How to Hit a Tennis Forehand Posted: 13 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT The forehand is an essential shot in any successful tennis match. It is usually the first shot players learn because the forehand stroke comes naturally to most people. By practicing proper forehand techniques, top players can develop formidable shots that help them to win points from the baseline. Learn proper techniques and how to avoid common mistakes when hitting a proper tennis forehand. EditHitting a Forehand - Prepare for the shot. Hold your racquet with your dominant hand while your other hand holds your racquet at its throat. As the ball comes over the net and approaches your wing, open your shoulders by turning and taking the racquet back. Keep your legs shoulder width apart and comfortably bent. This is called the ready position. [1]
- Level your back swing. Keep your racket head about level to your head as your non-dominant hand leaves the throat of your racquet. Ensure that you fully turn your shoulder and that you don't bring the racquet back too low or too high. Lock your wrist to ensure smooth, circular, and consistent movement as you take your racquet back.[2]
- Your forehand may become erratic if your backswing is inconsistent. Don't take a longer backswing to produce extra power. Be consistent especially when under pressure.[3]
- Generate your forward swing. After you have calculated the approach of the ball and adjusted yourself into the correct position, drop the racket below the level of the ball by bending your elbow and pronating your forearm. Build up racquet speed to be unleashed at the point of contact.[4]
- Lock your eyes on to the ball. Freeze your head until after you have made contact and ensure that there are no hitches to your swing.[5]
- Swing through the ball. Hit the ball when the ball is a comfortable distance from your body and within striking range. Extend your arm out and use your wrist to keep the face of the racquet laid back as it makes contact with the ball at maximum speed.[6]
- Do not exaggerate the low-to-high trace of your swing because your shots may unintentionally land short, giving your opponent an opportunity to attack.
- Follow through. Upon impact, continue your arm's extension out in front of you by whipping your wrist and pronating your forearm. Bring the head of your racquet to the side of your non-dominant hand to create a windshield wiper like finish.[7]
- Stay locked and balanced. Don't look up too early to watch where your shot will land. These can affect your shot and make it go awry.
- Avoid changing your swing. Do not decelerate your racquet head in your follow through or your shots may fly out of bounds. Don't shorten your follow through or you may hit the net.[8]
- Keep your swing path smooth and continuous, starting from your backswing, through your hit, and ending with your follow through. There should be no jerky motions at any point of your forehand.[9]
- Stay low and don't move your head. Controlling your head movement produces a consistent swing path. Don't look up or stand up too soon. Remain focused and keep your eyes on the ball from the second it leaves the racquet of your opponent until after your follow through.[10]
- Keep your head down and don't look up early to see where the ball is going. Keep consistent with your follow through.
EditGripping Your Racquet - Adjust your grip. Picture shaking hands with someone and use the same technique to hold your racquet. Allow one edge of your racquet to point to the court as you hold your racquet vertical. Wrap your fingers around your racquet's grip at the butt end.
- Place your wrist against the handle. Place your palm barely behind the handle of the racket. If you're right-handed, place the racquet at the right side of your body and grip it with your wrist at the butt of the handle slightly to the right. The space between your index finger and thumb should be towards and above the rear of the handle.[11]
- Keep the racquet out to the left of your body if you're a left handed player. Grip the racquet with your palm slightly behind the handle. Keep your wrist at the left butt end of the handle. The space between your index finger and thumb should be placed at the rear and above the handle.
- This is the most common grip for beginners, known as the Eastern Forehand Grip. It is used to hit solid forehands because it is the most natural and versatile grip; however, there are also the Western and Continental grips used for other tennis shots like the slice.
- Close the racquet face when using the Eastern Forehand Grip. When you want to hit with power, close the racquet face on your backswing. Closing the racquet face during your backswing generates more topspin when you hit the ball with power. Aim slightly higher than the top of the net.[12]
- Use the Semi-Western Grip to hit with speed and spin. Place the knuckle of your index finger and lower palm on the fourth bevel of your racquet grip. A shortcut is to place the racquet flat on the ground. When you pick it up you create the natural contact points between your shoulders and waist.[13]
- Adjust your backswing so that it's closed by angling the face of your racquet towards the ground. You can hit the ball harder as you close your backswing more. Practice making the ball go airborne as you apply more power and create more spin. If done incorrectly, you will actually reduce the power of your forehand.[14]
- Create the most spin with the Western Forehand Grip. Place the knuckle of your index finger and the bottom of your palm on the fifth bevel of your racquet grip. You should make contact with the ball around your shoulders.[15]
- Don't grip your racquet too tightly. You want to easily shift your grip to create the appropriate type of shot. For example, you may change to a Continental Grip from an Eastern Grip to hit a drop shot or short slice.[16]
EditCreating Topspin - Choose your grip. A Western Grip can generate the most spin. For the Western Grip, place the knuckle of your index finger and the bottom of the palm of your hand on the fifth bevel of the racquet grip.
- Get into the correct stance. Have a semi-open stance unless your opponent hits the ball short. If the ball is hit short, step forward into a neutral stance. For a semi-open stance, take a slight step to the side and rotate your shoulder until you lock your hips at the pelvic joint.[17]
- The lock position maintains balance by lifting your non-hitting hand parallel to the court.
- Relax your dominant hand. Bend and relax your hand as you hold the racquet vertically. Keep the butt-cap facing the court and your body straight but bent at your knees. Rotate your body as your bent knees complete your full body rotation.[18]
- Initiate your swing. Push off your dominant leg and rotate your shoulder and hips. Keep your weight on your dominant leg and bend your knees. Your dominant foot should be pointed outwards as you stand in the lock position. Keep your shoulder perpendicular to the net as you watch the ball over your non-dominant shoulder.[19]
- Keep your dominant hand holding the racquet vertical and your non-dominant arm parallel to the court.
- Create a C shape with your swing. Start to drop your racquet as you create a C shape swing path towards the ball. Uncoil your shoulders and push off on your dominant leg. Open up your shoulder and hip toward the court as you further drop your racquet.[20]
- Watch the ball as you drop your racquet.
- Strike the ball. Square your body to the net, keeping the racquet below the ball. Rotate your body forward and bring the racquet face through the ball. Cock your dominant wrist completely back as you snap through the ball. Straighten up your dominant leg as you push off through your hit.[21]
- Your non-dominant leg will begin to slightly lift off the ground. Keep your head steady and watch the ball upon impact.
- Follow through. Keep your body straight as your non-dominant foot leaves the ground. Extend your dominant hand through the contact. Finish your swing across your body rather than across your shoulder. Keep your eye on the ball over your dominant shoulder.[22]
- Your non-dominant foot will land back on the ground and your non-dominant hand should catch the racquet after your follow through. Your dominant foot will come forward to keep your balance as your body fully rotates to complete the hit.
EditCorrecting Common Mistakes - Practice as much as possible. Perfect your forehand through repetition. Try to mimic the same motion over and over again. You want to create a habit by using drills so that, when it comes to the pressure of a game, your muscles will be able to execute the same movements.[23]
- Visualize your correct stroke. Keep things simple and don't confuse yourself with too much information. Visualize a smooth stroke path. You can only improve your forehand through repetition. Visualization can help your body reproduce the correct movements that maximize the accuracy, topspin, and power of your forehand.[24]
- Simplify your stroke. Don't try to copy the idiosyncrasies of the top pros. Master the fundamentals first and then an easy and simple swing that feels natural to you. Power and topspin will come on their own without trying to change the basics.[25]
- Focus on footwork. You must move your feet to ensure perfect timing and movement to keep your ideal balance. Set up correctly to receive the ball. Setting up in time will give you options where to hit the ball.[26]
- The correct setup is having your non-dominant leg in front of the other while both knees are bent. Your hips and shoulders should be open as your body readies to explode into your forehand.
- Select the right shots. Use the forehand as a weapon and strategically hit your shots at optimum locations. Be patient and vary the location and speed of your shots. Keep your opponent guessing.[27]
- For example, if your opponent is directly in front of you, you may want to hit your forehand across the court so that your opponent must run to retrieve it. When someone is forced to run to make a shot, it increases the level of difficulty as she must aim and generate power while off balance. The right shot depends on exploiting your opponent's weakness. For example, if your opponent has a weak backhand, aim to exploit it.
- Position yourself correctly. Don't hit the ball when it's too close or too far from your body. Avoid hitting the ball in a sideways direction or if it's in front of you. Hit the ball at a comfortable reach when it's close to your hip.[28]
- Avoid hitting the ball with a closed racket face. Open your racquet face as you make contact. Create a brushing effect between your racquet and the ball to create topspin. Make sure that the angle of your swing moves from low to high.[29]
- Make sure you transfer your weight and follow-through. For topspin, follow through over your dominant shoulder. Transfer your weight in a forward and upward direction by bending your knees during your preparation and straightening them as you uncoil and rotate your body to hit the ball.[30]
- Use the right grip for the right court. If your court creates a high bounce to your ball, then a Western or Semi-Western Grip is ideal. This allows you to hit the ball at a higher point of contact. If the court produces a low bounce then a continental grip is ideal. The Eastern Grip is ideal to hit flat and straight shots.[31]
- Each player is different. Even if two players were taught by the same coach, they would still produce a different swing. Don't be disappointed if there are differences in your swing relative to your favourite player. The mechanics and result are what's most important.[32]
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How to Argue Effectively with a Person in a Position of Privilege Posted: 12 Apr 2017 05:00 PM PDT Even though we all have value and a right to our opinions, you may feel intimidated if you find yourself debating a point with someone who has had more opportunities than you. This can include access to higher education, social status, or economic advantages. Arguing with a person in a position of privilege can be very stressful, especially when arguing about society or the privilege(s) they hold. In order to have the most effective discussion with the person who holds the privilege, you should prepare what you want to say, keep a calm demeanor during the discussion, and take time to reflect on the argument. Hopefully, you can manage to have a constructive conversation and you will both learn from each other's perspectives. EditOrganizing Your Thoughts - Take a moment to compose yourself. If you are confronted in the moment with the opportunity to argue with a person of privilege, before you speak, take a moment to gather your thoughts. Take a moment to process the statement or the situation and reflect quickly on what you'd like to say and how to say it.
- For example, if you are at work and hear a man say something negative about a woman, take a moment to process the statement and think about a respectful response. You could say to them, "I really don't appreciate those types of statements about women. Can we talk about why that's offensive towards women?"
- Research the topic. When you know the subject you want to discuss with someone beforehand, do ample research so you are prepared with all the facts you will need. This can be relatively simply due to the internet having a wide array of news available at the click of a button. Try to find as many sources of news as possible and learn what is happening in the world.
- If the topic contains an academic subject (such as law) research scholarly articles using Google Scholar or other sites for academic journals and books.
- Always be careful to read and research using reliable news sources. The Internet is full of inaccurate and unverifiable information, so make sure that the information you are using for your argument is reliable.
- For example, if you are talking to someone about the income inequality between women and men, it would be good to look up the stats of how much less women make compared to men instead of making a blanket statement that men make more.
- Know your position. Arguing your side is most effective if you are knowledgeable about the position you are taking. Make sure you know your facts and have the statistics and sources to prove them. Not only should you know your side, you should know the likely counterarguments that will arise from the other person. You can ask family and friends about their opinions on the topic so you have a wide range of viewpoints to consider.
- While researching your topic, try to read articles that have an opposing view tp yours so you have a general idea of what counterarguments may arise.
- Be careful to not get too caught up in blogs and the comment sections of articles. Oftentimes, those are being written from an emotional standpoint. So while you can get a sense of how the other person feels, do not confuse it for factual information.
- Consider the situation. If the person holds a position of power over you, or could pose a safety threat, it may be dangerous to point out their privilege. If you could lose your job, get kicked out of your house, be physically attacked, or otherwise be harmed by disagreeing with this person, don't proceed. Your physical and emotional safety comes first.
- For example, it may not be wise to confront your boss about his privilege if you've been recently hired. Most jobs are at will and any hostility you show could be shown as having a poor temperament.
EditMaking Your Argument - Be respectful, but firm. While engaging in the argument, try to uphold their character while being critical of bad behavior. People can easily take criticism of their behavior as criticism of their character, so make it clear that you respect them as a human being. If they have been oppressive, phrase the issue as a deviation from their usually good behavior, rather than an attack on them.
- For example, if your friend has been making negative statements about the Muslim community, you could say, "You're such a fair-minded person. I'm surprised to hear these remarks about Muslims coming from you."
- If your neighbor made a disrespectful comment about autistic persons, say, "I'm surprised a considerate and thoughtful person like you would support a eugenics organization like Autism Speaks."
- Encourage them to question their privileged reasoning. Critical thinking and consideration of other perspectives are a key part of social justice discourse, so encourage them to use these skills. They may come to new realizations and change their position. Even if they don't, the questions you ask will likely stick in their minds and they may gradually change their minds.[1]
- If the person says that all immigrants are taking their jobs, try saying, "That's interesting. Why would you say that?"[2]
- If the person has repeatedly questioned the Black Lives Matter organization, ask "Why do you think the organization felt it needed to be formed?"[3]
- Respond thoughtfully. Once you have had the opportunity to speak your mind and they have given their side of the argument, think about what they said before you respond. If you immediately begin to respond after they have finished talking, it could come across as though you weren't listening. Take a moment to reflect on what they said so you can respond effectively.[4]
- For example, if they just said, "I think black people should just stop complaining and stop being lazy." You could follow up with, "I hear that you think black people are lazy. Well, truthfully that's incorrect. Black people actually are widely discriminated against and oftentimes difficult for them to get hired for good paying jobs to support their families."[5]
- Rely on facts, not feelings. Use statistics and studies to back up the points you make, and make it clear that your viewpoint is carefully based upon the reality of the world. Here are examples of clear facts.
- American police killed have killed nearly 850 people in 2016.[6] Canada has about 25 fatal police shootings per year, Germany had 15 in 2 years (including armed victims), and Iceland has had 1 in 71 years of existence.[7]
- Shaming overweight people actually hurts their health: its victims' mental health deteriorates, and they become even fatter.[8] Conversely, fat acceptance blogs can improve readers' health.[9]
- People with mental illnesses are no more likely to be violent than the general population.[10] They are much more likely to be victims of violence.[11]
- Keep your cool. Effective arguing is not about who can yell the loudest, it's about expressing your facts and opinions in a meaningful and convincing manner. If you raise your voice, they will naturally want to yell back, which turns your argument into a shouting match. Additionally, if you yell at someone they'll likely respond with defensiveness or aggressiveness, and productive dialogue will be lost. If you start getting frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed, find ways to calm yourself.[12]
- Take a moment to calm down. Try closing your eyes and taking a long, deep breath. Try not to do this in an obnoxious way. The person could see this as a sign of aggravation and not want to continue the conversation with you.
- If the other person is speaking too quickly, ask them to slow down. "I want to understand what you're saying, and it's difficult when you speak so fast. Would you please slow down and restate what you said?"
- Recognize when it's time to quit. Say "I need some air" or "I don't want to talk about this anymore" if...
- They try to gaslight you (Try to make you believe your past didn't happen how you remember it).
- They try to tell you or make you feel like your experiences aren't valid.
- They become aggressive or threatening.
- They prove that they're not willing to understand your side. ("Nothing can change my mind...")
- You don't feel that you can comfortably continue the discussion.
EditReflecting After the Argument - Take some time to recover. Arguing with a person in a position of privilege, especially if they are in a position of power over you, can be a tiring experience. Don't push yourself to do anything challenging right away.
- Do breathing exercises or take a walk.
- Let out your emotions. Cry, scream into a pillow, punch the sofa, and do whatever you need to do in order to release your feelings. It's normal and okay to be upset after a difficult conversation, especially if it didn't go well.
- Reconnect with others. Reach out to others with your same experiences or those who are in the same position as you are. This could remind you of why you wanted to have the argument in the first place and to put into perspective why you are standing up for yourself or others.
- If you were standing up for overweight people, read from the overweight acceptance movement online.[13]
- If you were supporting the rights of disabled people, reach out to your friends from the disability community online.
- If you are an advocate for LGBT rights, try reading a blog about the progress the community has made, such as the right to marry and adopt.[14]
- If you are an advocate for the Black Lives Matter organization, look up when and where their next peaceful protest will be taking place.[15]
- Understand that people benefit from privilege if they are in a group that benefits from systematic oppression, whether or not they personally have a problem with the oppressed group(s).
- While it's important to get your point across effectively, don't become angry and upset. Make your arguments clear and walk away with knowing you did your best to make your point.
- When arguing, never resort to shouting, name-calling, insulting, or physical threats. If the other person responds in that manner, walk away from the discussion.
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How to Make Garlic Cream Sauce Posted: 12 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT Few things are as impressive to make as a garlic cream sauce. It's surprising that something so rich and versatile is also so fast and easy to make. Choose a traditional garlic cream sauce or roast the garlic beforehand to create a mellower garlic flavor. Whip up a batch and use it on a variety of things, from pizza and pasta to steaks and seafood. EditIngredients EditFor the Garlic Cream Sauce: - 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 tablespoons flour
- Several garlic cloves (enough to make 2 tablespoons minced)
- 2 cups heavy or whipping cream (note: not whipped cream)
- 1 teaspoon vegetable, beef, or chicken bouillon
- 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
- Salt and pepper, to taste
EditFor the Roasted-Garlic Cream Sauce: - 1 head of garlic
- 3 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
- 3 tablespoons flour
- 1 cup chicken or vegetable stock
- 1/2 cup heavy or whipping cream (note: not whipped cream)
- Salt and pepper, to taste
EditMaking a Garlic Cream Sauce - Melt butter and olive oil.Heat the tablespoon of butter and tablespoon of olive oil in a sauté pan over medium heat.
- Mince the garlic. Peel the cloves of garlic. Then, chop the garlic very finely until you have 2 tablespoons (1/8 cup).
- Add the garlic to the butter and oil. Once the butter and oil have melted together, carefully add the minced garlic and stir.
- The garlic should soften and smell fragrant. Avoid cooking it till it turns brown.
- Make a roux. Add the flour directly to the butter/oil/garlic mixture and stir well. Make sure that the flour is completely incorporated. Keep cooking and stirring this mixture over medium heat, for about a minute.
- You should notice the roux start to thicken up and darken a bit in color.
- Heat the heavy cream and bouillon. You can microwave the liquids till warm or heat them in a pan on the stove. Take care not to boil the liquids.
- Add 2 cups (16 ounces) of heavy cream and bouillon. Carefully pour the warmed cream and bouillon into the roux, while mixing with your other hand. Keep whisking and cooking over medium heat until it starts to simmer, or bubble gently.
- Stir occasionally and season. Frequently stir the sauce so that it doesn't stick to the pan. Add salt and pepper, according to your taste. The sauce should start to thicken up after a few minutes.
- The sauce should still be bubbling gently. At no point should you boil the sauce.
- Add Parmesan cheese and remove from heat. Stir well to melt the cheese. Continue cooking if you want a really thick sauce. If not, remove the sauce and serve.
EditMaking a Roasted-Garlic Cream Sauce - Turn on the oven. Heat the oven to 400 F/ 204 C. Tear off a square of aluminum foil. The piece should be around a square foot in size.
- Prepare the garlic. Take your whole head of garlic and set it on the middle of your aluminum square. Drizzle it with 1 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil. Then, wrap the aluminum foil around the garlic, sealing it in and making a pouch.
- Roast the garlic. Set your pouch of garlic in the oven, directly on a rack. Let it cook for 30 minutes. The garlic will be soft when it's finished cooking. Remove it from the oven and foil. Let it cool.
- Squeeze roasted garlic into a sauté pan along with olive oil. The individual cloves of garlic should be soft enough that you can squeeze them right into the pan. Do this for the entire head of garlic. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil and heat a minute over medium heat.
- Make a roux. Add the flour to the sauté pan and stir well, making sure to reach all areas of the pan so that the flour is completely incorporated. Continue to stir while cooking the mixture, or roux. The roux should start to darken a bit in color.
- Heat 1 cup of chicken or vegetable stock. You can simply microwave the stock while your roux is cooking, or you can heat the stock in a pot on the stove. Don't let it boil.
- Whisk the stock into the roux. Very gradually pour the stock into your roux while whisking with your other hand. This should be a slow process so that the stock has a chance to be absorbed into the roux without separating into clumps.
- Keep stirring and cooking your sauce. Keep the temperature around medium, or medium-low if it starts to boil. The sauce will start to thicken up pretty quickly.
- You should notice a lot of evaporation as the sauce reduces to about half of the volume. Stirring frequently will help prevent scorching, or burning.
- Stir in the heavy/whipping cream. Stir to combine the stock/garlic mixture and cream. Remove the sauté pan from heat.
- Blend the sauce. You can either use an immersion blender or regular blender. If using an immersion blender, transfer the sauce to a deep bowl. Then, stick the immersion blender in it and process until the sauce is smooth. If using a regular blender, transfer the sauce to the blender and blitz until smooth.
- Blending the sauce will also smooth out any lumps of roux you might not have whisked completely.
- Taste the sauce and season. Add salt and pepper, according to your taste. Use immediately or return the sauce to the sauté pan, where you can keep it warm over low heat.
EditUsing Your Garlic Cream Sauce - Try as a white pizza sauce.This makes a good alternative to red sauce and creates a richer tasting pizza.
- Consider topping with: red onion, mushrooms, spinach, bacon, artichoke hearts, chicken, or broccoli.
- Use on any kind of pasta. Toss it with cooked fettuccine, penne, linguine or use it in a lasagna.
- If using it in pasta, consider grating the zest of a lemon into your sauce. This will add a citrus note and cut some of the richness.
- Drizzle over grilled steaks. Steaks are traditionally topped with a compound butter or rich sauce. Garlic cream sauce makes an excellent replacement.
- Cover seafood with the sauce. Shrimp, scallops and clams are especially good with the combination of garlic and cream.
- Toss a little sauce into a seafood pasta for an even better combination.
- Use as a dipping sauce. Dip bread sticks, crackers, or veggies. For an appetizer or party, set out a tray of breads, vegetables, sausages, and a bowl of the garlic sauce for easy dipping.
- Store your garlic cream sauce in a container that has a tight lid for up to a week.
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How to Burn Fat and Stay Healthy Posted: 12 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT Fad diets that promise dramatic, fast weight loss are tempting, but are rarely the healthiest option.[1] Diets that leave you hungry or that cut out certain foods may help you lose weight, but you'll also lose important muscle mass and water weight without burning much fat. These diets can even impact your health by leaving you deficient in important vitamins and minerals. Instead of following a fad diet that can impact your health, take steps to burn fat while preventing muscle loss and keeping your body healthy. EditChanging Your Eating Habits - Reduce your total calories. You lose weight when you burn more calories than you eat, so an inactive person who eats a lot of food will likely gain weight. The first step to losing weight is eating fewer calories. Track how many calories you eat in a day by writing down calorie information on all the food and drinks you consume. For foods that don't have nutrition labels, use the USDA Food Database to look up how many calories the item has.[2]
- Find out how many calories your body needs to maintain your current weight by using an online calculator that takes your activity level into account. Try this one online
- A pound of fat has 3,500 calories in it.[3] To lose a pound of fat each week, every day you should eat 500 calories less than what your body needs to maintain its current weight.
- Control your portion sizes.[4] Many portion sizes served at restaurants or even eaten at home are much larger than they should be. When you eat too much food, your body turns it into fat and stores it for future use. Read food labels to find out what an appropriate serving size should be. If you want to eat something without a label, check the American Dietetic Association Food Exchange list for proper serving sizes.[5]
- Use measuring cups and a kitchen scale to make sure your servings match the recommended portion size.
- Restaurants can be tricky because they usually serve extremely large portion sizes. Some restaurants post their nutrition information online, though. If possible, check the nutrition information beforehand and plan a meal between 500–600 calories.
- Remember that you don't have to eat the whole plate. Eat half your food to reach your calorie goal, then save the rest for later. You may be able to ask your server to put half of your meal in a to-go box before bringing out your food.
- Some restaurants also have lighter menu options or half-portion sizes of their larger meals. Order off of this lighter menu whenever possible.
- Eat more healthy fats and fewer unhealthy fats.[6] The types of fat you consume can impact whether your body chooses to burn fat or store it. Healthy fats like unsaturated oils should be the primary fat source in your diet. Cook with olive or canola oil instead of butter or lard. Other sources of healthy fats include nuts, seeds, avocados, fish, and natural peanut butter. Don't eat anything that has trans fat or lists the words "partially hydrogenated" in the ingredients list. You should avoid saturated fats as much as possible, limiting them to less than 10% of your total calories.
- To calculate total calories from saturated fat, multiply the grams of fat by nine. For example, a food item with 5 grams of saturated fat has 45 calories from saturated fat.
- Divide these calories by your total calories for the day, then multiply by 100. You want this final number to be less than 10.
- For example, if I ate 210 calories from saturated fat and 2,300 calories for the day, I would have eaten 9% of calories from saturated fat.
- Cut out processed foods. Processed foods go through some type of processing in a factory, and are usually found packaged in boxes, cans, bags, or other packaging. They're usually high in fat, sugar, and salt that can prevent you from losing weight. They also lack a lot of the nutrients found in whole foods. Slowly eliminate processed foods from your diet by cutting two to three processed items per day. Replace them with whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
- At the store, avoid the processed foods in the aisles by shopping the perimeter, where the produce, dairy, meat and seafood, and bakery are. Only choose select items that are low-processed from aisles like the cooking aisle.
- Make meals from scratch ahead of time and freeze them into portion sizes to be eaten during the week. Homemade soups with tons of vegetables are a great freezer option.[7]
- Look for foods that have three or fewer ingredients on the ingredients list to avoid processed items.
- Get more fiber.[8] Fiber is a carbohydrate that our bodies cannot digest. It has many health benefits, including keeping your digestive tract healthy, and keeping you feeling full longer so you don't overeat. Fiber is found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds. Eat 25-30 grams of fiber each day with plenty of water.
- Fruits that are high in fiber include raspberries, blackberries, mango, and guava.
- Vegetables that are high in fiber include split peas, lentils, artichokes, and broccoli.
- Drink more water. [9] Water is a major player in weight control. It helps flush metabolic waste out of your system, keeping your metabolism running high to quickly burn fat. Water will also keep you feeling full so you don't overeat. The adequate intake for men is 3 liters of water each day (about 13 cups) while women should drink 2.2 liters per day (about 9 cups).
- If you take part in high activity exercise or cardio during the day or live in a very hot climate, you may need to increase your water intake.
- Eat many small meals throughout the day. Instead of eating three large meals each day, eat six smaller ones. Your body can process food better in smaller amounts, resulting in less excess food being stored as fat. This can also steady your blood sugar levels and improve your absorption of vitamins and minerals.[10] Just make sure these smaller meals are are made up of healthy, whole foods instead of processed food. You might consider this sample meal plan:
- Meal #1 (8 a.m.): One medium banana with ½ cup of oatmeal.
- Meal #2 (10 a.m.): A smoothie made with 1 cup of spinach, four medium strawberries, ⅓ cup of raspberries, 1 tbsp of flaxseed, and 8 fl oz of unsweetened almond milk.
- Meal #3 (12 p.m.): One slice of whole wheat toast topped with one boiled egg and ¼ cup of mashed avocado.
- Meal #4 (3 p.m.): 1 cup of salad topped with ½ avocado, ¼ cup cottage cheese, 2 tbsp of sunflower seeds, and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
- Meal #5 (5 p.m.): 4 oz of baked chicken with a side of green beans and ½ cup of brown rice.
- Meal #6 (7 p.m.): ½ cup of cooked quinoa mixed with sautéed mushrooms and pepper.
EditMaking Lifestyle Changes - Exercise three to four times a week.[11] Exercise is important part of losing weight and maximizing the amount of fat you burn. To achieve the best fat-burning results, start out by exercising for two hours and 30 minutes each week, then increasing it by 30 minutes every week. Combining both weightlifting and high intensity cardio is the best way to maximize fat-burning. Consider following this sample four-week workout schedule:
- Sundays: Week One — 45 min. Cardio; Week Two — 45 min. Cardio; Week Three — 60 min. Cardio; Week Four — 60 min. Cardio
- Mondays: OFF all four weeks
- Tuesdays: Week One — 30 min Strength Upper Body; Week Two — 45 min Strength Upper Body; Week Three — 45 min Strength Upper Body; Week Four — 60 min Strength Upper Body
- Wednesdays: OFF all four weeks
- Thursdays: Week One — 45 min Cardio; Week Two — 45 min Cardio; Week Three — 60 min. Cardio; Week Four — 60 min. Cardio
- Fridays: OFF all four weeks
- Saturdays: Week One — 30 min Strength Lower Body; Week Two — 45 min Strength Lower Body; Week Three — 45 min Strength Lower Body; Week Four — 60 min Strength Lower Body
- Incorporate strength training into your workout.[12] Strength training is a great way to increase your muscle mass while burning fat. Strength exercises can be done with weights, resistance bands, or just using your body weight. Try mixing up strength training exercises that work different muscle parts in the body. Start out at a slightly difficult weight or resistance and do three sets of 10 for each exercise or until failure. Once you can do that weight three workouts in a row (full three sets of 10) without failing, increase the weight or resistance by one level.
- Exercises for the lower body include squats, calf raises, lunges, deadlifts, and leg press.
- Upper body exercises include push-ups, sit-ups, chest press, overhead press, bicep curls, tricep dips, and lateral pull-downs.
- Do more cardio.[13] Cardio is another word for aerobic or endurance activity. Cardio speeds up fat-burning, but it also has many other health benefits including decreasing your risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Running, jogging or walking: If you start out walking, make it your goal to work up to jogging, then running.
- Enjoy outdoor activities like sports, swimming, hiking, and biking.
- If you belong to a gym, use its treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, and stair climbers.
- Try interval exercises, like multiple sprints with jogging in between.
- Switch between high intensity cardio and slower/longer endurance cardio for maximum fat burning.
- Get more sleep.[14] Adults over 17 should get seven to nine hours of sleep each night, and children from six to 17 should get 10–11 hours.[15] Recent studies shown the sleep deprived or those with sleep disturbances are more likely to be obese than people who get the recommended seven to nine hours. This is because lack of sleep causes changes in metabolism and fat-burning.[16] These tips can help you get a good night's sleep:[17]
- Make sure the room is completely dark with dark curtains or sheets over the window.
- Do not eat for at least two hours before going to bed in order to prevent heartburn or an increase in energy when you are trying to go to sleep.
- Only use your bed for sleeping and sex. Do not do other activities such as watching TV, reading, listening to music, or working on the computer while you are in bed.
- Make small but meaningful lifestyle changes. Making small lifestyle changes throughout the day will help make your new habits stick. In the end, you will have made a positive change to a healthier lifestyle that you will be able to maintain long-term. Some small gestures you can make throughout the day to make a healthy lifestyle change include:
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Park in the back of the parking lot.
- Start a hobby that involves you moving around, like hiking or biking.
- Go to a weekly farmer's market to buy fresh produce.
- Start a garden of your own.
- Don't skip meals. That will just make you eat more the next meal, and result in more weight gain.
- It's all about energy balance; what you consume in calories must be burned off with exercise!
- If you find that you are over-eating during times of stress or when you feel emotional, you may need to examine these habits, perhaps with the help of a therapist or counselor. Understanding what triggers bad eating habits can help you transition into a healthier lifestyle.
- When exercising, don't over-exert yourself. Make sure to stop if you really feel like you can't go any longer, breathe deeply, and drink plenty of water. Slow down and ease off on the intensity of your workout if you exercising if you develop a headache or a dry throat; this can be a sign of dehydration and you should drink some water immediately.
- Make sure that you consult a doctor before beginning ANY type of health plan or exercise regimen.
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How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants Posted: 11 Apr 2017 05:00 PM PDT Carpenter ants build their nests in wood, so they're often found in and around homes. Unlike termites, they don't actually eat the wood, they just nest there. Carpenter ants can infiltrate a home and get into your food and water sources. Read on to learn how to control carpenter ant populations to prevent them from becoming a nuisance. EditFinding the Nest - Make sure you're dealing with ants, not termites. Carpenter ants are large black or dark brown insects with three body segments and six legs. They have bent antennae. The worker ants are wingless, while the reproductive ants have wings. They tend to walk in long trails. Termites, which are a far worse problem to have, have straight antennae and light colored bodies. If you're dealing with termites, read this article.
- Look for frass. Frass is a sawdust-like material left behind when ants bore into wood to make their nests. It will contains body parts and debris, but will basically look like a pile of light wood shavings. If you see this around your house, it's a telltale sign you've got an ant problem on your hands.
- Look for wood damage. Wood that is serving as a nest for ants will have slits or holes. You'll usually see frass scattered nearby as well. Ants like to nest in walls, hollow doors, cabinets, beams, and structural wood. Look for areas where the wood is slightly damp, since ants like to build their nests in moist wood.
- Set out bait nearby. To find the nest, you'll need to lure the ants out with some bait, then trail them back to the nest so you can figure out exactly where they're hiding. Set out very small bits of honeydew or another sugary fruit near where you believe the nest to be located.
- Trail the ants to the nest. When the ants take the bait, follow them back to the nest. You'll probably see them crawl into a space in the wall, a cabinet, or a door. Keep watching until you're sure where the nest is located.
- If the nest is visible and accessible, you can get rid of the nest itself by moving to the next step.
- If the nest is hidden and difficult to reach, you're going to want to use the toxic bait to kill the ants. It will take about three days to go into effect.
EditRemoving the Ant Population - Use the toxic bait method. This method is best to use if the nest is hidden or inaccessible. You'll use toxic bait to lure the ants out of the nest; they'll carry it back to the nest, and within about three days the ant population will be poisoned. Buy some carpenter ant toxic gel bait and mix it with a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of milk. Set some out near where you suspect the ants live. Wait for the ants to come out and take the bait.
- It is essential that the bait you use be slow acting. If it kills the worker ants on their way back to the nest, the thousands of ants still back at the nest won't be affected. Choose a bait that takes about three days to work.[1]
- Never spray the line of carpenter ants you see coming from the nest with insecticide. This won't harm the ants still lying in wait, and could actually cause them to sense danger and spread out to build more nests.[2]
- If you have pets or small children, tamper-resistant bait stations are a safer option for dispensing toxic baits.
- Destroy the nest with direct dusting. This method is effective when you can access the nest easily and apply carpenter ant dust directly to the queen and the entire colony. Choose a carpenter ant dust and follow the instructions on the package to apply the dust to the nest.
- Diatomaceous earth is a natural, nontoxic dust that can be used to kill carpenter ants without bringing poisons into your home.
- Other chemical dust such as Delta Dust and Drione Pest Insecticide Dust is also effective, but it does contain toxins and could pose health risks to pets and children.
- Try a boric acid bait.
- Buy boric acid at a garden supply store.
- Mix with powdered sugar, in a ratio of about 1/3 sugar to 2/3 boric acid.
- Fill bottle caps with the mixture. Set down around the area where you observe the ants.
- When they return it to the nest, it will kill the ants in the nest. Boric acid penetrates the ant's body and dissolves inside of the ant.
EditPreventing Carpenter Ants from Coming Back - Clean up your house to make it a bad breeding ground for carpenter ants. Do this by cleaning floors well, fixing any leaky faucets that might dampen wood, and removing any clutter that creates shelter for them.
- Seal your house. Use caulk to seal your foundation and cracks around doors, windows, and any other areas where ants could get into your home. Install screens on your windows and doors.
- Remove natural debris from around the home. Cut tree limbs back so they aren't hanging directly over your house. Clean up weeds, leaves, wood piles, and other natural debris that's close to your house and could be harboring an ant population.
- Clean up crumbs and water leaks. Ants need sugar, protein and water sources to survive. Keeping these basic needs away from them is the best way to prevent them from infesting your home. Keep the floors and counters free of crumbs and clean up spills, especially sugary spills. Fix faucet leaks and make sure there's no accessible water in the area.[3]
- Get a stethoscope and listen to the wall you think the nest is in. You will hear a scrabbling sound that sound like a rustling or tapping sound if ants are near.
- Use stealthy poisons because these ants can sense most poisons. Don't kill ants by stomping on them.
- Keep poisons away from children and pets.
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How to Replace a Refrigerator Door Seal Posted: 11 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT A faulty or leaking refrigerator door wastes energy. Leaks can also increase your energy bill and stress your refrigerator, shortening its life. You also risk spoiling your food. Changing the door seal (often called a gasket) may be necessary, but it's not that difficult of a process. EditAssessing the Refrigerator Door Seal - Understanding what a gasket or door seal is. Every refrigerator has one. This is a gasket (or seal) that is made out of molded rubber.
- The goal of the gasket is to keep cold in and to keep heat out of the refrigerator. Essentially, it seals the colder air in, and prevents air outside the refrigerator from entering it.
- The reason this matters is because a bad or worn seal will allow cold air to leave the refrigerator, and warm air to enter it. This means that temperatures in the refrigerator could increase, and spoil food inside of it. It will also cost you more money in energy because of the cool air escaping.
- Determine whether you need to replace the door seal at all. If there are gaps between the gasket on the door and the refrigerator gasket, it's not sealing correctly.[1]
 - One way to tell that you need a new gasket is if your refrigerator seems to be running more frequently, or you just think it seems like it's losing cold air. You could also inspect the door gasket for condensation or blackish looking mold. If you see either of those things, you probably need a new gasket because the cold air is making warm air condense. If you see cracks or thinning of the gasket, it's probably time for a new one.
- You could also test the gasket with a dollar bill. Put the dollar bill between the refrigerator door and refrigerator, and close the door on it. Then, try to pull it out slowly. If you feel it drag slightly, your gasket doesn't need replacing. If it slips out quickly or has moisture on it or mold, get a new gasket.
- You will need to do one of two things: repair the gaps in the gasket or replace it altogether. Replacing a faulty seal will save you money by not wasting energy. It's not very expensive to buy a new gasket. It just costs about $50 to $75, and it should only take about 30 minutes to replace. You will save energy, so it will pay for itself fast.[2]
- Consider repairing the gasket if it's possible. Close the refrigerator door and look at the gaps. Inspect them. How big are they and where are they?
- Use petroleum jelly on the gasket to fix small gaps. Simply pull the gasket away from the channel to expose a couple of inches (.05 meter) in the door corner. Cut small strips of weather stripping. Pack the corner with it by placing it along the channel of the door gasket.
- Push the gasket back in the channel. Repeat the process, and pack other corners if you think that's needed.
- Close the refrigerator door again and look for gaps again. If this didn't work, and you still see gaps, you will need to replace the seal.
EditBuying and Preparing the New Door Seal - Research the right gasket to buy. This will depend on the type of refrigerator you have, and what its model and identification information says.
- Check the owner's manual. If you can't find your owner's manual, go online and research what it says.
- Go to a hardware store or manufacturer service center, and tell them the refrigerator information. Store personnel should be able to help you find the right gasket. Check the door seal size. Measure your door.
- You could also research the gasket on the website of the manufacturer. Be aware that if the door liner beneath the seal is cracked, you will need a new liner as well as seal (gasket).
- Prepare the new gasket while you're removing the old one. It's a good idea to put the new gasket in warm water for a few moments before installing it. Before you remove the old one, shut off the power to the refrigerator.[3]
- This process will make it easier for you to install the new gasket. You also might find it easier to level the refrigerator if it seems off balance. Some people even remove the refrigerator door to install the gasket, but this is not mandatory.[4]
- You won't need a lot of equipment, but you will need what is called a hex head screwdriver. You can find these at most hardware stores. If you are confused what it is, just ask a salesperson and tell him or her the purpose. You should turn the screwdriver counter-clockwise.[5]
EditReplacing the Refrigerator Door Seal - Remove the gasket from the refrigerator door. Grab the bottom of it on the inside, and pull the gasket back. You want to be able to see the metal gasket retainer.[6]
- Loosen, but do not remove, the screws that hold the metal retainer around the entire door. You should use the hex head nut screwdriver to do this. Lift the edges of the seal to find the screws underneath that are holding in the plastic liner and door seal. Often, the screws hold in a plastic liner, which in turn clamps the door seal to the door.
- Pull the gasket out of the door to remove it once you have loosened the retainer screws. Once all of the screws are loose, the door seal should easily slide out from behind the plastic liner. Don't be too forceful when doing this step, since some plastic liners can be quite brittle and crumble if you are too rough. [7]
- Take the new gasket, and install it. Position one of its corners on the top of the refrigerator door. Push the lip of the new gasket over the metal retainer, and slide it behind the metal retainer and around the entire perimeter of the refrigerator door. The best method is to start in the top corners, and work your way around the door.
- Use the hex head driver to screw the metal retainer in. You don't want to tighten the gasket retainer screws all the way. You want them to be snug.
- Apply powder. Use a bit of baby powder or talcum powder to prevent sticking.
- Rub some powder around the hinge side corners of the door seal and where the seal slides. This will help to prevent the door seal from twisting as it meets the metal of the fridge.
- If this still doesn't prevent twisting, then wedge a screwdriver under the seal as you close the door, and leave it shut for an hour.
- Close the refrigerator door, and open it several times to inspect the gasket. You are looking for any warped areas of the gasket. Repeat this process several times.
- Rub petroleum jelly along the hinged side of the door if you see some gaps. Once the gasket looks like it is properly fitted, tighten the screws more. Alternatively, you can heat the door seal up with a hair dryer to fix the gaps. This softens the door seal and allows you to stretch it.
- Refrigerator seals vary somewhat, so read the instructions that come with the door seal and read the owner's manual for your refrigerator, if you have it.
- Soaking the new gasket in warm water before beginning can make it more pliable and easier to work with.
- Always use safety precautions when dealing with any appliance. Make sure you use proper safety equipment. If you aren't sure you can do the repair, hire a qualified technician.
EditThings You'll Need - Appropriate screw or nut driver
- Replacement seal
- Baby or talcum powder and petroleum jelly
- Flashlight
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How to Play Euchre Posted: 11 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT Euchre is a fast-paced, trick-taking card game that requires teamwork and strategy to win. Gameplay may seem confusing to the uninitiated, but it's easy to pick up once you understand the basics. You only need four people (two teams of two) and a deck of cards to get started, so round up a few friends and follow the steps below to begin enjoying this classic game. EditPrintable Rule and Strategy Sheets EditGetting Organized - Gather four people and then divide into two teams of two. Partners may be chosen by any method agreed upon by the group.
- Teammates should sit in alternating positions so that each person is seated diagonally from their partner.
- Create a Euchre deck. Euchre is played with 24 cards consisting of the 9, 10, J, Q, K, and A cards from a standard 52-card deck. Although the remaining cards are not used during the game, set aside the 4 and 6 cards of a black suit as well as the 4 and 6 cards of a red suit to use for keeping score.
- Each team should use one of the sets of 4 and 6 cards to keep score by hiding/revealing one suit symbol for each point scored (Euchre goes to 10). For example: to show a score of five, the 6 card should be face up and the 4 card be face down, covering one of the suit symbols on the 6 card so that five suit symbols are showing.
- Determine which player deals first. Shuffle the deck and then continuously deal one card face up to each player until someone receives one of the black jacks. This person is the first dealer.
- Deal counterclockwise following these guidelines:
- Dealing must take place over exactly two rounds
- The dealer must deal two or three cards at a time to each player, including themselves
- The exact pattern of card distribution does not matter, but the most common is 2-3-2-3 for the first round, followed by 3-2-3-2 for the second round.
- Players can look at their cards once they are dealt, but they cannot discuss them with anyone, including their teammate.
- After each player has five cards, the dealer should confirm that there are four remaining cards (these cards are known as the kitty). Once confirmed, the dealer places the remaining cards face down in the center of the table, and then flips over the top card to begin the hand.
EditThe Rules - Understand the concept of a trump suit. Trump is the dominant suit in Euchre. Any trump card beats any non-trump card. If a player leads off with the trump suit, the highest trump card wins the trick. In the trump suit and only the trump suit, rankings are a bit different.
- The order in trump cards goes as so (for explanatory purposes assume trump is spades): Right Bower (jack of spades), Left Bower (jack of clubs), Ace (spades), King (spades), Queen (spades), ten (spades), and nine (spades). The jack of the same color but not the same suit as trump is the left bower. The order of the non-trump cards is sequential, nine being lowest and ace being highest in rank.
- Know how to keep score. The unit of Euchre is a "trick." There are five tricks (or rounds) in a hand of Euchre. The first pair to win 10 points is the winner of Euchre.
- If a team chooses the trump suit and then proceeds to win at least three tricks, they get 1 point. If they get all five tricks (sweeping the hand), they score 2 points.
- If the team that chose the trump suit does not get at least three tricks, the opposing team gets 2 points. They have successfully euchred the other team.
- If you choose to go solo (when you have a really good hand) and make all five tricks your team gets a whopping 4 points.
- Think about your partner's cards. Avoid playing good cards when your partner has already laid down a winner; your team will probably take that trick without your help. Start by playing a good card so your teammate doesn't waste potential winning cards unnecessarily. If you have a bunch of good cards, however, consider "going alone."
- If one partner decides their hand is very valuable and they are confident they can win all 5 tricks, this player can "go alone." (This usually only happens when that player has both trump Jacks, as well as an Ace and another trump suited card in their hand. This gives you extremely good odds of winning the trick.) This means that their partner sits out for one trick. Once the first card of the trick is flipped and the players are calling to pass or pick it up, when your turn comes you announce you are "going alone." Play proceeds as usual, but if the player going alone wins all 5 tricks, then that team wins 4 points. If the player wins 4-1 or 3-2, then they only get one point.
EditPlaying the Game - Deal the cards. As discussed earlier, sit in team formation and designate a dealer. Grab your Euchre deck and have the dealer give each player 5 cards and assemble the kitty.
- Turn the top card of the kitty face up, for all players to see. Starting to the person left of the dealer, rotating clockwise, ask each player whether or not he wishes to declare the suit that is showing as trump until someone does (or a new cycle begins).
- If he does wish to declare this suit trump, he says "pick it up."
- If he does not want to declare this suit trump, he says "pass," or declares a pass by knocking on the table.
- Have the dealer pick up the card. He/She then discards one of their other cards (usually a low card of the non-trump suit). If a rotation of the circle is completed without anyone telling the dealer to "pick it up," the card is turned face down and another rotation ensues. During this rotation, a player can call trump of any suit other than the one that was originally turned up. If the rotation completes without anyone calling trump, the deal is forfeited and passed clockwise to the next person in the circle.
- It's generally wise to only call a trump suit if you have a good hand. Otherwise, stay mum.
- Have the player to the left of the dealer lead. Each player must follow suit -- meaning if a player has a card of the same suit as was led, he must play it on that trick. If a player does not have a card of that suit, he can trump the trick, or simply throw a card off suit. The highest card of the suit that was led takes the trick, unless a trump card is played. The highest card of trump will win any hand.
- If you lay a card that does not follow suit but you do have a card that does, this is called a "renege." If another player calls you out on what you've done, they receive 2 points. If you are going alone, however, the penalty is 4 points (for whichever side is guilty).
- Go for strategy. Because each game of Euchre is so short, it's a little easier to memorize the cards. Think about what cards you believe your opponents are holding to determine how to lead off and what to throw away. For example, if the dealer adds the original trump card to his hand, don't forget it.
- If you are leading and have two or more trump cards, go with those. Always lead a high trump if your partner called it; it'll help them locate the missing cards. Otherwise, work in a sequence. Say diamonds are trump -- lead with the Ace of Spades or Clubs to try to win it.
- Don't hold onto your good cards. Euchre goes fast -- if you act slowly, you'll miss your opportunity to use them. When opportunity knocks, answer the door.
- Know when you're "in the barn." Once one team gets to 9 points, this means they are "in the barn." You must announce this with great enthusiasm, since it typically indicates that you are about to win the game.
- If you really want to have fun with it, have one partner interlock their fingers together, and flip upside down with the thumbs making "udders" and let the other partner "milk" them.
- Tally up the final score. The five tricks of Euchre can go by pretty fast, so it's best to keep score as you go. Use the 6 and 4 cards to keep tabs.
- Once a team reaches ten, you'll probably want to play again. Switch teams if skill sets are better suited in different combinations.
- Some variations include the joker. This is the highest card -- it beats everything.
- When playing with Michiganders you should always use 5s to keep score and you should NEVER refer to having 9 points as "being in the barn."
- When playing for money, wages are typically announced as $5-$1-$1 or $10-$2-$2 and upwards. The first number is the wager per person on the outcome of the game. The second number is for loaners and the team will win $1 from each opponent. The third number is for euchres and the team will win $1 from each opponent.
EditThings You'll Need - Standard 52-card deck
- 4 players
- Table or other flat surface
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How to Deal with Alprazolam Side Effects Posted: 10 Apr 2017 09:00 PM PDT It can be challenging to cope with all of the side effects of Alprazolam. Alprazolam is used to treat anxiety and panic related disorders, as well as anxiety caused by depression. It is almost always used for short-term treatment, due to high risk of addiction, serious interactions with other medications, and serious side effects. This drug has numerous side effects that range from sleep-related disorders to mood and appetite problems.[1] Track your side effects in a health journal and cope with side effects by altering your diet, changing your routines and talking to your doctor.[2] EditDealing with Immediate Side Effects - Talk to your doctor. If you are experiencing any side effects or an addiction to Alprazolam, you should contact your doctor immediately. Your doctor may be able to make adjustments to your treatment plan or otherwise help you deal with side effects.[3]
- Remember that Alprazolam (or any drug in the benzodiazepine category) is intended for very short-term use and should never be stopped abruptly. Alprazolam can be habit forming, and you can quickly develop a tolerance for the drug, meaning you need higher doses to feel any effect.
- A small percentage of people are recommended to take Alprazolam as part of a regular treatment regimen. If this is the case, you and your doctor should carefully monitor for increased tolerance, interactions with other medications, and any side effects.
- Start a health journal to monitor your response to Alprazolam. You should start a health journal, such as a paper journal or a file on your personal computer or device. Keeping a health journal can help you track the medications you are taking to manage your anxiety or panic disorder. It can also help you monitor any immediate side effects from Alprazolam, as well as communicate these side effects to your doctor.[4]
- Side effects include impaired memory, drowsiness, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, difficulty speaking, slurred speech, loss of interest or pleasure, depression, weakness, trouble performing routine tasks, difficulty with coordination and muscle control, lack of appetite, and more.[5]
- Remember to eat. Although you may experience a loss of appetite, dry mouth, nausea or an upset stomach during the course of your treatment, you should remember to eat. Eat regular small meals. Avoid larger meals that could worsen these side effects.[6]
- You should try to eat four to five small meals a day.
- You should eat a balanced diet that includes a good mix of fruits and vegetables, healthy grains, fiber and protein.[7]
- Try to eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day.[8]
- Avoid eating too much saturated fat and sugar.[9]
- Make sure you are getting enough protein, such as beans, pulses, fish, meat and eggs.[10]
- Eat a nutrient-dense diet to cope with energy loss. Try eating more beans, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. You should look for foods that have a lot of antioxidants such as fresh fruits and vegetables. You should also remember to eat a solid breakfast and incorporate healthy snacks into your routine. Try integrating more of the following superfoods into your diet to increase your energy:[11]
- Almonds
- Avocado
- Quinoa
- Flax seeds
- Dates
- Seaweed
- Berries
- Edamame
- Bring your libido back to life with a well balanced diet. If you are experiencing a loss of libido since going on Alprazolam, you should make sure you are getting plenty of exercise, staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet. In particular, make sure you are getting enough vitamin C, iron, collagen-rich foods, and using spices like nutmeg in your cooking. Consider integrating more of the following foods into your diet:[12]
- Sweet potatoes
- Dark chocolate
- Watermelon
- Nutmeg and clove
- Brazil nuts
- Almonds
- If diet and exercise doesn't work, you should ask your doctor about treatment options.
- Deal with your slurred speech. Your slurred speech could be caused by an overactive mind and your anxiety or by the muscle relaxant effects of Alprazolam. Start by telling your doctor, so they can take this side effect into consideration in your treatment plan.[13]
- When you get the slurred speech, avoid forcing the words out. Forcing yourself to speak will add stress. Relax and speak when you are ready.[14]
- Cope with rebound insomnia. Although Alprazolam is sometimes used to treat insomnia, it can sometimes cause rebound insomnia. If you take Alprazolam at night or are getting off the drug, you may experience rebound insomnia.[15] To manage your rebound insomnia, you should set a regular bedtime and avoid all screens before going to sleep. Ensure you have a good sleeping environment, including a comfortable mattress and temperature in your bedroom. In addition, you could try the following tips:[16]
- Read by candlelight before going to sleep.
- Write in your journal before going to sleep.
- Turn off all of the lights in your room.
- Use aromatherapy such as lavender scents.
- Seek medical attention if you have rare side effects. If you have any of the rare side effects, you should seek immediate medical attention. For instance, seek medical attention if you have rare side effects such as chest pain or suicidal thoughts. Remember to document rare side effects in your health journal. Rare side effects include, but are not limited to, the following:[17]
- Chest pain
- Ear pain
- Decreased awareness
- Loss of hearing
- Slowing down of mental activity
- Inability to control your legs
- Complete loss of energy
- Talking in your sleep
- Changes in your voice
- Suicidal thoughts
EditCoping with Cognitive Side Effects - Attend to your sadness or depression. If you experience any depression while on Alprazolam, you should talk to your doctor about altering your dosage or additional treatment.[18]
- You should avoid taking other medications alongside the Alprazolam, unless otherwise advised by your doctor.
- You should also avoid drinking any alcohol while on Alprazolam, as these substances tend to worsen your sadness or depression.
- If you have started taking Alprazolam recreationally to enhance the experience of other drugs or alcohol, you should tell your doctor. Ask your doctor about drug rehabilitation options.[19]
- Cope with forgetfulness. To deal with forgetfulness from Alprazolam, you should speak to your pharmacist about limiting the course of your treatment over a short time period. In the meantime, you could cope by writing notes to yourself in a device or in a journal, which you could keep with you at all times. If you forget something important, you can just look it up in your device or journal.[20]
- Deal with aggressive or impulsive behavior. One of the most serious long term side effects is aggressive, impulsive and manic behavior. If you feel you are becoming overly hostile, angry, aggressive or manic, you should contact your doctor immediately.[21] You should record these kinds of symptoms in your health journal and consult your doctor about treatment options.
EditWeaning Yourself Off the Drug - Recognize if you are addicted to Alprazolam. Consider whether you are using more than the prescribed dose. If you suspect you may be addicted to Alprazolam, you should seek immediate medical help.[22] Symptoms of abuse may include problems concentrating, lack of inhibition, dizziness and depression.[23] To determine whether you are addicted, consider whether you answer yes to any of the following:
- "Do I have withdrawal symptoms when I don't take Alprazolam?"
- "Is my use of Alprazolam negatively impacting my personal relationships?"
- "Is my desire for Alprazolam uncontrollable?"
- Enroll in an outpatient treatment program. You will have to check in with a counsellor a few times a week and follow their recovery guidelines. During the course of your treatment, you will gradually come off the drug and take periodic drug tests.[24]
- If you choose an outpatient treatment program, you will benefit from a strong family support network to support your recovery.
- In person or online support groups can also help you recover.
- Go to an inpatient center. You will have the comfort of medical and psychological support on-hand during your recovery from Alprazolam addiction. You will also have immediate medical support if you experience any side effects during the detoxification process.
- Inpatient recovery is more expensive than outpatient programs. However, you have the advantage of constant medical support and recovering away from potentially abusive environments.
- Try cognitive behavioral therapy. You will learn how to cope with your relationship to Alprazolam. You will also learn coping strategies for dealing the stress and anxiety that may have led you to addiction in the first place. This form of therapy may be a part of both inpatient and outpatient programs.[25]
- You can find a cognitive behavioral therapist by phoning psychologists in your region and asking whether they use cognitive behavioral therapy.
- You could ask your family physician for a referral to a psychologist who uses cognitive behavioral therapy.
- Do not suddenly stop taking the medication. You should obtain proper treatment for Alprazolam addition rather than trying to wean yourself off the drug too suddenly or on your own. It is best to obtain professional medical help.[26]
- Phone a Alprazolam help line. If you are feeling very depressed and suicidal while on Alprazolam, you should phone for help. Ask the help line counsellor for advice and information on finding treatment for Alprazolam addiction.
- Call the national hotline of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services administration. They are open all day, every day of the year. They are based in the USA. Call: 1800 662 4357 (HELP).[27]
- Alprazolam is highly addictive and should be used in the short-term. Certain people are at higher risk for addiction, such as those with history of other addictions.
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How to Identify a Termite Posted: 10 Apr 2017 05:00 PM PDT Termites can cause major structural damage to homes and other buildings as well as wooden furniture. People usually only see termites inside when an infestation is already well established, though you may also find termites outside around dead tree stumps, rotting boards or other detritus. To identify a termite, examine a single bug carefully. Things like the wings and antennae can help you identify a bug as a termite. You should also look for signs of an infestation, like mud tubes and droppings. If you have a termite infestation, consult a professional for treatment. EditExamining Physical Characteristics - Catch an insect if possible. Termites look similar to ants and need to be inspected closely to differentiate. If possible, trap one of the bugs in question for examination and look at it under a magnifying glass or something similar. You can pick up a termite by gently clasping it between your thumb and forefinger.[1]
- Place the termite in something like a mason jar to examine it.
- You can still examine a dead termite, but it may be easier to observe a live one. Pick up the bug carefully to avoid killing it.
- Look at the wings and antennae. Termites have distinctly different wings and antennae than ants. One way to tell you're dealing with a termite and not an ant is to carefully examine the bug's wings and antennae.[2]
- Termites have four wings. All four wings are the same size as a termite's body. Ants' wings are different sizes.
- Termites have two straight antennae. Ants' antennae are somewhat curved.
- Count the legs. If you can get a close enough look to count a termite's legs, do so. Termites have six legs. Their legs are short and stubby in appearance.[3]
- Be aware of the different types of termites. Termites have three different types: winged termites, worker termites, and soldier termites. If you see different types of bugs around your house, you may be looking at different types of termites.[4]
- Winged termites are dark brown or black. These are the termites you are likely to see and inspect.
- Worker termites do not have wings, but still have six legs and the same antennae. They are white in appearance and sometimes translucent.
- Soldier termites do not have wings and are brownish in colors. They have pincers near their heads, as well as antennae and six legs.
- Note size. You do not necessarily need to measure a termite and doing so may be difficult. However, try to note the rough size. Termites are about three eighths of an inch.[5]
EditObserving Signs of an Infestation - Look at changes in your home. Termites can cause damage to your home. In the event of an infestation, you may notice signs of damage. Your wood may sound hollow when you tap or knock against it. You may also notice your floors and ceilings are sagging. Crumbling wood and chipped paint can also indicate and infestation.[6]
- Listen for termite noises. You can often hear an infestation before you see it. Soldier termites sometimes tap their heads inside your walls. If you hear tapping noises in your home, this may be indicate a termite infestation.[7]
- Watch out for droppings. Termite droppings are another sign your home is infested. Droppings look like tiny pellets and may show up near walls or other places termites congregate. If you notice pellets piling up in your home, this is a sign of an infestation.[8]
- Look for mud tubes on walls. Termites often build tubes of mud and dirt against walls. These are to protect termites from predators. Unusual tubes of mud running against walls in your home, often found outdoors, are a sign of termites. The structures look clay-like and dark brown.[9]
- Termites often build mud tubes overnight, so you may notice them cropping up unexpectedly in the morning.
EditDealing with an Infestation - Select a pest control company carefully. A termite infestation can cause major damage to your home. It should be treated promptly by a professional. Select a reputable pest control company right away if you suspect you have termites.[10]
- Make sure any company you choose is licensed with the Department of Agriculture. A company that's a member of the National Pest Management Association is also a plus.
- Contact two to three companies to get estimates. It can be costly to deal with termites, so make sure you seek out the best deal.
- Termites can cause damage, but do so slowly. It's okay to take some time selecting a quality company. If a company uses scare tactics to pressure you into signing a contract quickly, this is probably not a good company.
- Talk over treatment options with a professional. Termites are usually treated with sprays and pesticides. While FDA approved pesticides should be safe for your health, if you're not comfortable with chemicals you can try sprays instead. Talk over your options with a pest control representative carefully to decide on the right treatment option for you.[11]
- In addition to deciding between baits and sprays, talk about how much of your home to treat. Sometimes, a termite infestation can be cleared up with spot treatments or treating the perimeter of your home. Other times, your entire house will need to be treated.
- Follow instructions regarding treatment. When using chemicals, your pest control company will give you specific instructions. You may have to stay out of your home for a certain period of time or remove your pets. You may want to consult a physician if you have a medical condition that may be worsened by exposure to chemicals.[12]
- Do not attempt to treat an infestation on your own. Treating a termite infestation is complicated and requires a specific set of skills. Under no circumstances should you attempt to treat an infestation yourself. Always talk to a professional exterminator to go over treatment options.[13]
- Submit the specimen for a professional evaluation. You can ask an exterminator to examine the specimen, or many areas also have local governmental extension agencies that will look at specimens. You could also contact the etymology department at a local university or college for an identification.
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How to Clean Nickel Plating Posted: 10 Apr 2017 01:00 PM PDT Nickel plating is used to provide resistant decorative coatings to metal. It is used on many industrial parts, but it can also be found on many household items like grills, door hinges, or faucets. When grease stains and tarnish begin begin to appear, you'll need to clean off your plating. By washing first with warm water, using a metal cleaner for persistent blemishes, and then polishing, you will keep your nickel plating strong and lustrous for years to come.[1] EditCleaning with Water - Polish the nickel with a soft cloth. Before trying anything else, see how much grime you can clean by wiping it away. Many grease spots, smudges, and patches of grime can be buffed away with cloth and a little bit of warm, running water. Use a soft, non-abrasive cloth and rub down the nickel plating, applying extra pressure and attention to dirtied areas. Use small, circular motions to buff away the grime.[2]
- Prepare a solution of soapy water. Cleaning with soap and water is always gentler than using acid and should be tried first. Choose a mild dishwashing detergent. Fill a container full of warm water and add the detergent until the water appears soapy. Hot water, cold water, and abrasive soap will all damage the plating.
- Wash the nickel plating. The way you do this up to you and the supply of soapy water you have. Small objects can be washed in or near a container of soapy water. For larger objects such as nickel-plated stoves or immobile objects such as shower heads, take a soft cloth, dip it in the water, and use that to buff out the stains.[3]
- Avoid using harsh scrubbers as much as possible, as they damage nickel plating.
- Rinse off the soap. Run the plated object under running warm water. For larger, immobile objects, gather more clean water. Pour the water on the area or use a soft, clean cloth dipped in water to remove the soap.
- Try doing this once a year to keep the staining and stress on the nickel plating to a minimum.
- Dry it off. Take a clean, soft cloth. Pass it over the wet areas. Make sure you remove all the water so it doesn't seep into the nickel. This also gives you a chance to check for any remaining soap that needs to be removed. Keep working with the cloth until the plating is dry.
EditUsing Bottled Cleaners - Polish with metal polish. When your nickel plating isn't dirty enough to warrant harsher cleaning methods, apply a non-abrasive metal polish. Chrome polish works well on nickel plating. Apply a small amount of the polish to the plating, then wipe the surface in circular motions as you did while cleaning.[4]
- Alternatively, you can try this step after using other cleaning methods in order to make your nickel plating shine.
- Apply a metal cleaner on discolorations. Find a non-abrasive metal cleaner at the store. Chrome cleaner works well on nickel plating. Apply the cleaner directly to the stained areas, particularly the green discolorations that build up on nickel with ease. Let it sit for a minute.[5]
- WD40, which penetrates oil, can also be used.
- Oven cleaners are another option and are useful for removing grease.
- You may wish to test this method on a small spot not readily visible. If the plating is especially thin, the steel wool or scrubber will cause damage.
- Scrub the plating. After applying the bottled cleaner, try using a cloth first spread it over the plating. You can also use steel wool or a soft scouring pad on stubborn stains and discolorations. Use small, circular motions to work in the cleaner. Be as gentle as possible to avoid causing scratches to the metal.
EditCleaning with Vinegar - Prepare a vinegar cloth. Vinegar is a mild acid that has great effect on stains. Pour a small quantity of vinegar into a bowl. Soak a clean, soft cloth in the vinegar. Wring out the excess.
- Scrub the dirty areas. Apply the vinegar cloth and gently attempt to buff out the stains. Move the cloth in circular motions with a gentle touch to avoid stressing the nickel as much as possible. Re-soak the cloth as needed.[6]
- Make a solution of vinegar and water. For stubborn stains, you may need to soak the nickel plating. Combine four parts water with one part vinegar in a container that will either contain the nickel piece or hold enough solution to put on the stains.[7]
- Do not use straight vinegar. It is often too abrasive to expose to thin nickel coatings for extended periods.
- Nickel plating is easily damaged by acid, so vinegar cleaning should be done sparingly on stubborn stains.
- You can heat up your mixture to give it a little more cleaning power if you desire. This should only be done if the object won't be soaked in it.
- Soak the nickel in the solution. Soak the nickel-plated item in the solution for several hours. The stains should have begun to lift. Alternatively, pour the vinegar solution over the object and let it rest for 30 minutes. Repeat as necessary.
- Rinse the plating. Use warm running water or apply a soft cloth dampened in water. Make sure all the vinegar is gone. Vinegar left on the plating will continue to wear away at it. Wipe with a second cloth if necessary to make sure it is all gone.
EditApplying Ammonia - Prepare an ammonia pad. Ammonia, like vinegar, is effective on stains. Pour a small amount of pure household ammonia into a bowl. Drip a scouring pad or rag into it.
- Scrub the dirty areas. Apply your pad or rag gently to the object. Scrub with increasing intensity on the deep stains. This is best done on pure nickel to minimize the abrasion from the pad and cleaner.[8]
- Make a solution of ammonia and water. For a more intense cleaning solution, combine one part ammonia to three parts water. Never submerge the nickel plating in straight ammonia; after 30 minutes it will cause the plating to chip and flake.[9]
- Soak the object in the solution. Place your object in the container. You can also pour the solution over the object. Let it sit in the ammonia mixture for up to 30 minutes.
- Rinse the plating. Use warm, running water to wash away the ammonia. Another option is to use clean, soft rag dipped in warm water. Run the water or rag over your plated item, making sure all the ammonia is removed.
- Take precautions working with chemicals such as ammonia. Wear rubber gloves and a mask for your nose and mouth. Work outside or in a well-ventilated room.
- Do not combine chemicals. Many combinations produce dangerous effects.
EditThings You'll Need - Soft cloth
- WD40 or metal cleaner
- Fine steel wool or scouring pad
- Vinegar or ammonia
- Warm water
- Bowls and containers
- Oven cleaner
- Metal polish
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How to Survive a Negative Friend Posted: 10 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT A negative friend can be a dark force in your life. On one hand, you may appreciate certain things about him or her, and you may want to help him/her be more positive. On the other hand, s/he can drain you and drag you into his/her world. Learn how to deal with a negative friend appropriately, so that you can begin to understand him or her and inject positivity into your friend's life. EditDealing with Negativity - Avoid being critical toward your friend. Lecturing your friend about his negative patterns can make him feel even worse, and he may turn on you. Criticism is difficult for everyone, but it's especially difficult for someone with negative thoughts and emotions circulating in his head.[1] Trying to vent to him about his own behavior may just escalate the situation and make him feel attacked. Provide a supportive environment to the best of your abilities.
- Take responsibility for your own happiness. If you let your happiness depend on a negative person, it will end in disaster. Keep your emotional distance from a negative friend. Avoid getting sucked into his world and then needing to solve his problems in order to be happy yourself.[2]
- Manifest your own positivity. One of the most effective methods for helping a negative friend, and helping yourself too, is to remain positive in the face of his negativity. This will keep you happy and show your friend an alternative to the way he sees things and acts in the world.
 - Take a break. Humans can "catch" emotions; in other words, the emotions of people around you are likely to rub off on you.[3] Even if you are a very positive person, if you are around negativity too much, it may make it harder to maintain your positive outlook. Take a break from your friend's negativity sometimes.
- Another way to maintain your positivity is to stay in tune with your own emotional experience. If you're starting to feel negativity rubbing off on you, check in with yourself and remind yourself that that isn't something you want. For example, "I'm starting to feel angry at restaurant servers because my friend has been complaining for five minutes about ours. I don't have a problem with our server. This anger isn't mine." You'll be more able to sustain your own positivity if you focus on it.[4]
- Use humor. Redefining a negative experience in humorous terms can help counteract the brain's natural impulse to focus on the negativity of a situation.[5] The next time your friend starts in on a rant, flip the situation humorously: "I'm sorry your car didn't start and you had to run for the bus. But hey, you did say you've been wanting to get more exercise, right?"
- Remind yourself when your friend's negativity is irrational. It can be easier to maintain your own positivity if you disengage from irrational negativity. For example, if your friend is complaining that your night is ruined because you have to see a movie in 2D instead of 3D, remind yourself that this is completely irrational. You still get to see the movie, and you can still have an enjoyable evening. Disengage from your friend's irrational thought trap.[6]
- Avoid matching his negativity. It may be tempting to join your friend in negativity. Research shows that people would actually rather do an unenjoyable activity with friends than an enjoyable activity alone.[7] However, reinforcing the negativity will only make it worse. He will think that it's acceptable and you may even push him farther into negativity.
- Be compassionate. Research on compassion suggests that it's a "win-win" way to treat people.[8] There are mental and physical health benefits associated with being compassionate, such as buffering you against stress and increasing your social connectedness. Social connectedness has its own benefits, such as increasing your immune system. Compassion also helps others. Acts of compassion create compassion in the other person as well. Giving freely can cause the other person to want to give freely. Basically, compassion is a great way to keep yourself and the people around you healthy.
- For example, look for ways you can help your friend. If his car dies, offer to give him a ride or jump start his battery. If he complains about a family member, offer to let him vent to you. These small gestures will produce a big effect in both of your lives.
- Protect yourself. It's unpleasant to "break up" with a friend, but sometimes it's the best option. It's good to brush negativity off and genuinely accept a friend despite the cloud hanging over his head. However, sometimes the negativity is too much, and you may need to say goodbye. If it comes to that, feel good about the fact that you care about yourself enough to avoid the black hole of negativity.[9]
- Sometimes, friends' negativity can trigger unpleasant or traumatic memories from our own past. For example, if you have recovered from a past substance abuse problem and your friend is constantly complaining that her family wants her to stop doing drugs, this negativity could trigger painful memories of your own past. If your friend's negativity continues to "push your buttons" or cause painful triggering, it may be best to step away.
- Consider seeing a therapist. This can be especially helpful if you really want to keep your friend involved in your life but are having a hard time dealing with his negativity. A therapist can help you learn healthy ways to cope, and help you learn ways to frame your thinking in healthy, helpful ways so you can stay positive.
- If your friend's negativity is severe, such as talking about suicide or self-harm, talk to a trusted parent, teacher, counselor, or other authority figure. Your friend needs more help than you can offer.
EditCommunicating Effectively With a Negative Friend - Think about your words. The last thing you want is to add to your friend's negativity by being too critical or hostile. If you would like to tell your friend that you think he is seeing a situation more negatively than necessary, think about the best way to say this.[10]
- Use "I"-statements rather than "you"-statements. For example, "Quit being so negative" is going to have less of a positive effect than "I feel like there's more to the situation than you're seeing." "I"-statements sound less judgmental, which can make the other person more open to hearing what you have to say.
- Be careful about delivery. What you say isn't the only important factor. Tone and nonverbal cues are just as important.[11] Yelling or throwing your hands up in defeat are going to increase negativity in the room rather than work to fight the fire effectively.
- Gentle eye contact and nodding along to what your friend is saying, if you agree, are great ways to create a positive interaction.
- Maintain an even tone of voice. Staying calm when your friend blows up may help her realize that there's more than one way to respond to a problem.
- Watch your pace. Research shows that speaking slowly causes people to perceive you as "more caring and sympathetic."[12] In order to communicate with a negative friend in a way that promotes positivity and keeps you from falling into the same negativity, pay attention to how fast you are speaking.
- Assert yourself. You want to be compassionate and positive in your approach, but that's not the same thing as allowing yourself to be stepped on. Sometimes a negative friend may try to override your opinions. Maintain a firm stance when it comes to your freedom to express yourself and have a differing point of view. Assertiveness is about meeting the needs of everyone involved, not just one person.[13]
- Clearly express your desires, wants, and needs. Use direct language that can't be contradicted. For example, say "The way that you're acting right now makes me uncomfortable. I'm going to leave, but we can talk later if you want."
- Include empathy. For example, "I understand that you want to keep talking about this, but I'm not comfortable with this conversation, so I'm going to leave."
- Set limits. For example, "I am happy to listen to your complaints for five minutes, but then I would like us to change the subject so we don't get too bogged down in negative feelings."[14]
- Change the direction of the conversation. If a friend is negatively ruminating on something, change the subject to something you know will cheer him up.[15] Injecting positivity into a situation can be a lot easier and more effective than trying to fight negativity.
- For example, if your friend is complaining about a bad day at work, ask him if he wants to go bowling or see a movie. Offer to pay for his ticket.
EditUnderstanding Negativity - Recognize pessimism. Pessimism is the orientation toward life of expecting that things will go poorly. Usually, people become pessimistic because things in their lives actually did go badly.[16] Pessimistic people often seem negative because they are quick to shoot down ideas and possibilities. Just remember that these people most likely have a history of bad things happening in their lives, so from their perspective, pessimism might seem totally reasonable.
- People who have pessimistic views may see positive thinking as "sticking your head in the sand" or refusing to acknowledge life's problems. You can help encourage your friend learn to think more positively by modeling healthy positive thinking in your interactions.[17]
- For example, a friend with a pessimistic view may say, "I shouldn't even try for that interview, because I'll never get the job." Someone who is refusing to acknowledge reality might respond, "Oh, you'll definitely get the job! There's no way you're not the best!" While this may sound positive, it isn't helpful because it's clearly unrealistic and doesn't acknowledge your friend's genuine concerns.
- Instead, be positive but realistic: "Okay, maybe you might not be the most qualified person in the world for that job...but you won't know if you can get it unless you apply. You do have a lot of the qualities they're looking for. What would it hurt to apply?"
- Look for signs of depression. Depression is a mood disorder marked by symptoms such as feeling hopeless, an inability to feel pleasure, and extended fatigue. Depression is the source of a lot of negativity; understanding it will help you understand negative friends who may be depressed. Depression is caused by a lot of different factors outside the control of the person, such as genes, family environment, and peer environment. People who feel depressed have difficulty mustering the energy to do things. Because of how tired and "low down" depressed people feel, they may seem really negative and unhappy.[18]
- People with major depression can't just "snap out" of feeling bad. However, depression is very treatable with therapy and medication.
- Other symptoms of depression include: frequent feelings of sadness or teariness, angry outbursts, lack of interest in things you used to enjoy, changes to weight, sleep, or appetite, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and frequent thoughts of harm to self or death.[19]
- Talk to your friend about depression. Depression is a serious condition that makes it hard for people to connect emotionally and live a happy, healthy life. You can't "fix" your friend's depression, but if you've noticed signs that worry you, talking to her can be a good way to show you care and encourage her to get help.[20]
- Frame your talk with "I"-statements, such as "Lately I've noticed you don't want to hang out as much. I'm worried about you. Would you like to talk?"
- Ask questions. Don't assume you know what's going on. Instead, ask your friend some questions, such as "Have you been feeling this way for awhile? Did something happen to make you feel this way?"
- Offer support. You should let your friend know that you care about her and are there to support her. Often, people with depression feel very bad or worthless about themselves. Let her know that you care for her and are there for her by saying something like, "I really value our friendship. Even if you don't want to talk right now, I'm always here for a chat if you want."
- People with depression may respond with anger or irritation to your attempt to help. Don't take it personally, and don't try to force the issue.[21]
- Watch for signs of anxiety. Anxiety can cause frustration and irritability. People with anxiety may feel powerless in their own lives, or terrified of things that don't seem scary to others. They may spend so much time worrying about the fear that they have trouble thinking or concentrating on anything else.[22][23] People who experience a lot of anxiety may be snappy and lash out more than people who don't, creating a lot of negative emotional energy in their lives.
- If your friend constantly seems to worry about things or feel "out of control" of her own life, she may be experiencing anxiety issues.
- Like depression, anxiety is a mental disorder that is serious but can be treated. You can't "fix" your friend's anxiety, but you can show her that you care about her and want to support her.
- Encourage your friend to seek treatment for anxiety. Many people with anxiety feel bad about their inability to control their worrying, which paradoxically leads to more worry. They may feel that seeking treatment is a sign of weakness or that they're "broken." Encourage your friend by reminding her that seeking treatment is actually a sign of strength and self-care.[24]
- Use "I"-statements when you talk to your friend about her anxiety. Don't make her feel worse about herself by saying things like "You need to work on your anxiety." Instead, say something reassuring and kind, like "I feel like you've been really worried and stressed out the last several times we've spent time together. Are you okay?"
- Get a grasp on insecurity and self-esteem. Many times, people who feel insecure or inadequate have a difficult time being positive and responding well to positive events.[25] This can feel like an act of self-protection, since they are suspicious of being rejected or hurt more. As misguided as it may be, understanding the logic behind it can be useful in dealing with it. You can help build your friend's self-esteem in several ways:[26]
- Give her positive feedback. Overcoming that self-protective instinct takes time. Whenever you see even the slightest hint of growth, tell your friend something positive about it. For example, "I'm so glad you decided to come out to the bowling alley with us today! I've really missed you."
- Encourage her. Overcoming negativity is hard work, and she will have relapses. Keep encouraging her to try new tactics.
- Listen to her. Many people may feel low self-esteem because they feel others don't listen or care about them. Take the time to listen to your friend, acknowledge her concerns, and share your ideas with her. This will make her feel involved in your life, and let her know that she's important to you.
- Realize that negativity is partly unconscious.[27] We tend to think of negative behavior as a choice, but it's more complicated than that. Negativity, whether it's coming from depression, pessimism, anxiety, insecurity, or something else, is something that no one has complete control over. There are steps people can take to reduce negativity in their lives, but judging someone for being negative can sometimes just make things worse.
- Remember that you can't "fix" your friend's problems. However, you can be there to support her. Just remember to take care of yourself, too.
- Recommend seeing a therapist if you think your friend might be having trouble with his/her emotions..
- Avoid talking about your friend behind his/her back. This is unkind and unhelpful.
- If your friend mentions harming him/herself or thoughts of suicide, call emergency services or ask your friend to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
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How to Keep Track of Your Keys Posted: 10 Apr 2017 05:00 AM PDT There are arguably few things worse than the sinking feeling you realize you have lost your keys. Maybe you tend to be in a rush to leave your house but are unable to remember where you left your keys. You can keep track of your keys by using technological tools like wireless tracking devices. Good old fashioned routine and consistency can also help you remember where you put your keys and make it easy to head out for the day. EditUsing Tracking Devices - Consider a wireless key finder. Wireless key finders are compact tracking devices that can be attached directly to your keychain. These key finders are often no bigger than a standard keychain and send out a tracking signal that can be seen via Bluetooth on your smartphone. They are wireless and easy to use, making them a top choice if you are looking for a technological option for keeping track of your keys.[1]
- Many wireless key finders are also affordable and come with a rechargeable battery or batteries that can be replaced. The technology for key finders is also continuing to evolve and often new versions of a key finder will come out with even better functionality.
- Compare prices and functionality before you buy. There are many wireless key finders currently on the market, at varying price points and offering different levels of functionality. You should compare at least one to two key finders before you buy to find the right one for you. Some of the more popular wireless key finders include:
 - Tile: This wireless key finder attaches to your keychain and can find your keys up to 80 feet away. It has a sleek, white design and a two way finding feature, where you can locate your keys with your phone and locate your phone with your keys through the key finder. It is also one of the more affordable wireless key finders at around $25USD and is compatible with Android and IOS smartphones. The downside of this wireless key finder is the batteries are non-replaceable, though they should last at least a year.[2]
- Duet by Protag: This wireless key finder can track your keys up to 80 feet away and lets out a buzz when it locates your keys. It is compatible with Android and IOS smartphones, and the battery is replaceable. It also has a two way finding feature and a geofencing feature, where you can see the location of your keys on a map and get alerts when you walk out of range of your keys. Finally, this device is not very expensive, at around $30 USD.[3]
- Pally Smart Find: Though this wireless key finder is on the larger end, about the size of a keychain fob, it can track your keys up to 90 feet. It also lets out a very loud alarm when you wander out of the range of your keys and it works on both Android and IOS smartphones. The device runs on two AAA batteries and boasts a two year battery life. It is also affordable, at $30 USD.[4]
- Track your keys through your phone. Most wireless key finders can be used on a variety of smartphones, from Androids to iPhones. The smartphone must have Bluetooth capabilities and you will need to download an app that connects to the key finder to start tracking your keys.[5]
- You will then need to attach the key finder to your keychain and set up the finder through an app on your phone. You can then easily locate your keys by checking the location of the key finder on your phone.
- Many wireless key finders now have a two way finding feature, where you can locate your phone through the finder as well as your keys. You can locate your phone by pressing a button on the key finder. This option may come in handy if you tend to misplace your phone.
- If somehow you lose track of both your keys and your phone, you can log into your account (made through the wireless key finder program) on a computer and locate both items that way.
EditUsing Routine and Consistency - Keep your keys in a bowl by the door or on a hook. As creatures of habit, we can train ourselves to remember where we put important items by making a home for them in our living space. This may mean designating a bowl by your front door as the keys bowl, the spot where your keys go when you get home. You may also have a brightly decorated keys hook right by your door so you can easily hang your keys when you go in and out of your home.[6]
- Locating the home for your keys by the front door or an entrance you use often will ensure that you remember to put them where they belong as soon as you get inside (although this is, unfortunately, one of the first places a thief will look, too). Over time, this action will feel nature and habitual. It will also make it easier to find your keys in a moment of panic, as you simply need to look for them in their home.
- Place your keys in the same pocket every day. If you tend to lose your keys while you are on the go, get into the habit of putting your keys in the same pocket of your coat or the same pocket of your pants every day (just keep in mind that a coat can be a prime target for a thief). You can even integrate your keys into your daily dressing routine by putting on your clothing and then sliding your keys into your pocket as a final flourish. Sticking to the same pocket every day will ensure your keys are always in the same spot every day and remain there, even when you are on the go.[7]
- Decorate your keychain so it is easy to find in your bag. Another option is to make your keychain bold and bright so it is easy to find the depths of your bag. A large, bright keychain is usually hard to misplace, especially if it has a unique decoration that is easy to identify.[8]
- You may decide to make a woven keychain out of strips of plastic in bright colors, forming a long loop that attaches to your keychain to make it easier to dig out of your bag. You could also make a keychain by laminating photographs of family and friends and attaching a keyring to the small, square photographs. Personalizing your keychain could help it to stand out and mark it as clearly yours.
- Another option is to attach a small pouch to your keychain so you can carry some cash and a few important bank cards with your keys. You may be less likely to lose track of your keys if you know they are attached to important items.
- You can also buy decorative keychains that contain charms or decorative items to make it easier to find your keychain in your bag. Look for keychains that are easy to hold and have some weight to them.
- Use a belt hook to carry your keys around with you. Another popular option is to use a belt hook or a carabiner clip, which are often used in rock climbing to secure ropes. You can loop your keychain through the belt hook and then attach it to your back belt loop so the keys are secure when you are on the go. Carabiner clips come in a variety of shapes and colors, and are often very durable.[9]
- Carabiner clips make good belt hooks because they allow your keys to sit flat in your back pocket, making it easier to sit down while wearing your keys. If you have a lot of keys on your keychain, you may need to shift them out of the way while they are attached to your belt loop to sit down comfortably.
- Entrust a neighbor or a friend with an extra set of keys. If you tend to lose track of your keys on a consistent basis, you may want to leave an extra set of keys with a friend or neighbor as a precaution. Only leave the extra set with someone you trust and someone you can get in touch with easily if you do lose your set of keys.
- Some people put a spare set of keys in a hidden area outside of their home, such as under a potted plant or above the door landing. Try to store the spare set in a spot that is hard to access to ensure they are difficult to find, as you do not want a stranger to be able to open your door.
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How to Crimp Your Hair With a Straightener Posted: 10 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT Have you wanted to get the crimped hair look, but didn't want to go out and buy a special crimper? Luckily, it is possible to crimp your hair using a hair straightener and a few extra tools. This article will show you a few ways of crimping your hair. Some have a tighter crimp, while others have a looser crimp. EditUsing Braids for a Tight Crimp - Start with straight, dry, tangle-free hair. Even if you have curly hair, it might be a good idea to straighten it. This will help reduce frizz later on.
- Apply a styling mousse if you have very straight hair, or if your hair can't hold a curl. Try to get something light weight or that enhances curls.[1]
- Pull half of your hair up into a bun. Gather all of your hair above ear level into a loose bun. Leave the lower layer of your hair hanging down by your shoulders. You will be working with this layer first.
- Divide your hair into at least six, equal sections. The more, smaller sections you make, the tighter crimp you will get. For a very tight crimp, try ½ to 1 inch (1.27 to 2.54 centimeters) wide sections.
- Braid the sections tightly. The smaller, tighter braids, the better. If you want more volume, start braiding right at the roots. If you want less volume, start braiding only halfway down the hair shaft. Tie each braid off with a small hair elastic.
- Spray each braid generously with a heat protection spray. Be sure to get the front and back of each braid. You will also want to spray the ends of your hair as well. This will protect your hair from the heat of the hair straightener. It will keep your hair from getting too dry or scorched.
- Run a flat iron over each braid. Start close to your roots, and press down on the braid for a few seconds with your straightener. Release the braid, and press the next segment flat. You may need to run the straightener through your braids twice.
- Do not undo the braids just yet. You will work with the upper layer first. This will give the braids enough time to cool down. If you take the braids out too soon, they will lose their crimp.
- Undo your bun and let your hair down. Divide this hair into at least six, equal sections. Try to use the same amount of sections as your used in your lower layer.
- Repeat the sectioning, braiding, and straightening. Be sure to spray your hair liberally with a heat protection spray before you straighten it.
- Let your hair cool before you take the braids out. Do not take the braids out if your hair is still warm. If you do, the crimp will fall out. Once your hair is cool, start undoing the braids from the bottom layer first.
- Do not brush your hair. If you do, your hair will turn frizzy. If the crimp is too tight, you can loosen it by gently running your fingers through your hair.
- Consider spraying your hair with some hairspray. This will help the crimp last longer.[2]
EditUsing Pins for a Tight Crimp - Get some U-pins. You will need lots of them. Do not use bobby pins; they will not work for this method. You can find U-pins at a beauty supply shop or online.[3]
- If you absolutely cannot find any U-pins, get some stiff wire and cut it to twice the length of your finger. Fold it in half until a narrow U-shape. It should be no wider than your finger.
- Apply a light weight styling mousse into clean, straightened, tangle-free hair. Your hair must be brushed, or it will turn out frizzy. It might also be a good idea to straighten it first; this will also help reduce frizz. The styling mousse is especially important for those with naturally-straight hair, or for those whose hair can't hold a curl easily.
- Pull three-quarters of your hair up into a loose bun at the top of your head. The bottom fourth of your hair should be hanging loose around your shoulders. You will be working on this section first.
- Take a small section of hair, closest to your face. The section should be about 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) wide, and 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) tall.
- Place the section inside the pin. Bring the curved part of the pin as close to your scalp as possible. The closer the pin is to your scalp, the more volume you will get.
- Start wrapping the hair around the two prongs until you reach the end of your hair. Weave the hair in and out of the prongs in figure-rights. When you reach the end, consider wrapping a small hair elastic around the ends of the U-pin. This will help pinch the pin closed, and prevent your hair from unraveling.
- Repeat the process for the rest of the bottom layer. Work in 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) sections.
- Lightly mist the hair-covered U-pins with a heat protecting spray. For more holding power, you can also add a little bit of hairspray as well.
- Set your hair straighten to medium and go over the hair-wrapped U-pins. Do not use a high heat setting. Start ironing from the ends of the U-pin first, and work your way towards your roots. Only clamp the straightener down five seconds at a time.
- Repeat the sectioning, weaving, and straightening process for the next three layers. When you are done, you should have no hair left to weave. You should have four rows of hair-wrapped U-pins. Make sure that you spray and "straighten" each row before starting on the next.
- Let your hair cool down. If you remove the U-pins too soon, your hair will not hold its crimp. This will take about ten minutes or so.
- Remove the U-pins. Start from the bottom layer first. Pull off the hair tie, but don't unravel the hair. Instead, pinch the curved part of the U-pin, and simply pull it out of your hair.[4]
- Avoid brushing your hair. If you do, your hair will turn frizzy. If the crimps are too tight for your liking, you can loosen them by running your fingers through your hair.
EditUsing Twists for a Looser Crimp - Make sure your hair is dry and tangle free. This will help reduce frizz. Do not work on damp hair.
- Apply a light weight styling mousse to your hair. This will help your hair hold its crimp better later on.
- Consider dividing your hair into horizontal sections for a tighter crimp. If you want, you can gather half of your hair up into a loose bun at the top of your head. Work with the bottom layer first. When you are done, you can undo the bun and work with that layer.
- Take a section of hair closest to your face. The smaller section you grab, the tighter the crimp will be.
- Twist the section into a tight rope, away from your face.[5] Twist it tight enough so that it forms a rope, but not so tight that it curls in on itself.
- Spray the section generously with a heat protection spray. This will keep your hair from drying out or getting scorched by the hair straightener.
- Run a hair straightener over the rope. Do not let go of the rope just yet.
- Hold onto the rope until the hair cools, then gently release it. If you let go of your hair too soon, it may not hold the crimp.
- Keep twisting and straightening your hair until all of your hair is crimped. When you get to the other side of your face, remember to twist the hair rope away from your face as well. If you are working in layers, undo the top layer, and repeat the twisting and straightening process on it as well.
- Avoid brushing your hair. If the crimp is too tight for you, you can loosen it by gently running your fingers through your hair. If you try brushing your hair, your hair may turn frizzy.
- Spray your hair with hairspray. This will set the crimp and make it last longer.
EditUsing a Hair Straightener for a Wavy Crimp - Apply some light weight styling mousse to dry, straightened hair. It would be a good idea to straighten your hair, even if it is naturally curly. This will help prevent frizz.
- Consider pulling your hair up into a loose bun with the bottom half loose. This will give you a more manageable amount of hair to work with, while keeping the extra hair out of the way.
- Take a small section of hair. The smaller sections you work with, the more crimped your hair will be.
- Spray the section generously with a heat protection spray. This will keep your hair from getting damaged.
- Clamp the straightener down on the hair section. Try to get as close to the roots as possible. Use a medium heat setting. Any hair straightener will do, but the wider the straightener is, the looser your crimp will be. If you want sharper crimps, look for something that is ½ or 1 inch (1.27 or 2.54 centimeters) wide.
- Rotate the straightener upwards while holding the hair section down. Flip the straightener upwards by 180°. Gently tug downward on the loose ends of the hair section. This will create a curve.
- Place the straightener just below the first curve. Clamp it down.
- Rotate the straightener downwards while holding the hair section up. Flip the straightener downwards by 180°. Meanwhile, gently tug on the loose ends of the hair section upwards. This will complete the crimp.
- Place the hair straightener just below the crimp and continue crimping it. Rotate the straightener upwards while gently tugging down on the loose ends of your hair—just as before. Keep going down the length of the hair section, rotating the straightener up and down, until you reach the ends.
- Be careful not to tug downwards with the hand that is holding onto the straightener.
- Finish the rest of your hair. Remember to spray each section down with a heat protection spray before you touch it with the hair straightener. Also, if you divided your hair into two parts, let your already-crimped hair cool down a little before undoing the bun and crimping the rest of your hair.
- Let your hair cool before you touch it. If you touch it too soon, you may mess up the crimps before they set. [6]
- Consider spraying your hair with some hairspray. This will help set the crimps and make them last longer.
- Consider braiding your hair while it is still damp and letting it dry over night. This is the safest way to crimp your hair, as it lacks heat. The more braids you use, the more crimped your hair will be.
- Crimping on thick or curly hair can appear frizzy. It works best on thin or straight hair.
mid-length to long and fairly thin and straight.[7] - Always apply a heat protection spray before using a hair straightener.
- Crimping works better on medium to long hair. It can look unruly on short hair.[8]
- Use a styling mousse before you start crimping and hairspray after you are done crimping.[9]
- Not every method is going to work for every hair type; some people's hair holds styles better than others.
- Avoid using a high heat setting on your hair straightener, even with a heat protection spray.
- Do not use a hair straightener every day. You will damage your hair in the long run, even with a heat protection spray.
EditThings You'll Need EditUsing Braids for a Tight Crimp - Hair straightener
- Styling mousse
- Heat protection spray
- Small hair elastics
- Hairspray
EditUsing Pins for a Tight Crimp - Hair straightener
- Styling mousse
- Heat protection spray
- U-pins
- Small hair elastics
- Hairspray
EditUsing Twists - Hair straightener
- Styling mousse
- Heat protection spray
- Hairspray
EditUsing a Hair Straightener - Hair straightener, ½ to 1 inch (1.27 to 2.54 centimeters) is recommended
- Styling mousse
- Heat protection spray
- Hairspray
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How to Tell if an Ingrown Toenail Is Infected Posted: 09 Apr 2017 09:00 PM PDT If left untreated, your ingrown toenail may become infected. Some signs of an infection are throbbing pain, discharge, and an odor. If you determine that your ingrown toenail is infected, then you should visit your doctor. If you catch an ingrown toenail early, you may be able to prevent it from becoming infected by soaking it in warm salt water three times a day. In the future, prevent ingrown toenails by trimming your nails correctly, buying properly fitted shoes, and by letting your toes breathe after sports and exercise activities. EditChecking Your Symptoms - Look for an increased redness around your toenail. An early symptom of an ingrown toenail is tender, red skin. However, you will see a marked increase in redness around the area if the toenail progresses to an infection.[1]
- Notice if your skin feels hot. You may feel a warm to hot feeling around your toenail if it becomes infected. A throbbing pain may accompany the increase in temperature around your toenail as well. If the infection worsens or is left untreated, you may develop a fever.[2]
- Watch out for green or yellow pus. Look for pus under the skin near your nail. Pus is a sure sign of an infection. A bad odor may accompany an infected toenail that is secreting pus as well.[3]
- An infected ingrown toenail may look as if red skin is surrounding a light colored area of skin (whitish in color).
- Contact your doctor. If you have an infection, then you will need to contact your doctor. Your doctor will be able to diagnose and treat the infection. Treatment depends on severity and can consist of soaking the feet in warm water, antibiotics, or removal of the ingrown toenail if the infection is severe.[4]
- Contact your doctor immediately if you have diabetes or AIDS, suffer from poor blood circulation, are on chemotherapy, or have a weakened immune system.
EditTreating a Non-Infected Ingrown Toenail - Soak your foot in warm water for 10 minutes. Add Epsom salts or a mild soap to the water; this will clean the area. Soaking your toe will relieve pain and reduce redness. It will also soften the nail and skin around the ingrown toenail.[5]
- Make sure the area is thoroughly dry before proceeding to the next step.
- Roll a small piece of gauze or cotton between your fingers. Roll it until it forms a wick or a small roll. Then, push the skin growing over your nail down and away from your nail. Place the small cotton roll in between your skin and nail. This will keep your nail elevated, preventing it from growing further into your skin.[6]
- Hold the roll in place by wrapping your toenail in medical gauze.
- This part may be painful but it is necessary. You may take over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or Tylenol to manage your pain.
- You can apply a topical antibiotic such as Neosporin to further prevent an infection.
- Soak your toe two to three times a day. Each time your soak your foot, you will need to change out the cotton roll. Each day, try to wedge the roll a little farther in. Repeat this process until your toenail has grown past the end of your toe. It may take one to two weeks for your nail to grow out.[7]
- If you do not see any improvements or if an infection develops, you may need to contact your doctor.
- You may need to wear sandals until your toe clears up.
EditPreventing Ingrown Toenails - Do not cut your toenails too short. And try not to cut your toenails too rounded at the edges, either. Instead, cut your toenail straight across and do not cut the edges. The corners of your nail need to be visible above your skin.[8]
- Buy properly fitted shoes. Shoes (and socks) that squeeze your toes together may cause your toenail to become ingrown.Make sure you can wiggle your toes in your shoes. If you cannot, either buy new shoes or pick another pair.[9]
- Tight shoes like high heels and pointed-toe shoes may also cause ingrown toenails.
- Let your toes breathe. People who exercise frequently or play sports, especially sports where your feet and toes endure trauma like soccer and ballet, are more prone to developing an ingrown toenail. After these activities, take off your shoes and socks and let your toes breathe for one to two hours. Do this by wearing sandals or by walking barefoot afterwards.[10]
- Also, by thoroughly cleaning and drying your toes and feet after strenuous, physical activities, you may be able to reduce your risk of developing an ingrown toenail.
- Using socks made of cotton instead of synthetic material may help your toes and feet breathe better.
EditSources and Citations Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found
How to Plant a Living Picture with Plants Posted: 09 Apr 2017 05:00 PM PDT Looking for ways to add some idyllic charm to your home? A living picture may be just what you need. Living pictures are a unique offshoot of the modern vertical gardening craze that involves growing eye-catching succulent plants in a specially-engineered picture frame rather than a traditional upright planter. The result is a whimsical piece that is sure to become the new focal point of your garden or patio. To craft your own living picture, all you need are a few basic building materials, some potting soil and a selection of vibrant plant cuttings that will allow you to realize your vision. EditAssembling the Frame - Gather your supplies. To put together your own living picture, you'll need an old or unused portrait frame, four 1x3 boards, a sheet of ½" hardware cloth, a scrap piece of plywood, a hammer, nails and wood staples. You'll also need a bag of potting soil and a hook or length of wire to hang your living picture later on.[1]
- Check for inexpensive picture frames of the appropriate size at places like flea markets, vintage stores and estate sales.[2]
- As for the plants themselves, you can purchase or harvest your pick of any number of hearty succulents, or find rugged species of plants like grasses and small shrubs that can withstand the unique demands of vertical gardening.
- Cut a shadowbox to fit your picture frame. Measure the 1x3 boards to the same specifications as the picture frame you've acquired for the project. Saw the boards into sections of the appropriate length to correspond to the sides of the frame. Attach the corners of the boards using nails to fashion a basic shadowbox.[3]
- Measure each of your wooden components carefully before you make any cuts.
- Use naturally water-resistant woods like cedar and redwood to encourage drainage and prevent overwatering the plants.[4]
- The addition of a deep shadowbox will provide adequate room to contain the potting soil and roots of the plants, while also giving your living picture a more commanding three-dimensional appearance.
- Insert a sheet of hardware cloth into the shadowbox. Using the same measurements you took before, trim the hardware cloth so that it slides into place inside the shadowbox without bending or resistance. Staple the edges of the hardware cloth to the inner wall of the shadowbox.[5]
- The grid like openings of the hardware cloth will be just narrow enough to hold compacted soil in place, yet just wide enough to insert the plant seeds and cuttings through.
- Secure the plywood backing to the frame. Once again, use the dimensions of the picture frame for reference when cutting the plywood to size. Align the corners of the plywood backing with those of the shadowbox and nail them down. Then, fit the shadowbox, screen and backing into the frame and use a few more nails to make sure they all hold together. Your living picture frame is now complete![6]
- You'll need to remove the glass front and included backing from the frame before putting the shadowbox planter into place.
- Paint your frame. At this stage, you can add some flair by customizing your frame with a special color scheme. Brush on a primer first, then layer on 2-3 coats of acrylic or latex paint until the frame is a uniform shade. Finish with a clear coat lacquer to waterproof the frame and make it suitable for outdoor use.[7]
- Waterproof paints are preferable, as they'll protect the frame from damage caused by soil and water runoff.
- Try color washing your frame for a more weathered, antique look.
EditPlanting the Succulents - Fill the living picture frame with potting soil. Snip the corner off a bag of soil to create a narrow spout. Starting with the edges, go around the frame and pour in the soil until it just touches the underside of the hardware cloth. Give the frame an occasional shake while you work to level off the soil and help it distribute more evenly.[8]
- You can also add a small amount of fertilizer to the potting soil to promote the health of new plants. Look for nitrogen-rich fertilizers and mix a light sprinkling into the fresh soil before you fill the frame.
- Formulate your own soil specifically for succulent plants by mixing two parts moist soil from your yard or garden with one part sand and small pebbles.[9]
- Poke small holes in the soil. Use a chopstick, screwdriver or slender wooden dowel to burrow into the soil about 1-1.5" deep. This will create a series of small holes that will make planting the seeds and cuttings much more expedient. Dig one hole for each plant you intend to grow.[10]
- Make sure the holes are relatively narrow and that the soil around the opening isn't cracked or loose.
- Be careful not to make the holes so deep that you reach the plywood backing.
- Confirm that the holes you dig are wide enough to accommodate the root bulbs of larger succulent species.
- Press the plant cuttings into the holes. Insert the cuttings through the wire screen of the hardware cloth root-side down. They should fit perfectly into the holes you just opened up. After all the cuttings are in place, pat the soil around the visible portion of the plants to anchor them.[11]
- At this point, you should begin thinking about how you want your finished living picture to look. This will give you an idea of what type of planting pattern will work best.
- Plant leaf cuttings at an angle to the soil, with the trimmed end below the surface.[12]
- Give the plants time to take root. You won't hang your living picture right away. Seeds and young cuttings will need two to four weeks of constant sunlight and daily watering to begin growing. When the roots have spread and found traction in the soil, the plants will be resilient enough to mount without coming loose.[13]
- For the first week or so, aim to water your plants once a day. Simply wet the top of the soil around each of the plants. As they develop, they'll require less and less water and general maintenance.[14]
- Hang and care for your living picture. Once the roots have secured themselves in the soil, you'll be able to mount the frame with no fear of the plants coming dislodged. Attach the hook or wire hanger to the upper portion of the plywood backing and display it in a well-lit section of your living room, kitchen, patio or garden. Take the frame down whenever you need to water the plants or add new fertilizer to the soil.[15]
- You can also water the plants using a spray bottle. Give them a generous misting once or twice a day, and be sure to saturate the soil as well as the foliage.
- Make sure the soil is adequately drained before rehanging the living picture.
EditCreating Beautiful Designs - Plant your cuttings in an attractive pattern. While you're digging holes for the plants, exercise some creative forethought to make interesting designs and configurations. You could arrange different species in alternating rows, or sew brilliantly colored plants in dazzling sweeps and swirls. Remember, your living picture is as much a work art as it is gardening.[16]
- Use small, vertical succulents to produce symmetrical designs like swirls or a zigzagging Chevron pattern.
- Accumulate a gallery of living pictures and use each to explore a different style of planting and arrangement.
- Use contrasting colors. Hearty flowering plants come in a myriad of unique and unusual hues. Japanese iris and begonias, for instance, are typically a delicate violet color, while Oncidium orchids glow a fiery red when they reach maturity. Incorporate the wide range of plants available to you into your palette and cultivate an arrangement that's truly stunning.[17]
- Succulents like lampranthus, clivia and balsam all produce large flowers with rich, bold coloring.[18]
- If you're unsure what a particular species looks like once it develops, search for photos online or consult the planting and maintenance info guide that comes with newly purchased plants.[19]
- Mix and match plants of various sizes. Look for combinations of plants with shapes and structure that offset one another. In a diverse living picture, Aeonium blossoms will burst forth from a sea of creeping green clover while spikes of spider aloe protrude tower-like from a ring in the center. The possibilities are nearly limitless—listening to your aesthetic sensibilities will help you piece together a one-of-a-kind display.[20]
- Find out how big you can expect your plants of choice to grow before sewing them. You don't want one oversized fern or aloe to dominate your living picture.
- Prune your plants regularly to keep them from spilling over the edges of the frame.[21]
- Play around with negative space. You don't have to plant over every square inch of your frame. The soil itself can actually be used to enhance the look of a living picture by breaking up dense patches of color and adding depth and visual texture from. See how you might include glimpses of sandy soil and glistening wire to make your designs more purposeful and sophisticated.[22]
- Embellish your living picture with colored stones, ribbons, pendants and other decorative accents.[23]
- Browse the selection of succulents, grasses and shrubs available in the gardening section of major home improvement stores, or acquire cuttings at your local greenhouse or plant nursery.
- You may be able to buy pre-assembled living picture frames in some gardening stores. This could save you the time of rigging one up yourself if you'd prefer to skip straight to cultivating the plants.
- Group your cuttings close together in the soil. This causes them to grow more slowly, which will give you more control over their appearance.
- Prolific succulents like sedum and cotyledon are useful for filling gaps around larger, more impressive plants.
- Take cuttings from succulents growing in your own garden and "recycle" them for a living picture project.
- Dig up and replace dead, diseased or misshapen plants as your living picture continues to grow and develop.
- Be careful not to overwater your succulents. A generous soak once a week (just enough to cover the surface of the soil) will usually be more than enough to keep them alive and healthy. Too much moisture can rot the roots and cause leaves to become mushy and limp.
EditThings You'll Need - Portrait-sized picture frame
- 4 1x3 boards
- 1 sheet 1/2" hardware cloth
- Scrap sheet of plywood
- Hammer
- Nails
- Wood staples (optional)
- Acrylic paint
- Screwdriver, chopstick or other slender tool (for poking planting holes)
- Various succulent plant cuttings
- Potting soil (formulated for succulent plants)
- Succulent fertilizer
EditSources and Citations Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found
How to Plan a Play Date for Your Blind or Visually Impaired Child Posted: 09 Apr 2017 01:00 PM PDT Planning a play date for a blind or visually impaired child can be challenging — especially if your child has friends who don't have any visual impairments. Look for activities that involve the senses of hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Coordinating these other sensory experiences with descriptions can help your child learn and understand how things appear, even if their sense of sight is limited.[1] EditHosting a Sensory Play Party - Choose a theme. If you want to plan a sensory play party for your blind or visually impaired child and their friends, a theme can help keep the activities simple and understandable. Your theme should be a common thread running through all the activities in some way.[2]
- For example, you might want to have a construction party, and use objects related to building and construction work, such as blocks, hard hats, shovels, and other machines.
- Think not just of occupations, but also places. For example, if your child really enjoyed a recent trip to the beach, you might have a beach-themed party and bring the beach into your own backyard.
- When picking a theme, get your child involved so you can choose something that sparks their interest.
- Modify activities to make them more accessible. Particularly if you have several different activities planned for your sensory play party, you want to make sure all activities are accessible to all children and clearly separated from one another.[3]
- Think in terms of both auditory and tactile cues to enhance the children's understanding of each activity and the objective. For example, you might place a soft rug or mat on a hard surface to indicate a particular area is reserved for a seated activity.
- Use bright, high-contrast tape to mark off the bounds of each play area so the children can more easily understand where one activity ends and the other begins.
- Keep the area simple and uncluttered, and remove objects that are unrelated to the play date.
- Make sensory bins. Sensory bins are wonderful tools that can help your child focus and engage their senses. When planning a sensory play party or play date with other kids who don't have visual impairments, put lids on the bins or have those kids put on blindfolds so they can have a similar experience.[4] This can also help teach the other children empathy, as well as making the activities equally challenging for all the children.
- Start with a large plastic storage container, then choose a filler such as rice or sand. Your filler need not be expensive, and may vary depending on the other types of objects you plan to include.
- Add other objects with a distinctive shape and texture compared to the filler you've used. For example, you might place marbles of varying sizes in a tub of sand.
- Include tools for scooping and sifting the filler so the children can find the objects buried in the bins.
- Add sounds and smells. When planning a play date for your blind or visually impaired child, you want to incorporate as many of their other senses as possible. Sounds and smells can help your child differentiate between things that are typically identified by sight.[5]
- For example, you might hang pots and pans of various sizes on a fence. You can get many different types of pots and pans at a thrift store relatively inexpensively — you don't have to use the ones you normally cook with. Hang all the objects and give the kids different things to bang them with, such as brushes, wooden spoons, mallets, and spatulas, so they can experience the different sounds that are created with different combinations of objects.
- Infuse plain jello with different essential oils so that the children can dig their hands into the jello and release the aroma. Talk about what the smell is and what types of objects or experiences are associated with those smells.
- Use edible items for sensory play. Edible items engage your child's sense of taste, which is crucial for blind or visually impaired children as they explore the world around them. Having different tastes for different colors can help your child start to recognize and understand the concept of colors.[6]
- Some examples of edible items you can use include spaghetti noodles, edible play dough (look online for recipes), and tapioca balls.
- You can cook spaghetti with food coloring to add bold colors. Lay the colors out on a white tarp to create a squishy rainbow for the kids to explore.
- Try to keep your taste and color associations consistent. For example, if you associate red with cherry flavor in one activity, don't associate it with strawberry for another activity — this could cause confusion.
- Create your own ball pit. Many blind or visually impaired kids love ball pits, but it can be dangerous for them to go into public ball pits along with other sighted children. However, you can eliminate this danger by making your own.[7]
- Use an inflatable wading pool so the pit is soft, then get some balls for the pit. You can find suitable balls and most toy stores and discount stores.
- Consider using balls of different sizes to enhance the sensory experience. If you have any choice, choose high-contrast colors so visually impaired kids will be better able to distinguish the different balls.
- Consider adapting popular games for your child. While a sensory party is usually pretty relaxed, with an emphasis on exploring and making messes, you may want to also throw in a few more challenging games or activities to help your child feel a sense of accomplishment. Ask your child what they would like to do, and see if you can make the necessary accommodations.
- Look for sensory-based board games, or games that have been adapted for blind or visually impaired children by adding braille or tactile markers. Games like checkers, tic-tac-toe, even card games can all be made accessible to your child with just a few tweaks.
- Another example is if your child is visually impaired but can make out very bright colors, you could adapt a game of t-ball by placing bright orange cones at each base and using bright tape leading to each base so the child knows where to run.[8]
- Or, if your child wants to play kickball, you can allow the children to either kick the ball from a stationary position or from a pitch. Your blind or visually impaired child can kick a stationary ball and have a friend run with them, guiding them around the bases.
EditMaking Arts and Crafts - Paint with tennis balls. If your child has some sight but is visually impaired, this activity can be a fun way to create bold abstract art with a group of kids. For this project, you'll need large white paper, paints, tennis balls, and a small plastic wading pool.[9]
- Use puffy paint or add sand to the paint to incorporate a tactile dimension for kids who are blind.
- Pick paints in bold colors, and secure the paper to the bottom of the wading pool. Have the kids dip the tennis balls in the paint, then drop them in the pool and roll them around.
- It helps to have several kids for this project, especially if they're younger, so they can lift and move the pool together. This also teaches them cooperation.
- Use scented crayons or markers. Scented crayons and markers incorporate the sense of smell into the art project, helping your blind or visually impaired child distinguish between colors by associating them with a particular smell.[10]
- You can buy scented crayons or markers at specialty arts and crafts stores as well as many discount stores.
- If you buy more than one set of crayons or markers, make sure the scents and colors match up. Having the same color with two different smells can cause confusion.
- Make collages. Collages are a great way to incorporate different textures, and help your child further develop their sense of touch. Many blind or visually impaired children also enjoy working with glue and sticky surfaces.[11]
- Prepare the collage surface by covering it with glue using a glue stick, or using double-sided sticky tape. That way the whole surface is sticky and the child can place objects anywhere they want.
- Use a variety of different textures, and talk to your child about the different textures and where they are commonly found. For example, you might include something soft and fuzzy, a piece of felt, and pieces of sandpaper.
- Draw and color. You can buy coloring books or sketchbooks with raised lines, so your blind or visually impaired child can experience coloring objects by feeling the edges. You also can trace the lines of a regular coloring book with puffy paint pens to get the same effect.[12]
- Scented crayons or markers allow the child to have a better understanding of the colors they are using.
- Have the child trace the lines with their finger and talk about what object is represented by those lines.
- Stick with high-contrast colors. Visually impaired children will be better able to differentiate colors if you simplify your color palate and only use colors that contrast sharply with each other, such as red and blue.[13]
- If your child or children who will be present at the play date are colorblind or have color sensitivity issues, keep those in mind as you choose your colors.
- Keep contrast in mind with other items as well. For example, if you have a game involving Cheerios, place them on a navy blue or black surface so they will contrast sharply and be easier to see. Use white surfaces for dark or brightly colored objects.
EditUsing Local Resources - Spend time in a park. There are numerous activities at your local park that can provide sensory stimulation, education, and enrichment for your blind or visually impaired child. A play date at the park also is a great idea if your child has a friend without significant vision impairment.[14]
- You might pull up plants and examine the roots with your child, or catch bugs. They also may have fun exploring playgrounds, swinging on swings or running their hands over the equipment to see how it's put together.
- If you live in the United States, you might try NPR's directory of accessible playgrounds nationwide. Just visit and type in an address to begin.[15]
- Go to a local petting zoo. Because petting zoos focus on the senses of touch, smell, and hearing, they can be great places for a blind or visually impaired child to explore the world and connect with different kinds of animals.[16]
- The animals at petting zoos typically are very calm and tame, and will allow your child to explore them.
- Talk to your child about the animal they are touching, the part of that animal the child is touching, and what that animal does. When the child touches a different animal, talk about the differences between the two.
- Check at libraries and museums. Many libraries and museums have play-date type activities specifically designed for blind and visually impaired kids. These events can help your child explore their community as well as giving them the opportunity to meet other blind or visually impaired kids their age.[17]
- Your local library or community center may have a bulletin board where information about activities and events are posted. You also may be able to find this information on the library's website.
- If your city government has a community events page on its website, you also may be able to find information there.
- Ask at local museums, especially children's museums, to find out if they have special events or specific days for blind or visually impaired kids.
- Play in the water. If your child enjoys the water, backyard water slides, wading pools, or fountains can provide a fun activity for a play date, especially on hot days. You don't have to get fancy – often a simple garden hose is enough.[18]
- Keep in mind that if there are too many elements, they can get overwhelming. Try to limit your water play activities to one or two things.
- If your child doesn't like cold water, you might try running the hose from the kitchen sink so you can use warm water.
- If you make a slide in the backyard, you can use other liquids on the surface, such as whipped cream, so the kids can enjoy different sensations. Just make sure the liquid you use isn't too slick.
- Visit a farm to pick berries. If you live in or near a more rural area, you may be able to find a working berry farm where you can take your blind or visually impaired child along with a friend. Picking berries engages your child's senses of touch, hearing, and taste.[19]
- This also can be an educational experience, because the child will learn where berries come from and how they are harvested.
- Call ahead to the farm before you go and let them know you will have a child who is blind or visually impaired. They may be able to offer specific accommodations, or may have special events for blind and visually impaired kids.
- Take a group of kids fishing. Fishing is another activity that is both fun and educational. While you'll typically have to help with things like baiting the hook and removing the fish from the line, blind or visually impaired kids can still actively fish themselves.[20]
- Catching a fish can give your child a sense of accomplishment. The process also teaches your child where fish come from and how they are caught for eating.
- Holding and touching a fish presents a unique sensory experience for the child, who will be able to feel the muscles in the fish and the flapping gills.
- If you go somewhere that doesn't require catch-and-release, you also have the opportunity to take the caught fish home and cook them. This will give the child a better sense of how food gets to their plate.
- Keep in mind that many of these play date activities can get messy. Try to let go and have fun — to fully engage the senses, messy play can be important.[21] Just make sure you use tarps, supplies that are easy to clean, or keep everything outside.
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How to Write a Business Letter Posted: 09 Apr 2017 09:00 AM PDT Need to write a polished, professional letter? Most business letters follow an established, easy-to-learn format that you can adapt to any type of content. A business letter should always contain the date, information about the sender and recipient, and a few body paragraphs. Follow these steps and modify as necessary to fit your company's standards. EditSample Business Letter EditBeginning the Letter - Know the format. Whatever the content of your letter, there are a few business standards to follow regarding the way it looks. Business letters should be typed and composed in a common font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Employ block paragraphing. This means that you start a new paragraph by hitting "return" twice. Don't use indenting for block paragraphs.[1]
- Use one-inch margins on all sides.
- An emailed business letter should also be composed in a common font. Don't use script or colors other than black and white in a business email.
- Choose the right kind of paper. The letter should be printed on 8.5" by 11" (known as "letter size"). If you are outside the U.S., you might use size A4 paper. Some lengthy contracts may be printed on 8.5" x 14" ("legal size").
- If you're printing the letter to send, consider printing the letter on company letterhead. This lends it a more professional air and provides your company's logo and contact information.
- Include information about your company. List your company name and the company address, with each part of the address written on a different line. If you're self-employed or an independent contractor, add your name either in place of the company name or above it.
- If your company has pre-designed letterhead, you can use this instead of typing out your company and address.
- If you're typing out the address, it should appear either right or left justified at the top of the page, depending on you and your company's preference.
- If you're sending the letter to an international location, type out the country in capital letters.[2]
- Include the date. Writing out the full date is the most professional choice. For example, write either "April 1, 2012" or "1 April 2012." This should appear left justified a few lines below the sender's address.
- If you wrote your letter over several days, use the date that you finished the letter.[3]
- Add the recipient's information. Write out the recipient's full name, title (if applicable), company name, and address in that order, with each piece of information on a separate line. If necessary, include a reference number. The recipient's information should be left justified a few lines below the date.
- It is best to address the letter to a specific person. This way, an actual person will be able to respond to your letter. If you don't know the name of the person to whom you should send the letter, do a bit of research. Call the company to find out the person's name and title.[4]
- Choose a salutation. The salutation is an important indicator of respect, and which one you use will depend on whether you know the person to whom you're writing, how well you know them and the level of formality in your relationship.[5] Consider the following options:
- Employ "To Whom It May Concern" only if you don't know whom, specifically, you're addressing.
- If you do not know the recipient well, "Dear Sir/Madam" is a safe choice.
- You may also use the recipient's title and last name, e.g. "Dear Dr. Smith."
- If you know the recipient well and enjoy an informal relationship with him or her, you may consider a first-name address, e.g. "Dear Susan."
- If you are unsure of the recipient's gender, simply type the whole name, e.g. "Dear Kris Smith."
- Don't forget a comma after a salutation or a colon after "To Whom It May Concern."
EditComposing the Body - Strike the right tone. Time is money, as the saying goes, and most business people hate to waste time. The tone of your letter, therefore, should be brief and professional. Make your letter a quick read by diving straight into the matter and keeping your comments brief in the first paragraph. For instance, you can always start with "I am writing you regarding..." and go from there.
- Don't concern yourself with flowery transitions, big words, or lengthy, meandering sentences - your intent should be to communicate what needs to be said as quickly and cleanly as possible.
- Be persuasive in your letter. Most likely the purpose of your letter is to persuade your reader to do something: change their mind, correct a problem, send money or take action. Make your case.
- Use personal pronouns. It is perfectly fine to use "I," "we," and "you" in your business letter. Refer to yourself as "I" and your reader as "you."
- Be aware if you're writing the letter on an organization's behalf. If you are stating the company's perspective, you should use "we" so that the reader knows that the company stands behind your statement. If you are writing your own opinion, stick with "I."[6]
- Write clearly and concisely. Let your reader know exactly what you are trying to say. Your reader will only respond quickly if your meaning is crystal clear. In particular, if there is some result or action you want taken because of your letter, state what it is. Explain your position in as few words as possible.
- Use the active voice. When describing a situation or making a request, make sure to choose the active voice, rather than the passive voice. The passive voice can make your writing ambiguous or impersonal. In addition, the active voice is more streamlined and straight to the point.[7] For example:
- Passive: The sunglasses are not designed or manufactured with attention to their durability.
- Active: Your company designs and manufactures sunglasses without attention to their durability.
- Be conversational when appropriate. Letters are written by people to people. Avoid form letters if possible. You cannot build a relationship with canned impersonal letters. However, stay away from colloquial language or slang such as "you know," "I mean," or "wanna." Keep the tone businesslike, but be friendly and helpful.
- If you know the recipient well, it's fine to include a friendly line sending good wishes.
- Use your judgement when determining how much personality to reveal. Sometimes adding a little humor is actually helpful in a business setting, but err on the side of caution before making a joke.
- Be courteous. Even if you are writing with a complaint or concern, you can be courteous. Consider the recipient's position and offer to do whatever you can, within reason, to be accommodating and helpful.
- For example, a discourteous complaint might read: "I think your sunglasses suck and I am never buying them again." A courteous complaint might read: "I am disappointed with the construction of your sunglasses, and I plan to take my business elsewhere in the future."
- Use "second page" letterhead for additional pages. Most business letters should be concise enough to be one page in length only. But if you have something lengthier, such as a contract or legal findings, you may need additional pages. Use "second page" letterhead, which usually has an abbreviated address and is made of the same type of paper as the first page letterhead.[8]
- Include the page number on the second and subsequent pages, at the top of the page. You may also want to include the recipient's name and the date.[9]
- Wrap it up. In the last paragraph, summarize your points and clearly outline either your planned course of action or what you expect from the recipient. Note that the recipient may contact you with questions or concerns, and say thank you for his or her attention to the letter/matter at hand.
EditClosing the Letter - Choose a closing. The closing, like the salutation, is an indicator of respect and formality. "Yours sincerely" or "Sincerely" is generally a safe bet; also consider "Cordially," "Respectfully," "Regards" and "Yours Truly." Slightly less formal but still professional closings include "All the best," "Best wishes," "Warm regards," and "Thank you." Use a comma after your closing.
- Sign the letter. Leave about four lines empty for your signature. Sign the letter after you've printed it, or, if you're sending it via email, scan an image of your signature and affix it to this part of the letter. Blue or black ink is preferred.
- If you are signing the letter on someone's behalf, write "pp:" before your signature. This stands for "per procurationem," which means "by agency" or "on behalf of."[10]
- Include your typed name and contact information. Beneath your signature, type your name, title, phone number, email address and any other applicable means of contact. Give each piece of information its own line.
- Add the typist's initials. If someone other than the writer typed up the letter, you should add this person's initials below the signature block. Sometimes, the letter writer's initials are also included. Then it is clear who worked on this letter.
- For example, if you include just the typist's initials, write them in lowercase: mj
- If you include the writer's initials, put these in uppercase with the typist's initials in lowercase: RW:mj. Some styles add a slash between the two sets of initials: RW/mj.
- Make note of enclosures. If you've enclosed additional documents for the recipient to review, note this a few lines beneath your contact info by noting the number and type of documents. For example, write: "Enclosures (2): resume, brochure."[11]
- You can also abbreviate "Enclosures" by writing "Encl." or "Enc."
- Add additional recipients' names. If you are sending a copy of the letter to another person, you should include this on the letter. This is noted by typing "cc:" below the "Enclosures" line, which stands for "courtesy copy", along with the person's name and title ("cc" used to indicate "carbon copy" when letters were typed on carbon copy paper).[12]
- For example, write: "cc: Mary Smith, Vice President of Marketing"
- If you are adding more than one name, align the second name underneath the first name, but without the "cc:"
EditFinalizing the Letter - Edit the letter. Presentation is a key element of being professional. Make sure that the recipient will easily be able to see you as capable and in charge by editing your letter for errors. Run spell check on your word processor, but also give the letter a thorough read before you send it.
- Ask yourself whether the letter is clear and concise. Are any paragraphs more than three or four sentences long? If so, determine whether you can eliminate unnecessary statements.
- If the letter is extremely important, you might want to have a friend or colleague look it over. Sometimes a second pair of eyes can help you catch errors or awkward wording you may not have noticed.
- Don't staple your letter. If you have multiple pages, staples are generally avoided. If you want to ensure that the papers stay in order, then use a paperclip at the top left corner.
- Post the letter. If you're sending the letter via post, use a business envelope. If available, use one with the company logo printed on it. Neatly print your return address and the recipient's address. Fold the letter into third parts, such that the recipient will first unfold the top flap, then the bottom flap. Make sure you affix sufficient postage, and send it off.
- If you feel like your handwriting is messy and doesn't match your professional persona, type the addresses in your word processor and run the envelope through your printer.
- If the letter is extremely important and/or time-sensitive, consider having it delivered by courier.
- If you want to email the letter, convert the letter in HTML or save it as a PDF to preserve formatting. It is better, however, to send the physical letter.
- Use a quality pen to sign the letter.
- Be prompt. If you cannot respond fully in less than a week, tell the recipient so and note when he or she can expect a response from you.
- Emphasize the positive. Talk about what you can do, not what you can't. For example, if a product is out of stock, don't tell the customer you are unable to fill the order; instead, tell them the product is very popular and you have sold out. Then tell them when you can get the order to them.
- If you're writing a complex letter, consider writing an outline first.
- List out the topics you want to cover. Do not worry about the order.
- For each topic, list keywords, examples, arguments and facts.
- Review each topic in your outline for relevance to your aim and audience.
- Cut out anything that's not relevant.
- Sort the information into the best order for your reader.
- Don't employ too much flattery. A genuine compliment is acceptable, but going overboard will indicate that you have to rely on flattery, not competence, to do your job.
- Don't be too blunt and forceful in your tone. Remember, you're trying to improve or start a professional relationship with a business letter.
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How to Cope With a Controlling Person Posted: 09 Apr 2017 05:00 AM PDT It is not easy to deal with a controlling person. Controlling people can be very manipulative and make you feel isolated from others. Luckily, there are many ways to deal with controlling people. In the moment, try to keep your composure and avoid reacting. Later on, set clear boundaries so the person will not push you out of your comfort zone again. Work on managing your emotions. You will need to work on caring for yourself to avoid being drained by a controlling person. EditDealing with a Difficult Encounter - Avoid reacting to bad behavior. Controlling people are often looking for a reaction. They also may not respond well to any resistance or criticism. If you, say, get aggressive or angry in return, this is likely to backfire. Instead of fighting fire with fire, try to remain calm.[1]
- For example, your live in boyfriend starts getting on your case about not hanging your towel in the exact place he wants it after a shower, then it would be important to assert yourself and open up a dialogue about the situation. Just try not to lose your temper.
- Try saying something like, "I understand you like the towels to be hung a certain way. However, I prefer it this way because _____. I am willing to hang it there if we change _____ or I can hang it where I want and leave that space for you."
- However, you may need to calmly stand your ground if the person is trying to change an already established boundary. For instance, "We agreed to_______ last week, remember?"
- Try to empathize. While you should never excuse someone else's bad behavior, sometimes it can be helpful to at least see where they're coming from. People with control issues may have underlying emotional issues. Understanding this can help you figure out how to best address the person's need for control. In the moment, try to figure out what the person is actually getting at when they attempt to assert control.[2]
- For example, you live with your girlfriend, who tends to be very controlling. She sees that you left some wrappers out on the kitchen counter for a few minutes while you took a phone call. She says something like, "Why did you need to take that phone call before cleaning up your mess?"
- The mess is probably not really the issue here. Very often it is deeper, like a person who had a controlling parent, or anxiety, or a background that values a certain thing that a behavior represents.
- Try asking why the order of your actions was so important to her to get a better understanding of the issue and then give any information that might be necessary. The other person may not have seen something that you think is obvious.
- For example, you might say something like, "Was there a particular reason you wanted me to clean up before taking the phone call?"
- Or, "I know you don't like wrappers out. My phone rang and I took the call. I'll put it away now that I'm done."
- Refuse to argue. Controlling people are often excited by power struggles. A controlling person will want nothing more than to rope others into an argument that's likely to go nowhere. They have a need to feel like they're winning. To avoid giving them this satisfaction, refrain from getting into a power struggle with them.[3]
- You can also simply refuse to argue. For example, if your significant other starts to pick a fight with you, then you might say something like, "I think we need to talk about this, but I would rather discuss it when we are both feeling a little calmer. Can we talk about this tomorrow night instead?"
- In the long run, you will need to address underlying issues in your relationship and set boundaries.
- Maintain your composure as best you can. The last thing you want to do with a controller is to get angry or upset. Controlling people love to push people's buttons, as they hope they can break someone down in order to get their way. Work on limiting how much you react on an emotional level. A big reaction will only egg them on.[4]
- Try to take a deep breath when interacting with a controlling person. You can try to tune them out by thinking about something calming, like a relaxed beach setting, while they're talking to you.
- If you have to react, give noncommittal phrases that buy you some time. For example, "I'm not sure about that. Let me think about it."
EditEstablishing Clear Boundaries - Remember you have basic rights. In any given situation, you have rights. You do not want to give up these rights because you have to interact with a difficult person. Controlling people have a way of getting inside your head and causing you to forget your basic rights as a human being. Remind yourself you deserve to be treated decently.[5]
- Everyone has the fundamental right to be treated with respect, to be allowed to express their opinions, to say "no" without feeling guilty, and have different opinions.
- If you've been dealing with a controlling person long term, you may have forgotten you have these rights. Before interacting with someone, remind yourself of your rights. Keep them in mind when setting boundaries.
- For example, a controlling boyfriend may expect you to spend time with him instead of going out with friends. If you don't want to sit at home and watch a movie one night, a controlling boyfriend will make you feel guilty for this. As you get ready to assert your boundaries, think something like, "I have the right to say 'No' to him without feeling bad."
- Tell yourself you're in charge. The first step to setting boundaries is to take back your control. You cannot control another person's negative actions but you can control how you personally react to them. You have choices in regards to how you approach boundaries.[6]
- Oftentimes, people take a grin and bear it approach with controlling people. You may also work on avoiding the person altogether. You may, for example, simply not go to family events if you have to see your controlling father.
- Break free from these patterns. Think something like, "I'm in control of whether or not I let this happen. I refuse to be a victim." Decide you're going to make the choice to assert your independence and demand respect.
- Be clear about your limits. Controlling people are always trying to push the limits of those around them. Controlling people enjoy knowing they've broken someone's barriers. Let the controlling person where you're personal limits are. Make it clear to them which behaviors you will and will not tolerate.[7]
- Recognize when you can and cannot tolerate and accept. There are certain small behaviors, like having rules about where to put dirty dishes or clothing, that you may be willing to follow. However, other issues may be more difficult to tolerate.
- Think about things the person does that are beyond the point of reason. For example, you don't mind putting your phone away when you're on a date with your boyfriend. However, he expects you to have your phone off and out of sight even if the two of you are just casually hanging out around his apartment. Let him know this rule is unreasonable to you.
- Express your boundaries directly. You want to make yourself very clear when setting boundaries. It may even be helpful to write your boundaries down on a piece of paper and present this to the controlling person. Make your personal boundaries as clear as you possibly can. Tell the person, on no uncertain terms, what you will and will not put up with in the future.[8]
- Controlling people are difficult by nature. They will do everything they can to ignore or misinterpret your boundaries. Therefore, when laying out your boundaries, be as direct as you can.
- For example, say you have a very controlling boyfriend. When laying down boundaries, say something like, "I'm not going to have my phone away at all times when we're together, especially when you expect me to spend most nights at your apartment. I'm happy to turn my phone off when we're on dates or watching a movie together, but I'm not going to have my phone off all the time when we're together. That rule ends now."
- Be assertive when necessary. Controlling people are unlikely to accept boundaries right away. Remember, they enjoy pushing people out of their comfort zones to get their own way. When necessary, you will have to remind controlling people of your boundaries. Be clear and assertive in the event your boundaries are violated.[9]
- Being assertive does not mean being aggressive. It means respectfully letting someone know when they've violated a particular boundary. Keep your cool and reassert yourself when an issue arises.
- For example, your boyfriend is simply sitting in a room with you while the two of you casually watch television. You return a text from a friend and your boyfriend gets angry. He starts saying things like, "That's really rude. I'm right here."
- Do not respond in anger. Saying something like, "Knock it off. I'm trying to talk to someone" will only escalate the situation. Instead, stay calm and respond with something respectful like, "We talked about this the other day. You don't need my full attention right now, so I have a right to answer this text. Please let me finish this text message and then I'll go back to watching the show."
EditManaging Emotionally - Keep your expectations realistic. Controlling, difficult people often do not change easily, if at all. Even after asserting your boundaries, you may find yourself in frequent power struggles. Try to keep your expectations in check. You will probably always have issues with a controlling person, so don't expect a huge change.[10]
- You can't change another person. Even if you've tried your best to address how their behavior is harmful, a controlling person will not change unless they want to. When interacting with a controlling person, remind yourself you will probably have to restate boundaries and tune out criticism.
- Remind yourself it's not personal. Controlling people usually have something going on under the surface. Underlying interpersonal issues, such as a tendency towards insecurity, often manifest in a need for control. When being confronted by a controlling person, remind yourself it's not about you. You are probably not doing anything wrong in the situation. The other person just has an intense need for control.[11]
- If you know why the person is controlling, try to remind yourself of this in the moment. This can help you remember it isn't about you.
- For example, "I know my dad is very demanding about my career choices, but his dad was the same way. He doesn't know how to trust me to make my own decisions. It's not about me."
- Take care of yourself. This is especially important if you have to interact with a controlling person on a regular basis. For example, if you live with a controlling person or a controlling romantic partner, remind yourself self-care is necessary. When you're catering to the needs of someone who has to constantly be in control, you may neglect your own personal care.[12]
- You have a right to care for yourself. You're allowed to give yourself time to exercise, eat right, engage in fun hobbies, and do things that make you happy.
- Work on making time for your own personal needs, even if you have to tune out criticism to do so. For example, you work early in the morning and need to get a full night's sleep. Your controlling boyfriend expects you to go to bed at the same time he does, but he stays up very late. Go to bed when you want and, if he gives you a hard time, tune it out and then remind him you need to be up in the morning.
- Limit interactions. Sometimes, the easiest way to deal with a controlling person is to get away from them. Work on avoiding the person if your interactions with them have become upsetting for you. This will make your life a lot easier.[13]
- If you live with a controlling person, try to limit your time with them to meal times and other short spurts together.
- If you work with a controlling person, try to limit your time with that person in the office. For example, you might keep your conversations to small talk and try to choose projects that do not require teaming up with this person.
- If you have a controlling family member, limit interactions with them at family events. Keep things like phone calls as brief as possible.
- Walk away if necessary. If a relationship is becoming detrimental to your wellbeing, it's okay to walk away. Some people are simply too toxic to ever be willing to change. If someone continually violates your boundaries, end the relationship. Life is too short to spend around people who are hurtful and controlling.[14]
- Don't let someone else tell you how to manage or spend your own money, unless you have hired someone to manage it. In a marriage, both partners should be deciding equally how money is allocated, and this is always negotiable.
- Stay focused on positive things, as this will help you cope.
- Controlling and/or manipulative relationships can be managed sometimes; however, if you're not successful in resisting control, or if the individual is extremely strong-willed and persistent, these relationships can be very destructive to your other relationships with family and friends.
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