Sunday, July 19, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Plant Basil in a Pot

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:00 PM PDT

Basil is one of the most widely-used herbs in the world, but every cook knows that fresh basil tastes way better than the dried stuff. Basil also happens to be very easy to grow at home. It's a plant that lasts only a year, but it can produce as much as 12 cups (241.2 g) of leaves in that short time. It's a hardy, warm-weather plant that doesn't require a lot of maintenance. You can also grow basil from seeds or get a grown plant for something that adds both color and utility to your home.


[Edit]Sowing Basil Seeds

  1. Plant basil seeds in late winter or early spring. Basil seeds prefer warm soil and warm weather. The best time to plant seeds is at the end of May if you're in the northern half of the world or November if you're in the southern half. Seeds can also be planted before or after that, but try to time it so they aren't exposed to frosty weather.[1]
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    • Even if you're planning on keeping your basil plants outdoors, you can start them indoors to protect them from the cold. Try planting them 6 to 8 weeks ahead of time, either in late winter or early spring.
    • Although basil can be grown at any time during the year, it tends to turn out weak and sickly during the winter months.
    • Seeds are available online and at most gardening centers, along with pots and soil. Basil seed packets contain 100 or more seeds that stay good for up to 5 years. Plant according to how much basil you wish to harvest each year.
  2. Choose a pot with drainage holes on the bottom. You don't have to have a big pot to start growing basil seeds. The type of pot doesn't really matter either, so choose a style you like. The important part is that it drains well so the soil doesn't get too wet. Also, get a plant saucer to place underneath the pot so you don't end up with a big mess each time you water the soil.[2]
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    • Bigger pots are fine, too. They are useful if you don't want to bother with replanting every single basil sprout later. You can usually grow several smaller basil plants together, although it's better to separate them.
    • You can even use small, plastic growing trays to get seeds started.
  3. Select a well-draining potting mix for the seeds. Purchase a quality potting soil at your local gardening center. Make sure it isn't an outdoor-type soil, since that can be too heavy for basil seeds. Soilless and seed-starting mixes also work well. If you can, get a sterilized mix to protect your seeds from bacteria and other contaminants.[3]
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    • The soil's pH level should be 6.5 to 7. Most store-bought soils are a neutral 7, but you can use a pH testing kit from your local hardware store to test this.
    • To make your own soil-based mix, combine equal amounts of sterilized loam, peat sand, and a supplement like perlite, vermiculite, or coarse sand.[4]
    • You can also make your own soilless potting mix so transplanting is easier. For example, try combining 2 parts peat moss with 2 parts perlite or vermiculite.
  4. Fill the pot ¾ of the way with moist soil. Pour soil into the pot, then use a watering can to gently water it. Watch for water to come out of the drainage holes at the bottom. To ensure the soil is at the perfect consistency for your new basil garden, take a trowel and lightly mix the soil until you're sure it's consistent.[5]
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    • Test the soil's consistency by scooping up a little with a spoon. Squeeze it between your fingers. It should be a cool, damp clump when you first pick it up, but fall apart when you squeeze it.
  5. Spread the seeds at least apart. Basil seeds don't need a ton of room to begin sprouting, so you can start multiple seeds in the same pot. Scatter a few of them across the pot by hand. Leave them on top of the soil for now.[6]
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    • Keep in mind what you plan on doing with the grown plants. If you intend on keeping some together, space them apart. Don't put additional seeds in unless you're willing to dig them back out later.
    • No matter how much you scatter the seeds, they may not all sprout. They don't need a lot of space to sprout, so placing them far apart doesn't guarantee that they will all grow.
  6. Sprinkle of soil onto the seeds to bury them. You won't need a thick layer of soil, since that could prevent the seeds from growing. Instead, add just enough to cover them. Scatter the soil around without pressing down on the seeds.[7]
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    • If you're looking to give your basil a boost, use an organic compost instead of more soil. Try using a loam-based compost mix or even a layer of vermiculite, for instance.
    • Compacting the soil could bury or otherwise damage the seeds, so be gentle when topping the basil seeds. You don't have to press down on the soil at all.
  7. Mist the soil lightly until the upper layer is moist. Fill a small spray bottle with room-temperature water, then spray the soil evenly. Make sure it is moist throughout. When it's at the right consistency, it will turn a dark color and clump together when you pick some of it up. As long as the soil is at the right consistency, you can sit back and wait 8 to 14 days for the seeds to sprout.[8]
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    • If you have a seed propagator, you can move the potted seeds into there to lock in the moisture. Another option is to lay a freezer bag over the pot and secure it with rubber bands.
    • Too much water will cause the seeds to rot, so use a light touch to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  8. Place the basil in a spot that receives 6 hours of sunlight a day. Basil grows well in sunlight and warm soil. Try keeping your plants on a sunny windowsill, for instance. Make sure they are protected from temperature spikes and moisture leaks. Keep them away from air conditioners and other sources of cold drafts.[9]
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    • When your basil starts to grow, you can leave the pots in the same, warm spot. If you're moving them outside, select a similar spot that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight.
    • To figure out which areas in your home get plenty of sunlight, check around during a sunny day. Note which spots get shady as the day goes on.

[Edit]Handling Older Basil Plants

  1. Select pots for grown basil plants. Try getting pots that are about deep and hold about . Grown basil requires more space than seedlings. If you're able to get a pot for each basil plant you're growing, plant them all separately so they have plenty of room to spread out. Their roots will have much more room to spread out.[10]
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    • Another option is to get a pot and space 3 basil plants apart.
    • Small basil plants can also survive for a while in pots, but be prepared to transfer them to something bigger if they outgrow those ones.
  2. Transfer seedlings to their own pots after they sprout 2 leaves. Watch for the actual basil leaves, not the small, spade-shaped seed leaves. The seed leaves appear first, followed by the tasty herb leaves.Once your plant has 2 to 5 of these true leaves, prepare to transfer it to a bigger pot where it will have plenty of room to grow out its roots.[11]
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    • True leaves look like mature basil leaves on a fully-grown plant. They are green and full. Regular basil leaves have a rounded shape, but sweet basil leaves are more pointed.
    • The seed leaves will fall off as the basil continues to grow.
  3. Dig a hole about in size for the plant. Put on some gardening gloves to push aside the soil in the center of the pot. Make sure the hole is roughly the same size as the plant's width. You can gauge the width by measuring the distance between the tips of the outermost leaves. Basil sprouts are replanted while they are still small, so you won't have to do a lot of digging to give them a comfortable new home.[12]
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    • If you're dealing with an older basil plant, follow the same steps. Make sure the hole is wide and deep enough to hold the plant's root ball.
    • If you're transplanting an older plant, put its pot inside the new pot. Pack dirt around the old pot to make a perfectly-sized hole.
  4. Remove the basil from its original container. Use a trowel to shift the dirt aside. Stay around the edges of the leaves so you don't accidentally cut into the roots. When you're ready to remove the basil, lightly grip the stem underneath the lowest leaves. Place your other hand against the container, then slide the plant out.[13]
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    • If you have the basil in a pot, tip the pot over to make the basil a little easier to remove.
    • For seed-grown basil, be careful to avoid hitting the roots of any nearby sprouts. Also, don't attempt to pull the basil out if it feels stuck.
  5. Bury the basil up to its lower leaves in the new pot. Set the basil root-first into the hole you dug. Check that the lowest leaves are right above the rim of the pot. If it looks good, push some of the soil toward the stem by hand or with a trowel. Keep the roots covered and the stem exposed so the basil grows strong and healthy.[14]
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    • Any leaves that are in the soil will rot, so don't bury them. If they are touching the soil, they could also get infected with a bacterial disease.
  6. Wait until the weather is over before moving basil outdoors. If you wish to keep potted basil outside, wait until the last frost of the season has passed. Keep an eye on the temperature over a couple of days to make sure it stays around . If it looks like it's going to fall below , then your plants will be in trouble. Basil grows really well as long as the weather stays warm.[15]
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    • The last frost is usually in late May for the northern hemisphere and November for the southern hemisphere, but it can vary a lot depending on where you live.
    • You can help shield outdoor plants from a sudden temperature drop by covering the soil with pine straw or another type of mulch. However, it's usually easier to move potted basil back indoors.


  • Basil flowers in summer and fall, and the flowers are edible. If you want your plant to produce better leaves, pinch off the flowers as they show up. Let them grow if you wish to get some seeds for next year.[16]
  • When your basil plant first starts growing, consider pinching off weaker leaves and sides so the remaining leaves have a stronger taste. You can start pruning it once it's about tall.[17]
  • Basil doesn't really need fertilizer to grow, but you can add some to encourage it to grow bigger. Dilute a liquid fertilizer to ¼ of the manufacturer's recommended dose, then add it about once a month when watering your plant.[18]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Sowing Basil Seeds

  • Gardening gloves
  • Trowel
  • pot
  • Potting mix

[Edit]Handling Older Basil Plants

  • Gardening gloves
  • Trowel
  • Potting mix
  • pot


How to Squeeze a Lemon

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Squeezing a lemon efficiently to get all of the juice out of it will save you money and trips to the grocery store when you're cooking with lemon juice. To get the most juice out of your lemon, you can squeeze it by hand using a few simple techniques, or you can use a couple of common kitchen tools to easily squeeze all the juice out for your next delicious recipe.


[Edit]Squeezing with Your Hands

  1. Roll the lemon firmly back and forth on your countertop before you cut it. To loosen some of the juice from the pulp inside your lemon, try pressing firmly down on the lemon as you roll it back and forth on your countertop. This will help you to get the most juice out when you squeeze your lemon.[1]
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  2. Slice your lemon crosswise down the middle. Place your lemon in front of you with the pointed end parts facing out to the sides. Using a sharp knife, cut the lemon halfway down the middle, so that when you open it the inside looks like a pie cut into slices.[2]

    • To protect your countertop, place a cutting board down beneath your lemon before you slice it.
    • Some people prefer to slice their lemon lengthwise, or pointed end to pointed end, when juicing it by hand. You can do this instead if you prefer.
  3. Hold 1 lemon half over a bowl with the cut facing up. Take half the lemon in the palm of your hand with the cut side facing up. If you turn the lemon with the cut facing down, the seeds will run out when you squeeze into your bowl. Holding the cut facing up allows most of the seeds to stay inside the lemon instead of getting into your bowl.[3]

    • A few seeds may fall down into your bowl even if you hold the lemon with the cut facing up. Just remove the seeds from your bowl with your fingers or a spoon when you're finished juicing.
  4. Squeeze the lemon half hard 3 times to get the juice out. Press as firmly as you can as you squeeze the lemon in your palm. The juice will begin to run out over the sides of your hand. Squeeze at least 3 times, or more if you think there is still more juice in the lemon.[4]

    • Lemon juice may sting your hands if you have any open cuts or scratches on them. For the best results, wear thin rubber cooking gloves while squeezing your lemon.
    • Repeat the squeezing steps with your other lemon half.
  5. Press a spoon into the insides to release any remaining juice. If there is any juice left inside your lemon, you can use a regular metal spoon to press the insides of the lemon. The remaining juice will come out of the pulp as you crush it with the spoon.[5]

    • To avoid getting seeds in your bowl, take the seeds out of your lemon half with your fingers before starting to press the lemon with your spoon.

[Edit]Using a Citrus Press or Other Utensils

  1. Press your lemon firmly back and forth into your countertop. To prep or "pre-squeeze" your lemon, roll it firmly into your countertop back and forth a few times. This will start to release juice from the pulp of your lemon before you cut it open.[6]

  2. Try putting the lemon in the microwave to prep it instead. Another way to get more juice from your lemon is by warming it in the microwave for 10-30 seconds. When it's finished, allow it to cool before slicing it.[7]
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    • You can also do this in conjunction with rolling the lemon on the counter. Simply let the lemon cool until you can comfortably touch it and then press it into the counter while you roll it back and forth.
  3. Cut the lemon crosswise down the middle. When you're using a tool to squeeze your lemon, the best way to get the most juice is by cutting it crosswise. Lay the lemon on a cutting board in front of you with the pointed sides facing out. Use a sharp knife to make 1 cut down the middle, cutting your lemon in half.[8]

    • Inside the cuts your lemon will look like a round pie cut into even slices.
  4. Place the lemon skin-side down into your citrus press if you have one. Get the most juice from your lemon by cutting a small piece out of its skin and placing it skin-side down into your citrus press, with the skin side against the point of the press. Squeeze the press together over a bowl, and your lemon skin will flip inside-out as it releases juice.[9]

    • Many people place the lemon into the press the other way, with the cut-side down against the point of the press. You can do this, but the lemon skin will not flip inside-out and you may not get as much juice out.
    • Repeat this step for the other lemon half to juice your full lemon.
  5. Squeeze your lemon between tongs if you have joint pain. The added leverage of tongs will help you not have to squeeze as hard with your hands. Place your lemon half between a pair of salad tongs or tongs used for barbeque over a bowl and squeeze the tongs to release the juice from your lemon.[10]

    • To prevent the lemon's seeds from falling into your bowl, try to hold your lemon with the cut side facing up as you squeeze it between the tongs.
  6. Try pressing a fork into the center for a simple approach. After your lemon is cut in half, insert a plain metal fork into the cut side. Squeeze your lemon over a bowl sideways and move the fork up and down as you squeeze.[11]

    • To get all the juice out, turn the fork several times and continue the up and down motion as you squeeze the lemon from multiple angles.
    • Repeat the step for the other lemon half.
  7. Use a mixer beater to squeeze juice out instead. Holding a beater from a hand or electric mixer by its handle, press the beater into the cut side of your lemon half over a bowl, and twist the beater back and forth firmly. Squeeze the lemon as you twist the beater against its sides until all the juice is out.[12]

    • You'll need a strainer for this step to catch seeds, or you'll have to remove seeds with a spoon or your fingers.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Lemon
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Countertop
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Microwave (optional)
  • Citrus press
  • Tongs
  • Fork
  • Beater from a hand-held or electric mixer


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Roast Baby Potatoes

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:00 AM PDT

When you need a satisfying, easy to make side dish, consider roasting baby potatoes. Baby potatoes come in several colorful varieties and they present well when accompanied by almost any protein-based entrée, such as chicken, steak, pork, fish, and tofu. You can use a simple combination of olive oil, herbs, salt, and pepper to season your potatoes. Then, simply roast the potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet until they are golden brown and tender.


  • of baby potatoes
  • of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons (30g) of fresh, chopped rosemary
  • 1 minced garlic clove
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon (7.5g) of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon (1.25g) of black pepper


[Edit]Cleaning the Potatoes

  1. Preheat your oven to . It will take around 15-30 minutes for your oven to reach this temperature depending on how quickly it warms up, so it's best to turn it on before you begin prepping. This way, you can place them right into the oven after they're prepped.[1]
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    • If you don't plan to cook the potatoes right away, hold off on pre-heating the oven.
  2. Rinse the baby potatoes under cool water. Use a colander to hold the potatoes while you rinse them. This will help the water and dirt drain out while keeping the potatoes in place. If your baby potatoes do not have any visible dirt clumps on them, you won't need to do anything else to get them clean.
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  3. Scrub the potatoes with a vegetable brush to remove excess dirt. Some baby potatoes have minimal dirt on them so you might not need to worry about this. However, if there are visible clumps of dirt on the potatoes, use a vegetable brush to scrub them clean while holding the potatoes under running water.

    • If you do not have a vegetable brush, use your hands to rub the dirt off of the potatoes.
  4. Cut the potatoes in half to speed up cooking time if desired. Place the potatoes on a cutting board and cut each of them in half with a sharp knife. It's not necessary to cut the baby potatoes in half, but it will reduce the cooking time, especially if they're on the large side.[2]

    • If possible, try to select baby potatoes that are all about the same size. This will help to ensure that they cook at the same rate.
  5. Place the baby potatoes on a greased baking sheet or jelly roll pan. Spray the baking sheet or pan with non-stick cooking spray or brush vegetable oil onto the surface. If you have a cookie sheet with high edges, this will work as well.[3]
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    • Do not place the potatoes on a baking sheet with no edges as they will likely roll off the edges when you move the pan.

[Edit]Seasoning the Potatoes

  1. Mix the seasoning ingredients together in a small bowl. Combine of extra-virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons (30g) of fresh, chopped rosemary, 1 minced garlic clove, 1 1/2 teaspoon (7.5g) of salt, and 1/4 teaspoon (1.25g) of black pepper in a small bowl. Then, mix the ingredients together using a whisk or fork.[4]

    • You can change up the seasoning combination if you'd like to add different flavors to your potatoes. Try adding ½ tsp (2.5 g) of cayenne pepper in place of fresh rosemary for spicy potatoes, or stick with 1 tsp (5 g) each of salt and pepper for a simpler flavor combination.
    • Another type of liquid fat will work in place of olive oil, such as canola, coconut, avocado oil, or even melted butter.
  2. Pour the oil mixture over the potatoes. Make sure that you use all of the oil mixture as this will help to make your potatoes nice and crispy. You can also drizzle the oil over the potatoes with a spoon. However, don't worry if some of them don't have any oil on them after you do this.[5]

  3. Toss the baby potatoes in the roasting pan or baking dish. Coat each potato completely with the seasoning mixture. You can also use a slotted spoon to gently toss the potatoes and coat them in the oil mixture.[6]

  4. Spread the potatoes in a single layer apart. This will help to ensure that all of the potatoes get brown and crispy. If the potatoes are too close together, they may not cook properly.[7]
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[Edit]Baking the Potatoes

  1. Roast the potatoes uncovered for 20-35 minutes. Place the potatoes on the lowest rack in the oven. Do not cover them with foil or a lid. Close the oven and set a timer for 20 minutes.[8]

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    • Smaller potatoes will take less time to cook while larger ones will take more time.
  2. Check the potatoes after 20 minutes for a brown color and tenderness. Look into the oven to see if the potatoes are brown around the edges. If they are, remove them from the oven while wearing oven mitts and poke a few random potatoes with a fork. They are done if they're tender when you pierce them with a fork. The potatoes are undercooked if you cannot pierce them easily.[9]

    • Choose a few of the largest potatoes to check with a fork as these will take longer to cook.
  3. Cook the potatoes another 5-10 minutes if they're not done. If the potatoes are not finished cooking, return them to the oven for another 5-10 minutes and then recheck them. If they're still not done, cook them for another 5 minutes and check again. Keep doing this until they are ready.[10]
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    • Be careful not to overcook the potatoes.
  4. Transfer the potatoes to a serving platter when they are done cooking. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the potatoes to a serving platter. Make sure to serve the potatoes while they are still warm. You can eat them as is, or dip them in something, such as sour cream, ketchup, or barbeque sauce.
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  • When roasting baby potatoes, consider adding vegetables to the potatoes. Green beans, asparagus and carrots can be combined with the potatoes, as can other vegetables. If using green beans or asparagus cover the baking dish with foil until there are 10 minutes left in the roasting time. This will keep the vegetables from shriveling.
  • Garnish the baby potatoes with fresh rosemary sprigs to "dress up" the potatoes.
  • Baby potatoes come in red, blue, white, and yellow. Consider using a variety of colors to make the dish more visually appealing.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Colander
  • Vegetable brush
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Baking sheet or jelly roll pan
  • Slotted spoon
  • Serving platter


[Edit]Quick Summary

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