Sunday, July 16, 2017

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Cut a Bell Pepper

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:00 PM PDT

Bell peppers are great in lots of dishes! They can be used cooked or raw; you can stuff them, dice them, stew them, or scatter rings in a salad. And they're quite good for you, too. Yet large peppers are pretty awkward and strange to cut, what with the seeds and ribs and the tough skin. While there are many ways to cut bell peppers, they mostly boil down to two: hollowed-out peppers, which can be cut into rings, or julienne strips, which can be cut crosswise into dice.


EditHollowing a Whole Pepper

  1. Cut the stem end from the body of the pepper. Most cooks will find it easiest to lay the pepper on its side, the stem toward your strong side (the right if you're a righty), and then cut crosswise just below the "shoulders." The entire stem and its base should come off in one piece.

    • Depending on the pepper, there may be quite a bit of flesh remaining attached to the stem, which can be cut free and chopped if desired.
    • Alternatively, the point of a sharp paring or similar knife can be inserted between the stem and the shoulder. Then rotate the pepper in one hand while holding the knife firmly in the other. The stem should come away cleanly.
  2. Cut the ribs and seeds away from the flesh. Start by turning the pepper so its opening faces you. Insert the point of a smallish, sharp knife (such as a paring knife) into the pepper and cut through the ribs close to the flesh. Rotate the pepper's body and continue cutting until all the ribs and seeds are loose, and remove.

    • When using hot peppers, don't touch your eyes or other sensitive areas until you've washed your hands thoroughly, preferably in an acidic solution (a little vinegar or lemon juice does the trick). Wearing gloves may be wise with very hot peppers.
  3. Remove the remaining seeds. Bang the pepper's opening against your hand or a cutting board, or rinse under cold water.

  4. Cut crosswise into rings (optional). Turn the pepper sideways as in step 1 above. Cut crosswise into thin or thick rings, as desired.

EditJulienning Finely

  1. Peel the main flesh of the pepper (optional). Using a good vegetable peeler, serrated or not, start at the rounded shoulders and peel toward the point. You won't be able to peel everything, because some parts will be in the dents or pleats, and not accessible to the flat blade.[1][2]

    • Peeling peppers makes them more delicate to bite and flavor. The skins are somewhat bitter, especially with green peppers, as well as being tough to chew.
  2. Separate the flesh along the pleats. Place the pepper point-side down on a cutting board, or hold firmly in your off-hand if you're comfortable cutting in-hand. Insert a sharp knife's point into the top of each pleat, at the stem, and cut downward until you reach the point. Rotate the pepper and repeat until the flesh is separated into sections. Pull the sections outward, away from the stem, and they'll break off neatly.

  3. Peel the remaining flesh (optional). Now that all the flesh is accessible, complete the peeling process.

  4. Remove the veins and seeds. Lay the sections flat on the board, and either cut the veins and seeds free or else pinch and pull them off with your fingers. Cutting is cleaner and faster, but it does mean using a knife quite close to the off-hand fingers.[3]

    • Most of the seeds and veins will have been removed in step 2, but there will likely be some still stuck here and there. If you're not looking for perfectly clean julienne or dice, you may be able to skip this step.
  5. Cut lengthwise into julienne strips. Turn the sections so they run front-to-back, parallel to your knife. With a smooth cutting motion guided by the knuckles of your off hand, cut the flesh into strips of the desired thinness.

  6. Dice the strips (optional). Rotate the julienne strips 90 degrees on the board and cut again as before, creating even dice.[4]

EditJulienning Coarsely

  1. Cut the pepper in half lengthwise. Stand the pepper on its point. Using a large, sharp knife (chef's knife, etc.), cut straight down through the base of the stem and to the point, splitting the pepper.

  2. Remove the stem from both halves. With the point of the knife (a paring knife is probably easier for this part), cut around where the stem part meets the flesh, and discard the stem.

  3. Pull out the ribs. With the knife or your fingers, cut or pull out all the whitish ribs.

  4. Remove the remaining seeds. Bang the pepper halves, open-end down, on the cutting board or your open hand.

  5. Cut in strips. Lay the pepper skin-side down, with the point end toward you. With your knife and off-hand in the usual position, knuckles guiding blade, cut in strips.

  6. Dice (optional). Turn the strips 90 degrees on the board and cut as before.

    • This method is faster than the previous one, but it's also less delicate. You can't get the peel off fully, for one thing. In addition, this method will tend to break the flesh here and there a little bit.


  • The skin of a pepper is remarkably tough, and can easily crush rather than cutting. For this reason, as when cutting the pepper's close-cousin the tomato, it is very important to use a sharp knife. If clean cuts are unimportant to you, a serrated knife works pretty well.
  • It is generally better, when cutting the flesh on a board, to put the skin side down. That way you won't crush the flesh.[5]
  • As with any fresh ingredient, begin by washing the pepper(s) well in cold water. Then continue by choosing whether you want your peppers (1) hollow or in rings, or (2) in julienne strips or dice.
  • When selecting peppers, choose ones that are glossy and firm to the touch. Avoid those that are wrinkly, soft, or dull.
  • Bell peppers keep well in the refrigerator for 3-5 days after purchase. Keep in the salad drawer if possible.
  • If your knife is very sharp and you're pretty dexterous, try this quick trick to remove the ribs from a hollowed-out pepper (Method 1). When you insert the knife, make sure the blade is away from you. Then, as you cut through each rib, roll the pepper away from you. With practice, you'll find that you can do the whole rib-removal job in one quick motion, which looks very cool!


  • Take the usual precautions when handling a sharp knife.

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EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

How to Apply Stage Makeup

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 09:00 AM PDT

If you're a performer, stage makeup is essential. The bright stage lights will wash out your skin tone and obscure your facial features, and stage makeup is applied to prevent that from happening. The way you put on makeup for the stage is a lot different than your everyday makeup, though. The results may seem pretty dramatic in the mirror, but onstage it looks flattering and makes you easily recognizable from a distance.


EditApplying Foundation and Blush

  1. Wash your face thoroughly and apply a good moisturizer. Clean and moisturized skin provides a smooth base for your makeup and helps it last longer during a performance. Wash your face thoroughly, then pat your skin dry with a soft towel. Apply a good moisturizer all over your face and neck, followed by a light, colorless balm on your lips.

    • For dry skin, try an exfoliating cleanser to smooth out flaky areas.
    • If you have oily skin, use a an alcohol-free toner after you wash, then apply moisturizer.[1]
  2. Apply an oil-free foundation. Use a sponge or brush to apply foundation to your entire face. Choose a shade that matches your skin tone or, if you're very pale, you may want to go one shade darker. Use makeup with a warm, yellowish undertone, since stage lights tend to be cool in tone. Blend well around your hairline, temples and jaw so that everything looks even.[2]

    • Oil-free foundation will keep your skin looking matte onstage.
    • Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to slather on the foundation. Apply just enough to even out your skin tone.[3]
    • Opt for waterproof cream foundations, which do well under stage lights.[4]
    • You can also use cake makeup, which is formulated for the stage.[5]
  3. Emphasize your cheekbones with blush. Apply blush from the middle of your cheeks (just outside the center of your eyes) to your ears with a fluffy brush. Aim for the area just below your cheekbone, which is the "hollow" of your cheek. This contours your cheekbones and makes them stand out onstage. Blend the blush in well.[6]

    • In general, women should go with a rosy shade. For men, go with a shade or two lighter than that.
    • If you're concerned about your blush running under the stage lights, use a cream formula.[7]

EditAccentuating Your Eyes

  1. Apply a light eyeshadow color on your lids and under your brows. Select a neutral eyeshadow that is 1-2 shades paler than your skin tone. Use an eyeshadow brush to apply the palest color just beneath your eyebrows. You can use the same color on your lids, or you can use an eyeshadow that is one shade darker. Blend both areas well.[8]

    • Cream formulas work well for eye makeup, especially under hot stage lights.[9]
  2. Apply a dark neutral color into the crease of your eye. Use an eyeshadow brush to apply a dark neutral color, like brown, to the area between the brow and lid, where the skin creases. Be sure to blend the eyeshadow well so there are no hard lines.[10]

    • Depending on the performance, you may be asked to use a brighter color in the crease. If nothing is specified, a neutral brown shade works well.
  3. Use brown or black waterproof eyeliner on the upper lash line. Pencil and liquid liners both work, as long as they're waterproof. Start at the inner corner and draw a firm, thin line along your upper lash line to the outer edge of your eye. Don't make the line too thick, unless your role calls for a dramatic look. Make sure the lines are even and both eyes match.[11]

    • Brown and black both work, but black liner will give you more definition. For a more natural look, men may want to go with brown.[12]
    • Optionally, you can apply a white eyeliner pencil to your lower waterline, which makes the eyes look brighter and whiter.
  4. Apply waterproof mascara to your upper and lower lashes. Aim for 1-2 coats of mascara on the upper lashes and a single light coat on the bottom lashes.[13] Put the wand at the base of your lashes, press lightly, then move it along the lashes to the tips.

    • You can use brown or black mascara, but black provides more definition. Brown works best for men, since it defines the eyes without being too drastic.[14]
    • Make sure you use waterproof mascara, or it could run once you start to sweat beneath the bright stage lights.
  5. Fill in your brows with a brown pencil. For more dramatic roles, you may want to opt for black, but dark brown is a good neutral choice for everyone. Fill in any patchy areas so that your eyebrows appear firm and full. Use the pencil to enhance the natural arch of your brow, which will help to frame your face.[15]

EditHighlighting Your Mouth and Setting the Look

  1. Line your lips with a red or rosy color. Lip liner helps your lipstick stay in place and can prevent it from bleeding outside the lip line. It also gives your mouth a lot more definition than lipstick alone. Draw a firm, dark line that follows the natural shape of your lips – you don't need to go outside the lip line unless your role calls for an emphasized mouth.[16]

    • Avoid doing a nude lip onstage, or your mouth will look non-existent.
    • Lip color requirements usually vary, depending on your role. Most men use a more natural shade. Check with your director if you're unsure.
  2. Fill in your lips with a matching lipstick. Follow the natural shape of your lips and fill them in with a lipstick that matches your lip liner. Choose a long-lasting formula, such as a liquid lipstick or a lip stain, since you probably won't get an opportunity to reapply during your performance.

    • Try to avoid creamy formulas, since they don't have a lot of staying power. These can fade fast, leaving you with dark lip liner and pale lips.[17]
  3. Set your makeup with a dusting of translucent powder. Use a fluffy kabuki brush for this, which will give you an even dusting. Dip the brush into the container of powder, then tap it on the edge of the sink or counter to get rid of the excess. Apply one layer of the powder all over your face and neck. This will "set" your makeup, and help it stay in place during your performance.[18]

    • If you're involved in a vigorous performance and worried about keeping your makeup in place, try misting your face with a setting spray before you apply the powder.[19]
  4. Step back from the mirror and look at yourself. Your makeup should have an exaggerated look to combat the bright stage lighting. The audience will see you from different distances and angles. The people in the front will see you very clearly, so you want to look natural to them. The people who are in the nosebleeds must be able to see your expressions, so stage makeup will help you to accomplish this.

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EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

How to View Source Code

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:00 AM PDT

This wikiHow teaches you how to view the source code, which is the programming language behind any website, on most common browsers. Excluding a Safari trick, you cannot view a website's source code while using a mobile browser.


EditChrome, Firefox, Edge, and Internet Explorer

  1. Open your web browser. The process for viewing source code on Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer is the same.
    View Source Code Step 1 Version 5.jpg
  2. Navigate to a webpage. It should be a page whose source code you wish to view.
    View Source Code Step 2 Version 5.jpg
  3. Right-click the page. If you're using a Mac computer with a one-button mouse, you can hold down and click instead. If you are on a laptop with a trackpad, you can use two fingers to click the page instead. This will invoke a drop-down menu.
    View Source Code Step 3 Version 5.jpg
    • Don't right-click a link or a photo when doing this or else the wrong menu will appear.
  4. Click or . Doing so will display your browser's source code in a new window or at the bottom of the current window.
    View Source Code Step 4 Version 5.jpg
    • You'll see View page source for Chrome and Firefox, and View Source for Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.
    • You can also press (PC) or (Mac) to display the source code.


  1. Open Safari. This is a blue, compass-shaped app.
    View Source Code Step 5 Version 4.jpg
  2. Click . It's in the top-left side of your Mac's menu bar. Doing so invokes a drop-down menu.
    View Source Code Step 6 Version 4.jpg
  3. Click . This option is in the middle of the drop-down menu.
    View Source Code Step 7 Version 4.jpg
  4. Click the tab. It's in the top-right corner of the Preferences window.
    View Source Code Step 8 Version 4.jpg
  5. Check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" box. This option is near the bottom of the Preferences window. You should see a Develop menu appear in your Mac's menu bar.
    View Source Code Step 9 Version 4.jpg
  6. Navigate to a webpage. It should be a page whose source code you wish to view.
    View Source Code Step 10 Version 4.jpg
  7. Click . This menu is to the left of the Window menu in your Mac's menu bar.
    View Source Code Step 11 Version 4.jpg
  8. Click . It's near the bottom of the drop-down menu. Clicking this option will prompt Safari to display the webpage's source code.
    View Source Code Step 12 Version 4.jpg
    • You can also press to display the source code.



  • Be wary of downloading third-party applications that claim to display the source code of a website.

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