Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Be Thankful

Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

There is good reason to believe that people who cultivate thankfulness tend to be happier and healthier than those who don't.[1] Thankful people appreciate what they have instead of obsessing over what they lack. They express gratitude to others and often receive more gratitude in return as a result. They see each day as a new opportunity for happiness, rather than another challenge to struggle through. While some people may naturally be more thankful, don't assume that you cannot nurture a more thankful perspective in your own life. It may not be easy, but you'll be thankful that you made the effort!


[Edit]Being Thankful in the Moment

  1. Take a minute to be thankful for your life. Sometimes a good way to get back on track and feeling better is to take a break. You'll need to identify things to be grateful for, and sometimes the break itself is a good reason to be thankful.
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    • At work, school, etc., go for a walk around your building or step outside for 15 minutes to breathe the fresh air and muse about how thankful you are for the opportunity to take a break, to stretch your legs, to feel the sun, etc.
    • Take a moment to notice the little things you're thankful for, like your morning cup of coffee or your pillow when you lay down to go to sleep at night.
  2. Tell someone you appreciate them. So often life gets busy that you forget to tell people how much they matter to you, or that you've noticed what they do and it means a lot to you. Expressing your thanks to others will cultivate an atmosphere of thankfulness that can spread out gradually. For example:
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    • If your spouse packs your lunch for you, call or text them something like "Honey, I know packing a lunch doesn't seem like much to you, but I really appreciate how you always try to make my morning just a bit less hectic."
  3. Talk about gratitude with family. Set aside a time, like the evening meal, to talk about the things you were grateful for that day. Let each family member have a turn to discuss what made them thankful that day.[2]
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    • Make it a routine to go around the table and mention at least 1 thing you're thankful for before digging in.
    • Try to be as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying "I'm thankful for all of you being there for me," you could say "I'm thankful that you all help me tend to the garden every weekend."
  4. Send thank you notes. It is really amazing what sending just a small thank you note can do. A thank you note acknowledges that the person gave you something (time, effort, a gift) that they didn't have to and that you appreciate what they've done. You don't have to write a massive novel thanking them, just a few lines that let them know what they and their gift, time, effort, etc. meant to you.
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    • Thank you texts, emails, voicemails, etc. are great to send (and receive), but there still seems to be something particularly special about a handwritten thank you note.
    • Your thank you note can be as simple as a post-it with a short message, or it can be written on a notepad with a flower or heart doodle.
  5. Give back as part of giving thanks. Being thankful isn't just about telling people you are thankful — it's also about giving back to your community and friends. This doesn't mean that you give back so that everything is even and no one "owes" anyone anything. Give because it's the right thing to do and because it feels good to do it.[3]
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    • If you know the person, help them directly. For example, you could take your grandmother to her appointments or help your friend move into her new place.
    • If you don't know the person, continue their good work. For example, you could repay your college advisor by mentoring others.
  6. Focus on the intention behind kindness shown to you. When someone does something nice for you — gives you a gift, brings you a hot meal, offers to read over and edit your thesis — focus on how they tried to bring something good into your life. Someone gave up their precious time, money, etc., just so they could do something kind for you.[4]
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    • This focus cultivates an atmosphere of gratitude that is then passed on to other people through your actions and words, especially if you have children.[5]
  7. Make sure to say "thank you" regularly. Thank the barista who makes your coffee, thank the person who held the door for you, thank the customer service person who helped you figure out why your phone wasn't working. Speaking the words aloud can help cement the feeling of gratitude in your life.[6]
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    • Use the words "thank you" as a sort of prayer or mantra. You can thank specific things, or you can just repeat the words over and over to yourself. For example, you could give thanks for the food you ate this morning, the rain for watering all the trees, your rain jacket for keeping the rain off, and so on.
    • By cultivating gratitude (and by speaking it aloud), you can do things like ease anger, anxiety, depression, and other health problems.
    • When you say thank you to people, make eye contact and smile so they can feel the sincerity.
  8. Find reasons to be thankful, even when it's difficult. Sometimes it can be really hard to be thankful in your life. These are the times, however, when it is even more important to cultivate gratitude, because that will help you get through the hard times better than getting angry or upset will.[7]
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    • To cultivate gratitude for something like a difficult or boring job, make a list of the good things about the job: it gives you money so you can buy food and have a roof over your head, it gives you a chance to take the bus into the city and see the early morning sun, and so on.
    • For something like a break-up or a death of someone you love, you should allow yourself time to grieve and be sad. Being grateful doesn't mean doing away with emotions like sadness, anger, etc. it simply means making them more manageable. After you've given yourself time to grieve, make a list of the things that you learned or are grateful for from the relationship, and then what you are thankful for about the relationship being over.

[Edit]Developing a More Thankful Mindset

  1. Keep a gratitude journal. Record your reasons to be thankful each day in order to cement them in your memory. It doesn't matter how difficult your life is at the moment, there is always something to be thankful for. Finding that will help you deal with the other parts of life.[8]
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    • Record about five things you're thankful for every single day. These can be things as simple as "the sun was shining," or they can be as big as "my significant other proposed."
    • Spend a little time each day reflecting on the things you're most grateful for. You may even find that you have more than five things you want to record.
    • If you need a little reminder, download a gratitude journaling app for your phone that will send you daily notifications.
  2. Refer back to your gratitude journal as needed. When you're having a particularly difficult time, it can be beneficial to go back to what you've written previously. If it's a really hard time, find the smallest things that you can be grateful for.[9]
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    • For example, even if you have a terminal illness, you can be grateful for things like someone bringing you dinner, a warm bed, or your cat snuggling with you. All these little things can make the trauma of the big thing (the illness) more bearable.
  3. Get a gratitude buddy. Share your goal of becoming more thankful with a close friend or family member, and ask for their help. Choose someone you can comfortably talk to about the things you're grateful for. Also, make it a person who will hold you accountable when you go down the slippery slope of complaining about things.
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    • It might work best as a two-way-street — that is, each of you helping the other to become a more thankful person.[10]
  4. Turn around how you think about difficulties. People who are thankful for the things in their lives aren't living an easier life than you. In fact, many people who practice gratitude abundantly have struggled quite a bit. They, however, understand that it isn't the situation that's the problem, it's how you think about the situation that makes it easier or more difficult.[11]
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    • For example, if you have to work in order to pay for college, you could think about how your work is teaching you responsibility instead of taking away free-time.
  5. Use the right words to describe your life. Using negative language and labeling can make a situation more difficult, and make it harder for you to be thankful in general. For example, labeling it "my horrible illness" creates a more negative perception than simply saying "the illness that I have." In the second instance, not only are you not making the illness part of you, you are also utilizing neutral language, rather than negative.[12]
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    • Include your gratitude in the words you use to describe your life. For example, you could say "Even though I have this illness, I'm thankful that I'm receiving wonderful treatment and that I have the support of my family."
  6. Be positive about yourself and other people. Bashing yourself and others will make you less able to be truly thankful. When you find that you're thinking negatively about yourself or another person, stop and turn that thinking around. For example, if you think "I am so stupid when it comes to math," tell yourself "I am having some difficulty with this math problem" instead.[13]
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    • A simple change in language and perception re-frames things so that the problem isn't you, it's that there is a disconnect between you and this problem. And that is something that you can overcome.

[Edit]Cultivating Thankfulness with Mental and Physical Health

  1. Eat a healthy diet. Make sure you're putting food in your body that will help you feel good, which makes it easier to feel thankful as well. Go for veggies and fruits like kale, red peppers, and bananas; good carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grains, and oats; and proteins like salmon, nuts, lean meats, and eggs.
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    • Moderation and variety is important. Your diet shouldn't solely consist of fruits and veggies; you need protein and good carbs too.
    • Be sure to avoid refined sugars and added salt as much as possible.
  2. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. Water is a necessary component to making sure every part of your body and mind runs smoothly. Take sips regularly, and drink before you get thirsty.
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    • Be thankful every time you can turn on the tap or open a bottle and have fresh, clean water to drink. Keep in mind that millions (perhaps billions) of people around the world don't have this luxury.
  3. Don't skimp on the amount of sleep you get. Sleep is a huge component of healthiness and happiness, both of which make it easier to be thankful. While it's certainly admirable to practice gratitude even during those sleepless, anxiety-fueled times in your life, getting enough sleep can help make thankfulness easier to cultivate.
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    • Set a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, create a comfortable sleeping location and a calming bedtime routine, and turn off all electronics well before bedtime.
  4. Follow a regular exercise routine. Exercise releases happy chemicals like endorphins, which help to regulate your mood and make you feel better. And feeling good is both a reason to be thankful and a motivator for practicing gratitude.
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    • Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. This can be something as simple as going for a run, putting on some music and dancing, or doing some yoga.
  5. Meditate regularly. Meditation is another useful way of dealing with mental health issues and a general sense of malaise in your life. It can also help to support your thankfulness and gratitude practices.
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    • Go somewhere quiet and meditate for at least fifteen minutes each day. Sit comfortably and take deep breaths. Focus on your breath. When errant thoughts demand your attention, acknowledge them and let them go when you exhale.
  6. Practice mindfulness. By remaining in the moment, you are making it very difficult for your brain to race ahead and worry or plan for the future, or become bogged down in the past. This is one way of practicing thankfulness, because you are immersing yourself in the present, and thereby giving thanks to the "now."
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    • Practice mindfulness while you eat. Focus on the food that you're putting into your mouth: Is it hot or cold? What is the texture? Is it sweet or sour or salty?
    • Try this while going for a walk, or simply sitting outside. Notice the color of the sky and shape of the clouds. Use your nose to locate any scents, and listen to the wind in the trees.


  • Remember, sometimes you will have bad days, where you're grumpy and dislike everything. That's okay. Don't beat yourself up because you aren't constantly floating along in a bubble of gratitude. That may be the goal, but no one's yet reached it.
  • Just because you learn to be thankful doesn't mean that bad things won't happen, or that you won't be affected by the things that do happen. It can simply help to make the things that happen easier to deal with and not as taxing for your mental health.
  • You can't always control what happens to you, but you can work on controlling how you respond to things.
  • Thanking people for the little things they do for you (at least once in a while) helps others feel appreciated too. A little gratitude can go a long way in making someone's day, and that can help you feel better too.

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How to Cook a Thanksgiving Turkey

Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

Turkey has been a North American Thanksgiving tradition for hundreds of years. Knowing how to cook a turkey is essential for anybody who wants to host a Thanksgiving or Christmas feast for friends and family, but if you've never cooked one before, it can be a daunting task. For most people, the secret to a delicious turkey is crispy skin and tender, juicy meat, and there a few ways you can accomplish this.



  • 1 cup (288 g) kosher salt
  • ½ cup (100 g) light brown sugar
  • vegetable stock
  • 1 tablespoon (12 g) black peppercorns
  • 1 ½ teaspoons (3 g) allspice berries
  • 1 ½ teaspoons (3.5 g) chopped candied ginger
  • heavily iced water


  • One whole turkey, fresh or frozen
  • 1 red apple, sliced
  • ½ onion, sliced
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • water
  • 2 tablespoons (3 g) dried parsley
  • 2 tablespoons (7 g) ground dried rosemary
  • 2 tablespoons (4 g) dried sage
  • 2 tablespoons (9 g) dried thyme
  • 1 tablespoon (13 g) lemon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon salt (17 g)
  • 2 tablespoons (28 g) butter
  • broth


  • Drippings from the turkey
  • broth
  • ¼ cup (32 g) flour


[Edit]Brining the Turkey

  1. Thaw the turkey if it's frozen. Frozen turkeys must be kept frozen until you're ready to use them. A few days before cooking your meal, you can start thawing out the turkey using a poultry-safe method that will prevent the growth and spread of bacteria. You cannot safely thaw turkey at room temperature for more than 2 hours.[1]
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    • To thaw the turkey in the refrigerator, you will need about 24 hours per of turkey. Simply place the turkey in the refrigerator a few days before you plan to cook it. Once thawed, the turkey can stay in the fridge for another 2 days. Make sure you place a protective sheet or plate under the bird to catch any liquid.
    • If you don't have as much time, you can also thaw the turkey in cold water, and this will only require about 30 minutes per . Place the turkey in a sealable plastic bag and submerge it in cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes. Cook the thawed turkey immediately.
  2. Prepare the brine. In a large saucepan, combine the salt, brown sugar, stock, peppercorns, allspice berries, and ginger. Heat the brine over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer until the sugar and salt have dissolved.[2] Remove the mixture from the heat and allow it to cool to room temperature. Transfer it to a food storage container and put it in the refrigerator.
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    • To give the brine the best flavor, prepare it 3 days before you plan to cook the turkey. Then store it in the refrigerator until you're ready to brine the turkey the night before cooking.
    • This amount of brine is suitable for a turkey up to .
  3. Brine the turkey. The purpose of brining is to make the meat juicier and the skin crispier.[3] The night before you plan to cook the turkey, remove the neck and giblets from the turkey cavity and place the turkey breast-down in a large stockpot. Add the ice water and brine solution to cover the turkey.[4]
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    • If the turkey is floating and not submerged in the brine solution, weigh it down with a plate. Cover the pot with foil or a lid.
    • Place the pot in the refrigerator for anywhere from 12 to 24 hours. Turn the turkey halfway through the brining process.
  4. Remove the turkey from the brine before cooking it. Discard the brine and rinse the turkey inside and out. Move the turkey to a roasting rack and pat it dry with paper towels.[5]
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    • After patting the turkey dry, let it air dry for another hour before cooking it to ensure the crispiest skin possible.
    • Always make sure you wash your hands, cooking surfaces, and dishes well with hot, soapy water when dealing with raw poultry.[6]

[Edit]Dressing the Turkey

  1. Remove the neck and giblets. If you didn't brine the turkey and haven't emptied out the neck cavity, do so now. You can either discard the giblets or keep them for making broth or gravy.[7]
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    • To find the giblets, you must first locate the head of the turkey. Look at the orientation of the legs, because they will always point toward the back of the turkey, meaning the head is opposite.[8]
    • At the head of the turkey, there will be a flap of skin that covers the neck cavity, and the giblets will be located in here. Pull up the flap, place your hand in the cavity, and pull out the giblets.
    • You may also have to remove the neck, which will likely be located in the cavity between the legs at the back of the turkey. You may also find a premade gravy pouch in either of the cavities, which you can either use or discard.
  2. Make the aromatics for the cavity. Put the onion, apple, and cinnamon stick into a small saucepan. Cover them with water and bring them to a boil over medium heat. Once the water starts simmering, allow it to boil for 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, strain the water, and allow the aromatics to get cool enough to handle.[9]
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    • You don't have to boil the aromatics first, but it will help release the flavors of the onion, apple, and cinnamon, which will help to give the turkey some subtle flavors and keep the meat moist.
  3. Place the aromatics in the cavity. Place the strained and cooled onion, apple, and cinnamon stick inside the bird's large cavity. You can also fill the cavity with other or additional ingredients, such as:
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    • Apple slices
    • Orange slices
    • Crushed garlic
    • Fresh or dried herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, and sage
  4. Baste the turkey with an herb butter. This will be rubbed on the skin of the turkey to make it crispy, tasty, and golden brown. In a food processor, mix together the butter, herbs, salt, and pepper.[10]
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    • Using your hands or a basting brush, spread the herb butter all over the turkey's skin.

[Edit]Roasting the Turkey

  1. Position the oven rack so the turkey will fit. For a turkey that's under , use the middle rack. For a turkey that's over , move the rack to the level below. This will ensure that the bird cooks evenly without overcooking or taking too long.[11]
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    • You will most likely have to remove additional racks from the oven to make enough room for the roasting pan. Make sure you position and remove the racks before you turn the oven on to preheat.
  2. Preheat the oven to . While the oven's heating up, gather your supplies. You will need:[12]
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    • Roasting rack (if your turkey isn't already on one)
    • Roasting pan designed for the rack you're using
  3. Roast the turkey at for 20 minutes. Put the roasting rack in the roasting pan and set the turkey breast-up on the rack. Pour the broth into the bottom of the pan, but don't pour it over the turkey itself. Place the uncovered turkey in the oven and roast it for 20 minutes.[13]
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  4. Reduce the temperature to . After 20 minutes, reduce the oven temperature to .[14] Don't open the door, as this will let out too much heat.
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    • This process of cooking the turkey on high and then reducing the temperature will help make the skin crispy and seal in the juices.
    • Continue cooking the turkey at this temperature until it's done. The rule of thumb is that you need to cook turkey for 13 minutes per . If you're working with a turkey, you'll need to cook it for about 195 minutes, or 3 hours and 15 minutes.
  5. Use a thermometer to check the temperature. About halfway into the estimated cooking time, start checking the internal temperature of the turkey regularly. It's fully cooked when it reaches an internal temperature of .[15]
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    • The 13 minutes per rule is a good guideline, but actual cooking time will vary based on whether you stuffed, trussed, or brined the turkey. Always use a thermometer to determine when the turkey is done.
    • Check the temperature in 3 separate places: the breast, inner thigh, and outer thigh.[16]
  6. Let the meat rest before carving and serving it. When the turkey is cooked, remove it from the oven and let it rest, uncovered, for about 20 minutes.
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    • When you're ready to carve the turkey, remove the roasting rack from the pan and transfer the turkey to a cutting board.
    • Resting the turkey before cutting it will help keep the juices inside the meat, preventing it from drying out.[17]
  7. Make gravy from the drippings. Transfer the liquid in the roasting pan to a large saucepan. Add of stock or broth to the drippings and heat the mixture over medium heat. In a bowl, whisk together ¼ cup (32 g) of flour and of broth. Whisk this into the stock and drippings and continue heating the gravy until it thickens.[18]
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    • You can also leave the drippings in the roasting pan and make the gravy in that, as long as you have a roasting pan that's durable enough to withstand direct heat from an element.



  • While it is safe to cook stuffing inside the bird, it's not recommended because you risk overcooking the meat in order to get the stuffing to a safe temperature.
  • Never rinse raw turkey unless it's brined. Rinsing won't remove bacteria effectively, and it could actually spread germs around your kitchen and increase your chances of getting sick. The best way to get rid of bacteria on the turkey is to cook it thoroughly.[19]

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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Celebrate Thanksgiving

Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

Thanksgiving is celebrated annually in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November. For many, Thanksgiving is about spending time with family members and friends, and being thankful for the people and things in their life. It is typically celebrated by having a big meal with a turkey as the centerpiece. Watching the Thanksgiving Day parade, football, volunteering, and playing games are also ways to celebrate Thanksgiving.


[Edit]Planning Thanksgiving Day

  1. Invite family members and friends a month in advance. Make a list of family and friends that you would like to celebrate Thanksgiving with. Call them to let them know that you will be celebrating Thanksgiving at your house and that you would like them to come. Letting them know in advance will allow them to make plans if they need to travel.[1]
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    • Be aware that some people may decline because they already have plans for Thanksgiving.
  2. Choose a potluck-style Thanksgiving meal for easier prep. A potluck-style meal will help you shoulder the burden of cooking. If you choose to have this type of meal, ask your guests what they would like to contribute to the meal. Make a list of the dishes they will be bringing. Then provide the rest of the food.[2]
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    • The host will typically make the turkey for a potluck-style Thanksgiving meal.
  3. Buy the turkey two to three weeks in advance. This way you can ensure that you will have a turkey for the meal. Buy the turkey from your local grocery store or a turkey farm. Purchase a 12-pound (190-ounce) turkey to feed 10 to 15 people. Choose a 16-pound (260-ounce) turkey for 15 or more people. Place the turkey in the freezer once you get home.[3]
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    • A typical 12 to 16-pound (190 to 260-ounce) turkey costs $21 to $25.
  4. Make a grocery list. Make a list of all the ingredients you will need to prepare the meal. To beat the rush, buy dry ingredients one to two weeks in advance. Buy fresh ingredients five to seven days in advance.[4]
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    • For example, buy bread, canned pumpkin, chicken broth, butter, and the ham two weeks in advance. Buy cranberries, green beans, rolls, corn, sweet potatoes, and milk five to seven days in advance.

[Edit]Cooking the Meal

  1. Thaw your turkey in the fridge a few days before Thanksgiving. Thaw 12-pound (190-ounce) turkeys two days in advance. Thaw turkeys larger than 12 pounds three days in advance.[5]
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  2. Make the cranberry sauce. Place of cranberries in pot. Add of sugar and of balsamic vinegar to the pot. Place the pot on the stove. Set the stove to medium-high heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, about eight minutes. Stir of nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin, and pepper into the mixture.[6]
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    • Place the heat on low to simmer the sauce. Stir the sauce until a thick mixture forms. Add salt to taste.
    • Remove the pot from the heat. Pour the cranberry sauce in a plastic container and let it cool, about ten minutes.
    • Once the sauce has cooled, place it in the fridge. Serve cool.
  3. Make the mashed potatoes. Wash, peel, and chop 8 to 10 potatoes. In a large pot, bring four quarts of water to a boil, about 10 minutes. Place of salt in the water. Place the chopped potatoes in the water. Boil them until soft. Remove the pot from the heat and drain the water. Let the potatoes cool for three minutes. After three minutes, use a fork or a masher to mash the potatoes. Finish the potatoes by:
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    • Adding of milk, butter, black pepper, and salt to taste. Mix the ingredients together until well combined.
    • Place the mashed potatoes in a serving dish that you can reheat. Then place it in the fridge.
    • Re-heat the mashed potatoes in a oven one hour before the meal.
  4. Prepare a bread and celery stuffing. Preheat your oven to . Cut a stale loaf of white or wheat bread into cubes. Place a large pot on the stove. Set the heat to medium. Melt of butter in the pot. Add one chopped onion and four stalks of chopped celery to the pot. Cook the onion and celery until soft, about five to eight minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.[7]
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    • Stir in the cubes of bread until evenly coated.
    • Stir of chicken broth into the mixture. Mix the ingredients together until well combined.
    • Place the ingredients in a greased casserole dish. Place the dish in the oven and cook the stuffing for 30 to 40 minutes.
    • Re-heat the stuffing in a oven one hour before the meal.
  5. Roast the turkey on Thanksgiving morning. Preheat your oven to . Place the turkey in a roasting pan. In a separate bowl combine of olive oil, of garlic powder, of dried basil, a of sage and salt, and of black pepper. Baste the outside of the turkey with the mixture. Pour of water into the bottom of the roasting pan.[8]
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    • Secure the roasting pan with a lid or two sheets of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Place the roasting pan in the oven.
    • Bake the turkey for three and a half hours, or until the internal temperature of the thickest part of the thigh is .
    • Once the turkey is done, remove it from the oven. Let the turkey rest for 30 minutes before carving.
  6. Cook any additional side dishes while the turkey is cooking. Green beans, dinner rolls, sweet potatoes, and corn are typical side dishes served with the turkey. You can also serve ham with the turkey as well.[9]
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  7. Bake a ham. Preheat your oven to . Place the ham cut side down in a baking pan. Cover the ham with a sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Place the ham in the oven. Make the glaze once you put the ham in the oven. Baste the ham with the glaze every 20 minutes. During the last five minutes, remove the foil to caramelize the glaze.[10]
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    • To make a glaze combine of brown sugar and mango chutney, three cloves of minced garlic, of orange zest, of orange juice, and of dijon mustard to make a glaze. Mix the ingredients together until well combined.
    • Bake a fully-cooked ham for 10 minutes per pound. Bake a partially cooked ham for 20 minutes per pound.
  8. Order fresh pies for Thanksgiving Day. Pumpkin, apple, pecan, and cherry pies are typical pies served as desserts on Thanksgiving. Pick up your pies one to two days before the big day. On Thanksgiving Day, warm the pies up per the instructions on the box.[11]
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    • Alternatively, make a pumpkin pie or a pecan pie from scratch.
    • Thanksgiving-themed cookies and candies are also common desserts served on Thanksgiving.
  9. Ask for thanks before the meal. Before the meal is served, friends and family members typically take turns saying what they are thankful for. This is a time to reflect on all the things you are grateful for, including your family, job, coworkers, and other people and things.[12]
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    • You could also play the A to Z gratitude game. Have everyone sit together so that they can hear and see one another. Going around the group of family and friends, have each person say what they're grateful for, according to the letter of the alphabet. For example, the first person would say, "I am thankful for Aunt Sharon's kindness."

[Edit]Decorating the Tables

  1. Cover the tables with tablecloths. Choose a thanksgiving-themed or fall-themed tablecloth. Set the table with the plates and silverware as well.[13]
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    • You can purchase thanksgiving-themed napkins from your local grocery store or crafts store as well.
  2. Decorate the table with a centerpiece. You can purchase thanksgiving-themed centerpieces from your local crafts store. You could also use a bouquet of autumn flowers, candles, or a cornucopia as a centerpiece.[14]
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  3. Use foldout tables for extra seating. If you do not have enough room at your dining room table, then set up a separate table or two in your living room or den. Seat children at this table, or divide your guests up into groups and seat them at the other tables.[15]
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    • Alternatively, use a coffee table as a table for children. Place pillows around the table for the children to sit on.

[Edit]Entertaining Family and Friends

  1. Watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. The Thanksgiving Day parade starts at 9 a.m. Eastern Time in New York City. It lasts until 11 a.m. Local news stations like CBS, ABC, and NBC typically broadcast the parade. Watch the parade with your friends, children, and family members.[16]
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    • You can watch the parade on Verizon's YouTube channel as well.
  2. Put on a football game. Watching football on Thanksgiving is a favorite American pastime. Games are typically played throughout day on local TV channels such as ABC, NBC, and CBS.[17]
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    • Alternatively, organize a backyard football game with family, friends, and neighbors before the big meal.
  3. Volunteer at a local shelter. Because Thanksgiving is a day of giving and gratitude, many people choose to volunteer an hour or so of their time at local homeless shelters, soup kitchens, or religious institutions. Contact a local shelter in your area to find out what time the festivities will take place.[18]
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    • If you don't have time to volunteer, then donate clothes or canned goods to your local shelter.
    • Invite your friends and family members to volunteer with you.
  4. Take a nap or a walk after the meal. Because the Thanksgiving meal is such a big meal, it may leave you and your guests feeling tired. It is ok and even customary to sit down and doze off on the couch for 30 minutes after the big meal. Others may choose to take a walk around the neighborhood instead.[19]
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  5. Play games. Games like Monopoly, Life, Pictionary, and Clue are a great way to spend some quality time with friends and family members. Card and dice games like Yahtzee are also popular.[20]
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  • Know that the traditional dinner of turkey does not define what Thanksgiving really is. You could have a Thanksgiving dinner with ham instead of turkey, and it wouldn't change the meaning at all!
  • It is okay to buy some prepared food items for the meal. Not everyone has the time or inclination to prepare everything from scratch.
  • Choose simple Thanksgiving recipes if this is your first time preparing the Thanksgiving holiday meal.
  • If you are hosting guests, ensure that all health and dietary needs are met for the meal. Take into consideration guests with certain food allergies or dietary restrictions. For example, provide a tofu turkey for your vegetarian guests.
  • If you have little kids, make sure you can see them at all times. Be sure that they didn't wander into the kitchen, as that could be dangerous.
  • You can bake the traditional pumpkin pie, or you can use cherry pie, french silk... Any kind will do!

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[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Enjoy Your Long Plane Ride

Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

Being stuck in a small area over a long period of time can be difficult for even the most patient of people. How you transform your long haul flight from an ordeal into an enjoyable experience is a matter of preference. Some people find long flights ideal for getting work done, while others look at it as the perfect time to relax with books and movies. Whatever you prefer, with a little planning and preparation, your lengthy flight can become a pleasant part of your trip.


[Edit]Ensuring a Comfortable Flight

  1. Get the best seat possible. Although an upgrade to business or first class isn't always financially feasible, if possible, the extra room in these parts of the plane can make your trip much more comfortable. When traveling economy, try to reserve a seat on the aisle, as this will make it easier to go for a quick walk when you're feeling restless. You'll also be able to sprawl into the aisle for some extra leg room.
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    • Some flyers prefer window seats. The benefit of a window seat is that you can use the side of the plane as a cozy nook in which you can sleep. Also, the view outside the plane can provide natural beauty you can enjoy if you find your activities are becoming tedious. The major drawback to window seats is the difficulty you'll face potentially crossing over two other people when going for a walk or trying to use the bathroom.[1]
  2. Devise ways to decrease discomfort. Airline headphones/earbuds aren't always the highest quality, so you may want to bring a pair of your own. Noise-cancelling headphones, in particular, are praised by veteran long-haul flyers, though these can be expensive. Earplugs are a good, affordable substitution for these and can be bought at most drug stores.
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    • You might want to download some relaxing white noise tracks onto your media player to drown out other passengers or loud children. Rain sounds, beach sounds, and meditative tracks with gentle music accompanying natural noises can transport you to a more tranquil place.[2]
    • Many long flight travelers recommend wearing compression socks, especially when flying economy. The limited amount of space and long periods of time spent stationary can cause swelling in your feet and ankles or a dangerous condition called deep vein thrombosis. Compression socks can help prevent this.[3][4]
  3. Familiarize yourself with in-plane exercises. Keeping your blood flowing and your body engaged can prevent soreness, swelling, and discomfort. The key to these kinds of exercises is small, controlled movement done consistently over time. Even if you're only raising your toes, doing this for 10 - 20 repetitions several times over the course of your flight will help keep your body limber. Speaking of raising your toes...
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    • Raise your toes while sitting. Keep your heels on the floor and slowly raise your toes as high as you can. Then lower your toes, and repeat this motion with your heels while keeping your toes on the floor. Do this 7 - 10 times with controlled, deliberate motion.
    • Raise and twist your legs. You may have better results with this exercise if you recline your chair as much as possible first. Then, raise your legs as much as you can and rotate your toes in a clockwise motion until you complete at least 6 rotations. Then repeat the motion going counterclockwise the same number of rotations.
    • Bring your knees to your chest. This engages both your abdominal muscles and your legs. Lean forward a little bit so your back is off your chair. After that, bring one knee as close to your chest as you can, using both hands to support it gently. Hold this pose for 15 to 20 seconds, then lower your leg and repeat the process with your other leg. Do this at least 3 times.[5]
  4. Create an in-flight schedule. Your schedule doesn't have to be set in stone, but by plotting out your plans for your flight time you can arrange activities to prevent boring gaps during your journey. You might plan on spending the first two hours of your trip getting situated and doing some light reading. At about the third hour of your flight, complimentary beverages, including alcohol, are usually offered. You may want to skip alcoholic drinks; the cabin will already be dry, alcohol can lead to dehydration, and alcohol can also hurt your quality of sleep.[6] After that you might:
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    • Consider taking a nap or getting as much sleep as possible at around the five hour mark. Natural sleep aids, like chamomile, Valerian root, and melatonin may help.[7][8][9] By planning a nap toward the middle of your long flight, you break up your activities so you hopefully won't get bored of in-seat entertainment.
    • Think about a walk down the aisle at the eight hour mark. Even regular in-seat exercise isn't a substitute for stretching your legs. After your nap, a little past the halfway point of your flight, excuse yourself from your seat and take a stroll. This is also a good opportunity to visit the restroom and freshen up with your in-flight toiletry bag.
    • Enjoy your planned activities between hours eight and ten of your trip. Settle in for a good movie, read your book, do your puzzles -- occupy yourself with all the enjoyable things you've brought along for the flight.
    • Try to catch a little more rest at hour ten. Your quality of sleep on a long flight probably won't be as good or as long as what you're used to. If you feel sleepy, listen to your body, but following a relaxing movie, a good read, or some puzzle work, you might find yourself ready for another short nap.
    • Finish out the rest of your flight with planned activities. This is also a good chance for you to do your in-flight exercises. Doing your exercises now will prepare your body for de-planing, snagging luggage, and making your way to a hotel or wherever it is you're headed. You might also want to take another trip to the restroom an hour before you land so you feel refreshed when you reach your destination.[10]

[Edit]Having a Good Time on Your Flight

  1. Brainstorm possible activities. Think about and make a list of activities you like to do in enclosed spaces, like your room, school, or office. Some common in-flight activities include reading, listening to music, watching movies, and doing homework/work. Don't forget any hobbies you might have that can be done in a seat, like drawing, knitting, playing chess, doing puzzles (like sudoku or crossword puzzles), folding origami, and so on.
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    • You might also want to consider practicing meditation before you step on board your flight. Some people experience flight anxiety, and many people become uncomfortable during a long flight. Meditating on your flight can help calm you down and put your body in a relaxed state.
    • A long flight might also be a good time for you to try out a new activity, especially if you find that you normally don't have free time to try something new. If you've always thought about giving sudoku a shot but have never had a chance, your long plane ride might be just the place to focus on and try out a new activity like this![11]
  2. Scope out free seats. Some long haul flights will be less crowded than others. Keep your eyes peeled when boarding and settling into your seat. If you notice some seats that look empty, call over a flight attendant and ask if you might move to those seats so you and the other passengers can have more room. Don't be shy when asking - in many cases, open seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.[12]
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  3. Make a friend. Even if it feels awkward introducing yourself to a stranger, remember that your seat-mates are likely feeling the same thing. Being on friendly terms with those sitting next to you can make it seem less of a bother when you need to exit your row to use the restroom or go for a walk.
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    • To help making friends with those sitting around you, you might bring an extra snack to offer. Even if your seat-mate refuses, most people will appreciate the gesture of good will.
    • You might engage your seat-mates in a game, like chess, or ask for help with a difficult puzzle. You might say something like, "Hi, my name's Tom, you wouldn't happen to know anything about famous people, would you? Thirteen down in this crossword has got me stumped."
  4. Consider changing into pajamas. Routine can help put you in the mood for slumber. Even though you'll be in an enclosed, unfamiliar space on your plane, heading to the bathroom to change into nightwear/pajamas could be just the thing to help you nod off. These lightweight garments can usually be packed in your in-flight bag without taking up too much room.[13]
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    • You might also find it easier to fall asleep if you take your shoes off and give your toes some wiggle room. If you are uncomfortable putting your stockings down on the airplane floor, you can ask your flight attendant for an airline blanket and use this to rest your feet upon.
    • If you're traveling for business and are wearing a suit jacket or blazer, in many cases you can request a flight attendant hang your jacket up so it doesn't get wrinkled. This way, you can keep your business clothes crisp and fresh while you rest.[14]
  5. Get cozy when trying to sleep. Although your space in-flight will be limited, there are still ways you can get comfortable when you're trying to drift off to sleep. If you have a window seat, you can pull the window shade down and rest your head on it. But even if you don't have a window seat, remember to recline your chair! Even a slightly backwards lean to your chair can improve your comfort levels.
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    • If you don't have a pillow, a jacket or a scarf can do in a pinch. Fold or ball up an article of clothing to make a comfortable pillow for your head.
    • If you are trapped in a middle seat, attempt various positions to find what's most comfortable for you. You may find that leaning to the left or right in your reclined seat helps considerably. You might even be able to create a surface to lean against by wadding up extra clothing, like a sweatshirt.
    • Remember to buffer your lower body from discomfort. Sleeping while mostly upright can put unpleasant pressure on your lower back. Sitting on a pillow, even one of the U-shaped variety, can help relieve that pressure, give a slight lift to your legs, and add to your comfort.[15]
  6. Stay on top of charging electronics. It's easy to get distracted from maintaining the charge of your electronics, especially if, for example, you're enjoying a good movie on your tablet or laptop. Keep your chargers handy and try to keep at least one device charging at all times. This way, you'll at least have one device with a charge when the batteries on your other electronics are low on power.
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    • Depending on the kind of plugs used in your home country, you might also want to bring a power adapter for your electronics. To check whether or not you'll need a power adapter, you can check the specifications of your flight online to see what kind of outlets, if any, are available.[16]
  7. Give yourself something to look forward to. If you have a book, a game, or a puzzle you're really enjoying, try not to finish it in one sitting. Take a break halfway through so you can enjoy it more later on in the flight when you'll likely be more restless and in need of something engaging. You might watch a movie, do in-flight exercises, or go do some work in between the activity you're enjoying.
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    • Taking a break from an enjoyable activity will also prevent you from getting burned out on it. Even the most enjoyable things, if done for too long, can become tiresome.[17]
  8. Hydrate yourself. The dry air in the cabin can steal your moisture quicker than you realize. Dehydration can lead to dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, and can contribute to mental fog.[18] Keep yourself well hydrated throughout the flight by drinking plenty of water.
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    • To prevent dehydration, you also might want to avoid diuretics. Diuretics are substances that make you have to urinate more frequently, like coffee and alcohol.[19][20][21]

[Edit]Packing for Your Long Haul Trip

  1. Consider your basic needs. On many long flights, especially those over eight hours long, you'll likely end up sleeping or taking a nap. A bathroom kit is excellent for just these kinds of situations. This way, you don't have to feel like you have to worry about "dragon breath" after waking up.
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    • In your bathroom kit, you'll probably want to at least include a toothbrush, travel sized toothpaste, deodorant, and hand sanitizer.
    • Many kinds of contact lenses can be uncomfortable when sleeping, or can dry out and leave your eyes itchy and blurry. A contact case and solution in your bathroom kit can save you from this! Be sure your solution bottles are within your airline's allowable limits.
    • The air in the cabin of most flights, especially long flights, can be very dry. Some travel sized lotion and lip balm can soothe your dry skin. Eye drops, too, can be a lifesaver after a nap or after your eyes are dried out from cabin air.[22]
  2. Prepare in-flight sleep supplies. A few hours of sleep, or better yet, a full eight hours, can cut your long haul flight down to a fraction of what it would otherwise be. Many people, however, have difficulty sleeping in airline seats or ignoring other passengers while trying to sleep. Try to anticipate things that might help you sleep better, like a sleeping mask to block light, a travel pillow, personal blanket, and ear plugs.
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    • Some travelers swear by sleep aids to help with drifting off, and if you also plan on trying this approach with over-the-counter or doctor-proscribed sleep aids, you should give the medicine a test run before your flight. Sleep aids affect each person differently, and the last thing you want is to be caught wide-eyed and wakeful when all you want to do is nod off.[23]
    • You may also want to check the features offered on your flight. Many long flights offer amenities like pillows and blankets, though the quality of these may not be as good as what you bring from home. Still, if you find your carry-on luggage full to the brim, using an airline pillow instead can create more space for something fun!
  3. Assemble your in-flight bag. Even though long many flights usually provide meal-service, there's no guarantee you'll find the food appetizing or that the amount will be enough to satisfy your hunger for the entire flight. Pack some travel-snacks approved by your airline, like dried fruit, and protein bars. Avoid nuts due to potential allergy issues had by other passengers. You'll also want to bring games, media, and other items necessary for the activities you've brainstormed.
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    • Prioritize snacks that you know from experience are kind to your digestion. An upset stomach on a long flight can ruin any enjoyment you might have had.[24]
    • Make sure you pack your chargers and potentially a power pack for charging your devices in flight. Even though many flights now have outlets for your electronic devices, if you plan on using a laptop/tablet, battery powered headphones, and your cell phone, you may find that you don't have enough outlets to charge them all halfway into your flight when your batteries start to die! A power pack can save you in this situation.[25]
    • Technology isn't always reliable, and the last thing you want is to spend a 12-hour flight watching an in-flight movie that you find boring. It's a good idea to bring at least one item that can't malfunction, like a book and/or some paper puzzles (sudoku, crosswords, etc.), along with some paper, a pencil, and a pen.
  4. Determine your in-flight attire. You might be surprised by how the temperature in your cabin changes. At the beginning of your flight, you might feel relatively comfortable, but after getting comfortable and settling in to sleep, you might feel cold. Dress in layers so that you can ensure that you're comfortable no matter how the cabin temperature fluctuates. Prioritize loose fitting, comfortable clothing from your wardrobe.
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    • Even if it isn't scarf season, a scarf can be a great asset on a long flight. Scarves take up relatively little space and can be carried around your neck, but when it's cold you can drape your scarf over your arms, legs, or wherever you find warms you best. Scarves can also be used as a pillow in a pinch.[26]


  • Many people are sensitive to altitude changes when taking off or landing. To prevent pressure that may cause a headache or uncomfortable popping in your ears, you might try chewing gum while taking off or landing.


  • At certain points in your flight, you'll likely be instructed to turn off electronic devices or put these into airplane mode. Because of this, it's a good idea to also bring along a physical item to occupy your attention, like a book or puzzle.

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How to Serve Wine at Thanksgiving

Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

In the United States, more wine is sold for Thanksgiving dinner than for any other meal. If you are planning to serve wine at your Thanksgiving feast, you will want to be discerning about your selection so that you properly pair the wine with your food. In addition, serving and presenting the wine appropriately will ensure that the wine's full flavors come through and will add an air of propriety to your gathering. With proper pairing and appropriate presentation, adding wine will boost your Thanksgiving meal a notch or two.


[Edit]Making Your Wine Selection

  1. Remember that "if it grows together, it goes together." The idea behind this saying is that wines and foods tend to develop together as part of a regional cuisine. For example, white wines, which are typically made in warmer climates, tend to pair well with foods that are grown in a similar climate. Search out wines from climates similar to the native climates of the food that you are serving for Thanksgiving.[1]
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    • Remember, though, that there is no right or wrong wine for any occasion. The best wine is one that you know that your guests will enjoy.
  2. Give your guests options. Because people's tastes differ, you should consider offering your guests multiple types of wine. At the minimum, have a red and white wine option. You might want to offer a pinot noir and a white zinfandel since they pair well with many traditional Thanksgiving foods. You should also consider serving a dessert wine, such as a sweet riesling.
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    • Depending on how many guests you are hosting, you should have a few bottles in reserve.
  3. Pair a pinot noir with your turkey and side dishes. A low-acid, high-tannin pinot with hints of berry may be a good complement to your turkey. This is especially true considering how often people pair turkey with cranberries. For a great pairing, look for a pinot that comes from the Pacific Northwest or the Great Lakes area.[2]
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    • Be sure to serve pinot noir slightly chilled (50°F/10°C to 55°F/13°C)
    • Pinot noir can accompany most of your meat dishes.
  4. Serve a riesling or merlot with your ham. If you are serving ham for Thanksgiving, try to find a wine with some fruity tones that also has a hint of sweetness. A sweet riesling, a white zinfandel, or a merlot pair well with honey glazed hams. If you are serving smoked ham, you might want to consider a pinot noir or a zinfandel.[3]
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    • Serve your riesling chilled (48°F/8°C) and your merlot slightly under room temperature (55°F/13°C to 60°F/15°C)
  5. Offer your guests a malbec if you are serving lamb. Because lamb has a less pronounced flavor than other meats, it can be overwhelmed if paired with a full-flavored wine. Try to serve a wine that has a delicate flavor, such as a malbec or a syrah. You should also consider the sauce that you serve with your lamb and pair your wine accordingly.[4]
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    • For a traditional Thanksgiving brown gravy, consider serving a bordeaux or a barbera.
    • Serve your stronger red wines between 60°F/15°C and 65°F/18°C
  6. Try to serve a sweet white wine. Most chardonnays are too dry to pair well with the variety of flavors that your taste buds will experience on Thanksgiving. However, a white wine with a little sweetness, like a riesling or a Gewurztraminer, can go with the main meal and any desserts. If you serve a white wine, try to find something that is sweet, high-acid or both.[5]
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[Edit]Presenting the Wine

  1. Get some wine glasses. In order to get the best tasting experience from your wine, you will want to consider using glasses of a certain shape. For a white wine, use a glass with a smaller bowl that helps maintain a cool temperature and preserves the wine's aromas. For a red wine, you will want a glass with a larger bowl that helps deliver the aroma and limits the burn of the alcohol in the wine.[6]
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    • However, if you are not particular about how your wine tastes, you can serve it in any kind of cup you want.
  2. Set the table. When you are setting the table for your Thanksgiving feast, you will want to be sure to place the wine glass to the top right of the dinner plate and next to the water glass. If you want to make sure that your guests get the correct glass for their wine, consider offering your guests wine when they arrive and then allow them to keep their wine glass for dinner. This sign of hospitality will keep you from doing any guess work.[7]
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    • Avoid setting out more than two glasses. Too many drinks can overcrowd your dining area and lead to spills.
  3. Keep your red wine in a decanter. The flavor of most red wines will improve significantly if allowed to sit in a decanter for 30 to 45 minutes. Simply pour the wine that you want to serve in a decanter and let it sit. Cheap red wines, in particular, will benefit from some decanting. In fact, most wines, with the exception of very old wines, will benefit from some decanting.[8]
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    • You can also use an aerator that will decant your wine almost instantaneously.
  4. Use a wine preserver. If you have any leftover wine after your Thanksgiving festivities, you should invest in a wine preserver. This will help preserve the wine's flavor and aroma. Storing the wine in the fridge and keeping it out of direct sunlight will also help it last longer.[9]
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    • If you have access to one, store your wine in a wine refrigerator.

[Edit]Serving the Wine

  1. Cut the foil. For your Thanksgiving dinner, you can simply remove the foil or try to cut it in a way that enhances the visual appeal of the bottle. If you intend to keep the wine on the table, use foil cutters to cut the foil at the top of the lip. This is the method typically used when presenting wine to a group of people where it will be displayed.[10]
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    • Sommeliers tend to cut at the bottom of the lip. This is a tradition that goes back to when the foil was made of lead and sommeliers wanted to keep the metal out of wine.
  2. Remove the cork. There are many methods to opening a bottle of wine. You can use a sommelier knife, a shoe or even a hammer and nails. However, a corkscrew is the most common and the simplest means for opening a bottle and removing the cork. Simply screw the corkscrew into the cork and then pull it out.[11]
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    • Try to place the corkscrew a little off center. This will prevent you from breaking the cork.
  3. Pour a standard wine serving. A standard wine pour is about 5 to 6 ounces (150 to 180ml). If you want to a standard serving every time, measure 5 to 6 ounces of water into a glass, dump the water out, and then pour in wine to where the water was. However, for your Thanksgiving feast, feel free to pour your wine as liberally as you would like.[12]
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    • Twist the bottle away from you to prevent any dripping.
    • There are usually five 5 to 6-ounce servings in a bottle.

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How to Bake a Sweet Potato Pie

Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

Have you grown tired of the traditional pumpkin pie? Why not bake a sweet potato pie instead? This recipe will show you how to make a simple pie crust and a filling for sweet potato pie. Your family will love the change.



  • 1 cup flour
  • Dash salt
  • 1/3 cup cold butter or shortening, cut into chunks
  • 3 to 4 tbsp cold water


  • 1-1/4 cups brown sugar, packed
  • 4 medium sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed with skins removed
  • 3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • 3 eggs


[Edit]Making the Crust

  1. Place the flour, salt and butter or shortening into a blender fitted with a steel blade. Blend the mixture until it looks like crumbs.

  2. Remove the crust from the blender and place it on a cutting board. Add the water one tablespoon at a time until the dough forms a ball.

  3. Roll the crust out using a rolling pin into a 12" (30cm) circle. Drape the crust over a 9" (23cm) pie pan.

  4. Trim the crust with a knife until it extends from the sides of the pie pan about 1/2" (1.25cm).

    • Flute or crimp the edges.
    • Poke some holes in the crust with a fork to allow steam to escape.
    • Set the pan aside until you've prepared the filling.

[Edit]Preparing the Filling

  1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC). Place the oven rack in the center of the oven.

  2. Combine the brown sugar, sweet potatoes, and spices in a mixing bowl. Beat the ingredients together for 2 minutes using either a handheld mixer or a stand mixer with a paddle attachment.

  3. Mix the condensed milk and eggs in a separate bowl. Use a fork to combine them, beating the eggs only lightly.

  4. Add the egg and milk mixture to the potato mixture. Beat on medium speed until well blended.

  5. Pour the filling over the pie crust in the pie pan.

  6. Tap the filled pie pan on the counter to allow the filling to settle and level out.

  7. Bake the pie for 50 to 60 minutes.

    • Sweet potato pies typically don't brown as much as pumpkin pies, so don't concern yourself with the appearance of the filling. Poke a toothpick into the center; when the toothpick comes out clean, the filling is done.
    • Check the pie after 30 minutes. If the edges of the crust are brown, cover them with aluminum foil while the rest of the pie finishes baking.
  8. Allow the pie to cool for 15 minutes. Slice the pie and serve it with dollops of whipped cream.



  • Sweet potato pies remain fresh for up to 3 days. After that, they can be refrigerated if you want to keep them a little longer.
  • When your pie comes out of the oven, it may have risen while it cooked. Expect the pie to fall back down a little bit––it's normal.
  • Instead of using brown sugar, you can use regular white sugar.It will affect the taste, but it is an option.
  • If you don't want to make your own pie crust, you can always use a pre-made crust from your grocery store to speed up the preparation time.
  • Instead of serving your sweet potato pie with whipped cream, you can always make a meringue to go on top of your pie.
  • If your oven doesn't cook very evenly, rotate the pie halfway through the cooking time.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Blender fitted with a steel blade
  • Cutting board
  • Rolling pin
  • 9" (23cm) pie pan
  • Knife
  • Fork
  • Mixing bowl
  • Handheld mixer or stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment
  • Bowl
  • Toothpick

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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Reduce Stress in Cats

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

If you've noticed changes in your cat's behavior lately, it's possible that she's feeling stressed. What we perceive as stressful and what a cat sees as stressful can be quite different, and it doesn't take much to disturb her peace of mind. Changes to her routine, a stray in the garden, a new brand of cat litter, an owner going on holiday, or a trip to the vet—all these can potentially trigger an upset. Not only is stress unpleasant for her (and you), but it can also cause health problems by reducing immunity, increasing inflammation, and leading to over-grooming. For these reasons, it's easy to see why it is important to reduce stress as much as possible for your cat.[1]


[Edit]Detecting Cat Stress Symptoms

  1. Observe changes in urination. Urinary discomfort is a common result of stress in cats. The stress hormones cause the bladder lining to become inflamed, which results in physical symptoms. Keep track of how often your cat visits the tray. Signs of a problem include more frequent urination, discomfort while urinating, and possible blood in the urine.
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    • These signs should never be ignored; always get the cat checked by a vet.[2] This is because bladder inflammation can lead to a blockage, which is a serious, and potentially life-threatening, problem if untreated.
  2. Notice if your cat is over-grooming. Stressed cats tend to over-groom, indeed they can wash so much that they lick bald patches in their coat. Favorite spots to over-groom include the tummy, inner thighs, and front legs. The action of licking releases natural morphine-like substances which help to comfort the cat and make her feel more secure.
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    • Again, get your cat checked by the vet before concluding this is stress-related (allergies and parasites can also cause over-grooming).[3]
  3. Look out for diarrhea. Some cats become so distressed that it upsets their stomachs and they develop diarrhea. Regardless of the causes (stress or an infection), get your cat checked by a veterinarian, because medication may be needed to settle the upset stomach.[4]
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  4. Notice if your cat is urinating or defecating outside the litter box. The cat may do this either because she feels too stressed to visit the tray, or in order to spread her scent around the house, which makes her feel more secure.
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    • However, other problems such as arthritis, bladder infections, or stomach upsets can mimic this, so always get your cat's health checked by the vet.[5]
  5. Decide if your cat is meowing or verbalizing excessively. Some cats become very clingy to their owner and try to attract their attention by talking.[6]
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  6. Be aware that restlessness is also a sign of stress. A stressed cat may not be able to settle and may pace restlessly, patrolling her territory on the watch for a perceived threat.[7]
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  7. Note if and when your cat withdraws from company. A stressed cat may hide away under a bed or in a dark corner. She is literally hiding, hoping to avoid the attention of what is stressing her.[8]
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  8. Keep track of any changes of appetite. Some stressed cats lose their appetite, while others start to eat strange things, like chewing on a towel.[9]
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  9. Determine the cause of your cat's stress. Try to pinpoint when the symptoms started and why. This can help you take action to reduce the source of stress, whether it is physical, environmental, or psychological. Your vet will also want to know when you first noticed the symptoms.
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[Edit]Reducing Physical Stress in Cats

  1. Take your cat to a veterinarian to see if health troubles exist. Many stress symptoms can also be symptoms of physical illness. You need to know if you're dealing with a sick cat or a stressed cat (in some cases the former may cause the latter).[10]
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  2. Trim claws that have grown painfully long. Sometimes the cause of physical stress is simple to resolve, such as overgrown claws digging into her pads.[11]
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  3. Eradicate a flea infestation. Fleas bite the skin and irritate your cat;[12] what's worse, if ingested they can lead to a tapeworm parasite infection. If your cat is scratching frequently and persistently, perform a simple spot check. Buy a fine-tooth comb and run it through her fur around the base of the neck and tail: if you see small, brown shapes about the size of a pin-head, your cat has fleas. Also look for white or black spots between the teeth of the comb: these are flea eggs and dried blood excreted by the fleas, respectively. If you find fleas, you'll need to get rid of them on your cat, and in your home.
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    • To eliminate fleas on your cat, consult your veterinarian for recommendations on a flea-control program that's right for her.
    • At home, you'll need to take measures that include: rigorous vacuuming of all your cat's favorite places, rugs, and upholstery; washing your cat's bedding weekly; and possibly using a spray, fogger, or powder that is safe (follow product directions carefully and make sure the cat is not in the area if that is specified in the instructions).[13]

[Edit]Reducing Environmental Stress

  1. Turn down loud music. Cats have sensitive ears that can be hurt by loud music, loud television, or other sources of noise.
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    • Comfort a cat that's frightened by loud noises outside the house, particularly fireworks or thunderstorms. Take her into an interior room or close the curtains, put the TV or radio on low, and make sure the cat has a "bolt hole" where she can hide until the ordeal is over.[14]
  2. Know when to comfort your cat. Some cats who are bonded to their owner will benefit from companionship and reassurance (such as the cat who bolts under the comforter during a thunderstorm: she gets comfort from the owner's scent on the bedsheets). However, a truly terrified cat will be too traumatized to accept comfort and will consider human interference a further threat.
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    • As a rule of thumb, if the cat backs away from you, growls, hisses, or swishes her tail, leave her alone. In fact, look for a way to make her bolt hole more secure, such as putting a towel over the box she is hiding in so that the front is screened and she can't be seen.[15]
  3. Give your cat plenty of safe places in the home. A lack of safe places can also stress a cat. If she feels exposed because there are no high perches where she can safely watch the comings and goings, or no dark cupboards to hide in, this in itself is a stress. All it takes to correct this is the simple provision of a cardboard box in a quiet corner, or a tall tower or scratching post.[16]
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  4. Try to maintain a peaceful, stable atmosphere at home. Cats are very sensitive to changes to their environment. While some situations are hard to avoid (like moving apartments), try to provide as calm an atmosphere as you can. Arguing and yelling not only stresses you out, but your cat as well.
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    • If you're going through transitions at home, be sure to tune in to your cat and take all the measures you can to make it as smooth as possible for her. Always provide a safe place where she can hide.[17]
  5. Don't yell at your cat. Cats can't understand the connection between yelling or hitting and something the cat is doing wrong, so trying to discipline a cat this way only makes the cat anxious and afraid.
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    • Instead, use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior in your cat. Every time she does something "good," such as using the scratching post, give her a few treats and praise her verbally. The trick to doing this is that the reward must be immediate: cats have short attention spans, so if the reward comes even a few seconds too late, your cat may not understand what it's for.[18]

[Edit]Reducing Psychological Stress

  1. Give your cat a sufficient amount of "challenging play." Provide your cat with as many opportunities as possible to burn energy doing cat-like things such as hunting or playing. This is especially important for indoor cats, who may lack the mental stimulation that outdoor prowling provides. Getting the cat moderately tired out also helps to use up her nervous energy and to vent stress hormones in physical activity rather than over-grooming.[19]
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    • Hide treats or dry food around the house and let her hunt for them.
    • Have at least three 10-minutes sessions of one-on-one play with your cat. Dangle something enticing for it to chase or toss toys across the room. Cats love to chase and pounce.
    • If you own more than one cat, make sure you play with each cat alone every day in addition to group playtime.
    • Leave toys out your cat. Acquire a wide variety of toys, but only put a couple within reach of the cat at one time. Every few days pick up the toys you've made available to the cat and put down a couple of new ones.
  2. Provide other entertainment options. Consider locating a bird feeder outside a window for your cat's entertainment, or get an aquarium so your cat can watch the fish swimming.
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  3. Reduce competition in households with multiple cats. If you have more than one cat, they may be vying for food, water, toilet space, and attention. The pressure for resources can leave some cats feeling bullied. To make this less stressful, ensure that each cat has its needs provided for.[20]
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    • There should be one litter box per cat, plus one spare, to decrease competition for toilet facilities.[21] Be sure to keep the litter boxes clean, removing solid waste daily and regularly cleaning the box out with mild dish soap or a solution of bleach in water (1:30 ratio).
    • Place multiple food bowls around the house, so that no one cat can monopolize the food at all times.[22]
  4. Discourage stray visitors. A stray in your garden, or even your home (they can enter by cat door!) can make your cat feel psychologically threatened.
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    • Discourage visits from a stray by removing any food that might be attracting him.
    • If your cat goes outside, consider installing a microchip-activated cat flap so the stray cannot come indoors.
    • If the stressed cat can see the stray in the garden, it may help to block the lower part of the window to obscure that view (the cat equivalent of hiding your head in the sand, but it works).[23]

[Edit]Helping Your Cat Relearn to Feel Relaxed

  1. Consider using feline pheromones to help your cat feel happy. A nursing queen (female cat) gives off pheromones (chemical messengers) which makes her kittens feel safe and content. A synthetic version of these pheromones has been manufactured and sold as Feliway.
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    • Use the spray Feliway by spritzing bedding, or entrance and exit points so as to amplify ownership by the resident cat.
    • Alternatively, buy a Feliway diffuser. The diffuser plugs into an electrical socket and gives off a low level of the pheromone into the air (it is not detectable by humans!). Ideally, plug the diffuser into an electrical socket in the room your stressed cat spends the most time. The effect builds up gradually, so don't expect immediate results, but after a couple of weeks the cat should feel safer and more reassured. (Each diffuser lasts for approximately four weeks and refills are available.)[24]
  2. Try giving your cat Zylkene. Zylkene is a nutraceutical, which is a food supplement that has a pharmaceutical-like action on the body. Because nutraceuticals are not drugs, they are much safer and rarely have side effects. The active ingredient in Zylkene is derived from milk protein and it acts on the same part of the brain as diazepam. This calms the cat and removes some of her anxiety.
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    • Zylkene is available without prescription and comes in 75 mg capsules. The dose for a cat is a 75 mg capsule once a day, given with or after food. It can take a couple of days to take effect, but if there is no noticeable difference after seven days, it is unlikely to help your cat.[25]
  3. Talk to your vet about medicine that can help manage stress. If your cat is so stressed that she is becoming ill, then your vet might prescribe a medication to help her over this rough patch. Different pharmaceuticals are available; the most commonly used are diazepam, amitriptyline, and fluoxetine.
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    • None of these drugs are licensed for use in the cat because the manufacturer has not paid to put them through efficacy trials. However, there are considerable banks of data about their safe use in cats, which your veterinarian will discuss with you if she considers this the best course of treatment.[26][27]


  • The advice in this article is not meant to replace professional advice from a veterinarian. Always talk to your vet if you notice physical and/or behavioral changes in your cat.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

  1. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  2. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  3. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  4. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  5. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  6. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  7. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  8. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  9. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  10. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  11. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  12. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  14. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  15. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  16. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  17. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  19. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  20. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  21. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  22. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  23. Cat Behaviour Explained. Peter Neville. Publisher: Parragon.
  24. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  25. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.
  26. Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook. Donald Plumb. PharmaVet
  27. Feline Behaviour: A Guide for Veterinarians. Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders. 2nd edition.

How to Make Thanksgiving Dinner for Two

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

When you're only cooking for two on Thanksgiving, there's no need for a full turkey, mounds of stuffing, and a whole pie at the end—unless you want weeks of tasty leftovers! If you'd rather save the room in your refrigerator, though, you can easily shrink the traditional Thanksgiving meal to the perfect proportions for just two people. You'll save time and money, and still feel like you've enjoyed the full feast.


[Edit]Herb-Roasted Turkey Breasts

  • of turkey breast
  • 1 tbsp (2.4 g) of fresh chopped thyme
  • 4 fresh sage leaves
  • 1 tsp (5 g) of salt
  • ¼ tsp (0.5 g) of black pepper

Makes 2 servings

[Edit]Mashed Potato Side Dish for Two

  • of potatoes
  • ½ cup (118 mL) of whole milk or heavy cream
  • 1 tbsp (14 g) of unsalted butter
  • Salt, to taste
  • Pepper, to taste

Makes 2 servings

[Edit]Single Serving Stuffing Cups

  • 1 loaf of white bread, cubed
  • pancetta, diced
  • 1 medium yellow onion, diced
  • 3 celery stalks, sliced thinly
  • 1 leek, sliced thinly
  • 5 fresh sage leaves, chopped
  • 3 fresh sprigs of thyme
  • 1 cup (236 mL) of low sodium chicken stock
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • ½ tbsp (17 g) salt
  • ½ tsp (1 g) of black pepper

Makes 12 stuffing cups

[Edit]Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

  • 15 oz of pumpkin puree
  • ¾ cup (170 g) of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp (5 mL) of vanilla
  • ¾ cup (177 mL) of evaporated milk
  • ⅔ cup (85 g) of flour
  • ¼ tsp (1.5 g) of baking soda
  • ¼ tsp (2 g) of baking powder
  • 2 tsp (3.4 g) of pumpkin spice
  • ¼ tsp (1.25 g) of salt
  • Whipped cream

Makes 12 cupcakes


[Edit]Herb-Roasted Turkey Breasts

  1. Lift the turkey skin and sprinkle it with spices. Start with of turkey breast, thawed following the package's instructions. Place it on a flat, clean surface, like a cutting board, and gently lift up the skin. Sprinkle it evenly with 4 fresh sage leaves, 1 tbsp (2.4 g) of fresh chopped thyme, 1 tsp (5 g) of salt, and ¼ tsp (0.5 g) of black pepper.[1]

    • You can also add other spices to suit your taste, like rosemary or oregano.
  2. Put the skin back and drizzle the turkey with olive oil. Set the skin back down on top of the spices. Lightly drizzle the turkey breasts with olive oil, which will help it cook better and give it a fuller flavor.[2]

  3. Bake the turkey for 2-2.5 hours at . Preheat your oven to . When it's ready, place your turkey breasts in a baking dish and use oven mitts to set it inside. Let it bake for 2-2.5 hours, or according to the package instructions, until the turkey reaches an internal temperature of .[3]

    • The turkey should turn a golden brown when it's done.
  4. Let the turkey cool, then slice and serve. Pull out the turkey with oven mitts when you're done and allow it to cool for about 15 minutes. Then simply slice it width-wise and serve![4]

    • If you have any leftover, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and foil and place it in the freezer. When you're ready to reheat it, place it in a shallow pan with a bit of water and heat it for 15 minutes per pound, until its internal temperature is .

[Edit]Mashed Potato Side Dish for Two

  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Pour water into a medium saucepan and add a generous amount of salt. Set it on the stove over high heat until it starts to boil.[5]

    • You can let the water boil while you start to prep your potatoes.
  2. Peel of potatoes and cube them. Use a potato peeler to remove the skin from your potatoes. Using a chef's knife, cut them in half and then in quarters, lengthwise. Then, chop the quarters into thin strips and finally small cubes.[6]

    • The smaller the cubes, the easier they'll be to mash later on.
  3. Boil the potatoes for 15-20 minutes. Once the water is boiling, carefully pour in your potatoes and let them simmer for 15-20 minutes. They should be soft and almost falling apart before you take them off.[7]

  4. Warm butter and milk or cream in the microwave. As your potatoes boil, melt 1 tbsp (14 g) of unsalted butter in the microwave until it's just liquid. In a separate bowl, heat ½ cup (250 mL) of whole milk or heavy cream until it's warm.[8]

  5. Drain the potatoes, add the butter, and mash them up. Use potholders to lift the potato pot from the stove and pour the boiling water out in the sink. Set them back on the stove over medium heat and pour in the butter. Stir the potatoes vigorously to help evaporate any residual water and start smashing and breaking them apart with a wooden spoon or fork to get a "mashed" texture.[9]

    • For a smoother texture, use a potato masher.
  6. Pour in the milk or cream slowly and add salt and pepper to taste. Once all the leftover water has evaporated and you've smashed the potatoes to your desired texture, slowly pour in your milk or cream and any cream cheese or sour cream you want to add. Stir continuously as you pour and keep cooking and stirring until the potatoes are hot, smooth, and creamy. Then turn off the heat and serve![10]

    • Add salt and pepper to taste, and serve with butter or gravy.
    • This recipe doesn't make very much mashed potatoes, but if you still have a bit leftover, you can store them in an airtight container in your refrigerator for up to 5 days.

[Edit]Single Serving Stuffing Cups

  1. Butter your muffin tray and preheat the oven to . Start to prepare your cooking area by turning on your oven and starting to preheat it. Meanwhile, melt a small amount of butter in the microwave and paint it onto each muffin cup with a pastry brush, making sure to get all sides and the bottom of the cup.[11]

    • Set the muffin tray aside while you prepare the stuffing.
  2. Toast your cubed bread in the oven for 10 minutes. Place your bread cubes on 2 sheet pans, making sure to keep them to a single layer. Set them inside the oven for about 10 minutes, removing them when they're just barely toasted.[12]

  3. Sauté of pancetta for 7 minutes, then drain the grease. Place your cubed pancetta in a large sauté pan and cook it over medium-high heat, stirring often. Let it cook for 7 minutes, until it's crispy and lightly browned. Pour the pancetta onto a few paper towels to drain the excess grease.[13]

    • You can also use bacon in a pinch, but it will give your stuffing a smokier flavor.
  4. Cook the vegetables in the pancetta grease for 10 minutes. Frying the pancetta will leave a few leftover spoonfuls of grease, which you'll use to cook your veggies! Lower the heat to medium and add your onion, celery, leek, salt, and pepper. Cook them for 10 minutes.[14]

    • The vegetables should be soft and translucent when they're done.
  5. Add the sage and thyme to the pan and cook until it's fragrant, then turn off the heat. Once your vegetables are cooked, add 5 chopped sage leaves and 3 sprigs of fresh thyme. Let the mixture cook until you can just smell the herbs, then turn the heat off.[15]

  6. Pour in the pancetta, bread, and chicken stock and toss the mixture. Add the pancetta, bread cubes, and 1 cup (236 mL) of chicken stock into your mixture. Toss everything until the pan is well-mixed.[16]

  7. Mix in 2 lightly-beaten eggs. Crack your two eggs in a separate bowl and beat them just slightly, until they're somewhat mixed but with lumps still visible. Add them into your stuffing mix and stir it with a spoon.[17]

  8. Pack spoonfuls of stuffing into the cups of your muffin tray. Use a spoon to transfer heaps of stuffing into each muffin mold. Pack it in tightly, filling each cup almost to the top.[18]

    • Packing your stuffing tightly will help the stuffing stick together so that your muffins don't fall apart.
  9. Bake the stuffing for 20-25 minutes. Set your muffin tray in the oven and bake it for 20-25 minutes, until the top is a bit browned. Remove them with oven mitts when you're done and let them cool for a few minutes. Then, take each muffin out of the tray by loosening the edges with a butter knife, then popping them out one by one.[19]

    • Serve the stuffing muffins warm. If you have any leftover, place them in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 5 days.

[Edit]Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

  1. Preheat the oven to and grease a cupcake pan. To start your pumpkin pie cupcake preparation, first set your oven to preheat. Then, hold your cupcake pan over the sink and coat each cupcake mold with baking spray, making sure to hit the bottom and all the sides. Set your cupcake pan aside for now.[20]
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    • Try not to get too much baking spray on the edges of the pan.
  2. Combine your dry ingredients in a bowl. While your oven preheats, combine the ⅔ cup (85 g) of flour, ¼ tsp (1.5 g) of baking soda, ¼ tsp (2 g) of baking powder, and 2 tsp (3.4 g) of pumpkin spice in a medium bowl. Stir them with a wooden spoon until you get an even mixture.[21]

  3. Mix together your pumpkin puree, sugar, and other wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Pour 15 oz of pumpkin puree, ¾ cup (170 g) of sugar, 2 eggs, 1 tsp (5 mL) of vanilla, and ¾ cup (177 mL) of evaporated milk into a large mixing bowl. Stir them together to get a smooth, even mixture.[22]

    • You can use a wooden spoon or a whisk to combine the wet ingredients.
  4. Mix the dry and wet ingredients together. Slowly pour the dry ingredients into the wet mixture. Use a wooden spoon to to mix them together until they're evenly combined.[23]

  5. Spoon the mixture into each cup and bake for 20 minutes. Use a regular spoon to transfer the pumpkin pie mixture into the cups of your cupcake pan. Fill each cup about ⅓ of the way full, which will allow it to rise while baking. Then, set your cupcake pan in the oven to bake for 20 minutes.[24]

    • If you're using a 12-cup cupcake tray, your mixture should be enough for one batch.
  6. Let the cupcakes cool, then serve or store in the refrigerator. Take the cupcakes out of the oven when they're hardening slightly and golden on top. Let them cool in the pan for 20 minutes, then pop them out and let them cool completely on a rack. Top them with whipped cream and cinnamon or pumpkin spice and enjoy![25]

    • You can store any extra cupcakes in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.


  • You can also order your meal pre-made, either by buying frozen foods or ordering from a meal service. Many of them offer small Thanksgiving meals to order, although prices vary.
  • Feel free to mix and match your Thanksgiving meal to include all your favorites as well, like cranberry sauce, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, and more!

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Herb-Roasted Turkey Breasts

  • Cutting board
  • Baking dish
  • Knife (to slice and serve)

[Edit]Mashed Potato Side Dish for Two

  • Medium saucepan
  • Potato peeler
  • Knife
  • Bowls
  • Fork, wooden spoon, or masher to mash the potatoes

[Edit]Single Serving Stuffing Cups

  • Muffin tray
  • Pastry brush
  • 2 sheet pans
  • Large sauté pan
  • Paper towels
  • Wooden spoon
  • Bowl
  • Whisk or fork
  • Spoon
  • Knife

[Edit]Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

  • Cupcake pan
  • Baking spray
  • 2 mixing bowls
  • Wooden spoon


[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Gain Flexibility

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

As we age, our joints and muscles become less flexible. You may notice that your body feels stiff in the morning when you wake up from a heavy sleep, that you've developed new pains in your shoulders or back, or that you can't quite reach your arms as high up as you used to without pain. Fortunately, there are ways to regain the flexibility most of us naturally enjoy during our youth. Flexibility improves circulation, muscle health, and endurance[1], can help prevent injury, and perhaps even ward off arthritis and osteoporosis.[2] Becoming more flexible involves daily routines and exercises designed to stretch the muscles and joints.


[Edit]Becoming Flexible Through Stretching

  1. Adopt a new attitude toward stretching. In the past, athletes and fitness buffs were advised to stretch in a way that can actually hinder flexibility. This technique, known as static stretching, involved standing still and forcing muscles or joints into a stretch, might feel good in the moment and is great for targeting particular muscles, but does not create lasting results in flexibility.[3] Static stretching forces the body into a tense mode, like when you tense up during a car crash, which can result in muscle damage.
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    • Instead of static stretching, which is about exertion into a stretch, you should think of stretching as a relaxing technique.[4] Remember that old truism that says people who are relaxed during the moment of impact in a car crash tend to be injured less than those who brace themselves first? The same is true of stretching.
    • Put your body into a stretch position, and then ease into the stretch. You should stay focused and calm, without putting any exertion into your muscles or joints.[5]
  2. Stretch after warming up for exercise. Most experts agree that stretching cold muscles can cause muscle injury or pain.
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    [6] Instead, consider stretching itself part of your exercise routine:
    • Begin with light aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking.
    • Next, when your heart rate begins to increase and your muscles are warmed, stretch all major muscle groups.
    • Engage in your exercise, such as running.
    • Cool down with light exercise, such as brisk walking.[7]
  3. Stretch every day or at least six times a week. Sit ups, crunches, and push ups are not necessary to become flexible, but an exercise program must be balanced in working the opposing muscles of a joint. Do each stretch for at least 20 seconds, and as frequently during the day or week as you prefer.
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    • Try to stretch even on those days when you are not engaging in other fitness activities, but don't stress if you can't find the time: one study found that stretching six times a week is ideal, but you will reap the benefits even if you stretch twice a day, 3-4 days a week[8]
    • One great way to work stretching into your day is to do it as soon as you get up in the morning and last thing before bed at night. Try to stretch each of the ten major muscle groups: the quadriceps (quads) in the front of your thigh, the hamstrings on the back of your thigh, your calves, chest, back (including the trapezius between the shoulder blades), shoulders, triceps on back of the upper arm, biceps on the front of the upper arm, forearms, and abdominals.[9]
  4. Avoid deep, uncomfortable stretches. Instead of finding positions that are hard to hold for the count of the stretch, try positions that you could sit comfortably and have a conversation or watch television. It's important to hold a stretch for 30 to 60 seconds, while breathing normally[10]. If you cannot hold it without pain and while breathing normally, you've stretched too far.
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    • Don't try to hold yourself very still in the moment of a stretch; stretching is not a balancing act! Instead, move around a bit in the stretch to the left or right. Lean into the stretch. If you want to, try stretching to calming music and move your body slowly to the rhythm.[11]

[Edit]Using Yoga to Gain Flexibility

  1. Try yoga. Yoga is an ideal daily practice to increase all over body strength and flexibility, as nearly every pose increases flexibility with practice. It is customizable to your fitness level and can be as easy or intense as you need it to be, all while increasing your flexibility.
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    • Poses like the Warrior and the Forward Bend adapt to your current level of flexibility (that is, you only go as far forward as you can), but each time you practice them your flexibility level increases just a bit. The change will be subtle and hard to notice at first, but keep at it and eventually you will notice a drastic change in your flexibility.
  2. Try this simple routine daily. It takes only moments from start to finish, and is a great way to begin working on overall body flexibility. Try to hold each pose for five to ten breaths before moving into the next:
    Perform Downward Facing Dog in Yoga Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    • Start with Mountain Pose. Stand tall with your feet together and hands extended at your sides, palms angled downward, and eyes closed. This is a very basic pose, but standing tall stretches your back, shoulders, and arms.[12]
    • Lower into Child's Pose. When sitting on your feet with your knees touching the floor, lower your upper body down onto the ground with your arms extended in front of you. Stay in this pose as long as desired.[13]
    • Raise into Downward-Facing Dog. Stand from child's pose and with feet hip-distance apart, bend at the waist and place hands on the floor in front of you. Your body should hinge at a ninety-degree angle If this pose is hard for you, spread your feet a bit wider.[14]
  3. Learn more to target more specific areas. If you have a particular flexibility goal, like doing the splits or touching your toes, there are specific yoga practices that can help. Consider joining a yoga class or following a video program to learn more poses and become more flexible.
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    • Yoga is such a hot trend, there are many free fitness plans and videos available online to meet any flexibility level. If you're a beginner, search "beginner yoga for flexibility," or if you are more advanced, try "advanced yoga for flexibility."
  4. Learn about breathing techniques. Yoga is about mind-body relaxation and discipline, and one major element of that process is proper breathing. In fact, proper breathing during yoga (and other stretching activities) can further the stretch itself by relaxing the body and increasing oxygen flow to the muscles under focus.[15]
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    • To get an idea of how this works, raise your arms as high as you can above your head, and then take a deep breath. Notice how your arms naturally extend even higher during the breath.
    • Breathe in through your nose as you stretch, and out through your mouth as you hold the stretch. Your abdomen, not your chest, should expand as you inhale.[16]

[Edit]Targeting Specific Muscle Groups

  1. Target your shoulders. In order to gain flexibility in your shoulder muscles, you must target stretches in both the shoulder area and it's mirror area in the chest.
    Stretch Your Back Step 13.jpg
    • Stretch your chest muscles and concentrate on this stretch. Reach both arms behind your back and clasp your hands together. Hold it for ten to twenty seconds, raising your arms into the stretch.
    • Stretch each arm as far across your chest while holding it as you can without feeling pain for at least twenty seconds each day.[17]
  2. Stretch your hamstrings. Because this is a vulnerable muscle often injured by athletes, take extra care to stretch it after you are warmed up.
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    • Sit on the floor with one leg extended in front of you and the other bent. Reach forward with the hands and grab the foot on your extended leg, leaning into the stretch in the back of your thigh. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
    • You can also do a similar stretch standing: put one leg up on a bench, stool, or chair and reach down for your foot, leaning into a stretch. Repeat on the other leg.
  3. Focus on your back. Divide this area into the dorsal (back) and ventral (front) and limit it to the muscles of the hip and spine.
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    • For the dorsal side, concentrate on stretching your hip and hamstrings and minimize the stretches to the spinal area (which is at risk of injury if you overwork it). Try lying on your back and lifting both knees to the chest, while simultaneously bringing your head forward in a sort of crunch.[18]
    • For the ventral side, try the yoga pose cobra for the abdominal muscles and the hip flexor stretch.
  4. Target your legs. Particularly if you are a runner or cyclist, leg stretches are vital for maintaining range of motion:
    Do Back Exercises in Yoga Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    • Sit on the floor with your legs as flat on the ground as possible, right beside each other. Stretch down towards your knees. Do not bend your head to face your knees, face forward. This will also stretch your neck muscles; if it hurts your neck to do this exercise, face your knees and stretch. You can also sit down with your legs straight out and take your right leg and swing it over your left leg a few times. Do the same with your left leg.


  • Try not to over stretch a muscle. Once you feel pain, let go of the stance and try again gently.
  • Stretching helps people reduce the chances of an injury in any sport and increases strength a tiny bit.
  • Working out with weights shortens muscles, so weight trainees should stretch.
  • Join a gym and ask them to teach you cheerleading flyer moves, on both legs.
  • Join acrobatics for beginners if you're aiming to be a more flexible dancer. You could also join a class for conditioning.


  • Never stretch to the point of pain or discomfort. You can injure yourself by stretching too far or too quickly. If you feel sudden pain during a stretch and the pain persists after you've stopped stretching, see a doctor or sports medicine specialist.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


How to Grow Garlic Indoors in a Pot

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

You can easily grow your own garlic indoors in a pot so you can harvest the bulbs to use for cooking and trim the greens to use as a tasty garnish! Start by choosing a suitable container and filling it with a soil-less growing medium. Then, get some good organic garlic from a nursery or an online supplier, break up the bulbs, and plant the largest cloves in the container. When the green shoots are tall enough, you can trim them and use them as a garnish. After about 10 months, pull up the bulbs, let them cure, and you've got your own home-grown garlic!


[Edit]Filling a Container with a Potting Mixture

  1. Choose a container that is at least deep. The container needs to be deep enough to allow the roots of the garlic to grow into the growing medium so they can produce green leaves and the bulbs can expand. Choose containers that are deep enough and wide enough to fit all of the cloves you want to plant.[1]
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    • Whether you choose to use a flower pot, a wooden crate, or any other type of container to grow your garlic indoors, it needs to be deep enough to allow the roots of the garlic to grow.
    • To plant 3 cloves of garlic, make sure the container is at least wide so you can space them out far enough to allow them to grow.
    • Look for containers at garden supply stores, home improvement stores, and online. You can also check out your local craft supply stores to find interesting planting containers.
  2. Make sure the container has drainage holes at the bottom. Check underneath the container to see if there are holes that will allow for drainage. If there aren't drainage holes, you need to make them so the excess water can run off from the soil and your garlic cloves won't rot.[2]
    • Most plastic or terracotta pots and planting containers have drainage holes at the bottom.
    • For plastic containers, use a sharp knife to cut out a drainage hole in the center of the bottom.
    • Drill small holes in glass or clay containers with an electric drill and a bit made for drilling glass and tile.
  3. Fill the container with a soil-less potting mix to promote drainage. A soil-less potting mix will allow excess water to drain easily and prevent the garlic cloves from rotting. Use a high-quality soil-less potting mix made of vermiculite or perlite and contains coconut fiber or peat so it retains enough moisture to help your garlic grow. Fill the container to within about of the rim.[3]
    • Garlic is highly susceptible to fungal root diseases, so you need to plant them in a medium that will allow excess water to drain easily.
    • You can find soil-less potting mixes at garden supply stores, home improvement stores, and online.
    • Make your own soil-less potting mix by using vermiculite or pearlite and mixing in some coconut fibers or peat to help retain moisture.
  4. Water the potting mix in the container to help settle it down. Before you plant your garlic cloves in the container, give it a good watering so it can settle down the material and you can make sure the container is draining properly. Use a watering can or fill a glass with about of water and gently pour it over the mixture.[4]
    • Watch the drainage holes at the bottom to make sure excess water is running through it.

[Edit]Planting the Garlic Cloves

  1. Purchase organic garlic bulbs from a gardening store or online. Most of the garlic bulbs you see at your local supermarket have been chemically treated so they last longer, and won't sprout if you try to plant them. Buy your garlic bulbs from a local plant nursery, gardening store, or from an online retailer.[5]
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    • Some grocery stores may sell organically grown garlic bulbs, which may not have been treated, so they'll sprout if you plant them.
    • Ask your local nursery if they have organically grown garlic bulbs.
    • Look online for organic garlic bulbs that you can have delivered to your home.
  2. Break apart the bulb, but keep the husks on the cloves. Use your hands to break open the bulb of garlic so you can see the individual cloves. Choose the largest cloves to plant because they'll have the best chance of sprouting. Do not pull or take the individual cloves out of their protective husks.[6]
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    • Separate the cloves 1-2 days before you plant them. They'll dry out and won't be able to sprout if you break them apart earlier.
    • The husks keep the garlic itself protected and they won't sprout if you remove them!
  3. Make holes deep and apart. Use your finger or a stick to create a hole for each clove of garlic you plan to plant in the container. Make sure they're deep enough and are spaced far enough apart to allow the roots to grow unobstructed.[7]
    • Make the holes wide enough to fit the cloves.
  4. Bury the cloves so they're covered with of potting mixture. Place 1 clove into each of the holes with the flat end facing down. Then cover them with the potting mixture on top so they're buried in the hole.[8]
    • Place 1 clove for each of the holes you make.
    • Gently pat the potting mixture on top of the garlic to settle it down.
  5. Place the container somewhere that gets 6-8 hours of sun. A south or west-facing window that gets lots of sunlight will help your garlic grow and thrive. Set the container on or near a windowsill so it's exposed to at least 6 hours of sunlight a day.[9]
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    • If you don't have a sunny window, you can place the container under a fluorescent light to help them grow indoors.
  6. Water the garlic until you see the excess run out of the drainage holes. Water the mixture regularly so it settles on top of the garlic cloves and so the cloves themselves are hydrated. The moisture will help the sprouts break through the protective husk of the cloves. Slowly pour water into the container until you see it running out of the drainage holes at the bottom.[10]
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    • Don't overwater or soak the garlic.

[Edit]Caring for the Garlic Plants

  1. Fertilize the garlic every 3 weeks with a liquid fertilizer. Use a diluted organic fertilizer and add it to the water you give to your garlic plants. Once a month or every 3 weeks is an adequate amount of time in between fertilizing.[11]
    • Read the instructions on the packaging about how to dilute the fertilizer in water.
    • You can find organic liquid fertilizer at garden supply stores, at department stores, and online.
  2. Keep the growing medium damp but not soaked. How often you need to water your garlic plants will vary based on the temperature of your home, the amount of sunlight they get, and the humidity in the air. Water your garlic plants regularly, but don't oversaturate them. Add enough water until you can see the excess drain through the holes at the bottom of the container.[12]
    • In warm and sunny climates, you may need to water your garlic plants 2-3 times a week to keep them happy.
  3. Look for pests on your plants and rodents nibbling on them. Mice can be attracted to the smell of the garlic plants, and may nibble on the green shoots, or even pull them out of the pot, so keep an eye out for bite marks on your plants. Small insects like aphids and mites can also be attracted to your garlic plants and can potentially kill them, so get rid of pests as soon as you see them.[13]

[Edit]Harvesting the Garlic Greens and Bulbs

  1. Wait until the greens are about tall to harvest them. You can eat the garlic greens once they've grown tall enough to harvest without damaging the garlic plant. The longer you wait, the healthier the plant will be, and you'll be able to continuously harvest fresh garlic greens.[14]
    • For the first 6 months, the garlic plant will keep growing green leaves.
  2. Cut the greens with scissors and leave of growth. Trim the greens at the base of the plant but leave enough growth so the plant can recover and continue to grow. Cutting the green leaves also allows the garlic plant to put more energy into growing the bulb.[15] tall so the plant focuses on growing the bulbs.}}
  3. Chop up the greens and use them as a flavorful garnish. Use a sharp knife to cut the greens into small pieces. You can use them as a seasoning or as a light and tasty garnish on a plate.[16]
    • Use the fresh greens in soups to add a bit of garlicky goodness!
    • Sprinkle freshly chopped greens on top of a finished dish to add a fresh and sharp flavor.
  4. Pull the cloves out of the container after 10 months and let them cure. After about 8-10 months, the green leaves will start to brown and die off, which means the garlic cloves are ready to be harvested. Pull the cloves out of the soil and brush off the potting mixture. Then, hang them in a dry location with good air circulation until they're completely dry. You can then use the garlic however you want![17]
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    • The cloves can take up to 2 weeks to fully cure, or dry.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Container at least deep
  • Soil-less potting mix
  • Organic garlic bulb
  • Scissors

[Edit]Related wikiHows


How to Invest in Gold

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

Investing in gold is a popular way to try to earn extra money. Gold is relatively immune to the effects of inflation, drops in the value of currency, and global fluctuations, which makes it a particularly attractive investment. If you do decide to invest, try to vary your overall portfolio and put no more than 20% of your assets into gold. You can invest in physical gold by buying and storing gold coins or bars, or buy gold indirectly by investing in gold stocks and funds.


[Edit]Buying Physical Gold

  1. Decide how much money you're willing to invest. Gold usually makes up a small part of an investor's overall wealth. Aim to invest no more than 20% of your money in gold. This will allow you to diversify your overall investments without tying up or risking too much of your capital.[1]
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    • If you only have a small amount of money to invest, aim for a more conservative 3 to 10% investment in gold.
  2. Find a reputable gold dealer by checking your country's treasury website. Look for a list of approved sellers before you buy your gold. It's important that you find a dealer who has been reviewed or endorsed by the government to ensure your safety.
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    • There are many website scams for buying and selling gold, so be sure to check the credibility of the dealer you plan to use.
    • If you're in the US, check out the US Mint's website for a list of dealers who have been checked for complaints with the Better Business Bureau. These dealers are not associated with or endorsed by the US mint, but they are more likely to be reputable than dealers who are not listed.[2]
  3. Compare gold dealer prices to get the best value. Check out exchange websites to see the spot price of gold, which is the current cost of gold based on the estimated future price of gold. The spot price fluctuates throughout the day. Compare the prices for gold advertised by different dealers, including additional costs for delivery.[3]
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    • Avoid paying more than 5% over the spot price for your gold.
  4. Purchase gold bars for large, long-term investments. If you want to invest a large sum of money in gold, buying gold bars may be simpler than buying a large number of gold coins. The purchase will be more straightforward and the gold will be easier to store and keep track of. You may want to avoid buying gold bars if you think you may want to sell part of your investment later on.[4]
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    • Keep in mind that gold bars are often harder to resell and ship than coins.
    • Since 2013, the price of gold bars has fluctuated between approximately $35,000 USD and $45,000 USD.[5]
  5. Buy highly-circulated gold coins for a smaller, flexible investment. If you are looking to invest a few thousand dollars or less in gold, opt for gold coins. Coins are often easier to sell when you want to liquidate part or all of your investment. You may want to purchase widely-circulated gold coins and avoid rare coins, which are harder to evaluate and resell.[6]
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    • Investing in gold coins will allow you to break up your investment by selling part of it or buying more in small increments.
  6. Use cash, a bank wire, or a cashier's check to purchase your gold. Most gold dealers will not accept credit cards for gold purchases for the sake of security. If you don't have enough cash, you can purchase a cashier's check from your bank or arrange a wire transfer to pay for your gold once you have worked out a deal. You will have to visit your local bank branch for these cash alternatives.[7]
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    • To get a cashier's check or make a wire transfer, provide details to your bank about the payee such as their name, full address, and bank information (e.g. their bank branch number.)
    • You can make your purchase in-store at gold dealer shops or online from reputable vendors who will ship the gold to you securely.
  7. Store your gold in a safe deposit box or home safe to keep it secure. Once you own physical gold, you will have to protect your investment from loss or theft. The best way to guarantee the safety of your gold is to get a safe deposit box at a bank. If you decide to keep the gold at home, invest in a safety deposit box to protect it in case of a robbery or other emergency.[8]
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    • Be aware that storing your gold at home will likely result in a higher insurance premium if you inform your insurer.

[Edit]Investing in Gold Indirectly

  1. Buy into a gold exchange-traded fund for a simple, low-cost investment. Gold exchange-traded funds (ETF's) are funds managed by gold experts, which means strong professional guidance with regard to your investment. There are different types of ETF's, but they all involve buying shares of an ownership of gold, meaning that you own gold indirectly. Discuss different types of ETF's with your financial advisor to see if they are worth adding to your investment portfolio.[9]
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    • Find a reliable financial advisor by asking for referrals from friends or colleagues.
    • Shareholders of ETF's have no direct claim to the gold.
    • Each ETF will have its own types of expenses.
    • ETF's are subject to taxes.
    • ETF shares are traded on public stock exchanges.
  2. Try gold exchange-traded notes for a riskier investment with high earning potential. Gold exchange-traded notes (gold ETNs) are set-term investments that pay returns based on how the gold futures market performs while your money is invested. You may profit significantly or lose all of your money since they offer no principal protection. Talk to your financial advisor about this kind of investment, which may or may not work for you depending on your financial situation.[10]
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    • ETN's are also flexible as they can be traded at a higher price or sold and re-bought at a lower price.
  3. Purchase gold miner stocks to base your profits on one company. Gold miner stocks allow you to invest directly in a particular gold miner. This means that your profit or loss is based entirely on the performance of 1 (or more) gold mining company. Look at your gold miner stock investment options with your financial advisor to see if the adventure and possible profits of this kind of investment are worth the risk.[11]
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    • The gold market is volatile, so this sort of investment will likely be a roller coaster ride.


  • Avoid buying gold from unreliable websites as there are many gold scams on the internet.
  • Be patient with gold stocks as they are prone to rising and crashing frequently.
  • As an investment strategy, consider putting a fixed amount of money towards gold each month regardless of the current price to ride out the ups and downs of the market.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Make a Banana Yogurt Parfait

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

Parfaits are a classic favorite for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or dessert. When made with the right ingredients, they are delicious and healthy.They also take very little time to prepare, making them ideal if you're in a rush. If you love bananas, then give this parfait a try!


[Edit]Preparing the oats

  1. Take about 6 tablespoons of oats and put them in a bowl. If you love oats and think that it should be the highlight of your parfait, you can definitely take more.
    Make a Banana Yogurt Parfait Step 1.jpg
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of maple syrup over the oats. If you prefer honey, use that but the original recipe does call for maple syrup. This step is optional; if you aren't a fan of any kind of syrup, you don't need to add any.
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  3. Mix the oats and maple syrup well.
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  4. Heat a nonstick pan at medium level. Cook the oats and maple syrup for about 2 to 3 minutes. This should definitely add more crunch and sweetness to the oats. After it's done cooking, set that aside.
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[Edit]Preparing the other ingredients

  1. Check that the bananas are ripe before you start to cut them. It really doesn't matter how you cut up the banana but thin slices are standard.
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  2. Choose the yogurt. One of the best parts of making a parfait is that you can get creative with the types of yogurt. A great way to make a parfait healthy is by using Greek yogurt. For this parfait, vanilla flavored yogurt is nice. Other favorites that would be suitable include blueberry and strawberry yogurts, which will complement the banana flavor nicely.
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  3. Pick out any additional nuts or toppings. Nuts that go really well with this parfait include walnuts, almonds, and cashews. If you don't like nuts, leave them out.
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  4. Raisins and cranberries also taste really great with this parfait. Keep in mind, they tend to have added sugar though.
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[Edit]Making up the banana yogurt parfait

  1. Pick out a tall glass or cup. Parfaits are usually layered, which works better when added to a tall glass rather than a bowl.
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  2. Start out by putting a big spoon of yogurt into the glass. Flatten it slightly, so that it's easier to layer the things on top.
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  3. Add a spoonful of oats on top.
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  4. Add a few slices of banana.
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  5. Keep repeating the last three steps until you reach the top of the cup: a layer or yogurt, then oats, and then bananas.
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  6. Add toppings. When you reach the top, add any extra toppings that you picked out earlier. You can also add a drizzle of maple syrup of honey at the top if you want.
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  7. Serve. Some people like to refrigerate the parfait for about ten minutes, so that it's cold and refreshing when they eat it. It's up to you how long you wish to wait before serving it.
    Make a Banana Yogurt Parfait Step 15.jpg
  8. Finished.
    Make a Banana Yogurt Parfait Final.jpg



  • Using a variety of nuts and yogurts could make it more interesting.
  • Greek yogurt tastes amazing and is perfect for yogurts. It is a lot healthier than flavored and sugary yogurts.


  • Avoid eating the parfait if left for a long time. The oats will become soggy, so they won't add that special crunch.
  • Be careful when cooking the oats. Don't cook them for too long because they might burn.
  • Although the recipe calls for maple syrup, don't use too much. It does contain a lot of sugar, so use it in small quantities.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Pan
  • Bowl
  • Cutting board
  • Kitchen knife
  • Tall glass
  • Spoon

[Edit]Related wikiHows

How to Prevent Suicidal Thoughts

Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

It may not always be easy to prevent suicidal thoughts. There will be days when you feel like life just isn't worth living. The most important thing is that you don't feel guilty or ashamed for having these thoughts and know that you are not alone. Plenty of people have had suicidal thoughts and were then able to prevent having them and went on to live meaningful lives. If you want to know how to prevent those suicidal thoughts, see Step 1 to get started.

If you're thinking about suicide and need immediate help, please call 800-273-TALK, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, or text 741741 to chat with the Crisis Text Line.


[Edit]Changing Your Thoughts

  1. Know that you can get through this. You may literally be at the end of your rope, thinking that there's absolutely nowhere else for you to turn. But you know what the best part of rock bottom is? It's that the only place you can go is up. You may feel like you have nothing to live for and that everything can only get worse, but the important thing to remember is that things will get better if you stick it out and make a game plan. Sure, your life won't be amazing overnight, but if you are aware that things can get better for you, then you'll be on the way to moving forward.
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    • When you feel a suicidal thought creeping up, just tell yourself that you know you can get through it and that you'll have better days.
  2. Ask for help immediately. There are many people out there who deal with people like us every day of their lives. They are there because they want to help us, not make us feel even more miserable. It may seem like there is nobody in this world who can help you, but that's probably because you're not letting them help you. If you tell your friends how you're feeling then they are guaranteed to help you out. That is, if you let them. It's understandable that you may not want anyone's help, and that's completely acceptable. But you can't just keep having that thought linger in your mind forever.
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    • If you feel that you are in danger of harming yourself and have no one to turn to, call the Emergency Services, your doctor, or check yourself into the ER as soon as you can. You should not be alone during this difficult time, period.
    • You can also call a helpline if you're in trouble and want someone to talk to. You can call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) at any time in the US or you can call Samaritans at 116 123 or PAPYRUS at 0800 068 41 41 (if you are a teen or a young adult) if you're in the UK. Go online to find the contact information for the suicide helpline in your country.
    • If you'd rather text someone, send a message to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 to chat with a crisis counselor. If you're in Canada, the number is 686868, or text 85258 in the UK.
  3. Delay your plan. If you're having suicidal thoughts, just tell yourself that you won't do anything drastic for another week. Or another 48 hours. Or even another day. Just putting off whatever negative thoughts you're having will give you time to turn to someone for help, find a distraction, or to start seeing the world in a better light. Yeah, if you're having suicidal thoughts one day, then you won't think that you're the happiest person alive in 24 hours, but you may be feeling better enough to no longer be thinking of suicide.
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  4. Think of all the people who love and care about you. Though you should not feel guilty for having suicidal thoughts, you can help prevent these thoughts by reminding yourself of all the people in the world who genuinely care about you. Sure, you may be feeling completely alone, but that may be because you've been out of touch with your friends recently or you haven't been feeling close to your family. That doesn't mean that there aren't people who care for you and want you to move forward.
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    • Of course, one of the reasons people have suicidal thoughts is because they may feel like no one at all cares about them. Sure, maybe you don't feel like you have any real friendships and you don't have a strong family bond, but that doesn't mean that there's no one who cares for you, even if it's a neighbor, a classmate, or a co-worker. If you're thinking negatively, it's natural to think that absolutely no one cares, but this is rarely the case.
  5. Don't feel guilty or ashamed for your thoughts. You may feel bad about having suicidal thoughts, but this is the last thing you should feel. Your feelings are perfectly natural and plenty of people have felt guilty before, but that doesn't do them any good. Instead, accept the feelings that you're having right now, but you may not feel that way forever. You'll find that this way, you'll be able to move forward much more quickly and to prevent those thoughts from happening again. If you dwell on your guilt and shame, you'll actually be feeling those feelings for longer.
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  6. Think of all the things you have yet to do. This may sound corny, but taking the time to write down and consider all of the things that you haven't done yet, whether it's fall in love or travel to a foreign country, can give you hope and more of a reason to live. The next time you feel like ending your life, you can think about all of the things you have ahead of you, and you'll see that you have so many more experiences to soak up before your life is over.
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    • If you don't feel like you have anything left for you, think about the connections and things that have kept you pushing forward so far.
  7. Find a distraction. Yes, even finding a way to distract yourself, from doing yoga to sharing a cup of tea with a close friend, can help you avoid these suicidal thoughts. If you're focused on something else that you care about, even if it's just something silly that takes your mind off of your worries, then you'll be in a better place. You can even make a list of all of the things you can do to distract yourself, so you have somewhere to turn when you're having suicidal thoughts.
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    • Of course, if you're seriously considering suicide, it's important to get help immediately. But if you just find yourself starting to think that life is meaningless, then you can try to turn those thoughts off by turning to something else.
  8. Talk to a doctor or a therapist. If you are having suicidal thoughts, then you can't prevent them alone. You should talk to a doctor or therapist to discuss the next steps. A therapist can talk to you about problems in the past and can help you make a game plan for the future, and both a therapist and a doctor can see if you are in need of medication. Though medication won't be able to "fix" all of your problems or fully prevent your suicidal thoughts, it can greatly help to be diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental conditions that can be impairing your judgment. You can only get help for these once you learn to move forward.
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  9. Make a gratitude list. Though it may sound corny, making a list of all of the things you have to be thankful for, from your best friend to your physical health, or even the sunlight, can help you remember all of the reasons why you want to live. Make a list that is at least a page long and keep it on your person, or in a place that is easy to reach, at all times. When you're having those suicidal thoughts, you can peruse your list and can see that you have so many reasons to live. And who knows, the list may even bring a big smile to your face.
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  10. Take care of yourself. Sure, eating three healthy meals a day, getting plenty of rest, and not abusing alcohol may still not make you feel happy about your life, but these things are definitely guaranteed to make you feel better than if you ate poorly, barely slept, and went binge drinking three times a week. Paying attention to your physical condition can have a major impact on your mental condition; though it's easy to neglect your body when you're feeling low, if you make an effort to be healthy, your thoughts will improve.
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    • Exercising also gives you endorphins that can put you in a more positive frame of mind.
  11. Avoid your triggers. If you know that there are certain things that can lead you to have suicidal thoughts, then you should avoid them at all costs. If seeing your ex always makes you feel like you're in a pit of despair, then avoid them. If going to big family functions where everyone is yelling at each other makes you feel so alone, then avoid them. Make a list of all of the things that make you the most unhappy, and make a plan for avoiding them as much as you can.
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    • Unfortunately, it may not be possible to avoid all of your triggers. But you can make a plan for coping with them if you have to face them.
  12. Avoid drugs or alcohol. If you're even worrying about preventing suicidal thoughts, then you should avoid drugs and alcohol at all costs. While they may offer a temporary release from your problems, once the effects wear off, you will be feeling more depressed and upset than you were to begin with. Both drugs and alcohol are to be avoided at all costs while you're battling with suicidal thoughts; they can also cause you to act impulsively, which is something you definitely want to avoid.
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  13. Address the causes as much as you can. There may be some concrete reasons for your suicidal thoughts. Seeing a doctor or therapist can help you talk things over and to address any mental illness that you may be suffering from, but that may not be enough. You may feel like you've reached a dead end because you can't stand your job, know that you're in a terrible relationship, or have body image issues. Though there may not be one "cause" for all of your thoughts, there will certainly be many contributing factors. If you set out to change some of those things, such as looking for a new job, then you may slowly begin to see your suicidal thoughts receding.
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    • That said, you should avoid making any major decisions while you're having suicidal thoughts. While those thoughts are happening, it's best to call for help, give it some time, and wait until you're feeling more stable. Then you can think rationally about which next steps you want to take.

[Edit]Acting in Crisis

  1. Make a safety plan. If you're having suicidal thoughts, it's best to be prepared in advance, so you know what to do in the event of a crisis. Everyone can have his or her own safety plan, but it should include certain things like calling for help immediately, driving to a close friend's house, doing something that soothes you no matter what, spending time with your pet, or reading over your gratitude list. The most important thing is that you plan not to be alone while you're feeling suicidal and that you have something to do while you wait for help to arrive.
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    • Writing down this plan can help you know what to do when you're feeling unsure or upset in the moment.
    • Make copies and share your safety plan with your loved ones so they can help care for you if you're having a time of crisis.
  2. Remove the means. Get rid of alcohol, medication, sharp objects, or anything else in your home that can make it easier for you to end your own life. If you're having suicidal thoughts, then it's important to make it as hard as possible for you to follow through on what you're thinking. Call a friend and wait for him or her to arrive and find a place to lie down and wait. If you know that there are few things in your home that can make it easier for you to harm yourself, then you'll be more likely to stay safe.
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  3. Remove the opportunity. This means that you should immediately be around a person who can prevent you from ending your life. The opportunity comes from being alone, and if you're having these thoughts, you should be with a friend, family member, neighbor, or someone you know so you can feel like you're less alone, and so that you're feeling like you have less of an opportunity to end your life. If you are considering taking your own life, call for help ASAP.
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  4. Be patient. Time may not heal all wounds, but it will certainly make things seem less dire. It will be difficult, but you have to understand that having suicidal thoughts will not make time go by any quicker. You just have to be strong and not give up. Progress will be made in time. Things will get better, but you have to let them get better. Only you can decide how you want your future to be laid out. It may not seem like anything is getting better, but the truth is, it is.
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    • Continue caring for yourself even when the thoughts go away. Always make your mental health a priority, even if you haven't had suicidal thoughts for months. Taking the time to exercise, get enough rest, and being kind to yourself can make a big impact on your mental state.


  • If you truly believe that you can't continue on anymore call 1-800-SUICIDE. They can help you, that's what they're there for. Just because you need help doesn't mean you have any sort of problem whatsoever. After all, you're only human.
  • Just because you may have thoughts like this does not make you a bad person. You're just having a hard time understanding what's happening in your life and what you should do about it. But the best thing that you can do is stay calm and believe that everything will get better in time.
  • Nobody said that coping with these kinds of thoughts would be easy. But if you can get help from other people and accept their help, then things will turn out for the best.
  • Patience is a virtue, it doesn't just come naturally. Only you can help yourself become more patient. Or you can rely on your family and friends to help you along the way.

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How to Increase Blood Flow to the Brain

Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

The brain uses about three times as much oxygen as the muscles do. Oxygen is vital to brain function, and brain healing. Optimal brain function relies on a healthy blood flow. There are a number of different methods you can use to increase the amount of oxygen-rich blood that flows to your brain.


[Edit]Exercising to Increase Blood Flow

  1. Exercise regularly. All aerobic activity has positive effects on circulation and health. One research study concluded that moderate exercise improves blood circulation to the brain in older women.[1] Walk for 30–50 minutes at a brisk rate of speed, three or four times per week.
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    • The results of the study indicated as much as 15% higher blood flow to the brain.
    • Many studies suggest a connection between exercise and overall brain health, though there's no definitive research suggesting that increased blood flow may prevent or reverse cognitive decline.
    • Aerobic activity is any physical activity that causes you to breathe harder, and raises your heart rate. Swimming, bicycling, dancing, and even sex are all aerobic activities. Find one that best suits your lifestyle, and engage in it with enthusiasm!
  2. Take short walks throughout the day. It's not necessary to commit to a lengthy exercise session to reap the benefits of walking. Taking short walks will also help increase the blood flow to your brain. Even a walk of three to five minutes will have a positive effect on your blood's circulation.
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    • Use a timer throughout your day to remind yourself to take walking breaks. If you work at a desk, schedule short walks.
    • Take advantage of naturally occurring opportunities to walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park at a distance from your destination. Get off the bus or train before your exit, and walk the remainder of the route.
  3. Stretch during the day. Stretching improves overall circulation, and prevents stiffness in the joints and muscles.[2]Set aside a few minutes every hour to stretch your body.
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    • Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles. While it's not possible to truly "stretch" your brain, by enhancing blood flow throughout your body, circulation will improve and increase.[3]
    • Simple stretches that result in increased blood flow to the brain include touching your knees or toes from a standing position. Alternatively, sit on a clean area with your legs outstretched, and touch your knees, shins or toes from this seated position. Be careful not to do anything that causes pain or discomfort in your back.
  4. Do yoga. Yoga poses often encourage putting the head below the heart. This directly benefits blood flow to the brain.[4] Simple inversions include simply laying on the floor, perpendicular to a wall. Scoot your body forward so that your legs are resting on the wall, and your buttocks is close to or touching the wall.
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    • More advanced inversions include raising your body above your head in a headstand or handstand. You may practice doing this by using a wall to help your balance. Remember, yoga should never be painful. Work with a trained yoga practitioner for more advanced inversions.
    • Inversions don't have to be vertical. Plow pose and fish pose are both poses that directly benefit the blood flow to the brain. Plow pose stimulates the thyroid, increasing blood flow to the brain. Fish pose stimulates the neck, throat and brain.

[Edit]Using the Breath to Improve Blood Flow

  1. Breathe through your nose. Engage your diaphragm, in your abdominal area. This is also called "belly breathing." Breathing deeply moves the air and oxygen down into the lower areas of the lungs where most of the circulation of blood is.
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    • Air entering through the nose enters the sinus cavities, oral cavities, and the upper part of the lungs. Breathing through the mouth will lessen the exposure to freshly oxygenated air.
    • Breathing with the diaphragm results in more oxygen entering this blood.
  2. Meditate. Heartbeat and breathing slow during meditation. Often, meditation includes more conscious, even guided breathing.[5]Deep, even-paced breathing will increase the saturation of oxygen in the blood.
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    • Conscious breathing helps to relax the shoulders, chest, and neck muscles that may be interfering with blood flow to the brain.
    • Meditation has had proven positive effects. It lowers a person's stress levels, increases their ability to focus, and strengthens the immune system.
    • There are many ways to meditate. An easy way to begin meditation practice is simply to sit comfortably, eyes partially or completely closed, and count your breaths. When you have counted 10 breaths, start over. Continue to focus your entire attention on counting your breaths. When other thoughts enter, simply notice them, and let them go. Start over again at one.
  3. Quit Smoking. Nicotine restrict arteries, which prevents healthy blood flow to the brain. On the other hand, the brain's oxygen uptake and blood flow decreases by up to 17% immediately after people stop smoking.[6]
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    • Smoking has been linked to strokes and brain aneurysm. An aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel caused by a weakness in the blood vessel wall.
    • E-Cigarettes contain nicotine, which constricts blood vessels and lowers the blood flow to the brain. They are not recommended as a substitute for ordinary cigarettes.[7]

[Edit]Changing Your Diet

  1. Eat more chocolate. Studies suggest that the flavonoids found in cocoa beans may increase blood flow to the brain.[8] Flavonoids can also be found in red wine, red grapes, apples and berries. Teas, particularly green or white teas, are another excellent source of flavonoids.[9]
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    • Make sure that your overall caloric intake remains within healthy limits. Increasing fat or sugar levels to your daily diet may have negative consequences.
    • Research on the beneficial effects of flavonoids is still preliminary.
  2. Drink beet juice. Drinking beet juice has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain.[10]Beets contain nitrates, which are converted to nitrites by naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth. Nitrites help to widen blood vessels, and help increase blood flow to the brain.
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    • Nitrates are also found in celery, cabbage, and other green, leafy vegetables.
    • Eating fruits and vegetables high in nitrates is recommended for optimal brain functioning. Converting these foods into juices is the quickest way to ingest a therapeutic dose.
  3. Include "superfoods" in your daily diet. Nuts, seeds, blueberries, and avocados are sometimes called "superfoods" for their high nutritional value. Research suggests that consuming these foods has a positive effect on maintaining a healthy brain into old age.[11]
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    • Walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews and other nuts are excellent sources of Vitamin E. Deficits in Vitamin E have been linked to cognitive decline. You can eat them raw or roasted. Unhydrogenated nut butters maintain their high nutritional content.
    • Avocados are high in monounsaturated fat, which has been linked to increased blood flow to the brain. Monounsaturated fat helps to reduce bad cholesterol from the blood, and leads to lower blood pressure.[12] Avocados also provide nutrients to help improve your overall health.
    • Blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress, which deteriorates brain functioning. Eating one cup a day of blueberries — fresh, dried, or frozen — has been shown to increase brain functioning.
  4. Consider nutritional supplements. Ginkgo Biloba has long been used to increase blood flow to the brain. Ginkgo also protects the nerve cells that are thought to be damaged in Alzheimers.
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    • Ginkgo should not be given to children. Studies done using ginkgo with adults have ranged between 120–-240 mg per day.
    • Ginkgo is available in tablets, capsules, liquid extracts, and dried leaves for herbal tisanes.


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How to Keep an Older Dog Warm in Cold Weather

Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

The winter months can be a difficult time for everyone, and that includes your dog. If your dog is senior-aged (between five and ten years old), they may be even more sensitive to the cold. You can keep your older dog warm, cozy, and healthy by protecting them from the elements, helping them stay comfortable at home, and working to keep their body in good shape. With just a little attention, both you and your pet can weather the winter with ease.


[Edit]Protecting Your Dog from the Elements

  1. Learn about your breed's susceptibility to the cold. Certain breeds of dogs will be more affected by the cold than others. Determine your breed's susceptibility to the cold in order to know which precautions you need to take. Older dogs will always be a bit more sensitive than younger dogs of the same breed.[1]
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    • In general, the larger your dog is, the better they will be at tolerating the cold.
    • The amount of fur your dog has plays a role as well. Breeds like malamutes, huskies, and chow chows, with thick coats, are particularly well suited for cold weather. Dogs with short hair, like chihuahuas, are quite sensitive to the cold.
  2. Dress your dog in canine clothing. One common and easy way to help keep your dog warm is to give them a dog sweater or jacket. These garments can help to keep your dog's core warm and keep them comfortable. This can be a great option for older dogs who have trouble staying warm.[2]
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    • Dog clothing is available at pet stores, specialty stores, and online.
    • Be sure to keep your dog's clothing warm and dry. Damp sweaters or jackets can actually make your dog colder.
  3. Use booties to protect your dog's paws and feet. An additional level of protection is to place warm booties on your dog's feet. This can be especially helpful if your dog dislikes walking on the cold ground, or if you notice cracking or bleeding from their paws. This discomfort can be quite common in older animals, so consider placing booties on your senior dog.[3]
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  4. Take shorter walks when the weather is cold. Senior dogs will be able to tolerate cold weather for short period of time, but is best not to overdo it. If the temperature is low or the conditions are wet and icy, consider taking a shorter walk than you would normally. Alternatively, if your dog can wait, you may postpone your walk until the weather clears up.[4]
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    • It is a good idea to check the temperature before going out.[5]
    • If it is below freezing, you may want to postpone your walk.

[Edit]Helping Your Dog Stay Comfortable

  1. Keep your dog inside. When dogs are left outside, their ears, paws, and faces are especially prone to frostbite.The best way to keep your senior dog warm and healthy during the winter months is to keep them indoors. Older dogs are more sensitive to the cold than younger dogs, so it is a good idea to keep your senior dog inside your home, especially overnight.[6]
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  2. Provide adequate outdoor shelter. If your dog does spend a lot of time outside, be sure that they have proper outdoor housing. A good cold-weather doghouse should have a sloped roof, insulation, and possibly even a prefabricated (or expert-installed) heater. Keeping your dog outside should only be considered if they are hearty breed and used to the cold.[7]
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    • Be sure to seal any cracks and insure proper insulation.
  3. Keep bedding at least 3 inches off the floor. Another great way to keep your senior dog warm and healthy is to make sure they have someplace comfortable to lay down, at least three inches off of the cold floor. Use a thick dog bed, or layer it with additional blankets to raise it up.[8]
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  4. Provide a hot water bottle. If your senior dog is still chilly, you may want to provide them with a hot water bottle to cuddle with. You can find these at most pharmacies. Simply fill the bottle with warm water, and set it in your dog's bed.[9]
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[Edit]Keeping Your Dog's Body Healthy

  1. Groom your dog. You will want to avoid trimming or shaving your dog's fur during the winter months because their full coat is a great source of warmth and protection. Instead, it is important to keep you dog's coat brushed, groomed, and free of tangles. Matted fur is less effective in keeping your dog warm.[10]
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    • Brush your dog's fur daily to remove tangles.
    • Consider taking them to a professional groomer, but be sure to explain that you'd like their fur to be left long.
  2. Keep fur around the paws trimmed. The fur on your dog's paws can trap ice, making your older dog cold and uncomfortable. Additionally, excess fur on the paws can make it easier for your dog to slip.[11]
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    • Hold your dog's paw with one hand, and use a sharp pair of scissors to snip off any fur that covers the pads of their foot.
    • You may also consider having this done by a professional groomer.
  3. Watch for frostbite. Frostbite is a common occurrence, especially in small dogs. Frostbite can be easily treated if diagnosed immediately, so keep an eye out for symptoms.[12]
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    • First-degree frostbite can be easy to miss. Look for pale skin on your dog's extremities (such as ears, lips, tail, face, and feet). This skin may also feel cold to the touch. When the affected skin warms up, it can look red, swollen, and be painful when touched.
    • Second-degree frostbite involves the development of skin blisters.
    • Third-degree frostbite (the most serious) will involve your dog's skin turning black or dark blue. You will see a clear difference between frostbitten and undamaged skin.
    • Seek medical attention right away if you recognize signs of frostbite on your dog.
  4. Pay attention to existing ailments. Existing ailments, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and others, can be exacerbated by the cold. If your senior dog has been diagnosed with any of these, speak to your vet about any additional medications or treatments you should provide.[13]
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    • Watch out for symptoms of pain, such as limping, lying down more than usual, or yelping when touched.
    • Speak to your vet to discuss symptoms and treatment options.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Make Slime

Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

Slime is always popular with the kids and the reason is simple––because it's a whole lot of fun! It is cheap and easy to make at home, and can even be made by younger kids with the right care and supervision. The ingredients are simple, everyday items. As well as being fun, it's a tactile way to relieve stress. Pick one of the four ways below to make slime, each one different to match your time availability and budget.


[Edit]Making Basic Slime

  1. Mix the borax powder and warm water together. Measure out borax powder and warm water. Add these ingredients to a large mixing bowl. Stir the mixture until the borax is completely dissolved.

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  2. Add of water and 1 cup of glue to a separate mixing bowl.

  3. Add food coloring to the glue mixture (optional). Choose any color food coloring you like! feel free to experiment with any color. Start with a few drops of food coloring, then stir. If you want the color to be brighter, add a few more drops of the food coloring. If you add a lot, the color may end up pretty dark and when you play with it, the color will dye your hands.

    • You can also separate the glue mixture evenly into smaller bowls and make each one a different color, then mix them together.
  4. Combine the two mixtures. Dump the borax mixture slowly and a small bit at a time, because if you add too much, your slime will be hard and rip not stretch! Stir them together until it becomes your desired consistency, and doesn't stick to your hand. You will see the slime begin to form!

    • If you chose to make smaller amounts of slime in separate containers, evenly divide the borax solution among the containers.
    • Start kneading the slime with your hands at this point. It might be sticky, but keep mixing. Add more activator (borax) if needed.
  5. Take the slime out and have fun! If it is too sticky, add more of the borax and water mixture until it gets to a texture that you like.

[Edit]Making "Living" Slime

  1. Mix cornstarch with vegetable oil. Add both ingredients to a large bowl. Stir them together thoroughly.[1]

  2. Put the mixture in the refrigerator. Place the bowl in the refrigerator and leave it there until the mixture is fully chilled (about one hour). The cold temperature will help the slime solidify and reach the ideal consistency.[2]

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  3. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator. Stir it well (as the ingredients will have separated again). Let the mixture warm up just enough so that it flows slightly.

  4. Find a block of styrofoam. It can really be any size but the standard size is 1x6x6 inches (25x150x150mm). Run the styrofoam on your hair or on your carpet several times to give it a static charge.[3]

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  5. Pour the slime mixture out slowly into another container. Place the piece of styrofoam just in front of the slime before you start pouring. It should be about 1 inch (25 mm) away from the flow of slime. The static electricity will cause the slime to stop flowing and appear to take on a life of its own.[4]

    • Wiggle the styrofoam around and the slime should follow it. Your kids will be amazed!

[Edit]Making Edible Slime

  1. Pour a can of sweetened condensed milk into a pan. Place the pan on your stove top. Add of cornstarch to the milk and stir until the ingredients are well-combined.[5]

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  2. Heat the mixture over low heat. Set your burner to low and continue to stir the mixture constantly as it heats up. If you don't stir continuously, the mixture may stick to your pan.[6]

  3. Remove the mixture from the heat when it has thickened. As it heats up, the slime will become more gelatinous and harder to stir. Once it reaches that point, remove the pan from the heat.[7]

  4. Add 10 to 15 drops of food coloring to the mixture. You can choose any color that you want! Green is always a classic, but experiment or allow your kids to pick a color.[8]

  5. Allow the mixture to cool. Before you let your kids play with (and eat) it, let it cool down completely. The slime may stain surfaces, so make sure it's kept away from anything that stains easily or that you want to keep unstained, especially light colored objects.[9]

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[Edit]Making Soap Flake Slime

  1. Mix soap flakes with hot water. Carefully add the hot water to a large bowl. Measure out the soap flakes and place them into the container. Stir thoroughly until the flakes fully dissolve.

  2. Add a few drops of food coloring (if desired). Food coloring is optional, but it may make the slime more fun!

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  3. Let the mixture stand for up to an hour. This will allow the mixture to reach the desired consistency.

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  4. Beat the mixture vigorously with a spoon. It will begin to froth up as you beat it. It has reached the right consistency when it pours easily and becomes extremely slimy to touch.

  5. Keep the slime in an airtight container. This slime keeps very well in an airtight container. Make sure you store it away from direct sunlight and heat.

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  • If you're keen to make a glittery or many-colored slime, see How to Make Unicorn Slime.
  • When you put food coloring in the slime mix, take care to avoid getting it on yourself. Mix it well.
  • Don't have food coloring? Use watercolor paints or marker for color!
  • If you add shaving cream it, it makes the slime "fluffy".
  • If you don't want to use borax you can use liquid starch, aka "sta-flo" it's safe and clear. It is also very cheap (about $3) and you can get it at family dollar and Walmart.
  • If you make any sort of slime (holo, fluffy, crunchy etc.), always put it in a container so it doesn't dry out.
  • Don't use too much borax solution. This will make the slime turn rubbery and it will tear easily.
  • When choosing your glue, make sure that it is a PVA-based glue.
  • If you don't want to use the borax solution to activate the slime, adding baking soda and contact lens or eye drops are a good substitute. Just make sure the contact lens solution or the eye drops have boric acid in the ingredients list or else it won't work.
  • You can add essential oils or scented liquid soap to the slime to make it smell nice.
  • The recipe can be modified by varying the proportions of ingredients. For example, if 2 parts borax solution are used, the slime that forms is "harder" and less gooey.
  • If you are making your slime with detergent, be sure to use non-organic detergent.
  • After you make your slime, do not put it on any fabric or carpet and let it dry. Otherwise, it can stain the fabric.
  • Don't add too much food coloring as it can get all over your hands and clothes.
  • If you have sensitive skin, you might not want to use borax as it can cause burns and irritation.
  • Lotion can also make it more stretchy if the slime is thick and hard to stretch. The more lotion you add, the more stretchy it will become. Just be careful because the lotion also makes the slime very sticky. Add a little at a time.
  • This solution is best enjoyed on the day of creating it. The slime will gather fluff, dust, and particles that make it unpleasant to keep. However, if you do wish to store it, label it well to avoid any confusion as to what it is and keep in a cool place.
  • Add contact lens solution to make your slime less sticky.
  • If the slime gets on your clothes, you can wash them. The slime should come off easily.
  • Elmer's glue is one suitable brand of glue. It is more generally known as polyvinyl acetate.
  • If your slime is too tough, add drops of glycerin to make it softer.
  • If your slime is sticky add more borax and water into it.
  • When you are done playing with your slime, put it in a container or bag and store at room temperature.
  • If you need to clean slime off clothing, furniture, carpet, etc., check out wikiHow's article for help: How to Clean Slime.
  • You can use contact lens solution mixed with a pinch of bicarbonate or soda (but only add a little bit) and mix it in. If you add paint for colour be aware; it will come out the pot watery after letting it sit, but it still makes slime.
  • Make sure to wash your hands after touching slime with borax.


  • Make sure your kids don't get the slime on areas where it'll stain or damage the surface (ceiling, walls, carpet, furniture, etc.).
  • Keep the slime away from pets and very small children.
  • Do not consume any slime or slime ingredients unless it is edible slime.
  • Don't add too much borax, as the slime will turn into a clump.
  • Borax is a detergent that can cause 1st, 2nd, and/or 3rd-degree burns. Wear gloves or gloves and safety goggles, and exercise caution when handling borax.
  • If you add color to the slime, it may stain things.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Basic Slime

  • of craft glue
  • of warm water
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • borax powder

[Edit]"Living" Slime

  • cornstarch
  • vegetable oil
  • A piece of styrofoam

[Edit]Edible Slime

  • 1 can (14 oz.) of sweetened condensed milk
  • of cornstarch
  • 10-15 drops of food coloring

[Edit]Soap Flake Slime

  • soap flakes
  • hot water
  • Food coloring (optional)

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__ Methods __

[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Make a Paper Bag Turkey

Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

Looking for a fun way to celebrate this holiday season? Whether you're crafting homemade decorations for Thanksgiving dinner or just want to get into the spirit of autumn, making a turkey from ordinary paper bags is a quick, simple and creative activity that is sure to please children and adults alike. This project only requires a few simple materials and will add a bit of thrifty Fall flair wherever it's displayed.


[Edit]Making the Turkey

  1. Gather your materials. For this project, you'll need only need a handful of basic items—3 brown paper bags (1 large paper grocery bag and 2 smaller standard paper bags), 1 sheet of white 8 ½" x 11" typing paper, a few sheets of newspaper, a pair of scissors and a hot glue gun or some craft glue. Any additional materials will be up to you, depending on how elaborate you want the presentation of your finished turkey to be.
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    • Your turkey will be made of just three easy pieces: one big bag for the body, and the two smaller bags to serve as the "drumsticks."
    • Making a paper bag turkey only takes a few minutes from start to finish, leaving you with plenty of time in your day to finish playing, decorating or tackling other crafting projects.
  2. Form the body of the turkey. Take the large paper bag and fill it ¾ full with crumpled newspaper. This will help fill out the body, giving it a plump appearance and preventing it from collapsing once it's ready to be displayed. After the bag has been stuffed, fold the corners down diagonally and glue them in place. Tuck the folded tab down one more time and glue it to the underside of the turkey.[1]
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    • Shape the body of the turkey by hand until it's smooth and round. Be sure to work out any square edges of creases from the original bag.
    • Be careful not to tear the bag while sealing or shaping it.
  3. Shape the drumsticks. Grab the two smaller paper bags—you'll be using these to craft the "drumsticks" of the turkey. Make one hand into a fist and stick it into each bag, molding the opening of the bag around your wrist. This will give the bag its recognizable drumstick shape. Remove your hand from the bag and fill the rounded end with newspaper. Twist the opening of each bag shut and secure it with a dab of glue.[2]
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    • Like the body of the turkey, the drumsticks will need to be filled in order to hold their shape.
  4. Cut the booties for the drumsticks. Your drumsticks aren't complete until they're dressed with a pair of frilly white booties, like a traditional Thanksgiving turkey. Cut your sheet of typing paper in half lengthwise, then fold each piece in half, again lengthwise. Use your scissors to make a series of cuts in the open edge of the paper to create a neat fringe.
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    • Try to make your cuts about ¼ inch apart.
    • Your cuts only need to be about half the width of the paper.
  5. Put it all together. Wrap a paper bootie around the end of each drumstick and secure them with glue. Then, place the drumsticks on either side of the sealed end of the turkey and glue them down. That's it! The result is a quirky, lifelike baked bird that you might just mistake for the real thing.[3]
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    • Attach the drumsticks to the tapered sides of the body where you folded down the edges of the big bag. This will give the turkey a more realistic look.
    • The different parts of the turkey will have a little weight to them once they've been filled. Use enough glue to make sure that everything holds.

[Edit]Finding Creative Ways to Present Your Turkey

  1. Put it on a platter. Arrange your paper bag turkey on a serving platter over a bed of parsley or tissue paper garnish. Surround the turkey with fallen leaves for a splash of vibrant color. With the right details, you'll have a mouthwatering craft turkey worthy of a fantasy feast to show off to your friends and family.
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    • If you don't have a real serving platter lying around, make your own out of cardboard, construction paper, and colored markers.
    • Make sure to let everyone, especially small children, know that your paper turkey is not for eating.
  2. Add colorful designs. Before you fill the paper bags, decorate the outsides for a more artistic, funky finish. Use crayons, markers, washable paint, stickers or glitter and customize your turkey with polka dots, swirls or dazzling patterns using your favorite colors. Grab a friend, sibling, parent or child to decorate your turkey with, then compare and display them together when you're done.[4]
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    • If you're using paint or a felt-tip marker that might saturate the paper bags, allow them to dry before stuffing or shaping them.
    • When making paper turkeys with your kids or students, have them write down one thing they're thankful for somewhere on the big bag.
  3. Fill it with "stuffing." For an unexpected tasty twist, ditch the newspaper and fill your turkey with popcorn, candy or other easy-to-eat finger foods instead. You can then have someone "carve" the turkey by cutting a flap in the top and have something to snack on until the main course is served. This imaginative serving style is sure to be a hit at holiday parties![5]
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    • Popcorn makes a simple stuffing because it's light and takes up a lot of space, but you could use just about any snack food, like chips, pretzels or chocolates, to fill your turkey.
    • Try filling the drumsticks separately with caramel corn to make "dark meat."[6]
  4. Put your paper bag turkey on display. In addition to being a fun and easy project to do with your friends or loved ones, your paper turkey will make a unique arrangement for the coffee table, arts and crafts desk or kitchen counter. It will look especially good surrounded by other festive Fall decorations. Best of all, you can store the playful papercraft away or simply make a new one the next time the holiday season rolls around.[7]
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    • A paper bag turkey will fit nicely with other homemade holiday decorations, such as hand turkey cutouts, popsicle stick snowflakes, and construction paper pumpkins.


  • This will make a great activity for parents and teachers to do alongside their children or students.
  • If the paper bags you're using have any logos, writings or markings on them, carefully turn them inside out before you begin crafting.
  • Line the inside of your turkey with wax or parchment paper to prevent splotchy grease stains if you plan on filling it with buttered popcorn.
  • Make sure you have enough of whatever food item you choose to fill the large bag.
  • Hot glue is preferable to other adhesives because it dries quickly and creates a strong, lasting hold.


  • Take caution when working with the hot glue and scissors. Kids should ask an adult for help with the cutting and gluing portions of the project.
  • Staples should be avoided, as there's no way to use them to secure the different parts of the turkey without mashing them.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • 3 brown paper bags (1 large and 2 small)
  • 1 sheet white typing paper
  • A few sheets of crumpled newspaper
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue or craft glue
  • Popcorn or other small snack foods (optional)
  • Various decorating supplies (optional)


How to Clean Sneakers

Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

Cleaning your sneakers is a simple and quick task that will keep your shoes smelling fresh and prolong their life. You can choose to either clean your shoes by hand to give them some needed TLC, or put them into the washing machine to make it even easier. No matter which method you choose, though, cleaning your sneakers not only makes them look nicer, but also spruces up any outfit you wear them with and will give you an extra boost of style!


[Edit]Using the Washing Machine

  1. Check the label to make sure it's safe to machine wash your shoes. Most sneakers can be cleaned in the washing machine, but it's always a good idea to double-check beforehand. If the label says "hand wash only," you may want to consider cleaning the shoes by hand. If your shoes don't have a label, search the brand online to get cleaning recommendations.[1]
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    • If your shoes have any leather or suede, it is not a good idea to machine wash them, as the water can damage those parts of the shoes.
  2. Use a scrub brush to brush away any visible clumps of dirt. Preferably, do this over a trash can or outside to keep the dirt from getting all over your floor. If the dirt is wet, let it dry completely first. Dry dirt brushes away more easily than wet dirt does.[2]
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    • Removing as much dirt as possible before washing the shoes will help them get cleaner in the washing machine.
  3. Remove the laces and treat dirty sections with laundry detergent. Check them out to see if there are any areas that are particularly dirty. If so, take a little bit of laundry detergent and use your fingers to rub it into the shoelaces. This pretreating will help the dirt come out more easily.[3]
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    • Put the laces into their own small mesh bag to keep them from wrapping around other items when they're in the wash.
  4. Put the shoes into a mesh bag and wash them along with towels. If you don't have mesh laundry bags, you can buy them online or at department stores for about $10. Put the bag with your shoes in it, the one with the laces, and a load of towels into the washing machine.[4]
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    • Washing the shoes along with towels keeps the shoes from banging around in the washing machine, which could potentially damage your shoes or the machine itself.
  5. Run a gentle cycle with cool water. Use the same amount of detergent you normally would, and avoid using hot water. Choose the gentle cycle if you have the option.[5]
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    • Don't overdo it on the detergent. Excess detergent can cause soap residue to build up on your shoes, making them stiff and possibly even staining them.
  6. Let the pair of shoes air dry. You can put them in front of a dehumidifier, a fan, or an open window, but avoid putting them in front of any type of heat source or into the dryer. If the shoes have insoles, take them out and let them dry separately to speed up the process.[6]
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    • You might be tempted to toss your sneakers into the dryer so you can wear them sooner, but doing so could ruin the shape of your shoes. The high heat could warp plastic or synthetic fibers.
    • To help the shoes keep their shape, stuff the insides with crumpled newspaper.
  7. Reassemble the shoes once everything is completely dry. It should take anywhere from 8 to 12 hours for your shoes to dry, just depending on whether or not you do anything else to speed up the process. Once they're dry, put the insoles back in place and re-lace them.[7]
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    • If your shoes still look really dirty, you may need to treat the soles separately or perhaps try putting them through the laundry again. If you can't get them clean, it may be time to invest in a new pair of sneakers.

[Edit]Washing Sneakers by Hand

  1. Remove the laces from your shoes. As you take out the laces, pay attention to their condition—are they grungy? Are they fraying? If they're just dirty, you'll be able to clean them, but if they're fraying and threadbare, it may be time to buy a new pair.[8]
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    • If you do need to buy new laces, measure your current ones to see what length they are. That way, you'll be sure to purchase replacements that are long enough for your shoes.
  2. Rub laundry detergent into the stained areas of the laces. For this purpose, it's helpful to pour a small amount of laundry detergent into a bowl; should do. Dip your finger into the laundry detergent, and then rub it into grungy sections of your shoelaces. Repeat this step until both laces have been treated.[9]
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    • Rubbing the laundry detergent into the laces causes the soap to start reacting with and breaking down the ground-in dirt.
  3. Rinse the laces with warm water and pat them dry with a clean towel. Take your shoelaces to the sink, and turn the water on to warm. Rinse each shoelace, taking time to rub along the entire length to remove all the dirt and soap. Keep rinsing until the water runs clear and your laces are clean. Dry them off with a clean towel and set them to the side.[10]
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    • If your laces are particularly dirty, you could also fill your sink with warm water and leave the shoelaces to soak for 10 to 15 minutes while you clean the rest of your shoes.
  4. Clean the eyelets with a toothbrush and a little bit of laundry detergent. The eyelets are the little holes that the shoelaces wind through. Continue using the small bowl of laundry detergent from earlier, and dip a clean toothbrush into it. Scrub the eyelets with the toothbrush to remove any built-up dirt or grime, then wipe them clean with a damp sponge.[11]
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    • When rinsing away the laundry detergent, avoid using an overly-wet sponge. Wet the sponge then wring it out so it's not dripping wet. This'll keep the suds from spreading too far and your shoes won't get over-saturated.
  5. Dislodge dry dirt with a small scrub brush. Pick up your shoes and examine them. If there are dry clumps of dirt or grass, brush them away with a small scrub brush. Do this over a trashcan or outside to keep the dirt from getting all over your floor.[12]
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    • Don't try to brush away dirt that is still wet. Let it dry completely first—it'll be much easier to remove once it's dry.
    • If there are stuck pebbles, use a pair of tweezers to scrape them out.
  6. Mix together of laundry detergent and of water. Depending on how much laundry detergent is left in your bowl after cleaning the shoelaces and eyelets, you may not need to add more. Stir the water and laundry detergent together until the mixture is sudsy.[13]
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    • It doesn't matter if you use warm or cold water. The laundry detergent will dissolve easily in either one.
  7. Wet a toothbrush in the mixture and scrub the entirety of the shoes. You can use the same toothbrush you used to clean the eyelets, or you could even use the small scrub brush from earlier. Whatever you choose to use, dip it into the laundry detergent and water mixture, and then proceed to scrub the entire body of each shoe. Clean the body of the shoe, the tongue, the soles, and even the inside of the shoe. Use a circular motion to dislodge ground-in dirt.[14]
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    • Re-wet the toothbrush as many times as you need to while you clean.
    • Don't forget that insole! Remove it and clean it the same way you did the exterior of the shoe. If it still isn't coming clean, you can always buy replacement insoles.[15]
  8. Wipe down the shoes with a clean, damp sponge. After you've scrubbed the shoes, dampen a sponge and then wring it out so it's not dripping wet. Wipe away all the soap residue and dirt, rinsing the sponge out as often as you need to.[16]
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    • Don't forget to wipe down the insides and the bottoms of the shoes, too.
  9. Let the shoes dry naturally and then lace them back up. Set the shoes to the side on a dry towel. Leave them to air dry, which should take anywhere from 8 to 12 hours. You can speed up the drying process by putting the shoes in front of a fan or an open window, but don't put them in front of any kind of heat source because the heat could warp the shoes or even shrink them. Once they're dry, replace the insoles and re-lace the shoes.[17]
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    • If your shoes were really stinky, sprinkle some baking soda over the insides while they dry overnight. In the morning, knock out the excess baking soda before putting the shoes on.[18]

[Edit]Cleaning White Soles

  1. Mix together equal parts of baking soda and laundry detergent. Since you don't need too much of either ingredient, start off with 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of baking soda and of laundry detergent. Stir them together to create a paste.[19]
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    • This method works great when you simply need to spruce up the soles of your shoes but don't need to clean the rest of them.
  2. Apply the mixture to the soles with a clean toothbrush. Take a toothbrush and dip it into the baking soda and laundry detergent. Scrub it into the soles of the shoes, taking care to get all the sides and the bottoms of the shoes, too.[20]
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    • Don't be afraid to really pile the paste onto the soles. You can always make more if you run out, and it won't hurt anything if you use a lot.
  3. Wet a sponge with cold water and wipe away the baking soda mixture. Once you've scrubbed in the paste, take a sponge and saturate it with cold water. Wring it out so it's not dripping wet, and then start to wipe away the paste from the soles. Scrub away at any areas that are still dirty, and rinse out the sponge as often as you need to.[21]
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    • Use a sponge rather than running the shoes under a stream of water. The sponge will keep the rest of the shoe from getting wet, which means you won't have to wait for them to dry after you've cleaned them.
  4. Wipe the soles down with a dry towel. Don't forget to dry the bottoms, too, so that you don't slip if you decide to wear them right away. Enjoy your clean shoes![22]
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    • If you notice any sections that are still dirty, you may want to apply a second coat of the baking soda paste to see if that helps lift the remaining dirt.


  • When in doubt, check the shoe manufacturer's website to see how they recommend cleaning their shoes.[23]
  • When in a pinch, use a white eraser to rub off smudges.[24]
  • Avoid putting your shoes in the dryer or near a heat source, as the high temperatures can warp the shape of the shoes.[25]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Using the Washing Machine

  • Laundry detergent
  • Scrub brush
  • Mesh bag (optional)
  • Newspaper (optional)

[Edit]Washing Sneakers by Hand

  • Laundry detergent
  • Towels
  • Toothbrush
  • Scrub brush
  • Sponge
  • Small bowl
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Baking soda (optional)

[Edit]Cleaning White Soles

  • Small bowl
  • Measuring spoons
  • Baking soda
  • Laundry detergent
  • Toothbrush
  • Sponge
  • Towel

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[Edit]Quick Summary

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