Monday, April 20, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Make Yeast

Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

The process used to make yeast can seem complicated at first because it involves very specific steps, instruments, and chemicals, but it's actually very straightforward and quick to learn! You can culture yeast at home using a few basic kitchen tools and household items. Once you have your items, you can begin to make your yeast, which will take some time and requires paying careful attention. But, once you do get the technique down right, you'll be able to make your own yeast whenever you need it, like for baking your own bread, brewing homemade beer, or making other delicious cooked or baked goods that need yeast.


[Edit]Making Yeast from Malt Extract

[Edit]The first heating: making the medium

  1. Bring 1 cup of water (250 ml) to a boil. Once you have achieved this, remove water from the heat.
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  2. Stir 15 grams (1/2 ounce) of malt extract into the water until it is completely dissolved. Bring it to a boil for another 10-15 minutes. This will ensure sterility.
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    • This second boil is sanitizing the medium mixture, which is called "wort."
  3. Add a packet of gelatin to the wort. Stir it until it is dissolved -- completely dissolved.
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  4. Pour some of the gelatin-wort mixture into each of the jars or dishes you're using to make your cultures. Fill each container about 1/4 inch full. It's easiest to do this with a sterilized funnel if you're using a test tube or vials.[1]
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    • Keep one empty jar or dish aside for use later in the culturing process.

[Edit]The second heating: inoculating the medium

  1. Place the jars or dishes in the bottom of the large stock pot. Make sure it has a lid! This is where having vessels with a flat bottom comes in handy. If you're using tubes with a rounded base, you'll need to rack them to stand them up.
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  2. Add 2 to 3 inches (5 - 7.5 cm) of water to the dish. Or enough so that the water comes halfway up the sides of your culturing vessels. Make sure the water does not get inside the jars.
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    • Add the jar lids carefully. Don't put them on, just in -- this will sterilize them. If you put them on, everything may explode.
  3. Bring the water in the stock pot to a boil. Keep it on high for 15 minutes to sterilize the culturing vessels. Then remove vessels from the hot water using your kitchen tongs and cool completely. This may take a while, so be patient.[2]
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    • You need to wait for things to cool to at least 40 deg. C before attaching the sterile caps, otherwise the cooling growth-medium will cause the vials to either suck the caps into the vials, or actually implode. Once cool enough, put the caps on the vials firmly. Pros generally cool for 24 hours at a slant.
    • These are often referred to as "slants" by home brewers because many use test tubes and invert them at an angle so the wort-gelatin mixture inside solidifies on a slant.[3]

[Edit]The final stages

  1. Lay out your working area. You're now going to need a number of things. It'll be easiest if you have them all at your side when you begin this process. You'll need:
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    • Yeast pack
    • Slant vials
    • An unwrapped paper clip or long needle
    • Cotton ball or folded up paper-towel
    • Your vial of ethyl alcohol
    • Your starter vessel laid out on clean paper toweling,
    • An empty, unused slant vial that has been sterilized, along with its cap.
  2. Prepare the yeast as directed on the package. Each package will list different tips and instructions, so follow them carefully. You'll need to shake the yeast so it swells and forms a paste.
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  3. Start culturing your slants. Open the yeast packet about halfway. Wipe the needle or paper clip with the alcohol swab (this sterilizes the needle and removes contaminants that could prevent the yeast from culturing properly).
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    • Draw a small amount of the yeast paste into the needle or swirl the paper clip around in the yeast packet to coat it.
  4. Insert the needle into the gelatin mixture and release the yeast. Work as quickly as possible during this step to prevent contamination. Avoid breathing if at all possible.[4]
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    • Some brewers recommend placing an alcohol-soaked paper towel over the opening of the jar or dish and inserting the needle or paper clip through it into the dish to help prevent contamination when inserting the yeast.
  5. Cap the jar or dish tightly. Place the jars in a clean, cool, dark place for 72 hours. Within a couple of days you will see a cloudy film on the slant surface, and a few days later it will develop into a milky white layer about 1 mm thick.
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    • Wipe the outside of the jars and lids with alcohol swabs. As always, everything needs to be completely sterile.
  6. Loosen each jar slightly to release the pressure built up in each jar, then tighten again.
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    • You'll notice a slight hissing sound as you break the seal on the jar. That's excess carbon dioxide from the yeast grows as it escapes to reduce the pressure in the jar.
  7. Label each jar with the date it was cultured. Store in a clean refrigerator to continue culture growth. They will keep in perfect condition for at least 3 months.
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[Edit]Making Yeast Starter from Potato

This is a method of making yeast without a yeast package. This recipe is about right for a large family requiring more than one loaf for baking.[5]

  1. Boil 1 medium potato in unsalted water until done. Drain, but save the water.
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  2. Mash the potato. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and and a pinch of salt.
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  3. Cool to lukewarm. Add enough potato water to make one quart of mixture.
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  4. Cover and set in a warm place. Allow to ferment.
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    • Note: If the starter is not rising, you can add a package of store bought yeast to speed up the process––but––it will be just as good if allowed to ferment without the added yeast.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Large pot with lid
  • Malt extract
  • Gelatin
  • Petri dishes, canning jars or baby food jars with lids
  • Tongs
  • Packet of yeast
  • Alcohol swabs
  • A hypodermic needle or a straightened paperclip

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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Make Liquid Castile Soap

Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Liquid castile soap is a versatile, inexpensive cleaning option that can be made with just a few ingredients. To make liquid castile soap, you can mix and cook your own soap solution at home, or use a slow cooker and boiling water to melt already-made bars of castile soap. Once liquefied, you can use your liquid castile soap as a cleaning solution, hand wash, body wash, shampoo, dish soap, or shower scrub.[1]


[Edit]Mixing Your Own Liquid Castile Soap

  1. Add of olive oil to your slow cooker on high heat. First, use a measuring cup to measure out and pour of olive oil into your slow cooker. Then, turn the slow cooker on high to heat the oil.[2]
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    • While traditional castile soap only uses olive oil, you can use additional vegetable oils in place of some of the olive oil as well. For example, you can replace of the olive oil with of coconut oil for an extra hydrating and cleaning liquid soap.
    • You can also replace some of the olive oil with hemp oil or jojoba oil to help fight skin inflammation and redness.[3] Just make sure that the amount of oil used still adds up to .
  2. Wear safety gloves and goggles in a ventilated space. While the oil is heating up, put on safety gloves and goggles to protect your skin and eyes.[4] Then, ventilate your space by turning on the vent hood and opening 1 or 2 windows.[5]
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    • Direct contact to potassium hydroxide lye flakes, and even exposure due to lack of ventilation, can burn your skin and even cause blindness if it gets in your eyes.[6]
  3. Mix the potassium hydroxide lye flakes with distilled water. Use a measuring cup to pour of distilled water into a large glass mixing bowl. Then, measure out of potassium hydroxide lye flakes and add them carefully to the distilled water. Use a silicone spatula to mix the lye solution, stirring slowly and carefully until the flakes are completely dissolved.[7]
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    • You can buy potassium hydroxide lye flakes online and at some apothecary stores.
    • Using distilled water is necessary because the pH and mineral content of tap water varies from one place to another. This can greatly impact the chemical reactions during the soap-making process, as well as its purity and cleaning ability.[8]
    • If you want the castile soap to be even more moisturizing, you can add of glycerin to the lye solution.[9]
  4. Stir the oil and add the lye solution into the slow cooker. First, use your spatula to stir the oil that's been heating up in the slow cooker to make sure it's warm and mixed, if you used more than 1 type of oil. Then, carefully pour the lye solution into the slow cooker, adding it slowly so the solution doesn't splash.[10]
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  5. Use an immersion blender to blend the oil and lye together. Place the end of your immersion blender into the slow cooker. Then, turn it on the medium setting and blend the liquids for about 5 minutes, moving the blender around in the slow cooker to make sure all the oils and lye solution are mixed.[11]
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    • After 5 minutes, the mixture will turn more opaque and begin to thicken into a pudding-like consistency.[12]
  6. Cover the soap and cook it for 3 hours, stirring every 30 minutes. Once the soap mixture thickens, set the timer on your slow cooker for 3 hours. Cover the slow cooker with the lid, returning to stir the mixture every 30 minutes with a silicone spatula.[13]
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    • This will ensure that the soap ingredients don't separate as they cook in the slow cooker.[14]
    • As the soap cooks, it will become increasingly more translucent.
    • If your slow cooker's high heat setting doesn't get very hot, you may need to cook the mixture for up to 5 hours.
  7. Add of the soap mixture to hot water to test the clarity. After about 3 hours, check to see if the soap looks translucent with a gel-like consistency. If it does, use a measuring spoon to transfer of the soap mixture into of hot water. If the soap melts and remains translucent, it's ready to be diluted.[15]
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    • If it's still cloudy, cook the soap mixture in the slow cooker for another 30 minutes before performing the clarity test again.[16]
  8. Heat of distilled water on the stove. Use a measuring cup to measure out and add of distilled water to a pot. Then, heat the water on the stove until it just starts to boil.[17]
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    • Since the soap mixture and slow cooker will be hot, using hot water will keep your slow cooker pot from cracking as the result of an instant temperature change.
  9. Dilute the soap mixture with the of hot distilled water. Carefully add the hot distilled water into the slow cooker, pouring slowly so it doesn't splash on your skin. Then, use a silicone spatula to stir the soap and distilled water until combined.[18]
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  10. Leave the slow cooker covered on the warm setting for 8 hours. Once the soap mixture is diluted with hot distilled water, set your slow cooker on the "keep warm" setting. Leave the soap to liquefy for about 8 hours or overnight.[19]
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    • If you aren't comfortable leaving your slow cooker on overnight, you can turn it off and let the soap liquefy at room temperature. If you do this, leave it for 10 to 12 hours instead of 8 hours.[20]
  11. Transfer the liquid castile soap into a container(s) to store it. Use a ladle to transfer the liquid castile soap in a large glass jug, or separate it into several smaller soap dispensers.[21] You can then use your liquid castile soap as a cleaning solution, hand wash, body wash, shampoo, dish soap, or shower scrub.[22]
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    • To make your soap extra moisturizing, add about 25 drops of vitamin E oil to the container.
    • You can use a funnel to help you transfer the liquid castile soap into containers without spilling.[23]

[Edit]Melting Castile Soap Bars into Liquid

  1. Boil of water for every bar of soap on the stove. Using a measuring cup, add the appropriate amount of water for the number of soap bars you're melting into liquid. Then, turn the stove on high to bring the water to a boil.[24]
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    • While it's crucial that you use distilled water when making liquid castile soap from scratch, you can use regular water when making liquid soap from a bar if you want.
  2. Grate the bar of castile soap into a slow cooker with a cheese grater. While the water is heating up on the stove, use a cheese grater to grate the bar of castile soap into the slow cooker. You can do this by holding the cheese grater over the slow cooker pot and running the soap bar back and forth over the grates.[25]
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    • While you can melt bars of castile soap whole, they will melt much faster and more evenly if you grate them into small pieces.[26]
    • Use caution when you're using the cheese grater, as they tend to be very sharp.
  3. Add the boiling water and set the slow cooker on high for 1 hour. Pour the boiling water on top of the grated castile soap in the slow cooker pot. Then, cover the slow cooker pot with the lid and turn it on the high heat setting. Set the timer on the slow cooker for 1 hour.[27]
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    • Make sure that you pour the boiling water slowly and carefully so it doesn't splash and burn your skin.
  4. Stir the liquid soap with a whisk or immersion blender. After 1 hour, remove the lid from the slow cooker. Use a whisk or immersion blender to stir the liquid soap for about 5 minutes or until it's completely blended.[28]
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    • If you use an immersion blender, set it on the low or medium setting to ensure that the hot, liquefied soap doesn't splash on your skin.
  5. Remove the pot from the slow cooker and let it cool for 1 hour. Grab the handles on either side of the slow cooker's pot and remove it from the slow cooker setting. Place the pot on a heat-safe mat or on the stovetop if it's turned off to cool for at least 1 hour.[29]
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    • Depending on the temperature in your kitchen, it may take longer than 1 hour for the liquid to cool. If so, leave it for about 15 to 30 minutes.
  6. Use a ladle to transfer the liquid soap into a container. Using a ladle, carefully scoop the liquid castile soap into a large container to store it. You can also transfer your liquid castile soap into smaller containers or soap dispensers.
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    • Use a funnel to help you transfer the liquid castile soap into containers without spilling.[30]


[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Mixing Your Own Liquid Castile Soap

  • Large slow cooker (6 quarts or larger)
  • Immersion blender
  • Measuring cups
  • Silicone spatula
  • Glass mixing bowl
  • Potassium hydroxide lye flakes
  • Distilled water
  • Olive oil
  • Optional additional oils (olive oil, coconut oil, hemp oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil)
  • Glass container(s)

[Edit]Melting Castile Soap Bars into Liquid

  • Slow cooker
  • Cheese grater
  • Immersion blender or whisk
  • Measuring cups
  • Water
  • Castile soap bar(s)
  • Glass container(s)

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How to Become an Amazon Associate

Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:00 AM PDT

The Amazon Associates program allows you to generate revenue by placing links to Amazon products on your personal website. Each time someone purchases a product by clicking on a link from your website, Amazon will give you a small commission. With a few quick tips, you can easily apply to become an Amazon Associate so that you can start generating revenue from your personal website.


[Edit]Creating an Account

  1. Set up your website or blog. To apply for the Amazon Associates program, you will need a website address. You will also need to be able to describe basic information about your website.[1]
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    • Consider developing a blog that will target a well-defined, niche audience. You'll need to have a specific plan to attract followers before creating your website.
    • Be prepared to describe what your website is about, what other advertising or affiliate listings you might have on your site, and what kind of audience your website is targeting.
  2. Visit the Amazon Affiliate program's website to create an account. Visit and click "join now for free" in the top right corner of the screen. Sign into your existing Amazon account if you are already an Amazon customer by entering your email address and password. Click "sign in using our secure server" after you've finished.[2]
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    • Logging in with your Amazon account will link your Associates account. You can keep them separate, if you prefer, by creating a new Amazon account.
  3. Click "I am a new customer" to create a new Amazon account. Enter your name, email address, and choose a password to create a new account. Click "sign in using our secure server" after entering the requested information.[3]
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    • If you are logging in with an existing account, verify that the address and contact information listed for you is correct. Click "select a new address" to make any necessary changes.
  4. Indicate who is the main contact for the account. Select the first bubble, labeled "the payee listed above," to indicate that you are setting the account up for yourself. Select the second bubble, labeled "someone else…," if you are setting the account up as a representative of a company. Click "next: your website profile" to finish setting up your Associates account.[4]
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    • You will be required to enter the company's contact information if you are not setting up the account for yourself.

[Edit]Building Your Profile

  1. List the websites and mobile apps you plan to use as an Associate. Compile a list of all the websites and mobile apps where you plan to display Amazon Associate links, banners, and ads. You must list at least one website or mobile app. The maximum number of websites or apps you can list is 50.[5]
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    • Amazon is looking for Associates who have websites that are highly trafficked, so it could hurt your chances of being accepted if you list unpopular or obscure websites. Focus on quality over quantity.
    • Make sure to list your websites or mobile apps in the form of a URL.
  2. Answer questions about traffic and content to complete your profile. Describe your website in as much detail as possible to have a better chance of being accepted as an Amazon associate. Follow the prompts to indicate what type of website you have, its subject matter, and how you drive traffic to your site.[6]
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    • Amazon will reject your application if your website does not have at least 50% original content, so make sure to describe what unique information you are providing to readers.
    • Indicate what kinds of products your website will feature. Consider focusing on higher priced items that feed naturally into the topics featured in your blog. For example, you could list kitchen appliances if you are writing a blog about cooking.
  3. Wait for a phone call to verify your identity. List your phone number then wait for an automated phone call. You will be given a PIN number that you will enter into the provided field to verify your identity.[7]
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  4. Read and agree to the contract terms, then click "finish." Click on the blue hyperlink to read the Amazon Associates contract terms. Once you've read the agreement, check the box to indicate that you agree to the stated terms. Click "finish" to complete your application.[8]
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    • Consider printing or downloading the contract agreement so that you can refer to it later.

[Edit]Waiting for Approval

  1. Remember your Associates ID number and wait for approval. Write down your unique Associates ID number that is generated for you once you've completed the application. Amazon will contact you within 1 to 3 business days to let you know whether your Associates account has been approved.[9]
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    • Don't lose your Associates ID number as you may need to verify your account with it occasionally.
  2. Study tips on how to start making money with your Associates account. Examine the tips listed below where your Associates ID is displayed. This will give you an idea of how to begin building links to Amazon products on your personal website or mobile app.[10]
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    • Consider how to select products that can be easily integrated with your website's content to generate increased product interest.
  3. Skim through the Associates Central page and add links to your website. Browse the Associates Central page to find interesting products to link to your website. You will be permitted to add links as soon as you've submitted your application.[11]
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    • Keep in mind that you won't be paid for any purchases made through your links until your account has been approved.
  4. Consider sharing product links on social media. Look for products you know your friends and family will like to share on social media, making sure your affiliate code is in the link. This way, you can earn a little extra on everything sold on Amazon's main page.[12]
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    • To share a product link easily on Twitter, shorten the link first with a service like
  5. Choose how you'd like to get paid once your application is accepted. Visit your Associates profile to indicate whether you'd like to receive a direct deposit, a check, or an Amazon gift card as payment for any sales you make. Add different kinds of product links and ads to your website to continue generating revenue.[13]
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    • Explore the different advertisement options available through the Associates Central page.
  6. Improve your plan and resubmit an application if you are rejected. Study your notification letter to understand exactly why Amazon rejected your application to the Associates Program. They will generally list several specific reasons that can help you make necessary corrections before resubmitting an application.[14]
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    • If your website did not have enough original content, consider re-thinking the subject of your blog. Choose a subject about which you can write easily and are very familiar with.
    • If your website does not generate enough traffic for the Associates Program, research and implement strategies to drive more traffic to your website.


  • Affiliate links may not work on some products offered by Amazon merchants. Be sure to keep up with the program's Terms of Service as Amazon does change policies a few times a year.

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