Friday, November 1, 2019

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Be a Healthy Vegan

Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PDT

Being healthy as a vegan can be hard at the beginning, but when done right, a vegan diet can be just as healthy as a non-vegan one. You can get almost every nutrient you need from a plant-based vegan diet. However, you have to know where you can find your essential nutrients. With some planning and creativity, you can create a diet that helps you feel healthier than ever.


[Edit]Having a Well-Rounded Diet

  1. Get your vitamin B12. B12 promotes healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system, and is an essential vitamin for any healthy person. The recommended daily intake for adults is 2.4 micrograms. However, B12 only naturally occurs in animal foods. Since B12 is not found in plant-based foods, vegans need to find ways to supplement their diet with foods that have been fortified with B12. Look for the following:
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    • Breakfast cereals or oatmeal that have been fortified with vitamin B12. Check the labeling to make sure eating the cereal will give you the recommended daily intake.
    • Soy milk, Rice milk and some other plant milks is also often fortified with B12.
    • B12 supplements are popular among vegans. Since B12 is the only vitamin you can't get by eating plants, it might be worth adding this supplement to your daily routine.
  2. Seek out foods rich in iron. This mineral aids in healthy oxygen circulation, and it's most commonly found in red meat and fish. However, iron also occurs naturally in a number of different foods. When you eat iron-rich foods, eat vitamin C at the same time; it helps the body absorb iron more effectively. It is recommended that adults get 8 mg of iron per day.[1] Here's where to find it:
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    • Dried fruits
    • Legumes
    • Seeds
    • Leafy green vegetables
    • Whole grains
  3. Eat protein-hearty foods. Protein contributes to the growth of muscle, hair, nails, and other very important systems in the body. Adults need 46 to 56 grams per day to stay healthy. There are plenty of plant-based protein sources, and these should make up a significant portion of your diet as a vegan. Here's what to eat:
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    • Black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, lima beans, etc.
    • Whole grains
    • Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and other seeds
    • All nuts
    • Soy products
  4. Eat plenty of calcium. It builds strong bones and teeth, and this essential mineral is most often associated with cow's milk. However, you can get the calcium you need (1,000 mg daily, for adults[2]) by eating the following fruits and vegetables:
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    • Dark, leafy greens like kale and collards
    • Almonds
    • Fortified cereals, soy milk, or bread
    • Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons
  5. Incorporate foods with omega-3 fatty acids. This healthy type of fat is essential for a range of functions in the body, both internal and external. It's also beneficial for keeping your mood stable and your mind healthy. Adults need 12 to 17 grams per day, and you can get them from the following plant sources:
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    • Flaxseed
    • Walnuts
    • Canola oil
    • Soy
  6. Eat salt and seaweed for the iodine. This trace element helps keep the thyroid functioning properly, and you need 150 mcg per day to stay in good health. It's commonly found in seafood, but vegans can get the iodine they need by eating sea salt and seaweed.
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  7. Eat foods with zinc. This mineral is involved in healthy cell production, and some studies connect it to helping treat the common cold. Adults need 8 to 11mg daily. Zinc naturally occurs in the following foods:
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    • Peanuts
    • Legumes
    • Cashews
    • Almonds

[Edit]Planning Your Meals

  1. Talk with a nutritionist. If you're making a serious switch to a vegan diet, it's a good idea to get advice from a professional. He or she will be able to tell you how to best meet your unique needs as well as giving you resources to help you choose the right foods.
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    • Kids, women who are pregnant, and elderly people all have slightly different nutritional needs than the average adult, so it's especially important for people in these groups to talk to a nutritionist.
  2. Eat a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Meat-eaters have it a little easier: they choose a meat, a vegetable and a starch, and that's that. As a vegan it's important to make sure your meals are balanced according to the new food pyramid issued by the US Department of Agriculture. Aim to get the following each day:[3]
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    • 6 oz. grains (half of these should be whole grains, like brown rice, quinoa, or whole wheat)
    • 2.5 cups vegetables (eat a variety, not just one or two types)
    • 2 cups fruit (choose whole, fresh fruit instead of juice whenever possible)
    • 5.5 oz. beans and other protein sources
    • Healthy fats (olive oil, grapeseed oil, nut oils etc)
  3. Fill up on healthy food. Some Vegans feel hungry after eating the same amount of food as meat-eaters. Meat and dairy are very filling, and vegans need to eat larger portions of vegetables, legumes, and fats to feel satisfied. As long as you're filling up on healthy food, it's fine to eat more than one helping and stop your stomach from rumbling. Pears are very filling. Try a pear if you are a hungry Vegan.
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    • To make vegetables more filling, add olive oil, nuts, dried fruit, seeds, and other goodies. Eating just plain vegetables won't feel as satisfying.
    • Use plenty of spices to make your food taste just as rich and nuanced as any meat-eater's meal.
  4. Avoid eating processed "vegan" foods. Did you know oreos are vegan? Hundreds of snack foods and candies you might normally pass up will look extra tasty when you're feeling hungry, but try to resist the urge to eat loads of sugar and processed carbohydrates. These foods are devoid of nutrition; they might fill you up temporarily, but they won't give you the nutrients you need to stay healthy.
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    • Processed soy products aren't necessarily healthy for you, even if they're made with tofu. It's fine to have "tofurkey," seitan, and other soy products every once in a while, but these should not be staples in your diet. The same goes for faux dairy products like soy cheese and ice cream.
  5. Have plenty of healthy snacks on hand. Some Vegans like to graze, since they tend to get hungry more often than meat-eaters. Have plenty of healthy snacks and smaller meals on hand so you don't get to the point where you're ravenous (which will make you more likely to wolf down a whole bag of gummy worms or three bowls of cereal with almond milk). Here are some great vegan snacks that you can gobble down without guilt:
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    • Nuts of any kind. Try roasting your favorite nuts in the oven with olive oil and spices. If you have a sweet tooth, use maple syrup and cinnamon.
    • Whole grain crackers topped with hummus.
    • Carrot sticks and other cut vegetables with hummus.
    • Bean and rice cakes with salsa.
    • Baked sweet potatoes topped with coconut oil and sea salt.
    • Dark chocolate and peanut butter.
    • Banana ice cream (blend a banana and run it through your ice cream machine; you will be amazed by how delicious it turns out).
  6. Get a vegan cookbook and learn how to cook tasty meals. As a vegan, you're going to have to fend for yourself more often than not. Unless you live in a town with lots of great options for vegans (lucky you!) you'll probably have to do a lot of your own cooking to ensure your meals are balanced and healthy. There are loads of vegan cookbooks available, so pick one up and start bookmarking dishes to try out.
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    • Look for vegan blogs, too. You'll find recipes as well as hosts of commenters who will offer more suggestions.
    • Health food stores and vegan/vegetarian restaurants are also great spots for inspiration.

[Edit]Learning Vegan Hacks for Eating Out

  1. Find the vegan-friendly spots where you live. Maybe you don't have a vegan-dedicated restaurant in your town, but there are probably some places with menu items that are vegan. Before you go out, have a few places in mind where you know you'll be able to get a healthy meal and enjoy yourself.
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    • Steakhouses, barbecue joints and fried chicken spots are probably out. If your friends insist on going to one, you could always order a heap of fries and ketchup and call it a day.
    • Many restaurants that offer cuisines from outside the US have vegan menu items. Try checking some menus out online, then up the restaurants beforehand to double check that dishes are vegan.
  2. Check out the side dishes. If you're seated at a restaurant and weren't able to vet the place beforehand, side dishes are often the best bet. Unless you're at a place where everything on the menu is made with bacon or ham drippings, you'll probably find some tasty items that don't have any animal products.
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    • If you decide to order vegetables, be sure to request that they be cooked in oil instead of butter.
    • Look for tasty beans, peas, or other legumes and rice. These items aren't often cooked with animal products.
  3. Order salads with all the (vegan) trimmings. If you're at a restaurant with tasty salads, you're in luck. See if you can customize a salad to include extra vegetables, beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and any other toppings they have that are vegan. Order it with oil and lemon juice or vinegar, since most dressings on offer probably contain an animal product or two.
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  4. See if they can whip something up for you. You might feel shy asking for favors at first, but as a vegan it definitely helps to speak up. You deserve to be able to eat a healthy, delicious meal, and most restaurant owners strive to be accommodating.
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    • Explain that you don't eat meat, milk or eggs, and ask if there's something they can prepare for you without any animal products.
    • For example, they could give you plain pasta with garlic, olive oil and veggies, beans with veggies, rice and beans, and so on.
  5. Eat before you go to parties. Even if the host of a party knows you're vegan, he or she might try to serve you something with eggs, milk or even fish, not quite understanding that vegans don't eat any animal products. Hopefully your well-meaning host will have something on hand you can eat, but just in case, you should eat before you go.
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  • Introduce a variety of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and oils to your diet.
  • Learn to cook some easy vegan meals you enjoy, so that you always have a couple on hand.
  • Know that this is a process of learning and it is okay to do mistakes sometimes.
  • Find inspiration online.
  • Be careful to get too involved in discussions online on this topic, as they can get very heated and you might start to reconsider.
  • Watch a documentary on the topic to get a better understanding. The most common ones are What the Health, Forks over Knives, Cowspiracy and Earthlings.
  • Consult with a doctor or nutritionist if you are worried or have some questions.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Write a Novel in 30 Days

Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:00 AM PDT

Every year, many people sign up for the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which challenges its participants to write a 50,000 word novel in November. Even if you're not participating in NaNoWriMo, you might be interested in trying to finish a draft of the novel you've always wanted to write as quickly as possible. By preparing carefully and writing diligently, you'll be able to finally get your novel down on the page!


[Edit]Setting up Your Story

  1. Sign up for a writing challenge. If you are starting anytime between July and November, you can participate NaNoWriMo ( If you're starting at a different time, you could also search online to see if there are other 30-day writing challenges that appeal to you.
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    • You don't need to sign up for a writing challenge, of course, but it can be a good way to make yourself stick with writing, especially when you get frustrated.
    • If you don't participate in an organized writing challenge, you should set your own ground rules. For instance, figure out what 30-day period you'd like to write during.
  2. Read for inspiration. When preparing to write a novel, try to read as many novels as you can. By reading or rereading novels you admire, you can get a good sense of what you'd like your novel to be like![1]
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    • While preparing, you can reread your favorite novels from the past or take the opportunity to read novels you've never read before.
    • Try to read novels that are written in different styles. Some novelists write dense, complicated prose (for instance, William Faulkner and Toni Morrison) while others write in short, relatively simple sentences (such as Ernest Hemingway and Octavia E. Butler). Reading novels written in a range of styles will help you figure out not just what kind of story you want to tell but how you want to tell that story.
  3. Decide what kind of novel you want to write. Novels come in a variety of genres, including fantasy, science fiction, romance, historical fiction, and realism. Before you start planning your novel, you should choose what genre you'd like to write in. Writing is usually the most fun when you're creating the kind of fiction you most like to read!
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    • You can also write a novel that blends genres. For instance, you can write a romance novel that takes place in a fantasy setting!
  4. Keep an idea notebook handy at all times. Whenever you get an idea for a character, plot point, setting, or anything else important, write it down! It's easy to forget little bits of inspiration, but with a notebook you can keep track of your ideas.[2]
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    • If you don't like writing with paper and pen, you can take notes electronically on your phone or computer. There are a number of popular note-taking apps, like Evernote, that you can download for free.
  5. Plan your novel. Once you have some ideas, you'll need to start fleshing them out into a methodical plan. You can try to outline the entire thing or simply write a brief overview of the plot for yourself. The more detailed your plan is, the easier it might be for you to get started and finish your draft efficiently.[3]
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    • It might help to keep traditional plot structures in mind. Most stories begin with exposition, lead up to a climax, and then end with a resolution. You can learn more about plot structures in various writing manuals, such as Denise Jaden's Fast Fiction: A Guide to Outlining and Writing a First Draft Novel in 30 Days.[4]
    • In addition to outlining the plot, you should also have plans for your characters, settings, and other important details. Try to write backstories for your characters and make notes about how they fit into your novel.
  6. Find some friends to write with. If you're afraid you won't be able to stick to the challenge on your own, writing buddies can help you stay on task. You and your friends can meet at regular times to reflect on your writing or even agree to write together at the same time.[5]
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    • If you do include friends in the process, make sure that socializing doesn't distract you from getting your writing done!
    • NaNoWriMo has forums that enable writers to support one another and share ideas. While you're writing your novel, these forums could be a great place to go for community and motivation![6]

[Edit]Writing the Novel

  1. Set an overall word-count goal. Novels written for NaNoWriMo usually end up being around 50,000 words long. You should set a goal for yourself that sounds achievable but challenging. Be realistic about what you think you can get done in 30 days, but also don't make it too easy for yourself.[7]
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    • You could also set a goal of writing a certain number of chapters or a specific number of double-spaced pages. Set a goal that makes the most sense for you and your novel.
  2. Set a daily word-count quota. You can simply divide the overall number by 30 and make that your daily quota, or you can set different quotas for different days so you can vary your pace. Just make sure that you're planning to write enough each day to reach your overall goal![8]
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  3. Start writing at the beginning of the month. If you put it off, the challenge will only seem harder! You might be anxious about starting, but the sooner you begin the sooner you can find your groove.[9]
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    • You don't always have to start writing a novel at its beginning, but for writing one in 30 days it will probably be best to write it linearly from beginning to end.
  4. Establish a routine that works for you. Many writers find that they write most effectively when they work at regular times and in regular places. Choose a time of day you'd think you'd most enjoy writing -- whether it's morning, afternoon, or night -- and try to write every day at that time. The more you can make writing a part of your daily routine, the easier it will become for you.[10]
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  5. Avoid distractions. Try to stay away from the Internet, your phone, TV, socializing, and other distractions while you write. Especially when you feel stuck in your writing, it can be very easy to lose time by letting yourself get distracted.[11]
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    • Try leaving your phone in a different room and disabling your wifi while you write.
  6. Make checkpoints with rewards for yourself. For example, you could treat yourself to a piece of chocolate every time you write 1,000 words or plan to have a nice meal at your favorite restaurant when you finish your draft. These small rewards can help keep you motivated!
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  7. Avoid editing until you're done with the draft. The goal of writing a novel in 30 days is to get a first draft down, not to achieve perfection. Even if you don't like something you've just written, force yourself to keep going. There will be time to edit later if you want to![12]
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[Edit]Revising Your Work

  1. Take a break when you're done. After you finish your 30 days of writing, try to forget about it for at least a week. Then, if you want to revise, or if you have more writing to do to complete your first draft, you can continue working on it! The break helps you see your story more clearly and make decisions that will improve your novel.[13]
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    • Don't look at it or talk about it, and try not to think about it too much. That way you'll be able to return to it with fresh eyes and a clear head when you start the revision process.
  2. Get feedback from people you trust. Tell your readers to be as honest as possible with you. When trying to figure out how to revise your novel, it can be very helpful to know what others think about it.
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    • Ask your readers what they liked and didn't like about the novel. You can also ask things like, "Which characters were compelling and which were annoying?" and "Did the plot make sense?"
  3. Figure out how you'd like to expand. If you think you might like to try to publish your novel, you might want to expand it. 50,000 words may be a lot, but some publishers will want more, depending on the type of novel you're writing. Research average word counts for the genre you're writing or aim for 90,000 words as a good benchmark.[14]
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    • By knowing what parts of your novel are worth expanding, you'll have a good idea of how to move forward with it.
    • Ask your readers which parts of the book they wish were longer to help figure out what to expand.
  4. Decide what you think doesn't belong or doesn't work. When writing a first draft, there are always things you won't end up liking. Be honest with yourself about what really isn't working in your draft and decide to fix it or cut it entirely if necessary.
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    • Even if you're emotionally attached to a certain character, scene, or subplot in your novel, you may have to cut it if it isn't moving the plot forward.
  5. Revise your draft. Having reactions from trusted readers and a plan in mind, you'll be ready to return to your novel. You probably won't have to write at the furious pace you did to finish your draft in 30 days, but you will still want to have goals and a routine for yourself. You can start revising at the beginning and work your way through the whole novel or work on sections out of order. Whatever makes most sense for your process is fine!
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    • If you end finding that you want to start your novel over from scratch, that's fine too. But don't think of your 30 days of intense writing as wasted time. You've learned a lot about the kind of novel you want to write and how to get writing done efficiently even if you don't go further with what you wrote![15]

[Edit]Sample Writing Schedule and Examples



  • Enjoy yourself! It's about having fun.
  • If you couldn't convince your friends to join you, meet some new ones! Many sites have forums for you to join, and chances are you will find someone who is willing to help you edit their novel!
  • Tell as many people as possible what you plan to do so that you have your own personal support group! This will also keep you from pitching out at the last minute.
  • Write as much as you possibly can on the first day so that you have a head start in case you get behind later in the month. Take whole Saturdays just to write!
  • Do not expect to have a good first draft. Most likely, your first draft will be terrible. That's ok! It's quantity over quality, a way of getting the words out on the paper. Plus, you can't edit until you actually have something to edit.
  • Set up a website for your book so that your avid readers (aka your friends) can come and check up on you!
  • Create a playlist or soundtrack for your writing time. Put your favorite (preferably lyric-less) music in a random order and play it quietly in the background while you work.
  • Writer's block is a part of the process. Allow it to unfurl, relax and do something different for a bit. Then return when you feel like you've had enough of a break.


  • Don't forget to save periodically!
  • Remember to prioritize your life. The quality of your schoolwork and/or your work at a day job might start to slip from all the intense writing.
  • Make sure you have a copy of your saved novel on an external hard drive, like a disc or a flash drive. This way, if you computer crashes you'll still have a way to access the novel!

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:00 AM PDT

Día de los Muertos, also known as the Day of the Dead is a holiday celebrated in Latin American countries and is especially popular in Mexico. This special holiday, celebrated on November 1st and 2nd each year, honors the lives of people who have died. It is believed that the souls of the dead come back to visit their loved ones at this time. Contrary to popular belief, Día de los Muertos is not a sad or depressing time, but a time of happiness and celebration of life!


[Edit]Honoring Your Loved Ones

  1. Make an altar for the deceased. You can create an altar for just one person or an altar for many people. Fill the altar with favorite foods and trinkets that the people enjoyed in their lifetime. Decorate it with candles, flowers, and a framed photo of the person or people you are remembering. Spend time at the altar, telling fond and humorous stories about the deceased.[1]
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    • Many people choose to pray, and add a Christian cross and statues or pictures of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the altar.
    • Catrina figures (a costumed female with a skeleton face) are popular decorations for altars.
  2. Visit the graves of your loved ones. Clean and decorate the grave with ofrendas (offerings) like "cempasúchitl" (orange marigolds) or "Flor de Muerto" ("Flower of the Dead"), which are thought to attract souls of the dead. You can even make a path from flower petals from the grave to your home to help your loved ones find their way. Lay down trinkets and the deceased's favorite candies.[2]
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    • Usually, deceased children are honored on November 1, while deceased adults are honored on November 2.
    • For children (los angelitos or little angels) bring toys and sugar skulls; for adults, bring bottles of their favorite alcoholic beverage (tequila, mezcal, pulque).
    • You can visit the graves of your loved ones any time during the holiday, or even spend all night in the cemetery eating, drinking, talking, playing cards, and listening to music.
  3. Set out pillows and blankets in your home. Traditionally, people celebrating Día de los Muertos arrange a pillow and blanket for each of their deceased loved ones in their home. This is so that the spirits of the dead can rest after their journey, as they are believed to visit their loved ones during this time.[3]
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  4. Play music. Listen to live mariachi music or play your loved one's favorite songs or recordings. Enjoy the music and celebrate the life of the deceased. Some people even have parades through the graveyard, and play music, dance, and celebrate while stopping at the gravestones of each of their loved ones.[4]
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  5. Write calaveras literarias. Calaveras literarias ("literary skulls"), also known as panteones, are short poems written in the form of epitaphs. These poems are satirical or funny, and often poke fun at your loved ones' quirks or embarrassing moments. You can even illustrate your poem with pictures of your loved one or of Dapper Death and his Dame.[5]
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    • Traditionally, calaveras literarias were written in four-line stanzas in which the second line rhymes with the last line, or five-line stanzas in which the third line rhymes with the last line. In modern times, many of these poems are written in blank verse and are no longer than one page.[6]
    • For instance, if your loved one was a poor bullfighter, you could write a short poem in which they struggle or fail during a bullfight. Humor often plays a large role in the calaveras literarias.
  6. Make Day of the Dead masks. This is a great activity for children on Día de los Muertos. Draw a skull or trace a template you find online. Decorate the mask in a traditional style, or create your own designs. Cut out the mask, punch a hole on either side, and attach a string to each hole. Tie the mask around your head and head out to celebrate.[7]
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    • Masks can be either half- or full-face. Traditional designs include skulls and flowers.
    • You can use crayons, markers, puffy paint, glitter glue, etc., to decorate your mask as you wish.
  7. Wear Day of the Dead makeup. Many people like to wear makeup that is reminiscent of a sugar skull on the Day of the Dead. Paint your face white, then add large colored circles around your eyes. You can draw "stitches" on your lips and extending out from your mouth. Paint on a nose, and add decorations like flowers or spiderwebs to your face.[8]
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  8. Dress in costume for the holiday. Nowadays, many people wear items of clothing decorated with sugar skulls or skeleton prints, such as shirts, dresses, or leggings on Día de los Muertos. You can also wear shells and dance so that the noisiness "wakes up" the dead, or even dress up as the deceased.[9]
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    • Some women also dress as Calavera Catrina in long, flowing, brightly-colored lace dresses paired with flower crowns and sugar skull makeup.
    • Sometimes, children dress in costume and ask people on the street for a calaverita (a small gift of money). Unlike Halloween, though, they don't knock on doors.

[Edit]Making Ofrendas (Offerings)

  1. Prepare a special dinner. Include a plate setting for every person whose memory you wish to honor and include a favorite dish of theirs in your dinner. Invite your family to celebrate with you and tell stories about your deceased loved ones. Popular offerings include calaveras, calabaza en tacha, atole, and pan de muerto.[10]
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  2. Create calaveras. Calaveras are Mexican sugar skulls. This is a fun activity for the whole family, and especially fun to eat, as calaveras are offered to both the living and the dead. To make your own, mix 1 teaspoon (4.93 mL) of meringue powder with 1 cup (237 mL) of granulated sugar, then add 1 teaspoon (4.93 mL) of water, and mix well. Pack the mixture into a mold and let dry overnight.[11]
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    • Decorate the calaveras using colored icing, sequins, feathers, and more.
    • You can also buy the sugar skulls "ready made" and then decorate them.
  3. Make calabaza en tacha. Calabaza en tacha (candied pumpkin) is a popular and traditional dish for Día de los Muertos. In a large saucepan, bring 2 pounds (0.907 kg) piloncillo, 4 cinnamon sticks, 4 cups (1 liter) of water, and the juice and zest from 1 orange to a boil. Add the flesh of one 5-pound (2.25 kg) pumpkin, cut into strips. Simmer an hour or two until tender, then serve.[12]
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    • Piloncillo is Mexican unrefined brown sugar; to substitute, you can mix 2 teaspoons (9.86 mL) molasses with every 1/4 cup (59 mL) of brown sugar.
    • This recipe yields 6-8 servings of calabaza en tacha.
  4. Serve atole. Atole is a warm porridge-like drink made from masa. To make it, blend 1/2 cup (118 mL) fresh masa with 1/4 cup (59 mL) hot water. Transfer it to saucepan, add a cinnamon stick and the seeds from one vanilla bean, and stir until it thickens. Mix in 3-4 tablespoons (44-59 mL) piloncillo until it dissolves, then remove from heat. Remove the cinnamon stick and vanilla bean seeds.[13]
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    • You can serve atole as is, or choose to add 1 cup (237 mL) of pureed fruit, such as pineapple or strawberries, to your dish before serving.
    • This recipe yields 5-6 servings of atole.
  5. Mix the dough for pan de muerto. Pan de muerto ("bread of the dead") is a sweet egg bread made in various shapes. This is a traditional Día de Los Muertos dish and is a fun activity for the family to do together. To make it:[14]
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    • Stir 1/2 packet (3.5 g) active-dry yeast and 1/4 cup (59 mL) warm water in a large bowl and allow it to rest for 10 minutes.
    • Heat 1/4 cup (59 mL) La Lechera sweetened condensed milk and 1/4 cup (1/2 stick or 59 mL) unsalted butter over medium heat until the butter is melted.
    • Add 1/2 teaspoon (2.46 mL) anise seeds, 1/4 teaspoon (1.23 mL) salt, and the La Lechera mixture to the yeast mixture and stir to combine.
    • Add 2 large eggs and 1 cup (237 mL) flour and mix well with a wooden spoon.
    • Add 1 ¼ cups (296 mL) flour, in small increments, stirring well until the dough comes together.
  6. Knead the dough. Knead the dough gently for about 5 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic and no longer sticky.
    Celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Step 14.jpg
    • Place dough in a large greased bowl and cover it with greased plastic wrap.
    • Let the dough rise in a warm place for 1 hour or until it has doubled in size.
    • Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  7. Shape the dough. Arrange the dough into a loaf or a shape such as a skull or an angel.[15]
    Celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Step 15.jpg
    • To make a skull, remove 3 tablespoons (44.36 mL) of dough and form each into a ball. Shape the larger dough into a loaf.
    • Roll 2 of the balls into long worm shapes to form the bones on top of the bread. Drape the 2 worms-shaped dough pieces on top of the loaf to form an "X."
    • Form the remaining ball into a skeleton head and gently place it on top of the "X."
  8. Bake your pan de muerto. Place the loaf on the prepared baking sheet and allow it to rise in warm place for about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (176.6 degrees C).
    Celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Step 16.jpg
    • Brush the top of the loaf with egg wash made from 1 egg yolk beaten with 2 teaspoons (9.86 mL) water.
    • Bake for 20 minutes; then remove the loaf from the oven and brush again with egg wash. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon (14.79 mL) granulated sugar.
    • Return it to the oven and bake for about 20 minutes or until loaf is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped. Serve warm or cool completely.


  • Watch Disney's Coco movie (2017), which provides an insight into this holiday.

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