Friday, April 15, 2022

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Be a Role Model

Posted: 15 Apr 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Being a role model is a big responsibility, especially when you're on the job. How can you set a great example for your peers without setting impossible expectations for yourself? Don't worry–you've come to the right place. We've outlined plenty of simple qualities and characteristics associated with good role models, as well as easy ways to apply those traits in the moment. When the next workday rolls around, you'll be able to put your best foot forward!


[Edit]Act confidently.

  1. Role models have faith in their own capabilities without being arrogant. Being confident revolves around knowing your self-worth and your strengths, while arrogance centers on feelings of self-importance. Good role models know how to believe in themselves without putting themselves on a pedestal.[1] Try:
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    • Taking the lead on a project that matches your skillset
    • Politely correcting a co-worker when they share incorrect information
    • Bringing an idea to your boss or manager

[Edit]Be yourself.

  1. Great role models are unapologetically themselves. Focus on the qualities that make you special–not what other people expect you to be. There will always be someone who doesn't quite vibe with your way of doing things, and that's okay! Being a good role model is all about answering to yourself, not to the people around you.[2] You could:
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    • Share a funny pun or corny joke with a peer
    • Wear your favorite outfit to work, even if it isn't super stylish

[Edit]Address your weaknesses.

  1. Role models aren't afraid to approach their weaknesses in a new way. Despite popular belief, a role model isn't flawless and perfect at everything they do. Instead, they take steps to understand what their weak points are, and then work to improve themselves in the future.[3] You might:
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    • Ask a superior for advice on how to handle a tough project
    • Say "no" to new commitments if you already have a full schedule
    • Ask a tech-savvy co-worker to walk you through a feature in Photoshop

[Edit]Respect everyone around you.

  1. Respect earns you other people's trust and admiration. A good role model makes an effort to empathize with their peers, care about their struggles, and treat others the way they'd like to be treated.[4] Think of it this way–if your words or actions don't meet the Golden Rule, then they probably aren't what a role model would do.[5] You could try:
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    • Waiting for your turn to speak
    • Offering a helping hand
    • Apologizing if you mess up during a project
    • Thanking someone for their time[6]

[Edit]Prioritize good communication.

  1. Good role models know how to talk to their teammates. They'll share feedback directly, email a peer when they need something, and say exactly what's on their mind. A poor role model, on the other hand, might communicate passive-aggressively, or force their co-workers to read between the lines instead of just being direct.[7] Here are some ways you can make the most out of your own communication:
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[Edit]Share constructive feedback.

  1. Role models give their peers plenty of opportunities to improve. Take a moment to acknowledge how hard your teammate has worked, and let them know how they can make their next draft or revision even stronger. Keep your tone clear, kind, and direct, so your peer completely understands how to do an even better job in the future.[9] You might say:
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    • "I appreciate all the hard work you put into this draft. Would you mind giving it another read-through for small errors and typos?"
    • "Your eye contact felt a bit spotty during the presentation. I totally get where you're coming from–I find that it helps to look at different people when I'm speaking to a crowd."

[Edit]Push yourself to keep learning.

  1. A true role model always wants to improve and is never satisfied with complacency. Pay close attention to both your peers and superiors and see how they do things. Is there anything you can learn from them? Is there any way you can apply their skills and work ethic to your own? The more you're willing to learn and grow, the more of a role model you'll be to the people around you.[10]
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    • If you'd really like to go the extra mile, enroll in a class or degree program that's related to your career path.
    • You might practice using a difficult piece of software over the weekend so you feel more comfortable with it during the workweek.

[Edit]Admit when you do something wrong.

  1. Role models embrace transparency, not perfection. Own any mistakes that you made and take responsibility for any of the aftermath. Honesty and accountability are way more important than having a perfect track record.[11] Try saying:
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    • "I completely underestimated how long that task was going to take. I'm so sorry for making you wait!"
    • "I'm really sorry, guys. This one's on me."
    • "I take full responsibility for what happened here. You have every right to be upset."

[Edit]Set high goals.

  1. True role models expect great things from both themselves and their peers. Remind your teammates that they're capable of really great things, and they can accomplish just about anything if they put their minds to it.[12] Here are a few ideas:
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    • "I'm hoping to finish this assignment by the end of the week."
    • "It would be great if we could submit this project by next Wednesday."
    • "I know that we can get this done by the deadline."
    • Make sure that your goals are still manageable, though! Always be honest with yourself about what you're able to complete in a given timeframe.[13]

[Edit]Live life with integrity.

  1. A good role model thrives on fairness and honesty. Treat everyone equally, and don't give out special favors to a certain handful of people.[14] Your peers are more likely to look up to you if you give everyone the same opportunities.[15] If you notice someone acting or behaving unfairly, don't be afraid to call them out, either! True integrity involves holding everyone accountable, including yourself.[16]
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    • For example, don't offer to proofread one co-worker's writing but refuse to help another. Instead, wait until you have enough time to help multiple people at once.
    • Don't tell one co-worker about a cool new work opportunity but leave your other, equally-qualified teammate in the dark.

[Edit]Carry your weight.

  1. Role models always work as a team and never leave their work to someone else. Always offer to do your fair share of the work during a group assignment or project, and make sure that everyone else is pulling their weight, too. The more reliable and dependable you are, the more your peers will look up to you further down the line.[17]
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    • For instance, you might finish your assignment for a group project several days before the deadline instead of waiting until the last second.

[Edit]Enjoy your day-to-day work.

  1. Role models embrace their job even when things are slow. They aren't counting down the hours until they leave for the day; instead, they make the most of every minute they're at work until it's time to clock out. This doesn't mean that you have to love every aspect of your job, though! Just focus on the aspects of your work that you like the most, and get your enjoyment from there.[18]
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    • Enjoying your job actually helps you get more satisfaction in the long run.
    • Try breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, and then completing each manageable chunk before moving onto the next one.[19] This might help you feel more productive and in-the-zone during the workday!

[Edit]Approach life with optimism.

  1. Optimism offers more opportunities for growth than pessimism. Being a good role model is all about learning how to roll with the punches and make the best out of a bad situation. Focus on resiliency instead of negativity–your peers will appreciative the positivity, and may even take a page out of your book.[20] Try approaching a negative situation one of these ways:
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    • "It stinks that we didn't meet our monthly goal, but now we're ahead of the game for the next month!"
    • "We might not have made as much money as we hoped, but now we can make a more targeted marketing strategy toward our customers."

[Edit]Welcome new ideas.

  1. A good role model trusts their team's innovations. Embrace good ideas as you hear them, and encourage your teammates to make them into a reality. Believing and trusting in the people around you is actually a key part of being a role model.[21] You could say:
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    • "That's a fantastic idea, Jenn. I really think you should bring that up at the next team meeting!"
    • "I love that idea, Markus. How about you give it a try for a week or so and let me know how things are going?"


[Edit]Quick Summary

  4. [v161860_b01]. 26 July 2021.
  13. [v161860_b01]. 26 July 2021.
  14. [v161860_b01]. 26 July 2021.
  19. [v161860_b01]. 26 July 2021.

How to Tie Dye Paper

Posted: 14 Apr 2022 05:00 PM PDT

Tie-dying paper is a fun and simple craft you can create with your child or by yourself. It's a great way to keep kids busy and entertained, using supplies you probably already have around the house. Many people also love to make wrapping paper, stationery paper or greeting cards featuring tie-dyed patterns. There are a variety of ways to tie-dye paper, whether it's basic printer paper, drawing paper, tissue paper or even coffee-filter paper.


[Edit]Dying Paper with Water Colors or Food Coloring

  1. Wet your paper. Get a rag wet and splotch water all over the paper you plan to dye. Allow excess water to drop off into a sink.

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  2. Mix water colors or food coloring in various squirt or spray bottles. Use squirt bottles[1] to create blotches of color and spray bottles[2] to create larger spatters of color. Make sure you mix the appropriate amount of water with your dyes according to their directions.

  3. Place your paper onto a surface you don't mind getting colored. You might cover a table or counter top with several layers of newspaper or place your paper in a large, shallow tin. You can even complete the activity on the ground outside, weather permitting.

    • It's also a good idea to protect your clothes by wearing a smock, apron or old t-shirt.
  4. Squirt or spray the dye on the paper. There's no right or wrong way to apply the color, just use your imagination. Use various colors for a true tie-dyed look.

    • If you want to create symmetrical patterns, fold the paper in half before applying the color.
  5. Hold the paper over a pan, sink or outdoors to allow the colors to run. The liquid dye will run and and bleed across the wet paper. You can twist the paper as it drips to create further designs.

  6. Allow the paper to dry. If you chose to fold the paper, unfold it, then lay the paper down flat on a towel. Let the paper air dry for at least 30 minutes.[3]
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[Edit]Staining Paper with Coffee

  1. Add coffee grounds into a pan. Choose a pan large enough to also hold the paper you plan to dye. Don't worry if you aren't sure how many grounds to add, you can always add more to strengthen the coffee as it steeps.[4]

  2. Pour boiling water into the pan. Allow the water and coffee grounds to steep at least five minutes. If the resulting liquid isn't dark enough, add more grounds and allow it to steep a few minutes more.

  3. Add a piece of paper to the pan, and let it steep. How long you allow the paper to steep is completely up to you, depending on how dark you want the paper to be stained. Various projects could require paper to steep anywhere from five minutes to overnight.

    • If you would like to create symmetrical stained designs, fold the paper into squares, triangles or strips before placing it in the liquid.
  4. Remove the paper from the coffee. Wait until the paper is just a shade or two lighter than what you desire, then remove it from the coffee. The paper will darken a shade or two more as it dries.

  5. Hang the paper to dry. You can clip it to a clothesline or a curtain rod. Be careful as you handle the paper, since it will be more fragile while it's wet. Drying time can vary based on the type of paper and where it's hanging. You can test it with your hand to know when its fully dried.
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    • If you're not satisfied with the shade once the paper dries, simply repeat steps 3-5.

[Edit]Dying Paper with Markers

  1. Color the paper with markers.[5] Get multiple colors of markers and scribble all over the paper in whatever designs you like. The more solid blocks of color, the better the end result.

    • To create a symmetrical design, fold soft absorbent papers into halves, fourths or eighths. Hold a marker down on the top layer until the ink has soaked through all of the layers.[6]
  2. Wet the paper. You can get the paper wet by spraying it with or dipping it into water. When the marker gets wet, it will bleed and blur, resembling tie dye. You want the paper to be wet but not dripping.

  3. Let the paper dry. If you've folded the paper, unfold it and lay it flat on a dry surface. Once it's dry, you can use it for wrapping paper, as the background of a special note or even the basis of paper flowers.
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  • If you get dye on your skin, use rubbing alcohol to get it off.
  • To make scented tie-dye, spray on a hint of perfume.
  • Have something under the paper you're dyeing to prevent damage to desks, tables and counter tops.
  • Create designs within the color by drawing on the paper with white crayon before adding water or dye. When the color later dries, the crayon drawings will appear within the color.[7]


  • Dye can stain your clothes. Be sure and protect them with some sort of covering, such as smock, an apron or an old t-shirt.
  • Be careful when handling boiling water, it can easily burn your skin. Be sure you have a parent's permission.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Smock, apron or old t-shirt
  • Newspaper, plastic table cloth or a pan large enough to lay the paper
  • Any type of paper
  • A rag
  • Water
  • Spray or squirt bottle
  • Food coloring, water color paint, markers or coffee grounds
  • Clothes line or curtain rod with clips or clothespins(optional)
  • Perfume (optional)
  • White crayon (optional)


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Recaulk Kitchen Counter Where It Meets the Backsplash

Posted: 14 Apr 2022 09:00 AM PDT

If the caulk where your kitchen counter and backsplash meet has worn away over time, it may be time to recaulk the area. Fortunately, this is a simple project you can do yourself. To help you out, we'll walk you through everything you need to do to recaulk your kitchen counter, from removing the old caulk to using a caulking gun to apply more.


[Edit]Preparing Your Kitchen Counter

  1. Remove existing caulk.[1] Remove as much as possible by pulling loose ends by hand. Remove remaining caulk with a narrow blade putty knife / scraper.[2] A plastic putty knife / scraper will minimize scratching of finished surfaces. Only apply as much pressure as needed to remove caulk without damaging the surface.
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  2. Clean the surface(s).[3] Use a cleaning agent that can cut through soap, yet not damage the surface finish. Try using a small amount of thinner or other cleaner that dries with little or no residue in an inconspicuous place to test for possible damage to the finish. If no damage results, use only as much as needed to remove dirt, etc.
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  3. Inspect for de-lamination. Laminates are sheets of material that is bonded to a base - in the case of counter tops and back splashes this is wood or some type of particle or fiberboard. If water has been allowed to seep under the laminate for longer than a brief time, there is a good chance that the laminate is no longer bonded to the wood base underneath. Look for up or down-turned edges and feel for bubbles or air pockets under the laminate. Slightly lift the laminate away from the wood beneath. Do not pry. Lift it only far enough to allow circulation of air. Do not extend the de-lamination by lifting too high as this can risk breaking any existing bond and the even the laminate itself. Vacuum as best you can to remove any debris caught between the laminate and wood.
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  4. Allow the area(s) to completely dry. This is a very important step, and the more time allowed to dry, the better the repair will be. If this area is near a sink, it would be best to not use the sink if possible. Shutting off the water can help prevent accidental usage in extreme cases.
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  5. Repair de-laminated areas.[4] After being allowed to completely dry (overnight is minimum, but 24 - 48 hours is better), check for signs of dampness. A paper towel pressed into the areas and inspected after being removed should prove if water had been kept away during the drying time. If still damp, allow additional drying time or add a fan to speed drying; otherwise apply contact cement as per instructions on the container. It will be impossible to get the contact cement all the way to to the point where a factory bond exists. For this reason, apply the cement as far as practical and add extra at the furthest point you can reach. When ready to join, start from the edges and work to the center so that the extra cement will be forced further still to the factory bonded point. Work back towards the edges. Inspect for bubbles or air pockets under the laminate. When satisfied, apply even pressure to the laminate against the wood backing with weights, wedges, etc. overnight.
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  6. Remove weights, wedges, etc. and clean any contact cement that may have leeched out from between the laminate and backing by hand or with the plastic putty knife / scraper.
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  7. Mask off area to keep caulk over seam. When two surfaces join at an angle such as a backsplash and counter, allow for about or less width of caulking area on either side of the seam, how much is a personal preference. Painters tape, masking tape or any tape that doesn't leave residue will work fine. Apply the tape evenly so that the desired amount of exposure of both horizontal and vertical surfaces from the seam is visible.[5]
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[Edit]Applying Caulk

  1. Ready the caulk.[6] Cut the tip of the caulking tube (at any angle that works best for you as determined by your "practice runs") to make an opening about equal to the mask width.[7] Pierce the seal of the tube by inserting a nail or other thin object into the tip until the seal is punctured. While relieving the "catch" mechanism (locking tab around the rod at the handle end of the caulking gun or providing a 1/4 turn of the rod or which ever way your gun operates) pull the rod as far out of the gun as it will travel. Load the caulk tube into the caulking gun by inserting bottom end into the handle end of the gun. Press the nozzle end into the other end of the gun. Squeeze the trigger repeatedly until pressure is felt at the trigger. Slowly squeeze the trigger while watching for caulk to become visible at the end of the nozzle. Stop squeezing as soon as it appears. Have a paper towel or rag ready for any excess caulk that will continue to slowly ooze out. Instantly stopping this slow oozing can be accomplished by relieving the pressure on the rod by the gun - release the "catch" of the rod as described above.
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  2. Apply caulk. [8] Run a bead of caulk directly over the seam. By providing steady pressure to the caulk gun trigger and moving along the seam at a steady speed at the same time, acceptable results should be obtained. Work on areas no greater than at a time. "Tool" the bead with the wedge tool included with some brands of caulk, a popsicle stick or vinyl gloved finger will also work. A bare finger however, wet with saliva seems to work best and is the way it is done most often in the field. Tooling is done for two reasons: it forces the bead into the seam void and it provides a smooth bead surface that makes cleaning easier. Starting at one end, press the tool or finger into the bead and wipe evenly towards the opposite end. Wipe built-up excess caulk from your finger or tool as needed with paper towels or rags, and re-wet finger before repeating. When "tooling" the caulk, work the edge of the caulk near the tape edges nearest to the seam to be as thin as possible, leaving the bulk of the caulk directly over the seam. Tool the caulk until satisfied with appearance. Repeat for each additional lengths until complete. Do not work too large an area or waste too much time as after the caulk begins to "skin over" tooling will be difficult and result in wrinkling the surface.
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  3. Fill seams between laminate sections, such as where the counter top or backsplash required more than one piece of laminate. Apply thin bead directly over seams and press firmly in as you wipe into seam with wet finger. Do this several times to ensure caulk has permeated the space between sections to prevent water from entering. Wipe away any excess caulk on the surface of the laminate with a damp paper towel or rag.
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  4. Remove tape. Check the caulk on surface of the tape to ensure it is no longer wet. Caulk on the surface of the tape should be of minimal thickness - practically transparent at the edge tape's edge. Carefully and slowly lift the tape from the laminate. It should come up in one piece and there should be no wet caulk bridging the gap between the tape and the laminate as it is lifted away. If there is, allow more drying time before reattempting. The thinner the caulk is at the tapes edge, the better the results will be.
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  5. Allow the caulk to fully cure as per manufacturer's directions before cleaning, etc.
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  • Consider using the small (6 ounce or so) tube of caulk for small jobs. The large tubes should be used at once, as they seldom last very long after initial opening even when recapped. The small tube has the advantage of the ability to get into tight places that the larger caulking gun can not reach.
  • Many caulks are available in colors. Don't settle for white or clear unless it is what you want. The "big box" stores usually have the best selections.
  • While 100% silicone caulk is extremely durable, there are other types with different formulations. Each type has it's own list of pros and cons.
  • If you've never worked with caulk before, practice on scrap before tackling your counter or sink. Learn the "feel" of the tools and how pressure and on the tools change the output and function. Try running beads of caulk with a tip cut at 45 degrees, but have the tip oriented different ways to see the resultant bead. Try a bead with a straight cut tip. Use the tip angle and orientation with which you feel most comfortable. It's better to make mistakes here, than in your kitchen or bath.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Time. The prep time (cleaning and dry time specifically) are often significantly greater than the actual repair time. Don't rush through these steps.
  • High quality caulk. Use of 100 % silicone caulk generally stands up best, however it may not stick to some materials. Test adhesion qualities if unsure. Also, different manufacturers state the application on each tube, if unable to determine - ask store clerk for recommendations. Caulk is available in larger tubes that require an inexpensive "gun" that forces the product out and small tubes that rely on hand pressure to squeeze product out. The hand held tubes are perfect for small jobs - and getting into tight spaces (between sink and backsplash).
  • Caulking gun. If using small hand held tubes of caulk, the gun will not be needed.
  • Putty knife / scraper (plastic is highly recommended). Purchase a knife / scraper narrow enough to fit in areas with little clearance (between backsplash and sink). Plastic tools are desirable because they are less likely to damage finished surfaces and they can be "custom" trimmed easily to fit in tight areas.
  • Paper towels / rags for clean up.
  • Cleaning agent. Preferably something that has little water content or dries with little or no residue. A low soap and water solution can be used if adequate drying time is provided.
  • Contact cement.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


How to Make Fake Ginger Ale Using Soda

Posted: 14 Apr 2022 01:00 AM PDT

"Bartender's ginger ale" has a decent amount of flavor when made correctly, but it's really a separate drink. A few people prefer their whiskey and "ginger" made this way, but for most, it's just a substitute when there's no ginger ale around. If you came here expecting a closer imitation, check out the homemade version with ginger syrup instead.


[Edit]Making Ginger Ale Substitute

  1. Make this for an emergency mixed drink ingredient. Some bartenders use this substitute when there's no ginger ale in stock. It's not intended to be an amazing drink by itself, or to be drunk straight.
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    • Don't assume the customer is fine with the substitute. Let them know you would have to use a soda replacement, and give them the option to change the order.
  2. Start with a glass of ice. As always, mix in a glass of ice to keep the ingredients cold.
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  3. Add a couple dashes of bitters. This adds a spicy aroma and taste to replace the ginger bite. You may use Angostura bitters, or whatever you have on hand.
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    • Bitters are alcoholic. Skip this step if you're making the drink for kids or non-drinkers.
  4. Add a splash of sour mix. Most prepackaged sour mixes taste terrible. Make this simple recipe yourself for best results:
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    • Make simple syrup by combining equal amounts of sugar and water. Heat and stir until all sugar is dissolved, then let cool.
    • To make sour mix, combine two parts simple syrup and three parts lemon or lime juice.[1]
  5. Pour the glass mostly full of lemon-lime soda. At least ¾ of the "ginger ale" should be Sprite, 7–Up, or another lemon-lime soda. You can even make it most of the drink, saving just a splash for the remaining ingredients.
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  6. Fill the rest with cola. The main purpose of the cola is to add a golden color to the clear soda. You only need a splash, but you can add up to ¼ of the glass if you prefer the taste.
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  7. Add it to the drink. Test your fake ginger ale by mixing it with whiskey, or use it in cocktails such as the Moscow mule. Bartenders typically add the same amount they would regular ginger ale.
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[Edit]Making Quick Ginger Ale at Home

  1. Try this for a real ginger taste. If you want a more authentic ginger flavor, you can rely on this recipe instead. Making it at home allows you to adjust the strength to suit your taste.
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  2. Start with ginger syrup. Start with about 2 tbsp (30mL) for a 10-oz (300mL) glass. You can find this ingredient at health food stores, upper end grocery stores, or online. For a fresher taste, make your own:
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    • Heat 1 cup (240mL) water and 1¼ cups (240g) sugar, stirring until dissolved.
    • Add ½ cup (120mL) grated or thinly sliced, raw ginger.
    • Simmer for 15 minutes.
    • Let cool, then add 2 tbsp (30mL) lemon juice.
  3. Fill the glass with seltzer or soda. Plain seltzer (fizzy water) is best. You may use lemon-lime soda, cream soda, or other sodas. Sodas add a large amount of sugar and can overpower the ginger taste.
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  4. Add a few drops of bitters (optional). This alcoholic ingredient will add complex herbal flavors. Try it if you happen to have it on hand, but don't bother buying it if you don't make cocktails at home.
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  5. Stir and serve. Give it a stir until all the ginger syrup has dissolved. Add ice or drink it straight.
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  • Ginger ale is a sweet soda, with very little ginger flavor. If you enjoy a strong ginger flavor, try making ginger beer instead.

[Edit]Things You'll Need


  • Lemon-Lime Soda
  • Cola
  • Bitters
  • Sour mix
  • Glass
  • Ice

[Edit]Home Recipe

  • Ginger syrup
  • Seltzer or colorless soda
  • Bitters
  • Glass

[Edit]Related wikiHows


How to Create a Paper Bag Book Cover

Posted: 13 Apr 2022 05:00 PM PDT

Covering a book with paper protects the hardcover from wear and tear. If you just don't like to use plastic wrap or fabric covers to cover your books, then a paper bag is a great alternative, and is also environmentally friendly. Using a brown paper bag also allows you to personalize the cover with your own designs and decorations. With just scissors, tape, and some creative folding, you can cover any book.


[Edit]Preparing the Paper

  1. Choose a paper bag to cover your book with. It will need to be at least double the width of your book, so that it can cover both the front and back. It also needs to be 3 in (7.6 cm) taller than the height of your book in order to fit properly.[1]
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  2. Cut open your brown paper shopping bag along one seam. Choose either side, rather than the bottom. Be sure you don't cut both sides, only one. Remove the handles if it has any.

  3. Cut off the flaps formed by the bottom of the bag. Don't cut more than 1 to 2 in (2 to 5 cm). You want one large sheet of paper.

  4. Place the book in the center of the paper. Make sure the paper is large enough to cover the book in its entirety. Check that the paper will wrap around the book, covering the front and back.[2]

[Edit]Covering the Book

  1. Wrap the paper up across the bottom of the book. Make a crease along the bottom cover. You can use double-sided tape to secure the fold, if you wish. This will help secure the cover.[3]

  2. Place the book on top of the bottom fold so the edges are even. Wrap the paper up across the top of the book. Make a crease along the top cover. Again, feel free to use tape to hold the fold in place. Then, remove the book from the paper.

    • Measure the folds. They should be at least 1.6 in (4 cm) in length.[4]
  3. Fold the paper up at the bottom crease and down at the top crease. You should have a strip of paper big enough to cover the book from top to bottom.

    • Try not to create new folds on top of preexisting folds in the paper. This will cause your book cover to tear more easily.[5]
  4. Place the book back in the center of the paper. Wrap the paper across the front of the book from left to right and adjust the book position until the two ends of the paper are even.[6]

  5. Fold the overlap around the front cover of the book. Make a crease. Then insert the front cover of the book into the slot created by the paper folded over at the top and the bottom. Slide the paper over the book until you hit the crease.

  6. Fold the overlap around the back cover of the book. Make a crease. Then insert the back cover of the book into the slot created by the paper folded over at the top and the bottom. Slide the paper over the book until you hit the crease.[7]

  7. Stop if the cover fits snugly. If it seems a little loose or the top and bottom folds are not lying flat, you can use small pieces of tape to pull the front and the inside flap together a little more securely.

    • Do not tape the paper cover to the actual cover of the book; the paper cover will move a little when the book opens, and you could damage the book cover.[8]
  8. Decorate your book cover, if you like. Remove the book and add stickers, drawings, or designs to the paper. You can add a name tag, or use fancy fonts or scripts to write the title of the book. You can make designs out of paper and attach them with rubber cement or double-sided tape. When you are finished, put the cover back on the book.



  • If you have a color printer and scanner, copy the cover, back cover, and spine of your book and tape the copies onto the book cover.
  • To make the cover more durable, remove it from the book and unfold it so that it lies flat. Cut a piece of clear adhesive covering so that it will cover most of the outer surface of the book cover. Remove the backing from the clear adhesive and carefully apply it to the book cover, smoothing as you go to avoid air bubbles. Now refold the cover and put it back on the book.
  • If your supermarket no longer offers paper bags, buy a roll of the brown paper designed for wrapping parcels and use that instead. Cut a piece long enough to cover the front, back and spine of the book with at least 3 in (7.6 cm) of overlap at either end.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • A book
  • Paper bag or roll of paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape (optional)
  • Things to decorate your book cover (optional)
  • Cardboard or clear adhesive covering to put inside to make it durable (optional)

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How to Make Outline Text in Word

Posted: 13 Apr 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Want to create an outline around certain letters in your Word document? There are two easy ways you can surround words and phrases with colored outlines in Word—using Text Effects, and using Word Art. We'll show you how to make any font in your Microsoft Word document stand out by outlining it in color.


[Edit]Using an Outline Text Effect

  1. Type the word or phrase you want to outline. The lines around your text will look better on larger characters, so make your font a bit larger than the rest of your text.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 1 Version 5.jpg
    • You can make the letters any color you want before creating an outline around them. Just highlight the word or phrase, and then select a color from the "Font" panel at the top of Word.
  2. Highlight the text you want to outline. Just click and drag the mouse around the text to select it.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 2 Version 5.jpg
  3. Click the Text Effects and Typography tool. This is the "A" surrounded by a blue glowing outline in the "Font" panel at the top of Word.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 3 Version 5.jpg
    • If you don't see this icon, click the Home tab at the top of Word.
  4. Select the menu. Now you'll see all of the options you can use to create an outline around the selected letters.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 4 Version 5.jpg
  5. Select an outline color. To choose the color of the line that surrounds your text, choose one of the colors displayed on the menu, or select More Outline Colors… to select a custom color.
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  6. Use the menu to select the thickness of the outline. The larger the number, the thicker the outline around the letters.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 6 Version 4.jpg
    • If you go too thick, you might make the text unreadable. You can always undo the last action in word by pressing Control + Z (PC) or Command + Z (Mac).
  7. Use the menu to stylize the outline. If you'd rather have a dotted, dashed, or otherwise stylized line around your word or phrase instead of a solid line, you can select any of the options in this menu.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 7 Version 3.jpg

[Edit]Using Word Art

  1. Click the tab at the top of Word. WordArt is a tool that can help you create all types of vibrant text designs, including color outlines. You'll find it on the Insert tab.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 8 Version 3.jpg
  2. Click the menu. It's the icon of a tiled blue "A" on the Insert tab in Word. A menu with several text styles will appear.[1]
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 9 Version 3.jpg
  3. Select an outline style. Not all WordArt styles have outlines, but several do. Don't worry about the colors you see in the sample—you'll be able to change those if you don't like them. Once you click a style, you'll see some sample text appear on the page.
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  4. Replace the sample text with your own. The text you type will appear in the selected outline style.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 11.jpg
  5. Select the tab. It'll appear at the top of the screen while you're editing WordArt. This tab should already be active, but if it's not, click it now.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 12.jpg
  6. Click the small arrow at the bottom-right corner of the WordArt Styles panel. It's at the top of Word. This expands the "Format Shape" panel on the right side of Word.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 13.jpg
  7. Click the icon. It's the "A" with a line under it in the right panel.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 14.jpg
  8. Click to select a color. When you choose this option, you'll be able to choose the color of the actual text—you can choose an outline color separately.
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  9. Click to design your outline. On this menu option, you can select a color, width, and even pattern (such as dotted or dashed) for the lines that surround your letters.
    Make Outline Text in Word Step 16.jpg

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How to Dissolve an Eggshell

Posted: 13 Apr 2022 01:00 AM PDT

You can dissolve the shell of an egg so that the membrane is completely intact, leaving the egg "naked." The process is simple, takes only a few days, and can easily be done using household objects. An eggshell is made up mostly of a compound called calcium carbonate which dissolves when exposed to an acid such as vinegar.[1] During the chemical reaction, you will see tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide be released from the surface of the egg. This is an easy and safe science experiment to perform at home.


[Edit]Dissolving the Eggshell

  1. Gather your materials. For this experiment you will need a fresh, uncooked egg, a drinking glass, a dissolving solution such as white vinegar or a cola beverage, and 4-5 days of patience. The drinking glass needs to be large enough for the egg to touch the bottom without touching the sides of the glass.
    Dissolve an Eggshell Step 1 Version 3.jpg
    • You can also use a plastic cup or container to hold the egg, but clear containers allow you to observe the experiment over time.
    • Use a fresh egg because an older egg will float in the liquid.
    • Before you begin, examine your uncooked egg for cracks.
  2. Place the egg in the glass and submerge with vinegar. Gently place the egg in the bottom of the glass taking care not to crack it. Pour enough vinegar (or cola) over the egg until it is completely submerged in the liquid.

    • The chemical reaction between the acetic acid in the cola and the calcium carbonate in the eggshell causes the shell to dissolve.
  3. Cover and refrigerate the egg for 24 hours.[2] Cover the top of the container with foil or plastic wrap and place it on a shelf of the refrigerator where it will remain undisturbed. Keep it out of the way so it doesn't get knocked around.

  4. Replace the vinegar in the cup after 24 hours. After the first day, you should see the frothy residue of the shell on the surface of the liquid. You will also see that parts of the shell still remain on the egg. The shell takes at least 2 days to fully dissolve and may take up to 3.

    • Gently pour out the vinegar taking care to keep the egg from falling out of the container.
    • Carefully roll the egg back down to the bottom of the container and refill it with vinegar.
  5. Leave the egg undisturbed for at least 24 more hours. Place the egg back in the refrigerator and leave it alone. After at least another 24 hours, remove the egg to check its progress. If there are no white spots or areas that look like shell left on the egg, the dissolving process is complete.
    Dissolve an Eggshell Step 5 Version 3.jpg
    • Gently pour out the vinegar and catch the naked egg in your hand. See how it feels.

[Edit]Experimenting with the Naked Egg

  1. Test the strength of the membrane. Carefully remove the egg from the vinegar. You may notice that it feels quite rubbery. To test the strength of the membrane, try dropping the egg on the table and see if it bounces. Start with just one inch above the table and then increase the height by an inch at a time.[3]

    • At a certain height, the egg will break. Do this activity outside or lay down newspaper before experimenting.
  2. Grow the egg with water. The membrane of the egg is permeable to liquid, meaning that water can pass through into the egg. The contents of the inside of the egg contain about 90% water. If you put the egg in a cup that is 100% water, the water will pass through the membrane to equalize the amount of water inside the egg due to a process called osmosis. As the water moves into the egg, the egg swells in size.[4]

    • Add food coloring to the cup of water to color your egg.
    • You can also shrink the egg after growing it, if desired.
  3. Shrink the egg with corn syrup. Using the same properties of osmosis, you can shrink the egg by placing it in a solution with very little water. Place the egg in a container full of corn syrup. This time, water will pass out of the egg to equalize the amount of water on each side of the membrane. As the water leaves the egg, it will shrivel and shrink.[5]
    Dissolve an Eggshell Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    • You can put the egg back into a glass of water to grow it again after shrinking it, if desired.



  • If the egg is disturbed, the thin membrane under the shell may rupture, leaving you with a vinegar and egg cocktail and ruining your experiment.
  • Do not eat the egg when you're done experimenting with it. The shell protects it from contamination and with this removed it may not be safe to eat.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Dissolving agent (regular cola beverage or white vinegar)
  • 1 uncooked egg
  • 1 glass or plastic cup
  • Water
  • Corn syrup
  • Food coloring

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How to Make a Tuna Melt

Posted: 12 Apr 2022 05:00 PM PDT

A tuna melt is a satisfying hot sandwich commonly available at restaurants. It's cheap to make and perfect for lunch. Want to make your own at home but unsure how? Read on and find out!


  • Canned tuna
  • Mayonnaise (regular or light)
  • Bread
  • Cheese
  • Butter
  • Extras (lettuce, tomatoes, etc.)


[Edit]Mixing the Tuna Salad

  1. Drain a can of tuna. Empty the can of tuna into a strainer or use the lid of the can to drain off most of the liquid. If you want to avoid more of the oil, you can also give the tuna a rinse under the faucet.[1]
    Make a Tuna Melt Step 1 Version 3.jpg
    • Solid white tuna generally makes a better tuna salad mix than chunk tuna. It's got a thicker, heartier meat, so it holds up better with the condiments. Use whatever kind of tuna you like best.
  2. Using a fork, mix the tuna with mayonnaise. In a bowl, break up the tuna in the mayonnaise, creating smaller chunks and coating the mixture in mayo. This makes basic tuna salad.[2]

    • If you like smoother tuna salad, you can mix this up in the food processor as opposed to the bowl-and-fork method.
    • If you like relatively dry tuna salad, you only need to add of mayonnaise. Be careful not to add too much at first. If you want more mayo, you can add more at any point. Use however much you like.
    • If you don't like mayo, you can use any type of salad dressing or oil to bind together the tuna. Try using Italian salad dressing, or even just a bit of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Brown mustard also makes for a good mayo substitute in tuna salad.
  3. Add condiments to taste. To make a basic tuna salad, add a tablespoon or two of pickle relish, a teaspoon of brown mustard, and pinch of dry dill. Salt and pepper the tuna salad to your desired taste. Mix thoroughly.[3]

    • Onion and garlic make for good additions to tuna salad. Add a quarter teaspoon each of the dried versions for less potent additions, or chop up a small amount (half a clove of garlic, and an 1/8th of an onion) if you're into the raw version.
    • Add whatever tastes you like. A pinch of curry powder and hot sauce can make for a spicy Indian style tuna salad, while some Parmesan, chopped green olives, spring onion, and dried oregano can be a delicious Mediterranean alternative. Experiment and find what you like.

[Edit]Making the Sandwich

  1. Choose your bread and cheese. The tuna melt is basically a toasted or grilled cheese sandwich with the addition of tuna salad, so the only other essential is any kind of bread and cheese you like to eat. For a basic tuna melt, you can use simple white sandwich bread and a slice of yellow cheese.
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    • Rye bread and swiss makes for a delicious alternative. Parmesan and crusty Italian bread are likewise a good combination. Use whatever kind of bread and cheese you've got on hand, or whatever kind you like on other sandwiches.
  2. Heat up your skillet or pan. On medium-low heat, heat up your non-greased skilled until it's hot. Meanwhile, lightly butter your bread on both sides. Begin by toasting the first side of the bread. If you see it start to smoke, turn the heat down slightly and flip the bread over. Crisp both sides of both slices of the bread.[4]

    • If you don't want the added calories of the butter, one alternative to a tuna melt is to toast the bread in the toaster and heat the tuna and cheese in the microwave. Scoop some of the tuna salad on a microwave-safe plate and lay the cheese slices over the top. Microwave in 10-15 second increments until the cheese is melted.
  3. When you've got your bread toasted, turn the heat down to low. In the skillet, assemble your sandwich. Lay the cheese slices down on both slices of bread to let them melt. Carefully scoop some of the tuna salad on one of the slices. Cover the skillet with a lid and let the heat melt the cheese and heat up the tuna salad.[5]

    • Make sure to watch for smoke. If you've already toasted the bread too much it can burn rather quickly. Keep the heat on low and watch the sandwich carefully. It won't take long for the cheese to melt.
  4. Remove the sandwich from the skillet and put it together. Popular additions to the sandwich might include slices of tomato, raw onion, green pepper, or lettuce. Add arugula and yellow peppers for a spicy alternative.

  5. Finished.
    Make a Tuna Melt Step 8 Version 3.jpg



  • Keep an eye on the heat you are using and don't walk away from the stove (especially if you are cooking on a high heat!).

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Pan/griddle
  • Spatula
  • Optional food processor

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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Give Your Room a Makeover

Posted: 12 Apr 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Redecorating your room doesn't have to cost a lot of money—you can easily transform your space inexpensively. Start by decluttering your room so you're left only with things you truly need or love. Then, change the look of your walls, rearrange your furniture, update your favorite items with new finishes, or even replace a few pieces. Finish by adding accessories like a rug, artwork, and potted plants. Your room will look brand new in no time!


[Edit]Decluttering Your Room

  1. Throw away trash and remove unnecessary items. While this may not be the most fun part of giving your room a makeover, it is the most important! Put on your favorite playlist and get busy. Get rid of trash, throw away broken items, and put away things that don't belong in your room like dishes.[1]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 1 Version 3.jpg
    • Mail and other papers can often pile up so go through these types of items and recycle anything you don't need to keep.
  2. Donate any items you don't want or need. Spend some time going through your stuff and ask yourself "When was the last time I used this?" If you haven't touched it in 6 months, let it go! If your goal is to truly transform your space, you've got to be willing to get rid of things you don't use. If you want to be really thorough, sort through everything in your room—all your books, shoes, clothes, pictures, jewelry, makeup, movies, CDs, knickknacks—everything![2]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 2 Version 4.jpg
    • This is especially important for clothes and shoes -- if you don't wear it, you don't need it.
    • For items that have sentimental value, consider storing them in another room or even under your bed or in your closet. That way, they aren't on display but you can still take them out and look at them when you're feeling nostalgic.
  3. Organize your belongings. Put your clothes and shoes away, tidy up your desk or office area, clear off your nightstand and dresser, and remove any items from the floor. Try to find a logical place for everything and take advantage of storage solutions.[3]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 3 Version 4.jpg
    • You can clear off your closet floor by utilizing an over-the-door shoe organizer, put away school and office supplies in desk drawers or bins, and use vertical space by displaying items on a bookcase.
  4. Clean your room. Now that you've gotten rid of items that don't belong in your room as well as things you don't want to keep, it's time to break out the cleaning supplies. Thoroughly cleaning your room can make a big difference in how it looks! Take the time to dust all your surfaces and sweep and mop or vacuum your floor. Be sure to work from the top of your room down to the floor for best results.[4]
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    • Don't forget to clean your blinds (if you have them), clear out the stuff under your bed, and pick up anything on the floor.

[Edit]Changing the Look of Your Walls

  1. Paint your walls for a simple solution. Changing the color of your walls can make a dramatic impact on the way your room looks. Choose a color you love that complements items you know you're going to keep and display, such as a dresser or favorite piece of artwork. Start by moving everything away from the walls and masking the baseboards and ceiling. Apply a coat or 2 of primer and let it dry fully. Then, paint the walls with a roller using long, even strokes.
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 5 Version 3.jpg
    • To make your room look more airy and open, choose a light color such as white, gray, or yellow.
    • For a more dramatic effect, you can paint one wall a bold color and the rest a subtle hue.
    • There are tons of cool paints to try, like chalkboard paint or magnetic paint.
  2. Hang wallpaper to instantly transform your space. If you have the time and don't mind putting in the effort, hanging wallpaper adds texture and drama to your walls. Pick a color or pattern you truly love since wallpaper is more difficult to remove or redo than simply painting the walls. Measure your room before purchasing wallpaper and be sure to get a little extra in case of any issues.
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    • If your wallpaper is patterned, take care to line up the pattern when you add a new strip!
    • You can use removable wallpaper if you don't want to commit to the print or color permanently.
  3. Install shiplap to create a fun, nautical feel. If you want something a little less common, you could cover your walls in shiplap, which is a type of siding composed on horizontal boards. You can use interlocking shiplap boards or even simple boards cut to the length of your walls. Work your way from the bottom of the wall to the top.
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 7 Version 3.jpg
    • You can do all your walls for a cohesive look or even install shiplap on a single accent wall.
    • Paint the shiplap white for a clean, nautical feel or simply stain the wood for a more natural look.

[Edit]Updating and Arranging Your Furniture

  1. Swap out your old furniture for new pieces for a dramatic change. If you really want your room to look different and have some money to spend, you can buy new furniture. You don't have to replace everything—a new dresser, desk, or armchair can make a big impact. Choose statement pieces that match the vibe you want to create. A sleek white desk would be a great addition to a modern room while a brocade armchair is best for a more traditional space.
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    • If you're on a budget, check garage sales and thrift stores for second-hand furniture. You may also be able to find free pieces online through sites like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.
  2. Paint your furniture for a quick and easy makeover. Even if you can't afford to buy new furniture, you can still make it look different. Stick with bright white for a chic, modern style or paint it your favorite hue to add a pop of color. Be sure to remove the hardware first, put the furniture on a drop cloth, and use paint formulated for whatever surface you're working with.[5]
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    • You can even add new hardware, like pretty drawer pulls, to further change the look of your furniture.
  3. Rearrange your furniture to create a whole new look. One of the easiest ways to make over your room is to rearrange it! If your bed is in a corner, move it to the center of the room against a wall. If your desk is on the west wall, move it to the east wall. Just be sure to keep the flow of the space in mind and make sure you can easily access the door.[6]
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    • You can create little alcoves or nooks dedicated to your favorite activity. For instance, place a comfy chair, a lamp, and a blanket in the corner for a cozy reading nook. Or, set up a gaming chair and mini fridge near your TV if you love to play video games.
  4. Swap out your bedding for an instant upgrade. To easily give your room a new look, splurge on a new comforter and sheets. Pick a large-scale pattern for a bold look or a solid color for a more traditional feel. Add a few decorative pillows and set a folded blanket across the bottom fourth of your bed for an upscale vibe.[7]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 11 Version 3.jpg
    • Choose a pattern or color that you love and that works well with your furniture and accessories.
    • If you can afford it, go for sheets with a high thread count and an eiderdown comforter. You'll love lounging on your new bedding.
  5. Add a headboard to make your bed a focal point. Your bed is the staple piece of your room so adding a headboard or swapping out an existing one can make your room look totally different. Choose a style that reflects the rest of your space, such as one with curves for a feminine room or a studded headboard if you have an edgier vibe.[8]
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    • You can create tons of cool headboards yourself, like an upholstered headboard, a faux leather headboard, or even a light-up headboard!
  6. Put a canopy over your bed for a romantic accent. A canopy can easily give your room a whole different feel. If you're the romantic type, this might be just the thing for you. Opt for a traditional four-poster canopy or add some whimsy with a chandelier-style canopy.[9]
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    • White, gauzy tulle creates a soft, feminine look, while rich brocade gives off a sophisticated vibe.

[Edit]Accessorizing Your Space

  1. Install window treatments to create a finished look. Bare windows can make your room seem dull. Hanging curtains in a fun print or bright color can make a huge impact on the look of your room! Let them puddle on the floor for a luxurious look or choose a shorter style for a more modern take.[10]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 14 Version 4.jpg
    • Choose curtains in colors that complement your existing paint and decor. For instance, pick a color in your favorite photo or piece of artwork and choose curtains in that color.
    • If you're not a big fan of curtains, opt for blinds instead. They're available in lots of different materials and colors, so you're sure to find a style you like.
  2. Hang art on your walls to add interest. If your walls are mostly blank, an easy way to give them a makeover is to hang up artwork. Pick pieces that you love so you'll enjoy looking at them for years to come.[11]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 15 Version 2.jpg
    • You can opt for a large statement piece or even create a gallery wall with smaller framed pieces.
    • Head to thrift stores to find cool artwork and frames for cheap.
  3. Add a rug to create coziness. Monochromatic flooring can look drab. Whether you have carpet, vinyl, laminate, or wood flooring, you can easily break it up by adding a large rug in the center of your space or even a small rug under your desk or chair.[12]
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    • If you don't have a lot of prints in your room, go for a patterned rug. If you do have a lot of patterns, stick with a solid-colored rug.
  4. Place a bench at the end of your bed for an elevated look. A bench not only makes the room feel finished, it's functional, too. It can be used for seating or you can display a nice throw pillow and a few decorative pillows.[13]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 17 Version 2.jpg
    • If you need more storage space, use a bench that opens so you can put clothes, blankets, or other items inside when you're not using them.
  5. Create a display on your dresser to draw the eye to your favorite items. If you have artwork or knickknacks that you love, put them to good use by displaying them on your dresser. Aim to create visual balance by grouping items in threes and varying the height of the pieces.[14]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 18 Version 2.jpg
    • For instance, you could put a tall vase full of flowers in the center of your dresser and frame it with candles and photos. Add a few small collectibles, like statues or figurines, and voila!
  6. Install a chandelier for an elegant vibe. If you like a romantic, whimsy feel, install a chandelier in the middle of your ceiling. The soft glow and sparkle will make your room feel lush and elegant.[15]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 19 Version 2.jpg
    • If you're not into the idea of adding a chandelier, install some pendant lights or add a few lamps. You can buy new lampshades cheaply to transform your old light fixtures.
  7. Set some plants around the space to add a pop of green. Nothing breathes new life into a room like some greenery. Pick out a few potted plants or flowers and space them around your room. The possibilities are endless, so head to a garden store and find a few plants that you think are beautiful.[16]
    Give Your Room a Makeover Step 20 Version 2.jpg
    • Be sure to keep your room's light conditions in mind when choosing plants to ensure they'll thrive in your space. Don't forget to water them, either!
    • For a minimalist look, opt for succulents.
    • If you like something a little different, choose cacti.


  • Pick 2-3 colors to use in your room. While it's fine to have other accent colors, if you use too many colors your room will look busy.
  • Keep your room clean. In order to enjoy your new space, you have to keep it looking good.



How to Build a Cat Condo

Posted: 12 Apr 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Cat condos are different from cat trees in that they contain more cubbies for the cat to hide in. They are great for houses with children or dogs because they will give the cat a place to hide in. This article will show you a few ways of creating a cat condo. It will also give you a few tips on how to encourage your cat to use the condo.


[Edit]Making a Simple Cat Condo

  1. Find a cardboard box large enough to fit your cat. If there is a large cardboard box that your cat already likes to sleep in, consider using that.
    Build a Cat Condo Step 1 Version 3.jpg
  2. Lay the box down on its side. If the box has a top part that folds down, cut it off using a box cutter. You can also fold the flaps inward and secure them with glue.
    Build a Cat Condo Step 2 Version 3.jpg
  3. Consider painting the box or covering it with fabric. You can paint the box using spray paint or acrylic paint. You can also cover it with glue and fabric.
    Build a Cat Condo Step 3 Version 3.jpg
    • Apply acrylic paint using a wide paint brush or a foam brush. To reduce brushstrokes, apply the paint in thin layers. Let each layer dry before applying another one.
    • If you are spray painting the box, go outside or work in a well-ventilated area. Be sure to cover your work surface with lots of newspaper.
    • To cover your box with fabric: Cut five pieces of fabric. Each one needs to be large enough to cover each side of the box. Cover the box with glue, and press the fabric down onto it. Work on one side at a time.
  4. Place a towel or a fleece blanket inside the box. You can cut it down to fit inside the box, or just fold it. This will make the box more comfortable for your cat.
    Build a Cat Condo Step 4 Version 2.jpg
  5. Consider draping a curtain over the front opening of the box. Cats love dark, private places. Cut a piece of fabric that is the same with as your box, and about ½ inch (1.27 centimeters) taller. Draw a ½ inch wide line of fabric glue along the top edge, closest to the opening. Press the edge of the curtain down into the glue.
    Build a Cat Condo Step 5 Version 3.jpg
    • Consider gluing a ½ to 1 inch wide ribbon all the way around the edge of the box opening. This will not only hide the top edge of the curtain, but also give the box some contrast.
  6. Place the cat condo in a place your cat will notice. To encourage your cat to use the box, scatter some cat treats or catnip inside the box.
    Build a Cat Condo Step 6 Version 3.jpg

[Edit]Making a Cardboard Cat Condo

  1. Find two cube shaped boxes large enough for your cat to fit inside. Both boxes need to be the same size. A great place to pick up boxes is at an art store, an office supply store, or a post office. You can also ask your local shops for any shipping boxes. Most stores toss them out once they unpack their products.
    Build a Cat Condo Step 7 Version 3.jpg
  2. Use a pencil to draw a doorway in the first box. It must be large enough for your cat to craw through. Use your cat's whiskers as a guideline for the width. Cats will not go through anything they can't get their whiskers through.[1] The doorway can be any shape you want, but make sure that it is as close to the bottom edge as possible. Here are some ideas to get you started:
    Build a Cat Condo Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    • Set circle and paw print shaped doors about 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 centimeters) up from the bottom edge. Use a plate to trace the circle or paw pad. Use a small cup to trace the "fingers" of the paw.
    • Set arched, square, and triangular doors right against the bottom edge.
  3. Cut the doorway out using a box cutter. If your box came flat or unfolded, slide a self-heating cutting mat inside box before you start cutting.[2] Be sure to erase any remaining pencil marks after you cut the doorway out.
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  4. Secure the top and bottom of the first box, if necessary. If your box came flat or unfolded, put it together first. Glue the bottom flaps shut using tacky glue, wood glue, or white glue.
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  5. Consider adding a window to the second box. Make it smaller than the doorway, and set it fight in the middle of the box side. You can make it any shape you want, but it might look better if it matches the doorway. Use a pencil to draw the shape, and a box cutter to cut it out. Carefully erase any pencil marks that are left over after you cut the window out.
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    • If your second box came flat/unfolded, slip a self-healing cutting mat inside before cutting it.
  6. Secure the bottom of the second box with glue. Do not secure the top part just yet. Once again, if your second box came flat or unfolded, put it together first. Glue the flaps shut like you did with the first box. You are leaving the second box open so that you can add a crawl hole into the floor later.
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  7. Glue the second box on top of the first box and let the glue dry. Use a wide paintbrush or a foam brush to apply the glue to the top of the first box, and the bottom of the second box. Press both boxes together. The window and doorway can be facing the same direction, or they can be facing in different directions.
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  8. Use a marker to trace a crawl hole in the floor of the second box. Place a plate down in the corner of the box, about 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 centimeters) away from both edges. Draw around the plate using a marker, and lift the plate away.
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  9. Cut hole out using a box cutter. You may need to cut around the hole a few times in order to get through all of the cardboard layers. The hole needs to be large enough for your cat to crawl through. If the hole is too small, make it larger.
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  10. Secure top of the second box and let the glue dry. Glue the top flaps shut using tacky glue, wood glue, or white glue.
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  11. Consider painting the cat condo. You can paint both boxes the same color, or contrasting colors. If you want, you can even paint the inside rim of the windows and doorways a contrasting color. This will help them stand out more. You can use spray paint or acrylic paint.
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    • If you are using spray paint, be sure to cover your work space with newspaper. Paint outside or in a well-ventilated area.
    • If you are using acrylic paint, apply the paint using a wide paintbrush or a foam brush. To get a smooth finish, apply several thin coats of paint rather than one thick coat.
  12. Consider adding a fleece blanket or a towel inside the cat condo. You can cut the blanket or towel down to fit inside your box, or you can fold it. You put it inside either floor of your cat condo, or even both floors. Do not glue the blanket or towel down; you want to be able to take it out so that you can wash it from time to time.
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    • If you are putting a blanket or towel on the second floor, make sure that you are not covering up the crawl hole.
  13. Set the cat condo down in a place where your cat will notice it. To entice your cat to use it, scatter some cat treats or catnip in both boxes.
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[Edit]Making a Cat Condo Using Tables

  1. Find two coffee tables. One needs to be cube-shaped while the other needs to be rectangular. Both need to be about the same width. It is fine if the rectangular table is a few inches/centimeters wider, however. The rectangular coffee table will make the bottom of the condo, and the cube-shaped one will make the top.[3]
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    • The cube-shaped coffee table should not have a shelf between the legs. It is fine if the rectangular one has a shelf, however.
  2. Consider painting the coffee tables. If the color does not appeal to you, you can always paint the tables. The quickest way to do this would be with spray paint, but you can use acrylic paint and a wide paint brush as well. You can paint both tables the same color. You can also paint them using contrasting colors instead.
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    • You will be gluing rope to some of the table legs in a later step. You might want to leave those legs unpainted.
    • If you will be gluing some carpet down to the top of the square table (or the shelf on the rectangular table), leave that part unpainted.
  3. Place the square table on top of the rectangular table and secure it with wood glue or metal brackets. Position the square table at one of the narrow ends of the rectangular table. The other half of the rectangular table should be bare. This will create a shelf for the cat to sit on. If you left some of the legs unpainted, those legs should be facing the longer/bare part of the rectangular table.
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    • If you are using wood glue: paint the bottom of the square table's legs with a thick layer of wood glue. Place the table down on top of the rectangular table and let the glue dry.
    • If you are using metal brackets: Take four L-shaped metal brackets, and screw them to the inside of each of the square table's legs. Set the table down on top of the rectangular table. Screw the brackets to the top of the rectangular table.
  4. Wrap sisal rope around two legs of the square table. Make sure that the legs you are wrapping are facing the shelf/bare part of the rectangular table. Scuff the entire leg up with rough sandpaper, then paint the first few inches/centimeters of the leg with wood glue. Wrap the rope around the leg until you cover the glue. Paint the leg with a few more inches/centimeters of glue, and wrap more rope around it. Keep painting glue and wrapping rope until you cover the entire leg. Repeat this step for the other leg.
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    • Consider wrapping some of the legs on the rectangular table as well. You can wrap whatever legs you want. They don't have to be right next to each other, like with the square table.
    • These rope-wrapped legs will act as scratching posts for your cat, and save your furniture.
  5. Consider covering top of the square table with carpet. This will make it more comfortable for your cat. Measure the top of your square table and buy some carpet according to those measurements. Scuff the top with rough sandpaper, and paint the entire surface with wood glue. Paint the back of the carpet with wood glue, then press the carpet down onto the table top.
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    • If your rectangular table has a shelf, consider cover that with carpet as well.
    • You can use any color of carpet you like. It can match the table color, or contrast it. For example, if your table is white, consider blue or teal for the carpet.
  6. Set the cat condo down where your cat will see it. Give your cat some time to get used to the condo. You can also encourage your cat to use it by leaving some cat treats or catnip on it.
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[Edit]Making a Wooden Cat Condo

  1. Get four cube-shaped boxes, each one 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) smaller than the last one. The largest box needs to have a top and bottom, but the smaller boxes only need a top. They don't need a bottom as they will be stacked on top of each other. The smallest box needs to be large enough for your cat to curl up inside.
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    • For a standard-sized cat, start with18 inches (45.72 centimeters) as your largest box. The other three boxes are as follows: 16 inches (40.64 centimeters), 14 inches (35.56 centimeters), and 12 inches (30.48 centimeters). If you have a large cat, such as a Maine Coon, you will need bigger boxes.
    • The boxes can be made out of wood or cardboard. Wooden boxes, however, will be more durable.
    • You can buy the boxes, or build them yourself using cheap wood or particle board. Use nails or wood glue to put the boxes together.
  2. Cut doorways and windows into the sides of the boxes using a saw. Each box needs to have at least one doorway. Use the width of your cat's whiskers as a guideline for cutting the doors. Cats will not crawl through anything that is narrower than their whiskers.
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    • You can make the windows and doors any shape you want, but circles and paw prints are the most popular.
    • If you are adding windows, make them smaller than the doorways.
  3. Cut a crawl hole into the top corner of the three largest boxes. Use a small plate to trace the hole, and a saw to cut it out. Make sure that the hole fits inside the smaller box on top of it. Also, make sure that the craw holes are not in the same spot; you want them to be staggered.
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    • Keep in mind that you will be stacking these boxes. You don't want the holes to be peeking out from under the upper box.
  4. Paint outside and inside of the boxes. You can paint them using acrylic paint or spray paint. If you are using spray paint, wood outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. If you are using acrylic paint, apply the paint using a paintbrush or a foam brush. Apply the acrylic paint using many, thin layers rather than one thick layer. This will prevent any brush strokes.
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    • You can paint the boxes all the same color, or contrasting colors.
    • You can paint the inside of the boxes the same color as the outside. You can also paint the inside a different color.
    • Consider painting the inside rims of the doors and windows using a contrasting color. This will help them stand out more.
  5. Stack the boxes and secure them with wood glue. Place the largest box down on the floor. Cover the bottom edges of the second largest box with wood glue. Place the box down on top of the largest box, making sure that one of the corners and two of the sides are aligned. You will end up with a thick ledge around the smaller box. Repeat this process of the other boxes. Make sure that all of the boxes are aligned on the same corner.
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    • Make sure that the doorways are facing the ledges.
  6. Consider glue carpet down onto the boxes. This can make your cat condo cozier and more comfy for your cat. You can glue carpet down to just the inside floor of each box, or just the ledges. You can also glue carpet down to both the inside floor and the ledges. #* Consider gluing carpet down to the top of the smallest box. Your cat will likely perch on top of this box at some point. You might as well make it a comfortable perch.
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  7. Place the cat condo in a place your cat will frequent. To encourage your cat to use the condo, scatter some catnip or cat treats inside it.
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  • Place the cat condo in a place your cat frequents. Your cat will be more likely to notice the cat condo. It may also help your cat that it is for her.
  • Some cats will need a little more time to get used to the cat condo.
  • Make your cat condo comfortable by leaving a soft blanket or towel inside. If your cat has a certain blanket she likes, consider putting that inside the condo as well.
  • Consider painting your cat condo. You can paint it a solid color, or add pretty designs to it. You cat may not care about what it looks like, but doing this might help it match your room decor.
  • Encourage your cat to use the condo by leaving some treats or catnip inside it.
  • If your cat refuses to use the cat condo, consider selling or donating it.
  • Encourage your cat to use the condo with toys. Consider leaving your cat's favorite toy inside the condo. If your cat likes to chase string or cat teasers, consider guiding your cat into/onto the cat condo with it.[4]
  • Reward your cat when she uses the condo with affection and attention. It may take some time before your cat uses her condo. When she does, give her lots of attention. If she likes getting scratched under the chin or behind the ear, do that. If she likes a certain cat treat, give her a few.[5]


  • Be careful of the types of toys you leave inside the condo. Don't leave anything that will come apart easily or that your cat can choke on.
  • Do not force your cat to use it. If you do, your cat will start to associate bad things with it and avoid it.
  • Make sure no cats are nearby while you make this. Cats are curious creatures. The last thing you'd want is to get paint on your cat.
  • Some cats just don't like cat condos. If your cat does not use the cat condo, try scattering some cat treats or catnip inside.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Making a Simple Cat Condo

  • 1 cardboard box
  • Glue
  • Fabric or paint
  • Blankets

[Edit]Making a Cardboard Cat Condo[6]

  • 2 cardboard boxes, same size
  • Glue
  • Box cutter
  • Self-healing cutting mat (optional)
  • Fleece blanket or towel (optional)
  • Paint (optional)

[Edit]Making a Cat Condo Using Tables[7]

  • 1 square coffee table
  • 1 rectangular coffee table
  • 4 metal brackets and screws (optional)
  • Wood glue
  • Spray paint
  • Sisal rope
  • Carpet

[Edit]Making a Wooden Cat Condo

  • 4 cube-shaped boxes
  • Wood glue
  • Paint
  • Carpet
  • Saw

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

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