Sunday, April 19, 2020

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Heal Skin Naturally

Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

You want your skin to look healthy and radiant, but common skin issues can prevent your skin from looking its best. Fortunately, you may be able to heal your skin with natural treatments. Try out different remedies to see which ones work for you. Just check with your doctor first to make sure it's safe for you to try herbal treatments.


[Edit]Treating Wounds

  1. Apply a turmeric paste to your wound to help it heal faster. Turmeric naturally kills germs and reduces inflammation, so it's great for wound healing. Measure out about of turmeric, then add just enough warm water to the spice to make a paste. Use your clean fingers to spread the paste over your wound. Cover your wound with a loose bandage to protect it.[1]
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    • Change your bandage twice a day. Each time, wash off the turmeric paste and apply more.
    • For a larger wound, you may need more turmeric. However, it's best to see your doctor or visit an urgent care center if you have a long or deep wound.
  2. Dab raw honey on your wound to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. Since it's a natural antiseptic, you can use honey to treat a wound. Scoop out about a spoonful of honey using a clean spoon. Drip the honey onto your wound, then gently spread it out with the round part of your spoon or your fingertips. Cover your wound with a bandage to keep it clean.[2]
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    • Change your bandage twice a day and apply more honey each time.
  3. Use diluted tea tree oil as an alternative antiseptic. Add 3-5 drops of tea tree oil to of a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, or grapeseed oil. Stir the oils to combine them. Then, dab the oil onto your wound once or twice a day to kill bacteria and germs, which can help your wound heal faster.[3]
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    • Use 100% pure tea tree oil. You can find it at a health food store, drugstore, or online.
    • Don't use tea tree oil if you have a skin condition like eczema.
  4. Massage diluted rosemary oil onto your wound to help the skin heal. Rosemary reduces inflammation and helps your skin make collagen, so it may help your skin mend faster. Add 2-3 drops of 100% pure rosemary oil to of a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, or grapeseed oil. Dip your fingers into the diluted oil, then rub the oil onto your wound.[4]
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    • Reapply the oil several times a day to help your wound heal faster.
    • You can purchase rosemary essential oil and carrier oils at a health food store, drug store, or online.
  5. Apply aloe vera gel to help treat wounds, burns, or sunburn. Aloe vera gel reduces inflammation, pain, and redness, so it's a great treatment for wounds and burns. Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf by breaking the leaf in half. Drip the aloe vera gel onto your wound or burn. You can also buy a tube of aloe vera gel and follow the directions to apply it on your skin.[5]
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    • Use the aloe vera gel every 3-4 hours to soothe your skin.
  6. Try calendula cream as another option for burns or sunburn. Calendula also naturally reduces inflammation, pain, and redness, so it's another treatment for a burn or sunburn. Purchase a cream that contains calendula as an active ingredient. Then, dab the cream onto the area you want to treat. Re-apply it as directed on your product label.[6]
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    • You can buy calendula cream at a health food store, drug store, or online.
  7. Use an onion extract cream to help reduce the appearance of scars. Onion extract helps restore skin by improving cell turnover and reducing inflammation. This makes it a great treatment for wound scarring. Buy a cream that contains onion extract as an active ingredient and read the instructions on the label. Dab the cream onto your wound scar and reapply it as often as directed.[7]
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    • Treat scars with onion extract cream daily for at least 4 weeks, as it takes time to work.
    • Look for a cream that contains onion extract at a local drug store, health food store, or online.

[Edit]Addressing Common Skin Conditions

  1. Soak in an oatmeal bath for 30 minutes for a rash or itchy skin condition. Oatmeal soothes your skin, reduces inflammation, and treats itching. Fill your bathtub with cool water, then add about 1 cup (90 g) of ground up oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal to the water. Get into the bath and soak for up to 30 minutes to help your skin feel better.[8]
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    • You can grind up rolled oats to make an oatmeal bath or you can purchase a pack of colloidal oatmeal from your local drug store or online.
    • You can take an oatmeal bath as often as once a day.
  2. Apply coconut oil to help reduce inflammation and redness. Coconut oil naturally promotes healthy skin, so it may help with minor skin irritation and dermatitis. Scoop out a dollop of coconut oil and rub it between your palms to make it spreadable. Then, rub the oil onto the area of your skin you want to treat. Apply the oil once or twice a day to help your skin heal.[9]
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    • Scoop out more coconut oil with your fingers as needed to cover your skin.
  3. Use hemp seed oil for conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and dermatitis. Hemp oil reduces inflammation, redness, and irritation. Additionally, it may promote healthy skin and can even relieve pain for some people. Buy 100% pure hemp oil or a cream that contains hemp oil. Use your fingertips to dab it onto the area you want to treat. Apply the oil as often as directed on your product label, which is typically 1-3 times per day.[10]
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    • You can buy hemp oil products at a drug store, dispensary, or online.
  4. Apply diluted tea tree oil for acne or fungal infections. Mix 2-3 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil into of a carrier oil like coconut oil, jojoba oil, or grapeseed oil for acne. Then, dab the diluted oil directly onto acne once a day. For athlete's foot or another fungal infection, add 8-10 drops of tea tree oil to of carrier oil. Massage the oil onto the area you're treating twice a day.[11]
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    • Always wash your hands thoroughly after applying the oil to a fungal infection.
    • You can purchase tea tree oil and carrier oil at a health food store, drug store, or online.
    • Avoid tea tree oil if you have a skin condition such as eczema.
  5. Apply a crushed garlic paste to a fungal infection to help treat it. Raw garlic may also kill fungus, so it's an alternative treatment for conditions like athlete's foot and candida. Peel fresh garlic cloves, chop them up, and crush them into a paste. Rub the paste onto the area you want to treat. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes before washing it off with soap and water.[12]
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    • Wash your hands thoroughly after you apply the garlic to your skin and after you wash it off.
    • Keep in mind that this treatment may not work for everyone. Additionally, garlic can irritate inflamed skin.

[Edit]Relieving Dry Skin

  1. Apply a moisturizer after you bathe to restore and protect your skin. Choose a cream or ointment because they help nourish your skin better than a lotion. Spread moisturizer over your entire body after every bath or shower. Apply the product within 5 minutes of getting out of the water to help seal in moisture.[13]
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    • Pick a product that contains an ingredient like shea butter, olive oil, jojoba oil, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, urea, glycerin, lanolin, mineral oil, petrolatum, or dimethicone.
    • Coconut oil helps moisturize your skin while also reducing inflammation. It's generally not irritating to skin, so it's a great option for protecting dry skin and sealing in moisture.[14]
  2. Use fragrance-free personal care products because they're less drying. Fragrances are irritating to your skin and they can dry out your skin even more. Switch to soaps, moisturizers, and other care products that are fragrance-free. Over time, this can help your dry skin heal.[15]
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    • You can buy fragrance-free products at drug stores and online.
  3. Wash your clothing in hypoallergenic laundry detergent. Using regular laundry detergents can be irritating to your skin and may dry it out more. Pick a laundry detergent that's labeled as "hypoallergenic." These products are less irritating to your skin, so they'll help relieve your dry skin over time.[16]
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    • Typically, these products are fragrance-free. You can buy them at your regular department store or online.
  4. Shower for 5-10 minutes in warm water to prevent dry skin. Washing your body can actually dry out your skin if you use hot water or stay in the water for too long. Limit your showers to no more than 5-10 minutes at a time. Additionally, always use warm water rather than hot so it won't dry out your skin.[17]
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    • Don't use too much soap or body wash when you're showering because they can irritate your skin. Even fragrance-free products can cause inflammation.
  5. Run a humidifier in your home to moisten the air. Dry air can be especially drying to your skin, but a humidifier can help. Set up a cool-mist humidifier in your home to safely moisten the air. Run the humidifier when you're in your home. This will help restore moisture to your skin and relieve the dryness.[18]
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    • You can use a steam humidifier as well, but cool-mist humidifiers are safer. If the humidifier gets tipped over or shaken, steam humidifiers may cause burns.
  6. Sip on water throughout the day to help you stay hydrated. Your hydration levels affect your skin moisture levels, so drink lots of water.[19] Aim to drink at least of water daily. To help you stay on track, carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill it regularly.[20]
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    • Other fluids, like herbal tea, and watery foods, like soup and fruit, can also help you stay hydrated.

[Edit]When to Seek Medical Care

  1. Check with your doctor before using natural treatments on your skin. Although natural treatments are generally safe, they don't work the same way for everyone. Some treatments may worsen medical conditions you have or could cause other forms of skin irritation. Talk to your doctor about the treatments you want to use to make sure they're a good option for you.[21]
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    • Tell your doctor what you want to treat. Remind them about medications you're taking and pre-existing conditions you have.
  2. Visit a doctor or dermatologist if your skin doesn't improve. While natural treatments may work for some people, they may not help your skin. If your symptoms persist, see your doctor for a proper diagnosis and to learn about other treatments. You may need a medical treatment to relieve your condition.[22]
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    • Tell your doctor that you've been using natural treatments. Ask them if there are other natural treatments you can try if you'd rather avoid medication.
  3. Talk to your doctor about other treatments if your condition won't heal. You may need a stronger treatment to relieve your symptoms. Your doctor can explain which treatments are best for your needs and why. Work with your doctor to create a treatment plan that works for you.[23]
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    • For instance, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic, anti-fungal cream, or corticosteroids, depending on what's causing your symptoms.


  • Drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated. While this won't heal a skin condition, it can help your skin be its healthiest.[24]
  • Eat lots of fresh produce and lean protein to support your skin's overall health.[25]


  • While natural treatments are often safe, they aren't right for everyone and can worsen certain conditions. Always check with your doctor before using natural treatments.[26]
  • Watch for signs of a skin infection and see your doctor immediately if you may have an infection. Symptoms of an infection include swelling, fever, increased pain, and discharge from a wound.



How to Make a Homemade Band T Shirt

Posted: 19 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Band T-shirts are great for casual, everyday fashion, but they can be expensive! If you love wearing band T-shirts, but don't love the price tag, then you might want to try making some band T-shirts of your own. A common way to do this is using an iron-on transfer, but photo transfer liquid is an easier, less expensive option. Or, if you want something with more of a homemade or artsy feel to it, then you might try stenciling a shirt with a band logo, or even painting a shirt free-hand. For any of these options, you'll need a blank T-shirt in your desired color and size.


[Edit]Using Photo Transfer Liquid

  1. Print a design and cut it out. You can use photo transfer liquid with any printed image you like. Simply print out a band logo, image, or lyrics. You can print your image and text in color or in black and white. After you print out your logo or image, cut it out with a sharp pair of scissors.[1]
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    • If the logo features text in it, then you will need to reverse the text to ensure that your words don't show up backwards on the shirt.
    • If you're making a logo for your band, then create it using photoshop or another software program.
  2. Use a sponge brush to paint the photo transfer liquid onto the image. Place the image right-side up on a piece of old newspaper or cardboard. Then, use a sponge brush to completely cover the image with the photo transfer liquid. Dip the brush into the liquid and then sweep the liquid back and forth over the image.[2]
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    • The photo transfer liquid should be thick enough that you cannot see the image through it.
    • You can purchase photo transfer liquid and a sponge brush at a craft supply store. The 2 items should cost less than $10 (USD) and you can use them again and again to make more band T-shirts.
  3. Press the image onto your T-shirt. Turn the image so that the photo transfer liquid side is facing down and press it onto your T-shirt where you want it to go. You could apply it on the front of your shirt, on the back, or even on a sleeve.[3]
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    • Depending on the size of the image you are transferring, you can center the design on the front or back, or put it off to one side for a little variation.
  4. Let the image dry overnight or until it is completely dry. It's important to wait until the photo transfer liquid is completely dry before you do anything else with it. Leave it in a safe place to dry overnight or for at least 8 hours.[4]
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    • Make sure that the shirt won't be disturbed by pets or small children. For example, you might want to put the item up on a high shelf or in a closed room.
    • Try aiming a fan at the shirt to help speed up the drying process.
  5. Use a wet sponge to moisten and scrape off the paper. After your design is totally dry, moisten a clean sponge with water and begin dabbing at the top layer of paper on the design. Moisten the entire area with water and then gently start to rub away the top layer of paper. It should come off easily and reveal your image.[5]
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    • After you remove the paper layer, your homemade band T-shirt is ready to wear!
    • Keep in mind that the image will not be as dark as the one you printed. However, it should still be visible after you wipe away the top layer of paper.
    • When the shirt needs to be washed, wash the shirt inside out on the delicate cycle and hang it to dry to preserve the image.

[Edit]Creating a Stencil Band T-Shirt

  1. Purchase a stencil or create your own stencil to design your shirt. If you want to create a stencil freehand, draw or trace a design or logo onto a piece of thick paper. Or, you can print out the image, logo, or text that you want to stencil onto your shirt and cut out the design with an X-acto knife.[6]
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    • For example, you could purchase a stencil of the band's official logo to use for making T-shirts, or you could print off an image of the band's official logo to make into your own stencil.
    • If you cut out the design yourself, go slowly and cut right along the outside of the design to get a crisp stencil design.
  2. Place the stencil onto a T-shirt and tape it in place. Position the stencil on the T-shirt where you want it to go. Then, apply masking tape to the edges of the stencil to hold it on the T-shirt. You may also want to place some old newspaper around the edges of the stencil to avoid getting paint onto other areas of the shirt.[7]
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    • You can position the stencil in the center of your shirt, or slightly off to one side or corner.
  3. Fill in the stencil with fabric paint or spray paint. Select the paint color or colors you want to use. If you will be using liquid paint, dip a sponge brush into your fabric paint and dab it onto the stencil to fill it in. If you are using a fabric spray paint, then spray it onto the stencil using a back and forth sweeping motion. Apply 2 coats of either kind of paint to ensure good coverage.[8]
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    • Avoid applying too much paint or it may seep out around the edges of your stencil.
  4. Let the paint dry overnight or for at least 8 hours. The paint might be dry within a few hours, but it is best to let it dry for at least 8 hours to be sure. Do not wear or wash the shirt until the paint is completely dry.
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    • When the paint is still wet, it will feel tacky to the touch. Although it's best not to touch the paint until it is totally dry, you can check the paint by touching it after a few hours if you can't wait to wear your shirt.
    • To preserve your shirt, wash it inside out on the delicate cycle and hang it up to dry.

[Edit]Painting Your Shirt Free-Hand

  1. Choose a logo or lyrics that you want to add onto the shirt. You can free-hand paint anything that you want to add on your shirt. Look at band logos, images, and lyrics and select something that you can realistically paint on your shirt. Make sure to consider your artistic abilities and time.[9]
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    • For example, if you want something simple, then you might choose a favorite line or verse from a song and simply write this on your shirt.
    • If you want to try something more advanced, then you could try painting a portrait of one of the band members on the shirt.
  2. Outline the image in pencil on the shirt. Before you delve into painting, create an outline on the shirt using pencil. This will make it easier for you to check the positioning and fill in your design before you make it permanent.[10]
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    • For example, if you are writing lyrics on the shirt, write them on the shirt with pencil where you want them to go.
    • If you are painting a portrait of a band member, then draw a basic sketch of the person on the shirt first.
  3. Fill in the outline with fabric paint. After you have your outline, get out the color or colors of fabric paint that you want to use. Dip your brush into the first paint and paint along the edges of the outline. Then, fill in the image with the other colors you want to use.[11]
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    • For example, you could outline your text with black or white, and then fill it in with the same or a different color.
    • If you're creating a portrait, then you might outline it with a flesh tone and then fill in the image with other colors to add detail.
  4. Wait at least 8 hours for the fabric paint to dry before you wear the shirt. It's best to leave your painted shirt to dry overnight or for at least 8 hours. Set it somewhere that it will not be disturbed by pets or small children, such as up on a high shelf or in a closed room.
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    • When your shirt is completely dry, it is ready to wear!
    • Wash the shirt on the delicate cycle turned inside out and hang it up to dry.


  • A 100% cotton T-shirt works best, and lighter colored T-shirts display printed logos better than darker ones.
  • If using the stencil method, think about painting a little sloppily along the outer edge of the stencil for a cool graffiti effect.


  • Use caution when using an X-acto knife. They are very sharp.
  • Be aware that band names and logos are copyrighted, so using them with intent to sell is unethical and may land you in legal trouble.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Using Photo Transfer Liquid

  • A blank T-shirt
  • Printed design
  • Photo transfer liquid
  • Sponge paintbrush
  • Sponge

[Edit]Creating a Stencil Shirt

  • Blank T-shirt
  • X-Acto knife
  • Masking tape
  • Old newspapers
  • Fabric paint and a sponge paintbrush or fabric spray paint

[Edit]Painting Your Shirt Free-Hand

  • A blank T-shirt
  • Pencil
  • Fabric paint
  • Paintbrushes


How to Disinfect a Phone

Posted: 19 Apr 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Phones tend to collect a lot of germs on the surface and these germs can make you or another person sick. For a quick and easy clean, use alcohol prep pads or Clorox wipes to disinfect your phone. You can also wipe away dirt and grease with a cloth that's slightly moistened with soap and water. If you're particularly worried about germs or viruses, an alcohol solution is the most effective germ-buster. Keep in mind that alcohol can damage your phone's screen over time, so don't use it too often, though it's still crucial to disinfect your phone and a screen protector will prevent this issue. A UV light sanitizer is also highly effective, but they can be a bit expensive. Be sure to disinfect your phone regularly to keep it safe and germ-free!


[Edit]Using Soap and Water for Basic Disinfection

  1. Turn off your phone and disconnect it from the power outlet. Hold down the power button on the side of your phone until you see the shutdown prompt on the screen. Wait for your phone to turn off completely before you begin cleaning it so you're less likely to damage the internal electronics. If you have your phone plugged into a charger, unplug it while you're working so you don't get shocked.[1]
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    • Avoid disinfecting your phone while it's turned on since you cause it to short out.
  2. Remove your phone's case if it has one. Since bacteria can get behind the case, make sure to pop it off while you're cleaning. If your case comes in multiple pieces, separate them so you're able to clean each part individually. Keep your phone and case away from each other while you're cleaning so you don't infect them again.[2]
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    • Be careful with your phone when you take it out of the case since it can get damaged more easily.
  3. Mix a few drops off dish soap and warm water in a bowl. Fill a small bowl with the warmest water you can handle from your faucet. Add 1–2 drops of dish soap to the water and stir it together until it's thoroughly combined and sudsy.[3]
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    • Opt for antibacterial soap if possible since it's more likely to kill harmful germs.
  4. Wet a microfiber cloth with the solution and wring it out completely. Quickly dip your microfiber cloth into the soapy water and pull it out before it gets completely saturated. Squeeze the cloth tightly in your hands to wring out any excess water so you don't get your phone dripping wet.[4]
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    • Avoid using paper towels or abrasive cleaning pads since you could scratch your phone's screen.
  5. Rub the phone's surfaces thoroughly with the cloth to remove germs. Start on your screen and work in circular motions over the entire phone. Work carefully around the microphones, ports, and buttons since water could get trapped inside and ruin the internal electronics. After you finish cleaning the front, turn your phone over and start wiping the back clean.[5]
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    • If you have a water-resistant phone, it's okay if you get some water near the ports or buttons since it's less likely to cause damage.
  6. Dry any remaining moisture on the phone with a clean towel. Set your phone on a dry microfiber cloth and pat the surfaces dry. Be sure to remove all of the water that's still left on the surface so it's less likely to cause damage.[6]
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  7. Clean rubber or leather phone cases with the soapy water. Dip your microfiber cloth back into the soapy water and wring it out again. Wipe the interior and exterior of your phone case to remove any dirt or dust that's stuck inside of it. Focus on the corners or any small gaps where bacteria would grow more easily to ensure you completely sanitize the case.[7]
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    • Avoid submerging your phone case since you could damage the material.
    • If you have a leather phone case, use a leather conditioner afterward so the case stays soft.

[Edit]Killing Germs with Alcohol

  1. Shut off and unplug your phone from the charger. Unplug your phone from any chargers so you don't get shocked while you're cleaning. Press the power button on the side of your phone and hold it down until you see a prompt pop up on the screen. Wait for your phone to completely shut down before you start cleaning it.[8]
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    • If you work on your phone while it's still turned on, you could cause the electronics to short out.
  2. Pop the phone's case off and set it aside. Push the edge of the case away from your phone so it comes loose. Pull your phone out and set it aside while you're working. If your phone case is made up of multiple pieces, take them all apart so you're able to thoroughly clean them later.[9]
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    • Keep your case and phone separate while you're working so you don't accidentally recontaminate them.
  3. Combine equal parts rubbing alcohol and warm water in a bowl. Opt for rubbing alcohol that has at least 60–70% alcohol content so it effectively kills the most germs. Pour the rubbing alcohol and warm water into your bowl, and stir them together until they're thoroughly combined.[10]
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    • You can buy rubbing alcohol from your local drugstore.
  4. Dampen a microfiber cloth in your cleaning solution. Choose for a microfiber cloth that's lint-free so it doesn't scratch your phone screen. Wet the microfiber cloth in your alcohol solution and wring it out to remove any excess liquid. Make sure the cloth isn't dripping wet, or else you could damage your phone.[11]
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    • Don't use paper towels or other abrasive cleaning rags since they could scratch your phone.
  5. Wipe the phone's surfaces from top to bottom with your cloth. Work across the entire front of your phone in circular motions and apply light pressure. Go slowly around the ports, buttons, and speakers so you don't get your cleaning solution in them since the alcohol could ruin the electronics. Flip your phone over and clean the back side in the same way.[12]
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    • Wash your hands before you start cleaning your phone so you aren't recontaminating it right away.
  6. Opt for cleaning wipes if you need to sanitize your phone on the go. Look for wipes specifically designed for cleaning electronics since they're less likely to damage your phone. Rub the entire phone with the wipe so it's completely sanitized. Focus on areas that have tight seams or small cracks where bacteria are more likely to build up. Be careful not to put the wipe inside any ports since you could damage the electronics.[13]
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    • You can buy cleaning wipes for electronics from your local electronics store, and they will usually kill around 99% of the bacteria and viruses on your phone.
    • Keep a few cleaning wipes with you whenever you leave so you're able to disinfect your phone on the go.
  7. Pat your phone dry with a second microfiber cloth. Lay the microfiber cloth flat on your work surface and set your phone down in the middle of it. Gently press the cloth onto your phone to pick up any moisture. Make sure the phone's completely dry so it doesn't get damaged.[14]
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    • You don't have to dry your phone if you're using cleaning wipes.
  8. Sanitize wood or plastic phone cases with your alcohol solution. Dip your cloth back in your cleaning solution and wring it out. Wipe the inside and outside of your phone case, making sure to sanitize each piece. Pay extra attention to any small cracks or seams in the case since bacteria can build up there.[15]
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    • Avoid using alcohol on leather phone cases since you could dry them out.
    • If you have trouble cleaning out the crevices, try using a stiff-bristled toothbrush.

[Edit]Using a UV Light Sanitizer

  1. Buy a UV phone sanitizer online or from an electronics store. Look for a model that's large enough to completely close around your phone, or else the treatment won't be as effective. Compare the features and reviews for multiple options so you can choose the one that's the most affordable for you.[16]
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    • UV phone sanitizers are small enclosed cases that have UV-C lights that can kill up to 99.9% of the bacteria and viruses on your phone.
    • You can buy UV light sanitizers for around $60 USD, but more effective models will usually cost you more.
  2. Put your phone inside the sanitizer and shut the lid. Open the lid for the sanitizer and set your phone face-up in the bottom section. Make sure the phone doesn't hang over the inset section, or else you won't be able to close it properly. Slowly lower the sanitizer's lid to turn on the UV lights and start disinfecting your device.[17]
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    • You can leave the case on your phone or you may take it off. The UV light will also kill any germs on the case.
    • Read the instructions for the sanitizer completely since you may need to do additional steps when you clean your phone.
  3. Leave your phone inside the sanitizer for 5–10 minutes. Look for a lit signal light on the outside of the sanitizer so you know that it's working properly. Keep your phone inside of the case with the lid down so it can effectively kill the germs on the surface. After 5–10 minutes, the signal light will turn off so you know when you can remove your phone.[18]
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    • The UV lights will turn off automatically if you open the lid at any point while disinfecting your phone.
    • If you take your phone out of the sanitizer early, then it may still have some germs left on the surface.
  4. Wash your hands before taking your phone out again. Wet your hands with warm water and lather hand soap for at least 15–20 seconds. Rinse off the soap and dry your hands off before lifting the lid on your UV sanitizer. Take your phone out and use it as normal until the next time you clean it.[19]
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    • Use hand sanitizer if you aren't able to wash your hands.
    • If you don't disinfect your hands, then you can contaminate your phone right away when you take it out.

[Edit]Keeping Your Phone Germ-Free

  1. Wash your hands frequently so germs don't transfer to your phone. Always use warm water and soap while you're washing your hands to help kill more bacteria and viruses. Lather the soap on your hands for at least 20 seconds, making sure you clean the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Rinse the soap off with warm water before drying them on a clean towel.[20]
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    • Be sure to wash your hands before handling or eating food, treating a wound, or caring for someone who's sick. Then clean your hands after using the bathroom, blowing your nose, or handling garbage.
  2. Use hand sanitizer if you aren't able to wash your hands. Look for a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol so it effectively kills bacteria and viruses. Put a coin-sized amount in your palm and rub your hands together, making sure it reaches between your fingers and under your nails. Keep rubbing the sanitizer in until it completely absorbs into your skin.[21]
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    • Hand sanitizer may not kill all germs on your hands.
    • If you have the option, wash your hands instead since it will disinfect your hands more thoroughly.
  3. Use headphones to keep your phone away from your face. Opt for headphones that have a built-in microphone so you're still able to answer phone calls. Keep your phone in your pocket or on your desk throughout the day so you don't have to handle it as often. Whenever you take a phone call, put in your headphones so you don't have to bring the screen near your face.[22]
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    • If you don't have headphones, hold your phone away from your mouth or use speakerphone to help reduce the spread of germs.
  4. Avoid bringing your phone in the bathroom if possible. Leave your phone in another room whenever you go to the bathroom. If you have to bring your phone with you, keep it in a pocket or bag the entire time. Don't touch your phone until you're finished in the bathroom and have washed your hands thoroughly.[23]
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  • Try to disinfect your phone at least once a week so there are fewer chances of spreading germs.[24]
  • Unless you or someone else in your home is sick, or you've recently been out in public, there's no reason to disinfect your phone every day. You can keep your phone clean by maintaining a clean home environment and washing your hands before handling it.


  • Avoid touching your face after using your phone so you're less likely to get sick or spread bacteria and viruses.[25]
  • Use rubbing alcohol sparingly while cleaning your phone since you could remove the protective coating from the screen that keeps it from getting covered in fingerprints.[26]
  • Do not use vinegar to disinfect. It is not an EPA registered disinfectant and its efficacy against viruses and bacteria is low (80% and 90%), respectively. It will not kill all germs.[27]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Using Soap and Water for Basic Disinfection

  • Microfiber cloths
  • Dish or hand soap
  • Bowl

[Edit]Killing Germs with Alcohol

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Bowl
  • Cleaning wipes for electronics
  • Microfiber cloths

[Edit]Using a UV Light Sanitizer

  • UV light sanitizer
  • All-purpose disinfectant
  • Hand soap


[Edit]Quick Summary


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