Thursday, June 28, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Store Raw Beets

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Beets are a biennial root vegetable that's nutritious, versatile, and full of antioxidants.[1] They're fairly easy to store, especially in the refrigerator. Properly stored beets can last for weeks or even months.[2]


EditSelecting Beets to Store

  1. Pick beets with fresh, unwilted greens. If you want to store beets and keep them fresh, you need to make sure you're picking fresh ones in the first place. The leaves attached to the beetroot are the best indicator of freshness. If the greens on a beet are wilted, the beetroot is probably not very fresh, so pick another one instead.[3]
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    • If you're picking your own beets from a garden, you can wait until well into the cold season, even after the first frost, but your beets should be picked before the temperature goes down to at night. Put them somewhere cold immediately, rather than leaving them in the sun.[4]
  2. Avoid beets with obvious blemishes. Your beets should have unblemished skin. Look for a dark maroon colour, unless you're picking a different variety of beets, such as the golden ones. The tail at the bottom should be intact.[5]
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  3. Pick beets that are firm to the touch. Softness is a sign that beets are spoiling, so pick ones that are firm. If you already have beets and find they're soft, it's best to throw them away.
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EditPreparing the Beets for Storage

  1. Trim the leaves and stem. Since leaves draw moisture from the root, removing them immediately will help to keep your beets fresh longer. So before storing your beets, you should trim them, leaving about of stem at the top of the root. Don't trim the tail.[6]
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    • Beet greens are edible, so you don't have to throw them away. They can be prepared the same way as any other greens, for instance by sautéing.[7] The greens only last in fridge up for 2 or 3 days.[8] Since they rot more quickly, they should be stored separately from the roots.
  2. Rub the dirt off the roots. Beets grow in the ground, and when they're harvested they're covered in dirt. They need to be cleaned, but not by washing, which makes them rot faster. Instead, gently rub the dirt off the root.[9]
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    • If you do wash your beets at this point, make sure to dry them thoroughly before storing them.[10]
  3. Keep the beets raw and dry. Again, moisture contributes to rotting, so you should keep your beets dry if you want them to last a while. You should also store them raw, since cooked beets won't last nearly as long.
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EditStoring Beets in a Cold, Damp Place

  1. Put the beets in a perforated plastic bag. Keeping your beets in a plastic bag will prevent them from becoming soft, dry, and wrinkled in the fridge. It's best to cut small holes in the bag so that it doesn't trap in moisture.[11]
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  2. Place the beets in crisper drawer. The crisper in the refrigerator is the best place to keep beets fresh, along with your other vegetables. But if they won't fit in the crisper, a shelf in the fridge will work.
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  3. Check periodically that the beets are still firm to the touch. Beets will become soft if you store them too long or don't do it properly.[12] Check your beets periodically to make sure they're still firm and haven't spoiled.
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    • If they're stored properly, your beets should last between 1 and 3 months in the fridge.[13] But it's still best to check them from time to time to make sure they haven't gone soft.
  4. Store your beets in a root cellar if you can't use the fridge. While storing beets in the fridge is easy and effective, you can also store them in a root cellar, or anywhere else that's cold and moist. In this case, keep your beets inside a plastic container or cooler.
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    • You can even pack the beets in peat moss, sand, or sawdust to help keep them fresh. The temperature where you're storing your beets should be and the humidity should be high (about 95%).[14]


  • Beets can also be stored frozen, but in this case they should be cooked first so they don't get soft.[15] Frozen beets can last up to about 10 months.[16]

EditSources and Citations

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How to Prepare a Rabbit Cage

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:00 AM PDT

If you're thinking about keeping a rabbit as a pet, your first step will be to make sure it has a comfortable place to live. Your rabbit's cage will be its home when it's not nestled in your lap or leading you on a chase through your home, so it's important to invest in a spacious, sturdy cage that will give it plenty of room to move around. Line the floor of the cage with a layer of recycled bedding, then bring in the basic necessities like a food dish and water bottle. Finally, give your rabbit a few toys or other treats to keep it occupied and make sure it's happy when you're not around.


EditChoosing a Cage

  1. Purchase a cage spacious enough to comfortably house your rabbit. Make sure there's enough room inside the cage to allow your rabbit to move around with ease. As a general rule, it should be able to stand upright on its hind legs without its ears touching the ceiling. A cage with at least 32 square feet of interior space (or about 3 square meters) will usually be big enough to accommodate most average-sized rabbits.[1]
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    • Larger species like English lops and Flemish Giants may require a cage as large as 44 square feet (4 square meters).
    • You'll need to go up to the next biggest size if you plan on keeping more than two rabbits.[2]
  2. Invest in a subdivided or multi-level cage. Rabbits naturally gravitate toward dark, enclosed spaces. For a few extra dollars, you can buy a partitioned cage with separate rooms or levels that will allow your pet to enjoy a little privacy. That way, they'll be able to get some peace and quiet whenever they please.[3]
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    • A partitioned cage will run you quite a bit more than a standard one-room model, but can be well worth it for the added internal space it offers.
    • Regardless of which type of cage you choose, make sure each rabbit has their own shelter or space to hide. A private place to burrow provides a healthy outlet for your pet to cope with stress.[4]
  3. Select a cage with a sturdy plastic bottom. It's possible for rabbits to get snagged or develop painful sores when standing in cages with exposed wire bottoms. Cages with solid bottoms have the added advantage of being easier to line and clean.[5]
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    • If you already have a wire-bottomed cage you want to use, slide a flat piece of cardboard or scrap wood over the bottom to give your bunny a more comfortable surface to stand on.
  4. Choose a cage with a large door. The door of your rabbit cage should open wide enough for all the necessary accessories to fit through without difficulty. This includes your rabbit's food dish, water bottle, bed, litter box, and any toys they'll be playing with. And, of course, it shouldn't be too tight a squeeze for your rabbit itself![6]
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    • Some cages have multiple entrance points, like an extra side door or an oversized hatch in the top, which can make inserting and removing various items easier.
  5. Make sure there's ample room for exercise. Rabbits are energetic creatures, and don't like to sit still for too long. For this reason, most of your bunny's cage space should be devoted to play and exploration. Ideally, it should be able to take 3-4 full hops from one end of the cage to the other. Being able to move around freely will keep it happy and healthy.[7]
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    • In a standard 32 square foot cage, only about 8 square feet is for feeding and sleeping.[8]
    • Add a few simple exercise accessories like balls, boxes to create a miniature obstacle course for your rabbit to run.[9]

EditAdding the Basic Amenities

  1. Pick up some rabbit-safe bedding. Look for bedding that's designed specifically for rabbit habitats, or mentions that its safe for rabbits. One of the best all-around materials available is hay, which is edible and will keep your rabbits warm during colder nights. Pregnant females and babies should be given Alfalfa hay, while fully-grown rabbits can have Timothy hay.[10]
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    • Another option is to use a dust-free bedding made from recycled wood or paper.
    • Avoid using pine or cedar chips or shavings, as these can be toxic to rabbits.[11]
  2. Spread your bedding material along the bottom of the cage. Put down of bedding at a minimum, making sure it's evenly distributed from corner to corner. If you're using hay, mound it around the edges of the cage so that your rabbit can graze while still having an open area near the center for playing and sleeping.[12]
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    • For ease of cleanup and extra protection against leaks, consider adding a couple absorbent puppy pads or a layer of newspaper beneath the bedding material.
    • Provide a deep layer of bedding so your rabbit doesn't get sore hocks. This painful condition is extremely common and occurs when rabbits sit on hard, damp surfaces. Deep bedding cushions your pet, lifting them off of soiled spots.[13]
  3. Set aside a place for a bed. While rabbits typically have no problem sleeping on any soft, cushioned surface, a separate bed can make a useful and adorable addition to a well-outfitted cage. Place the bed near one corner or wall so your fluffy friend will have plenty of room to eat, play, and stretch its legs.[14]
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    • Bunny beds are available as woven mats, tiny hammocks, and small plush beds similar to the ones dogs like to curl up in.
  4. Add a litter box. Training your rabbit to use a litter box can help you keep its cage cleaner and more sanitary. Shop around for a small litter box in a size suitable for the species you're keeping and cover the bottom with layer of recyclable paper-based litter. You can also use a mixture of shredded newspaper and hay if you have any extra lying around.[15]
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    • Stay away from clumping cat litters. These can be dangerous to rabbits if ingested.[16]

EditProviding Food, Water, and Toys

  1. Install a water bottle. A drip bottle will supply your rabbit with fresh, clean water all day long. Mount the bottle from the side of the cage using the slender metal hooks on the backside. Make sure the nozzle is positioned low enough for your rabbit to get to without being forced to reach.[17]
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    • A 20 oz (600 ml) water bottle will provide water for a single rabbit for about two days, or for two rabbits for one day. It's really best that each pet have its own water bottle to avoid conflict.
    • Your rabbit may prefer to drink out of a bowl. However, bowls are easily turned over and may collect debris like food, droppings, and scraps of bedding, which means you'll need to clean them regularly.
  2. Place a food dish inside the cage. The dish you choose should be big enough to keep your rabbit fed, but small enough to pass in and out of the cage without difficulty. Leave a little space between the food dish and water bottle or bowl to keep your pet's food from becoming soggy.[18]
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    • If you'd prefer to feed your rabbit a more balanced diet, spring for two separate dishes—one for pellets and one for fruits and vegetables.
    • Scatter feeding makes it unnecessary to have a food dish at all. Simply sprinkle a handful of pellets or greens throughout the cage once a day. Foraging is good for sharpening rabbits' instincts and giving them something to do.[19]
  3. Fill the food dish with a well-balanced dry food. Pellets are the most common choice, but an organic dry food mix is also a nutritious option. Dry foods tend to be densely concentrated and have a high nutritional value, so you should only give your rabbit a small handful each day. It's okay for them to have as much hay or grass as they can eat if they get hungry in the meantime.[20]
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    • You can also drop pieces of carrots, celery, or leafy greens into your rabbit's dish a couple times a day to give it a tasty treat and add some variety to its diet.[21]
    • For variety in your rabbit's diet, provide a hay rack you fill daily. The best food for wild rabbits is grass, so providing hay to your indoor pet is a close second.
  4. Give your rabbit lots of toys to play with. Rabbits can chew through soft plastic in no time, so the tougher the toys, the better. Many pet stores sell wood blocks that are perfect for nibbling. Rope, cardboard, and scraps of durable fabric or PVC also make good playthings for energetic bunnies.[22]
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    • Chewing on toys isn't just fun for rabbits, it's good for them, too. If their teeth get too long, it can make eating uncomfortable.
    • Avoid giving your rabbit toys made from softwoods that might splinter and present a choking hazard.

EditMaintaining a Rabbit Cage

  1. Replace the bedding when it gets thinner than . Hay or straw bedding will begin to dwindle after a few days as your bunny makes a snack of it. When this happens, just add another handful or two to fill in the bare spots. Recycled bedding materials won't need to be refilled as regularly, but you should change them whenever they get wet or begin to smell.
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    • Remember that your rabbit needs to have a comfortable amount of bedding in its cage at any given time.
  2. Wash your rabbit's food dish and water bottle periodically. Once a month or so, give both containers a good scrubbing with warm water and a mild liquid soap. Be sure to rinse them out thoroughly when you're done, as leftover traces of soap might make your rabbit sick.[23]
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    • If you bought a ceramic food dish or water bottle for your bunny, pop it in the dishwasher to save time and energy.
    • It may be necessary to clean your rabbit's food bowl or water bottle more frequently if they look especially dirty or come into contact with urine or feces.
  3. Scoop out the litter box daily. Get in the habit of changing out dirty litter every day to keep your pet's environment healthy. Providing your rabbit with fresh litter will make it less likely to use in the bathroom in other areas of the cage.[24]
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    • Always wear rubber gloves and use a plastic bag you can seal or tie off to dispose of your rabbit's droppings.
    • A spritz of white vinegar or diluted bleach can be useful for neutralizing lingering odors and bacteria.
  4. Disinfect the entire cage once a week. After moving your rabbit to a safely contained part of your home, take the cage outside and spray it down with a mixture of 1 part chlorine bleach and 10 parts water. Let the bleach solution sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the cage thoroughly inside and out using a garden hose. Let the cage dry completely, then put down a new layer of bedding.[25]
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    • The occasional disinfecting will eliminate odors and kill off harmful germs that could make your rabbit sick.
    • Make sure all traces of bleach (including the fumes) have dissipated before allowing your rabbit back inside.
  5. Keep an eye on your rabbit while it's in its cage. Peek in on your rabbit once every hour or so to make sure it's happy, comfortable, and safe. If your pet is left unsupervised, it could hurt itself or run out of food or water without your knowledge.
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    • Rabbits are social creatures, and don't do well with continual confinement. Be sure to give your rabbit a few hours out of its cage every day to play, explore, or cuddle.


  • A dog kennel can easily be converted to a luxurious living space for an active or oversized rabbit.
  • If you own multiple rabbits, limit them to two per cage. Otherwise, they won't have the water, food, or space they need to be healthy and content.
  • Rabbits make the best pets in homes without cats, dogs, or other large, territorial animals that might cause them harm.


  • Never use chicken wire to contain a pet rabbit. Their teeth are much harder than the flimsy wires, and they could injure themselves if they chew through them.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Rabbit cage
  • Hay or recycled wood or paper bedding materials
  • Water bottle
  • Food dish
  • Litter box
  • Rabbit-safe litter
  • Toys
  • Water
  • Mild liquid soap
  • Chlorine bleach
  • Spray bottle

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How to Be Responsible

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Wanting to be more responsible is admirable. Being responsible can seem hard at first, but if you keep at it, it will become second nature to you! To be responsible, you should keep your promises and honor commitments that you've made. You need to organize your time and money as well as take care of yourself and others, including both physical and emotional needs.


EditTaking Care of Yourself and Others

  1. Clean up after yourself without being asked. When you make a mess, clean it up; don't just leave it there for someone else to find. You made the mess, so you should be the one to clean it. Think about how another person would feel if they came into the mess or if someone had already cleaned it.[1]
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    • For instance, if you create a huge mess while making a sandwich, take the time to put the ingredients away, wipe up spilled crumbs, and wash any dishes you made or put them in the dishwasher.
  2. Put things in their proper place so you don't have to do it later. It's your job to keep up with the things you own, from your shoes to your keys. If you put them in the proper place when you're done using them, you won't have trouble finding them later. Not only does it help keep things organized, it shows that you value the things you own.[2]
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    • For instance, always put your keys on the hook or table when you come in the door, so you know where they are.
  3. Do things without being asked. Doing just the things you are asked to do is responsible. But to show that you can care for yourself and others, you need to do things before you're asked. That shows you are responsible enough to see what needs to be done and take care of it.[3]
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    • For instance, maybe you notice that no one's taken out the trash today. Don't just leave it for someone else to do. Take the initiative to do it yourself.
    • Alternatively, maybe no one has made plans for dinner. Get a plan together, and make dinner for everyone.
  4. Place others' needs before your own. When you have a family, friends, and/or pets, being responsible may mean placing their needs above your own. That doesn't mean you don't take care of yourself. But it does mean you may need to take care of yourself later if someone you love has a need right now.[4]
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    • For instance, maybe you really need to eat, but someone in your family gets a cut that needs tending to right now. Obviously, you should help them first before eating.
    • Sometimes, putting others' needs first starts by determining what are really our "needs" and what are our "wants." For instance, maybe you want to go out with your friends, but your parents need you to stay home to babysit. Going out with your friends may feel like a need, but it's more of a want.
  5. Be consistent. Your responsibility won't mean much if it's hit or miss. If you want to be responsible, then you have to find a routine that works for you and stick to it. For instance, don't just study for ten hours in a row and then give up on studying for 3 weeks; instead, spend 1 hour every day looking over the course material.
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    • Staying consistent also means keeping your word and following through with commitments you make to yourself and others.
    • Being reliable shows people can depend on you to do what you say you're going to do.

EditShowing Maturity in Relationships

  1. Hold yourself accountable for your actions. That means that when you do something wrong, own up to it. You're going to make mistakes; everyone does. However, where you show you're responsible is when you are able to say you made a mistake.[5]
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    • Even if you no one "catches" you doing wrong, tell the right person it was your mistake. For instance, if you accidentally break a friend's possession, don't try to hide it. Say, "I'm sorry, I accidentally broke your sunglasses. Can I replace them?"
  2. Tell the truth to keep your relationships authentic. White lies, like telling someone you like their new scarf when you don't, generally aren't an issue. However, when you let big lies enter relationships, such as lying about what you do with your time, can have bigger consequences. Try to be as honest as you can, as honesty shows you are responsible enough to tell the truth.[6]
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    • Plus, when you lie, you need to keep your lies straight, which can become difficult.
  3. Keep in touch with loved ones and friends. Don't let your relationships fade away. Organize gatherings or host events to show your responsibility and to show you are actively trying to spend time with them.
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    • Offer to help others when they need you. You never know when you may also need to ask for a favor.
    • Make time to meet in-person. You'll need to be responsible enough to organize your time well and make plans in advance to see people you know.
    • When you're with other people, put your phone down. Put the people in front of you before social media.
  4. Find solutions for issues instead of casting blame. Problems come up in any relationship. Instead of blaming the other person, try to find a way to solve them. A responsible person looks for solutions instead of trying to decide whose fault it is.[7]
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    • For instance, maybe you and a family member keep miscommunicating when texting. It's caused several fights.
    • Instead of blaming the other person, sit down together, and try to figure out how you can do better. Maybe you can agree to be more specific in your texts or to ask for clarification when you feel you don't have enough information.
    • Similarly, don't attack someone instead of dealing with the issue. Personal attacks won't get you anywhere.
  5. Think before you speak to show you care. People who are not responsible with their words will shout out the first thing that comes into their heads, including calling another person names. Instead, take time to think your words through. Don't let your anger get the better of you.[8]
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    • If you find yourself too angry to control what you're saying, try counting to 10 in your head as you take deep, calming breaths. You can even tell the other person, "I need a moment to calm down before our conversation continues. I don't want to say something I don't mean."
  6. Learn to think about other people's thoughts and feelings. Empathy is feeling what other people feel. When you say something or do something, think about how it will make the other person feel. If you're not sure, consider how it would make you feel. If it would make you feel bad, reconsider what you were thinking about doing or saying.[9]
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    • You are not responsible for what other people feel. However, you are responsible for what you say to them and how you act around them. A responsible person has the empathy to think about what other people are feeling in a given situation.

EditPlanning Your Time

  1. Make a schedule to plan your time. Whether you have a daily planner or use a phone app, a schedule helps you stay on top of your responsibilities. It reminds you what you need to be doing. Plus, it shows you where you're spending your time.[10]
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    • Write out appointments you have, places you go every day, and the chores you need to get done each day. Try to schedule time for each chore, such as "Dishes 3:15 pm-3:30 pm," "Homework 3:30 pm-4:30 pm," and so on.
    • Refer to your schedule throughout the day so you stick to it.
  2. Take care of your tasks before having fun. One aspect of being responsible is not putting off your tasks until after you've had fun. Start by doing what you need to get done first, and then you can relax and have fun afterward.[11]
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    • For instance, if you need to do the dishes but you want to go outside, do the dishes first. Then you can be outside without the responsibility hanging over your head.
  3. Check how much time you spend on social media. Social media can drain a lot of your time without you even realizing it. You may think you don't have enough time to get your chores done, but you likely do if you put down your phone, tablet, or computer.[12]
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    • Try using an app that limits the time you spend on your phone or computer. It can help teach you responsibility with your time.
  4. Save time to give back to your community, too. While taking care of your personal life is very important, so is taking care of your community. You're a member of your larger community, and you should take part in making it a better place to live. Set aside time each month just for volunteering.[13]
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    • Volunteering doesn't have to be boring! No matter what you love, from nature to books, you can find a way to engage in that interest while volunteering. For instance, you could work to clean up a local park or help shelve books at your local library.
  5. Keep your long-term commitments. When something is fun and new, it's easy to be committed to it. However, it becomes a little more difficult when the novelty wears off. Whether it's being in a club, taking a leadership role in a community organization, or volunteering, you have to be in it for the long-term.[14]
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    • When you commit to doing something, stick with it. That doesn't mean you have to do it forever. However, if you, say, take on a leadership role for a year, stick with it for that year at least, unless you absolutely can't for some reason.
  6. Learn to set goals for yourself. Pick a few goals that you want to achieve. They could be long-term goals, like becoming a doctor or becoming a better friend. Alternatively, they could be short-term, like making your bed every day or running a 5K within a month. Whatever they are, write them down, and come up with a plan for how exactly you will tackle them.
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    • Once you set goals, figure out concrete steps you can take each day to reach those goals. For instance, if you want to run a 5K, make a plan for how much you'll need to walk or run each day to work up to running a 5K in a month.

EditTaking Control of Your Money

  1. Set money goals for yourself. Whether you're still in high school or you're an adult, you should have goals for your money. That way, you have something to work towards and a reason to put money away regularly. Plus, you won't need to constantly ask people around you for help with money.[15]
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    • For instance, maybe you want to save up for a car. Decide how much you want to spend on a car by researching ones in your area. Then, start putting away money every time you get some to help build your car fund.
  2. Find a way to earn cash for yourself. Even if you're still at home, you can find ways to earn money. Do odd jobs for neighbors, or ask your parents if they have any chores they'll pay you for.[16]
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    • You can even get a part-time job outside your house. Babysitting or being a lifeguard are often good part-time jobs when you're younger.
  3. Make a budget. A budget is just a document showing what money you have coming in and where you want it to go. Try a monthly budget, where you document how much cash you receive each month. Then, add amounts for things you need to spend money on, such as food, as well as money you need to save for emergencies and future wants. Subtract these amounts from the money you have coming in each month to determine what you can spend on other fun things.[17]
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    • You can use something as simple as a piece of paper and pen to create a budget, but you can also use a spreadsheet or a budgeting app to help you figure it out.
  4. Avoid being constantly in debt. Don't put more on your credit card than you can pay off each month, unless you have an emergency. Try not to borrow from friends and family. Instead, have money saved up so you can be ready for any emergency that comes along.[18]
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    • Debt means you are paying extra for the things you bought. Alternatively, it means you owe money to a friend or family member. Neither is a responsible way to spend money, though emergencies do happen.


  • Be responsible in school by doing your homework and studying for tests and quizzes.

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