Sunday, October 6, 2019

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Play Dominoes

Posted: 06 Oct 2019 05:00 PM PDT

Dominoes is a classic game that has been around for a long time, and it's not too hard to learn how to play! Two of the most popular dominoes games are "Straight Dominoes" and "Mexican Train Dominoes," and all you need is a set of tiles and a few friends to play with. Have fun competing against your friends hand after hand until someone emerges as the ultimate champion.


[Edit]Playing Straight Dominoes

  1. Play the game with 2 to 4 players. If there are 4 players, you could choose to play as partners with the person sitting opposite you, or you can each play your own hands. If you want to play with more than 4 people, use a double-12 set instead of a double-9 set.[1]
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    • A double-12 set comes with 91 tiles, and a double-9 set comes with 55 tiles.
  2. Shuffle the dominoes face down and draw to see who plays first. Lay all the tiles face down on a flat surface in front of you. Have one player mix up the tiles so that they are thoroughly shuffled. Let each person draw one tile—the person with the highest double will go first. If a double wasn't drawn, the person with the heaviest tile (the tile with the most pips) will go first. Put the tiles back into the pile and give them another quick shuffle.[2]
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    • Every dot on a tile is an individual "pip."
    • Because each game of dominoes involves playing several hands, trade off who shuffles at the beginning of each hand so everyone gets a turn.
  3. Have each player draw 7 dominoes for their hand. You can pick from anywhere in the pile, but after a tile has been picked, it can't be put back into the pile. Set your 7 dominoes up in front of you so that you can see them, but try to keep them hidden from your neighbors.[3]
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    • Play on a hard surface if you can, as that will make it easier to stand the dominoes on edge in front of you.
  4. Place the first tile in the center of the table to begin the round. The person who drew the tile to go first can put down whatever tile they want to get the game started. If this is you, it's generally a good idea to lay down a tile that you know you'd be able to build off of in your next turn.[4]
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    • For example, if you lay down a tile with 3 pips on one side and 1 pip on the other but don't have any other tiles with 3 or 1 pips on a side, you wouldn't be able to take a turn unless someone else lays down a tile you can match.
  5. Take turns building off the tiles on the board with the tiles in your hand. Go counter-clockwise around the table. Each turn consists of a player laying down one tile. That tile has to have a side that matches the open end of a domino that is already on the table. Continue taking turns until someone uses up all of their tiles.[5]
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    • If you lay down a tile with a blank side, it can only be matched with another tile that also has a blank side. In some games, people choose to make the blanks "wild," meaning you can ascribe any value to it. You can choose whichever option you like best!
  6. Pick up a tile from the draw pile if you can't play a tile in your hand. If the tile you pick up from the draw pile matches something on the board, you can play it. If not, add the tile to your hand. The turn then passes to the next person.[6]
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    • In this way, you can end up with way more than 7 tiles in your hand during any given game.
  7. Win the round by using all of the dominoes in your hand. Whoever is the first person to lay down all the tiles from their hand onto the table is the winner of that round. There will be at least 7 turns per round, but if everyone ends up having to pick up extra tiles from the draw pile, the game could last much longer than that.[7]
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    • Though you may have won the round, that doesn't mean you've won the game! You'll have several hands to play before the entire game is finished.
  8. Tally the score by adding up the points left in each player's hand. Have each player add up the total number of pips on the tiles they have left in front of them. On a piece of paper, add those numbers to the column of the person who won that hand. The first person to get to 100 points wins the game.[8]
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    • Because you have to get to 100 points before the game ends, there are multiple chances for every player to win rounds and ultimately come out victorious at the end!

[Edit]Competing at Mexican Train Dominoes

  1. Pull out the double-12 or double-9 domino from the set. Choose a domino set with a double-12 for a 13-hand game; choose the double-9 set for a 10-hand game. From whichever set you choose, remove the highest double-sided tile before you move on to shuffling.[9]
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    • In Mexican Train, the game starts with the highest double-sided tile in the middle of the table. Each hand after that starts with the double-sided tile that is one number less than the one preceding it: the first hand starts with the double-12, the second hand starts with the double-11, the third hand starts with the double-10, and so on.
  2. Shuffle the remaining dominoes facedown on the table in front of you. Lay out all of the tiles and flip them so they are pip-side down. Thoroughly mix them up by hand.[10]
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    • Because there are so many rounds played in Mexican Train, have players take turns flipping and shuffling the tiles.
  3. Have each player draw their cards from the shuffled tiles. After you draw your tiles, set them up in front of you on their sides so you can see what you have, but try your best to keep them hidden from your neighbors. You can play Mexican train with up to 8 people if you have a double-12 set. If you have a double-9 set, you can play with only 2 to 4 people. Follow this breakdown to determine how many tiles each person should take:[11]
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    • Double-12: 2 to 3 players take 16 tiles each; 4 players take 15 tiles each; 5 players take 14 tiles each; 6 players take 12 tiles each; 7 players take 10 tiles each; 8 players take 9 tiles each.
    • Double-9: 2 players take 15 tiles each; 3 players take 13 tiles each; 4 players take 10 tiles each.
  4. Put the remaining tiles into the "train yard" to draw from on future turns. If on any given turn you don't have a domino in your hand that can be played on either the Mexican train or your personal train, draw one tile from the train yard. If that tile can be played, play it. If not, it gets added to your hand and the turn passes on to the next player.[12]
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    • The "train yard" is also sometimes called the "bone pile."
    • Keep the tiles in the train yard face down.
  5. Set the double domino in the center of the table to begin play. After drawing tiles for your hand and creating the train yard, it's finally time for gameplay to begin! There are sets you can buy that include a little stand for the starter tile, which you're welcome to use if you have it. If not, simply place the double-12 or double-9 tile into the center of the playing space.[13]
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    • This starter tile is often referred to as the "engine tile."
    • Everyone can play off of the engine tile, though each person's personal train coming off of that engine tile isn't fair game to other players unless there is a marker on it, which appears when a player isn't able to take their turn.
  6. Pick someone to start and take turns clockwise around the table. Whoever goes first can lay down a tile only if they have one that matches the denomination of the engine tile. For example, if the engine tile is a double-12, then you must lay down a tile that has 12 pips on one side or the other. The 12-pip side needs to be laid down so it is connected to the double-12 engine tile.[14]
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    • The exception to the 1-tile per turn rule is if you lay down a double tile, meaning that the pips on each side of the tile are the same. If you lay down a double tile, take a second turn immediately and lay down an additional tile.
  7. Win a hand by being the first to lay down all of your dominoes. Once a player has laid down all the tiles in their hand, that particular round is over. Keep score on a piece of paper; have each player with tiles left in their hand add up the total number of pips. Add this figure beneath their name on the scoresheet. The goal is to have the lowest number at the end of all the rounds.[15]
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    • A set of double-12 dominoes will have 13 rounds, and a set of double-9 dominoes will have 10 rounds.
    • The only other way a round can end is if the entire train yard has been depleted and no one can make a move. In that case, everyone tallies up the pips left in their hand and those figures get added to the score sheet.
  8. Continue playing and keeping score until all the double tiles are used. Each new round is started with the engine tile that is one number lower than the one used in the previous hand (double-9 for the first hand, double-8 for the second hand, double-7 for the third, and so on). The blank double is the last engine you will use before the end of the game (blank tiles can only be matched with tiles that also have a blank side).[16]
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    • The already-used double tiles just get mixed back in with the other tiles when you shuffle between rounds.

[Edit]Printable Dominoes


  • Each dominoes game can have lots of variations depending on how you learned to play and who you're playing with, and that is okay! Just take a few moments to talk with your friends and make sure everyone agrees on the rules before you start playing.
  • Try playing dominoes online! It's a great way to play the game without having to actually own a set of dominoes.
  • There are many other games that can be played with dominoes, like Moon and Texas Two Step.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Dress a Newborn for Sleep

Posted: 06 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT

When it comes to dressing your newborn for bed, comfort is only a part of your considerations. The main concern is safety and reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Even though you may have put a lot of time (and money) into your baby's wardrobe, the truth is they don't need a ton of different outfits for their first weeks of life. Selecting the right amount and type of clothing, ensuring your newborn's safety, and establishing a healthy sleeping environment will give you peace of mind and allow your newborn to sleep comfortably and safely.


[Edit]Choosing a Base Layer

  1. Choose a onesie and light pants during warm weather and a long-sleeved onesie and pants when it's cold out. A base layer should be just that, a layer of clothes you put on your newborn before adding any additional garments. In warmer rooms, a short-sleeved onesie and light pants will provide enough warmth for your newborn. In cooler rooms, your newborn may need a long-sleeved onesie as a base layer. [1]
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  2. Select a fitted onesie or a wrap shirt as a base layer of clothing. Your newborn baby is not used to wearing clothes, and a onesie or a wrap shirt will stay in place and keep their tummy and back from being exposed. Plus, with the snaps at the bottom, you don't have to completely undress your newborn when the inevitable diaper change comes around! [2]
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    • A kimono, or wrap-style shirt opens across the front, so you don't have to pull the garment over your newborn's head when changing, which can cause many newborns to fuss.
    • Depending on the temperature, one layer may be all you need. You can use a long-sleeved onesie and add pants to create a warm base layer.
    • In temperatures or above a short-sleeved base layer is best.
  3. Check your newborn's skin to feel how warm or cold they are. You can get a good indication of how warm or cold your newborn is by feeling their skin in a few different places. Check your newborn's hairline and back of the neck, as well as their extremities like hands and feet. Their skin shouldn't feel too warm or too cold. Signs that your newborn may be too hot include flushed cheeks, fussiness, or a sweaty back.[3]
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    • As long as the newborn's head and chest are warm, they should be warm. Newborns naturally have poor circulation and may have feet and hands that are cool to the touch, but this does not always mean they are cold!
    • If your newborn's feet feel too cold, you can put on socks or switch the onesie or wrap to one that has footies.

[Edit]Selecting a Covering and Accessories

  1. Add one additional layer than what you're comfortable wearing in the room. This is a good rule of thumb when it comes to dressing your newborn. Layers make it easy to adjust your newborn's sleepwear if you need to. People tend to overbundle their babies, so it's important that you don't overdo the layers and run the risk of your newborn overheating. [4]
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    • If you are comfortable wearing a short-sleeved shirt, then choose a long-sleeved shirt and pants for your newborn.
    • If you are wearing a sweater to be comfortable, then dress your newborn in a soft sweater over the shirt and onesie or wrap shirt.
    • Cardigans with snaps rather than crew or V-necks with buttons or zippers make it easier to access and remove layers if needed.
    • Note: mom's temperature may fluctuate due to hormones and could affect how she senses temperature.
  2. Use a swaddle or a sleep sack instead of a blanket to wrap your newborn. Swaddling can help calm your newborn and allow them to sleep better by mimicking the feel of the womb.[5] It's important to avoid clothing or material that can ride up over the newborn's face and cause a choking hazard or increase the risk of SIDS. That's where sleep sacks and swaddles can really help, keeping your baby feeling warm and secure! [6]
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    • Do not cover your newborn with a separate, loose blanket as that can cover their faces and pose a potential choking hazard as well.
    • If you do use a sleep sack or wearable sleep blanket, be sure it doesn't have a hood!
    • Never use an electric blanket for your newborn baby.
    • Check with your doctor for the proper and safe swaddling technique.
  3. Avoid putting hats or beanies on your newborn's head. Newborn babies cool themselves down by releasing heat from their heads. Your newborn can quickly overheat if they fall asleep wearing a hat or beanie, so it's important to keep their head uncovered while they sleep. Additionally, the headwear is a potential choking hazard in the crib.[7]
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  4. Put mittens on your newborn to prevent them from scratching their face. Newborns can be very active while they sleep and may wriggle an arm or two free from their swaddle or sleep sack. They also can have sharp fingernails and can accidentally scratch their faces while they sleep. A pair of nice, soft mittens can remove the danger if it is a cause for concern![8]
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[Edit]Setting up a Comfortable Sleeping Environment

  1. Set the room temperature to . This is the ideal room temperature range for your newborn baby. However, be sure to keep your newborn away from a direct fan, open window, or air conditioning vent.[9]
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    • If you do not have a thermostat, consider getting a thermometer to monitor the temperature of your newborn's room.
  2. Use a fan or white noise machine to help your newborn sleep undisturbed. If your home is full of noise, it can hard for a newborn to fall asleep and stay asleep. An easy solution is to use a fan or a white noise machine to drown out any unwanted noises. This can also be helpful if you are traveling or sleeping somewhere other than your newborn's home environment. While studies have shown that fans do not reduce the risk of SIDS, they can still help your newborn sleep peacefully.[10]
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    • If you do use a fan, do not place it right next to your newborn's sensitive ears.
  3. Create a safe sleeping environment. Safety is the most important factor for your sleeping newborn. A safe sleeping environment is one that is free of any potential health and safety risks. Suffocation, choking and SIDS are all concerns that you should consider when designating your child's sleeping space. [11]
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    • Choose a new crib or bassinet that meets the current safety standards.
    • Choose a firm mattress and avoid soft mattress pads or memory foam.
    • Only use tight-fitting sheets specifically designed for your mattress.
    • Make sure there are no gaps between the mattress and the wall of the crib or bassinet.
    • Make sure there are no extra blankets or accessories such as crib bumpers, pillows, wedges, or stuffed animals.
    • Check for hazards such as curtain cords or baby monitor wires.
    • Avoid letting pets, especially cats, near the sleeping space.
    • While it is usually safe to use a pacifier for bed, never allow your newborn to fall asleep with a bottle.
    • Newborns should always be placed on their back to sleep, even during nap times!


  • Check with your doctor for the proper and safe way to swaddle your newborn.


How to Identify Honey Bees

Posted: 06 Oct 2019 01:00 AM PDT

Honey bees are very important insects that pollinate flowers and plants of all different varieties. Unlike wasps, they normally stay away from humans unless defending their nest, and they have a very vital role in the ecosystem. It's easy to tell the difference between honey bees, other types of bees, and wasps in nature, as well as differentiate between male and female bees!


[Edit]Spotting a Honey Bee

  1. Identify the body shape of the insect. The easiest way to differentiate a honey bee from other types of bees or wasps is to look at the shape of their thorax and abdomen. Honey bees have a distinctive barrel-shaped body and don't have a thin middle section between the thorax and abdomen like other insects.[1]
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    • Wasps tend to have a very thin middle section and distinct thorax and abdomen. Honey bees have a thorax and abdomen that look like one complete piece.
  2. Look for hair on the body and head. Honey bees are generally covered in small hairs that make them look fuzzy all over. Honey bees, unlike bumble bees, tend to have shorter hairs that are only visible when looking at them up close.[2]
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    • These tiny hairs are how the honey bee gathers pollen and transports it to other flowers, so the hair is very important for the survival of the bee!
  3. Follow the bee's flight path to tell the difference between bees and wasps. Honey bees are pollinators and will be flying between flowers and their nest to provide pollen and nectar to the colony. Wasps are carnivores, and will be travelling to locations where there are other insects to eat.
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    • Wasps and other carnivorous insects will also be attracted to human food, like your picnic. Honey bees normally won't come around human food.
    • Other bees, such as orchid bees, will also fly between flowers to pollinate. This method is only good for differentiating between bees and wasps.
  4. Use a magnifying glass to look at the eyes. Honey bees have hairy eyes to collect pollen from flowers and transport it over long distances. Honey bees will have two larger eyes on either side of their head, and then three small eyes in a triangle shape in the center of the head, which is a distinguishing trait of honey bees.[3]
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    • Male and female honey bees have eyes that are slightly different sizes and shapes, but they are both still hairy.
  5. Search for a nest inside hollow trees and other protected structures. Honey bee nests are easy to spot because they have the distinctive "honeycomb" structure in either white or yellow color. They won't build nests hanging from tree branches, like other types of bees, because the nest and honey would be unprotected. Instead, look inside of hollow trees or manmade structures.
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    • Honey bees will never make a nest in the ground. If you see insects have nested in holes, they are likely Yellow Jacket wasps, which are very dangerous and can sting.
    • Honey bee nests never have a protective or paper-like coating around them. They are open to the air and can appear shiny due to the nectar and honey being produced.

[Edit]Telling the Difference Between Male and Female

  1. Measure the size of the bee. Male honey bees tend to be around long, which is slightly larger than female honey bees, which are normally . The small size of the female bees, which are also known as worker bees, allow them to move quickly from flower to flower to pollinate and collect food for the nest.
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    • Males tend to have bodies that are more rounded than females, making them less agile while in flight.
    • The largest honey bee in the colony is the female queen bee, but it will only emerge from the nest when it's time to swarm. It's very unlikely that you will spot a queen bee outside of the nest!
  2. Use a magnifying glass to carefully inspect the eyes of the bee. Female honey bees have smaller eyes on either side of their head that are proportional to their bodies. Male bees have very large eyes that make it easier for them to spot the queen as she is moving about.[4]
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    • The female bee's small, separated eyes help to locate flowers and plants to pollinate while in flight.
    • The male bee's eyes will appear to touch at the top of the head, giving them a circular shape.
  3. Make note of where you found the bee in relation to the location of the nest. Most honey bees seen pollinating are female worker bees. The large male, or drone, bees can normally be found in the area near the nest. Male bees won't venture too far from the location of the nest and the queen bee.
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    • Male bees will sometimes fly away from the nest in large groups to mate with other queens.


  • If you aren't familiar with honey bees, observe from afar at first by using binoculars to track their movements.


  • While honey bees tend to shy away from humans, the female worker bees will defend their nest by stinging if needed. Always wear protective gear when working with honey bees.


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