Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Stretch Open Toe Leather Shoes

Posted: 22 Jul 2020 05:00 PM PDT

There's nothing worse than finding the perfect pair of open toed leather shoes and then realizing that they're too tight. Returning shoes can be a hassle, and finding the right size for your feet can be difficult. Fortunately, there are a couple different ways that you can stretch out your shoes to make them a little more comfortable to wear.


[Edit]Stretching Your Shoes with Ice

  1. Fill 2 plastic bags with about of water. Try to fill each bag up about halfway, then seal them tightly. Make sure there aren't any holes where the water could spill out.[1]
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    • Pick bags that are small enough to fit inside of your shoes, like sandwich bags.
  2. Push the bags of water into the toes of your shoes. Double check that the bags are sealed tightly, then shove them as far down into your shoes as you can. Make sure about of the bag is sticking out of the toe portion of your shoe.[2]
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    • Using a bag of water will mostly widen the toe portion of your shoes, and not so much the heel area.
  3. Put your shoes in the freezer for about 3 hours. As the water freezes, the ice will expand inside of your shoe, stretching out the leather. You can check on your shoes periodically to see how frozen the water is, but it usually takes 3 to 4 hours.[3]
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  4. Take your shoes out and remove the bags of ice. Once the ice is frozen, you can take your shoes out and test how much they have stretched. Dump out the ice but save the bags so that you can reuse them if you need to.[4]
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  5. Repeat the process as many times as you need to. Since ice only expands so much, you may have to put bags of ice in your shoes 2 to 3 times. If this method doesn't work, you can take your shoes to a professional cobbler for a stretching service.[5]
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    • The amount of times you use this method depends on how tight the leather in your shoes is and how much you need them to stretch.

[Edit]Heating Your Shoes with a Hair Dryer

  1. Put on a pair of thick socks and your leather shoes. Thick socks will protect your feet from the heat of your hair dryer, which can get really hot. Pull your open toed leather shoes on over your socks as best you can.[6]
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    • It may be difficult to get your shoes on over the socks, but it's really important to protect your feet from the hair dryer so they don't get burned.
  2. Aim your hair dryer at the areas that are too tight for 10 minutes. Turn your hair dryer on high heat and point it at the areas of your shoes that are too snug, like the toes or heel. Pass quickly over your shoes so that they don't get hot, and keep doing this for about 10 minutes.[7]
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  3. Keep your shoes on while they cool down for about 10 minutes. As your shoes cool, they will form to the shape of your feet. Leave your shoes on for a little bit so they conform to the larger size.[8]
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    • If you take your shoes off while they're still warm, they could shrink in size.
  4. Apply a leather conditioner to rehydrate your shoes. Heat can dry out leather, so it's important to rehydrate your shoes once you're done. Dab a small amount of leather conditioner onto a clean cloth and rub it in a circular direction all over the outside of your shoes.[9]
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    • You can find leather conditioner online or at most leather shops.

[Edit]Using a Shoe Stretcher

  1. Spray shoe stretcher spray all over your shoe. Shoe stretcher spray will soften the leather of your shoe and make it more malleable. Spray a thin layer of it all over the outside of your shoe to get it ready for the stretching tool.[10]
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    • You can find stretching spray at most shoe stores. You can also find it in a liquid version that you rub into your shoe with a clean cloth.
    • Shoe stretcher spray is a leather conditioner that soaks the shoe to make it more pliable without damaging it.
  2. Let the spray soak in for 1 to 2 minutes. Set your shoe down on a flat surface and give the spray some time to soak into the leather. You may still see a slight shine from the spray, but it shouldn't pool up anywhere on your shoe.[11]
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    • If you don't let the spray soak in first, it might not work as well.
  3. Insert the shoe stretcher into your shoe. Shoe stretchers look like wooden feet with a metal bar sticking out the back. High heel shoe stretchers conform to the shape of the heel so you don't have to worry about warping your shoe. Slide the tool into your shoe and situate it so that you can see the "toe" of the stretcher sticking out of the toe of your shoe.[12]
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    • You can find shoe stretchers at most shoe stores.
  4. Turn the handle of the stretcher clockwise 6 to 8 times. The metal handle on the back of the stretcher pushes the inside of the stretcher open. Turn the handle 3 to 4 times until the stretcher is snug in the shoe, then turn it 3 to 4 more times to give it a stretch.[13]
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    • The shoe stretcher will widen your shoes from the toe to the heel. Unfortunately, it won't make them any longer.
  5. Leave your shoe stretcher in your shoe for 1 to 2 days. The leather of your shoes needs time to adhere to its new shape. Keep your shoe in a cool, dry place, like your closet, for at least 24 hours before taking it out.[14]
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    • If you have 2 shoe stretchers, you can stretch both your shoes at the same time. Otherwise, just do one shoe at a time.
    • The shoe stretcher spray will absorb into your shoes, so you don't need to worry about wiping it off.


  • If you can't get your shoes to stretch, take them to a professional cobbler for a stretching service.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Stretching Your Shoes with Ice

  • 2 plastic bags

[Edit]Heating Your Shoes with a Hair Dryer

  • Thick socks
  • Hair dryer
  • Leather conditioner

[Edit]Using a Shoe Stretcher

  • Shoe stretcher spray
  • Shoe stretcher


How to Hold Chopsticks

Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Chopsticks have been the go-to dining utensil in East Asia for thousands of years, thanks to their simplicity and versatility. If you're used to using forks and knives to manipulate your food, you may have a tough time getting the hang of chopsticks at first. Once you understand the right way to hold them, however, mastering the mechanics becomes much easier. Start by resting the first chopstick along the inner edge of your ring finger and the webbing of your thumb on your dominant hand. Place the second one between your index finger, middle finger, and thumb, the way you would hold a pencil. This will allow you to move the top chopstick freely while keeping the bottom one fixed in place.


[Edit]Positioning the Chopsticks Correctly

  1. Pick up the chopsticks with your dominant hand. Use whichever hand you're more coordinated with to pluck the chopsticks up from the table, with the back of your hand facing you. Place your non-dominant hand beneath the tip end of the chopsticks and squeeze them together gently. This will line them up so that they're perfectly parallel with one another.[1]
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    • On a standard table setting, your chopsticks will be lying side-by-side in front of you at a horizontal angle.
    • It's usually easiest to pick up your chopsticks using your first 2 or 3 fingers and thumb.
    • Be careful not to let the chopsticks clack together loudly as you pick them up. Doing so might be considered rude in quiet eateries and more formal settings.
  2. Place your hand right around the top third of the chopsticks. Use your non-dominant hand to steady the chopsticks as you adjust the placement of your dominant hand. Hold both chopsticks together in the crook between the base of your thumb and index finger until you're ready to dig in.[2]
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    • If you're not sure exactly where to place your hand, align the top of the chopsticks with the tip of your thumb, then turn your hand over and grip the point nearest to the base of your thumb.
    • Having your hand too high or too low on the chopsticks will make it harder to manipulate them properly.[3]
  3. Rest the lower chopstick across the base of your thumb and ring finger. Arrange your first chopstick so that the upper part is nestled in the crevice between your thumb and forefinger and the tip end is lying against the inner edge of your ring finger. Once you've got this chopstick where you want it, avoid moving or adjusting it.[4]

    • Some native chopstick users prefer to place their bottom chopstick a little higher up on the hand, right around the base of the forefinger.
    • When used correctly, the bottom chopstick should remain stationary, allowing the top chopstick to do all the work.[5]
  4. Grip the upper chopstick between your index finger, middle finger, and thumb. Now, take the second chopstick and shift it between the top first knuckles of your index and middle fingers. Brace the inner edge of the chopstick with the pad of your thumb.[6]

    • Make sure both chopsticks are pointing in the same direction, with the tips and top ends evenly aligned.
    • This hand position should feel similar to the one that most people use to hold a pencil.[7]
  5. Keep your thumb from moving as much as possible. Use the top of your thumb as a fulcrum for the upper chopstick, providing just enough counter-pressure for it to rotate against. The base is there to cradle the lower chopstick and nothing more. Attempting to incorporate your thumb into the movement will just make you more likely to trip yourself up.[8]

    • It's also important to keep your thumb straight, rather than allowing it to bend at the knuckle.
    • Making sure your thumb stays put may seem complicated, but in reality, it gives you one less thing to worry about and lets you focus your attention on working the chopsticks open and closed.

[Edit]Controlling Your Chopsticks

  1. Open and close the chopsticks with your first two fingers. To open the chopsticks, lift your index and middle fingers in unison. To close them, simply press down again. The chopstick should feel like an extension of both fingers.[9]

    • If you're having trouble picking up food this way, try adjusting your grip slightly so that the pad of your middle finger is bracing the bottom chopstick on the opposite side of your thumb.[10]
    • Only the tips of the chopsticks should move. The tops should stay where they are, or come slightly closer to each other without actually touching.
  2. Keep a firm grip on both chopsticks to keep them from shifting. If necessary, pause for a moment and use your non-dominant hand to reset both chopsticks, remembering to lay the bottom one across your ring finger and the base of your thumb and keep the top one poised like a pencil. The further up or down your chopsticks slide, the more difficult it will become to use them.
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    • Hold your chopsticks securely, but don't squeeze them. This will just tire out your hand and cause your technique to deteriorate.
    • Wooden and bamboo chopsticks tend to be better for beginners, since they offer a little more traction against your hand and one another.[11]
  3. Maintain gentle pressure on the top chopstick to hold onto your food. Open your chopsticks and clamp them down on a bite-sized piece of whatever you're eating. As you raise the bite to your mouth, concentrate on pressing down lightly on the upper chopstick. This will keep the food pinned between the top and bottom chopsticks, ensuring that it doesn't go anywhere.[12]
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    • Like anything else, becoming proficient with chopsticks just takes practice. Try moving foods of various shapes, sizes, and textures from one bowl to another slowly. This fun exercise will help you get the fundamentals down.
    • Remember, the bottom chopstick is just there to provide support from beneath. The top chopstick is the one that should be doing all of the work.[13]
  4. Reverse the opening-closing motion to tear food into smaller pieces. Bring the tips of your chopsticks together and stick them into broadest part of the food. Then, pull them apart with enough force to separate the food into two pieces. Keep in mind that this alternative "cutting" method will only work on softer varieties of food.[14]

    • Traditional Asian dishes typically contain meats, vegetables, and grains that have already been reduced to a size suitable for chopsticks. Certain foods like tempura and whole fish, however, may need to be broken up in order to be made more manageable.
    • In casual dining settings, it's also usually acceptable to take bites off of large pieces of food rather than tearing or cutting them.

[Edit]Learning Proper Chopstick Etiquette

  1. Never stick your chopsticks straight up in a bowl of rice. This may seem like a harmless way of getting them to stay put, but it's a cardinal sin when it comes to chopstick use in Japan and many other Asian countries. The reason for this is because at Japanese funeral ceremonies, it's customary for the family of the deceased to place a pair of chopsticks vertically in a bowl of rice and leave it as an offering to the spirit of their departed loved one.[15]
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    • Similarly, crossing your chopsticks in an "X" shape represents death in Chinese culture.[16]
    • Since behaviors that remind your hosts or the people around you of death are thought to bring bad luck, they're sure to put a damper on the mood of the meal.
  2. Always use both chopsticks at the same time. Resist the urge to push your food around or spear stubborn bites with the point of one of your chopsticks, no matter how much difficulty you're having getting used to them. Chopsticks come in pairs for a reason. They're meant to be used for picking up food and nothing more.[17]

    • In some countries, even holding your chopsticks separately in different hands is considered a faux pas.
  3. Avoid laying your chopsticks across your plate or bowl unless you're done. Placing your chopsticks across your eating dish is a signal that you don't want any more. Many restaurants provide chopstick rests so that their diners can set their chopsticks down when they're not using them. If there are no chopstick rests handy, rest your chopsticks on the sleeve they came in or position them neatly along the left edge of your dish.[18]
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    • By the same token, leaving your chopsticks crossed on your plate or bowl shows a lack of concern for custom. It also makes them more likely to roll off the dish, or even the table.[19]
  4. Try not to gesture with your chopsticks or point them at other people. If you have a tendency to talk with your hands or feel the need to act out something you're saying, be sure to put down your chopsticks before doing so. Imagine how you would feel if someone were to jab a fork at you while making a point![20]
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    • This should go without saying, but it's also a pretty big no-no to drum on the table, conduct an invisible symphony, imitate a walrus, or act out a mock sword fight with your chopsticks. Remember, they're tools, not toys.[21]
  5. Move dishes with your hands, not your chopsticks. When you need to rearrange plates, bowls, or other dining ware, use your free hand rather than scooting or dragging the items across the table with your chopsticks. Otherwise, you risk insulting your hosts by using their utensils for something other than their intended purpose.[22]

    • If you need to pass or relocate an especially large, heavy, or cumbersome dish, play it safe and set your chopsticks down so you can use both hands.
    • In China and some other Asian countries, banging bowls with chopsticks is a behavior associated with beggars, which means you'll also inadvertently be dealing a blow to your own dignity.
  6. Don't eat or take food from the serving dish with your personal chopsticks. Move the food to your plate with the serving chopsticks or other serving utensils provided. Then, use your own chopsticks to eat from your own dish. That way, you won't have touched everyone else's food with utensils that have been in your mouth.[23]
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    • Another blunder to watch out for while serving yourself is digging around in the serving dish for the best looking pieces or your favorite ingredients. That's just selfish.[24]
    • Sticking your chopsticks in a communal dish is unsanitary, as it increases the risk of cross-contamination, but it may also come across as disrespectful if your fellow diners don't know that you aren't aware of the rule.



  • To determine what size chopsticks are best suited for your hand, measure the distance between your outstretched thumb and forefinger in centimeters, then multiply this measurement by 1.5. The number you get will tell you how long your ideal chopsticks should be, which could make practicing easier.[25]
  • If you just can't hold onto anything to save your life, consider swallowing your pride and picking up a pair of trainer chopsticks, which are connected at the top by a small plastic joint. Eating a few meals with these will give you a feel for the motion that the upper chopstick is supposed to make.[26]
  • In Japan, it's customary to hold chopsticks with your right hand, even if you happen to be left-handed.


  • If you're planning a visit to a place where chopsticks are the utensil of choice, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with other points of etiquette and taboos related to the use of chopsticks to avoid offending your hosts or the other diners around you.
  • Smooth, round chopsticks like those made from plastic or metal are especially prone to rolling, sliding, and crossing over one another, so watch out.


[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Identify a Pug

Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Pugs are the largest of the toy dog breeds,[1] with a unique appearance and lovable personality. They can easily be confused with other dog breeds, however, such as a French bulldog or Pekingese. If you take a closer look at a dog's physical characteristics and temperament, you can more easily discover whether or not the dog is a pug.


[Edit]Recognizing Body Structure

  1. Pay attention to the dog's size. Being a member of the toy group, the pug is a smaller dog breed. They tend to weigh around , standing tall.[2]
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  2. Look at the tail of the dog. A pug's tail is known for being curled. The tail of a pug should be curled (preferable double-curled) over the dog's hip tightly.[3] The tail lays upward on the edge of the back in its curled position.
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  3. Notice the dog's head shape. The AKC standards state that a pug's head shape should be "large, massive, [and] round".[4] Pugs also have deep wrinkles on their short and flat muzzles, between their eyes, and around their faces.
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  4. See if the dog has dark, prominent eyes. Pugs have round, bold eyes. Their eyes are usually a dark color, such as brown. They are large and noticeable in shape,[5] and sit across from the dark black nose.
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  5. Look for small ears that rest atop the dog's head. A pug's ears are either classified as "rose" or "button" type ears. "Rose" ears refer to small, folded ears with edges touching the side of the head. "Button" ears are not as short and are folded more forward rather than on the side of the head.[6] The AKC standards describe a pug's ears as being similar to "black velvet".[7]
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  6. See if the dog's build fits the motto multum in parvo ("a lot in a little"). A pug's build is small, square, and muscular.[8] They have stubby and short legs. Their legs are also straight and sturdy, with shoulders that are slightly laid back and feet that are neither too round nor too long. The overall body shape of a pug is thick and stocky.[9]
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[Edit]Identifying the Coat

  1. Look at the dog's fur color. A pug is usually an apricot/fawn color or has an entirely black coat. However, pugs can also be seen in silver, white, or a brindle pattern[10], which are more rare fur colors. Keep in mind that the AKC only recognizes the fawn and black variations.[11]
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    • If a pug is of the fawn variety, it will have a black or brownish "mask" around its eyes and muzzle. Fawn pugs are also seen with black dots on their cheeks and may have a black outline across their back.
  2. Notice silver or grey markings near the muzzle and face. As a pug ages, the area around its mouth and muzzle may become lighter and appear as a silvery color. This occurs not just in solid black pugs, but in pugs of all color varieties. The back, ears, or other black-colored areas on a pug's body may also lighten.
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  3. Assess how the fur of the dog appears and feels. Pugs have sleek fur that sheds consistently.[12] Their coat is "fine, smooth, soft, short, and glossy", according to the AKC.[13] Some dogs of this breed have double coats.
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[Edit]Paying Attention to Temperament

  1. Look for playfulness and an overall attention-seeking, "goofy" personality, especially from younger dogs. Pugs love being the center of attention. However, as they age, their energy may slowly decrease. A pug puppy will be after your attention and may make some trouble. They are curious and love to express their energy, and they are very eager-to-please.[14]
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  2. Notice if the dog is stubborn. Pugs don't always have the easiest time listening to what they're told. If the dog likes to do what they want rather than obeying, understand that this breed of dog is naturally stubborn. Giving a pug proper training can help it to learn how to obey commands with more ease.[15]
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  3. Watch for a guarding ability. Pugs make great watchdogs. They are attentive and will do what they can, despite their small size, to remain loyal and protecting of their owners. This is a desirable trait found in a dog.[16]
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  4. Pay attention to the dog's intelligence. Along with being protective, pugs are smart dogs. They are fairly intelligent, which helps them with their guarding abilities. See how clever the canine is to help determine if they may be a pug.[17]
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  5. See if an older dog appears more docile. If the dog is older, rather than being energetic, it may be more willing to follow your directions. As they age, a pug may become more accepting of human control.[18]
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[Edit]Being Aware of Similar Breeds

There are several other dog breeds that have similarities in appearance to a pug. However, if you are aware of the differences between the breeds, you can obtain a better understanding of whether or not a dog is a pug.

  1. Know the differences between a pug and a Pekingese. A Pekingese can seem exactly like a pug, especially if it has a short coat. Most Pekingese, however, have quite long fur. Both breeds have wrinkles and flat muzzles, but a Pekingese's tail won't be curled like a pug's - instead, it hangs over the dog's back. Pekingese can also come in different coat colors than pugs, though both can be seen in fawn and black. Despite having longer fur, Pekingese don't shed as much as pugs, but still a moderate amount.[19]
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  2. See how French bulldogs and pugs differ. French bulldogs are another popular breed with wrinkles and a flat muzzle. They are slightly bigger than pugs (and therefore not a member of the toy group), and have short, stubby tails. Their ears are perked, rather than the pug's folded ears. A solid black or tan and black Frenchie may have white markings on the chest or stomach, differentiating it from a pug.[20]
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  3. Understand the differences between pugs and bulldogs. Two stubborn, flat-faced breeds, pugs and English bulldogs have a lot in common. For example, both have faces coated with wrinkles. However, bulldogs have short, stumpy tails, while pugs have longer, curled tails. Bulldogs can come in many more color varieties, such as brown or brown with white markings. Pugs are smaller than bulldogs, as bulldogs are members of the non-sporting group. Bulldogs also have different ears than pugs.[21]
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  4. Spot differences between Boston terriers and pugs. These two breeds are roughly equal in size and body structure. However, Boston terriers usually have perked up ears and stubby tails, and tend to be black and white, while black pugs aren't seen with white markings. They also have completely different origins - Boston terriers originate in the United States, while pugs date back to Ancient China.[22]
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  5. Notice how pugs and boxers differ. Boxers are medium-sized dogs and larger than pugs, but the two both tend to have flat, black muzzles. A boxer can have either cropped or uncropped ears, along with a natural or docked tail. A boxer's natural tail is longer than a pug's and isn't curled, while the docked tail is very short. Boxers are usually brown or black in color, but also are seen in white, brindle, and more color variants. Pugs aren't typically seen in a brown coat.[23]
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  6. Be aware of how pugs and mastiffs differ. Pugs and mastiffs may look a little similar in appearance, but mastiffs are much larger dogs. Pugs are small dogs (generally lap dogs) while mastiffs are large dogs. Mastiffs have long tails that don't curl over their backs. Both dogs have wrinkles, but mastiffs have usually larger muzzles.[24]
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  • If you want to verify that the dog you own is a pug, consider using a DNA test. This will confirm your dog's breed.


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