Monday, February 11, 2019

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Stay Awake While Studying

Posted: 11 Feb 2019 04:00 PM PST

Studying can be hard work, and sometimes all that work makes you tired. But it's important to study hard if you want to be successful and get good grades in school. To stay awake while you're studying, eat healthy foods, stay hydrated, and have a small amount of caffeine if you'd like. You can also try other methods, like napping or exercising to stay alert, and create a study routine that will help you focus.


EditUsing Food and Drinks to Stay Awake

  1. Chew mint gum to wake up your brain. Pop a piece of gum in your mouth while you study to increase blood flow to your brain and increase arousal. Pick a mint flavor, like spearmint, peppermint, or wintermint for an extra invigorating bite.[1]
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    • Keep a pack of gum in your backpack or pencil case so you always have it with you when you're studying.
  2. Eat foods that are high in protein for longer-lasting energy. Snack on foods that are primarily composed of protein, like nuts, meat, or cheese, which fuel your body longer because they aren't as easily digested as carbs. For example, choose trail mix, beef jerky, or string cheese to eat while you work.[2]
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    • Avoid sugary foods or drinks, like cookies or soda, along with carb-heavy foods, like potato chips. These might give you a quick boost, but you'll crash later on.
    • Try to eat every 2 to 3 hours, even if it's just something small, to avoid low blood sugar, which makes you feel sleepy.
  3. Drink at least 8 oz (.25 L) of water every 1 to 2 hours to fight fatigue. Stay hydrated to avoid feeling drowsy or sluggish. Drink a full glass of water at least every 2 hours, which will help the blood flow in your brain and make you feel more alert.[3]
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    • Keep a reusable water bottle with you that you can refill as you study.
    • Avoid alcohol, particularly on days when you're studying or the day before. Drinking alcohol regularly can negatively affect your brain function along with dehydrating you.
  4. Consume a single caffeinated drink if you want an instant boost. Drink a mug of coffee to wake yourself up quickly, as caffeine prevents the cells that make you feel tired from reaching your brain. Have the equivalent of 200 mg of caffeine, which is 12 oz (.35 L) of coffee or 24 oz (.7 L) of tea, for example, over the course of 24 hours.[4]
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    • Be aware that coffee and other caffeinated drinks can actually be dehydrating, so you should drink water with them, too.
    • Avoid drinking coffee or consuming anything with caffeine, like chocolate, soda, or tea, within 6 hours of when you plan to go to bed or you may have trouble falling asleep.
    • Don't consume more than 200 mg of caffeine in a day. Too much caffeine can be very dangerous for your heart and can also worsen existing conditions, like anxiety or depression.
  5. Avoid energy drinks and pills that contain caffeine and/or chemicals. While quick fixes are tempting, stay away from drinks, pills, or shots that promise instant energy or that are loaded with chemicals and too much caffeine. Be aware that they can have dangerous side effects, like increased anxiety or even heart problems.[5]
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    • If you want to use energy drinks or products, talk to your doctor first. It can be very risky if you have certain health conditions, like high blood pressure or a weak heart.

EditOrganizing Your Study Time to Stay Alert

  1. Study in 25-minute intervals if you like having scheduled breaks. Try what's known as the Pomodoro technique to keep yourself on track with your studying. Set a timer to work without any distractions for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat those intervals for however long you'd like to study.[6]
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    • Use your 5-minute breaks to relax and recharge your brain. Do something unrelated to what you're studying, like stretching out your body or watching a funny YouTube video.
    • Take a longer 30-minute break after you complete 4 intervals.
  2. Take a 10 to 20 minute nap if you're really tired. Lay down on the couch or get into bed if you're at home for a quick power nap. If you're at the library or in a classroom, rest your head on the desk in a comfortable position to doze. Set your alarm for no more than 20 minutes later so you wake up feeling refreshed instead of drowsy.[7]
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    • If possible, choose a spot that's quiet and dark to take your nap, which will help you get better quality sleep.
    • Make sure you're getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, too. Naps are a good boost but they aren't a substitute for uninterrupted sleep.
  3. Exercise for 15 to 20 minutes on a break to get your blood flowing. Go for a short walk or jog, do some bodyweight exercises, or take a quick yoga class, for example. Move your body to wake up all of your muscles and release proteins in your brain that improve your memory.[8]
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    • If you can, do your exercise outside for even more benefits. Fresh air is an instant energy boost.
  4. Switch the topic you're studying after each break to stay focused. Instead of doing a marathon study session of 1 topic, break your study time up and change the topic after each break so you don't burn out on 1 subject. For example, study calculus for the first hour, then switch to physics.[9]
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    • If you're only studying for 1 class, like English, change the specific material you're reviewing if possible. For instance, start with Shakespeare, then move to Chaucer.

EditCreating the Right Environment

  1. Listen to upbeat music to distract your brain from feeling fatigued. Turn on the radio or play music from your phone or computer while you study to keep you alert. Choose songs that are fast-paced or lively, like pop or dance music, rather than slow, sad songs, which will bring down your mood and energy.[10]
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    • If you're in a public place, use headphones to listen to the music of your choice.
    • Look for upbeat playlists online or on a music app. You can also find premade playlists with music specifically for studying.
  2. Turn on bright lights if you're studying late at night. Rather than reading by a dim lamp or in a dark room, brighten up your study area to trick your brain into thinking it's still daytime and making it feel more energized. Turn on as many lights as possible in the room, including overhead lights and lamps.[11]
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    • If your space doesn't have much lighting, relocate to a brighter area, if possible.
    • Turn up the brightness on your computer or tablet if you're using one. This also prevents you from having to strain your eyes to see, which can make you feel more tired.
  3. Eliminate all outside distractions if you have trouble concentrating. Figure out what's preventing you from being able to focus, whether it's the Instagram alerts on your phone or the people talking at the table next to you. Then, eliminate those things so your brain isn't distracted from studying. For instance, put your phone on silent or move to a quieter area.[12]
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    • You can also turn your phone off, leave it in a different room, or put it on Do Not Disturb mode so you don't receive any texts or notifications.
  4. Change your study spot every day to boost your memory. Rather than always studying in the same place, switch it up every time to improve your concentration and help your brain remember information better. For instance, one day, study at a coffee shop, then the next day, study at home in the kitchen.[13]
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    • Choose locations that fit your studying style and personality. For example, if you study best in silence, pick a library or quiet room, whereas is you prefer background noise, opt for a cafe or common area.
  5. Organize a study group if you get tired of working alone. Because studying can be boring and monotonous, get some friends or classmates together to study as a group. Work on practice problems out loud, discuss different topics or quiz each other to make studying more lively and engaging.[14]
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    • Keep your study group to 4 to 6 people. Too many people can become distracting or difficult to manage.
    • Stay on task by setting group goals for each study session, like finishing 2 chapters of a textbook or covering 1 topic. Otherwise, it may be tempting to just waste time talking or goofing off.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Use a Cookie Press

Posted: 11 Feb 2019 08:00 AM PST

A cookie press can turn cookie dough into perfect, professional-looking cookies. Once your cookie press is loaded with dough, all you have to do is press the dough onto a baking sheet, and voila! Once you get the hang of it, using your cookie press will be a breeze.


EditLoading the Cookie Press

  1. Roll your cookie dough into a log. Your cookie dough needs to be log shaped so it's thin enough to fit into the barrel of the cookie press. To roll the dough into a log, pick it up and roll it between your hands. Make sure the log is short enough and thin enough to fit in the cookie press barrel.[1]
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    • To save time, buy premade cookie dough that comes in a log shape.
    • Avoid using cookie dough that has big pieces like chocolate chips or nuts in it. Use thin doughs like sugar cookie dough and spritz dough instead.
  2. Unscrew the ring from the end of the cookie press barrel. The ring is at the end of the barrel (the long tube on the cookie press) that's opposite the handle. Once the ring is off, you should be able to access the inside of the barrel.

  3. Insert the cookie dough into the barrel. Don't fill up the barrel all the way with dough. You want to leave at least of space at the end of the barrel near the handle. Otherwise, you'll have a hard time pressing the dough out.[2]

  4. Insert the patterned disk you want to use into the ring. Your cookie press should have come with different disks that have unique patterns on them. Each pattern creates a different shape cookie. Lay the disk you want to use inside the cookie press ring so it's flat.[3]

  5. Screw the ring back onto the barrel. Make sure the ring is twisted all the way on so it's tight. If the ring is on properly, the patterned disk will be on the inside of the barrel. Once the ring is on the barrel, you're ready to start pressing out your cookie dough!
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EditPressing Out the Dough

  1. Press out the excess air in the barrel with the plunger. The plunger is the long, thin rod that goes in and out of the barrel. Grab the handle at the end of the plunger and push the plunger down into the barrel. Stop once all of the dough is packed down at the end of the barrel.[4]

  2. Place the end of the barrel flat on an unlined baking sheet. The barrel should be vertical. Make sure the ring at the end of the barrel is completely flat or the dough might not stick to the sheet.[5]
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    • Don't line the baking sheet with anything or the dough won't stick.
  3. Pump the handle on the cookie press to press out the dough. When you pump the handle, some of the cookie dough in the barrel will be pressed through the patterned disk and onto the baking sheet. Depending on your cookie press, you may need to pump the handle more than once to get enough dough to come out.[6]

    • If your cookie press doesn't have a handle or lever to pump, press down on the plunger instead.
  4. Lift the cookie press off the baking sheet. You should see a perfectly-shaped piece of dough on the baking sheet right where the ring was.

    • If the dough didn't come out of the barrel, or if it looks broken on the pan, the dough may be too cold. Let the cookie press sit at room temperature for a few minutes and then try again.[7]
    • If the dough isn't holding its shape, it may be too soft. Put the cookie press in the fridge for 10-15 minutes and try again.[8]
  5. Repeat across the baking sheet every . Once the baking sheet is covered with dough, bake the cookies in the oven according to the recipe. If there's any leftover dough in the cookie press, press it out onto a second baking sheet.[9]

  6. Take apart and clean the cookie press when you're finished using it. To take apart the press, unscrew the ring at the end of the barrel and set the ring and disk aside. Then, unscrew the barrel from the handle and take off the flat disk at the end of the plunger. Wash all of the detached pieces with soap and warm water and then reattach them to the cookie press.[10]

EditThings You'll Need

  • Cookie dough
  • Cookie press
  • Baking pan
  • Oven

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

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How to Kiss in a Car

Posted: 11 Feb 2019 12:00 AM PST

Whether you're hoping for a first kiss after a fun date or are trying to find a private make-out spot away from parents or roommates, a car can be an ideal place for smooching. Flirt with your partner to build anticipation for a first kiss, or find a more secluded spot and rearrange your car seats for a more intense make-out session. Don't forget to make sure your car is clean and inviting before you go in for the kiss. Get rid of any trash or eyesores and put on some fun music to create a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere.


EditGoing in for a First Kiss

  1. Flirt with your partner to see if they're on the same page as you. Start by joking around or gently flirting with your partner, in order to build the mood. Hinting at your interest in them gives them a chance to respond in kind if they reciprocate your feelings, and helps you gauge their interest in kissing you.[1]
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    • Make eye contact with your partner whenever the car comes to a stop, and once you park turn your whole body towards them to show you're listening and interested.[2]
    • Ask your partner questions. Everyone likes to talk about themselves, and trying to learn more about your partner's life, hobbies, or thoughts signals that you're interested.[3]
    • Try telling your partner something positive about themselves or about the time you just shared together, such as "I really had a good time with you tonight, and I'd be interested in hanging out with you again!" If they respond positively and echo your feelings - for example, if they tell you that they want to meet up again - this may be a good sign that they're on the same page.[4]
  2. Look for positive body language. If your partner seems relaxed, is leaning towards you, and is making eye contact, this might be a sign that they're interested. Watch for negative signals as well, such as your partner crossing their arms, fidgeting, or checking the clock. If you notice these signs, don't pursue a kiss — it's probably best to wait for a better time or place, or to accept that they're just not interested in you.[5]
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    • See if your date is facing you with an open and relaxed posture. This can be a good sign that they feel comfortable with you.
  3. Touch your partner's arm or hand in a light, playful way. Initiating physical touch with your partner helps remove barriers between the two of you, allows you to gauge their interest, and may help both of you feel more comfortable. Keep things non-sexual to make sure your touch is not coming across as creepy and unwelcome.[6]
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    • Examples of light, non-sexual touch include tapping your partner on the shoulder to get their attention, touching their arm while you're talking to them, or placing your hand right next to theirs. Touching your partner anywhere else might be seen as more sexual, and could make them uncomfortable.
  4. Make sure both your seatbelts are unbuckled. You don't want to make your move, only to discover one or both of you is restrained! After you park your car, immediately remove your seatbelt. Hopefully, your partner will follow your lead, but if not, wait to make your move until they've unbuckled. [7]
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  5. Ask for a kiss verbally if you're feeling brave. Some people think it's polite to ask verbally, and your partner might appreciate you being direct. Tell your partner that you're interested in them, or that you had a nice time with them, and then ask, "would you be comfortable with a kiss?" or "is it okay if I kiss you?" [8]
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    • Don't try to kiss someone out of the blue, with no warning — you should try to build towards the moment gradually.
  6. Ask for a kiss using body language. Signal your intentions by escalating your touch, such as putting your arm around their shoulder or giving them a hug, followed by a kiss on the cheek or forehead. If this is well reciprocated, you can try giving your partner a kiss on the lips.[9]
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    • If you aren't getting verbal consent from your partner, you need to be extra cautious that you're reading your partner's body language correctly — signs that your partner wants to continue include smiling, leaning towards you, and touching you back in the same way you're touching them.[10]
    • If your partner says no or appears uninterested, respect their wishes. Pushing too hard or too fast might make your partner uncomfortable, might make you seem creepy, and may ruin any chance you have with them.
  7. Lean in for a kiss. Face your partner, pucker your mouth a little and plant a kiss on your partner's lips. Don't open your mouth until after your lips are already touching![11]
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    • Rest one hand on your lap or to the side and gently touch your partner on their cheek or hair with the other.[12]
    • Follow your partner's lead. If they're keeping things light and slow, it's best to do the same. Don't try to push to go too fast — savor the moment, and continually try to read your partner's body language to make sure they're feeling comfortable and relaxed. Also, remember that you can stop anytime you want, even if you're the one who initiated the kiss. Don't feel pressured to go further than what you're comfortable with. [13]

EditInitiating an Intense Make-Out Session

  1. Check that your partner is comfortable with what you have in mind. The easiest way to see if your partner is on the same page is to ask first! You need to check both that your partner is interested in getting more physical with you, and that they're comfortable with doing so in a car in a potentially more hidden area.
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    • You should definitely have had some sort of basic physical contact, such as light kissing or hand-holding, before initiating a make-out session.[14]
    • You can see how your partner feels about getting more physical by saying something like, "I would love to find a more private place to kiss you. Would you like that?"[15]
    • Tell your partner where you're planning on taking them before you drive to a more remote area. It may be tempting to keep it a surprise in order to make it feel more romantic, but you may end up killing the mood instead, as some people may be worried for their safety if you unexpectedly drive to an area where no one else can see you.
  2. Make sure you're parked in a secluded area. If it's dark outside, turn your headlights off to make you and your partner less noticeable. Double-check that both your partner as well as anyone else who may see you will not feel uncomfortable. Some people don't like public displays of affection, and your partner may not want to kiss you where other people could see.[16]
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    • Kissing in public is not against the law in most places, but if you want to escalate things beyond kissing, you may need to move to a more private spot indoors. If an act is illegal in public, then it's illegal to do in a car that's parked in a public spot.[17]
  3. Build up the mood by flirting with your partner. Try giving them compliments, like "you look so cute right now!" Keep the mood light and don't try to push things forward too quickly. Initiate light physical touch, such as putting your hand on your partner's knee, if your partner is clearly engaged in the conversation and is reciprocating your touches.[18]
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    • Try to build towards a moment where you are locking eyes with your partner, as this is usually when a kiss happens. But be careful not to stare intensely at your partner, as this can be seen as creepy![19]
  4. Initiate light kissing, and build from there. Wait for a moment where your partner is looking into your eyes, and lean over and kiss them on the lips. Start slowly, by keeping the kiss light, touching safe areas like their face or shoulder, and changing positions slowly. Build the kiss gradually by slowly escalating your touches and only proceeding if your partner is enthusiastically responding.[20]
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    • Keep the kiss interesting by occasionally breaking apart to look into your partner's eyes or ask them if they like what you're doing. Every once in a while, move your hands to a new location, such as their hair, neck, hands, or leg.[21]
  5. Adjust your car seats if the kiss continues to escalate. You may need to ask your partner to hold on for a second, and make some minor adjustments or ask them if they're interested in moving to the back seat.
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    • Slide your seats backwards and tilt the seats back if you're in the front seat. If you're in a vehicle with a bench seat, you may be able to just tilt the seats back and then lie down across the seat. If there is a gearshift in between the two front seats, and you don't want to lean over it, it may help for both of you to move over to the passenger seat, where there's no steering wheel or pedals to get in the way.
    • Move the front seats forward if you're going to hop in the back of the car. Try to make as much room as possible for you and your partner by sliding the seats up and flattening the backseat down into the trunk, if possible.[22]
  6. Check in with your partner frequently to make sure they're feeling comfortable. It can be hard to get physically comfortable when making out in a car, and you may have to adjust frequently. Furthermore, you should make sure your partner is feeling good about how far and how fast things are progressing.[23]
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    • Get verbal consent by telling your partner what you want to do before you do it. For example, as you're kissing, tell your partner something like, "I'm going to slide my hand under your shirt," and wait for them to tell you yes or give you a non-verbal sign, like kissing you more enthusiastically.[24]
    • Pay attention to your partner's body language. Anytime you escalate your physical touch, read your partner's reaction. If they lean in closer, or touch you back in the same way, that's a good sign that they like what you are doing. If your partner moves backwards, stops what they're doing, or doesn't give you much of a response back, then pull back, as these are all physical ways of giving someone a "no."[25]

EditSetting the Mood in Your Car

  1. Get rid of any smelly, dirty, or unpleasant-looking mood killers. Make sure the seats where you and your partner will be sitting are clean and clutter-free. Remove food wrappers, trash, worn clothes, or anything else that might smell bad.
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    • Run a vacuum over the seats if they're dirty. Most car washes and some gas stations have vacuum cleaners you can use on your car.
    • If you're worried about smells, hang up an air freshener or spritz some odor-eliminating spray in your car.
    • Wipe down the dashboard and door handles by the passenger seat, and remove any trash or clutter that might be sitting in compartments in the side door.
  2. Adjust the temperature of your car to make sure your partner is comfortable. Try to pay attention to whether they seem like they're too hot or too cold. If you're not sure, just ask! Remember not to run your battery down if you plan to be there for a while.
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    • If you want to cool down the car, ask your partner whether they prefer the windows or air conditioning, as some people might prefer fresh air, while others might not like too much wind from outside.
  3. Put on relaxing music to set the mood. Playing fun, lighthearted, or sexy music can help your partner feel more comfortable and can make any silences less awkward. If you happen to know your partner's favorite band or genre, put that on to help them feel even more relaxed.[26]
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  4. Find a scenic or secluded place to park the car. Drive to your favorite nearby spot, or suggest your partner take you to a place with a view. At the very least, find somewhere that's slightly hidden.[27]
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    • If you live in an area that's not too flat, try to find a hill or other spot with a scenic overlook. You could also try driving to a nearby park and finding a place that's a bit more hidden by trees.
    • Don't park under a streetlamp, or in your partner's brightly-lit driveway where parents might see.
    • Make sure you're allowed to be parked in your spot. For example, a lot of parks close at sunset and you could get in trouble for trespassing if you park your car there.[28]


  • If you want to really make a good impression, take your car through a car wash before picking up your partner.
  • Turn your car off before starting to kiss someone. If you lose track of time and have a long make-out session, you may end up running down your car battery!
  • Keep some gum in your car for yourself or to offer your partner, in case either of you is worried about bad breath.
  • You have less room to move around in a car, which can sometimes make kissing awkward. Consider opening your partner's car door for them or walking your partner to the door of their house if you'd rather share a kiss while directly facing each other.

EditSources and Citations

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