Sunday, September 20, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Cure Toenail Fungus with Vinegar

Posted: 20 Sep 2020 05:00 PM PDT

Nail fungus refers to a fungal infection that starts underneath your toenails. It could cause discoloration, thickening, or crumbling on one or more of your nails. This is a frustrating problem, so you'll naturally want to get rid of nail fungus as soon as possible. One remedy you may have heard of is soaking your foot in vinegar to clear the infection. Vinegar is acidic, so it will kill bacteria and fungus.[1] However, this remedy has very limited success because the vinegar can't penetrate under the nail. You can try it if you want to, but visit a podiatrist for further treatment if you don't see any results in 2 weeks.


[Edit]Making a Vinegar Soak

If you want to try treating your nail fungus with vinegar, then the best thing to do is soak your foot in a vinegar-water mixture. Diluting the vinegar is important to prevent it from irritating your skin. Try a daily soak and see if it helps clear the infection. If not, then don't panic. You can still use more conventional treatments.

  1. Trim your nail back before soaking your foot. If your nail is covering the fungus, then topical treatments won't work very well. Take a clipper and trim your nail back as far as you can. This helps the vinegar reach the fungus and kill it.[2]
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    • Don't try to cut your nail passed where the white section ends. You could cut yourself.
    • If you have trouble cutting your nail, try softening it with a urea cream first. This is a common cosmetic treatment for skin irritations, and is available at most pharmacies.
    • Disinfect the clipper as soon as you're finished so you don't spread the infection. Soak it in isopropyl alcohol for 30 minutes to kill all the fungus.
  2. Mix each of warm water and white vinegar into a bowl. Find a bowl or bucket that you can fit your foot into. Pour both vinegar and warm water in, then stir them together.[3]
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    • You could also use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar. Both contain similar amounts of acetic acid.
  3. Soak your foot for 10-20 minutes. Place your foot into the bowl and make sure the water covers your infected toe. Then keep it there for 10-20 minutes so the vinegar can soak into the fungus.[4]
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    • If you have any cuts on your foot, the vinegar may sting a little. This isn't dangerous.
  4. Dry your foot thoroughly when you're done. Fungus grows in moist conditions, so always dry your foot off as soon as you soak it. Take a clean towel and pat your foot dry before putting your shoes and socks back on.[5]
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    • Don't use this towel again before washing it because it could spread the fungus.
  5. Repeat this soak twice a day until your symptoms disappear. Nail fungus is tough to get rid of, so it'll take a while. Soak your foot with vinegar and water twice every day. If you see some improvement after a few weeks, then you can continue. If you don't see any improvement, then see a podiatrist for further treatment.[6]
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    • If your nail grows, trim it back again so the vinegar can reach the fungus.
    • This could take several months to work. If you can't keep up with soaking your foot twice a day or the fungus doesn't seem to be getting better, then see a podiatrist instead.

[Edit]Using Conventional Treatments

Unfortunately, home remedies like a vinegar soak don't have a good record for treating nail fungus. This is frustrating, but there are professional options that have much more success. Topical creams may work, but oral medication is most effective for nail fungus. Visit a podiatrist for an exam and follow their instructions to get rid of your nail fungus once and for all.

  1. Apply an over-the-counter antifungal cream for an easy treatment. Specialized antifungal creams might work better than a vinegar soak. Try getting some from a local pharmacy and applying it exactly as directed. For many creams, you have to apply them every day for a few weeks at least. Follow the directions and see if this helps the infection clear up.[7]
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    • Approved antifungal creams include Amorolfine, Ciclopirox, Efinaconazole, and Tavaborole.
    • Keep your nails short so the cream can reach the fungus.
    • Creams usually don't work as well for nail fungus because they can't penetrate the nail. Don't be surprised if you don't see much improvement and have to see a foot doctor.[8]
  2. Take prescription oral medication from your podiatrist. Oral medication is usually the go-to treatment for nail fungus because it works internally. If your infection isn't clearing up with home treatments, then make an appointment with a podiatrist. The doctor will probably examine your toenail, then prescribe a medication to fight the fungus. Take the medication as directed for 2-3 months to clear the infection entirely.[9]
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    • Some common antifungal medications include Lamisil and Sporanox.
    • Don't stop taking the medication early. If you stop before all the fungus is dead, the infection could come back.
    • At the initial appointment, the podiatrist may also trim your nail a bit to remove some of the fungus. This can help, but probably won't cure the infection entirely.[10]
    • Antifungal medications can be powerful, so your doctor may want to test your blood periodically to make sure the levels in your system are correct. Too much could cause liver damage.[11]
  3. Try medicated nail polish to penetrate your nail. Your podiatrist may try this approach along with oral medications. A medicated nail polish, usually Penlac, can soak through your nail and treat the fungus. In most cases, you brush it onto your nail and leave it there for a week. After that, you wash it off with alcohol and apply a fresh layer. Continue this application process for as long as the podiatrist tells you to.[12]
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    • The application procedure might be different depending on what medication your podiatrist prescribes. Follow the instructions that they provide.

[Edit]Medical Takeaways

While vinegar is a common home remedy for fungal infections, it doesn't have a lot of success against nail fungus. Since it can't penetrate underneath the nail, it can't kill the fungus. You can try it if you want to, but you might not see great results. If the infection doesn't show any improvement in a few weeks, then visit a podiatrist for a more conventional treatment. Even with creams and medications, it still might take a few months for the infection to clear completely, so use all these treatments exactly as the podiatrist tells you to for the best results.


  • There are some other home remedies for nail fungus. Applying Vicks VapoRub to your nail once per day could clear the infection as well.[13]


  • Nail fungus is contagious, so wash everything that touches your foot. Wear socks in your home to avoid spreading it to other people.[14]
  • You could also try rubbing tea tree oil on the infected nail once a day to see if this helps.[15]

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How to Build Monkey Bars

Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Monkey bars make great outdoor equipment for both kids and adults. While kids will have fun swinging across the bars with friends, you can also use them for strength training in your workout routine. If you want to make your own set of monkey bars, you can easily build them at home using a few tools. While you will have to permanently set your monkey bars in the ground to ensure they're safe to use, you'll be able to use and enjoy them for many years to come!


[Edit]Setting the Support Posts

  1. Find a grassy, level area away from other equipment. Try to put your monkey bars in a grassy spot so it doesn't hurt as much as concrete or solid ground if you fall down. Check that the area is level so the vertical posts aren't crooked, or else you'll have trouble building the rest of the bars. Leave about of space between the area and other structures so you're less likely to hit something if you're swinging on the bars.[1]
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  2. Stake off a section of land. Push a wooden stake into the ground to mark the first corner of the monkey bars. Place another stake away, which will be the short side of the monkey bars with the steps. Measure out from the first stake to mark the length of the monkey bars, and push a third stake into the ground at your measurement. Put a final stake away from the third one to make the last corner.[2]
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    • Your monkey bars will be long, tall, and about wide when you're finished.
  3. Dig a hole with a post hole digger at each of the stakes. Hold the handles of a post hole digger together and push the blades into the ground. Spread the handles apart and pull up to remove the dirt. Keep digging until the hole until it's about across and deep. Continue digging the other holes at each of the other stakes.[3]
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    • You can buy a post hole digger at a hardware or outdoor care store.
    • if you don't have a post hole digger, it's okay to use a shovel instead.
  4. Pour of gravel into the holes.[4] The bottoms of your holes won't be perfectly level, so filling them with gravel can help provide a flat surface. Buy gravel from your local landscaping store and add it to the bottom of each hole. Tamp the gravel down firmly to level the surface so the monkey bars don't slant.[5]
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    • You will need about of gravel total for all of the holes.
    • Gravel also helps improve drainage so water doesn't cause the posts to rot.
  5. Set post in the center of each hole. Get 4 outdoor posts that are long and pressure-treated so they withstand the weather. Place your posts in the holes and stand them up in the center. Make sure they sit firmly without tipping or slanting so they remain sturdy during your build.[6]
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    • Look for the straightest posts available so your monkey bars are less likely to bow or bend.
    • Avoid using posts that aren't made for outdoor use, or else they could rot when they get wet.
  6. Fill the holes with quick-setting concrete. Concrete will stabilize the posts enough so they won't move around while you're using the monkey bars. You'll need about four bags of concrete to fill all of your holes. Mix the concrete with water in a wheelbarrow or large bucket using a hoe or trowel. Slowly pour the concrete into the hole around the post until it's filled to the top. Add the concrete to the remaining holes in the same way.[7]
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    • Check the specific instructions on the bags of concrete you're using to see if there are any special mixing instructions.
    • Wear safety glasses and a dust mask when you're mixing the concrete so you don't get any of the powder if your nose or eyes.
    • Do not use monkey bars if they haven't been stabilized in the ground since they could easily tip over while you're swinging around.
  7. Level your posts immediately after pouring the concrete.[8] Quick-setting concrete starts hardening within about 20–40 minutes, so you'll need to work quickly. Set a level on top of the post and check that it's not crooked or slanted. If the post isn't level, slowly push the post to adjust it. Check the remaining posts to ensure they're all level as well.[9]
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    • If you need to, lean board, sticks, or stones against the side of the post to keep it in position.
  8. Allow the concrete to cure for around 4 hours. While the concrete will feel dry to the touch within the hour, it takes longer for it to completely set.[10] Leave the posts alone for at least 4 hours so the concrete has time to firm up so it's able to support weight without causing the post to move around.[11]
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[Edit]Installing the Steps and Horizontal Runs

  1. Measure the distance between the outer edges of 2 posts for the steps. Choose the 2 posts on the short end of your monkey bars. Stand in front of the posts so one is on your left side and one is on your right. Start the tape measure on the leftmost edge on the left post. Extend the tape to the rightmost edge on the right post and write down your measurement so you don't forget it.[12]
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    • Both of the short ends will be about the same distance apart so you only have to measure one side.
  2. Cut boards to the length you just found. Multiply the measurement you found by 6 to find the total length you'll need for your steps. Buy boards that are long so you can cut them down to size. Make sure you buy pressure-treated outdoor lumber so it doesn't rot. Mark the lengths on your boards and use a circular saw or hand saw to make your cuts.[13]
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    • Save any scrap wood you have left since you may be able to use it later in the build.
    • You'll need approximately total for your steps.
  3. Put the first steps on the posts so they're from the ground. Press the wide flat side of the step so the ends are flush with the outer edges of the posts. Position the step up from the ground. Hold the step in place with your non-dominant hand so it stays level. Place a wood screw from the step's top corner. Use an electric screwdriver to put the screw through the board and into the post. Then place another screw in from the bottom corner on the same end. Attach the other end of the step to the second post the same way.[14]
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  4. Place additional steps apart. Measure up from the top of your first step and make a mark on the post. Align the bottom edge of the next step with the mark you just made and add 2 screws to each side to secure it in place. After that, add a third step another higher. Repeat the process on the other end of your monkey bars to finish the steps.[15]
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    • You can adjust the distance between the steps if you need to. For example, you may shorten the gaps if you're building them for smaller kids or make them larger if you're building them for yourself. Just be sure you can easily reach the top of the post when you stand on the top bar.
  5. Saw support pieces from your boards. Use the leftover scrap pieces you have from cutting your steps so you don't waste any of your wood. Mark 4 sections that are long along the length of the board. Use your circular saw or handsaw to make straight cuts through the board at each of your marks. When you're finished, your 4 pieces will measure .[16]
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    • These pieces will help support the weight of the horizontal runs and make them easier to install.
  6. Attach the supports to each post from the top. Measure down from the top of one of your posts. Place the support on the interior side of the post with the largest face pressed against it. Make sure the edges are flush before securing the support to the post with 2 outdoor screws that are long. Place the other supports on the remaining posts so they're level and directly across from one another.[17]
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    • Always check that the supports are level, or else the horizontal runs won't sit evenly on them.
  7. Set the runs on top of the supports. Get 2 pressure-treated boards that are each and long. Hold the board so the long narrow edge is on the bottom. Lift the board up onto the supports and set it down so the ends are flush with the outer edges of the posts. Then set the second board on the other set of supports the same way.[18]
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    • Ask a helper or two to hold the boards in place so they don't move around or shift.
    • You don't need to cut the board unless you shortened the distance between your posts.
  8. Secure the runs to the posts using outdoor screws. Push the board firmly against the side of the post so there aren't any gaps. Start the first screw in from the corner of and drive it through the board into the post. Add 4 more screws to the board in an X-shaped pattern to secure it. Secure the remaining end and board the same way.[19]
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    • If the board doesn't press against the post tightly, try using a C-clamp to hold the pieces together while you attach the screws.

[Edit]Attaching the Bars

  1. Get a set of monkey bars online or from an outdoor store. Monkey bar kits come with the bars and hardware you'll need to attach them to your frame. Look for a set that has around 6–9 bars so you have enough to span the entire length. Aim to get monkey bars that are around long so you have enough room to swing around and hold onto them.[20]
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    • Monkey bar kits usually cost around $30 USD. You can use any style as long as they mount to a flat surface.
  2. Divide the run length by the number of bars plus 1 to find the spacing. Find the total length of your horizontal run in inches and write the number down. Add 1 to the number of rungs you have and then divide the length by that number. Your answer will be the distance you'll use between each bar.[21]
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    • For example, if the horizontal run measures and you have 9 rungs, your equation would be 144/(9 +1).
    • Simplify the divisor: 144/(10).
    • Solve the equation: 144/10 = 14.4. So the distance between each bar will be .
    • This is only a recommendation so you space your monkey bars across the entire length. Keep in mind how far you or the person using the monkey bars can reach since you may need to get more bars and set them closer to each other.
  3. Mark the bars' locations on the top narrow edges of the runs. Start at the end of the horizontal run and measure along its length by the distance you found. Use a pencil to draw a line across the top edge of the run at your measurement. Continue across the entire length of the run until you make a number of marks equal to the number of bars you're adding. Then draw the marks on the second run so they line up with the ones on the first.[22]
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    • You will not place bars at the ends of the runs, so you will have to reach out for the first one from the top step.
  4. Screw the bars into the tops of the runs so that they're perpendicular. Place a bar on the top narrow edges of the runs so the screw holes are centered on your marks. Set one of the screws that came with your monkey bar kit in the hole at the end of the monkey bar. Use an electric screwdriver to set the screw into the top of the run so it holds the bar in place. Then attach the other side of the bar to the top edge of the second run. Work your way down the length of the frame, adding your monkey bars on each mark. When you finish attaching the last one, you're ready to use the bars![23]
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    • Some monkey bars come with screws that require a star-shaped bit, so you may need to buy one if you don't already own it for your screwdriver.


  • You can continue building off of your monkey bars to add more fitness equipment. For example, you can attach a cargo net to the top of the run going down to the ground.[24]


  • Always be careful when using your monkey bars so you don't injure yourself if you fall down.
  • Use caution when working with power tools.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • posts that are long
  • boards that are long
  • boards that are long
  • Monkey bar set
  • Wooden stakes
  • Post hole digger or shovel
  • Gravel
  • Quick-setting concrete
  • Level
  • Measuring tape
  • Circular saw or handsaw
  • outdoor screws
  • Screwdriver
  • Lag bolts
  • Pencil


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Make Bubbles

Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Making bubbles is so fun and easy to do! Start by buying a premixed bubble solution or whip up your own solution using common household ingredients. Choose or create a bubble wand in the shape and size you like best and submerge the end in the bubble solution. If you're using a smaller wand, just hold it up to your mouth to blow small bubbles. You can wave large wands through the air to create huge bubbles!


[Edit]Basic Homemade Bubble Solution

  • of warm water
  • 1/2 cup (120 g) of white sugar
  • of liquid dish soap
  • of vegetable glycerin (optional)
  • 1/2 cup (60 g) of cornstarch (optional)
  • Food coloring (optional)


[Edit]Choosing or Making a Bubble Solution

  1. Buy a premixed bubble solution for an easy option. Most grocery and toy stores sell small, plastic bottles of bubble solution that are ready to use. Most bottles will include plastic bubble wands already attached to the bottle's lid. You can use that or make your own wand.
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  2. Make your own basic bubble solution at home. If you have liquid dish soap, white sugar, and water, you can make your own bubble solution! Just mix of warm water with 1/2 cup (120 g) of white sugar. Then, stir in of liquid dish soap to complete your solution.[1]

    • Keep leftover bubble solution in a glass or plastic container with a lid.
    • Letting the solution sit for a few hours or overnight will result in stronger bubbles. If you can wait a week, that's even better! [2]
  3. Tweak your bubble solution to change the color or texture. Once you have a basic bubble solution mixed up, you can make it unique by adding ingredients that change the texture and color. For example:

    • Stir in of vegetable glycerin or 1/2 cup (60 g) of cornstarch to thicken the solution and create stronger bubbles.[3]
    • Add a few drops of food coloring to the solution to customize the hue.
    • Use different colored liquid dish soaps to experiment with color.

[Edit]Selecting a Bubble Wand

  1. Buy a bubble wand from a grocery or toy store for a simple option. If you buy premixed bubble solution from the store, it will probably come with a small plastic wand attached to the lid. These bubble wands are usually a few inches in length, with a handle on one side and a plastic circle with a hole on the other. You can find wands in different shapes and sizes in toy stores, too.
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    • You can also buy a giant bubble-blowing kit. These come with a big wand with a net that is capable of making very large bubbles.
  2. Make your own bubble wand with a pipe cleaner for a quick solution. All you have to do is bend one end of a pipe cleaner into a circle shape to create a simple bubble wand. The bigger you make the circle, the bigger your bubbles will be![4]
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    • You can also experiment with different shapes by forming a heart, star, or square instead of a circle.
  3. Use a slotted spoon or a cookie cutter for a ready-made wand. The holes in a slotted spoon or the opening in a cookie cutter can easily create bubbles. A slotted spoon already has a handle, so it's ready to go. You can duct tape the cookie cutter to the end of a stick to create a handle for your wand.[5]
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    • You can also experiment with other utensils from your kitchen, like plastic funnels, paper cones, and straws.
  4. Make a wand with a wire clothes hanger to create huge bubbles. Get an adult to help you cut the hooked end off of a wire coat hanger with wire cutters. Then, shape the hanger into a circle, star, heart, or any other shape you want. Attach your shape to a stick with duct tape to create a handle.[6]
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    • You can tie feathers or wrap colored twine around the handle to jazz up your giant bubble wand!

[Edit]Creating Bubbles

  1. Bring your wand and the bubble solution to an open space. Since bursting bubbles can make a mess and create slippery floors, it's best to set up somewhere outside, like your backyard or in a park. Plus, bubbles look so cool when the sun highlights their rainbow colors!

  2. Pour the bubble solution into a jar or large container. No matter what kind of bubble wand you're using, you have to be able to dip the end of it all the way into the bubble solution to create bubbles with it. You may need to pour your solution into a large bowl, bucket, or potted plant tray with a wide mouth if you're using a pretty big wand. If your wand is small, a glass or plastic jar will work fine.[7]

    • If you have a kiddie pool and a hula hoop, you can pour bubble solution into the pool and use the hula hoop to make gigantic bubbles!
    • If your wand and container are really big, you may need to make a double batch of bubble solution.
  3. Dip the end of your wand completely into the bubble solution. Make sure the shaped end of your wand is fully submerged. When you pull the wand out of the solution, the solution should look like a thin membrane stretched over the hole.

    • The solution will look sort of like plastic wrap when it's correctly stretched over the wand and ready to go.
    • If the end of the wand isn't properly coated after the first dip, submerge it again. You can do this as many times as you need to.
  4. Make small bubbles by blowing with your mouth. Hold the end of a smaller wand up to your mouth and gently blow. The membrane will form a bubble and detach from your wand to float away in the breeze.

    • You can blow faster to make lots of tiny bubbles, or blow slower to make bigger bubbles!
  5. Make giant bubbles by waving the wand through the air. When you're using a giant bubble wand, you won't be able to blow bubbles with your mouth. Instead, gently wave the wand through the air. The solution will stretch out behind the wand, separate, and form a giant, undulating bubble.[8]

    • Let the wind blow through the opening to see what kind of bubbles you get.[9]
    • Try walking or running with the wand to make an even bigger bubble.
    • Twirl around in place to surround yourself with bubbles.[10]
    • Hold the wand high above your head so the bubble has more time to float around before it hits the ground and bursts.



  • To enjoy bubbles without going to the effort of blowing them, you can buy a bubble maker.
  • Invent some fun and imaginative games to play with your bubbles! For example, you can have a contest to see who can blow the most bubbles, whose bubble is the biggest, who can pop the most bubbles, and whose bubbles last the longest.


  • When bubbles burst, they can irritate sensitive skin or the areas around your eyes.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Bubble solution
  • Bubble wand
  • Bowl or dish
  • Slotted spoon (optional)
  • Pipe cleaner (optional)
  • Cookie cutter (optional)
  • Wire clothes hanger (optional)

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