How to Plant Succulents Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:00 PM PDT Succulents are beautiful plants that can add some pizzazz to your garden or home. They have a reputation for being a fairly hardy plant, but they do require some specific conditions when growing. For instance, they need well-draining soil because they don't tolerate wet roots well. You can plant succulents in containers or in the garden, but either way, take care to make sure your plants are happy and healthy. [Edit]Placing Succulents in Containers - Pick a shallow terracotta container with drainage holes. Terracotta works well for succulents because it's porous, allowing water to seep out through the pot.[1] A shallow pot is fine because succulents don't have deep roots, but if you get a taller pot, it's not a huge issue.[2] In fact, a tall pot can be good if you get a lot of rain, as it provides more space to draw the water from the succulents' roots.[3]
- Succulents will not tolerate standing water, so if your container doesn't have drainage holes, you'll need to drill some.
- Keep in mind that the succulent will be contained by the size of the pot. That is, if you choose a big pot, it will get much bigger, but if you keep it in a smaller pot, it will generally stick to that size.
- Fill the container two-thirds full with a potting mix made for succulents and cacti. Succulents do best with well-drained soil. Find a pre-mixed potting soil labeled for succulents and cacti, which should serve your plants' needs well. Typically, it will have a higher percentage of inorganic material like perlite, pumice, or crushed lava than a regular potting mix.[4] Put a paper towel or mesh in the bottom so the soil doesn't spill out of the drainage holes, and then fill the container up about two-thirds of the way.[5]
- If you can't find one specifically for succulents and cacti, pick one that's labeled "fast" or "quick" draining.
- To make your own mix, combine 50% regular potting soil and add 50% crushed lava, perlite, or pumice.
- Plant your largest succulent in the center and smaller ones near the edges of the pot. Take the largest plant out of the small pot it came in and nestle it in the center of the container. Arrange the smaller plants around the bigger one, grouping similar plants together. Don't dig holes; just set the plants on top of the soil.[6]
- However, don't overcrowd the pot. Give the succulents some breathing room so they can get the nutrients they need to thrive. Allow at least between plants.
- Group succulents together that have similar growth requirements. For instance, put ones together that require the same amount of sun or that are from the same region, meaning they grow in similar conditions.
- Add soil around the plants and pebbles on top. Once you have an arrangement you like, use a small shovel to spoon more soil in the spaces around the plants to keep them stable. Fill in the area around the base of each plant.[7]
- To help keep the soil in place, pour crushed rocks or small pebbles on top. This also helps keep the base of your plants drier.
[Edit]Putting Succulents in Your Garden - Pick succulents that can handle the winter if you live in an area with cold spells. Unless you live in a year-round warm climate, you'll need to choose plants that tolerate the cold. Agave and yucca are good choices for outdoor gardens and will do well in many climates.[8]
- Check your hardiness zone to see what grows well in your area.
- If your area gets very cold, opt for sedums and sempervivums, which come from the Alpines and can handle the cold.[9]
- Choose an area that provides 2-3 hours a day of dappled sunlight. While succulents like some sun, full sun is too much to keep them happy. Pick an area that gets partial shade, either because it's filtered through leaves above or because it only gets sun part of the day.[10]
- However, always check what your specific succulent needs by researching it or reading the label that comes with it![11]
- Add inorganic matter to the soil to ensure it will drain well. Succulents need extra drainage whether they are in pots or in the ground. Amend your garden soil so it's at least 60% inorganic material. Spread it out over the area you've tilled up in an even layer, and then work it in with a shovel or till, going down .[12]
- You can use perlite, pumice, or crushed lava, just to name a few.
- Space the succulents apart. Allow at least a few inches between each plant to give them room to grow. Measure the space from the outer edges of the plant, not the root. Many types of succulents will spread quickly, filling in the gaps and creating ground cover.
- Dig a hole big enough for your plant's roots and drop the plant in. Use a trowel or a small shovel to make a hole in the soil. It should be just big enough for the plant's root ball. Lower the plant in the ground and then leave it alone. You don't need to fill in around it when it's in the ground. The soil will settle into place lightly around it.[13]
- This process allows the plant's roots to expand and breathe.
[Edit]Caring for Succulents - Wait until the soil is completely dry before you water. Succulents don't need much water, so you can wait until the soil dries out. Check the soil once a day until you get an idea of how often your succulents will need watering. When it's dry, water the soil until its damp and water runs out the drainage holes.[14]
- The time between waterings will depend on your humidity levels, the size of the pot or garden bed, how well the soil drains, and how big the plant is, so you really just need to check it often at first.
- Some plants may be able to go as long as 2 weeks between waterings, while others might need it as often as every 4 days or so. During succulents' growing season from late spring to early fall, try watering at least 1 a week.[15]
- Keep your potted succulents outside when it's warm. Succulents like circulating air, and they'll get more of that outside. Place them in an area where there's partial shade and about 2-3 hours of sunlight a day.[16]
- If it's cold year-round, you can grow succulents indoors. However, you'll need to be more attentive to their needs.
- Move frost-intolerant potted succulents inside during the winter. Some of these plants come from desert-like climates and won't tolerate frost and cold as well. Bring these plants in during the winter months if they won't handle the cold.[17]
- If your plants are in the ground, cover them when temperatures dip below freezing.
- When you bring your plants outside again, acclimate them gradually. For instance, take them out for about 4 hours each day, slowly lengthening the time they are outside over the course of a week.[18]
- Protect your succulents from temperatures above . If the temperatures are going to be above , most succulents will appreciate more shade, as the hot sun can burn their leaves. Move potted plants to a cooler location or use an awning or larger plants to provide shade for plants in the ground.[19]
- Apply a well-balanced fertilizer in the spring. Succulents don't need a lot of fertilizer. Try giving half the amount the directions suggest to your succulents. You can apply it in early spring once the chance of frost has passed.[20]
- Pick a well-balanced fertilizer with equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (labeled as "NPK"). For instance, look for one labeled 5-5-5 NPK.
- You can get liquid fertilizers you dilute in water, fertilizer spikes, or fertilizer crumbles.
- Prune succulents only to remove damaged or dead leaves. Most succulents don't need pruning. However, if you notice parts have been damaged, you can trim those off at the base of the leaf. Damaged leaves will change color and wilt or rot.[21]
- You can also trim succulents if they get too leggy (e.g., if they have very long stems). Leave of stem behind on the head. Then, you can dry it out for a day and replant it with the shorter stem.
- Roots will also grow from single leaves of succulents if you let them dry out for a day or two.[22]
[Edit]References |
How to Improve Your Mental and Emotional Health Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT Your mental health and emotional well-being are important aspects of your overall health. In fact, they are just as important as your physical health. Your mental health can be affected by medical conditions such as depression. Environmental factors, such as your job, also make an impact. Your emotional health can be related to your social life, your romantic life, and your own mindset. No matter what your situation is, you can take steps to improve your mental and emotional health. First, make it a priority. Once you evaluate your needs, you can begin finding ways to meet them. You can also ask family and friends to help you on your way towards improved mental health. [Edit]Making Your Mental Health a Priority - Take a self-assessment. In addition to traditional intelligence, everyone has what is known as "emotional intelligence" or EQ. EQ refers to how well you understand your emotions and actions. Figuring out your EQ is a great place to start if you are looking to improve your mental and emotional well being.[1]
- You can find online assessment tools to help you figure out your results.
- A mental health specialist can also help you determine your EQ. This will help you figure out which areas need the most improvement.
- For example, maybe you'll learn that you are not great at acknowledging your emotions. That could give you a starting point for improvement.
- List your priorities. Take some time to look at the big picture. Are there areas of your life where you know you could make improvements? Devote some of your attention to figuring out which of these areas is most important to you.[2]
- One of your priorities might be developing a more positive relationship with your sister.
- Another priority might be figuring out how to maintain a healthy work-life balance, good physical health, fulfilling relationships, and a satisfying spiritual life.[3] Figuring out what you most want to improve can help you figure out the most productive path.
- Set goals. After you have completed your self-assessment, you can clearly identify the areas you would like to focus on improving. Take time to set some clear, attainable goals. These can be both long term and short term goals.[4]
- For example, maybe you will set a goal of meditating for 10 minutes every day. That is a short term goal.
- You might say, "I would like to feel more confident in my conflict resolution strategies by the end of the year." That's more of a long term goal.
- Write down your goals. This will help you solidify them and make you more likely to commit.
- Process your emotions. An important part of improving your emotional well-being is learning to acknowledge your emotions. Sometimes it might feel simpler to shove aside an uncomfortable emotion. However, it is important to process your emotions. Processing your emotions is a multi-step process. This process includes:[5]
 - Sensing. This is when you notice the way you are feeling. There might be a physical sensation associated with this emotion. For example, you might feel sad and notice a feeling of heaviness or tightness in your chest.
- Naming. This is when you apply a name to the emotion. For example, you might decide that what you are feeling is sadness.
- Attributing. This is when you try to find the source of the emotion that you are having. For example, you might attribute a feeling of sadness to a bad day at work or a falling out with a friend.
- Evaluating. This is when you think about how having the emotion makes you feel. For example, you might note that you feel angry for feeling sad or uncomfortable for feeling sad. This may be a result of your background or culture.
- Acting. This is when you decide what you are going to do to express or cope with the emotion. For example, if you are feeling sad, then you might decide to write about it, go for a walk, call someone, or just sit and do nothing for a while.
- Learn how to identify and deal with your triggers. Everyone has different triggers. Yours might be certain people, situations, or places.[6] To cope with your triggers, take some time to figure out what they are and develop plans for how to deal with them.
- For example, you might note that you get anxious whenever you are around your sister, so she might be a trigger for you. Therefore, you might develop a plan to cope when you are around her, such as keeping to light topics of conversation, setting a time limit for your visits, or bringing a friend along to act as a source of support.
- Gather information. Avoid the stigma that mental health issues are somehow not "real" problems. Your mental and emotional health is just as important as your physical health. Take some time to learn about the importance of your mental health.[7]
- Head to the library. Look for some books about the value of taking good care of your mental health.
- Research different ways to improve your emotional well being. For example, you might visit a yoga studio to ask them about the mental benefits of practicing yoga.
[Edit]Choosing Healthy Activities - Have fun. Good news! Experts say that playing might actually be good for you. A great way to boost your mood is to make time to do something fun.Think of some new ways to enjoy yourself.[8]
- Organize a game night. Invite your friends over for board games or cards.
- Head to the park. Swinging is just as much fun for adults as it is for kids.
- Make more jokes. Try something as simple as saying, "Lovely weather, isn't it?" while you're waiting for the bus in a downpour. It may not be original, but the act of making a joke can improve your mood.
- Be creative. Try to get in touch with your artistic side. Creative activities can be very therapeutic, and can also serve as mood boosters. Consider sketching as a relaxing activity.[9]
- Take an art class. Contact your local community center for details. This would also be a great way to make new friends.
- Get a coloring book. Kids aren't the only ones who enjoy coloring. Adult coloring books can help you relax and unwind.
- Listen to music. Or, learn to play an instrument. You could find a group class or hire an individual teacher.
- Volunteer. Giving back to others is a great way to make yourself feel good. Volunteering can boost your mood and improve your emotional health. Plus, it's important to help others. It's a win-win.[10]
- Choose something that interests you. For example, if you love animals, consider volunteering at your local animal shelter.
- Volunteering can also serve as a way to meet new people. You might even make some new friends!
- Spend time outside. Nature is a natural mood enhancer. Being outdoors can help you slow down and relax, which is great for your mental health. Make it a point to head outdoors frequently.[11]
- Take a break from work. Instead of eating at your desk, walk to a nearby park to eat lunch on nice days.
- Go exploring. Check out nearby state parks and head out for a hike.
- Ask a friend to join you on a bike ride.
- Learn to meditate. Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and tension. Commit to adding meditation to your routine. If you're not ready to try it daily, begin by adding two to three brief sessions per week. They can be short--even a 5-minute meditation is helpful.[12]
- Download an app that has guided meditations. You can choose the length you want.
- Morning and night are both great times to meditate. Just make sure to choose a quiet spot and wear comfortable clothing.
- Try to clear your mind. Choose a mantra to repeat, such as "Om".
[Edit]Practicing Physical Self-Care - Manage your stress. The mind-body connection is critical for maintaining good health. If you don't physically feel good, odds are good that your mental and emotional health will suffer, too. Take care to keep your body in good health. One of the most important things you can do is to learn to control your stress. [13]
- Take a time-out. For example, if you are having an argument with your partner, say, "I'm going to take a walk around the block to cool down before we continue this discussion."
- Find coping mechanisms. Everyone experiences stress. The key is to be able to handle it.
- Try different techniques such as slowly counting to 10 when you feel stressed. You could also try listening to music or taking a relaxing bath.
- Focus on your breath. Breathe slowly and intentionally, in through your nose and out through your mouth. This will help slow a racing heart rate often caused by stress.
- Exercise. Physical activity produces endorphins, which boost your mood. Regular exercise can help you to manage stress, feel more confident, and improve your overall health. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.[14]
- Find an activity you enjoy. You'll be more likely to stick to the program.
- Do you like to dance? Try a Zumba class.
- Socialize during your workouts. Ask a friend to go for a long walk while you catch up on gossip.
- Eat a healthy diet. Food can definitely impact your mood and your overall mental health. Take care to stick to a healthy diet. Make sure that you eat plenty of fruits and veggies each day. Combine these with lean proteins and complex carbs.[15]
- Certain foods are mood boosters. Try adding salmon, walnuts, and avocados to your diet.
- You should also look for blueberries and leafy greens, such as kale.
- Avoid foods that can negatively impact your mood. Try to stay away from sugary snacks and fried food.
- It's also a good idea to limit your alcohol and caffeine intake.
- Get enough sleep. You won't feel well if you don't get enough rest. Make getting a good night's sleep a priority. Most adults need between seven and nine hours per night.[16]
- Try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day. This will help your body adjust to a regular sleep schedule.
- Limit electronics before bed. Power down the laptop and the television about an hour before bedtime. Avoid checking e-mail or social media late at night.
- Lack of sleep can make you irritable, anxious, and unable to focus.
[Edit]Connecting With Others - Be social. Socialization is an important part of feeling your best. Being social doesn't mean that you have to go out every night. It just means that you should make an effort to regularly interact with people. [17]
- Say hi to your neighbors. Striking up a pleasant conversation can increase feelings of happiness.
- Meet new people. Try joining a local book club if you love to read.
- Make plans. Put some effort into building your network of friends. If you enjoy chatting with someone in yoga class, ask if they want to grab a smoothie after class sometime.
- Get a pet. Animals are a wonderful source of companionship. They can also be entertaining and funny. Best of all, pets are a great source of unconditional love.[18]
- Choose the pet that is right for your lifestyle. For example, if you love to hike, pick a dog that can go with you.
- Taking care of a cat can make you feel needed, which is important for good mental health.
- Talk to friends and family. Make sure to connect with the people in your life who are important to you. Your loved ones can support you when you're down, and celebrate with you when something good happens. Make it a point to spend time with the people in your personal network.[19]
- Reach out to someone you haven't seen in a while. Pick up the phone and say, "Hi, it's been a while. Let's get together and catch up!"
- Lean on loved ones when you need to. Don't be afraid to say, "Bill, I've been feeling low lately. Do you have some time this week to get together and talk?"
- Seek professional help. Sometimes you might feel like nothing you try is working. If you think you might have a mental health condition, consider seeing a medical professional. For example, if you have been depressed, look for a counselor.[20]
- Therapy can be really helpful if you are dealing with issues such as anxiety or depression. Ask your doctor for a recommendation.
- You can also visit your primary care physician. Ask if there could be a physical reason behind your emotional issues.
- Be patient with yourself. Improving any aspect of your health can take time.
- Don't forget to laugh--it's good for you!
- Be willing to talk about your feelings.
- Make time to take care of yourself.
- Celebrate Mental Health Day to spread awareness about mental health issues.
[Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary |
How to Make Steak Fries Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:00 AM PDT Steak fries are like French fries, except that they are much thicker and typically baked in the oven instead of fried. They go great with steaks, hamburgers, and other grilled sandwiches. There are also countless ways of seasoning them, from a simple dash of salt and pepper to garlic and Parmesan cheese. Whichever method you choose, you are bound to end up with a tasty, delicious treat! [Edit]Ingredients [Edit]Basic Steak Fries[1] - 4 russet potatoes
- 3 tablespoons (45 milliliters) vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoons (30 grams) butter
- Salt and pepper
Servings: 4 [Edit]Spiced Steak Fries[2] - 4 russet potatoes
- 3 tablespoons (45 milliliters) olive oil
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon black pepper
Servings: 4 [Edit]Cheesy Garlic Steak Fries[3] - 4 russet potatoes
- ¼ cup (60 milliliters) olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- ½ teaspoon dried thyme
- ½ teaspoon salt, divided (seasoned salt recommended)
- ¾ cup (75 grams) grated Parmesan cheese, divided
- ¼ cup (5 grams) fresh parsley, chopped
Servings: 4 [Edit]Making Basic Steak Fries - Preheat your oven to 400°F (205°C).
- Clean the potatoes and cut them into ½-inch (1.27 centimeters) thick wedges. Scrub the potatoes clean with a vegetable scrubbing brush and cool water, then cut them into wedges. You do not need to peel them, as the skins are part of their appeal.
- Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat, then add the butter. Stir the butter until it melts. Have the potatoes ready. You will be frying them first; this will help give them a crispier texture as well as cut down on the baking time.
- Toss in the potatoes, then fry them for 10 minutes. Add the potatoes and toss them until they are covered in the oil and butter mixture. Cook them for 10 minutes, tossing them from time to time. Don't worry if they still look raw by the time you are done.
- Season the potatoes with salt and pepper. Add the salt and pepper straight to the skillet. Cover the skillet with a lid, then shake it a few times to toss the potatoes inside.
- Spread the potatoes onto a large, ungreased baking sheet in an even layer. Don't clump or pile the potatoes. If the baking sheet is too small, it would be better to set the extra potatoes aside and bake them in a separate batch.
- Bake the potatoes for 20 minutes, turning them halfway through. Put the baking sheet with the potatoes into the oven and bake them for 10 minutes. Flip the potatoes over using a spatula, then bake them for another 10 minutes. The steak fries are ready when they are golden brown and crispy.
- Serve the steak fries immediately. They go great with steak as well as other dishes, including hamburgers and grilled cheese sandwiches.
[Edit]Making Spiced Steak Fries - Preheat your oven to 400°F (205°C).
- Clean the potatoes and cut them into wedges. Scrub the potatoes clean, then cut them into ½-inch (1.27 centimeters) thick wedges. Leave the skins on the potatoes.
- Mix the oil and spices together in a large bowl. Put the paprika, ground cumin, salt, and black pepper into the bowl first, and mix them briskly together with a fork. Stir in the oil next until everything is evenly combined.
- Add the potatoes to the bowl and toss them until they are evenly coated. An easy way to do this is to cover the bowl with a large plate, lid, or plastic wrap, and then shake it a few times to toss the ingredients together.
- Spread the potato wedges onto a large, ungreased baking sheet. Do not crowd the potatoes. If your baking sheet is too small, it is better to set the extra potatoes aside and bake them in a separate batch. This will allow them to turn nice and crispy.
- Bake the potatoes, uncovered, for 40 minutes. After about 20 minutes, use a spatula to flip them over. This will ensure that both sides get evenly baked and turn crispy. The fries are ready when they turn golden brown and crispy.
- Serve the fries immediately. They go great with steaks as well as other dishes, including homemade burgers and grilled cheese sandwiches.
[Edit]Making Cheesy Garlic Steak Fries - Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
- Clean the potatoes and cut them into ½-inch (1.27 centimeters) thick wedges. You do not need to peel the potatoes, but make sure that you scrub them clean.
- Toss the potatoes in a large mixing bowl with the olive oil until they are evenly coated. Put the potatoes into the bowl first, then drizzle the olive oil over them. Gently toss them until they are evenly coated with the oil. You can do this with a pair of salad tongs, by hand, or by covering the bowl with a large plate, lid, or plastic wrap, and then shaking it.
- Add the garlic, thyme, and ¼ teaspoon of salt, and toss again. To ensure that everything mixes evenly, combine the garlic, thyme, and salt in a separate cup, then add them to the mixing bowl. Save the rest of the salt for later.
- Spread the potatoes in an even layer on an ungreased baking sheet. Do not crowd them. If your baking sheet is not big enough, set the extra potatoes aside and bake them in a separate batch. Leave any leftover oil in the bowl; you can use it again later in the recipe.
- Bake the potatoes in the oven for 30 minutes, flipping them over part way through baking. Place the baking sheet into the oven, and bake the potatoes for 15 minutes. Flip them over with a spatula, and bake them for another 15 minutes. This ensures that both sides get evenly roasted.
- Don't worry if they don't look well-done when you take them out; you aren't done baking them just yet!
- Toss the fries in the bowl with parsley and part of the Parmesan cheese. Take the fries out of the oven and put them back into the large mixing bowl with the olive oil. Sprinkle them with the fresh, chopped parsley and ½ cup (50 grams) of Parmesan cheese. Save the rest of the Parmesan cheese for later.
- Bake the fries in the oven for another 10 minutes. Once you have the fries evenly coated, spread them on the baking sheet and bake them for another 10 minutes. This will melt the cheese just enough so that it's oozy but not so much that it gets completely burnt.
- Garnish the fries with the remaining Parmesan cheese and salt and serve. Take the fries out of the oven and transfer them to a serving platter. Sprinkle ¼ cup (25 grams) of Parmesan cheese and ¼ teaspoon of salt over them. Serve the fries immediately.
- Serve the fries with your favorite grilled dish!
- Store any leftovers in the fridge, and reheat them the next day.
- Experiment with different types of seasonings. Anything that goes well with regular potatoes will go well with steak fries.
- Serve them with mustard, ketchup, or even ranch dressing!
[Edit]Warnings - Do not eat the fries if they are undercooked. They should be crispy on the outside but tender on the inside. If they are too hard and raw on the inside, bake them longer.
[Edit]Things You'll Need - Knife
- Cutting board
- Mixing bowl
- Spatula or tongs
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References |
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