into one piece. Twisting your hair like this will make your top knot even more smooth and prevents flyaways.

    • This method is done most easily with longer hair.
  4. Wrap your hair around the hair tie. Take your twisted hair and wrap it in a clockwise direction around your hair tie.

  5. Pin the top knot in place. Once you finish wrapping use several bobby pins the same color as your hair to pin the top knot in place, both at the top and bottom of the bun.

    • Spray with hairspray to give the style extra hold.

[Edit]Making a Voluminous Top Knot Bun

  1. Comb your hair into a ponytail. Work with second or third day hair or spray your hair with dry shampoo to give it some texture. Then comb your hair into a high ponytail near the top of your head, securing it with a hair tie.
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    • This style is especially good for those with curly or wavy hair, since curly hair gives you a more voluminous look.
  2. Backcomb your hair. Take about a quarter of your hair from the ponytail and hold it straight up above your head. Use a comb to backcomb through the hair, starting at the midpoint of the hair and combing down to the base of the ponytail. Repeat until you have lightly backcombed each section of hair.

    • Backcombing your hair makes it more voluminous and textured so that your top knot is fuller.
  3. Smooth the top of the ponytail. After backcombing your hair, take the comb and lightly brush the very top layer of hair in the ponytail, brushing from the base of the ponytail down to the tips of the hair.

    • Comb very gently with a brush rather than a comb, which will be easier to work with on backcombed hair.
    • Smoothing this very top layer of the ponytail will keep the top knot looking smooth, even if the hair in the center of the top knot is full and textured.
  4. Wrap your hair in a bun around the base of the ponytail. Take the hair of your ponytail and wrap it clockwise around the base of the ponytail. When you reach the tips of your hair, tuck the hair underneath the hair tie.

  5. Pin the bun in place with bobby pins. After you twist your hair into the top knot, pin your hair in place with several bobby pins. Use your fingers to pull the bun out if you wish to give it more volume and then spray lightly with hairspray to give it better hold.
    Make a Top Knot Bun Step 10 Version 6.jpg

[Edit]Making a Top Knot Bun with a Hair Donut

  1. Put your hair in a high ponytail. Pull back your hair into a high ponytail. If it helps, you can brush your hair back so that your hair is smooth and bump-free.[1]
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    • Remove all tangles from your hair with a brush before styling.
    • If you have unruly hair, start with a blow out to create a smooth ponytail.
  2. Put a hair donut around the base of your ponytail. Poke your hair through a hair donut and pull it all the way to the base of your ponytail. If you don't have a hair donut, you can also take a clean tube sock, cut off the top of the tube sock so you get a three inch or so (7.62 cm or so) band of sock, then pull the loop of sock through your ponytail until it reaches the base.[2]

    • You should be able to find a hair donut at beauty supply stores or online retailers.
  3. Tease your hair. Take your ponytail and hold it straight up in the air with one hand. With the other, take a comb and backcomb through your hair, starting at the midsection of your hair and combing down to the base.[3]

    • Teasing your hair gives it the volume to completely cover the donut. If your hair is already extra thick, skip teasing.
  4. Wrap your hair around the donut. Take your teased hair and start to wrap it clockwise around the hair donut to completely cover it. When you reach the tips of your hair, tuck the tips under the donut.[4]

  5. Pin your bun in place. Use several bobby pins to pin your hair around the hair donut and secure it in place. Spritz the bun with hairspray to prevent flyaways and to give the style extra hold.[5]

[Edit]Doing a Half Down Top Knot

  1. Make a horizontal part. To do this half-up top knot, do a horizontal part that divides the top of your hair from the bottom, starting at about ear level on one side and parting over to the other side.[6]

    • Since this is a laid back look, you don't have to precisely part your hair on each side, as long as each side is roughly symmetrical.[7]
    • This look can work either on short or long hair.
  2. Hold your hair in a ponytail. Take the top section of hair and gather it into a high ponytail on the top of your head. Hold it in a ponytail using one hand.[8]

  3. Wrap your hair into a bun. Hold your hair in a ponytail with the fingers of one hand and use the other to wind your hair clockwise around the base of your ponytail that you are holding with your fingers.[9]

    • If you have short hair, make a small loop and hold it in place with your fingers instead of wrapping your hair around.
  4. Secure your hair with a hair elastic. After you have wrapped the hair around until you reach the tips, or have made a small loop if you have short hair, use a hair tie to secure the bun. If you want a fuller looking top knot, pull the bun gently with your fingers to make it bigger.[10]



  • It's easier to do topknots on second or third day hair rather than clean hair with tends to be more slippery.
  • Dry shampoo the night before.
  • If you want a chic, messy look, keep the tips of your hair poking out of your top knot.
  • If you have twist braids you want to style, a top knot bun is a relatively easy option to try.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Hair Ties
  • Mousse or Curling Cream
  • Comb
  • Hair Donut
  • Hairspray


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Roast Pecans

Posted: 05 Jul 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Roasted pecans bring out the festive spirit at a party or a holiday fair. However, they are an easy snack to keep around the house year-round. It's a big bonus that the act of roasting them fills the house with a rich, buttery scent.


  • 1 lb. (453g) pecan halves
  • 4 tbsp. (57g) salted butter
  • 1 tsp. (6g) salt

Optional Ingredients for Sweet Roasted Pecans

  • Up to 1 cup (200g) of white sugar (optional)
  • 2 egg whites (optional)
  • 2 tbsp. (30ml) water (optional)
  • 3 tsp. (7.8g) ground cinnamon (optional)


[Edit]Prepping Your Pecans

  1. Crack pecans if they are still in the shells. Remove them and separate the pecan halves in a bowl. You can also purchase shelled pecan halves at the grocery store.
    Roast Pecans Step 1 Version 2.jpg
  2. Choose if you want to sugar your pecans as you roast them. You will need a few extra ingredients if you want them to be both sweet and salty.
    Roast Pecans Step 2 Version 2.jpg
  3. Mix the water and egg whites if you are making sugar roasted pecans. Beat the mixture until it is fluffy. Fold in the pecans to coat them.

  4. Spread the pecan halves onto a large rimmed baking sheet.

  5. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (149 degrees Celsius).
    Roast Pecans Step 5 Version 2.jpg

[Edit]Seasoning the Pecans

  1. Mix your dry seasonings together. If you are doing simple, salty pecans, this will consist of only salt. If you are doing sweet pecans, mix the sugar, salt and cinnamon.[1]

  2. Pour the dry ingredients into a shaker or just carefully shake the seasonings onto the baking sheet by hand.

  3. Cut the butter into small pieces. Place them on top of the pecans in even intervals.[2]

[Edit]Roasting the Pecans

  1. Place the pan in the preheated oven. Cook for 10 minutes.

  2. Stir the pecans with a large spoon or spatula. Return them to the oven for another 10 minutes.

  3. Watch the oven until they look perfectly browned. Remove them from the oven when ready.
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  4. Set them on a cooling rack. After they have cooled slightly, transfer them to airtight containers to store.



  • To reduce the chances that the sugar browns too quickly, you can reduce the heat of the oven to 225 degrees (107 Celsius) and cook the pecans more slowly for 45 minutes to an hour, stirring occasionally.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Oven
  • Rimmed baking sheet
  • Shaker
  • Spoon/spatula
  • Timer
  • Airtight containers


[Edit]Quick Summary

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