Monday, September 14, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Grill Zucchini

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:00 PM PDT

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Zucchini is perfect for dinner parties and barbecues in the summer months. Served as the main course or as a tantalizing side dish, zucchini is easy to cook on any grill, indoors or out. Tender, delicious, and crunchy, zucchini is a versatile vegetable, offering creative chefs plenty of opportunities to experiment.


[Edit]Basic Grilled Zucchini

  1. Heat up the grill. Grilled zucchini is delicious when well-seared. This requires using a grill that is at least medium-hot. Hotter grills would brand a set of appealing blackened grill marks, but if you're worried about burning your vegetables, you may want to opt for medium heat. You can always simply cook your zucchini for longer if they aren't done to your liking.
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    • Heating up a grill is easy. Turn a gas grill on, start the flow of gas and hit the lighter, close the lid, and let the grill heat. If you are using a charcoal grill, light the charcoal. Wait until the charcoal is ashy and glowing orange.
    • While waiting for the grill to heat up, do the prep work for your meal. For example, you may want to set the table, prepare the other dishes, or start chopping your zucchini.
  2. Slice the zucchini. The key to grilling zucchini is to use thin slices, not thick pieces. Thick pieces of zucchinis may end up charred on the outside but uncooked inside. You can cut the zucchini into rounds, cubes, wedges, or even strips!

    • Chop zucchini into circular slices about thick. These are easy to cut and easy to eat. This is a good choice when the zucchini is to be eaten as its own dish.
    • Chop zucchini into cubes approximately on each side. These bite-sized chunks work well for kabobs.
    • Chop your zucchini into wedges. Long, thin wedges cook well on the grill. Cut the zucchini into eighths lengthwise.
    • Slice your zucchini into long, thin strips. These are a little challenging — you need to cut the zucchini lengthwise into thin, paper-like strips just thick or so. This requires a steady hand, but it's great for when you want to roll up ingredients in the zucchini pieces to make mini "wraps."
  3. Drizzle the zucchini with oil. When your zucchini pieces are all chopped up, transfer them to a mixing bowl. Drizzle on about of cooking oil per zucchini. Mix the contents of the bowl until the zucchini pieces are all evenly coated. The oil will lend the zucchini pieces a little extra flavor, help them cook, and keep them from sticking to the hot grill.

    • Olive oil is a good choice for its flavor, but it has a low smoke point, which means it will start smoking at hot temperatures. If you don't want to deal with the extra smoke, you might want to try an oil with a higher smoke point, like vegetable oil, canola oil, or peanut oil.[1]
  4. Grill the zucchini for 2 minutes. Use a set of tongs to pick up the zucchini pieces and lay them on the grill one at a time. You should hear a sizzling sound as soon as the zucchini touches the hot surface. Grill the zucchini for about 2 minutes uninterrupted.

    • If you chopped your zucchini into thin pieces, be sure to lay them at a 90-degree angle to the bars of the grill so they don't fall through.
    • If you're worried about your zucchini sticking to the grill, use a grill brush or a paper towel to carefully paint the bars of the grill with oil before laying the zucchini pieces down.
  5. Flip the zucchini and cook it for another 2 minutes. After a few minutes of cooking, the sides of the zucchini pieces touching the grill should be well-browned and tender. Flip the zucchini pieces over to cook the other side and let sit for a minute or two. Repeat as needed until the zucchinis are tender and browned all over.

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    • For zucchinis that are evenly-cooked to perfection, flip your zucchini pieces in the same order as you added them to the grill. This ensures that all the sides will cook for the same amount of time.
  6. Season and serve the zucchini. When your zucchini pieces are cooked on all sides, transfer them from the grill to a clean serving platter. Let them sit for a few minutes until they are cool enough to eat, then sprinkle them with the seasonings of your choice and serve them immediately. Congratulations — you've just made grilled zucchini!

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    • There's no "right" seasoning to put on your zucchini, but if you're looking for something everyone will like, try lightly seasoning with salt and black pepper. Other good choices include garlic salt and cajun seasoning!
    • Try this recipe as a low-carb, easy side dish with your next meal.


  1. Marinate the zucchini in vinaigrette to add flavor. When you're tired of the ordinary zucchini taste, try spicing things up by soaking your zucchini in a flavorful marinade before cooking. Combine a little cooking oil with your favorite acidic ingredients (like vinegar or citrus juice), throw in the seasonings of your choice, and let the vegetables soak before cooking.[2]

    • For example, mix of balsamic vinegar and of olive oil. Add a few pinches of garlic powder and a spoonful of dried rosemary, basil, and oregano — whichever you have. Pour into an airtight container, add your zucchini pieces, and let them soak for at least a few hours before cooking.
    • If you are in a hurry and don't have time to marinate your vegetables, don't worry. Simply toss them in a bowl with about of Italian vinaigrette salad dressing per zucchini and cook them immediately.[3]
  2. Make a lemon-garlic sauce for a savory zucchini dish. Zucchini's mild taste goes great with tangy citrus flavors, the savory twang of garlic, and the richness of butter. This lemon-garlic sauce makes a great addition to plain grilled zucchini — use it in place of cooking oil to paint the vegetables before grilling.[4]
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    • Melt 1/2 stick of butter with of lemon juice. Grate about 1 tablespoon of zest from the lemon peel into the mixture. Stir in 1 tsp (3.28 g) of garlic powder and 1 tsp (1 g) of dried oregano. If you have some, add a pinch of curry powder as well. Paint the zucchini pieces with the sauce and grill as normal.
  3. Sprinkle the zucchini with citrus seasoning salt for a tangy option. Looking to add a little extra flavor to some plain old grilled zucchini pieces? Try making a citrus-tinged seasoning salt by mixing zest from your favorite citrus fruit with ordinary salt, then sprinkling it on just before serving. You can use lemons, limes, oranges, or whatever else you want.[5]
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    • Cook the zucchini pieces as normal, then set them aside. As the zucchini cools, grab 3 lemons and use a fine grater or a microplane to grate the zest from the peels into a small pile on a cutting board. Add about 1 tbsp (17 g) of salt to the pile of zest, then use a knife to chop the salt and zest, combining them. Immediately use this to season the zucchini and serve. If you wait too long, the salt will dissolve.
  4. Serve the zucchini with pesto sauce if you like to dip your veggies. Zucchini is great on its own, but if you're looking for a dish that's a little more satisfying, try serving it with a hearty pesto sauce. You can dip the vegetable pieces in the sauce, like chips and dip, or slice them extra-thin and make mini-wraps with the sauce — it's up to you.[6]
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    • Cook the zucchini pieces as normal. Add 1 cup (20 g) of basil leaves, 1 clove of garlic, of olive oil, and 1/4 cup (~33 g) of toasted pine nuts or walnuts to a blender. Pulse until well-combined. Gradually pour in 3/4 cup (~75 g) of grated Parmesan cheese, pulsing as you go to form a thick, rich pesto sauce. Serve the zucchini with pesto on the side or as the filling in mini-wraps.
  5. Whip up zucchini kabobs for a fun twist. Skewering zucchini pieces on a kabob by themselves or with other ingredients gives your guests a delicious, fun-to-eat meal. Zucchini pairs well with most common grilling ingredients, so depending on what you have available, you can make the exact kabob flavor combinations you desire. Good ingredients to add to a kabob with zucchini pieces include:

    • Vegetables: Summer squash, bell peppers, onion chunks, mushrooms
    • Meat: Chicken, lamb, pork, beef
  6. Melt Parmesan cheese over zucchini for a rich dish. Savory, nutty Parmesan cheese goes well with the moderate flavor of zucchini. Melting the cheese over zucchini pieces on the grill gives a dish that's deliciously crisp and blackened on one side and richly cheesy on the other. See below for instructions.
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    • To make Parmesan zucchini, cut the zucchini into wide, thin pieces, then oil them and lay them on the grill as normal. Carefully sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top of each piece, then close the lid and allow the pieces to cook for 2-3 minutes. When the zucchini is tender and the cheese is melted, remove the pieces from the grill — you don't have to flip them.
  7. Grill zucchini with other vegetables in a grill basket for a healthy side dish. Looking to cook a lot of vegetables on the grill at once? One easy way to do this is to use a grill basket, which is basically a small metal cage with handles that's sold as a grill accessory. Filling a grill basket with mixed vegetables and cooking over a hot grill gives the vegetables deliciously crisp, blackened exteriors while allowing their flavors to blend together. Best of all, this keeps the rest of your grill free for meat or other dishes.
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    • To prep vegetables for cooking in a grill basket, chop them into similar-sized pieces and toss them in olive oil. Add your favorite seasonings (rosemary and garlic powder are good choices) and stir to combine. Put the veggies in the basket and set the basket on the hot surface of the grill.
    • If you don't have a grill basket, you can get a similar effect by folding your vegetables into a pocket made from aluminum foil.

[Edit]Picking Out a Good Zucchini

  1. Look for a small-to-medium-sized zucchini. Bigger is not better when it comes to finding the perfect zucchini to grill. Larger zucchini tend to have their flavor "spread out" through the vegetable. That is, they're usually somewhat watery and flavorless compared to smaller zucchinis, so choose the latter for grilling.
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    • A good rule of thumb is not to pick a zucchini that's much bigger than a hand-held flashlight. A zucchini's taste starts to suffer after they reach about in length.[7]
  2. Look for a vibrant color. Did you know that not all zucchinis are green? In fact, perfectly-ripe zucchinis can be green, yellow, and even white.[8] No matter what color of zucchini you get, check the vegetable to make sure its color appears rich, bright, and vibrant.
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    • Dull or dead-looking zucchinis, on the other hand, may be a sign that the vegetables are past their prime.
  3. Feel for a firm, smooth texture. A ripe zucchini that's ready for grilling should be firm and crisp. However, it shouldn't be outright hard — the flesh should give very slightly when squeezed. Run your hand down the length of the zucchini to check for nicks, cuts, and other deformations. If you find any, pick a different zucchini.[9]

    • The best zucchinis have a very soft, subtle "hair" on them. You should be able to feel this light, bristly texture with the back of your hand.
  4. Store zucchini in the fridge for about a week. Fresh, high-quality zucchini lasts about a week in the fridge. If you can, place the zucchini in a paper bag, rather than a plastic one. Airtight plastic materials can trap in moisture, making the zucchini get slimy and spoil faster.
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    • Tightly-wrapped zucchinis also store for months in the freezer. In this case, you will want to wrap the zucchini tightly in plastic wrap or place it in a tight ziplock bag. Blanching the zucchini before freezing it can prevent it from discoloring and losing its texture while frozen.[10]


  • If you're also cooking meat on the grill, don't let your zucchini touch uncooked meat — if it does, let it cook for a little longer to kill any bacteria.
  • Zucchini pairs especially well with yellow summer squash. In fact, these vegetables are actually very closely related (zucchinis are a type of squash), which explains their similar tastes.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Find Good Exercises for Your Kids to Do Online

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

It's common to have some difficulty getting your kids to exercise, especially if they're stuck at home during the COVID-19 outbreak. Thankfully, there are plenty of online exercise resources for children of all ages and interests. Once you pin down your kids' interests and fitness needs, you can choose fun, engaging videos and sites to keep them active at home.


[Edit]Kids under Age 5

  1. Encourage toddlers and young kids to be active for at least 3 hours. Note that kids under the age of 5 have a lot of energy to burn, and need to be active and play throughout the day. Thankfully, simple exercises like dancing or hopping around qualify as exercise for your young child, as long as they keep active.[1]
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    • For instance, toddlers and young children can get exercise through simple activities, like dancing, bouncing or skipping around, and playing basic games, like tag or hide-and-seek.
  2. Choose simple activities that appeal to toddlers and young kids. Keep in mind that little ones thrive with simple activities that allow them to move around freely, like a game of tag, hopping around, or tossing a ball back and forth. Note that really young kids don't have the understanding or attention span needed for most group activities, like soccer, baseball, and other sports.[2]
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    • For instance, a simple activity, like dancing around the room, would be better for your kid than trying to teach them tennis or basketball.
    • If you can make exercise more fun, your kids will be more motivated to be active.[3]
  3. Put on a themed workout video to keep your kids moving. Search online for active, kid-themed workouts with a fun theme, like Ninjas or special cartoon characters. Invite your little ones to move and groove along with the videos, which will help them get some valuable exercise.[4]
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    • For instance, NinjaZone MoveIt Mornings and Get Moving with Disney Family are great options to consider.
  4. Queue up some engaging, energetic exercise videos for young kids. Search for popular YouTube channels and other independent exercise programs geared towards really young kids. Look for videos and series that involve creative storytelling, fun movements, and musical numbers that will really engage your little ones.[5]
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    • Cosmic Kids Yoga, Movement for Kids with Jaime, Pancake Manor, Fitness Blender, and Go Noodle: Good Energy are great options to consider for this.
  5. Unwind with guided yoga classes for your young ones. Invite your kids to stretch out and follow along with some simple yoga moves. If needed, help your kids follow the guided video so they can follow along.[6]
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    • For instance, Well Soul Fitness FriYay Classes host special yoga classes on Monday.
  6. Purchase online classes geared toward simple, energetic activities. Search online for simple, active workouts that your kid can follow along with. Keep in mind that many of these classes may not be a great option for toddlers, but could be an option for a 4 or 5-year old child. Try to get a feel for what sorts of activities your child is into, like martial arts or ballet, before purchasing any subscriptions.[7]
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    • For instance, Activity Hero is a great place to start.

[Edit]Elementary, Middle, and High School Kids

  1. Remind kids between ages 5 and 18 to get 1 hour of exercise each day. Keep in mind that grade-school kids and teenagers don't need quite as much daily exercise as toddlers, though they still need to stay active throughout the day. Thankfully, older kids can handle more complex sports and hobbies.[8]
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    • For instance, older kids can more seriously pursue different hobbies and sports, like ballet, karate, and gymnastics.
    • Try to create a routine where you get exercise at about the same time each day. For instance, if you want your kids to work out in the morning, try laying out their exercise clothes at night before they go to bed.[9]
  2. Search for fitness videos geared toward your child's age. Look for videos and programs that relate to more specific exercises. Pick out exercise videos that teach your kids specific techniques, like squats and planks, or programs that incorporate engaging music and dance sequences. Play different videos and see if any of them really resonate with your kids.[10]
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    • Programs and videos like Family Fitness with Wes, Double Time, P.E. with Joe, ObĂ© Fitness Kids, Alo Yoga Kids Yoga & Meditation, and Shaun T's Fit Kids Club "Cool Moves" are all nice choices to consider.
  3. Help your athletic kids stay in shape with conditioning videos. Look for videos that will help your kids make the most of their downtime, even if they're stuck at home. Specific websites and organizations cater to young athletes, providing exercises and workouts that help build your child's strength and stamina.[11]
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    •, StandUp Kids, Tabata Workout from HASfit, and videos from the International Youth Conditioning Association are great resources to check out.
  4. Sign your kids up for free fitness classes. Search online for a variety of different sports classes and other activities, ranging from ballet class to sports-specific training videos. Look for websites or programs that archive their videos, so you can view them at a later time.[12]
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    • For instance, Get Moving with Disney Family archives their videos, as do GO with YOYO and Starcoach.
  5. Purchase online classes for specific sports and physical activities. Think about what your kids are really interested in—are they hoping to learn a specific sport or activity? Look for online classes that help kids learn the ropes of certain activities, like ballet, martial arts, or other activities. Keep in mind that many of these classes cost money, depending on the program or activity you're signing up for.[13]
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    • Activity Hero is a company that offers a large variety of online sports classes.
    • Look up specific online classes in a search engine and see what you come up with.


  • Don't feel like your kids need to meet their daily exercise quota all at once, especially if your household has a busy schedule. Instead, encourage your children to break up their exercise into smaller, more manageable chunks.[14]
  • Look for other ways to work activity into your day, as well. For instance, you might take the stairs instead of the elevator, or you might park farther away from the door to get in a few more steps.[15]


How to Make Clear Glue

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Don't rush out to the store the next time you run out of glue! With a few pantry items, you can make simple homemade craft glue that dries completely clear. While most homemade glue recipes contain flour as a binder, you can make a flour-free glue using cornstarch. If you're short on time and don't want to cook the glue, just mix flour with water to make a quick paste.


[Edit]Basic Craft Glue

  • 1 cup (120 g) of all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup (67 g) of sugar
  • cup water, divided
  • of vinegar

Makes of glue

[Edit]Flour-Free Clear Glue

  • cup water, divided
  • 2 tablespoons (40 g) of corn syrup
  • of vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons (15 g) of cornstarch

Makes of glue

[Edit]No-Cook Clear Paste or Glue

  • 2 tablespoons (16 g) of all-purpose flour
  • of water
  • 1 pinch of salt

Makes of glue


[Edit]Basic Craft Glue

  1. Whisk flour with sugar and of the water. Put a saucepan on the stove and pour 1 cup (120 g) of all-purpose flour into it along with 1/3 cup (67 g) of sugar and of the water. Whisk the mixture to make a smooth paste.[1]

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    • Don't worry if you see a few lumps since you can strain them out later.
  2. Stir in the remaining of water and vinegar. Slowly pour in the rest of the water while you whisk. Then, mix in of vinegar. The vinegar is a very mild preservative that helps your homemade glue last a little longer.[2]

    • It doesn't matter which type of vinegar you use, especially since you won't smell the vinegar after you cook and cool the glue.
  3. Heat the glue over medium and simmer it for 5 minutes. Turn the burner to medium and whisk the glue while it cooks. Keep whisking as it bubbles gently and cook the glue until it's thick.[3]

    • Although the glue looks white, it dries clear so it's great for most craft projects.
  4. Strain the glue into an airtight storage container. Turn off the burner and set a fine-mesh strainer over your storage container. Carefully spoon the glue into the strainer and push it through using the back of the spoon. Then, use the glue or put the lid on it and store it at room temperature for up to 2 days.[4]

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    • If your glue doesn't look lumpy, you can skip this step and transfer the glue directly to your storage container.
    • Clean the saucepan and strainer in hot, soapy water as soon as you finish making the glue. Once you've used the glue in the container, soak it for 30 minutes before scrubbing it with hot, soapy water.

[Edit]Flour-Free Clear Glue

  1. Mix of the water with corn syrup and vinegar. Set a saucepan on the stove and pour in of the water. Add 2 tablespoons (40 g) of corn syrup and of vinegar. Then, stir the mixture until the corn syrup dissolves.[5]

    • You can use any type of vinegar in this glue recipe.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Turn the burner to medium and keep the lid off of the pan so you can see when the liquid begins to boil. Stir the mixture occasionally and heat it until it comes to a full rolling boil.[6]
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  3. Mix the remaining water with cornstarch in a small bowl. Pour the remaining of water into a small mixing bowl and add 2 tablespoons (15 g) of cornstarch. Use a spoon or a whisk to mix the cornstarch until it dissolves in the water.[7]

    • The cornstarch makes the glue thick and easier to spread.
  4. Whisk the cornstarch into the pan and boil it for 1 minute. Slowly pour the cornstarch mixture into the pan with the boiling liquid. Keep whisking the whole time you pour so the cornstarch doesn't clump. Bring the glue to a boil and continue to whisk for 1 minute.[8]

    • It's really important to whisk constantly so the glue becomes smooth.
    • Wash the pan immediately in hot, soapy water so the glue doesn't have a chance to harden.
  5. Turn off the burner and cool the glue to room temperature. Set the pan on a cool burner so the glue stops cooking and leave it to sit until it's cool enough to handle. This should take around 20 minutes. Then, use your glue or store it for later.[9]
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    • To store the flour-free glue, spoon it into an airtight container and keep it at room temperature for up to 2 days.
    • Once you've used the glue and need to clean the container, soak it in hot, soapy water for 30 minutes before you scrub it out.

[Edit]No-Cook Clear Paste or Glue

  1. Put 2 tablespoons (16 g) of flour into an airtight container. Find a small container that you'd like to use to store the glue and put the flour into it. If you'd like to double or triple the recipe, use a larger container.[10]

    • Since this glue only lasts 1 day, make just as much as you need for your project.
  2. Stir in of water and 1 pinch of salt. Slowly whisk in the water 1 spoonful at a time to prevent large lumps from forming. Then, mix in a pinch of salt. Keep mixing until the flour is hydrated and you have a sticky paste.[11]

  3. Whisk in more water until the glue is the consistency you want. If you'd like a clear paste, you may not need to add more water. To make thinner glue that you can spread with a brush, whisk in a spoonful of water at a time.[12]

    • Add up to an extra of water for thin, clear glue.
  4. Refrigerate the glue for 10 to 15 minutes if you want to make thick paste. Although you can use the clear glue as soon as you've mixed it, stick it in the fridge to chill if you want a thicker paste. Then, stick a popsicle or craft stick into the paste to spread it on your project.[13]

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    • Store your no-cook glue or paste at room temperature for up to 1 day. If you keep it in the fridge for more than 15 minutes, it will dry out and harden.
    • To clean out the container, soak it in hot, soapy water for 30 minutes before you wash it.


  • To make a mixture that's not as thick or sticky as glue, create your own clear slime!
  • Homemade glue doesn't last as long as storebought glue with preservatives, so use the glue within a few days.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Basic Craft Glue

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Saucepan
  • Whisk
  • Spoon
  • Fine-mesh strainer
  • Storage container

[Edit]Flour-Free Clear Glue

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Saucepan
  • Whisk
  • Spoon
  • Storage container

[Edit]No-Cook Clear Paste or Glue

  • Storage container
  • Spoon
  • Measuring spoon
  • Whisk, optional


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