Friday, June 22, 2018

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Be Authentic

Posted: 22 Jun 2018 05:00 PM PDT

When a person is authentic, it means that they act in ways that genuinely show how they feel. They do this rather than putting on different faces around different people, or tailoring their personality based on context. Personal authenticity is the daily expression of your core beliefs and personality.[1] To be authentic, you need to accept yourself for who you are, and treat others with respect. Authentic people display a consistent set of values, and don't change their behavior from one conversation to the next.


EditEngaging Your Authentic Self

  1. Accept yourself for who you are. Accepting yourself often requires a mental attitude adjustment. Try to be slower to criticize yourself or see yourself as inferior to others. Focus on accepting and appreciating who you are as a unique individual. This will lead to authentic behaviors in line with your personality.[2]
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    • This includes accepting your flaws. Being comfortable with yourself requires you to accept that you are not perfect, and means that you should embrace your quirks and the distinct parts of your personality.
    • For example, it's fine if you have hobbies or interests that differ from those of your friends. Explore the things that interest you, and over time, you'll meet other people who share the same passions.
  2. Support your self-esteem. Every person has valid thoughts and ideas, and is gifted and intelligent in unique ways. It is hard to act in a way that is genuine to your personality if you doubt yourself or lack confidence in yourself.[3] People who lack self-esteem often try to act like people they perceive to be confident, or preen and act as if they're overly confident. This is a key sign of inauthenticity.
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    • For example, people with poor self-esteem may dress in the same way that more popular people do, or listen to the same type of music as people that they think are popular. Instead of this, follow your own interests, whether or not other people share them.
    • If you have some emotional baggage, give yourself the time to think about it and move on if possible. Talk to a therapist or a counselor if necessary.
  3. Act on your personal beliefs and values. Authentic people are in touch with their moral compass and their personal set of beliefs. This includes religious beliefs, moral beliefs, and beliefs of any other kind. These beliefs should be evident in your daily behaviors. Many people unthinkingly adopt a partner's, parent's or friend's beliefs without figuring out if they are right for you.[4]
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    • For example, if you say that all people should be treated equally and yet show obvious disdain for certain types of people, you will not be perceived as authentic.
    • Or, if friends are drinking alcohol or eating types of food which you believe are unethical to eat, ask them to stop or excuse yourself from the situation.
    • Find your values by identifying what makes you happy and when you were the proudest. Figure out when you feel satisfied.
  4. Put time into personal growth. There is a great deal of authenticity to be found in growing yourself and pursuing interests that fulfill you as a person. This can be done through classes, volunteering or hobbies.[5]
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    • In contrast, inauthentic people often neglect the things that interest them in favor of pursuing whatever they believe to be popular or socially required of them.

EditBehaving Authentically

  1. Be fully present in whatever circumstances you find yourself. Being present will lead to greater authenticity because you'll be able to fully focus on the experiences, conversations, and interactions you're having in the present moment. The people you're engaging with will be able to tell you're engaged and present, and will perceive this as a sign of personal authenticity.[6]
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    • On the other hand, inauthentic people are inclined to let their minds wander during interpersonal interactions. In interpersonal settings, this behavior can be perceived as insincere or rude.
  2. Trust your intuition when it comes to behavior and relationships. Intuition is the inner voice or gut reaction which helps you make decisions and informs your behavior. In terms of ethical decisions, your personal intuition can also form a "moral compass" to help guide you in making personal decisions.[7]
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    • Following your intuition will help you make consistent decisions and act in a stable way, rather than making decisions based on what you perceive to be popular opinion or social expectation.
  3. Express your thoughts and feelings. Talk about your opinion when it matters to you. Authentic people are comfortable speaking their mind and communicating when they have a problem or are appreciative of something.[8] If you feel inhibited to speak your mind, or realize that you frequently only say what you think those around you expect to hear, you're likely behaving in-authentically.
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    • For example, express gratitude to those around you. Try saying something like, "Mom and Dad, I wanted to say thank you for helping me with my car payments last month. I know money is tight, but the extra cash made a big difference for me."
  4. Ask people for help when you need it. Genuine people accept that they aren't perfect and ask for help when needed. Authenticity is not the same thing as perfection. Asking those around you for help is a sign of humility and authenticity, and shows that you respect the skills and talents of the people in your life.
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    • For example, if you've been struggling with your mental health and a friend is a professional counselor, ask them if they can recommend an associate who you can contact for counseling or therapy.
    • Or, if you have persistent car trouble, reach out to your co-worker who moonlights as an auto mechanic.
  5. Be vulnerable. Share personal information about yourself and be open about your flaws as you start to trust others. Don't reveal everything if you don't need to. If you keep your true self hidden, you'll find it hard to build an authentic relationship.[9]
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EditTreating Other People with Authenticity

  1. Don't put on a different face or personality for social functions. In order to be authentic, simply be yourself in all social and interpersonal contexts. It can be tempting to act the way you think others want you to act, or to posture and act like you have an inflated ego in order to impress new acquaintances. However, these behaviors are not authentic, and other people will see through them quickly.[10]
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    • Of course, it's only natural to slightly modify your behavior and vocabulary around certain people. You talk to your boss differently than you talk to your partner or spouse.
  2. Don't tell lies unless they're absolutely necessary. Honesty is a key component of authenticity. If lying is a routine part of your behavior, eventually your friends and other people in your life will catch on. Most likely, they'll find your lies very inauthentic.[11]
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    • You can remain authentic despite a lie or two, depending on the circumstance. For example, if you attend a dinner party but find the food distasteful, it's okay to say, "I'm not very hungry; I'll only have a salad."
  3. Maintain long-term relationships. Build trust and respect with other people. A key sign of authenticity is the ability to form and maintain lasting friendships, as well as romantic and professional relationships. Long-term relationships are not built overnight but are rewarding and self-affirming.[12]
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    • Inauthentic people are often unable to maintain long-term relationships. Inauthentic behaviors, like putting on airs, telling lies, or not having consistent personal values, can prevent lasting relationships from forming.
    • Learn to be okay with being rejected. If you don't have a fear of rejection, it will be easier to maintain a relationship.


  • Healthy communication is a key element of being authentic. If you are uncomfortable with communication, then focus on building this skill. Talk to others, take classes or be part of a group that encourages open communication.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Avoid Sore Muscles

Posted: 22 Jun 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Performing any type of physical activity, including working out, can cause delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Most bouts of soreness should only last for 24-72 hours, but there are ways to almost entirely avoid DOMS. Boost your muscle health in advance by eating a healthy diet full of antioxidant-rich foods. When you are performing a physical task, take your time and keep an eye on your posture. After the task is done, take a soothing shower and loosen any sore muscles with a foam roller.[1]


EditAvoiding Muscle Soreness before Exertion

  1. Vary your exercise routine. If you perform the same action day after day, then your muscles will grow fatigued and overly tired, instead of strengthening. Mix up your physical activities by doing both cardio and weight training. Take a yoga class, do some water exercises, or plan a quick bicycle ride.[2]
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    • Creating an exercise schedule will help you meet your health goals while adding variety. For example, on Mondays you might consistently take a yoga class, whereas Fridays are for cycling.
  2. Eat of protein every 3 hours. Plan your meals around healthy proteins, such as chicken, fish, legumes, soy, milk, and eggs. Eat filling snacks, such as almonds or Greek yogurt, in between meals. Protein helps build muscle tissue.[3]
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    • If you don't currently have this amount of protein in your diet, it's not necessary to jump to these levels immediately. Instead, gradually add more proteins into your meals and monitor how your body responds.
    • You can also drink some of your proteins by making healthy shakes using Greek yogurt, milk, and whey powder. Use a milk substitute, like almond or soy milk, if you need to.

EditMinimizing DOMS

  1. Warm up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each. Do a slower version of your exercise before and afterwards. Walk at a brisk pace before running. If you are strength conditioning, use a moderate form of cardio as a warm up and cool down. You might jump rope or use the elliptical to get loose and to get the blood flowing.[4]
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    • Warming up literally helps to warm your muscles in preparation. Cooling down allows your body temperature to return to resting levels .
  2. Check your body position when physically exerting yourself. Using poor body positioning when you move can contribute to soreness once you're finished. If you are biking, keep your chest elevated and your shoulders back. If you are running, make sure that you are not hunching your neck. If you are weightlifting, it's a good idea to keep your core engaged.[5]
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    • The way that you hold your body will vary depending on the sport or activity that you are performing.
    • Have a coach or personal trainer check your form and technique to ensure you're moving the correct way.
  3. Stop before your body is physically overtaxed or in pain. If you are doing a physical activity and start to feel pain, then it's time to take a break or stop entirely for the day. It's also important to build up any training regimen slowly to avoid overtaxing your body early on. Signals of a worn-out muscle system can include sharp pains, cramps, or even loss of muscle power.
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    • For example, if you are starting to work out again after an injury, don't go back to your prior intensity or time. Instead, build back up to that level over time.

EditLessening Muscle Soreness after Exertion

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day. Stay hydrated throughout the day to help flush out lactic acid from your body. Dehydration can also add soreness to your muscles and make it more painful for you.[6]
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    • Put a lemon in your water to help reduce lactic buildup.[7]
    • Avoid drinking anything that's sugary or caffeinated.
  2. Eat a whey protein snack 30-60 minutes after exerting yourself. Some coaches will recommend eating 20 grams of protein between 30-60 minutes after a workout. Dig into a cup of Greek yogurt with whey protein mixed in. Or, drink a shake made with chia seeds, flaxseed, and oats.[8]
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    • The amino acid leucine found within whey proteins helps your muscles to change protein into fuel.
  3. Intake at least 1,600 mg of potassium each day. Potassium can help to reduce muscle soreness and cramping. You can get your potassium from your diet by eating fruits or vegetables, such as bananas or kiwis. Or, you can talk with your doctor about taking a daily supplement or multivitamin.[9]
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    • Winter squash and potatoes are other good food sources of potassium.
  4. Apply a foam roller to your sore muscles for 5-10 minutes. A foam roller is exactly what it sounds like, a small tube-shaped piece of foam. Sit on an exercise mat on the floor and position the roller to 1 side of your sore muscles. Apply gentle pressure as you roll the foam over your muscles. Repeat this rolling motion until you feel your muscles begin to release.[10]
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    • In some cases you can actually use your bodyweight to apply pressure. For example, if your back thighs are sore, place the roller on the mat. Then, sit on the mat with your thigh directly on top of the roller. Place your hands on the mat and use them to move your thigh in a rocking motion on the roller.
    • Foam rollers are available online or at most fitness stores. But, if you don't have one, you can roll a tennis ball over your muscles.
  5. Soak in a tub with Epsom salt. Pour 1 to 2 cups (180 to 360 grams) of the salt into a full tub.[11]. A 30-minute salt bath can help reduce inflammation and flush toxins from your body.[12]
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    • Purchase Epsom salt at your local drug store.
  6. Take over-the-counter pain medications sparingly. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can lower your feeling of soreness, but they do not fix the underlying problem. If you take medication, use only the recommended dosage. If you find yourself dealing with muscle soreness on a regular basis, reach out to your doctor for advice.[13]
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  • Do a low to moderate intensity cardio workout to circulate blood in a more gentle way through your body than a high-intensity workout. This helps flush out your muscle tissues.
  • Alternate between a cold pack and hot pack every 10 minutes to help improve circulation.


  • If you are suffering from severe or consistent muscle soreness, consider working with a physical therapist. Ask your doctor for a recommendation.
  • If you have pain or discomfort lasting longer than 72 hours, it may indicate a connective tissue injury. Consult with your doctor to determine the cause.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Recycle Rubber

Posted: 22 Jun 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Recycling rubber is great for the environment and helps produce useful products, such as rubber mulch for playgrounds or the infill for turf fields. To recycle your rubber, you can choose to donate it to places such as your local recycling facility or a tire retailer. Repurposing your rubber is often an even better option, and it can leave you with new useful items such as a tire swing, jar openers, or planters.


EditConnecting with Rubber Recyclers

  1. Research information regarding your local recycling facility. Sometimes recycling facilities won't take tires or other forms of rubber because the process to recycle them is so different from other materials. Call or visit your local recycling facility's website to see if they address whether or not rubber can be recycled.[1]
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    • If they do accept it, drop it off at the recycling facility during regular drop off hours, which can be found on the website as well.
  2. Locate a rubber recycling option near you. Visit websites that direct you to a rubber recycling solution in your location, such as Type in "rubber" as well as your zip code to find out the name and address of places that will accept the rubber.[2]
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    • Earth911 tells you the specific type of rubbers that they allow, such as tires, carpet padding, inner tubes, etc.
    • If this site isn't providing any answers for you, do a general search online to look for rubber recycling options near you.
  3. Contact a business that produces rubber mulch. One of the main uses for recycled rubber is in the creation of rubber mulch, such as the kind used on children's playgrounds. If there's a business that produces rubber mulch near you, call or look on their website to find out how you can donate your old tires.[3]
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    • To find businesses like this, go online and type in "rubber mulch company near me."
  4. Take your tires to a local tire retailer. Visit or call your local tire retailer to see if they take old tires. If they do, drop your old tires off with them during their open hours, or simply drop them off the next time you go in to have your car fixed.[4]
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    • You may have to pay a small fee to have your tires taken at a tire retailer.
    • Check with several other tire retailers if the first one you ask doesn't take recycled tires.
    • When your tire retailer does a routine tire switch on your car, ask them what they do with the old tires to see if they recycle them.
  5. Donate rubber bands to local schools or mail services. Schools are always in need of school supplies, and rubber bands are very useful. Post offices also often need rubber bands to hold mail or newspapers together. Reach out to local schools or post offices to ask if they'd like your extra rubber bands.[5]
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EditReusing the Rubber

  1. Build pieces of furniture using old tires. By painting an old tire with a colorful paint that's suitable for rubber, you can create endless furniture possibilities. Put a piece of glass over the tire and you've got a coffee table, or fill the tire with soft bedding or pillows and you've created a dog bed.[6]
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    • Priming the tire before painting will help the paint stick and stay on the surface.
    • You can also create a stool or an ottoman with an old tire by covering them in twine or strong fabrics.
  2. Make planters out of tires if you need a spot for your plants. Set a tire out in the yard and fill it with soil. You can place your plants in the soil and the tire will contain everything while also providing a cool aesthetic.[7]
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    • Paint the tire before turning it into a planter, if desired.
    • You can also create hanging planters by securing a bottom to the tire and attaching hooks and wire or string to the sides.
  3. Turn your old tire into a tire swing for a fun solution. This is a fun outdoor fix and will entertain kids. Tie a strong rope to the tire securely and attach the other end of the rope to a strong tree limb.[8]
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    • Make sure you position the tire swing high enough that legs won't be jammed into the ground, but low enough for kids to easily reach.
    • It's best to supervise young children if they're playing on the tire swing to make sure no one gets injured.
    • Drill small holes in the tire to allow water to drain out if it rains.
  4. Fill an old tire with sand to create an outdoor sandbox. Lay a tarp or a piece of wood on the ground as a base for the sandbox. Once you've placed the tire on the ground, fill it with sand. You can cut out a top to cover the sandbox using wood or plastic.[9]
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    • Wash the tire with clean water (and a little soap, if necessary) to get all of the dirt off, and paint it if desired.
    • Stick a small outdoor umbrella into the sand to provide a bit of shade.
    • Drill small holes in the tire to let water pass through instead of collecting in the tire.
  5. Use rubber bands to re-seal open bags of food. This is a good way to keep foods fresh while also taking advantage of all those rubber bands you have. Scrunch together the top of the opened bag and wrap the rubber band around it tightly.[10]
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    • This works great on bags of chips, pretzels, or other snack foods.
  6. Slide rubber bands onto hangers to keep clothing in place. This is an easy fix for keeping your shirts, dresses, and other clothing items from ending up on the floor of your closet. Simply slide the rubber bands onto the hangers vertically, or tie them around the rod of the hanger to create a thicker rubber band layer.[11]
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  7. Place silicone wristbands on the lids of jars to make opening them easier. If you have a collection of silicone wristbands, or the type of wristbands that are often given for concerts or to raise money for charity, place these around jar lids. When you go to open the jar, the rubber will provide a non-slip surface for you to grip easily.[12]
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    • You can also use a regular rubber glove as a jar opener.
  8. Create puppets out of old rubber gloves. This is a great activity to do with kids—all you need are 1 or 2 rubber gloves and some craft supplies. Glue eyes or hair onto the puppet, or use markers to design a face.[13]
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    • Make sure you clean the gloves thoroughly before turning them into a craft project.
    • You can also make individual finger puppets by cutting off each of the fingers of the glove.

EditSources and Citations

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