Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Play Pickleball

Posted: 14 May 2020 05:00 PM PDT

Pickleball is a fast-paced game that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It's an extremely popular paddleboard sport partly because it doesn't require much equipment and it's super easy to learn and play. All you need are paddles, a pickleball, and a pickleball court. Whether you're playing singles or doubles, learn the layout of the court and follow a few simple rules for an exciting back and forth competition!


[Edit]Starting a Game

  1. Find a pickleball or badminton court to play a game. Pickleball and badminton courts have the same size measurements, but a pickleball court will have the net lowered to the ground so it's at a height of . Search online for pickleball courts near you or find a gym that has badminton and pickleball courts that you can use to play a game.[1]
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    • Pickleball courts can be located outside or indoors.
  2. Play with 2 people for singles or 4 people for doubles. Pickleball can be played with 2 people competing against each other, which is known as singles play, or with 2 teams of 2 people playing against each other, which is called doubles play. Games of singles and doubles both use the same court, have the same number of faults before losing their serve, and are often played to 11 points.[2]
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    • Doubles is the most popular way to play pickleball.
  3. Use 1 pickleball and have each player use a pickleball paddle. Pickleball specially designed paddles, which are smaller than tennis racquets, but larger than ping-pong paddles. Each player needs to have 1 paddle. You also need to use a pickleball, which is a lightweight ball with holes through it like a whiffle ball.[3]
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    • There are a variety of colors you can choose for your pickleball.

[Edit]Serving the Pickleball

  1. Stand behind the baseline of the right service court to start a game. A serve, which is the strike that starts a game or round of pickleball, is always performed from behind the baseline, which is the line at the end of each side of the court. When you're starting a game of pickleball, stand behind the baseline on the right side of the court.[4]
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    • The 2 squares in front of the baseline are known as the right and left service courts.
    • Once a game is in play, you'll alternate which service court you stand behind to serve.
  2. Hit the pickleball with an underhand strike below waist level to serve it. Hold the pickleball at your side with 1 hand and hold your paddle steady with another. When you're ready to serve, drop the pickleball and strike it with an underhand motion with your paddle.[5]
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    • If you hit the pickleball above waist level, or if the ball bounces off of the ground, then it's a fault.
  3. Clear the net so the ball bounces once on the opposite service court. Aim for the service court diagonally across from you when you serve the pickleball so it bounces on it once. Avoid hitting the net with your serve, or hitting the pickleball past the opposing team's baseline before it bounces off of the ground in the opposite service court.[6]
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    • For example, if you're serving from behind your right service court, you must bounce the ball once on the opposing team's right service court, which is diagonal across from you.
    • If your serve hits the net or goes past the opposing team's sideline or baseline before it bounces on the service court, then it's a fault.
  4. Switch to the other service court when you score a point. When you serve the pickleball and it bounces off of the opposing team's service court, the ball is in play and is hit back and forth until a fault is committed, such as the ball going out of bounds, hitting the net, or bouncing more than once on the court. If the opposing team commits a fault when it's your serve, then you score a point. Whenever you score a point, start your next serve from behind the other service court.[7]
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    • For instance, if you serve the pickleball from behind the right service court, and then the other team commits a fault and you score a point, your next serve will be from behind the left service court.
    • Only the team that is serving can score a point!
  5. Allow the other player or team to serve when you commit 2 faults. If you're playing singles, or 1 on 1, you get to commit 2 faults before you turn over the serve to the other player so they can have a chance to score. If you're playing doubles, or 2 on 2, whenever a player on a team commits a fault, then their partner gets to serve. Whenever the team commits 2 faults, then the other team gets to serve.[8]
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  6. Score a point when it's your serve and your opponent commits a fault. After the ball is served and the 2-bounce rule is observed, both teams volley the ball back and forth and keep it in play. Whenever a team commits a fault, such as the ball going out of bounds or bouncing twice on the court, then the play stops and the ball is served. If it's your serve and the opposing team commits a fault, then your team earns 1 point.[9]
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    • If it's your team's serve and you commit a fault, then no points are awarded. However, if you commit 2 faults, then it becomes the other team's serve.

[Edit]Volleying the Pickleball

  1. Wait until the serve bounces on the service court before returning it. When the ball is served, it must be allowed to bounce 1 time on the service court. Once the ball bounces on the service court, use your paddle to return the ball to the other side of the net so it can bounce on 1 of the service courts.[10]
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    • The return ball can be bounced on either of the opposing team's service courts.
  2. Allow the return to bounce once on the court before you hit it back. The two-bounce rule requires both the serve and return ball to bounce 1 time on the service court before the ball is allowed to be volleyed back and forth. After you send your serve and the opposing team returns it, wait until the ball bounces on the service court and then hit it back over the net with your paddle.[11]
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    • If the return ball doesn't land on one of the service courts to bounce, then it's a fault and the serving team scores a point.
  3. Hit the ball before or after it bounces once the two-bounce rule is followed. Once the two-bounce rule has been observed, volley the ball back and forth by hitting it either before it touches the ground or after 1 bounce. Keep the ball in bounds and avoid hitting the net as you hit it to the other side.[12]
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    • You can't hit the ball more than once or pass it off to a teammate.
    • If the ball bounces on sideline or baseline, then it's still in play. If the ball hits outside of the lines, then it's out of bounds, which is a fault.
  4. Avoid standing in the kitchen when you're volleying the ball. The kitchen, also called the non-volley zone, is the small rectangular zone in front of each side of the net. You can't volley the ball if you're standing in the zone, or if your foot is on the line, or it's a fault. Before you volley the ball back to the other team, make sure you aren't in the kitchen.[13]
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    • It's also a fault if a serve lands in the kitchen.
  5. Continue volleying the ball until a fault is committed. Keep the ball in play and hit it back and forth to the opposing team. There is no limit to the number of volleys you can perform. If it's your serve, and the opposing team commits a fault, then your team scores a point and the ball is served again. If you commit a fault while it's your serve, then you get to serve the ball again and no points are scored. If you commit 2 faults while it's your serve, then the opposing team gets to serve.[14]
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    • Games of pickleball are often played to 11 points, with 1 team needing to be ahead by 2 points in order to win. However, tournament games can go to 15 or 21, with a team needing to be ahead by 2 points in order to win.

[Edit]Winning a Game

  1. Score 11 points to be eligible to win a game. As you play a game, keep track of the points that are scored by each team. Once a team reaches 11 points, they're eligible to win the game. If they already have a 2-point lead whenever they reach 11 points, then they win the game.[15]
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    • For instance, if the score of a game is 10 to 4 and the team with 10 points scores again, then they win the game.
  2. Earn a 2-point lead once you have 11 points to win. Once a team scores 11 points, if they have a 2 point lead, then the game is over and they win. But, if a team scores 11 points, and they don't have a 2 point lead, then the game continues until they do.[16]
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    • For example, if you score 11 points, but the opposing team has 10 points, then you must score another point to make the score 12 to 10 in order to win the game.
  3. Play 3 total games to decide the winner of a match. Pickleball is fast-paced and points are scored often, so matches of pickleball usually consist of 3 total games. Win 2 out of 3 games in order to win a match.[17]
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    • Some pickleball tournaments may have matches of 5 games.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Pickleball paddles
  • Pickleball
  • Water and towel


How to Use Aromatherapy for Nausea

Posted: 14 May 2020 09:00 AM PDT

If you're experiencing nausea, you likely want fast relief! Nausea has many causes, including motion sickness, constipation, pregnancy, indigestion, and illness. No matter what's causing your nausea, you may be able to use aromatherapy to feel better. Aromatherapy is a general term for the inhalation of scents from essential oils and plant extracts to treat minor issues. Aromatherapy is widely considered one of the safest ways to holistically handle common symptoms, although you do want to keep the oils off of your skin. In addition, never swallow or ingest essential oils. Check with your doctor before using essential oils and seek medical care if you might have an underlying condition.


[Edit]Choosing Your Oils

  1. Use lemon essential oil for general relief, especially during pregnancy. Lemon oil drastically reduces the symptoms of nausea, especially if you're vomiting or pregnant. Citrus is generally good for the digestive tract and lemon oil likely calms nausea because it settles the stomach. Plus, the light, citrusy scent can drown out other scents that may be causing nausea.[1]
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  2. Choose ginger if your stomach is upset. Drinking or eating ginger has proven to settle an upset stomach, but the aromas may help as well. The scent of ginger is a great way to calm a rough stomach if your nausea is caused by something you ate or other digestive issues.[2]
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    • If you're looking for a quick fix for nausea, drinking some ginger tea is a great way to feel better quickly. It's not aromatherapy, but it's a proven fix![3]
  3. Opt for lavender if your nausea is related to anxiety or stress. Lavender is widely recognized as a powerful stress reliever, which makes it a great option if your nausea is triggered by stress or anxiety. It's also one the most widely beloved scents for the home, which makes it a great option if you're diffusing the oil indoors.[4]
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    • Some people find chamomile to be effective for stress and anxiety as well, but it may not help with nausea. It's worth giving it a shot if you're not a fan of lavender, though!
  4. Choose fennel if you're nauseous and have other digestive issues. Fennel has the ability to relax the digestive tract if you're dealing with diarrhea or flatulence. The scent is also quite woody and natural, which makes it a great option for aromatherapy. If you have any digestive issues associated with your nausea and you love the smell of the great outdoors, give fennel a shot.[5]
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    • Some people think that fennel smells a little like licorice or dill. It's a pretty dynamic scent if you're looking for something a little more unique than lemon or lavender.
  5. Try peppermint oil if you're looking for a cooling scent. Peppermint is a great option that can make you feel refreshed and settled. Keep in mind that peppermint tends to be quite strong, so you're better off only diffusing or smelling it for a few minutes to avoid irritating your nostrils.[6]
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    • Do not apply peppermint oils to the skin and avoid using it for aromatherapy if any young children are around. It tends to be more likely to cause an allergic reaction and children with growing lungs may find it irritable.[7]
    • Peppermint is probably one of the most divisive aromas used in aromatherapy. Many people really dislike the scent of peppermint. If you're not a fan of minty snacks or candy, it's probably not the best scent for you.
  6. Create an oil blend if you want a dynamic, custom scent. Sometimes, a combination of essential oils works better to combat nausea than a single type alone. For example, a blend of peppermint and ginger may be great if your stomach is a little queasy but you love the cooling aroma of peppermint.[8]
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    • You can also add other scents that you enjoy to an oil known for calming nausea. Since you aren't ingesting anything or using the oil topically, there are no dangers of causing a negative reaction by mixing different oils.

[Edit]Inhaling the Scent

  1. Pour a few drops on to a handkerchief to smell the aroma for a moment. Sniffing the entire bottle directly can be kind of overwhelming. To make the aroma more palatable, pour 3-4 drops of the oil directly into a clean cloth or handkerchief. Hold the oily cloth under your nose, close your eyes, and inhale slowly to take the aroma in.[9]
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    • Closing your eyes is especially important if you're using peppermint, which can really irritate your eyes if the odors are too strong.
    • This is the best way to quickly inhale the aroma.
    • The oils will dry out on the cloth after a few minutes but the scent should linger for quite some time. When it does dry out, you can either add more oil or use the dry cloth as a way to inhale a softer form of the scent.
  2. Diffuse the oil in your home for a longer, smoother form of aromatherapy. Diffusers are designed to release the scent of essential oil into your home. It's a more indirect way of getting the scent, but it can help reduce your nausea if you're hanging out at home. Different diffusers work differently. Some use heat to help diffuse the scent. Others will have you drop the oil in water to create steam. Follow the directions that come with your diffuser for the best result.[10]
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    • You typically have to mix the essential oil in a carrier oil, like olive or coconut oil, or water before you put the liquid in your diffuser.
  3. Fill a vial with the oil and a cotton swab to take it on the go. Grab a small, airtight vial or bottle. Pour of the essential oil into the container. Then, stuff 1-2 cotton balls inside of the container and push them down until the bottom of the cotton balls come in contact with the essential oil. This is a great way to take the oil with you and take sniffs as needed to curb your nausea. Inhale the aroma by holding the opening of the bottle away from your nose.[11]
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    • Close your eyes while doing this to keep the fumes out of your eyes.
  4. Add a few drops to hot water to inhale the steam and clear your sinuses. If you have a stuffy nose and you're nauseous, this is probably the best way to deliver the aroma. Boil some tap water on the stove and turn the heat off after the water reaches a rolling boil. Then, pour 3-4 drops into the water. Tilt your head over the water and inhale the steam slowly.[12]
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    • Peppermint and lemon tend to be the best options if you're trying to clear out your nose.
    • This should also make it easier to breathe while your nose is clogged. The steam will loosen up any mucus or blockages in your sinuses.
    • The steam should soften the aroma enough that you don't need to close your eyes. Go ahead and close them if the fumes are too much for you, though.
  5. See an aromatherapy professional to get acupuncture or a massage. Massage therapists and acupuncture specialists often use aromatherapy in conjunction with their services. Contact a masseuse or acupuncturist near you and ask them if they can use a specific oil for your session. If they can fulfill your request and you're interested in getting acupuncture or a massage, schedule an appointment, and show up ready for some relaxation.[13]
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[Edit]When to Seek Medical Care

  1. Check with your doctor before using essential oils. While essential oils are often safe, they aren't right for everyone. Some essential oils can trigger an allergic reaction or irritate your skin. Additionally, they might interfere with your medication or cause complications if you have certain conditions. Always talk to your doctor before using essential oils to make sure they're safe for you.[14]
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    • Tell your doctor which oils you plan to use and what you're hoping to treat.
    • If you're pregnant, make sure your doctor approves each essential oil you plan to use, as not all of them are safe.
  2. Treat your underlying medical condition that's causing the nausea. If you have general nausea or morning sickness, you might not need to worry about this. However, you may need to use other treatments if an illness is causing your nausea. Aromatherapy only treats the symptom, so you'll still need to treat your underlying condition to get better. See your doctor for a diagnosis and take your medication as directed.[15]
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    • If you're in doubt, call your doctor to see if they recommend coming in for a visit. You might be able to treat your nausea at home.
  3. See your doctor if your nausea is persistent or recurring. Your nausea could have many causes, and it's best to consult your doctor to find out what's going on. It's possible that your nausea is a symptom of another condition. Your doctor can figure out what's causing your nausea so you can finally get relief.[16]
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    • Your nausea is persistent if it lasts for several days, and it's recurring if it goes away and comes back.
  4. Talk to your doctor if nausea is causing you to lose weight. If you're so nauseous that it's hard for you to eat, it's best to see your doctor. This could be a sign that something is wrong. You're likely fine, but consult your doctor to find out what's going on.[17]
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    • Your doctor may also be able to give you advice on how to control your nausea so you can eat regular meals.
  5. Get immediate medical care if you develop severe symptoms. Sometimes nausea can be a symptom of a serious condition. Try not to worry because you're likely going to be okay. However, you need to get a proper diagnosis and treatment if you may have a serious medical condition. [18]
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  • Always check with your doctor before starting essential oils. If you don't know the cause of your nausea, your doctor may be able to help.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


How to Crochet Crop Tops

Posted: 14 May 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Crocheted crop tops are the perfect addition to your summer wardrobe! Instead of shopping all over for a crop top that you like, make your own crop top with a classic halter neckline. Since you're crocheting a single piece that covers the front of your torso and leaving the back bare, the top comes together quickly. Plus, you'll only need a few basic crocheting skills, a skein of yarn, and about 20 minutes.


[Edit]Casting on and Crocheting the Band

  1. Choose a skein of worsted weight yarn in any color. Get out a skein of yarn that's 4.5 ounces (127.5 g) or long. You can use any type of yarn you like, but pick yarn that's soft so your crop top is comfortable to wear. Keep in mind that you won't use all of the skein.[1]
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    • Avoid using 100% cotton yarn since it will shrink if you toss it in the dryer. If you'd like a soft, cotton crop top, choose a cotton-synthetic blend so it holds its shape.
  2. Make a slip knot and slide it onto a US size H-8 (5 mm) crochet hook. Pull about of yarn from the skein and wrap it around 2 of your fingers. Pinch this loop so the working yarn hangs behind it. Push your crochet hook into the loop and grab the working yarn with the hook. Then, pull so the slip knot slides onto the hook.[2]

    • Feel free to use a slightly smaller or larger hook if you usually crochet tightly or loosely. Keep in mind that loose stitches make the crop top see-through, so you'd want to wear something underneath the top.
  3. Stretch the measuring tape across your torso from 1 side to the other. Hold the end of a measuring tape on the side of your ribcage where you'd like the crop top to fall and stretch it to the opposite side of your ribcage. Write this number down so you know how long to make your foundation chain for the bottom of the crop top.[3]

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    • If you don't want to keep holding the piece up to you as you crochet, you can also measure from the ribcage to your neckline. Then, refer to this measurement as you crochet the body.
    • Don't twist the measuring tape or your foundation row will be too long. If you're having trouble measuring, ask a friend to help you!
  4. Make a foundation chain that's as long as your measurement. To make a chain, wrap your yarn around the hook and pull the hook through the loop. Since there's no need to count chains, but you do need to stop and measure the chain as you work. Keep making chains until the foundation chain is as long as the measurement you just took.

    • Hold the foundation chain across your torso from 1 side of your ribcage to the other. This helps you check if the bottom of the halter covers your torso the way you want.
    • For example, you may need to chain for your crop top foundation. This would make a medium-sized crop top.

[Edit]Making the Body

  1. Single crochet into every chain of your foundation row. To make a single crochet (SC) stitch, put your hook into the chain that's closest to your hook. Grab the working yarn with your hook and pull it onto the hook. Then, wrap the yarn around the hook and pull it through both of the loops. Continue to make a single crochet stitch into each of the chains on the row.[4]

    • This forms the bottom of your crop top.
  2. Make 1 chain and turn your work. When you reach the end of the first row, wrap the yarn around your hook and pull up the loop to make a chain. Then, flip the piece of crocheted fabric over so you can start crocheting the next row.[5]

    • You'll work back and forth across the row to make the band before decreasing rows for the crop top body.
  3. Work single crochet stitches across the row until the band is the size you want. Keep making 1 SC into each stitch and crocheting 1 chain when you reach the end of a row. Then, stop once this band covers as much of your torso as you like. To tell when to stop, hold the band piece directly below your breasts. You can make this portion of the crop top as long or short as you like.[6]

    • To make a short crop top, crochet around 3 rows. For a longer crop top band, work up to about 10 rows.
  4. Make the first decreasing row to begin the halter portion. Don't chain a stitch when you reach the end of the row. Instead, turn the work and skip the first stitch. Then, single crochet in every stitch across the row. The decreasing stitches make diagonal sides that form the halter-style top. [7]

    • If you'd like to make a V-neck crop top, you'll need to crochet 2 triangular pieces that cover your breasts. Then, you can attach them to the band that you just finished.
  5. Turn the work and crochet decreasing rows until you've finished the neckline. Continue to skip the first stitch of every row and make a single crochet into the rest of the stitches for the row. This creates the halter portion that covers your breasts and becomes the neckline.

    • Keep doing this until the neckline is as high as you want. To help you get an idea of the size, hold the piece up against your torso frequently.

[Edit]Crocheting the Straps

  1. Make a strap that's 120 to 150 chains long. Don't cut the yarn when you finish crocheting the body. When you reach the end of your last row, which is the neckline, start making a long chain that you'll use to wrap and wear the crop top.[8]

    • If you're making a small crop top, crochet around 120 chains. For a larger size, work closer to 150 chains.
  2. Slip stitch back through each of the chains to create a thicker strap. To make the strap sturdier and more comfortable, insert your hook back through the last chain you made. Wrap your yarn around the hook and pull it through the loops to make a slip stitch. Keep slip stitching through each of the chains until you reach the neckline where you started the strap.[9]

  3. Single crochet across the neckline to reach the end of the row. Instead of cutting the yarn to begin another strap, just make 1 single crochet stitch into every stitch across the neckline.[10]

    • Now, your hook and yarn are positioned to make the opposite strap.
  4. Crochet an identical strap. Chain up another strap that's the same length as the opposite one you made. Then, slip stitch back through it as you did with the other one. Remember to make the same number of chains so the straps are even.[11]

  5. Pull each strap through the bottom at the opposite corner. Lay the crop top so it's face down and take 1 of the straps. Pull it diagonally across the crop top. Repeat this for the other strap so they both form an X shape. Then, push your hook from the underside of the top through the bottom corner and grab a strap. Pull the strap through and repeat this for the other side.[12]

    • Now, you can put on the crop top and tie the straps behind your back.


  • To make a multicolored crop top, use multicolored yarn or switch yarn colors after you finish the band section.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • 1 skein of worsted weight yarn
  • US size H-8 (5 mm) crochet hook
  • Scissors
  • Tapestry needle


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