Sunday, June 17, 2018

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How to of the Day

How to Celebrate Father's Day

Posted: 17 Jun 2018 07:00 PM PDT

Father's Day has been celebrated for over 100 years. It's also an event celebrated in many countries around the world, although at different times of the year. In North America and the United Kingdom, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. Make this Father's Day the best by giving your dad a day that shows him just how special he is to you.


EditPlanning for Father's Day

  1. Find out when Father's Day is. The worst thing you could do is forget or make a bunch of plans for father's day only to realize that you got the wrong date. The date of Father's day depends on what country you live in. However, in the USA and the UK, Father's day is always on the third Sunday in June, so the exact date will not be the same every year.[1]
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    • If you're not sure what day Father's day is a quick internet search using the terms "Father's day" + the year + the country you live in should get you the answer pretty quickly.
  2. Think about what makes your dad happy. How you celebrate Father's Day will largely come down to knowing what your dad likes and what will make the day most enjoyable. That can mean planning a grand adventure, or simply taking care of all the chores around the house so dad can relax.[2]
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    • Plan at least one activity to do with your dad that he will enjoy. Maybe he likes fishing or playing catch. Or maybe your dad likes to play board games with the whole family, choose something you know he'll love.
    • Dads do a lot, from taking care of the house, picking the kids up from school or practice, to just being there to listen to your problems. Think about a time when your dad did something for you, and see how you can pay him back. It could be as simple as mowing the lawn.
  3. Get others involved. If you have siblings, you could get them involved in planning something nice for your dad. Having all of his kid's celebrate father's day with him will make it even more special. If you don't have any siblings, you could also ask your mom or grandparents to help you.
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    • For example, you guys could get together and write a song that you can sing to your dad on Father's day, or you can make a card together.
    • Additionally, you could assign a part of father's day that each sibling is responsible for. For example, you can be responsible for making him his favorite breakfast, one of your siblings can be responsible for setting up the TV with his favorite sport and preparing his favorite snacks, and another sibling could be responsible for giving him a foot rub.
  4. Plan a party or an outing for your dad. If your dad isn't the gift type but enjoys nothing more than spending time together with family, then plan some type of activity where your dad gets to do something he loves.
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    • For example, if your dad loves grilling, you could get all the things needed for a backyard barbecue and invite some of his friends over to hang out on Father's day together.
    • If your dad likes fishing, you could plan an all-day fishing trip together just you and him (or you whole family, if you prefer).
    • Be sure to run the idea by your dad before you make any big plans though! You don't want to plan a whole party only to find out he doesn't want to have one.

EditCelebrating With Your Father

  1. Let him sleep in. If your dad enjoys sleeping in, but normally doesn't get to because of work and kids, let him do it today. Don't walk around making a bunch of noise that will wake him up. Let him sleep as long as he wants, and start the celebration whenever he's awake and ready.[3]
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    • If you're planning to bring him breakfast in bed, you can still let him sleep in for a few hours longer than usual.
  2. Wish him a happy father's day. This may seem obvious, but don't forget to acknowledge that it is his day. When you see him in the morning give him yell, "Happy Father's Day, Dad!" in a loud, happy voice. Don't forget to give him a hug.
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    • It's good to do this first thing in the morning, that way your dad will know you haven't forgotten and will see that you are excited to celebrate with him.
  3. Ask him what he wants to do. You may have a lot of ideas about how to celebrate Father's day, but it isn't about you. On Father's day ask him how he is feeling, and what he feels like doing for the day.[4]
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    • Try to be respectful of your dad's wishes. If you had a whole list of ideas for the day, but your dad says all he wants to do is relax on the couch, then let him do it.
    • Your dad may want to do something all on his own or with your mom on Father's day. For example, he might want to work on his car alone in the garage, or he might want a weekend get-a-way. If so, don't make him feel bad for wanting that.
  4. Make the day joyful. One of the most important aspect of Father's Day is that you are present and attentive. Gifts are great, but showing your love, and reassuring your dad that you're proud of him and all he's done for you can be the most important factor in celebrating a fantastic Father's Day.
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    • For many dads, the most rewarding part of being a father feels that your children and partner love and appreciate you.
    • By simply having a good attitude, or giving dad a hug and telling him how much you love him, you can show him that he is appreciated.
  5. Talk with your dad. This is a straightforward one, but it should not be overlooked. In our daily lives, it can be effortless to miss out on spending quality time together. On Father's day, make it a point to spend time just talking about things. Tell him about some things going on in school you haven't told him, tell him about things that are going on in your life.[5]
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    • Don't make it all about you! Ask your dad about how he is doing, or ask him to tell you about his life growing up.
    • Try to avoid subjects that might cause an argument though. You don't want Father's day to end in a fight.
  6. Make it a family event. Father's Day can be a great day for the whole family. Plan a family event, getting everyone in the family together for a fun day.
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    • Keep in mind your dad's personality, though. Is your dad the type that enjoys big family gatherings? For some people, large gatherings are very tiring, and anything but relaxing.
    • Think about including all the dads in your family, not just your own father or partner. Maybe you want to gather the uncles, brothers, grandpas, and even step-dads for part of the day, like a big dinner.
  7. Make a photo slideshow. Make a slideshow with lots of photos of your dad. It can be photos from when he was young; it can include photos of the whole family, photos of just you and him, and even funny photos. Looking at photos together with your dad can be a great way to talk about fun memories together.
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    • If your photos are in photo albums; you can look at the albums together.
    • This could be particularly useful if you don't have a close relationship with your dad. Looking at photos together can help spark conversations.

EditShowing Your Appreciation

  1. Get or make your dad a card. A card goes a long way, and can sometimes mean more than a gift.
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    • If you're buying your dad a Father's Day card, make sure that you don't wait until the last minute to get one. If you wait too long, you won't have as many options to choose from. Get him a card that fits his personality; a funny card if he likes jokes or a sentimental one to show your dad how much he means to you.
    • You can also make him a card. By making him a card, you can make it truly yours and tailor it completely to your dad. In the card, you could list the things that you really love about your dad, or you could draw him a picture of the two of you together.
  2. Think of a creative gift. Father's day doesn't have to be about gifts, but if you are planning to make or buy him a gift, try to get creative. Don't just pick out a tie or a pair of socks. If you are buying him a gift, try to think of something he keeps mentioning or something you know he wants, but won't buy for himself.
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    • Handmade gifts are also great. For example, you could think about and list many different things your dad has taught you to do (e.g. swing a baseball bat, ride a bike, how to treat other people, etc.). Turn these things into a book. You can have the book made online or you can simply make it yourself. You can glue photos of you and your dad together in the book too.
  3. Tell him that you appreciate him. Being a father is a tough job. If you're having a party, you can give a toast in front of everyone that expresses your love and appreciation. If you're not having a party, you can just tell him one-on-one.
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    • Try to be thoughtful with your words. Though you could just say, "Thanks for being a good Dad," you could also take the time to think of something thoughtful to say. For example, you could think of a few things your dad has done in the past year that really meant a lot to you, and say something like, "Over the last year you've done a lot of things to keep me healthy and happy. I know I don't say it often enough, but I don't take it for granted, and I love you very much. I especially appreciated it when you took me to the mall on your day off so I could get that new game I'd wanted so badly."
  4. Do his daily chores for him. If your dad has a list of things that he does every day (e.g. taking out the trash, making the bed, doing the laundry, washing the dishes, etc.) then tell him that on Father's day, you want to do all of those things so he can relax.[6]
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    • If there is a chore that you know he particularly doesn't like (e.g. mowing the lawn) you could tell him that you are going to take care of it for him on Father's day.
  5. Make him a meal. If you know his favorite meal, plan to cook it for him on father's day. You could also make him his favorite dessert. For example, if he loves chocolate chip cookies, you could make some that are just for him.
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    • If your dad really enjoys cooking, you could make this activity that you do together.
    • You could also surprise him with breakfast in bed, if you think he would enjoy it.
  6. Don't put pressure on your dad. On Father's day, you might have a million things planned for your dad. If your dad knows this, he may go along with everything just to make you happy. However, remember that it is his day, so try to remain aware of your dad's mood. If you notice that he seems tired or not really into what you're doing, ask him what he feels like doing.
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    • Don't get mad or frustrated because things aren't going the way you wanted. The last thing he wants is a fight, so remember to keep things light, happy, and pressure free.
    • Remember that you don't have to celebrate every minute of the day with your dad. Remember to give him some time to do whatever he feels like doing without you chasing him around.


  • Take photos of Father's day. Having pictures will help you remember the day, and you can also use them as part of next year's gift.
  • Don't be afraid to show your dad how much you care. Although in Western society, men don't tend to show their emotions as much as women, your dad has feelings too. Showing him that he is important and appreciated will make him feel happy.
  • You don't have to fill the entire day full of activities. Having one or two ways to show your dad is a good idea, but packing a day full of things may not be relaxing or enjoyable for your dad.


  • Remember that you only have so much time with your dad. Even though your dad may not be perfect, he has probably still played an important role in your life. Don't miss out on the chance to enjoy the time you have with him.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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How to Hang Things on a Cement Wall

Posted: 17 Jun 2018 01:00 PM PDT

Decorating your cement walls can be tricky if you don't have the right hardware. Luckily, there are some great options that are inexpensive and readily available. Choose adhesive hooks for lightweight items up to , hardwall hangers for objects weighing up to , and masonry anchors for your heaviest decorations exceeding .


EditApplying Adhesive Hooks

  1. Choose adhesive hooks for objects up to . These hooks have adhesive backings that stick to walls, so you don't have to put a hole in the wall. Weigh the object first so you can pick a hook that will properly support it.[1]
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    • Adhesive hooks come in various sizes and should say how many pounds they will hold. The largest of these hooks hold and the smallest are rated for only of weight.
    • Use 2 hooks for extra support if your item has a wire or two hooks on the back.
  2. Clean the wall with rubbing alcohol for a better hold. Use a clean rag or paper towel and some rubbing alcohol to scrub the area of any debris. This will ensure that the adhesive will stick firmly to the wall.[2]
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    • If you don't have rubbing alcohol, you can use some warm soapy water to clean the wall. Rub the spot dry after cleaning.
  3. Make a small pencil mark where you want the center of your hook to be. If the item you'll be hanging has a wire hanger on the back, be sure to consider the length of the slack. Test this by pulling the center of the wire tight toward the top of your object. Measure from the bottom of the object to where the wire catches.
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    • If you are using 2 hooks for an object with two hangers on the back, make sure to measure the distance between the two hangers to make your marks on the wall.
    • If you are using 2 hooks for a wire hanger, measure the width of the object you are hanging and divide that number by 3. Your marks on the wall should be that distance apart.
  4. Remove the liner from the adhesive strip and affix it to the back of the hook. If your hook's adhesive strip is not already on the back of the hook, peel the liner off one side of the strip. Line it up to the back of the hook and press down.
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    • Some adhesive hooks come with the adhesive already affixed to the back. Skip this step and move on to the next if that's the case with the adhesive hook you have.
  5. Press the adhesive side of the hook to the wall for 30 seconds. Remove the paper lining on the back of the hook, line it up straight, and press the hook firmly onto the wall. Hold for 30 seconds and release.
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  6. Allow the adhesive to dry 30-60 minutes. Once the adhesive has dried, hang your items from the hook(s).
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    • If your item pulls the adhesive hook off the wall even after you've waited, check to make sure you've used a hook that is appropriate for the weight of your item.

EditUsing Hardwall Hangers

  1. Buy hardwall hangers to use for items that weigh up to . Hardwall hangers are made specifically for cement and brick walls. Each hanger comes with four sturdy pins that will anchor the base of the hook to the wall.
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    • You will need a hammer to install hardwall hangers.
    • Use 2 hardwall hangers to hang 1 object if you want extra support and have hanging hardware that will accommodate this.
  2. Mark the spot on the wall where you want the hanger to be placed. If the item you are hanging has a wire-hanger in the back, be sure to consider the slack when determining where you want it to hang. Test this by pulling the center of the wire tight toward the top of your object. Measure from the bottom of the object to where the wire catches.
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    • If you are using 2 hardwall hangers, either measure the distance between the two hooks on the back of your object or measure the width of the object you are hanging and divide that number by 3. One of these two methods will determine how far apart you make your marks on the wall.
  3. Hammer the pins through the holes provided. Line the middle of the base up with the mark you've made. Hold the hanger still with one hand and tap all four pins in halfway with the hammer. Release your hold on the hanger and check that the hook is in the correct position. Finish by hammering the pins flush to the hook.
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    • To avoid getting your fingers bruised, keep your initial taps very light. Once you feel that the pin has taken hold in the wall, release your hold on the pin and strike the hammer straight on the pinhead to finish.
  4. Loop the wire or hanging hardware of your item onto the hook. Stand back to make sure it is hung straight. Make any adjustments needed and enjoy.
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EditInstalling Masonry Anchors

  1. Choose masonry anchors to hang objects over . These anchors are generally plastic and come with the screws that you insert into them. You will need a drill and a masonry bit the same size as the anchors.[3]
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    • You can purchase masonry kits that include anchors, screws, and the correct size masonry bit.[4]
    • For added support, use two masonry anchors to hang 1 item.
  2. Use a hammer drill for the best results. A standard electric drill will work with a masonry bit, but it will be slow-going and there is the chance you will create a hole much larger than you want. Rent or borrow a hammer drill if you can.[5]
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    • You can rent a hammer drill at your local hardware store, Lowe's, Home Depot, or a tool rental shop. Call ahead to make arrangements.
  3. Drill a hole to accommodate the anchor. Measure carefully and mark the spot for your anchor. Place the bit on the spot you've chosen. Make sure your grasp is firm and check to see that the bit, the drill shaft, and your arm are all parallel to the floor. As you drill, press firmly into the wall and maintain your position.
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    • Use a slower speed when drilling into cement walls for the best results.[6]
  4. Tap the anchor in the hole until it's flush with the wall. The fit should be snug but not so tight that you have to hammer hard. If you find that the hole is too small, re-drill using a slightly larger bit.
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  5. Place the screw into the anchor. Use a screwdriver or the screw bit on your drill to tighten it down. Stop before the screw is flush, so there is space to accommodate the wire or hanging hardware. Hang your object, adjust it until it is straight, and enjoy.
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  • Make sure to read and follow the operating instructions provided with your drill before using it.
  • Protect your eyes when you are drilling. Consider wearing goggles or safety glasses.
  • Use a stud finder with a wire tracer setting to make sure you are not drilling near any live electrical wires.

EditThings You'll Need

EditApplying Adhesive Hooks

  • Adhesive hooks of choice
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Clean rag or paper towel
  • Pencil
  • Tape measure

EditUsing Hardwall Hangers

  • Hardwall hangers and pins
  • Hammer
  • Pencil
  • Tape measure

EditInstalling Masonry Anchors

  • Masonry anchors and screws
  • Masonry bit the same size as the anchors
  • Hammer drill or standard electric drill
  • Pencil
  • Tape measure

EditSources and Citations

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How to Fix a Scratched Video Game

Posted: 17 Jun 2018 07:00 AM PDT

This wikiHow teaches you how to attempt to repair a video game disc that was scratched. Surface-level scratches can often be fixed using a substance like petroleum jelly (Vaseline) or toothpaste, though deeper scratches are impossible to fix. Keep in mind that any repairs to a scratched disc are usually temporary; you'll most likely have to replace the disc at some point.


  1. Understand which scratches can be fixed. There are two main data surfaces on a game disc: the surface plastic, which is the plastic layer on the bottom of the disc, and the aluminum storage, which is the reflective part. If the plastic is lightly scratched, the aluminum part may not read correctly, thus causing errors; you may be able to fix this issue by filling the scratches with a solid solution such as Vaseline.[1]
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    • If the aluminum surface is scratched, you cannot repair the disc. This happens when the disc is deeply scratched.
    • Deep, circular scratches cannot be fixed. You'll either have to return the game or buy a new copy.
  2. Make sure that the game is the problem. If running another disc in your console or computer results in the same error message, the game probably isn't the issue.
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    • If the disc is scratched but you haven't encountered any errors while using it, don't attempt to repair it.
    • Disc errors can result due to anything from outdated drivers to incompatible software.
    • Be aware that placing a disc in a console or CD drive which scratched your current disc may also result in the second disc being scratched.
  3. Gather the necessary equipment. In order to repair your disc while minimizing the potential for damage, you'll need the following items:
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    • A towel and a flat surface
    • A microfiber cloth (do not use any other cloth such as a paper towel, tissue, or washcloth)
    • Isopropyl alcohol
    • Petroleum jelly, baking soda toothpaste, or disc scratch repair solution (sold at places like Best Buy)
  4. Rinse your disc with cold water. This will ensure that there is no surface-level dust, girt, or matter that will further scratch your disc when you buff it. Cold water will not damage your disc.
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    • Never use hot water, as doing so may damage the disc.
  5. Air-dry the disc. Wave the disc back and forth until it is dry.
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    • Don't wipe down the disc, as doing so can add scratches.
  6. Lay your disc on a towel on a flat surface. The disc's bottom (the reflective side) should be face-up.
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  7. Lightly spray the surface of the disc with isopropyl alcohol. This will remove tougher obstacles such as stains.
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  8. Allow the disc to dry. Isopropyl alcohol will evaporate on its own, so you should only need to wait for 20 to 30 minutes.
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  9. Dab some of the petroleum jelly onto the microfiber cloth. This is how you'll apply the jelly to the disc.
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    • You can use toothpaste for this step as well.
    • If you're using a disc scratch repair kit, you can apply the solution directly to the disc.
  10. Gently buff the scratched parts of the disc. Using straight (not circular) motions, rub the jelly from the inside of the disc to the outside, making sure to cover all scratches in the movement.
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    • For badly scratched discs, you may have to coat the entire disc in petroleum jelly.
  11. Remove the excess jelly with the microfiber cloth. If there are any globs of jelly or toothpaste left, remove them using the microfiber cloth.
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    • The disc's surface should be smooth before you put it in your console or computer.
  12. Test your disc. Place the disc back in your console or computer and try to run the game. If it works, you've successfully repaired the disc.
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    • If the disc still doesn't work, try repeating these steps a few more times, making sure to test the game each time.
    • Ultimately, a game which is scratched badly enough to cause your console or computer to fail to read it must be replaced eventually.


  • Other DIY solutions to a scratched disc include rubbing the scratches with a banana, using laundry detergent, and using peanut butter. While none of these methods have been proven to work reliably, they may be worth trying if you're prepared to replace the disc should they fail.
  • Many stores (e.g., Best Buy) offer a disc-polishing service which can repair discs. This service usually costs a small fee, but is normally cheaper than replacing the game.


  • Avoid placing a wet disc in your console or computer.
  • None of these steps will work if there is a deep scratch in the disk.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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How to Grow a Sunflower in a Pot

Posted: 17 Jun 2018 01:00 AM PDT

Sunflowers are native American plants with many uses. Their oil is used for biodiesel and cooking oil, and their seeds can make tasty snacks. A sunflower also makes a bright and happy addition to any sunny window or balcony. Growing a sunflower in a pot is an easy project that even small children can enjoy.[1]


EditChoosing Your Sunflower and Container

  1. Buy sunflower seeds for growing. You can buy sunflower seeds from your local nursery or garden center, or you can order them online. If you want rarer varieties, you may have better luck online. Dwarf varieties are best-suited for container growing.[2]
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    • Sunflower seeds are also sold in grocery and convenience stores, but these are for eating, not for growing. After being roasted, a sunflower seed won't sprout.
    • If you already have a fully grown sunflower plant, put the seeds from the flower in an airtight container and keep them in the fridge. Try to plant the seeds as soon as possible. Older seeds may be harder to grow.
  2. Choose your sunflower variety. A packet of sunflower seeds (or a listing on a website) will clearly state the name of the variety, the type of sunflower it is, and how tall the sunflower will grow. If you're shopping at a local nursery or garden center, you can also ask an associate for help.[3]
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    • Single-stem sunflowers only grow one flower from one seed. If you want to keep sunflowers all summer, you'll have to replant every 10 to 14 days. However, single-stem varieties are pollen-less, so they won't drop pollen on your porch, furniture, or clothes.
    • Branching sunflowers produce many flowers over the course of the season without having to be replanted. Branching sunflowers also have some of the more unusual colors, including burgundy and chocolate.
  3. Find the right size container. Choose the size of your container based on the height of the flower you want to plant, as well as how many flowers you want in each container. Generally, most dwarf sunflowers can be planted in a pot.[4]
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    • Mammoth sunflowers need a container that holds at least .
    • If you're repurposing a container that was previously used for something else, make sure it's clean and sterile. You may also have to make drainage holes in a repurposed container. Without them, your seeds may rot.
    • Include a plate or saucer under the container to catch run-off water.
  4. Add potting soil and compost. Choose a high quality, nutrient-rich topsoil or potting soil to plant your sunflowers. Mixing in compost provides a source of food for your sunflowers as well.[5]

    • Quality topsoil will have a pH of between 5.5 and 7.5, and have more than 3 percent organic content. These figures will be listed on the bag.[6]
    • As long as you use high quality topsoil, you don't need to add any drainage material, such as sand or rocks, to the bottom of the container. Doing so actually hinders water movement and can prevent your pot from draining properly.[7]

EditPlanting Your Sunflower

  1. Push each seed about into the soil. If you're planting more than one seed in your container, sow the seeds apart.You may want to add a thin layer of compost to the top of the soil after your seeds are sown.[8]

    • Make sure you have a radius of around all sides of each seed. Don't sow them too close to the edges of the container.
  2. Water the seeds daily. Sunflowers need more water than most plants as they are growing. Make sure the soil remains moist and well-drained. Give your sunflowers at least of water a week while the seeds are germinating.[9]

    • Sunflowers that don't get enough water during these early stages will have thin, weak stems that are unable to hold the heavy flower head upright.
    • Your soil is well-drained if water flows through it relatively quickly. Puddling or standing water in your pot indicates a drainage problem.[10]
  3. Watch as the seeds germinate. Within a week to 10 days, your sunflower seeds should start growing into small seedlings. During this time, continue to water the seeds every day and make sure the soil is moist, particularly around the seeds.[11]
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    • If your sunflowers are outside, you may want to cover the seedlings with baskets or netting to protect them from birds.

EditCaring for Your Sunflower

  1. Add fertilizer if desired. While sunflowers don't necessarily need additional feeding to grow, fertilizer can make the colors on your flower heads brighter and bolder. Start with a high-nitrogen liquid plant fertilizer, then switch to one with more phosphorus when the bud begins to bloom.[12]
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    • You can also add diluted fertilizer to your sunflower's water. Take care not to over-fertilize your sunflower – the stem may break.[13]
  2. Keep your sunflower in direct sunlight. As the seedlings grow, they need as much direct sunlight as possible so the stems will be thick and strong and able to support the large flower head. Once grown, your sunflower should have 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day.[14]
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    • The heliotropic heads of sunflowers follow the path of the sun. If not in direct sunlight, they will bend towards the sun, which may damage the stem over time.
  3. Water your sunflower several times a week. Expect to water your sunflowers more often than you do other plants. Check the soil every day or two – it should be constantly moist. Generally, give your sunflowers about of water a week.[15]

    • If your sunflowers are outside, they should be fine with rain water after they reach in height.[16] You may need to compensate if you have a very hot, dry day.
    • As the flower grows, water the root zone in a radius around the plant itself.[17]
    • Keep a spray bottle handy and spritz the flower head with water regularly.
  4. Stake your sunflower if necessary. Some dwarf varieties may not grow tall enough to need support. However, if your sunflowers reach a height of or taller, they should be anchored to something to keep the flower head from drooping.[18]

    • Don't anchor your support within the pot itself. When your sunflower reaches full size, it may tip the pot over. Tie the stake to a drainpipe, wall, or other object.
  5. Harvest the seeds. If you have a sunflower variety with edible seeds, let the flower die on the stem. The seeds will ripen and dry as well. If your sunflowers are outside, cover them with netting or a paper bag to keep the birds from eating all your seeds.[19]

    • Generally, sunflower seeds that are black or gray with white stripes are edible.
    • When the back of the flower head turns brown, the seeds are typically ready to harvest.[20]
    • Once dried, you can keep the seeds in an air-tight container at room temperature for up to 4 months. You can also freeze them if you need them for longer.
    • Sunflower buds can be eaten as well. Blanch them first to remove bitterness, then steam or boil them for 3 minutes. They are delicious tossed in garlic butter.


  • There are several nonprofit organizations, such as Seed Savers Exchange (, that sell rare, heirloom varieties of sunflowers.[21]
  • Though most people roast sunflower seeds before eating them, you can also eat them raw. Sunflower seeds are excellent sources of several B vitamins and vitamin E, and are high in protein.[22]


  • Sunflowers don't like to be transplanted, so start with a container large enough for the fully grown flower.[23]
  • Not all sunflower seeds can be eaten. If you plan to harvest the seeds for snacks, make sure you've purchased an edible variety.[24]

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