Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Make Manga

Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:00 PM PDT

Manga are comics from Japan with their own unique aesthetic, such as large and expressive character eyes.[1] If you want to make your own manga and maybe be a professional mangaka, the start can be a bit daunting. But don't be discouraged—with a bit of planning you can create your own unique storyline with all of your own cool characters!


[Edit]Creating Your Characters and Settings

  1. Create your character profiles. Start by writing down some of the character's personality characteristics and physical attributes and then draw from there. Ask yourself questions like: does your character have powers? Friends, Relatives? Siblings? Are they a main character or side character.[2]

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    • Use your favorite manga characters for inspiration.
    • If you have a visual character idea, start with that and then move on to writing the character's personality traits next to it.
  2. Draw your characters. Create a basic face shape to start and then start drawing the ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. Remember that manga characters have very expressive eyes—experiment with their size and shape.[3]

    • Be sure to give eyes light reflections in the form of 2 ovals: a small one near the top of the eye covering primarily the iris and a bit of the pupil, and another smaller oval on the other side of the eye covering the spot where the iris touches the white part of the eye.[4]
    • Try giving males a smaller iris, which typically creates a more masculine look.[5]
  3. Choose a setting for your story. If you're having trouble, start drawing a map of the world you want to create. For example, if you're creating a post-apocalyptic shonen, start writing down some town locations. Afterward, mark off some forests, mountains, and other locations where you can place some fight scenes.[6]
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    • Always consider your genre before creating your setting. Look at other similar manga and see what kinds of settings are commonly used.
    • Consider your characters as you create your world. For example, ask yourself where each character currently resides and where they were born.
  4. Flesh out a story outline. Create a storyline that accommodates your characters. Change your characters' goals, personalities, and motivations as you flesh out the story. Start with your setting and genre and then get specific. Decide who the important characters are, the main plot, and how it relates to your setting. Determine the main conflicts, mysteries, challenges, and twists.[7]
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    • Don't be afraid the change story points and characters as the story develops.
  5. Break your storyline into manga volumes. Each manga chapter is about 19 pages, although the introduction chapter is usually 15. A volume of manga is about 150 pages, which is around 5 chapters. Since there are about 4 pages per scene, that gives you about 5 scenes per chapter.[8]
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    • Start writing down all of your main story events and points and group them into specific scenes. Afterward, group the scenes into chapters, and the chapters into volumes.

[Edit]Deciding on a Theme

  1. Create an action manga if you want to focus on fight scenes. Also known as shonen or shounen—which refers to a boy at high school or elementary age—these comics are best known for brief dialogue, lots of character movement, and plenty of battles. If you prefer to draw more than create a story, start with an action manga.[9] Some of the most well-known action manga are Naruto, Dragonball Z, One Piece, and Sword Art Online.[10]

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    • Narratives in action manga are often told through flashbacks.
    • Action manga speech is often characterized by intense, fast words such as character names and attack names.
    • If you're writing a Japanese manga and have a limited understanding of the language, make an action manga.
    • In recent years, shonen with female protagonists have become more common.
  2. Make a magical girl manga if you want a good-versus-evil story. These are pretty self-explanatory and feature young girls that turn into superheroes—often by means of a magical object—to fight an evil force. Typically, these girls are prepubescent or just entering womanhood. Although they feature fight scenes and lots of action, they also focus strongly on themes of friendship, life lessons, falling in love, and growing up.[11]

    • Magical girl manga fall into the shojo category, which means they are aimed at a young female audience.
    • Common magical girl manga are Sailor Moon and Powerpuff Girls Z.
  3. Craft a seinen manga if you prefer a focus on dark, mature stories. Seinen manga are counterparts to shonen and while some share similarities, they focus on darker stories and themes like politics, action, fantasy, science fiction, sports, relationships, and comedy. They are more violent and psychological than typical shonen action manga and sometimes have pornographic content.[12]

    Make Manga Step 3 Version 3.jpg
    • Try a seinen if you want your fight scenes mixed with dark storylines and characters.[13]
    • Common seinen manga are Ghost in the Shell, Tokyo Ghoul, Berserk, Gantz, and 20th Century Boys.
  4. Draw a comedy manga if you want to focus on jokes and real-life settings. Comedy manga are the most verbose and thus require a firm grasp of the language you're writing in. The pacing of speech bubbles are faster, but much more relaxed than action anime due to the focus on conversation rather than short, emotional bursts.[14]

    • Select the jokes you want to focus on: clean jokes, parody jokes, romance/comedy jokes, and/or dirty jokes.[15]
    • Comedy manga can take place anywhere you like, but are most often in real-life settings, such as high school. If you'd rather a more magical setting, consider an action manga.
  5. Make a monster battle manga if you like action and animals. The monster battle genre is best known for manga like Pokemon and Digimon. It focuses on training and battling monsters—which often uses everyday animals as the base of their design—within a quest or adventure. Often, the main characters are young boys and the story focuses on their journey to create a strong collection of monsters.[16]

  6. Create a mecha anime if you like action and robots. The word mecha comes from the word mechanical, and these manga focus on pilotable robots. In some cases, they take human shape, but this isn't a given. Some of the most well-known mecha anime are Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Knights of Sidonia. At the end of the day, you can do lots with this kind of manga—comedy, horror, action—but if it has a setting or plot with pilotable robots at the center, it's considered a mecha.[17]

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    • Consider drawing robots that are made from several smaller robots to make a "super robot."

[Edit]Crafting Your Layouts

  1. Decide on a reading direction. Traditional Japanese manga reads from the top to the bottom, moving vertically from the right to the left. If you want to stick to the roots of manga, use this reading direction. If you don't care, you can do the common English reading direction, which is moving vertically from left to right.[18]
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    • Ask yourself who your audience is. For example, if you're writing your manga in Japanese, consider making your comic read right-to-left.
    • Whichever reading direction you choose, make sure you stick with it—there's no changing your mind after!
  2. Create 3 speech bubbles per panel and 5 panels per page. Manga is much more fast-paced than traditional Western comics. This means there are more pages with fewer panels and less text. In general, you should have no more than 3 speech bubbles in each panel and an average of 5 panels per page.[19]

    • In general, stick to about 4 pages per scene.
    • Always separate panel groups by a space of , which is called the panel gutter.
    • Be sure that the small panel gutters within each panel grouping don't align with the gutters in other panel groupings.
  3. Use 4 long rectangular panels for short, comedic panels. This is the most simple type of panel layout and is best suited for a specific story or scene that is contained to one page. It works best when trying to create simple humor, although it can be used for any scene that requires a uniform and basic presentation.[20]
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    • When using this layout, use the first panel to set the scene, the second to create the event that creates the climax, the third for the climax, and the fourth as the reaction or conclusion of the scene.
  4. Increase the number and variety of panels for action scenes. Since action scenes have more character movement and changes in direction, you should use an increased number of panels and variation in shape to give them a dynamic feeling. For example, use 3 small panels for a punch: the first showing the character's angry eyes, the second showing his arm pulled back, and the third showing his fist hitting the opponent. You can even make the third panel a zig-zag border to add emphasis.[21]

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    • Replace square and rectangular panels with triangles or unique zig-zagging borders to create a dynamic feeling.
    • Use smaller panels to focus on the action rather than the setting, which is typically unimportant for these scenes.
  5. Use large, simple square or rectangles for conversation. When an important conversation is taking place, the dialogue boxes are usually more important than the pictures. Use simple, large panels to capture all the words while keeping the reader's focus on the characters.[22]
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    • Make sure the panels are big enough to show character faces and reactions.
    • Change viewing angles to make the conversation dynamic and keep the reader interested.
    • Minimize the number of dramatic changes between panels to keep the focus on the words.
    • Don't use speech bubble tails to indicate the character speaking. Instead, place the bubbles close to the speaker and—if necessary—use slang to make it obvious who is speaking.[23]
    • Create spiky outlined bubbles for yelled words and hazy bubbles for a character's thoughts.
  6. Draw large spreads for unique images and settings. Any image that spans 2 or more pages is usually used to show a detailed image or setting. Use these scenes to give the reader a broader sense of characters or settings. For example, an action manga that starts off with a fight between 2 characters can begin with a 2-page spread that shows that giant forest or mountain that the characters are battling in.[24]
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    • Use large panels to start your manga or break up a fast-paced fight or small panels. For example, create a large, connected image to shock the reader or contrast a close-quarters fight.
  7. Toy with dynamic panel layouts. Manga is cinematic and isn't limited to traditional panel rows. Try out unique panel layouts that cover the entire width or height of the page. You can also use diagonal lines, hazy outline patterns, or characters that break free from the panel.[25]

    • Fade your panels in and out for dramatic storytelling.
    • Read your favorite manga and emulate their dynamic panel layouts.
    • Use dynamic panels to showcase different viewpoints, bird's-eye viewpoints, and low-to-high panel angles.
    • Think of each panel as a camera angle.
  8. Create motion in characters and backgrounds. Unlike standard superhero comics – which have fully inked characters—manga use blurring limbs with motion, backgrounds made of speed lines, and emphasis lines originating from the point of impact. All of these techniques can be used to create the feeling of motion.[26]

  9. Use mood backgrounds and visual grammar. Try using abstract backgrounds and visual grammar to match and express the emotions of the characters. For example, if one of the characters in your magical girl manga is having thoughts of her crush, make the background flowers to express budding romance. In terms of visual grammar, you can use drops of sweat to express nervousness.[27]

    • If you're making a shonen, make the background flames during a powerup or scene where the character is angry.
    • Create swirling knots and black shadows if your character is in a psychologically dark place.
    • Use a hash mark on the forehead for someone angry or a group of spirit wisps when a character is sad.
    • Combine mood backgrounds and visual grammar or use them separately.



  • Don't worry if you fail on the first sketches. Drawing is something that takes time and practice!
  • Try to publish something in your own country. If you haven't, you will almost certainly be turned down by a Japanese publisher.
  • Keep drawing and once in a while look back at it to check for mistakes.
  • You don't need to color your entire manga—only the first few pages. The rest can be black and white.
  • Go through several designs of your characters and compare them to see which style fits your liking and their personality.
  • When selecting a storyline, always think of the genres. Do not limit yourself to stereotypes of genres, but be careful when mixing them. Putting aliens pointlessly into a romance story will be a little odd, but as per Kashimashi, if they're necessary to the plot, there's nothing stopping you!
  • Definitely don't go with the first thing you think of. Put time and work into development. If your work isn't perfect by your standards, then keep working! The talent will eventually come, and you'll be better than ever!
  • Know the limits. Don't make storylines too long in every chapter, as they tend to be boring (unless you are adding fight scenes in the story). Also, don't put too much dialogue in the story.
  • Be creative and choose wisely before putting any main and additional characters. Intertwine the plot and characters, but only add extras if it would make no sense for them not to be present.
  • You will not be able to get a working visa in Japan just by saying you want to be a mangaka. However, if you are between the ages of 18 and 25, you can get a working holiday visa, which allows you to work in Japan for one year. If a publisher wants you, you might be able to organize a proper working visa. If you are too young or too old, you need to establish connections.


  • Avoid changing the story once you've started doing the proper images, especially if you are working with an artist.
  • Be prepared to make very little money. Unless you're publishing on a weekly basis or so, you may only be paid once or twice a year.
  • Story comes first! A manga that focuses on the art instead of the story is a guaranteed failure.
  • If your work gets rejected, it's not the end of the world. Ask where you've gone wrong, fix it, and try again.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Manuscript paper
  • Eraser
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Computer
  • Scanner
  • Picture editing software

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

  1. https://www.mit.edu/~rei/Expl.html
  2. https://www.animeoutline.com/steps-to-make-your-own-manga/
  3. https://www.painterartist.com/en/pages/draw-manga/
  4. https://www.animeoutline.com/how-to-draw-anime-eyes/
  5. https://www.animeoutline.com/how-to-draw-male-anime-eyes/
  6. https://www.animeoutline.com/steps-to-make-your-own-manga/
  7. https://www.animeoutline.com/steps-to-make-your-own-manga/
  8. https://www.animeoutline.com/steps-to-make-your-own-manga/
  9. https://kotaku.com/how-to-identify-the-basic-types-of-anime-and-manga-1538285518
  10. https://kotaku.com/how-to-identify-anime-and-manga-genres-1591748882
  11. https://kotaku.com/how-to-identify-anime-and-manga-genres-1591748882
  12. https://kotaku.com/how-to-identify-anime-and-manga-genres-1591748882
  13. https://www.definitions.net/definition/seinen+manga
  14. https://kotaku.com/how-to-identify-anime-and-manga-genres-1591748882
  15. http://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/edu/manga/gagmanga/
  16. https://kotaku.com/how-to-identify-anime-and-manga-genres-1591748882
  17. https://kotaku.com/how-to-identify-anime-and-manga-genres-1591748882
  18. https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/how-to-create-a-manga-comic-strip
  19. https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/how-to-create-a-manga-comic-strip
  20. https://honeysanime.com/types-of-manga-panels/
  21. https://honeysanime.com/types-of-manga-panels/
  22. https://honeysanime.com/types-of-manga-panels/
  23. https://mangahejp.weebly.com/manga-how-to-read.html
  24. https://honeysanime.com/types-of-manga-panels/
  25. https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/how-to-create-a-manga-comic-strip
  26. https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/how-to-create-a-manga-comic-strip
  27. https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/how-to-create-a-manga-comic-strip/2

How to Make a Fidget Spinner

Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT

Fidget spinners are a fun and easy way to keep yourself busy while working, as well as being a great toy to play with and spin whenever. While they're pretty easy to come by, finding a fidget spinner that looks and spins exactly the way you want it to can be difficult. If you want a custom spinner, or just want to make one from things around your home, you can make one in no time at all!


[Edit]Constructing the Spinner Base

  1. Print off a fidget spinner stencil. In order for your fidget spinner to spin properly, it will need to be perfectly balanced. While you could measure out a shape or try to draw one yourself, it's much easier to use a stencil to shape your spinner. Look online for a stencil that you can download and print off.[1]
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    • Search for "fidget spinner template" or "fidget spinner stencil" to find a bunch of different shapes and sizes of fidget spinners that you can make.
    • If you have a fidget spinner already, you can use it as a stencil by tracing around the edges.
  2. Trace the shape of your spinner onto some cardboard or foam. Cut out your chosen fidget spinner stencil and place it onto a sheet of thick cardboard or foam board. Use a pen or pencil to trace around the stencil, being careful not to move it as you draw.[2]

    • To keep the stencil in place, try pushing a toothpick through the center of it and slightly into the cardboard.
    • The cardboard or foam board you choose should be less than thick. This will be sturdy enough to be a durable spinner, while also being easy to hold in one hand.
  3. Cut out your fidget spinner base. Use a pair of sharp scissors or a craft knife to cut your fidget spinner base out of the cardboard or foam board. Go around the edges with a pair of scissors to trim away any bumps and make your base as round as possible.[3]

    • If you're using scissors, it might be easier to cut a square or rectangle around your spinner first. That way you can cut away the extra board from the shape of your spinner, rather than cutting the spinner out.
    • Always be careful when working with sharp scissors or craft knives! Cut away from your hands and work slowly so you don't hurt yourself.

[Edit]Making It Spin

  1. Pierce a toothpick through the center of the spinner base. Use a ruler and a pencil to measure and mark the exact center of your fidget spinner. Get a toothpick and push it through the middle of the spinner base, so that the base is around halfway up the toothpick. Move it back and forth to get rid of any loose edges around the hole.[4]

    • You can find the exact center of a 2-prong spinner by measuring the length and width and dividing each by 2. On a spinner with an uneven number of prongs or an irregular shape, draw a straight line through each prong towards the center. The area where they meet is the middle.
    • Putting the toothpick in the exact center of your spinner base will help make sure it is balanced and spins evenly.
  2. Wiggle the toothpick around to widen the hole. In order for your fidget spinner to spin, there'll need to be room around the toothpick for it rotate freely. Wiggle the toothpick in a few small circles around the hole to loosen it. Hold each end of the toothpick between your thumb and index finger and flick the base to make sure it spins properly.[5]

    • Be careful not to widen the hole too much, as this will make your spinner wobble while it spins. It should be just big enough that it can spin around the toothpick with little resistance.
  3. Cut out 2 small circles of cardboard or foam. Find a small circular object, such as a penny or another small coin, that can sit comfortably in the center of your spinner. Place it on a piece of cardboard or foam, draw around it, and cut it out. Repeat the process so that you have 2 evenly sized circles.[6]
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    • These circles will be used to hold the toothpick in place and make it more comfortable to hold.
  4. Push 1 circle onto each side of the toothpick. Use a ruler and pencil to mark the center of your circles. Sit the middle of each circle on the tip of each side of the toothpick and push it down towards the spinner base. The circles should be on either side of the base, stuck on the toothpick, and a tiny bit away from touching the spinner base.[7]

    • The circles being slightly off center on the toothpick won't change the balance of your spinner too much, but it might make it look slightly off balance if your circles are in different places.
    • Be careful not to prick yourself with the toothpick as you push the circles onto it.
    • Make sure that the circle is very close to the spinner base, but not quite touching it.You should be able to see a sliver of light through the gap, but it should be very small.
  5. Glue the circles slightly above the spinner base. Turn the spinner on its side so that you can see one of the circles easily. Squeeze a little bit of superglue or hot glue onto the top of the circle, right around the edges of the toothpick. Repeat on the other circle to hold both circles in place on the toothpick.[8]

    • This should keep the circles in place on the toothpick, but still allow the spinner base in the middle to spin freely.
    • Make sure to give the glue plenty of time to dry before using your spinner. Check the instructions on your glue to see how long it needs to dry.
  6. Trim the toothpick down to the circles. Trying to hold your fidget spinner by the ends of the toothpick will probably be pretty difficult! Use a pair of sharp scissors or something similar to snip off each end of the toothpick. You should leave a tiny bit of the toothpick to hold the circles in place, but most of it can be cut away.[9]

    • A pair of wire cutters or something similar will be the easiest way to cut through the toothpick cleanly. You could also use a small file to saw off the end of the toothpick to a smooth finish.

[Edit]Decorating Your Spinner

  1. Add more circles to cover the toothpick. While the smooth ends of your toothpick might be easy to hold, you can decorate them with some more circles, pompoms, or something similar to make your spinner more colorful and comfortable to use. Glue some small circles or other decorations on top of the toothpick, making sure the spinner can still spin as you do![10]

    • Even if you don't want to change the look of your spinner, adding another circle or a soft pom-pom on top of the toothpick end will make it easier to hold.
  2. Glue some weights to the end to make it spin faster. The cardboard or foam board used to make your spinner will spin, but adding some weights to the end will make it spin even better! Use a ruler to mark a point the same distance from the edge of each of your spinner prongs. Glue a penny or another small coin onto each of the marks to add some weight to your spinner.[11]

    • Making sure that your weights are all the same distance from the middle of your spinner will make sure that it is properly balanced and spins evenly.
  3. Cover the sides with ribbon to tidy up any rough edges. As it's made out of foam or cardboard, the edges of your spinner might be a little plain or rough. Run a length of ribbon, pipe cleaner, or even a strip of paper around the edge of your spinner and glue it in place. Trim away any excess to make your spinner look even better![12]

    • Try contrasting the color of your ribbon or pipe cleaner with the color of your spinner base to make your fidget spinner pop with color.
  4. Paint or draw on your spinner to customize it. The great thing about making a fidget spinner by yourself is that you can decorate it however you want! Use some paint to add an extra splash of color, or use some pencils and pens to give your spinner a cool design. See what ideas you can come up with to decorate your spinner.[13]


  • Hot glue, sharp scissors, and craft knives can all be dangerous to work with if you're not careful. Ask a parent or guardian for help to make sure that you don't hurt yourself.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Printer
  • Scissors or craft knife
  • Pencil or pen
  • Foam or cardboard
  • Toothpick
  • Ruler
  • Superglue or hot glue
  • Pom-poms for decoration (optional)
  • Ribbon or pipe cleaners (optional)
  • Paint (optional)
  • Coloring pens or pencils (optional)

[Edit]Quick Summary


How to Dress if You've Got an Hourglass Figure

Posted: 15 Oct 2019 01:00 AM PDT

The hourglass body type, where your hips and bust are wider and your waist is well-defined, is often associated with curvy sirens like Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe. However, you can still be an hourglass figure if you carry a little extra weight around the middle, as long as the sides of your waist dip inward. To find clothing that suits your hourglass figure, look for styles that accentuate your waist without adding extra volume around your hips. Then, play around with different pieces to find outfits you love!


[Edit]Finding Flattering Fits

  1. Look for tops, outerwear, and dresses that accentuate your waist. Since an hourglass figure is slimmest at the waist, clothes that are nipped in at your waist will help show your curves to their best advantage. Tops and dresses that wrap around or tie at the waist are especially flattering, as are belted trench coats, fit-and-flare dresses, and peplum blouses.[1]
    Dress if You've Got an Hourglass Figure Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    • A slim-fitting scoop-neck top tucked into high-waisted pants or a skirt can be another great way to emphasize your waist. Just make sure the top fits you comfortably in the bust.
  2. Avoid shapeless or too-tight clothes. If you wear baggy, shapeless clothing, it will swallow your figure and make you look boxy instead of curvy. On the other hand, if your clothes are too tight, you'll look uncomfortable, and it can draw attention to any areas where you carry a little more weight.[2]
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    • Instead, look for clothes that skim lightly across your figure, as this will make you look and feel more confident.
    • If you have any problem areas you'd like to minimize, consider wearing a form-fitting—but not extremely tight—garment made from a supportive material like heavy knits, denim, or stretch fabrics.
  3. Opt for V-neck, scoop neck, or boat neck tops to flatter your bust. Whether you love showing off your bust or you'd prefer to keep your look more modest, if you have a larger chest, it's best to opt for tops where the neckline creates an angle or a curve. A V-neck can be a great way to make your bust look smaller, for instance, since the sharp angle draws attention downward toward your waist.[3]
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    • A boatneck top is cut in a horizontal line from shoulder to shoulder, so it shows off the graceful curve of your collarbone.
    • Scoopnecks frame your face and show off your collarbone area, but they may not expose as much cleavage as a V-neck.
    • Avoid high-necked style like polo tops, turtlenecks, or tight crew necks, which can make your chest look larger.[4]
  4. Avoid pieces with extra fabric at the hips or bust. Avoid wearing ruffles or pleats around your waist or hips. Since your figure is already curvy, adding extra volume to these areas will make you appear heavier than you are, and that can make your body seem disproportionate.[5]
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    • An exception to this might be vertical ruffles on a blouse, which can help minimize your bust.
    • You may also want to avoid wearing horizontal stripes in these areas, as these can make you seem wider.
  5. Use belts to draw attention to your waist. If you're wearing a dress, top, or jacket that's a little flowy, you can add extra emphasis on your waist by adding a belt. Depending on your style, you might add a glamorous skinny belt on top of a flowy dress, or you might wear a bold, wide belt on top of a stylish trench. For the most impact, wear the belt cinched over the smallest part of your waist.[6]
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    • If you have a larger belly, a belt might emphasize that rather than the curve of your waist. In that case, consider highlighting the sides of your waist by wearing a cropped jacket or high-waisted bottoms.
  6. Wear supportive undergarments that fit properly. When you have a curvy figure, it's especially important to ensure your undergarments fit well and provide proper support. For instance, your bra should comfortably lift your breasts, but the straps and back shouldn't dig into your skin. If you need to, have your bra professionally fitted so you'll know exactly what size works best for you.[7]
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    • When you're choosing underwear, look for seamless versions if you prefer full-coverage styles, which will help reduce visible underwear lines. You can also wear thong underwear to ensure there won't be any lines under your clothes.

[Edit]Creating Casual Looks

  1. Wear a body-skimming jersey top with bootcut jeans for a comfortable everyday look. Jersey is a knit fabric that's lightweight and soft, and it's commonly used in T-shirts and other casual tops. As long as your garment fits properly, the jersey will skim over your figure, making you look comfortable and cool while still being flattering. Then, the slight flare on your jeans will balance out the curves of your hips.[8]
    Dress if You've Got an Hourglass Figure Step 7 Version 2.jpg
    • Try wearing this look with your favorite sandals and a messy ponytail for a fun weekend outing!
  2. Go girly and casual by pairing a skater dress with tennis shoes. A skater dress is a great way to show off your hourglass figure because it fits like a T-shirt on the top, is fitted at the waist, and then flares out at the hips. This casual dress is perfect for wearing to school, work, or just for hanging out with your friends—just toss on some low-profile sneakers and grab your bag![9]
    Dress if You've Got an Hourglass Figure Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    • A choker necklace is a pretty, trendy accessory to add to this look.
    • If your style is a little tougher, try wearing your skater dress with a pair of rugged ankle boots instead. Add an extra in-your-face touch with a pair of ripped fishnets and plenty of dark eyeliner!
  3. Wear a miniskirt and a fitted tee if you want to show off your legs. If you love your shapely legs and you want to make them the focus of your outfit, try wearing a fitted scoop-neck tee, a miniskirt, and a pair of low-profile sneakers. The T-shirt will give you enough coverage on top to balance out the fact that your legs are exposed, giving you a fun, flirtatious look.[10]
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    • For an unexpectedly flattering touch, choose a T-shirt with accents on the shoulders, like rhinestones or a lace overlay.
  4. Toss on a bomber jacket for a cool way to stay warm in chilly weather. Bomber jackets have a stretchy band around the waist, perfect for drawing attention to that area. They're comfortable and casual, and you can make them work with almost any style.
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    • For instance, a leather bomber jacket looks just as great with ripped boyfriend jeans as it does with a floaty dress.
    • Try a satin bomber jacket with skinny jeans, heels, and a colorful fitted V-neck tee for a hip-hop inspired look that's perfect for an hourglass figure.

[Edit]Dressing for Special Occasions

  1. Opt for peplum tops and dresses to emphasize your waist. Peplum tops typically fit snugly at the waist, then flare outward near the bottom hem, while peplum dresses often look similar to a peplum top with a pencil skirt. Garments with a peplum already mimic the shape of an hourglass, so they'll accentuate your curves perfectly.[11]
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    • Try wearing a peplum top with a body-con skirt and stiletto heels for a glam night out, for instance.
  2. Try an empire-waist dress for an easy, flattering look. Empire-waist dresses are cut so that the waist of the garment hits just under the bust, emphasizing an area that's typically quite narrow on an hourglass figure. The rest of the dress will flow over your stomach and hips, so it's perfect for hourglasses of all sizes.[12]
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    • For instance, if you're going to brunch with friends, you might wear a knee-length, empire waist dress with wedge sandals, statement earrings, and a colorful handbag.
    • These dresses can be great for work, too!
  3. Use a cropped jacket for another way to draw attention to your waist. When you wear a jacket that ends at your natural waist, it draws the eye to that area. That's a perfect, subtle way to accentuate your figure when you don't want to wear a belt.[13]
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    • For instance, you might wear a satin tank top tucked into an A-line skirt, then top that with a cropped brocade jacket for an outfit perfect for an elegant occasion.
  4. Try a dressy jumpsuit that's nipped-in at the waist for elegant comfort. If you choose a jumpsuit in a dressy material like chiffon, lace, or crepe, it can be just as stylish as a dress, but you'll have the added convenience of wearing pants. Look for a style that will flatter your waist without constricting your bust or hips so you'll be comfortable no matter what event you're attending.[14]
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    • Style your jumpsuit with an updo, dressy heels, and bold earrings for a head-turning look.
  5. Opt for a bodycon dress if you're daring. Bodycon dresses fit closely to your figure, so they're a great way to show off your hourglass figure. However, they're not very forgiving, so if you have any areas you'd rather not show as much, consider choosing a dress made from a heavy stretch material that will hold you in.[15]
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    • Bandage dresses are an example of a bodycon style.
    • Style your bodycon dress with tough ankle boots, dark eye makeup, and messy hair for an edgy rock-n-roll look.

[Edit]Choosing Outfits for Work

  1. Wear a tailored blouse and slim-fitting trousers for a smart, dressy look. When you wear a blouse that's been tailored specifically to your body, you'll have plenty of room in your bust area while still showing off your waist. If you pair that with trousers that are cut to be narrow through your leg, you'll look professional and put-together, but you'll still be comfortable enough to get things done throughout the day.[16]
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    • Try adding a pair of sleek pumps and a statement necklace for a simple, sophisticated touch.
    • A shirt that wraps at the waist is another great work-friendly option.
  2. Top your look with a belted trench if your style is classic. A trenchcoat is a timeless piece that looks good on almost everyone, but it's especially flattering on a curvy hourglass figure. Leave the trenchcoat open over a form-fitting outfit, or wear it belted if your outfit is flowy or boxy, as this will help define your waist.[17]
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    • Try wearing your hair in a sleek bun, then toss on a pair of low heels for a look that's both pretty and professional.
  3. Go for business casual with a scoop-neck blouse, flared work pants, and low heels. A smart blouse, comfortable work pants, and sensible shoes are all you need for a look that's flattering without drawing too much attention to your figure. In fact, by rotating through several blouses, you can wear variations of this outfit to work pretty much every day, if it makes you feel comfortable.
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    • If you're not comfortable walking in heels, flat-soled dress shoes are fine.
  4. Wear a wrap dress for an easy way to look professional. Wrap dresses are made to look like they're one piece of fabric that wraps around and ties at the waist. This versatile style looks great on a variety of body types, but it's especially flattering to an hourglass shape. Even better, it's a no-fuss way to look put-together when you're in a hurry.
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    • Wear your hair in a neat, low bun and opt for a pair of sensible pumps to complete this work-ready look.
  5. Invest in a single-breasted jacket or blazer to dress up your work outfits. Suit jackets and blazers are a great way to add a professional touch to any outfit, and single-breasted options are especially flattering on an hourglass figure. They're versatile, too—the same blazer might look just as good with a blouse as it does over a dress, so take the time to find one that fits you well. Also, if you can afford it, don't be afraid to pay a little more for a quality piece that will last a while.[18]
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    • Double-breasted blazers can add too much bulk in your bust area.
  6. Opt for a high-waisted pencil skirt for a sophisticated work look. Pencil skirts are made to fit close to your body, and a high-waisted version will typically hit right around the narrowest part of your waist. You can wear this versatile wardrobe staple a variety of different ways, like with a tucked-in chiffon blouse and pumps one day or with a cami and blazer another.[19]
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    • For instance, you might tuck a silky tank top into your pencil skirt, then wear that with a relaxed blazer with the sleeves rolled up.


[Edit]Quick Summary

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